Re: Lubuntu and Accessibility

2011-05-24 Thread Pia
The problem with running orca on LXDE is that it really only works well in 
Gnome and so don't know that its a solution.  I have tried to run it on 
xubuntu which uses XCFE which is a GTK+ based desktop and it still didn't 
work well enough to be functional, ie, it won't read menues.

On Tue, 24 May 2011, Luke Yelavich wrote:

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 09:58:58AM EST, Phill Whiteside wrote:

From a general chat to our head of development on lubuntu, he is of the

opinion that if the code is really (and I mean really) tight, that it would
be possible to include within the very tight constraints that we are
committed to be able to uphold the inclusion of accessibility and has agreed
that we should really strive to attain this.

The first thing is making sure LXDE is actually accessible, i.e make sure it 
has keyboard shortcuts, and supports the launching of the accessibility 
framework at startup etc. As to using the LXDE GUI with Orca etc, I think the 
biggest problem here is the use of python. The components of the stack written 
in c should be performant enough to work, and if they're not, then I am sure 
upstream would be willing to help try and optimize them a little more, but Orca 
being python is unfortunately a rather big blocker for this environment. I 
remember running Orca on a dual Celeron 466 a few years back in GNOME, and it 
was rather laggy in performance, I.e a quarter to half a second would go by 
before I got speech feedback from my action.

So while I think the goals of getting Lubuntu more accessible are noble, I am 
not sure it will be possible for it to be doable with acceptable accessibility 
performance for users. I am not saying don't try, but unless Orca or another 
screen reader was developed in c, then using orca on LXDE is likely to be 
somewhat painful.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Unity with Orca-- it's almost fully accessible!

2011-05-24 Thread Dave Hunt

Hi, all!

I decided to change the desktop, on this trusty netbook, to Unity from 
Classic Gnome, having remembered decent accessibility when I played with 
it at a Ubuntu Beta Bug Jam at a Canonical office.

In my previous message, you'll recall, I mentioned trouble accessing the 
indicator applet, where one chooses network connection, checks battery, 
restarts, etc.  I'm happy to report that these menus are easy to find 
and read when using Unity.  I like how they are attached to the menu 
strip for the focused application.  Using that filter string to get 
quickly to a subset of the items found in Preferences, is very nice, 
too, so long as one knows what she/he is looking for.  For instance, I 
typed login screen into the filter, and found myself right on the 
unlock button.  The shortcuts, 'super+0' through 'super+9' are very 
quick and convenient; What a great idea!

Now, here are the things that still need some work, perhaps the team is 
already aware of these?  Context menus for launcher buttons do not 
speak.  The speaking of Unity menu names, as one scrubs with left or 
right arrow is inconsistent.  All Unity menu items (wifi options, 
volume/mute, etc, are spoken as checkbox unchecked; I happen to know 
what is a checkbox, and what is not, but, this should be fixed.  The 
new-style places options do not speak.  Partial results in the 'run' 
dialogue do not speak.  Finally, when switching applications with 
'alt+tab or 'alt+shift+tab' keys, Orca will not speak while the 
modifier key(s) held down.  When keys released, Orca, first, speaks the 
name of the application that had focus, then the name of the 
newly-focused application.  This requires that user memorize the order 
of applications in the stack, an unnecessary distraction.

I hope the above will help Ubuntu's design, development, and QA 
efforts.  Please advise on whether or how I can expand on any of these.

Thanks for listening,

Dave  Hunt
(I'm totally blind, BTW)

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

How to customize Launcher Toolbar using Orca?

2011-05-24 Thread Dave Hunt


I'm looking for an accessible way to remove items from my launcher 
toolbar, and keep others.  Since the per-item context menus are not 
spoken, how can I do this?



Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Unity with Orca-- it's almost fully accessible!

