[TYPO3-english] Your wish? Think about TYPO3 + Documentation + Developer Days T3DD15

2015-04-23 Thread Martin Bless
Hi folks.

Please take a few minutes and really start 
thinking about TYPO3 Documentation.

What do YOU think should happen in this area
at the TYPO3 Developer Days 2015 in Nürnberg (T3DD15)?
It doesn't matter whether you attend the
meeting yourself or not.

Try to find an answer. Don't wait for others.
And let us know!

Answer here or to martin.bl...@typo3.org

Thank you! I mean: Yes, YOU!


TYPO3 Documentation Team

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] TYPO3 support in Czechia?

2014-07-22 Thread Martin Bless

The question is: Is there TYPO3 support in Czechia? Any TYPO3
agencies out there?


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] [TYPO3-t3dd] T3DD14: Looking for room mate

2014-06-13 Thread Martin Bless

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for someone who is willing to share a room with me at
the T3DD14 in Eindhoven in the conference hotel. The room is
already booked (19.-22.06.2014).

Please answer to martin.bl...@typo3.org

Crosspostings: Twitter, typo3.t3dd, typo3.englisch

Looking forward to you!


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] pageNotFound_handling - best practice?

2014-01-22 Thread Martin Bless
Hello friends,

I'm looking for kind of best practice to implement the error
handling. Im on TYPO3 CMS 4.7 with a multidomain multitree
multilanguage setup.

So this has to be adapted to the new situation:

if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '/', 0, 4) == '/en/') {
  $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['FE']['pageNotFound_handling'] =
'index.php?id=3158L=1'; }
elseif () {...}

Any tips?


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] EXT:powermail 2.0.10 - translated form does not appear!?

2013-12-13 Thread Martin Bless
Good morning,

yes, I have to confess that I'm not an experienced powermail
expert. Now I have here a TYPO3 v4.7 and EXT:powermail-2.0.10.

The form is correctly shown in default language.

Q: How do I translate that form to other languages?

Create translations of each record of that IRRE structure? Should
that work? If I do so no form ist shown.

If it's an error - how can I trace it down?

All the best for you ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] EXT:realurl - Which cache tables are important for a site backup?

2013-09-09 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Dmitry,


Martin Bless wrote:
 Q: Do I need a full backup for these tables?

The first is good to have but if you clear cache after restoring the site, 
you can skip it. You can skip last two always. The second one is 
recommended to backup.

 I mean these EXT:realurl tables with 'cache' in their names:

 - tx_realurl_chashcache
 - tx_realurl_pathcache
 - tx_realurl_urldecodecache
 - tx_realurl_urlencodecache

I was hoping for a qualified answer like this - and you gave it.
Thank you very much!

All the best ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] EXT:realurl - Which cache tables are important for a site backup?

2013-09-04 Thread Martin Bless
Hello friends,

Q: Do I need a full backup for these tables?

I mean these EXT:realurl tables with 'cache' in their names:

- tx_realurl_chashcache 
- tx_realurl_pathcache 
- tx_realurl_urldecodecache 
- tx_realurl_urlencodecache 

In a site backup I would include the tables of course. But do I
have to backup the data as well?

The goal is to have a backup that works right away when restored
and I don't want to loose information that the system cannot

Thank you ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Another good reason to switch to ReST

2013-08-06 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Xavier,
Hi Anja,
hi folks,

So if someone gives me answer to my questions, I'll happily write
it down somewhere else :)

that would fit perfectly into an upcoming TYPO3 Documentation
Contribution Guide. I once started that already to have a place
to keep some early notes:



At the moments it's really a draft in an early state - but with a
conjoint effort this could change soon :-)

So, consider this as a wakeup call to all of you: Clone that repo
and add some notes about Questions  Answers you came across ...

Keep on typing ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] How to edit a 8-bit PNG graphic with colortype 6 = RGB+alpha?

2013-07-31 Thread Martin Bless

how can I open a 8-bit PNG image file in a reasonable way to make
some modifications? It is of type RGB+alpha and has transparency
information. Photoshop shows that transparency but doesn't create
an alpha layer for it.

Who can shed light on this? Any links? Any way? A lot of people in
the internet seem to have the same question ...

... driving me mad!


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] TYPO3 site ripper (offline browser tool)

2013-07-13 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Logan,

Is there a 3rd-party software tool that allows you to download a copy of TYPO3 
website for offline viewing?

Sometimes it's nice to have Adobe Acrobat read and crawl a website
and turn it into a (clickable!) PDF.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] wec_contentelements: fine in 4.5, problems in 4.7, why?

2013-05-17 Thread Martin Bless

Ah great, there also is:



Gonna give that a try ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] wec_contentelements: fine in 4.5, problems in 4.7, why?

2013-05-17 Thread Martin Bless
Hi, it's me again:

For 4.7 the backend forms (flexforms) FOR ALL LANGUAGES are shown
on the page instead of only for the selected language.

Looks like the answer is to be found in this chapter:

Having good documentation now starts paying out!

in the flexform seems to do the trick!

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] wec_contentelements: fine in 4.5, problems in 4.7, why?

2013-05-16 Thread Martin Bless
Hello everybody,

I love the extension wec_contentelements to create FCEs
(flexible content elements) in sites where there are good reasons
not to use Templavoilà. It's a cool thing - see the links.

what I have to do to make wec_contentelements work with TYPO3
4.5? I need 4.7 at the moment.

For 4.7 the backend forms (flexforms) FOR ALL LANGUAGES are shown
on the page instead of only for the selected language.

In what aspects is 4.7 different from 4.5, that
wec_contentelements now isn't working correctly?

This is how it should be:

Here you see the problem:

I'm hoping somebody can help!



Jeff Segars and Ron Hall at T3CON11-SF:




Thinking about FCEs:
Flexible Content Elements - state of the art?

Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] realurl: How to change URLs AND keep Google ranking?

2013-01-30 Thread Martin Bless

I have a customer with a very complicated TYPO3 4.5.x
installation. *Realurl* is 1.11.1. I'm not very experienced with
/realurl/, so let me ask. If it's of common interest I would add
it to the /realurl/ documentation later.

Currently they have - well ranked - pages like:


The seo-page/ is due to an intermediate (sys-) folder in the
page tree. Oviously it should be removed.

Q: How can I drop that part of the path without loosing Google

This behaviour would look correct to me:

1. Have realurl issue better urls from now on like:

2. Have realurl still recognize old urls and trigger a redirect
with status 301:

customer.de/seo-page/topic-1 [R=301] - customer.de/topic-1
customer.de/seo-page/topic-2 [R=301] - customer.de/topic-2
customer.de/seo-page/topic-3 [R=301] - customer.de/topic-3


Q: What of this is achievable by standard /realurl/, maybe
assisted by an additional existing extension?

Q: How would you proceede?

Thank you very much.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] lightbox and TYPO3 6.0

2013-01-01 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Philipp and Ben, Georg, Jigal, ...

a happy new year 2013!

Inspired by this thread I have reworked the chapter
imageLinkWrap in the Tsref:


This is also an attempt to do a step towards a better
understandable TypoScript documentation. For details about that



All the best!


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Can't edit Content Elements in Introductionpackage 6.0

2012-12-29 Thread Martin Bless

Hi everybody,

what may be the reason?

