[UAI] NEW DATES: Workshop on Trust in Social Networks (WTSON2012)

2012-05-07 Thread Sibel Adali
[Apologies for multiple postings]

CFP Workshop on Trust in Social Networks (WTSON2012)
August 26, 2012, Istanbul Turkey

NEW DATES: Paper submissions due: May 18, 2012


Online social networks (OSN) are increasingly being used as places where 
communities gather to exchange information, form opinions, collaborate in 
response to events like disasters or even social movements like the Arab Spring 
or Occupy Wall Street. OSNs both serve as places that bring communities 
together and as places where new communities are formed. These networks enable 
large scale and fast communication that has not been possible in the past. As a 
result, the networks are an ever changing medium of exchange. 

Participants face many challenges, particularly with respect to trust. Trust is 
a crucial component of social relationships. It allows individuals to share 
privileged information or take actions that involve risk.  When can information 
found on social media be trusted? Information typically travels very fast and 
becomes common wisdom before any trusted authorities can verify it. Who can be 
trusted to accomplish specific tasks?  What are some important cues in 
determining trust? Can these cues be manipulated? How can online social 
networks be protected against malicious activities?

This workshop aims to bring together researchers who study the role trust plays 
in online social networks. Our aim is to study trust from various perspectives, 
bridging cutting edge research in social science, psychology, cognitive science 
and computer science to develop a new understanding of trust in today's highly 
connected communities. We invite papers that study trust from a broad 
perspective and develop tools to understand, measure or enhance trust.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following: 
- Modeling and measuring trust, distrust and mistrust
- Modeling trust context
- Modeling evolution of trust
- Experimental methods to measure trust
- Impact of trust on information propagation
- Impact of trust on formation of memes, trends, movements
- Methods to manage trust in social networks
- Trust in games
- Impact of culture on trust

Papers describing work in progress, interdisciplinary approaches to trust are 
especially suited for this workshop. Short papers of 4 pages and long papers of 
8 pages maximum will both be accepted. All papers must use the IEEE two-column 
template. All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers from the 
selected program committee. Papers will be selected based on their originality, 
timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Authors 
should illustrate that their papers represent new previously unpublished work. 
Accepted papers will be published as part of the ASONAM proceedings by IEEE CPS 
and indexed in EI
compendex. Note that at least one author of accepted papers needs to register 
and attend the workshop. Submissions must use the IEEE two-column template and 
submitted using the conference paper submission system. The conference 
submission submission system accessed through the following link 

Important dates: 

Submission deadline: *** May 18, 2012 ***
Acceptance notification: *** June 3, 2012 ***
Camera ready papers due: *** June 10, 2012 ***
Workshop date: August 26, 2012

Program co-chairs:

Sibel Adali, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jen Golbeck, University of Maryland

Program Committee:

Tom DuBois, Virginia Technology
Cindy Hui, Rutgers University
Karrie G. Karahalios, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Steven Marsh, Communications Research Centre
John O'Donovan, University of California Santa Barbara
Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva  
Bongwon Suh, Adobe
Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota 
William A. Wallace, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 
Felix Wu, University of California Davis
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[UAI] DEADLINE EXTENSION - ILP 2012 - The 22nd International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming

2012-05-07 Thread Fabrizio Riguzzi
DEADLINE EXTENSION - ILP 2012 - The 22nd International Conference on
Inductive Logic Programming
Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 17-19, 2012

May 14: Abstracts of long papers due
May 18: Long papers due


June 4: Notification for long papers
July 3: Short/published papers due
July 24: Notification for short/published papers
September 17-19: Conference

Luc de Raedt: Declarative Modelling for Machine Learning
Ben Taskar: Geometry of Diversity and Determinantal Point Processes:
Representation, Inference and Learning

The ILP conference series, started in 1991, is the premier
international forum on learning from structured data. Originally
focusing on the induction of logic programs, it broadened its scope
and attracted a lot of attention and interest in recent years. Authors
are invited to submit papers presenting original results on all
aspects of learning in logic, multi-relational learning and data
mining, statistical relational learning, graph and tree mining,
relational reinforcement learning, and other forms of learning from
structured data.