2011-05-24 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Tue, 24 May 2011 12:34:49 -0400
Dave Hunt wrote:

 Hi, all!
 I decided to change the desktop, on this trusty netbook, to Unity from 
 Classic Gnome, having remembered decent accessibility when I played with 
 it at a Ubuntu Beta Bug Jam at a Canonical office.
 In my previous message, you'll recall, I mentioned trouble accessing the 
 indicator applet, where one chooses network connection, checks battery, 
 restarts, etc.  I'm happy to report that these menus are easy to find 
 and read when using Unity.  I like how they are attached to the menu 
 strip for the focused application.  Using that filter string to get 
 quickly to a subset of the items found in Preferences, is very nice, 
 too, so long as one knows what she/he is looking for.  For instance, I 
 typed login screen into the filter, and found myself right on the 
 unlock button.  The shortcuts, 'super+0' through 'super+9' are very 
 quick and convenient; What a great idea!
 Now, here are the things that still need some work, perhaps the team is 
 already aware of these?  Context menus for launcher buttons do not 
 speak.  The speaking of Unity menu names, as one scrubs with left or 
 right arrow is inconsistent.  All Unity menu items (wifi options, 
 volume/mute, etc, are spoken as checkbox unchecked; I happen to know 
 what is a checkbox, and what is not, but, this should be fixed.  The 
 new-style places options do not speak.  Partial results in the 'run' 
 dialogue do not speak.  Finally, when switching applications with 
 'alt+tab or 'alt+shift+tab' keys, Orca will not speak while the 
 modifier key(s) held down.  When keys released, Orca, first, speaks the 
 name of the application that had focus, then the name of the 
 newly-focused application.  This requires that user memorize the order 
 of applications in the stack, an unnecessary distraction.
 I hope the above will help Ubuntu's design, development, and QA 
 efforts.  Please advise on whether or how I can expand on any of these.
 Thanks for listening,
 Dave  Hunt
 (I'm totally blind, BTW)

Thank you for the update. We are hoping to address many of these issues
in Oneiric. We did run out of time trying to resolve many of these in
Natty, but will be working them as soon as possible in Oneiric. Please
do continue these tests, as they keep us informed of the progress being
made. They also help us ensure we are not missing these things, because
we don't always remember everything. 

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: How to customize Launcher Toolbar using Orca?

2011-05-24 Thread Piñeiro

On 05/24/2011 07:21 PM, Dave Hunt wrote:


I'm looking for an accessible way to remove items from my launcher 
toolbar, and keep others.  Since the per-item context menus are not 
spoken, how can I do this?

The lack of accessibility support of those per-item context item is 
already listed as a bug:

AFAIK, there is no way to do that without those menus. The best option 
here would be solve that bug. As Charlie Kravetz mentioned on a 
different mail, we hope to solve this issues on the next ubuntu release.

Stay tunned.



Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Fwd: Lubuntu and Accessibility

2011-05-24 Thread Phill Whiteside
-- Forwarded message --
From: Rob Whyte
Date: Tue, May 24, 2011 at 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: Lubuntu and Accessibility
To: Phill Whiteside

Hi guys,
in my own efforts to get orca better with LXDE I conversed with Klaus
Knopper the author of Knoppix.
I have put his notes below..
I also tried with nto much success to try and figure out why orca did not
work with thunar though it claims to have great gtk support.
Please find notes below and hope it is helpful.

export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
before starting a GTK program makes it aware of orca as screenreader.
You need to start orca as well, of course.

The panel containing the menu (lxpanel in our case) will send the
highlighted menu item to orca automatically if the two variables
mentioned before are set before starting lxpanel. The tricky part is to
pop up the menu without the mouse. Unfortunately, lxpanel does not have a
hotkey for this on its own, but the command lxpanelctl menu will
notify lxpanel to show the menu. Now you add this command to the window
managers hotkey list (which is different in compiz-fusion and metacity),
and you are there. Once the hotkey (Alt-F1 in Knoppix) is pressed,
lxpanelctl menu will be called, and the menu pops up.

I did not find a way yet to browse through the dock icons in lxpanel,
though it must be possible somehow, since using the mouse will focus the
icons and lets orca speak them. Maybe, just the internal link between
icons and a hotkey for selecting them is missing.

pcmanfm works quite well with orca, though the desktop background
version of it is not very talkative. If you start the windowed version
of pcmanfm, you can switch between canvases with eithger TAB or the
cursor keys (sometimes it's not very intuitive to understand which one
to use).