I've installed the IntroductionPackage 6.0.0 and everything looks
good in general. But any attempt to:
- create a new content element
- edit an existing content element
doesn't work and leaves the window (pane) empty. Same in backend
and frontend. I can edit TypoScript template records though.

I've then updated to TYPO3 CMS 6.1-dev. Still no success. It
doesn't work with FF, Safari, Chrome.

TYPO3_VERSION: 6.1-dev
PHP_VERSION  : 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4

Example of request:

The result is
   HTTP/1.1 200 OK

but the page is empty. I've run out of ideas.

Q: What may be the problem? What can I do?

Thanks ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] [Solved]Re: Can't edit Content Elements in Introductionpackage 6.0

2012-12-29 Thread Martin Bless
[Martin Bless] wrote  schrieb:

Q: What may be the problem? What can I do?

Argh, sorry, I've got it. I had forgotten that I had installed the
lorem_ipsum extensions. Which obviously isn't compatible ...

So, now it works. Great!

All the best and a great 2013!


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] condition with !=

2012-12-05 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Dmitry,


Philipp Gampe wrote:
 Did you tryhttp://docs.typo3.org  ? It as in depended from the main site.

Nope. Nice link, thanks! I never knew it existed.

we got that ready like this just in time of the 6.0 release.
François is currently preparing some news and buzzes about it and
tomorrow we have that codesprint starting where we'll see how we
can connect typo3.org with docs.typo3.org and what major
integration strategies appear best.

http://docs.typo3.org should evolve really fast now I'd expect be
become a major central source for TYPO3 documentation.

It's only just begun ...

But nevertheless, we can and should be spreading the good news of
having that docs domain around.

One more thing that was good: It serves static pages (= not being
a complicated server setup) and is an independent machine.

Enjoy ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] New mailing list for meta discussions (was: Re: Rebranding: Get the green back)

2012-11-15 Thread Martin Bless
[Philipp Gampe] wrote:
Olivier Dobberkau wrote:

 Am 14.11.12 13:18, schrieb Michael Stucki:
 - Drop t3a-about (which exists already but doesn't provide newsreader
 and forum access)
 - Create typo3-about instead
 - Write a news post, invite people like those listed above
 - Write a list of house rules that help to keep the goals

 What do you think? If you would like to help to not get this into




Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] New mailing list for meta discussions (was: Re: Rebranding: Get the green back)

2012-11-15 Thread Martin Bless
[Dmitry Dulepov] wrote:

 - Create typo3-about instead

Ah, that's how you trigger the next religious war. So let's not
do that.

Watching the flow3.* lists is see flow3.general which could be
an alternative:


Actually for TYPO3 * I like typo3-about better.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] gmane subscription

2012-11-12 Thread Martin Bless
[Jigal van Hemert] wrote  schrieb:

You mean that you now use lists.typo3.org ? That is indeed the official 
news server for all TYPO3 lists.

There is a pitfall though. Unfortunately it doesn't carry lists
that are readonly. This means that if you rely totally on the NNTP
lists directory (which I did in the beginning) you will for
instance miss the very important announce list:


So make sure you do an extra email subscription to that list.

Q: Could that be changed? In the direction, that read-only list
are available bei NNTP as well?

Sail on ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] (TYPO3) Surf as official product?

2012-11-05 Thread Martin Bless

From what I picked up from the brand presentation almost every
product inside the TYPO3 universe can be prefixed TYPO3 

slightly different topic, but since the right audience is here:

Having TYPO3 blank product as naming scheme doesn't look
like a wise decision to me.

The real world shows that there are many situations where you have
to replace the blank. Think of urls or look at what people
choose as Twitter hash tags. There its usually #typo3cms. But
people do invent typo3_cms, typo3-cms as notations as well.

Not to mentions the SEO aspects. Try searching flow.

Having ONE word for a product could eleminate many problems.

If I were the king of TYPO3 land I'd even go for T3. I would
make T3 the super brand (Dachmarke). The approved products
would get T3CoolStuff as name.

my 2 cents!


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] (TYPO3) Surf as official product?

2012-11-05 Thread Martin Bless
Good morning Olivier,

I will be reading:
http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html for

Will you join me?

yes ...

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-20 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Andreas,

funny misspelling:

we wait also for the version 6 which will wok [...]

Yes, I hope it will work well in general and also Wok very well in
Asia ...

sorry, could not resist :-)


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-20 Thread Martin Bless
Hello Tolleiv,

I'm sad you're not very constructive in your posts *in this
thread*. Please note that the thread is not a flame war and it's
not at all about blaming or complaining. It is about different
opinions and getting the green back. And it's not about every
little change. It is about far reaching decisions made by some
not involving the community. That's in direct conflict with the
argumentation that given for the renaming scheme that TYPO3 very
much stands for the 

Now here I see something:

Imho typo3.english is a fine place to discuss stuff when everyone watches 
their language and tries to respect the work of others.

Alright, could be. The advantage of a dedicated typo3-about list
for meta discussions I see are:

We usually have different groups for different topics.

People can select that group if they are interested.

You can post a short info in typo3-english about a new topic in
typo3-about. That way we can reach almost anybody and still keep
typo3-english clean.

Posts are being archived. If you want to find out later about what
has been said it's much easier it it's in an archive specialized
for meta stuff.

In contrast to you I think it will *reduce* the risk of initiating
flame wars.

@Xavier: I guess it's not the amount of newsgroups that's keeping
us busy but the amount of postings we're watching. A separate
group can lower that number, and IMHO it's easier to prevent
flamewars. Which reduces the number again.

It could serve as an information channel where one can let the
community know that some process is going on which will influence
the community.

Now that TYPO3 stands for many products I definitely see the
need to have a place to talk about how they relate. And no, I'm in
no way thinking about flame wars.

Looking back: It has been admitted regretted by Kian, Robert and
those involved that communicating the process of the rebranding
stuff did not really take place. All said they'll definitely do
better next time. I'm sure they have the best will. But *how* can
they do it if there is no place for this?

I'm afraid, if we don't have a mailinglist=newsgroup dedicated for
community issues the next communication disaster is bound to come.
Not because somebody is intending that. It it's due to the fact
that there isn't a well implemented way to start or influence
opinion building in the community.

There's one more reason to invoke a dedicated typo3-about group:

If we're continuing to have typo3-english, which I assume, this
now has a really broad meaning: It stands for everything that the
term TYPO3 now encompasses. I find that much to unspecific. I
don't think it's fair to ask everyone who is interested in
community developments that (s)he has to scan the typo3-english
list for that.

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-20 Thread Martin Bless
[Martin Bless] wrote  schrieb:

Hello Tolleiv,

I'm sad you're not very constructive in your posts *in this
thread*. Please note that the thread is not a flame war and it's
not at all about blaming or complaining. It is about different
opinions and getting the green back. And it's not about every
little change. It is about far reaching decisions made by some
not involving the community. That's in direct conflict with the
argumentation that given for the renaming scheme that TYPO3 very
much stands for the 

Oh shi..., I didn't want to send that. That was only for my
personal diary to clear my thoughts.

Please forget about that. I probably can't undo that posting.


