Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-31 Thread Tibor Csonka

I was reading the thread for a while, and my oppinion is that the design is
very ok. I mean it makes the thing extensible and it's also clean and

My only concern is: is there any other encoding than gzip/deflate? Because I
cannot think of one ...

Tibor Csonka

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-29 Thread Guillaume MAISON
Francois Piette a écrit :

Well to make it simple :
you have a server object (in that case THttpCli).
for each Coding way, you have defined a class :
TGZipCoding, TMyOwnEncoding, ...

then, when configuring your THttpCli component, you call a function to
register each Coding class :

internally, you manage a list of Coding Classes (and objects created at
need). then you can call for the coding object when needed.

The coding classes could be seen as TComponent's child, in order to be
in the palette component and dropped on a form, or mannually (at
runtime) added.
 Dropping the component on a form and yet having it registered need a litle 
 bit of work in the Loaded
 procedure. Have a look at RBRoker.pas, TServerObject.Loaded. The line calling
 AddServerObjectWithReference does the work.

hmmm... never meant it would be easy to implement, but to use...

i think that's one of Midware's strength. As the code has already been 
written, it could be possible to use the same design pattern...

the easier part would be then that the settings for each coding class 
would be encircled to the component itself and not its container (the 


Best regards,


83, Cours Victor Hugo
47000 AGEN
Tél : 05 53 87 91 48 - Fax : 05 53 68 73 50
e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web :

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-29 Thread Francois Piette
  Dropping the component on a form and yet having it 
  registered need a litle bit of work in the Loaded
  procedure. Have a look at RBRoker.pas, TServerObject.Loaded. The line 
  AddServerObjectWithReference does the work.
 hmmm... never meant it would be easy to implement, but to use...

Actually the code is simple; but not frequently seen in components.

 i think that's one of Midware's strength. As the code has already been 
 written, it could be possible to use the same design pattern...
 the easier part would be then that the settings for each coding class 
 would be encircled to the component itself and not its container (the 


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-29 Thread Dan
- Original Message - 
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

hmmm... never meant it would be easy to implement, but to use...

i think that's one of Midware's strength. As the code has already been
written, it could be possible to use the same design pattern...

the easier part would be then that the settings for each coding class
would be encircled to the component itself and not its container (the


From what I've been reading, it sounds like a good solution.  Keeps the 
whole thing extensible for many different encoding methods.


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 How do you think that all we heavily tested for weeks if nobody,
 except the developer(s), made any test?

I only have a single development environment, and I need to be able to 
produce bug fix versions of several applications at short notice, often 
hours, that get widely distributed within hours.  

Many other professional developers are probably in exactly the same 

So using new versions of components is very delicate, thus the absolute 
need for backward compatibly and full version and change documentation, 
to allow the risk of new versions to be accessed.  

I do keep up to date with official ICS betas, including SSL, test them 
for weeks or months in various live applications, report problems, and 
often try to fix them myself, for the benefit of other uses, but only 
if I can see the risk of doing so and I can be sure the changes will 
not cause me major grief.  

 We are not speaking specific on gzip but on handlig encoding in a
 generic way.

Not really fussed how many different fancy schemes are supported.

 If you are using VCLZip library to handle gzip content then it could
 be interesting to see if you are able to add it to this new version
 or if it is missing something indispensable.

Vclzip is commercial, I used it to replace the previous Borland Zlib 
implementation because it was convenient, but I'd rather use open 
source for anything new.  

I will test your changed component in one of my applications provided, 
provided there is no DLL requirement.  I'm also going to try to add 
ZLIB compression to the FTP client and server, at the same time as 
adding 64-bit stream support and removing support for long obsolete 


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Francois Piette
  I'm also going to try to add
 ZLIB compression to the FTP client and server, at the same time as
 adding 64-bit stream support and removing support for long obsolete

Don't go too fast to remove existing code because then it will be very 
difficult to merge your
changes and those from others including me. Risks are that you either have to 
reimplement your
changes in the next version or that you take a one way ticket to your own 
version diverging from the
official one.

It is much better you add your changes and let existing code as it is. I 
understand you don't want
to support older compiler. OK, but don't remove existing code. You can surrond 
your changes with
something like {IFDEF COMPILER7_UP}/{$ENDIF} like it is done for NTLM support.

One day, I will take the current release and remove support for anything below 
Delphi 7 and insert
the new stuff that I already developped but not published that allow to use a 
huge number of
concurrent sockets by drastically reducing the number of message queues.


