any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca not 
reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?

Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
if yes, what is the current status?
Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Possible Casper ubiquity-hooks/30-accessibility script doesn't copying existing user customized Orca settings in the target system /var/lib/lightdm folder

2012-03-30 Thread Hammer Attila


I looked casper source package the ubiquity-hooks/30-accessibility script.
I see the script not copying existing user already customized Orca 
settings in the target system /var/lib/lightdm/.local/share folder, new 
created username home directory the copying happening right.
I reported this issue, and attach a small patch with doing this 
function, similar with oldest casper packages with /var/lib/gdm folder.

Report link is following:

If anybody would like, please give this bug with confirmed status, or 
click the does this bug affect you direct link and click the change 
button the form:

Have possibility to commit this patch after beta freeze is lifted?


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

I need debugging Orca eoutput when Unity greeter start the screen reader. It is possible?

2012-03-30 Thread Hammer Attila


Because my machine random time Orca launching and exiting in Unity 
Greeter, I very would like making a debug.out file to correct 
determining what happening this situation in Orca level before I report 
a bug with proper place, Launchpad or upstream.
When this problem is happening, this situation Orca only read following 

Welcome to Orca.
Good bye.

After this, if I press two time the CTRL+S keystroke, Orca launch 
correctly, and the login screen are usable, except the user list default 
selected item is not focused.
Unfortunately in /var/crash directory not have any crash file to send 
automaticaly a report with apport-cli or ubuntu-bug commands.

How can possible change running Unity Greeter Orca command to pass the 
--debug-file=anydebugfile.out parameter? Technical this is possible?

Prewious, with oldest GNOME releases possible change Orca launch command 
with gconftool-2 -s -t string /desktop/gnome/applications/at/visual/exec 
'orca' command.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: I need debugging Orca eoutput when Unity greeter start the screen reader. It is possible?

2012-03-30 Thread Hammer Attila


Because I not known better possibility, I change temporary with running 
hardcoded Orca command in unity-greeter source package with 
src/menubar.vala file and recompiled Unity Greeter package.
Look what showing the debug.out file when this problem are happening. 
Don't surprise, I not choosed english language:

Trying to use speech server factory: orca.speechdispatcherfactory
Using speech server factory: orca.speechdispatcherfactory
Speech module has been initialized.
Braille module has been initialized using tty=7
braille display size = (70, 1)
NEW SCRIPT: default (module=orca.scripts.default)
ACTIVE SCRIPT: default (module=orca.scripts.default) (reason=activate)
SPEECH OUTPUT: 'Üdvözöljük az Orkában.' voice=system
BRAILLE LINE:  '${dvq2qlj{k a2 $orkban.'
 VISIBLE:  '${dvq2qlj{k a2 $orkban.', cursor=0
LOCUS OF FOCUS: app='unity-greeter' name='Bejelentkező képernyő' 


generate braille for focused'unity-greeter' name='Bejelentkező 
képernyő' role='frame' state='active enabled resizable sensitive showing 
visible' relations='' (args={'formatType': 'focused', 'role': enum 
ATSPI_ROLE_FRAME of type Role, 'mode': 'braille', 'recursing': True}) 
using '(includeContext   and (ancestors 
   + (rowHeader and [Region(  + 
asString(rowHeader))])+ (columnHeader 
and [Region(  + asString(columnHeader))]) 
   + (radioButtonGroup and [Region(  + asString(radioButtonGroup))]) 
   + [Region( )]) 
   or []) + [Component(obj, 
asString(((label + displayedText) or name) + value + roleName + 
alertAndDialogCount))] + (nodeLevel and [Region(  + 

GENERATION  TIME: 0.0015    includeContext=True

generate braille for focused'unity-greeter' 
name='unity-greeter' role='application' state='' relations='' 
(args={'formatType': 'focused', 'role': enum ATSPI_ROLE_APPLICATION of 
type Role, 'mode': 'braille', 'includeContext': False, 'recursing': 
True}) using '[Component(obj, 
asString(label + displayedText + value + roleName + required))]'

GENERATION  TIME: 0.0030    label=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0016    displayedText=[u'unity-greeter']
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0013    value=['']
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0013    roleName=['alkalmaz\xc3\xa1s']
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0012    required=[]
generate braille results:
  Component: 'uni8-greeter alkalma2s', 0
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0261    ancestors=[orca.braille.Component 
instance at 0x8ccff4c]

GENERATION  TIME: 0.0057    rowHeader=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0024    columnHeader=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0011    radioButtonGroup=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0078    label=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0028    displayedText=[u'Bejelentkez\u0151 