I'll repost the good parts of my post.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-20 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Tolleiv, 

((blushing for having sent that unfinished post)),

here now the real one:

Imho typo3.english is a fine place to discuss stuff when everyone watches 
their language and tries to respect the work of others.

Alright, could be. The advantage of a dedicated typo3-about list
for meta discussions I see are:

We usually have different groups for different topics.

People can select that group if they are interested.

You can post a short info in typo3-english about a new topic in
typo3-about. That way we can reach almost anybody and still keep
typo3-english clean.

Posts are being archived. If you want to find out later about what
has been said it's much easier it it's in an archive specialized
for meta stuff.

In contrast to you I think it will *reduce* the risk of initiating
flame wars.

@Xavier: I guess it's not the amount of newsgroups that's keeping
us busy but the amount of postings we're watching. A separate
group can lower that number, and IMHO it's easier to prevent
flamewars. Which reduces the number again.

It could serve as an information channel where one can let the
community know that some process is going on which will influence
the community.

Now that TYPO3 stands for many products I definitely see the
need to have a place to talk about how they relate. And no, I'm in
no way thinking about flame wars.

Looking back: It has been admitted regretted by Kian, Robert and
those involved that communicating the process of the rebranding
stuff did not really take place. All said they'll definitely do
better next time. I'm sure they have the best will. But *how* can
they do it if there is no well instantiated place for this?

I'm afraid, if we don't have a mailinglist=newsgroup dedicated for
community issues the next communication disaster is bound to come.
Not because somebody is intending that. It it's due to the fact
that there isn't a well implemented way to start or influence
opinion building in the community.

There's one more reason to invoke a dedicated typo3-about group:

If we're continuing to have typo3-english, which I assume, this
now has a really broad meaning: It stands for everything that the
term TYPO3 now encompasses. I find that much to unspecific. I
don't think it's fair to ask everyone who is interested in
community developments that (s)he has to scan the typo3-english
list for that.

In fact, I'm much more seeing the chances of having a
typo3-about list.

I somebody comes up with a better solution: Let's see and have


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-20 Thread Martin Bless
[Martin Bless] wrote  schrieb:

Hello Tolleiv,

I'm sad you're not very constructive in your posts *in this
thread*. Please note that the thread is not a flame war and it's
not at all about blaming or complaining. It is about different
opinions and getting the green back. And it's not about every
little change. It is about far reaching decisions made by some
not involving the community. That's in direct conflict with the
argumentation that given for the renaming scheme that TYPO3 very
much stands for the 

Ok, now that it's out, I better complete the sentence:
That's in direct conflict with the argumentation that the term
TYPO3 is mainly a positive symbold for the community and its


Could somebody please give a serious and respectful answer to


What advice can we give here? 

[sad sarcasm ON]
Burn your money and throw away your sales promotion material?

Or: Continue using the orange/green material you now have outing
yourself as a small company that's not up to date?

I don't know.
[sad sarcasm OFF]

... dream a little dream ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-20 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Tolleiv,

it's nice you took the time for a longer answer.

The way you all responded to Rasmus is exactly what's keeping 
the actually active people away from these newsgroup discussions.

We all? Please don't generalize. I don't think I've written a
single word in this thread that was unpolite or flamelike. Most
people in this thread have given serious and respectful answers.

Please forgive me: I didn't know Rasmus. I've never met him
before. I didn't know he exists. But, as I wrote: I like the way
he writes and the way he tries to answer questions. Still we
disagree. But that's something else. I'm looking forward to the
day I can meet him.

Why didn't you start the discussion in a polite way and asked for 
further explanation on the lost green and instead brought up a your 
own lets revert everything proposal.

I don't think I have done anything in an unpolite and or offending
way. Please keep the time flow in mind: Until I started this
thread there had been *no* public explanations at all why the
green had gone. Except what Robert told in the keynote. 

And I never made a let's revert everything proposal. So please
don't continue saying that.

How did you expect people to react?

It's all about:
- telling that I'm upset with all orange
- finding out if I'm alone and what others think
- hoping to get explanations

But mostly I did expect and I'm expecting still that somebody
seriously considers to put that green back there. Could we do
that? Pros and cons? You talked of people ranting against every
tiny change. Well, if it's a tiny change, why not take that back?

I saw how the community reacted when the T3O stuff was brought to 
preview last year - angry blogposts, useless blaming never asking for 
reasons - all of that, but no additional contribution. And even the ones 
that seemed to be constructive didn't get up and do things. The same 
happens over and over again.

That's why I would like to break that. One reason for that is a
structural on: If we don't provide a suitable place for those
discussions they will happen somewhere else with 100% likelyhood.

If we do something about it we have a chance to reduce the number
of misunderstandings and flamewars.

Sure, more and more communication is good - 
but look at the way you (community) communicate back.

Please don't do that general blaming.

The TYPO3 association was always asked to communicate more, especially 
regarding the budgets - right at the moment the budget applications [1] 
have got ~310 responses. Assuming that the authors responds are counted 
in, these 49 budget proposals together just got as much attention as 
this single flame.

Please try to understand that it's not a flame but a valid

I am being very constructive when I say that another newsgroup isn't 

Ok, I understand what your're saying. Let me ask: it isn't
needed - does that mean you could still go with it? Or would you

I'm still thinking we should have that group. And we had already:
 For the proposal:
 +1 by Gina
 +1 by Robert (Lembke)
 +1 by me
 +1 Andi (lastname)
 +1 Ben van't Ende (expressed in PM)
+1 Christian
+1 Steffen Gebert (from personal note)

but better language and actually useful discussions in the ones 
we have.

I think we all can follow that wish. But we'll probably have to
face the fact that opinions about what is a useful discussion
will differ very much. I think we'll just have to stand and accept



Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-20 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Jigal,

If I were you I wouldn't worry too much ...

thank you very much for you kind and detailed answer and advice.
That's a good post - I like it!


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-19 Thread Martin Bless
[Andreas Becker] wrote  schrieb:

We decided that our Elephant will keep his nice colors and that we focus more 
on ThaiPo3 ;-).

Thank you for sharing. I understand much better now.

BTW: If it's this site: thaipo3.com - it doesn't work and displays
an TYPO3 error at the moment.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-18 Thread Martin Bless
Andreas [Becker] wrote  schrieb:

Hello Kindergarten how are you?

So what's your contribution? What's your opinion on the issue(s)?


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-11 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Rasmus  all,

please have look at this comparison:

The little images are taken from http://neos.typo3.org where they
are rushing through the TYPO3 Neos Buzz right now. Sizes are 30x30
pixels as on neos.typo3.org.

*What is better with the all orange version?*

One thing we see is that the logo needs to be much bigger than

And *my* brain still gives me the illusion of seeing a 3D like
logo in case of the orange/green. The all orange one looks flat to
me as if it were a sticker on a window pane I'm looking through.



Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-11 Thread Martin Bless

I don't doubt your intentions a second. Somewhere here must the
important thing be hidden that I don't understand:

End goals are, from my point of view:

* Visually understructure the major product changes happening (basically 
telling the world we're making new stuff)

* Strengthen the most essential markers of the TYPO3 visual identity 
(name, logo shape, color, font, HCI of our products etc.)

* Simplify everyones ability to easily adhere to our CI

I simply find that taking away the green is working against it. 

