Re: [Ubuntu] My actions after the IRC meeting (Was: Reminder and Agenta for IRC meeting)

2013-09-18 Thread Johan Van de Wauw
Thanks for the report. Unfortunately I forgot to attend...

To anyone going to FOSS4G as well: there will be a bird-of feather
session  for the osgeo live dvd. Since they are basically doing the
same (packaging/writing install scripts for debian/ubuntu) it would be
nice if you could drop by (no time fixed yet though).


On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 7:24 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:

 as you know yesterday we had an IRC meeting[1] and I want to present
 first results from the meeting.

 1. Moved debian-gis from SVN to Git

 As you hopefully know the debian-gis source package also contain the
 tasks which are responsible for the web sentinel[2].  In the meeting it
 was decided to move it from SVN to Git.  So if you

debcheckout --user=you debian-gis

 you get only a README.status file pointing to the new location[3].
 Note to Hamish: You see that I did not followed your initial wish
 to move it to pkg-grass area.  You had the reasoning:

 Sep 16 22:38:26 Hamish_B  better to put debiangis things in debiangis 
 repo IMO, then have blends be the servant not the master

 because there is no such thing like a master-servant relation.
 Currently most Blends are inside blends/project and as long as
 there is no more stringent reason to change this it has some
 advantages to stick here.  I ensured that the interested members
 of the IRC meeting yesterday are granted commit-permissions by

   Francesco Lovergine (frankie)
   Hamish Bowman (hamish-guest)
   Bas Couwenberg (sebastic-guest)

 to the Blends team.  If this should show any drawback we can
 move the Git repository easily.

 2. Wrote script to easily trigger websentinel creation

 I mentioned yesterday that it is documented how to receate the web
 sentinel after changing the tasks[4].  To smoothen your learning curve
 I added a small script[5] which you can call like

blends_websentinel_update debian-gis

 to trigger the creation of the web pages[6].  I hope you consider this
 useful.  Please test, whether it really works for you.  Please note that
 the script also fetches a logfile which contains useful information
 about packages that are not found (may be spelling errors, different
 name of binary and source package - you always need to specify source

 3. OSGEO categories

 Hamish pointed me to a set of OSGEO categories[7].  I promised to
 inject these into the Blends framework and did the first one while
 the IRC meeting was running.  Because this is high on my todo list
 I think I manage this before my vacation.

 4. Update osm2pgsql

 apmon (whoever this nick might belong to) asked about an upgrade of
 osm2pgsql.  I had a look into this and might at least push the package a
 bit.  No promise that I'll finish it before my VAC (starting at 20.9.).

 5. Sponsering of osgearth

 Bas Couwenberg has added osgearth to my SoB[8] page.  I confirm that
 osgearth is on the Blends pages[9] so the SoB criterion is matched.  Bas
 I try to do my best but VAC is approaching (see above).

 6. Wiki links to new thermometer

 There was agreement to link to the new Blends based thermometer[10] on
 DebianGis Wiki[11] and I also replaced this link at [12] and [13].  It
 might make sense to set a redirect on the old thermometer page anyway.

 Thanks to all who joined the meeting


 [3] git://

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Re: [Ubuntu] My actions after the IRC meeting (Was: Reminder and Agenta for IRC meeting)

2013-09-18 Thread Andreas Tille
Hi Jérémy,

On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 02:12:58AM +0200, Jérémy Lal wrote:
 Some minor comments :
  * please document in changelog the switch to dh9, and why (is it for
a simpler hardening config, for multiarch ?)

Uhmm, just forgot to mention this. (fixed)  I always use debhelper 9
since it is in stable.  The main reason is hardening.

  * LastChanged isn't a DEP3 field. Last-Update and Author are.

fixed (sorry for beeing lazy to check DEP3)

  * the fact the source has some files stripped out of it should be
documented in the Source multiline field of debian/copyright,
for ease of maintenance.

Hmmm, the only files that are striped out are from a debian/ dir inside
the original source.  I forgot to mention that we should talk to
upstream (which is hereby done because Kai Krueger is obviously reading
the list) to drop these files and integrate them properly into our
packaging repository.

Or do you refering to something else?  I used

  git import-orig --pristine-tar

and needed to merge the diff in debian/ afterwards.

I have noticed that upstream contains some debconf code which is lacking
in our packaging but could be potentially interesting.  If somebody
volunteers to test it we should probably include it as well (and ask
upstream to completely drop the debian/ dir.  Kai, if you want to join
the packaging effort together with Debian GIS team you should create a
login at and become a member of pkg-grass.  I
would (strongly) recommend this.

  * i propose to watch github like that:
opts=filenamemangle=s/.+\/v?(\d\S*)\.tar\.gz/osm2pgsql-$1.tar.gz/ \ .*/v?(\d\S*)\.tar\.gz

Fine for me.  If you have tested this please commit yourself.

 * and get-orig-source from github using uscan, see for example

Usually I create only get-orig-source targets when some repackaging is
needed.  BTW, just for removing files from a tarball there is some light
at horizon with an enhanced uscan[1].  I'm personally using this since
a long time and perhaps mapnik-vector-tile could be simplified by using

A safe way for those who do not have the enhanced uscan in their path is
demonstrated here:

This could help as long as this new code is not integrated into

 I can do the changes myself and push them, or part of them, if you agree.

I definitely agree and from my perspective there is no need to ask in
team maintained packages (even if some coordination does not harm for

Kind regards


PS: There is no need to CC me, I'm subscribed to both lists 


UbuntuGIS mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu] My actions after the IRC meeting (Was: Reminder and Agenta for IRC meeting)

2013-09-17 Thread Andreas Tille

I worked a bit on osm2pgsql

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 07:24:23PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
 4. Update osm2pgsql
 apmon (whoever this nick might belong to) asked about an upgrade of
 osm2pgsql.  I had a look into this and might at least push the package a
 bit.  No promise that I'll finish it before my VAC (starting at 20.9.).

It would be great if somebody would check out


and confirm that the package is OK.  I just upgraded the packaging as is
but have no idea how to test the package.  If I get confirmation that the
package is OK, I could upload to unstable.

Kind regards


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