Typical, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions include:
- theoretical aspects: learning scenarios, data/model representation
frameworks, their computational and/or statistical properties, etc.
- algorithmic and implementation aspects: sclability, efficiency,
parallelism, management of algorithms and/or discovered patterns,
discovery workflows, etc.
- applications of learning from relational data in areas of science
(bioinformatics, cheminformatics, medical informatics, etc.), natural
language processing (computational linguistics, text and web mining
etc.), engineering, the arts, etc.

We solicit three kinds of papers:

1) Long papers describing original mature work containing appropriate
experimental evaluation and/or representing a self-contained
theoretical contribution. Long papers will be reviewed by 3 members of
the program committee. Authors will be notified prior to the
conference on acceptance/rejection for the Springer post-conference
proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will be assigned a standard
time slot for presentation.

2) Short papers describing original work in progress, brief accounts
of original ideas without conclusive experimental evaluation, and
other relevant work of potentially high scientific interest but not
yet qualifying for the long paper category. The PC chairs will
accept/reject short papers on the grounds of relevance. Authors of
accepted short papers will be assigned a reduced time slot for
presentation. Each short paper will be reviewed by 3 members of the
program committee on the basis of both the manuscript and its
presentation, and the authors of selected papers will be invited to
submit a long version for the Springer post-conference proceedings;
the paper will be finally accepted if satisfactorily addressing the
reviewer's requirements.

3) Papers relevant to the conference topics and recently published or
accepted for publication by a first-class conference such as
ECML/PKDD, ICML, KDD, ICDM etc. or journal such as MLJ, DMKD, JMLR
etc. The PC chairs will accept/reject such  papers on the grounds of
relevance and quality of the original publication venue. Authors of
accepted papers will be assigned a reduced time slot for presentation.
These papers will not appear in the Springer post-conference

Submissions in category 1 or 2 must not have been published or be
under review for a journal or for another conference with published
proceedings. They should be submitted in the Springer LNCS format.
Long (short) papers must not exceed 12 (6) pages. Papers in category 3
should be submitted in their original format and the authors should
indicate the original publication venue.

A special issue of the Machine Learning journal is planned following
the conference, with papers selected by the PC from all the three
categories above, significantly revised and/or extended to meet the
MLJ criteria, and re-reviewed by the PC.

Program Chairs

Fabrizio Riguzzi, University of Ferrara, Italy
Filip Železný, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Local Organizers

Nada Lavrač, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Tina Anžič, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

Program Committee

Érick Alphonse, France
Dalal Alrajeh, UK
Annalisa Appice, Italy
Ivan Bratko, Slovenia
Rui Camacho, Portugal
James Cussens, UK
Saso Dzeroski, Slovenia
Floriana Esposito, Italy
Nicola Fanizzi, Italy
Daan Fierens, Belgium
Nuno Fonseca, Portugal
Tamás Horváth, Germany
Katsumi Inoue, Japan
Nobuhiro Inuzuka, Japan
Andreas Karwath, Germany
Kristian Kersting, Germany
Ross King, Wales
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, UK
Stefan Kramer, Germany
Nada Lavrac, Slovenia
Francesca Alessandra Lisi, Italy
Donato Malerba, Italy
Stephen Muggleton, UK
Ramon Otero, Spain
Aline Paes, Brasil
David Page, USA
Bernhard Pfahringer, NZ
Ganesh Ramakrishnan

[UAI] Deadline Extended!: Inferning Workshop on Interactions between Inference and Learning at ICML 2012

2012-05-07 Thread Sameer Singh
The deadline for the workshop has been extended to *Sunday, May 13th, 2012*.

Call for papers attached below.

Call For Papers for ICML 2012 Workshop on

*INFERNING*: Interactions between Inference and Learning

Saturday, June 30th, 2012
Edinburgh, UK

This workshop studies the interactions between algorithms that learn a
model, and algorithms that use the resulting model parameters for
inference. These interactions are studied from two perspectives.

The first perspective studies how the choice of an inference algorithm
influences the parameters the model ultimately learns. For example, many
parameter estimation algorithms require inference as a subroutine.
Consequently, when we are faced with models for which exact inference is
expensive, we must use an approximation instead: MCMC sampling, belief
propagation, beam-search, etc. On some problems these approximations yield
superior models, yet on others, they fail catastrophically. We invite
studies that analyze (both empirically and theoretically) the impact of
approximate inference on the resulting model. How does approximate
inference alter the learning objective? Affect generalization? Influence
convergence properties? Further, does the behavior of inference change as
learning continues to improve the quality of the model?