Honestly, I really try to understand *how* you happen to come from
your intention to the conclusion. What in the above do you see
exactly intensified or facilitated by removing the green? What
would not work *with* the green?

More than interested ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-11 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Gina,

it's good to see that you post sounds friendly and appreciating.
Thanks for that.

lets do a time travel back in time... to the moment when we switched the
triple sheet logo to the orange/green logo.

But: As you point out: Thanks to Rasmus that was the moment when
the TYPO3 logo switched from just a nice icon to a
professional logo/brand. And we've had six remarkable years with
professional marketing. And this icon IS a success. So there's
much more to loose now.

i'm taking this discussion serious

I'm really thankful for that.

it is the second time by rasmus (so i really trust in his professionalism)
and since the two former changes enhanced things, i'm sure this third will too.

Oops, that's the attitude I can't tune in. What a burdon for
Rasmus. Is he garanteed to be right? We would not base other
important decisions in our lives on what experts say only because
they are professional experts. Usually we never stop thinking
ourselves and we keep on listening to our own feelings.

last but not least the communication takes place.

Ok, go ahead, you can thank *me* for that :-) But no, seriously,
I'm always looking for *concrete* steps that can be done.

To improve communication: I'm proposing to implement a mailing
list typo3-about @lists.typo3.org to have the right space for
meta discussions like this one. I'm asking you to support this
idea. Or is there a better idea?

cheers ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-11 Thread Martin Bless

 To improve communication: I'm proposing to implement a mailing
 list typo3-about @lists.typo3.org to have the right space for
 meta discussions like this one. I'm asking you to support this
 idea. Or is there a better idea?

this sounds great.

That are the important words.

if you ask me, who i would give such an input i would spontaneously say:
i would ask the community manager if such an idea makes sense.

Good idea!

So yes, hello Ben, I'm CC-ing this to you.

I really think it *does* make sense to have a place for meta
communication. In the moment we haven't. That's one of the reasons
why discussions that should be channeled here are taking place in
the wild part of the web. Blogs for instance.

So I'm proposing to have a mailinglist typo3-about - see
proposal above. 

What do you think about the proposal?
Do you have a better idea?

For the proposal:
+1 by Gina
+1 by Robert (Lembke, see [1])
+1 by me


Sail on ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-11 Thread Martin Bless
Hell Andi,

thanks for participating. I would very much appreciate that you
give your complete name like we usually do here. Feels strange to
me to answer to a Vorname (first name) only.

Great Gina Thanks

Yeah, that's a great link Gina gave I didn't know of. Saying
thanks is always a good thing.

Guidelines for creating good open source software
[... long quoted deleted ...]

Please don't repeat a long chapter from that link we can all read
for ourselves. 

Compare it with what actually happened in the past weeks.
if each single point would have been followed we would really be much much 
further and noone would complain.

This is just complaining about the past. It's not constructive. It
doesn't help. Simply don't do that complaining. If you can turn it
into something constructive we can use or do in the future: That's
what we need. So please come up with that here.

The question to ask is always: Am I contributing? If not, don't
write about it.

Kay's idea is good 

Yes :-) Thanks. So I have another +1. Although I'm Martin. But the
name doesn't matter much.

but as with most lists beside the main mailinglist english
it will reach again not all not the whole community.

Sure. But since this is just a complaint it doesn't help in any
way. So just leave that part away.

 But it could be a good start and a place for very good ideas.

Exactly. Thank you for have hope and showing interest in
contributing there!

... dream a little dream ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-11 Thread Martin Bless

 To improve communication: I'm proposing to implement a mailing
 list typo3-about @lists.typo3.org to have the right space for
 meta discussions like this one.

For the proposal:
+1 by Gina
+1 by Robert (Lembke)
+1 by me
+1 Andi (lastname)
+1 Ben van't Ende (expressed in PM)

So, who can do it?
Server team?


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-10 Thread Martin Bless
Hello Rasmus,

first of all I'd like to say that I really appreciate your post
and like reading it because it's full of enthusiasm. And you're
trying to go for the best solution. Same with me: so enthusiasm
and striving for excellence is what brings us together here. Very

And I'm really trying to understand. So I read your post several
times. Let me try to reflect what I understand and how I see it:

That printing and displaying the green color has always given us 

I understand that two colors may be more expensive in print than
one. But that's the price for having a more expressive logo.

I understand that some people somewhen are not capable of printing
two colors correctly. Do we have to adapt to those people?

I've never ever seen a misprint that would question my inner
representation of that nice and beautiful orange/green
symbol+word brand (symbol) TYPO3 that I like.

Actually when I really try hard to think of badly reproduced
colors this one comes into my mind. Here it's the orange being
more troublesome: http://www.typo3ugms.de/ But of course it's
clearly not a fault of TYPO3. I'd never conclude we better
simplify our logo to avaoid *that* kind of error.

Some may be more annoyed by the green in misprints, others by the
deviations of orange. That's personal experience and preference.
The solution to this is: Print the right colors. It's only two.
And RGB and CMYK values are known. Let's correct the error where
it occurrs. We from the official side of the TYPO3 community
should be able to handle those two colors and avoid misprints.

In regard to the cognitive aspects of - connecting colors - to name - to 
product experience, the green has been quite problematic because it 
differs so much. It's been printed in anything from yellow'ish lime to 
dark leaf-like greens. Due to the differences of appearance of the 
green, the color is never really truly established as a solid mental 

How can you say that? Do you take into account that I'm -
desperately - trying to inform you that it's just the other way
round for me? The green IS established. All over the web and in
many brains. What do all the +1 in this thread tell you?

I know that's partially an assumption I make - I don't have 
numbers to prove that point in particular - I do believe it's correct, 
though :-)

What do you mean by partially assumption? What is the other
part? Does partially mean you have any data?

The orange, however, even though it is also printed and displayed in 
many variations, seem to look more the same - regardless of the color 
differences, it reminds the brain of, well... Our Orange.

No comment.

For the record, I do agree that the 2 colored old version of the logo 
was highly recognizable.

I'm glad you're admitting that. I think it's obvious - should be a
simple truth and common sense. However it's amazing to see that
some participants in this thread don't agree to that unless a
brand expert like you gives that statement too.

I proposed removing the green back in 2011 but I have to admit that, 
even after just introducing the then new logo in 2006, it quickly 
appeared to me that it was not an optimal decision to have that 2 
colored logo. Partly because of the above mentioned technical problems.

So this has been a process that has been going on for a long time.
I didn't know about that:

- Why didn't you tell the public?
- Where do you communicate?
- Where do you keep notes on what's - basically - going on?

Of course I don't mean you should work publically or show all
sketches and scribbles. What a horrible thought. But who else but
you (read as: whoever is working on something) can let people know
*that* something is going on? I have the design mailinglist in my
newsreader. There wasn't much activity. I didn't see something
like: What do people think? Would it be ok to give up the green?

I hate to express my feelings but I have to admit to myself that I
was too naive. I trusted the branding/design team that the 2006
logo actually was the logo that *they meant*. So I fully supported
it. And now I really like it and stand for it. I'm feeling a bit
like a fool now.