GENERATION  TIME: 0.0019    value=['']
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0019    roleName=['keret']
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0149    alertAndDialogCount=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0021    nodeLevel=[]
generate braille results:
  Component: 'uni8-greeter alkalma2s', 0
  Region: ' ', 0
  Component: '$bejelentke27 k1per67 keret', 1
BRAILLE LINE:  'uni8-greeter alkalma2s $bejelentke27 k1per67 keret'
 VISIBLE:  'uni8-greeter alkalma2s $bejelentke27 k1per67 keret', 

generate speech for unfocused'unity-greeter' 
name='Bejelentkező képernyő' role='frame' state='active enabled 
resizable sensitive showing visible' relations='' (args={'recursing': 
True, 'priorObj': None, 'role': enum ATSPI_ROLE_FRAME of type Role, 
'mode': 'speech', 'formatType': 'unfocused'}) using 'newAncestors + 
newRowHeader + newColumnHeader + newRadioButtonGroup + labelAndName + 
allTextSelection + roleName + unfocusedDialogCount + availability + 
newNodeLevel + unselectedCell + (tutorial and (pause + tutorial) or [])'

GENERATION  TIME: 0.0003    newAncestors=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0020    newRowHeader=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0022    newColumnHeader=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0009    newRadioButtonGroup=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0044    labelAndName=['Bejelentkez\xc5\x91 
k\xc3\xa9perny\xc5\x91', {u'average-pitch': 3.0, u'rate': 90.0, 
u'family': {u'locale': u'hu', u'name': u'magyar'}}]

GENERATION  TIME: 0.0011    allTextSelection=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0013    roleName=['keret', {}]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0079    unfocusedDialogCount=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0010    availability=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0003    newNodeLevel=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0059    unselectedCell=[]
GENERATOR: _getTutorialForFrame
   obj = Bejelentkező képernyő
   role= frame
   alreadyFocused  = False
GENERATOR: getTutorial
   obj = Bejelentkező képernyő

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good 
enough for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to then I 
think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless these crutial 
things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared to 
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder what 
to expect.
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really works 
so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from this summer.

Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the 
developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly just 
a few days back.

Happy hacking.

On 30/03/12 20:32, Dave Hunt wrote:


I tried the Precise beta 2, and could not get the thing to use 
Unity-2d. When I boot the thing, the login prompt drums never sound, 
and I never hear the music one is supposed to hear on the Gnome 
session start.  I can start orca manually.  Once I have orca running, 
I discover that the 'alt-f1' keystroke is silent, and there is no 
apparent navigation in the launcher.  A press of 'alt-tab' is also 
silent.  Focus does switch apps, but there is no way to know until I 
release the keys, and, even then, orca may get confused or go silent.  
The 'alt-f2' keyboard shortcut for 'show run dialogue' is disabled, as 
shown in the gnome-control-center 'keyboard' page.  I think a press of 
'alt+f2' actually puts focus in the heads-up display, and my typing 
'orca' into the search area just happened to start the app. Enabling 
the 'run' dialogue, in keyboard shortcuts, does not help.  So, I 
opened  terminal on my flash drive session, and edited 
'/var/lib/AccountsService/users/ubuntu' and 
'/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf', changing 'ubuntu' to 'ubuntu-2d', as I 
could do on an installed system, and tried a reboot.  This results in 
a system that will not boot.  True to form, for Canonical, they broke 
accessibility for this up-coming release.



On Fri, 30 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca 
not reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?

Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
if yes, what is the current status?
Happy hacking.

orca-list mailing list
Visit for more information on Orca.
The manual is at

The FAQ is at
Log bugs and feature requests at
Find out how to help at

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Christopher Chaltain
Remember this is still a beta. I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu
development team or community, but if it's similar to other development
projects I've been involved with, there's probably a big push to get
things fixed and addressed right up until beta 2 is released, so there
will be an initial up tick in bugs. This isn't accessibility related but
just naturally what happens when any significant amount of code is
changed. Now we need to ensure issues are reported, bugs are opened and
these issues get addressed before Ubuntu 12.04 is released.

On 30/03/12 10:38, Krishnakant Mane wrote:
 This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
 It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
 I won't download the beta2 in this case.
 Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good
 enough for downloading the ISO.
 That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to then I
 think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless these crutial
 things are taken care of.
 I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared to
 But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder what
 to expect.
 I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really works
 so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from this
 Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
 It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the
 developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly just
 a few days back.
 Happy hacking.
 On 30/03/12 20:32, Dave Hunt wrote:

 I tried the Precise beta 2, and could not get the thing to use
 Unity-2d. When I boot the thing, the login prompt drums never sound,
 and I never hear the music one is supposed to hear on the Gnome
 session start.  I can start orca manually.  Once I have orca running,
 I discover that the 'alt-f1' keystroke is silent, and there is no
 apparent navigation in the launcher.  A press of 'alt-tab' is also
 silent.  Focus does switch apps, but there is no way to know until I
 release the keys, and, even then, orca may get confused or go silent. 
 The 'alt-f2' keyboard shortcut for 'show run dialogue' is disabled, as
 shown in the gnome-control-center 'keyboard' page.  I think a press of
 'alt+f2' actually puts focus in the heads-up display, and my typing
 'orca' into the search area just happened to start the app. Enabling
 the 'run' dialogue, in keyboard shortcuts, does not help.  So, I
 opened  terminal on my flash drive session, and edited
 '/var/lib/AccountsService/users/ubuntu' and
 '/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf', changing 'ubuntu' to 'ubuntu-2d', as I
 could do on an installed system, and tried a reboot.  This results in
 a system that will not boot.  True to form, for Canonical, they broke
 accessibility for this up-coming release.



 On Fri, 30 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

 Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
 I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca
 not reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?
 Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
 if yes, what is the current status?
 Happy hacking.

 orca-list mailing list
 Visit for more information on Orca.
 The manual is at
 The FAQ is at
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 Find out how to help at

 orca-list mailing list
 Visit for more information on Orca.
 The manual is at
 The FAQ is at
 Log bugs and feature requests at
 Find out how to help at

Christopher (CJ)

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

This is quite possible and I really hope it is the case.
As a matter of fact, all things were so well that I can hardly believe 
that it could be broken.
'But yes, there is a lot of hast during the final beta release, because 
after this one, we will just have the Rc before the final version.

So hope things will get better.
We have a very dedicated Luke who has almost always got things right 
when it came to Ubuntu.

Happy hacking.

On 30/03/12 21:33, Christopher Chaltain wrote:

Remember this is still a beta. I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu
development team or community, but if it's similar to other development
projects I've been involved with, there's probably a big push to get
things fixed and addressed right up until beta 2 is released, so there
will be an initial up tick in bugs. This isn't accessibility related but
just naturally what happens when any significant amount of code is
changed. Now we need to ensure issues are reported, bugs are opened and
these issues get addressed before Ubuntu 12.04 is released.

On 30/03/12 10:38, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good
enough for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to then I
think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless these crutial
things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared to
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder what
to expect.
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really works
so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from this
Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the
developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly just
a few days back.
Happy hacking.

On 30/03/12 20:32, Dave Hunt wrote:


I tried the Precise beta 2, and could not get the thing to use
Unity-2d. When I boot the thing, the login prompt drums never sound,
and I never hear the music one is supposed to hear on the Gnome
session start.  I can start orca manually.  Once I have orca running,
I discover that the 'alt-f1' keystroke is silent, and there is no
apparent navigation in the launcher.  A press of 'alt-tab' is also
silent.  Focus does switch apps, but there is no way to know until I
release the keys, and, even then, orca may get confused or go silent.
The 'alt-f2' keyboard shortcut for 'show run dialogue' is disabled, as
shown in the gnome-control-center 'keyboard' page.  I think a press of
'alt+f2' actually puts focus in the heads-up display, and my typing
'orca' into the search area just happened to start the app. Enabling
the 'run' dialogue, in keyboard shortcuts, does not help.  So, I
opened  terminal on my flash drive session, and edited
'/var/lib/AccountsService/users/ubuntu' and
'/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf', changing 'ubuntu' to 'ubuntu-2d', as I
could do on an installed system, and tried a reboot.  This results in
a system that will not boot.  True to form, for Canonical, they broke
accessibility for this up-coming release.



On Fri, 30 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Has any one tryed the latest Ubuntu precise beta2?
I remember that people had reported Unity 2d having issues with Orca
not reading out the menus with alt + f1 and the launcher?
Is it a reality, did somme one manage to reproduce the issue?
if yes, what is the current status?
Happy hacking.

orca-list mailing list
Visit for more information on Orca.
The manual is at
The FAQ is at
Log bugs and feature requests at
Find out how to help at

orca-list mailing list
Visit for more information on Orca.
The manual is at
The FAQ is at
Log bugs and feature requests at
Find out how to help at

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hi Thomas,
I have a little confusion when talking about Gnome3.
I wish to know if we set the default to Gnome3, do we get the gnome 
shell or the old time menu of application, places and system like in Gnome2?

What is exactly Gnome classic?
Happy hacking.

On 31/03/12 00:38, Thomas Ward wrote:


Well, I think the accessibility issues in beta 2 are temporary. As 
long as we file bugs with launchpad and let them know what has 
happened they should be able to correct the problem as access was 
working with beta 1 fairly well. Assuming they fix said bugs I'll 
probably switch to Unity 2D as the access we had a few days ago was 
acceptable if not exceptional.