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Don't go too fast to remove existing code because then it will be very 
 difficult to merge your
 changes and those from others including me. Risks are that you either 
 have to reimplement your
 changes in the next version or that you take a one way ticket to your 
 own version diverging from the official one.

You personally agreed a year ago that the current released version of 
ICS would be last to continue support for long obsoleted compilers.

Despite several requests, you have never given a reason why the few 
developers that are prepared to contribute free time to enhance your 
components should be massively handicapped by the necessity to write 
conditional code that continues to allow Delphi 1 to 3 to be used, 
while being unable to use any Delphi language features added since 
Delphi 3.  

Who are these people that actually need to use new versions of ICS on 
Delphi 1 to 3?  Why can not they stay on old reliable versions?  Do 
they actually want new features?  

Unless there are positive answers to these questions, or a major 
consensus from this mailing list that Delphi 1 to 3 support is actually 
important for ICS, I don't believe anyone should be forced to waste 
time writing and testing new conditional code.  I simply don't have 
Delphi 1 to 3 installed, so can not test such conditional code. 


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 You personally agreed a year ago that the current released version of
 ICS would be last to continue support for long obsoleted compilers.
 Yes, and this is what I stated again in my previous message.
 Who are these people that actually need to use new versions of ICS on
 Delphi 1 to 3?  Why can not they stay on old reliable versions?  Do
 they actually want new features?
 Do not break existing features, even for old compilers.

So if you don't want to support obsolete compilers, why if it necessary 
to make the code compatible with obsolete compilers?  This is a  

Sorry, but you continue to evade the real question here, why continue 
to support obsolete compiler with new versions of ICS?  

I've just done a little research of 64-bit streams, and it seems Delphi 
6 was the first to support these, and I'm aware many people still use 
Delphi 5 so I will make that particular feature conditional.  


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 Because there are still a lot of people using old compilers, 
 frequently to maintain existing
 applications but also to develop new ones, even with Delphi 1 which is 
 used for embedded systems using Win 3.x !!

OK, can all those in this list using Delphi compilers earlier than 
Delphi 5, Delphi 1 in particular, please respond to this message and 
indicate why you want to continue using a six to 10 year old compiler 
with the latest bugs and features for ICS?  

I'm really referring to professional developers here, not hobiests who 
may be unable to afford a new version.  

If there are fewer than say a dozen positive responses, I'd suggest we 
finally accept this argument for complicating and stalling development 
of ICS by supporting obsolete compilers is finally put to rest. 

We can not stay stuck in past, we need to look to the future. 


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Guillaume MAISON
Fastream Technologies a écrit :
 This time I second Agnus. No professional coder would use a compiler from 
 last decade and if an amateur wants to do so, he/she should be happy with an 
 old ICS release version.
 There needs to be a time that we look further into the future and leave the 
 past in the past. Othwerwise we would be stuck in the past.
 Best Regards,

Well... it's not that simple...

i've been working for french mobile phone provider. They have some 
applications - heavy ones as it mixes helpdesk, commercial stuff, etc... 
- developped with delphi 5.

Having a look at how they manage their project, the quality checks that 
are made, the time taken for any process involving an application 
evolution, that may take quite a lot of time. Moreover, migrating such 
an application would cost *a lot* of money in :
- quality checks for the new compiler version ;
- adapting applications to work with a new compiler version (there're 
millions lines of code, even in delphi) ;
- if there're 3rd party components used, you have to be sure that those 
components work with the new compiler version, which is *never* guaranteed ;
- checking the new compiled version of the application ;
- deploying the new application on more than 1000 workstations ;
- checking every bug, etc...

Those applications i'm talking about are part of the company backbone. 
So when you think about the cost of migrating an application, when you 
think that the first goal of such companies is making money spending it 
lessly possible, adding a feature using TCP/IP component is less 
expensive using the same compiler - which has passed all the quality 
checks - than the one used for the application.

that's why many companies are still using old versions of delphi.

You both are quite talking in a developper way, in a technical way - no 
offense here ;). My talking is much more as a company manager which has 
to take in account every cost. Developping an application - and most of 
all anticipating its evolutions - is a loadbalancing between technical 
stuff and financial stuff.

ICS, whatever its version, is a simple - hence robust - Winsock API. it 
may surely be found in many - unknown to us - company information 
systems backbone. So if there're modifications - bug correction for 
example - you have to be sure that the new version will still be 
backward compatible for what already exists. I don't mean the new 
functionnalities, but at least the actual ones.

So yes, actually, some professional developpers still use old compilers
and may need the components to still work, even with a new version.