Since we're a community with almost no centralized CI control, we need 
something that's as simple to handle as possible - to all kinds of 
people, with and without graphic design skills.

Oh NO, that *cannot* be the way to go. Are you saying we have to
create our logo for the graphically most incompetent and unskilled
users? Do they set the standards we are going for?

Do you notice that in effect you're saying: The average TYPO3
community member isn't able to handle a two colored logo? Then
I'd better deny that I'm affiliated with TYPO3 in any way.

Olivier somewhere writes he's afraid that our discussions give
other CMSs a headstart or a good reason to laugh about our
community. An opensource community never is in one line. And when
it has discussions that shows that it's alive. That's no problem.
*Good* discussions 

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-09 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Jigal,

if I can I would restrict this thread to the topic of getting the
green back. How do you feel about that? What about my arguments?

The shape is so unique and distinct that it really doesn't matter IMO.

As I wrote I surely have a different opinion there.

And I have reasons to doubt that. I studied and made my diploma in
Psychology. I learned programming for conducting psychological
realtime experiments on cognitive processes in visual recognition.
Later on I worked in a PR agency and learned - well - something
about how to deal with brands. The all orange icon will clearly
loose if compared to the orange-green one in terms of
recognizability (Wiedererkennbarkeit).

Do you know any brand experts that would put this in question:
You have to be very careful with brand changes. Don't change
anything unless there is really a good reason. 

Be flexible, adapt to changes, welcome the future and above all, 
contribute with what you can do best (not personally addressed to you 
Martin as you already do a lot for the documentation).

That's exactly how I see it and what I'm doing. It is not a
situation though where we have to adapt to changes in the world
but a color change *was made* by some that is influencing the

Now I'm asking the same from those who - IMHO - made a really bad
decision. Well, in dropping the green, you just made an error. We
all make errors all the time. But usually we like notes from
others where they have found an error we have overlooked. And then
we are happy to take that into account and to correct it. At least
that's how I feel habits are as long as developers are concerned.

I think I have given good reasons to NOT change the color scheme.
I have not heard good reasons to drop the green.

Nothing really bad has happened until now except that those who
decided to drop the green now should have the Größe (what's that
in english: human maturity) and flexibility to admit a
suboptimal (IMHO: really bad) decision and to revert that.

I'm in no way talking about other aspects of the rebranding
process. If somebody wants to do that (s)he should open a new



Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Rebranding: Get the green back

2012-10-09 Thread Martin Bless

 The all orange icon will clearly
 loose if compared to the orange-green one in terms of
 recognizability (Wiedererkennbarkeit).

The only solution to this problem is to do research.

Yes, that's true. But for some things there is so called face
validity. You don't have to spend much money and time to do
sophisticated experiments to agree with others about the outcome.

Let's say people are used to a longish three colored symbol: Red
on top, a yellow below and below that a green. Well, then you can
say, we want to simplify that and make all colors orange. We still
can identify those three because they have there place (analog to
the form of our logo). But color is such a strong additional
property. And of course it helps recognition a lot to have
different colors as well.

See this example:



PS: Jigal, SCNR. Please don't feel fooled or offended personally.
That example has just come to my mind and shows what I mean and
what I'm feeling.

Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Strange behaviour while saving records in Backend

2012-08-31 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Paul,

you can consider yourself very lucky to receive the correct answer that
soon. And thank you Richard!

All the best ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Gridelements, semantic content and the right strategies

2012-08-18 Thread Martin Bless
[Georg Ringer] wrote  schrieb:

just join via forge, contact one of the authors directly or at a TYPO3
camp, meet all the TYPO3 guys and girl at one of those awesome events

Hhm, which one is the girl you're thinking of?

SCNR ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Gridelements, semantic content and the right strategies

2012-08-16 Thread Martin Bless
Hello Thomas,

but not for basic grid layout and structure. There must be a Core way 
to solve this very basic task. But there isn't. The only official method 
still uses markers.

I'd like to recommend to make contact to the Content Rendering Team
around Patrick Broens as well. He has build in many HTML5 elements
into the Government Package. And at the T3DD12 we all came to the
conclusion that the core should have functionality to group single
content elements as arcticle, section or whatever.


It's really good we are having this discussion. I think it's very


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Gridelements, semantic content and the right strategies

2012-08-16 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Jigal,

We try to make the core more lightweight.

A perfect goal, I think. If functionality can be moved to sysexts or
even normal extensions that's great. We should separate that from the
question who is maintaining those extensions.

IMHO: If the core team is keeping those extensions in sync with the
core we're all better off. If the core team looses sight of those
extensions there'll be a disaster sooner or later.

We must make sure that important functionality is working and up to


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Gridelements, semantic content and the right strategies

2012-08-15 Thread Martin Bless
Hello Thomas (Skierlo),

wow, very good posting! Thank you. I'm interested as well.

While working with TYPO3 I learned one thing: The best extensions are 
the ones which are not installed.

Looks like you're a real senior developer - honestly.

I am looking forward to the discussion here.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] EXT:gridelements :: Create new content element does not work

2012-08-07 Thread Martin Bless
[Martin Bless] wrote  schrieb:

I'm trying to use gridelements - but clicking Create new content
element doesn't succeed. Instead Firebug Networks shows that there is
damaged URL requested which gives a 404 Not Found error:


I tried in several installations of 4.5 and 4.7: No success.

Is that error known? Something with the PHP version, as a friend of
mine assumes? My tests are on Ubuntu 12.04 with PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2.


It seems to be a bug. I've reported it here:

new_content_el Wizard does not work if TYPO3 is installed in subfolder
of webroot


Really cool, these gridelements. Thanks! But:

The new content element wizard new_content_el does not work if the
TYPO3 installation is in the subfolder of webroot. The reason seems to
be that in Extjs JS the URL is created as /typo3/sysext/cms/... and
not as ((/subfolderPath))/typo3/sysext/cms/...

The supplied patch precisely shows what I mean. If I replace
/WEBROOT/SUBFOLDER/INSTALLDIR in the patch with the correct path the
wizard works.

HTH - Hope This Helps


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] EXT:gridelements :: Create new content element does not work

2012-08-03 Thread Martin Bless

I'm trying to use gridelements - but clicking Create new content
element doesn't succeed. Instead Firebug Networks shows that there is
damaged URL requested which gives a 404 Not Found error:


I tried in several installations of 4.5 and 4.7: No success.

Is that error known? Something with the PHP version, as a friend of
mine assumes? My tests are on Ubuntu 12.04 with PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2.



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TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL and simulateStaticDocuments

2012-07-31 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Alessandro [Tuveri],

Hi Follks
I am simulateStaticURLs lover, but recently I passed some sites to reealurl.


Thank you very much for sharing!


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TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] backend layout - any documentation?

2012-07-24 Thread Martin Bless

I just wanted to try the backend layouts for an existing 4.5 site.

Q: Do we have any documentation for this marvelous feature?
Q: What's possible in the typoscript like configuration?

When I google for it

I get many hits - but none is kind of official or reference.

Not really better when searching for

If the docs are missing I could help compiling them. It's a shame that
I have to admit: I have no idea where such documentation - once we
have it - should go.

Q: What would be the right place to hold documentation about the
backend layout feature?


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Does anybody know where to find the article The Mysteries of cHash?