It should be possible, yet I'm unsure how to make the desktop manager
part of pcmanfm put the focus on the first icon on the desktop. Once one
item has the focus, you can browse through the desktop icons with the
cursor keys.
surely pcmanfm
could need some accessibility enhancements concerning hotkeys and their

in regards to accessing the panel,
The only way I found so far is the lxpanelctl command which is to be
called by the window manager. Alt-F1 pops up the menu in Knoppix.

The hotkey modifications for compiz-fusion and metacity concerning the
lxpanel menu is present in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45knoppix. Here is an


case $STARTUP in
 *lxde|lx*) # Need to change Alt_F1 and Alt_F2 hotkeys in order to make LXDE
menu accessible
 sed -i -e 's/as_main_menu_key *=.*$/as_main_menu_key = Disabled/g' \
-e 's/as_run_command0_key *=.*$/as_run_command0_key = AltF1/g' \
-e 's/as_command0 *=.*$/as_command0 = lxpanelctl menu/g' \
   $HOME/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini 2/dev/null
 gconftool --type string \
   --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu disabled
   --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_run_dialog disabled
   --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_1 'AltF1' \
   --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_2 'AltF2' \
   --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1 'lxpanelctl
menu' \
   --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_2 'lxpanelctl
 *) # Change Alt-F1 back when not running lxde
 sed -i -e 's/as_main_menu_key *=.*$/as_main_menu_key = AltF1/g' \
   $HOME/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini 2/dev/null
 gconftool --type string \
   --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu 'AltF1'
   --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_run_dialog 'AltF2'


Of course this can also be set manually in gconf-editor (metacity/gnome) or
ccsm (compiz-fusion).

Klaus Knopper

On 23/05/11 19:58, Phill Whiteside wrote:


 much has happened recently, including lubuntu getting clearance for full
 adoption at 11.10 by Canonical. Whilst I have quietly pushed
 accessibility (well, maybe not so quietly) as a part of lubuntu, we now
 need a bit of help off this team.

 Our specification of the minimal hardware it will run on cannot be
 broken, nor can our commitment to pre i686 processors.

  From a general chat to our head of development on lubuntu, he is of the
 opinion that if the code is really (and I mean really) tight, that it
 would be possible to include within the very tight constraints that we
 are committed to be able to uphold the inclusion of accessibility and
 has agreed that we should really strive to attain this.

 We are short of devs who can dedicate resources to this task, so I ask
 that any of you who can assist do so. I'd really like to see lubuntu
 11.10 come out with as much accessibility as is possible on  A Pentium
 II or Celeron system with 128 MiB of RAM is probably a bottom-line
 configuration that may yield slow yet 

Feedback about Ubuntu requested

2011-05-24 Thread Mackenzie Morgan
When your interaction with other Ubuntu users is entirely made up of
developers talking about bugs they need to fix and users seeking
support (IRC, forums, bug reports), your perspective changes.  It's
hard to get a good idea of the big picture.  What portion of users are
hitting problems in what areas?  How do users who've reported bugs
feel about the experience? How are the local community teams doing?
How's accessibility? That kind of stuff is hard to wrap your head
around without metrics.

To that end, a bunch of members of the Ubuntu community have worked
together to create a survey (that I really hope works nicely with
screenreaders) that'll help those of us working on
various parts of Ubuntu understand where we need to improve and how we
can do better.

If you have an opinion on Ubuntu, please take 5 minutes to fill out
the following Ubuntu User-Experience survey:

Thank you!
Mackenzie Morgan

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Fwd: Lubuntu and Accessibility

2011-05-24 Thread PCMan
For the panel, Brian Cameron has a good idea. He suggested that we can
use a different UI for orca.
That means, replacing all buttons in the bar with standard GtkButton
widget rather than some hand-made ones.
This looks ugly, but will have much better usability. If
accessibility mode is on, we use standard GtkButton with text label
rather than current ones with images on them.

On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Rob Whyte
 Date: Tue, May 24, 2011 at 8:24 AM
 Subject: Re: Lubuntu and Accessibility
 To: Phill Whiteside

 Hi guys,
 in my own efforts to get orca better with LXDE I conversed with Klaus
 Knopper the author of Knoppix.
 I have put his notes below..
 I also tried with nto much success to try and figure out why orca did not
 work with thunar though it claims to have great gtk support.
 Please find notes below and hope it is helpful.

 export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
 before starting a GTK program makes it aware of orca as screenreader.
 You need to start orca as well, of course.