A second perspective from which we study these interactions is by
considering how the learning objective and model parameters can impact both
the quality and performance of inference during “test time”. These
unconventional approaches to learning combine generalization to unseen data
with other desiderata such as fast inference. For example, work in
structured cascades learns model for which greedy, efficient inference can
be performed at test time while still maintaining accuracy guarantees.
Similarly, there has been work that learns operators for efficient
search-based inference. There has also been work that incorporates resource
constraints on running time and memory into the learning objective.

*List of Topics
*This workshop brings together practitioners from different fields
(information extraction, machine vision, natural language processing,
computational biology, etc.) in order to study a unified framework for
understanding and formalizing the interactions between learning and
inference. The following is a partial list of relevant keywords for the
- learning with approximate inference
- cost-aware learning
- learning sparse structures (structure learning)
- coarse to fine learning and inference
- pseudo-likelihood training
- contrastive divergence
- piecewise training
- scoring matching
- stochastic approximation
- incremental gradient methods

*Invited Speakers
*- Max Welling, University of California, Irvine (confirmed)
- Pedro Domingos, University of Washington (confirmed)
- David Sontag, New York University (confirmed)
- Jason Eisner, John Hopkins University

*Important Dates
*Submission Deadline: *Sunday May 13th, 2012* (11:59pm PST)
Author Notification: May 21st, 2012
Workshop: June 30th, 2012

*Author Guidelines
*Submissions are encouraged as extended abstracts of ongoing research. The
recommended page length is 4 pages (without included references).
Additional supplementary content may be included, but may not be considered
during the review process. Previously published or currently in submission
papers are also encouraged (we will confirm with authors before publishing
the papers online).

The format of the submissions should follow the ICML 2012 style, available
here: http://icml.cc/2012//files/icml2012stylefiles.zip
However, since the review process is not double-blind, submissions need not
be anonymized and author names may be included.

Submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=inferning2012

*Michael Wick , University of Massachusetts,
Sameer Singh , University of Massachusetts,
David Weiss , University of Pennsylvania,
Andrew McCallum , University of
Massachusetts, Amherst

Sameer Singh
PhD Student, Computer Science
UMass, Amherst
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[UAI] ICGI Call for short papers

2012-05-07 Thread Menno van Zaanen

Apologies if you receive this more than once.
Please re-post to interested audiences.

   11th International Conference on Grammatical Inference

   ICGI 2012

 5-8 September, 2012 Washington



ICGI 2012 is the 11th edition of the International Conference on Grammatical
Inference series.

The conference will be held in the heart of the Baltimore/Washington
corridor at the University of Maryland in College Park.

The Short Paper Session is an opportunity for presenting late-breaking
results, ongoing research projects, and speculative or innovative work in

Submissions of short papers should conform to the following guidelines:

  * The paper should be written in English with the JMLR style files for
Latex which can be found at

  * All papers should be submitted electronically by May 31, 2012.

  * The total length of the paper should not exceed 4 pages, including
references, on A4 or letter-size paper, and should be in single-column
format using at least 1 inch margins and 11-point font.

  * Each short paper should contain title, authors, affiliation and mailing

  * At least one of the short paper authors must be a registered participant
at the conference, and attend the short paper session to present the

  * Papers should be submitted to the short paper track of ICGI via
EasyChair at the following link:


  * Submission of manuscripts: May 31, 2012
  * Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2012
  * Final version of manuscript: June 30, 2012

All the accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published
by JMLR.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

We are looking forward to your works,
Jeffrey Heinz, Colin de la Higuera, Tim Oates, chairs.
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[UAI] CFP Epistemological Perspecitves on Simulation 2012

2012-05-07 Thread Yu Zhang

Epistemological Perspecitves on Simulation 2012 (EPOS V)

San Antonio, Texas, USA
October 10-12, 2012

Manuscript Submission: July 1, 2012.

Epistemological Perspecitves on Simulation 2012

EPOS V Call for papers

Like its predecessors the workshop wants to provide a forum for researchers from
various disciplines, such as the social sciences, economics, computer science,
engineering or the natural sciences, who are interested in discussing
epistemological aspects of simulation across disciplinary boundaries. 
are highly welcome, too.