2012-07-19 Thread Martin Bless
[Ulrik Høyer Kold] wrote  schrieb:

This article[1] is no longer available at typo3.org.

Where can I find it? Is it in an extension? In another piece of 

[1] http://typo3.org/documentation/article/the-mysteries-of-chash

Try http://typo3.org/documentation/article/the-mysteries-of-chash-1/

I just did - typo3.org - Documentation - Articles - browse pages

Cheers ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL and simulateStaticDocuments

2012-07-17 Thread Martin Bless
[Dmitry Dulepov] wrote  schrieb:

There is an option in RealURL to support simulateStatic URLs. Check the 
manual :)

Indeed - I didn't know that:

Cool - thanks!


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] RealURL and simulateStaticDocuments

2012-07-15 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Dmitry,

You have to use either one or another. You cannot have both in the same 
installation without doing some nasty tricks.

may I add a small question here (but I don't wonna hijack the thread):

Given the case that you have been using simulateStaticDocuments in the
past and that you now are going to use realurl: 

Q: What would be a procedure to make old simulatedStatic-URLs still


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TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] TYPO3-4.5: New Extension Manager only - how is that configured?

2012-07-10 Thread Martin Bless
[Philipp Gampe] wrote  schrieb:

I am not sure if you got me right ... I really meant inside the 
configuration for the system extension em.


Thanks - I finally found it. I always had overlooked it because it HAD
been checked. But, as you that, I had to save the configuration once

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] error Internal Server Error

2012-07-09 Thread Martin Bless
[tom] wrote  schrieb:

I found out the domain point to the wrong public_html folder on the server.


Would be nice if you used your complete name ...

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] TYPO3-4.5: New Extension Manager only - how is that configured?

2012-07-09 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Philipp,

Inside the EM extension you can find a checkmark for the old em. 

Where should that be? I can't find it. The more I think about it I
suspect another agency has modified the sysext 'em' directly. 

Uncheck it, 
save, check it and save again (don't ask ... it works that way).

If its only this - no problem!

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] error Internal Server Error

2012-07-08 Thread Martin Bless

Any idea about this?


Disable the .htaccess and try again. For disabling you may just rename
it to something else. So make it 'DISABLED.htaccess'.

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] TYPO3-4.5: New Extension Manager only - how is that configured?

2012-07-06 Thread Martin Bless

As far as I know TYPO3 4.5 has the old AND the new extension manager. 

Now I'm looking into an installation, just updated to 4.5.17, and it
only shows the NEW extension manager.

Q: How can that be configured?

can't find the answer ...


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TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Introduction package - any Documentation of structure/concept?

2012-07-03 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Philipp,

Maybe we can take a look there and see if it makes sense to move the TS to 
files and document concept.

It has already been done! Check the 6.0.0alpha2 version of the


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TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Unittests: Introductionpackage-6.0.0alpha2: No greenbar feeling

2012-06-29 Thread Martin Bless
[Wouter Wolters] wrote  schrieb:

Hello Martin,

They are aware of the failing tests for extbase and fluid.
AFAIK the fixes are pending in Gerrit. Then the greenbar feeling is back.

See for the discussion: [TYPO3-mvc] A lot of failing unit tests for 
Extbase and Fluid

Ah, great. Good to know!

All the best!


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Unittests: Introductionpackage-6.0.0alpha2: No greenbar feeling

2012-06-29 Thread Martin Bless
[Philipp Gampe] wrote  schrieb:

I am curious about what tests fail, can you post them?

I'm unsure what I understand correctly. Will send you some screenshots
or so by PM.

Also, for development, you can just copy a blank package (or even an 
introduction package) over the git clone. (Of course without t3lib/ typo3/ 
index.php, etc.)

Then just add fileadmin/ typo3temp/ typo3conf/ and uploads/ to 
.git/info/exclude (same syntax as git ignore).

That way you can easily test different checkouts and versions without any 
symlink or copy hassle.

Ok, thanks.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Unittests: Introductionpackage-6.0.0alpha2: No greenbar feeling

2012-06-28 Thread Martin Bless
Triggered by the discussion in the core list about wheter to include
the 'tests' in the distribution I just did this:

- install Introductionpackage-6.0.0alpha2 as .../Intro60a2/

Get the tests folder from what I checkout here:

  git clone --recursive git://git.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Core.git Core.git
  git fetch --tag
  git checkout TYPO3_6-0-0alpha2
  git submodule update --init

... and copy the tests to .../Intro60a2/tests/

Then I installed extension phpunit 3.6.10 from TER.

In the Backend I then click PHPUnit in the ADMIN TOOLS.
Select typo3, Run all tests: No greenbar feeling. There are errors.
Same with extension extbase. 

Q: Is that normal?
Q: Am I doing something wrong?



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TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] TYPO3 Website TER - new search filters?

2012-06-25 Thread Martin Bless
[Georg Ringer] wrote  schrieb:

Am 24.06.2012 16:34, schrieb Olivier Dobberkau:
 we need to investigate. i guess this has to do with some tokenization or
 filters we have.

same for tt_news or news IMO a good boost is needed for a 100%
extension key match.

It seems to be the underscore. 'cc_debug' is looking for 'debug' ...

thanks a lot for your work already! ;)

Yes, indeed!


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TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] felogin on every page?

2012-06-20 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Patrick,

Yes, replace the static form with the felogin pi. (pi=plugin, a site content

You can place a in your site template like ###FELOGIN### and use typoscript to
replace that with the output of the pi from the felogin.

probably I wasn't precise enough. The old site indeed DID USE a static
version of the login form. Same static HTML code on every page. Could
have theoretically been in the HTML template.

I guess this is not possible with 'felogin' and 'rsaauth' as the
public key seems to be different each time!?


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] felogin on every page?

2012-06-20 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Christian,

The normal felogin plugin must not be cached.

Yes indeed, if that's true, that's what I'm concerned about. And
there's quite a bit of code needed:

input type=hidden id=rsa_n name=n value=BECE...98E87 /
input type=hidden id=rsa_e name=e value=10001 /

Q: And does that public key change each time the 'felogin' plugin is

Q: Do we have a description somewhere about rsaauth, saltedpasswords
and felogin work together? I'm interested in the principles.

When the login form is submitted it sends 'user=...', 'pass=rsa%3A...'
and 'logintype=login' as post data to TYPO3.

Q: Where in the TYPO3 code (in which class) gets this login decoded

This is not much of a 
problem in case of a dedicated login page, but if you really need it on 
all pages, you may want to look at the extensions that offer an AJAX 
based login. typo3.org uses one that looks quite nice. AFAIK it's not in 
the TER yet but available on forge.

That sounds good! Let me see ... Is it this one? Probably. This is
what it claims to do:

Use a separate call to determine if a user is logged in and show the
status on pages throughout your website. Lets you serve a cached
version of a page without USER_INT object to show information of the
current fe_user.

Provides some basic functionality to subscribe users, forgot password,
close account etc.

Wow, cool. Thank you, I think, I'll give that a try.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] felogin on every page?

2012-06-19 Thread Martin Bless
Hello friends,

I have an installation which used to have a frontend login form on
every page. Now with TYPO3 4.5.x the sysext 'felogin' comes into play.
And it uses 'rsaauth'.