Best regards,


83, Cours Victor Hugo
47000 AGEN
Tél : 05 53 87 91 48 - Fax : 05 53 68 73 50
e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web :

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Peter Van Hove
I do not want to trigger more reactions, there is probably not point,
I just want to vent my position on this.

I second Guillaume and Francois 100%.

There has to be support for older systems whether we like it or not, 
Guillaume makes a valid point.
In reality there are probably more professionals using older compilers than 
hobbiests who tend to go for the newer versions (affordable or not, don't 
think that the gross of hobbiests use purchased versions).
PS. I still use Borland C++ Builder 5 (and still happy with it, PS. I will 
never go for .NET, I'll retire before I have to, and go live under a rock 
if I can't afford it, but that's a personal thing)

It's the same principle like many of us still have to make sure that our 
software runs on early Win95 and NT4 systems, we would like to move away 
from it, but commercial software cannot always afford to do that (depends on 
what it does and who it is for).

And last but definitly not least,
It's Francois' pet project, his baby, his hobby,
let HIM decide what to do please !

Best Regards,
Peter Van Hove
CD and DVD Data recovery
- Original Message - 
To: ICS support mailing
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

Fastream Technologies a écrit :
 This time I second Agnus. No professional coder would use a compiler from
 last decade and if an amateur wants to do so, he/she should be happy with 
 old ICS release version.

 There needs to be a time that we look further into the future and leave 
 past in the past. Othwerwise we would be stuck in the past.

 Best Regards,


Well... it's not that simple...

i've been working for french mobile phone provider. They have some
applications - heavy ones as it mixes helpdesk, commercial stuff, etc...
- developped with delphi 5.

Having a look at how they manage their project, the quality checks that
are made, the time taken for any process involving an application
evolution, that may take quite a lot of time. Moreover, migrating such
an application would cost *a lot* of money in :
- quality checks for the new compiler version ;
- adapting applications to work with a new compiler version (there're
millions lines of code, even in delphi) ;
- if there're 3rd party components used, you have to be sure that those
components work with the new compiler version, which is *never* guaranteed ;
- checking the new compiled version of the application ;
- deploying the new application on more than 1000 workstations ;
- checking every bug, etc...

Those applications i'm talking about are part of the company backbone.
So when you think about the cost of migrating an application, when you
think that the first goal of such companies is making money spending it
lessly possible, adding a feature using TCP/IP component is less
expensive using the same compiler - which has passed all the quality
checks - than the one used for the application.

that's why many companies are still using old versions of delphi.

You both are quite talking in a developper way, in a technical way - no
offense here ;). My talking is much more as a company manager which has
to take in account every cost. Developping an application - and most of
all anticipating its evolutions - is a loadbalancing between technical
stuff and financial stuff.

ICS, whatever its version, is a simple - hence robust - Winsock API. it
may surely be found in many - unknown to us - company information
systems backbone. So if there're modifications - bug correction for
example - you have to be sure that the new version will still be
backward compatible for what already exists. I don't mean the new
functionnalities, but at least the actual ones.

So yes, actually, some professional developpers still use old compilers
and may need the components to still work, even with a new version.


Best regards,


83, Cours Victor Hugo
47000 AGEN
Tél : 05 53 87 91 48 - Fax : 05 53 68 73 50
e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web :

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Kim Mølgård Nielsen
Hi Angus

I use CBuilder 4.0. It is due to company politics using Microsoft only (except 
for what have already is in use).
Foolish, but true.

Regards Kim

- Original Message - 
From: Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: [ZS2] Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

  Because there are still a lot of people using old compilers, 
  frequently to maintain existing
  applications but also to develop new ones, even with Delphi 1 which is 
  used for embedded systems using Win 3.x !!
 OK, can all those in this list using Delphi compilers earlier than 
 Delphi 5, Delphi 1 in particular, please respond to this message and 
 indicate why you want to continue using a six to 10 year old compiler 
 with the latest bugs and features for ICS?  
 I'm really referring to professional developers here, not hobiests who 
 may be unable to afford a new version.  
 If there are fewer than say a dozen positive responses, I'd suggest we 
 finally accept this argument for complicating and stalling development 
 of ICS by supporting obsolete compilers is finally put to rest. 
 We can not stay stuck in past, we need to look to the future. 
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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
  The question is whether current users that need new features should
  suffer to keep those one or two users on obsolete compilers happy.
 You are wrong. Current user doesn't suffer because of old compiler 
 support. Never.

Sorry, I disagree.  Whenever I make improvements to ICS source, it 
takes much longer than necessary due to complexity of the conditional 
statements and trying to forget to use statements that don't exist in 
obsolete versions of Delphi, and tying to provide workarounds in order 
to maintain this compatibility.  