 The panel containing the menu (lxpanel in our case) will send the
 highlighted menu item to orca automatically if the two variables
 mentioned before are set before starting lxpanel. The tricky part is to
 pop up the menu without the mouse. Unfortunately, lxpanel does not have a
 hotkey for this on its own, but the command lxpanelctl menu will
 notify lxpanel to show the menu. Now you add this command to the window
 managers hotkey list (which is different in compiz-fusion and metacity),
 and you are there. Once the hotkey (Alt-F1 in Knoppix) is pressed,
 lxpanelctl menu will be called, and the menu pops up.

 I did not find a way yet to browse through the dock icons in lxpanel,
 though it must be possible somehow, since using the mouse will focus the
 icons and lets orca speak them. Maybe, just the internal link between
 icons and a hotkey for selecting them is missing.

 pcmanfm works quite well with orca, though the desktop background
 version of it is not very talkative. If you start the windowed version
 of pcmanfm, you can switch between canvases with eithger TAB or the
 cursor keys (sometimes it's not very intuitive to understand which one
 to use).

 It should be possible, yet I'm unsure how to make the desktop manager
 part of pcmanfm put the focus on the first icon on the desktop. Once one
 item has the focus, you can browse through the desktop icons with the
 cursor keys.
 surely pcmanfm
 could need some accessibility enhancements concerning hotkeys and their

 in regards to accessing the panel,
 The only way I found so far is the lxpanelctl command which is to be
 called by the window manager. Alt-F1 pops up the menu in Knoppix.

 The hotkey modifications for compiz-fusion and metacity concerning the
 lxpanel menu is present in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45knoppix. Here is an


 case $STARTUP in
  *lxde|lx*) # Need to change Alt_F1 and Alt_F2 hotkeys in order to make LXDE
 menu accessible
  sed -i -e 's/as_main_menu_key *=.*$/as_main_menu_key = Disabled/g' \
         -e 's/as_run_command0_key *=.*$/as_run_command0_key = AltF1/g' \
         -e 's/as_command0 *=.*$/as_command0 = lxpanelctl menu/g' \
            $HOME/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini 2/dev/null
  gconftool --type string \
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu disabled
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_run_dialog disabled
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_1 'AltF1' \
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_2 'AltF2' \
            --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1 'lxpanelctl
 menu' \
            --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_2 'lxpanelctl
  *) # Change Alt-F1 back when not running lxde
  sed -i -e 's/as_main_menu_key *=.*$/as_main_menu_key = AltF1/g' \
            $HOME/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini 2/dev/null
  gconftool --type string \
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu 'AltF1'
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_run_dialog 'AltF2'


 Of course this can also be set manually in gconf-editor (metacity/gnome) or
 ccsm (compiz-fusion).

 Klaus Knopper

 On 23/05/11 19:58, Phill Whiteside wrote:


 much has happened recently, including lubuntu getting clearance for full
 adoption at 11.10 by Canonical. Whilst I have quietly pushed
 accessibility (well, maybe not so quietly) as a part of lubuntu, we now
 need a bit of help off this team.

 Our specification of the minimal hardware it will run on cannot be
 broken, nor can our commitment to pre i686 processors.

  From a general chat to our head of development on lubuntu, he is of the
 opinion that if the code is really (and I mean really) 

Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Fwd: Lubuntu and Accessibility

2011-05-24 Thread Alex H.

I like that approach, Plus as I'm totally blind, I don't care about
the graphics and that's just resources being used for no reason for
some buttons.


On 5/24/11, PCMan wrote:
 For the panel, Brian Cameron has a good idea. He suggested that we can
 use a different UI for orca.
 That means, replacing all buttons in the bar with standard GtkButton
 widget rather than some hand-made ones.
 This looks ugly, but will have much better usability. If
 accessibility mode is on, we use standard GtkButton with text label
 rather than current ones with images on them.