That probably means that I can't use a static html form element any

How would you proceed?

Do you have a frontend login form on every pages using 'rsaauth'?

... dream a little dream ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] never log in with first try

2012-06-11 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Jigal,

[1] http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/t3adminer
(I don't know why TER doesn't render the manual)

I assume its not your fault. It should work as it works here:

cheers ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] tug Poland

2012-06-06 Thread Martin Bless
[ben van 't ende] wrote  schrieb:


Send it to me I will add it and give you access to that page.

gRTz ben

Hi Ben,

good to know. I'm organizing the User Group Münster:

Q: Can you give me access to the page:
http://typo3.org/community/typo3-user-groups/muensterland/ ?

Actually it would be much better if the linktext on page 

would not be Münsterland but just Münster.

On typo3.org I'm user marble.

Cheers ...


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] How can I translate English to other language automatically?

2012-06-03 Thread Martin Bless
Hello Peter,

Have a look here: http://www.loctimize.com/en/development/l10nmgr.html

and here:

l10n_manager exports your content as XML for translation agencies and 
can import the translations back to your TYPO3 installation.



Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] TYPO3 as a simple LMS

2012-05-26 Thread Martin Bless
1) The user logs in and is forwarded to a course page.
2) the user clicks through a number of information slides (implemented as 
3) At the end the user is presented with a test form.
4) If the answers are correct, a PDF diploma is generated and the user becomes 
a member of the user group that gives permission to see the next course.

I know that this has been done with ke_questionnaire.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] DNT for TYPO3

2012-05-18 Thread Martin Bless
Hi Andreas,

Is there already an implementation for TYPO3 of Do Not
Trackhttps://support.twitter.com/articles/20169453 (DNT)
browser setting, which stops the collection of information used for
tailored suggestions, like Twitter does?

I just read about it. When turned on put a DNT=1 into the http request
header. But that's a browser setting. What's got TYPO3 to do with


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] How to identify unneeded extensions?

2012-05-16 Thread Martin Bless

Suppose you take over an existing TYPO3 installation.

Q:What steps would you do to find out whether an extension is needed
at all?

- ok, disable it and see if the site is still working at all. But that
doesn't solve the problem of course.

Search all code for some PATTERNs like in:
   grep -ri PATTERN  --include=*.php  *

What PATTERN would you search for in PHP files?
And in Typoscript file?

What else would you do?


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] How to identify unneeded extensions?

2012-05-16 Thread Martin Bless

 I also use EXT extensionlist, it shows you which plugins are used on
 which pages, very useful when cleaning up old rubbish!

Indeed. I did use it already but had forgotten now.

If all else fails, grep'ing the whole ext 
folder is indeed an option. It's pretty fast to do anyway, except if the 
extension's name matches some common word.

Indeed. For example 'lib' in this case :-(

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Is there a RSS feed for extensions?

2012-04-25 Thread Martin Bless
[Daniel Doesburg | DOESBURG.BIZ] wrote  schrieb:


Until begin this month I always got messages from 
http://t3rss.think-open.org/ about new and updated extensions.

But since april 2th  the stream is frozen.

Is there another RSS feed for extensions?


Me too. I'm missing that feed as well!


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] latest TYPO3 source

2012-04-02 Thread Martin Bless
[Steffen Gebert] wrote  schrieb:

Hash: SHA1

 That's pretty awesome. Seeing it for the first time.
 Thanks for posting :)

Because it's neither finished, nor announced, yet.

But recognized anyway. That's how we are :-]



TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] How do you translate a website correctly?

2012-03-22 Thread Martin Bless
[Jigal van Hemert] wrote  schrieb:

All the options with examples and interaction of options can be found in 
the Frontend Localization Guide [1]. The screenshots are quite old, but 
the concepts are still valid.


FYI: Also available as website if you are more a clicking kind of

Without warrenties - layout and URLs are temporary. It's a temporary
state in the process of reST migration of OpenOffice docs to reST.



TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Searching a page by # in the BE - drives me mad

2012-03-21 Thread Martin Bless
[Urs Bräm] wrote  schrieb:


Just found this discussion: http://forge.typo3.org/issues/25006

Yes - you're right! And I just found out that you can VOTE for it! I
mean: not for the Bug, but for the importance that it should be fixed.

All right, is has 9 votes already and is the second in the list of

[Oliver Hader] wrote  schrieb in the Core list:

For the time being I've create the two custom queries:
* Most wanted Bugfixes: http://forge.typo3.org/issues?query_id=322
* Most wanted Features: http://forge.typo3.org/issues?query_id=321

So there is hope!

... all the best ...


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Searching a page by # in the BE - drives me mad

2012-03-20 Thread Martin Bless

Drives me crazy - used to be easy but isn't anymore. Or am I doing
something wrong? In TYPO3 4.5.13 I'm searching for page '193'. 

Searching page 193:
When I enter 193 at the right top in the search field (I guess that's
what we call live search now?) it is not found.

Searching page 111:
This page /is/ found. But how do I make the page tree switch to that

When I enter 193 in the filter field of the page tree: This works
immediately. But how do I make the pagetree keep being switched to
page 193 when I clear the filter?

Argh. Hope that it's only me doing something wrong.

Q: What can I do better?



TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Concatenation in dataWrap variable

2012-01-18 Thread Martin Bless
[Gregory Loichot] wrote  schrieb:

I would like to concatenate 2 variables in a dataWrap.

The general approach often is: If the object has stdWrap properties
you can use cObject that allows you to use another content element.


10 = TEXT
10.cObject = COA
10.cObject {
  1 = TEXT
  1.value = I'm part one.
  2. TEXT
  1.value = I'm part two

You get the idea?

use   ...cObject = COA  to include more typoscript objects.


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Hook for postprocessing of copied pages?

2011-12-06 Thread Martin Bless

In case the editor copies pages in the backend I need to adjust some
properties of the pages record.

Q: What hook is suited for this?
Q: What's a good way to search for the answer?

... except from asking here :-)


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Hook for postprocessing of copied pages?

2011-12-06 Thread Martin Bless
Hello Michael,

Take a look at the processCmdmap_postProcess hook in t3lib_TCEmain.

thanks a lot!


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] FCEs without TV: state of the art?

2011-09-08 Thread Martin Bless
Hello Ron,

this is exactly the kind of answer I was hoping for:

[Ron Hall] wrote  schrieb:

There is an extension that provides an API for producing content elements the 
can be used with TV or without.
The extension that provides the API is wec_contentelements.

I will definitely give it a try and see if I can handle it. And
there's that video: cool!

Thank you very much for now.


Do we even have more of those kind of treasures that should be known
by more people?


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] howto: git checkout TYPO3 4.6.0beta2?

2011-09-06 Thread Martin Bless
Hhm, I'm still struggling with GITting things right. I'm doing:

git clone --recursive git://git.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Core.git
git pull
git submodule update --init
git log --pretty=format:%h %ad | %s%d [%an] --graph --date=short

git checkout  -b typo3_src-4.6.0beta2   9f8c9c9

Q: Shouldn't this lead to the same files I find in

comparing files ...: I don't think they match.



TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] FCEs without TV: state of the art?