My extended MIME decode was a good example, I used dynamic arrays 
because they are very versatile and don't need any clean-up (Delphi 4 
and later), but you declined to add it to ICS unless I wasted my time 
rewriting the code using TLists instead.  I'm afraid I decided it was 
not worth more of my time to meet your backward compatibility 
requirements.  There have been other similar requirements from you. 

So I suffer.  As do others attempting to maintain the source. 

 And ICS is no business.

Many developers depend upon ICS for their business. 

Many more ignore ICS because they see it as a hobbists toy, with no 
proper documentation or current help, and buy commercial products 
instead.  Very sad. 

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-17 Thread Maurizio Lotauro
On 17-Aug-05 10:32:00 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:

 How do you think that all we heavily tested for weeks if nobody,
 except the developer(s), made any test?

I only have a single development environment, and I need to be able to
produce bug fix versions of several applications at short notice, often
hours, that get widely distributed within hours.

Many other professional developers are probably in exactly the same

I'm one. Actually I'm using only the HttpCli component. To do a test
I normally use a modified version of HttpTst. To not affect the
compilation of other application I copy the new files (HttpProt in
this case) to the dir of the test application. With this way only
this program will use the new version, so the other projects are

So using new versions of components is very delicate, thus the absolute
need for backward compatibly and full version and change documentation,
to allow the risk of new versions to be accessed.

The changes that I made are backward compatible. If they aren't then
there is a bug.

I do keep up to date with official ICS betas, including SSL, test them
for weeks or months in various live applications, report problems, and
often try to fix them myself, for the benefit of other uses, but only
if I can see the risk of doing so and I can be sure the changes will
not cause me major grief.

This exactly what I normally do, and what every good programmer
should do :-)

BTW, there is another test version of HttpCli. If you missed it,
this solve a potential problem that could raise when both the proxy
and the host require an authentication. The symptom is very bad: the
application goes in a infinite loop!

So it is very important that people test it because it change the
logic of how the autentication is handled internally.
I worked two weeks to solve it. It take so long because I repeated
the test with an huge amount of combination every time I changed the
See old post for details.

 We are not speaking specific on gzip but on handlig encoding in a
 generic way.

Not really fussed how many different fancy schemes are supported.

This was not only a problem of different encoding, but of different
implementation. What I want to avoid is that an application need two
different zip libraries because the component need a different one
to handle the gzip encoding.
And this will help a lot in the compability field, in particular when
it is planned to use a different zip library in the future.

 If you are using VCLZip library to handle gzip content then it could
 be interesting to see if you are able to add it to this new version
 or if it is missing something indispensable.

Vclzip is commercial, I used it to replace the previous Borland Zlib
implementation because it was convenient, but I'd rather use open
source for anything new.

I will test your changed component in one of my applications provided,
provided there is no DLL requirement.

There is no need of dll. To test it you need HttpProt.pas and
HttpContCod.pas contained in that is on ICS site.
To use the new code you must define Use_ContentCoding, otherwise the
code is exactly the same of the last release (and of course in that
case there is no need of the HttpContCod unit).
Using only these units no encodings will handled by the component, so
all should be backward compatible.
To enable an encoding you must include in the uses clause of one unit
of your project a unit that contain a class able to handle, for
example, the gzip. The HttpCCodGzip.pas is a sample. To work it need
all other files contained in the zip, dll included.

I invite you to test it first without gzip and then with gzip using
the VCLZip library. To implement it write a new unit following
HttpCCodGzip.pas as sample. It should be very easy (that unit is only
59 lines long). If you have questions I'm there.

Of course feedback are welcome :-)

Bye, Maurizio.

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-16 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
 If you don't understand what we are talking about, please ask some 
 questions to clarify. There are no stupid question, only people afraid 
 to ask.

I've not taken much notice of this because:

1 - the authentication change to HttpCli broke one of my applications 
and it cost a lot of money to fix the consequences, so I'm not going 
use any new versions until it's all finished and heavily tested for 
several weeks. 

2 - handling gzip compressed pages is already trivial to do in 
RequestDone, I've posted code here in the past. 

3 - there was talk of using an external ZLIB DLL, which becomes a 
maintenance nightmare.  

If GZIP is to be added I suggest using a Delphi/C++ library such as 
posted 'Enhanced zlib package' today, which is zlib library 1.2.3 
compiled to OBJs, so can be linked without a DLL:

I've not tested it yet, but I will replace the existing VCLZip library 
I use (also OBJs) with it to check it really does work. 