Even if they don't fix Unity 2D its not the end of the world. Gnome 3 
is working decently and it is a fairly simple matter to install and 
configure Gnome for Ubuntu 12.04. Just set your default desktop to 
gnome-classic and you are in business.


On 3/30/2012 11:38 AM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good 
enough for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to 
then I think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless 
these crutial things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared 
to shift.
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder 
what to expect.
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really 
works so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from 
this summer.

Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the 
developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly 
just a few days back.

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Dave Hunt
When ou use Gnome classic, you get the old-fashioned menus, like 'places', 
'accessories', 'internet', 'sound and media', etc.  a press of 'super+d' 
will minimize all apps, and put your on the desktop, which is just another 
folder under Gnome 3.  For setting system preferences, you'll still use 
the gnome-control-center app; it's 'system settings' in Trisquel 5.5.  I 
like having all these settings grouped in this way.  Typing a filter 
string will show you only the icons with matching names.



On Sat, 31 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Hi Thomas,
I have a little confusion when talking about Gnome3.
I wish to know if we set the default to Gnome3, do we get the gnome shell or 
the old time menu of application, places and system like in Gnome2?

What is exactly Gnome classic?
Happy hacking.

On 31/03/12 00:38, Thomas Ward wrote:


Well, I think the accessibility issues in beta 2 are temporary. As long as 
we file bugs with launchpad and let them know what has happened they should 
be able to correct the problem as access was working with beta 1 fairly 
well. Assuming they fix said bugs I'll probably switch to Unity 2D as the 
access we had a few days ago was acceptable if not exceptional.

Even if they don't fix Unity 2D its not the end of the world. Gnome 3 is 
working decently and it is a fairly simple matter to install and configure 
Gnome for Ubuntu 12.04. Just set your default desktop to gnome-classic and 
you are in business.


On 3/30/2012 11:38 AM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used to be.
I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good enough 
for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to then I 
think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless these crutial 
things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared to 
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder what to 
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really works so 
well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop from this summer.

Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the developers 
of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly just a few days 

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: [orca-list] any review for Orca with Ubuntu precise beta 2

2012-03-30 Thread Krishnakant Mane

Hi Dave,
On 31/03/12 10:48, Dave Hunt wrote:
When ou use Gnome classic, you get the old-fashioned menus, like 
'places', 'accessories', 'internet', 'sound and media', etc.  a press 
of 'super+d' will minimize all apps, and put your on the desktop, 
which is just another folder under Gnome 3.  For setting system 
preferences, you'll still use the gnome-control-center app; it's 
'system settings' in Trisquel 5.5.  I like having all these settings 
grouped in this way.  Typing a filter string will show you only the 
icons with matching names.

So is this an enhancement in addition to the old menus?

Typing a filter string is very much like the Unity's launcher I guess?  
And if so this means we have the best of all approaches.

Happy hacking.



On Sat, 31 Mar 2012, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

Hi Thomas,
I have a little confusion when talking about Gnome3.
I wish to know if we set the default to Gnome3, do we get the gnome 
shell or the old time menu of application, places and system like in 

What is exactly Gnome classic?
Happy hacking.

On 31/03/12 00:38, Thomas Ward wrote:


Well, I think the accessibility issues in beta 2 are temporary. As 
long as we file bugs with launchpad and let them know what has 
happened they should be able to correct the problem as access was 
working with beta 1 fairly well. Assuming they fix said bugs I'll 
probably switch to Unity 2D as the access we had a few days ago was 
acceptable if not exceptional.

Even if they don't fix Unity 2D its not the end of the world. Gnome 
3 is working decently and it is a fairly simple matter to install 
and configure Gnome for Ubuntu 12.04. Just set your default desktop 
to gnome-classic and you are in business.


On 3/30/2012 11:38 AM, Krishnakant Mane wrote:

This is very serious and I think Canonical is really letting us down.
It seems they are not as serious about accessibility as they used 
to be.

I won't download the beta2 in this case.
Actually I am in some rural part of India and bandwidth is not good 
enough for downloading the ISO.
That's why I asked for the review and if this is what it comes to 
then I think I and many others will have to give up Ubuntu unless 
these crutial things are taken care of.
I guess many blind users had infact liked Unity2d and were prepared 
to shift.
But if accessibility is really broken to this extent then I wonder 
what to expect.
I have a daily build of Ubuntu 12.04 on a pen drive and it really 
works so well that I was hoping to use a very accessible desktop 
from this summer.

Hope this is taken care of soon before the release.
It gives me a feeling that this is a very trivial issue for the 
developers of Unity to solve, because it was all working perfectly 
just a few days back.

Happy hacking.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list