Re: If com.canonical.indicator.datetime show-calendar key value is true, keyboard focus grab when the caret lands the Date indicator second menu item

2012-03-26 Thread Hammer Attila


I reported the saturday wrote problem from casper package, attached a 
video with demonstrate what happening if 
com.canonical.indicator.datetime show-calendar setting value is true.
I attached a patch with change the setting value from true to false with 
low vision and blindness profiles.

Report link is following:


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Which image to use for testing?

2012-03-26 Thread Dave Hunt

Hi, List,

I downloaded an image of Precise from dated 25 March, and burned to a 
flash drive.  When I booted, no drums ever played, nor did I get the usual 
Ubuntu music for the startup.  I started orca manually, set the 
preferences, and tried to launch apps.  I think the system was in Unity 
3d.  Alt+tab did not seem to work.  Orca never spoke in the 'run' 
dialogue. When I hit alt+f1, the launcher never spoke, nor could I launch 
apps with super+0 through super+9.  The menu, accessible with a press of 
alt+f10, does work, with items spoken with their proper types (menus were 
indicated as such, items no longer named as 'checkbox not checked').  I 
noticed, also, that the menu of wifi points now shows signal strength and 
whether the points are secured, very nice!  To try fixing the desktop 
session for next time I use the flash drive, I opened a terminal, and 
edited the files:
/var/log/AccountsService/users/ubuntu and /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, 
changing the user session to ubuntu-2d from ubuntu.  Now, I have an 
unusable system on this flash drive.  It boots, but I don't think it logs 
in as anyone, or there is no ubuntu-2d desktop on this particular image.



Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

weirdness between systems

2012-03-26 Thread Guy Schlosser
Hi all, I have a problem with Ubuntu Precise on my laptop, that does not 
seem to exist on my desktop.  On my laptop, I'm not getting 
notifications read to me (i.e. new mail notifications in Thunderbird or 
message notifications from Pidgin, etc.  I have both systems set to 
Ubuntu 2d, and am not sure why one computer is reading them, and the 
other is not.  Any ideas for getting spoken notifications on my laptop?  
Is there something I should look for that may not be present?  I 
definitely appreciate any ideas or suggestions.  Thanks in advance.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list