 On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Phill Whiteside wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Rob Whyte
 Date: Tue, May 24, 2011 at 8:24 AM
 Subject: Re: Lubuntu and Accessibility
 To: Phill Whiteside

 Hi guys,
 in my own efforts to get orca better with LXDE I conversed with Klaus
 Knopper the author of Knoppix.
 I have put his notes below..
 I also tried with nto much success to try and figure out why orca did not
 work with thunar though it claims to have great gtk support.
 Please find notes below and hope it is helpful.

 export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
 before starting a GTK program makes it aware of orca as screenreader.
 You need to start orca as well, of course.

 The panel containing the menu (lxpanel in our case) will send the
 highlighted menu item to orca automatically if the two variables
 mentioned before are set before starting lxpanel. The tricky part is to
 pop up the menu without the mouse. Unfortunately, lxpanel does not have a
 hotkey for this on its own, but the command lxpanelctl menu will
 notify lxpanel to show the menu. Now you add this command to the window
 managers hotkey list (which is different in compiz-fusion and metacity),
 and you are there. Once the hotkey (Alt-F1 in Knoppix) is pressed,
 lxpanelctl menu will be called, and the menu pops up.

 I did not find a way yet to browse through the dock icons in lxpanel,
 though it must be possible somehow, since using the mouse will focus the
 icons and lets orca speak them. Maybe, just the internal link between
 icons and a hotkey for selecting them is missing.

 pcmanfm works quite well with orca, though the desktop background
 version of it is not very talkative. If you start the windowed version
 of pcmanfm, you can switch between canvases with eithger TAB or the
 cursor keys (sometimes it's not very intuitive to understand which one
 to use).

 It should be possible, yet I'm unsure how to make the desktop manager
 part of pcmanfm put the focus on the first icon on the desktop. Once one
 item has the focus, you can browse through the desktop icons with the
 cursor keys.
 surely pcmanfm
 could need some accessibility enhancements concerning hotkeys and their

 in regards to accessing the panel,
 The only way I found so far is the lxpanelctl command which is to be
 called by the window manager. Alt-F1 pops up the menu in Knoppix.

 The hotkey modifications for compiz-fusion and metacity concerning the
 lxpanel menu is present in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45knoppix. Here is an


 case $STARTUP in
  *lxde|lx*) # Need to change Alt_F1 and Alt_F2 hotkeys in order to make
 menu accessible
  sed -i -e 's/as_main_menu_key *=.*$/as_main_menu_key = Disabled/g' \
         -e 's/as_run_command0_key *=.*$/as_run_command0_key = AltF1/g' \
         -e 's/as_command0 *=.*$/as_command0 = lxpanelctl menu/g' \
            $HOME/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini 2/dev/null
  gconftool --type string \
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_run_dialog
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_1 'AltF1'
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_2 'AltF2'
            --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1 'lxpanelctl
 menu' \
            --set /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_2 'lxpanelctl
  *) # Change Alt-F1 back when not running lxde
  sed -i -e 's/as_main_menu_key *=.*$/as_main_menu_key = AltF1/g' \
            $HOME/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini 2/dev/null
  gconftool --type string \
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu
            --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_run_dialog


 Of course this can also be set manually in gconf-editor (metacity/gnome)
 ccsm (compiz-fusion).

 Klaus Knopper

 On 23/05/11 19:58, Phill Whiteside wrote:


 much has happened recently, including lubuntu getting clearance for full
 adoption at 11.10 by Canonical. Whilst I have quietly pushed
 accessibility (well, maybe not so quietly) as a part of lubuntu, we now
 need a bit of help off this team.

 Our specification of the minimal hardware it will run on cannot be

Re: [Lubuntu-desktop] Fwd: Lubuntu and Accessibility

2011-05-24 Thread Luke Yelavich
On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 11:44:10AM EST, PCMan wrote:
 For the panel, Brian Cameron has a good idea. He suggested that we can
 use a different UI for orca.
 That means, replacing all buttons in the bar with standard GtkButton
 widget rather than some hand-made ones.
 This looks ugly, but will have much better usability. If
 accessibility mode is on, we use standard GtkButton with text label
 rather than current ones with images on them.

An alternative is to make the existing buttons accessible, by adding calls to 
atk to properly identify and label the buttons. This reduces the amount of 
divergence and makes it easier for you to maintain, as you don't have to 
maintain a set of buttons using 2 different ways of rendering etc.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list