Topics to be addressed in the workshop include, but are not restricted to issues
such as the epistemology of simulation, credentials for model building, and
standards for presenting and analyzing simulation results.

Following the tradition of most of the previous EPOS workshops, we intend to
publish a selection of the accepted papers in a special issue of a journal 
after a
further reviewing process (subject to discussion with respective journal 

Authors are requested to send their papers (about 5,000-8,000 words) or an
extended abstract of about 1000 words in electronic format (.doc, .rtf or .pdf
format) via e-mail to Dante Suarez (esua...@trinity.edu). Authors should include
all the details about surname, first name, affiliation, mailing address, 
and e-mail  inside the e-mail text (not inside the abstract). Each abstract will
be reviewed by two members of the program committee at least. The committee will
consider also abstracts, although full papers are preferred. For any 
please contact Dante Suarez (esua...@trinity.edu).

Important deadlines are as follows:

· July 1, 2012: Submission of papers or extended abstracts

· August 21, 2012: Notification of acceptance

· September 15, 2012: Receipt of full papers

· October 10-12, 2012: Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Topics to be addressed in the workshop include, but are not restricted to, 
such as:

· Link between theory and simulation models

· Empirical reality and data in simulation models

· Internal and external validation strategies and methods in 

· Examples of models able to integrate computational modelling and other
research methods (such as, for example, experimental, statistical, qualitative

· Standards for presenting and analyzing simulation results

· Modelling strategies (KISS vs. KIDS)

· Epistemological issues on theory building and computer simulation

· Common points and differences between physical and social complex
systems modelling

· Epistemological consequences of generative method and explanation

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[UAI] Final CFP with extended deadline for UAI 9th Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop

2012-05-07 Thread Ann Nicholson
       UAI 9th Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop

                                  Call for Papers
                Saturday, August 18, 2012, Catalina Island


Due to requests, extended submission deadline is *Saturday19th May*.

Special theme: Temporal Modeling

The 9th Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop solicits submissions
of real-world applications of graphical models and Bayesian networks,
in particular those dealing with temporal modeling.  Our desire is to
foster discussion and interchange about novel contributions that can
speak to both the academic and the larger research community.
Accordingly, we seek submissions also from practitioners and tool
developers as well as researchers.

Bayesian networks are now a powerful, well-established technology for
reasoning under uncertainty, supported by a wide range of mature
academic and commercial software tools. They are now being applied in
many domains, including environmental and ecological modeling,
bioinformatics, medical decision support, many types of engineering,
robotics, military, financial and economic modeling, education,
forensics, emergency response, surveillance, and so on. We welcome
submissions describing such real world applications, whether as
stand-alone BNs or where the BNs are embedded in a larger software
system. We encourage authors to address the practical issues involved
in developing real-world applications, such as knowledge engineering
methodologies, elicitation techniques, defining and meeting client
needs, validation processes and integration methods, as well as
software tools, including visualization and user interaction
techniques to these support these activities.

We particularly encourage the submission of papers that address the
workshop theme of temporal modeling.  Recently communities building
dynamic Bayes networks (DBNs) and partially observable MDPs (POMDPs)
are coming to realize that they are applying their methods to
identical applications.  Similarly POMDPs and other probabilistic
methods are now established in the field of Automated
Planning. Stochastic process models such as continuous time Bayes
networks (CTBNs) should also be considered as part of this trend.
Adaptive and on-line learning models also fit into this focus.


Submissions should be in UAI format, limited to *9 pages*, using the
online submission process. All papers will be peer reviewed by at
least two independent referees.  Papers must be submitted
electronically in PDF format via the EasyChair online submission page:

We encourage co-submission of applications papers that have been
submitted to the main UAI 2012 conference, as our submission deadline comes
before the UAI acceptance deadline. If accepted for UAI, the paper
would be published in UAI proceedings, but we will invite a poster
presentation at the Workshop also.

Workshop format

The format the workshop will be combination of oral and poster
presentations, with demonstrations encouraged for both, grouped in
sessions to facilitate discussion.

Publication of Proceedings

As in past years, proceedings will be published online (as a CEUR
Workshop Proceedings Volume), and selected papers will be invited to
submit to a special issue of a journal.