2011-09-01 Thread Martin Bless
Hello everybody,

which method of creating flexible content elements (FCEs) like in
Templavoila but without TV ist state of the art?

* Create an extension, use the kickstarter?

* xflextemplate?

What else???


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] TSREF - most recent version?

2011-07-04 Thread Martin Bless
[François Suter] wrote  schrieb:


 I used to get the most recent version of the TSREF regularly from
 svn.typo3.org. Since this isn't possible any more -

Have you actually tried? ;-)

No, I hadn't.

I thought I had read the stuff had moved and therefore started
searching in the promised land. Thanks for your hint: Yes,
2011-06-14 for the
- that looks pretty much up to date.

... on my way to T3DD11!


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] TSREF - most recent version?

2011-07-01 Thread Martin Bless

I used to get the most recent version of the TSREF regularly from
svn.typo3.org. Since this isn't possible any more - 

Q: Where do we have the most recent Version of the TSREF?

Please gimme a pointer. I am very well willing to use GIT if that
makes sense. Any version taken - PDF preferred.

thanks and - have a nice day!


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] TSREF - most recent version?

2011-07-01 Thread Martin Bless
[Dmitry Dulepov] wrote  schrieb:

I usually use web version from here:

It varies, of course, but for me it is easier to navigate than PDFs.

Looks like I've gotten too pessimistic.  I didn't expect the TER to be
that much up to date. Yes, good idea. And the PDF is there as well:
I'll put a wget in my folder.

What I like with the PDF is searching by CTRL+SHIFT+F. This gives a
list of all hits in the document in a separate window. And by
travelling down that list the corresponding spots in the document show
up. Very fast (and complete!) method.


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] Replacement for sr_email_subscribe?

2011-03-15 Thread Martin Bless
[Victor Livakovsky] wrote  schrieb:

I've been using 'ods_ajaxmailsubscription' in last my project. Quite simple 
and easy to use + uses AJAX. 

Oh yes, I see. And indeed: in my case 'ods_ajaxmailsubscription' seems
to be the perfect solution.

Victor and Andreas, thank you both very much. 


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] Replacement for sr_email_subscribe?

2011-03-14 Thread Martin Bless
Good morning,

does anybody know an extension that I could use - at least as a
starting point - instead of sr_email_subscribe?

Any hints welcome!

Have a nice week!


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] typoscript to check file existence?

2010-04-13 Thread Martin Bless
What the best typoscript to check if a file exists? I'm looking for
something like

  501.jsfile.if.isTrue.cObject = TEXT
  501.jsfile.if.isTrue.cObject.value = dummy
  501.jsfile.if.isTrue.cObject.typolink.parameter =fileadmin/script.js
  501.jsfile.if.isTrue.cObject.typolink.returnLast = url

Unfortunalety typolink will always return fileadmin/script.js no
matter if the file does exist or not

Have a nice day ...


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] simulateStaticDocuments: Getting rid of alias in URLs without loosing page rank!?

2010-04-02 Thread Martin Bless
[Peter Russ] wrote  schrieb:

If you do rewrite correctly (i.e. there is a rule how the link is 
composed; you can use that to split into the compents), then you would 
only need a few line of rewrite. That's better than hacking the code or 

Sure. But you do understand that we would need about 1.300 rules to
translate old eradicated individual aliases to their corresponding


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] simulateStaticDocuments: Getting rid of alias in URLs without loosing page rank!?

2010-04-01 Thread Martin Bless
[Peter Russ] wrote  schrieb:

[Martin Bless] 
Wishful thinking ...
 An option would be great that tells simulateStaticDocuments to always
 use numbers on creation of links while still accepting aliases on
 Switching to realurl or cooluri ist not an option.

Check the appropriate pages and do a permanent redirect to the new ones. 
Google will accept that whithout loosing page rank.

Ok, that's an option. But not really, since there are ca. 1.300 pages
with aliases.

Meanwhile I've looked into the code. It seems that only a single line
has to be changed to make my dream come true:
$url = $this-makeSimulatedFileName(
($page['alias'] ? $page['alias'] : $page['uid']), // gotcha!
($LD['no_cache'] ? true : false)

I did a quick test. If I change it to 
($page['alias'] ? $page['uid'] : $page['uid']), // gotcha!

the alias isn't used any more for link generation. But it's still
accepted when received. 

Maybe I'll do some further testing and invent an option like
$this-conf['simulateStaticDocuments_noAliases'] and prepare a patch.


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] simulateStaticDocuments: Getting rid of alias in URLs without loosing page rank!?

2010-03-30 Thread Martin Bless
A customer has a big and elaborated multilanguage site with a lot of
pages with aliases. The aliases were (mis) used to create some kind of
speaking URLs. So we have something like::

It seems much better to use the title for that pupose. Its longer and
translates automatically. So now we have:

I now could simply remove the alias, resulting in what I would like to

The site has fairly good page ranks. When I start removing the
aliases, the old links Google knows about will run into a
404-Page-not-found error.

What can be done best in this situation? The goal is to get rid of the
aliases in the URLs while keeping the page rank.

Wishful thinking ...
An option would be great that tells simulateStaticDocuments to always
use numbers on creation of links while still accepting aliases on

Switching to realurl or cooluri ist not an option.

Have a nice day!


TYPO3-english mailing list

[TYPO3-english] BE, filelist: Display more than 40 items?

2010-03-22 Thread Martin Bless
The filelist module displays 40 files/items a page. To see more I have
to browse pages. 

The 40 most probably is configurable - where? Thanks!

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] BE, filelist: Display more than 40 items?

2010-03-22 Thread Martin Bless
[Philipp Gampe] wrote  schrieb:


Ah, and thanks for the link to the docs. I'had been searching in
https://svn.typo3.org/TYPO3v4/Documentation/ without success. And I
still can't find an appropriate *.sxw or *.pdf :-( 
Which one is it? I seem to be blind somehow.

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] BE, filelist: Display more than 40 items?

2010-03-22 Thread Martin Bless
[Peter Russ] wrote  schrieb:


This document is related to version 4.3.2 of the extension 


Ah, ok, now I see. My local docs were not up to date. Which is what I
thought. I'll have to change my update script.

Thanks a lot!

TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] File-Filelist: Hide .svn folders?

2009-12-22 Thread Martin Bless
[Philipp Gampe] wrote  schrieb:

Am 21.12.2009, 20:50 Uhr, schrieb Martin Bless m.bl...@gmx.de:

 Is there an option that prevents the fileadmin/.../.svn folders from
 showing up in the filelist module?


Wow, I tried several Google queries and scanned 90.000 messages in
this group. Now I now: next time I'll remember the bugtracker and try
something like this:

And there it is right on top on the list. Thank you very much for the


Yes! I tried almost the same looking for typo3 folder hide .svn.
Slight differences in questions can lead to quite different results!


TYPO3-english mailing list

Re: [TYPO3-english] File-Filelist: Hide .svn folders?

2009-12-22 Thread Martin Bless
[Peter Niederlag] wrote  schrieb:

Maybe you find EXT:np_subversion useful.


Definitly one of the most valuable extensions on TER! :-

Great to hear that. I've come to know about the extension just the
oder day and added it to my todolist. Now I'm sure it will be worth
the effort. Thanks!



TYPO3-english mailing list