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-16 Thread Francois Piette
1. Your choice. You have now the opportunity to be sure the new version doesn't 
break existing code,
specially yours.
2. Nevertheless it is good to have it supported by the component in an 
extensible way. We are not
only talking about gzip but any compression scheme.
3. It has already been said that we must start with something and it is planned 
to have pure Delphi
implementation. There are plenty.


- Original Message - 
From: Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

  If you don't understand what we are talking about, please ask some
  questions to clarify. There are no stupid question, only people afraid
  to ask.

 I've not taken much notice of this because:

 1 - the authentication change to HttpCli broke one of my applications
 and it cost a lot of money to fix the consequences, so I'm not going
 use any new versions until it's all finished and heavily tested for
 several weeks.

 2 - handling gzip compressed pages is already trivial to do in
 RequestDone, I've posted code here in the past.

 3 - there was talk of using an external ZLIB DLL, which becomes a
 maintenance nightmare.

 If GZIP is to be added I suggest using a Delphi/C++ library such as
 posted 'Enhanced zlib package' today, which is zlib library 1.2.3
 compiled to OBJs, so can be linked without a DLL:

 I've not tested it yet, but I will replace the existing VCLZip library
 I use (also OBJs) with it to check it really does work.

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-16 Thread Francois PIETTE
 1. Your choice. You have now the opportunity to be sure the new
 version  doesn't break existing code, specially yours.

 No, it's the job of the person introducing the changes to make sure the
 component is backward compatible, and if not, document VERY CLEARLY at
 the top of the code any implications of the changes, not just in this
 mailing list.  And to clearly mark and date and changes.

This is not possible to make sure any existing code is not broken. The 
components are much too open to achieve this goal. The person introducing 
the changes can only reasonably guess that his changes won't break most 
existing code. FYI, the changes you critize doesn't break any of my existing 
code and I have received only very few report that it break anything.

 I, nor anyone else, don't the time or inclination to compare every new
 source for undocumented changes, and try to work out what has been done.

That's not what is asked. It is asked that you (and others) give an opinion 
about how the new features are implemented. There are design choices to be 
taken. You can influence on the choices. The more people participating, the 
better will the choices taken be ! If you don't want to participate, it's OK 
but then, do not complain when it is finished that it doesn't perfectly fit 
your needs.


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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-16 Thread Maurizio Lotauro
On 16-Aug-05 14:21:00 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:

 If you don't understand what we are talking about, please ask some
 questions to clarify. There are no stupid question, only people afraid
 to ask.

I've not taken much notice of this because:

1 - the authentication change to HttpCli broke one of my applications
and it cost a lot of money to fix the consequences, so I'm not going
use any new versions until it's all finished and heavily tested for
several weeks.

How do you think that all we heavily tested for weeks if nobody,
except the developer(s), made any test?

2 - handling gzip compressed pages is already trivial to do in
RequestDone, I've posted code here in the past.

We are not speaking specific on gzip but on handlig encoding in a
generic way.

3 - there was talk of using an external ZLIB DLL, which becomes a
maintenance nightmare.

It is correct: *was* talk. The work that I made is to add to the
component a plug-in interface to help the adding of decoders.
With this way the developer is free to use the decoder that is coming
with ICS (actually it uses a dll), or another made by itself, or even
If you are using VCLZip library to handle gzip content then it could
be interesting to see if you are able to add it to this new version
or if it is missing something indispensable.

The same for all other developers that have added gzip or other

Bye, Maurizio.

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Re: [twsocket] HttpCli: Opinion wanted !

2005-08-16 Thread Maurizio Lotauro
On 16-Aug-05 16:30:00 Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd wrote:

 1. Your choice. You have now the opportunity to be sure the new
 version  doesn't break existing code, specially yours.

No, it's the job of the person introducing the changes to make sure the
component is backward compatible, and if not, document VERY CLEARLY at
the top of the code any implications of the changes, not just in this
mailing list.  And to clearly mark and date and changes.

The problem that you mention was not a compability issue but a bug.

I, nor anyone else, don't the time or inclination to compare every new
source for undocumented changes, and try to work out what has been done.

 2. Nevertheless it is good to have it supported by the component in an
 extensible way. We are not only talking about gzip but any
 compression scheme.

So what other compression schemes are used by common HTTP servers?

RFC mention gzip, compress and deflate. IE send gzip and deflate.
In any case the discussion is generic, the changes made will open the
component on every encoding you want, even a custom one.

Bye, Maurizio.

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