   * 14 May 2012:       Abstract submission
   * 19 May 2012:       Full paper submission
   * 19 June 2012:     Author notification
   * 31 July 2012:      Camera ready copy due
   * 18 August 2012: Workshop (following the UAI2012 main conference,
Aug 15-17)

Workshop Chairs

John Mark Agosta (Toyota ITC, USA)
Ann Nicholson (Monash University & Bayesian Intelligence, Australia)
M. Julia Flores (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)

Program Committee

Concha Bielza, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Dennis M. Buede, Innovative Decisions, Inc., USA
Javier Diez,  UNED, Spain
Marek Druzdzel, University of Pittsburgh, USA & Bialystok University
of Technology, Poland
José A. Gámez, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Asela Gunawardana, Microsoft Research, USA
Branislav Kveton, Technicolor Research, Palo Alto, USA
Helge Langseth, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Pedro Larrañaga, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Philippe Leray, Polytech'Nantes, France
Michael Mahoney, Stanford University, Dept of Mathematics, USA
Suzanne Mahoney, Innovative Decisions, USA
Chris Meek,  Microsoft Research, USA
Ole Mengshoel, CMU Silicon Valley Campus, USA
Serafín Moral, University of Granada, Spain
Jens D. Nielsen,  University of Sheffield, UK
Thomas D. Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
Jose M. Peña, Linköping University, Sweden
Pascal Poupart, University of Waterloo, Canada
Antonio Salmerón, University of Almería, Spain
Fabio Stella, University of Milano

[UAI] Doctoral and PostDoctoral Positions in Computational Logic/KRR

2012-05-07 Thread Leon Van Der Torre

Doctoral and PostDoctoral Positions in Computational Logic/KRR

In the context of the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and 
Trust (SnT), the Individual and Collective Reasoning (ICR) group at the 
University of Luxembourg headed by Leon van der Torre

The Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) group at the University of 
Leuven headed by Marc Denecker

are looking for 3 Doctoral Researchers and 1 PostDoctoral in the area of 
Computational logic and Knowledge Representation. The research is situated in 
the convergence of areas of first order logic (FO), constraint solving, datalog 
and answer set programming and aims to develop extensions of FO() logics and 
inference tools, specifically with application to the field of access and 
privacy policies.

These positions are part of the FWO-FNR research project on "Specification logics 
and Inference tools for verification and Enforcement for Policies (SIEP)".

The positions are based at the following locations:

- Luxembourg: 1 PhD position and 1 Postdoc


Topics: The PhD student in Luxemburg will focus on applications and methodology 
and the integration of various aspect of policies (delegation, revocation, 
dynamic aspects,  logical aspects, etc.), explanations, etc. The PostDoc will 
lead the work on the extension of FO(.) languages to handle  aspects of 
policies (e.g. epistemic aspects  in the context of uncertainty),  inference 
algorithms and applications.

- Leuven: 2 PhD positions


Topics: Development of  extensions of FO(.) logics suitable for application to 
the field of access and privacy policies (in close collaboration with 
Luxembourg). PhD-students in Leuven will be working mainly on the inferential 
level and will be responsible for building the executable prototypes for finite 
domain inference tools for verification, compliance checking, analysis, 
experimentation, simulation  and execution. Technologies involved are from 
model generation (KRR's IDP system), ALLOY,  Answer Set Programming, Datalog 
and SAT modulo Theories.

Conditions for Luxembourg

Successful candidates for the PhD position hold either a MSc in Computer 
Science, Mathematics or a related discipline and have an interest in security 
and privacy, as well as in logic-based KRR and inference.

Applications, written in English, must include the following sections:

1 - Curriculum Vitae (including your contact address, work experience, 
2 -- Cover letter indicating the research area of interest and your motivation
3 - A research statement which addresses specifically the topic of the position 
(300 words)
4 - Transcript of all courses and results from the university-level courses 
5 - A short description of your Master's work (max 1 page)
6 - Contact information for 3 referees

Only online applications will be taken into consideration,Job ReferenceUOL00144

Deadline for applications : May 31st, 2012

The postdoc position will be opened in 2013, but interested candidates are 
already invited to contact the project leaders.

Information: Please contact Leon van der Torre and/or Marc Denecker, preferably 
via email to

  Leon van der Torre
  Marc Denecker

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