Introducing Max TTS

2012-04-26 Thread Frederik Elwert
Hello everybody,

it’s been some time that I wrote on these lists regarding my plans to
build a speech generating device. In the mean time, I’ve spent some
effort on the subject and started both configuring a device and writing
an application for my purposes.

Since I got some feedback on these lists back then, I’d like to share
what I achieved so far. Maybe it is of interest for some people out

The preliminary result is Max TTS It
initially started as a text-to-speech frontend for OpenMary (thus the
name, a pun on the film Mary  Max). It soon turned out that, for my
purposes, readable on-screen text output is even more important.

Max TTS is heavily tailored towards my needs, so there might be some
features and polish missing. But I’d like to share my efforts
nevertheless, and encourage people to adapt it to their needs. I plan to
extend it as required.

I currently run Max on a Dell Duo, which is a fascinating device for
this purpose: Its rotatable screen allows to write with the screen
readable by the person vis-à-vis. But it can also be used on ordinary
notebooks or tablets.

Feedback welcome!


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: at-spi2 in Ubuntu P

2011-08-22 Thread Frederik Elwert
Am Montag, den 22.08.2011, 13:09 +0200 schrieb Piñeiro: 
 AFAIK, Dasher dependency with at-spi is optional, as at that time a C 
 library to work with at-spi2 was not available.
 So I guess that for the moment it would be good to create the ubuntu 
 package without that dependency.

Agreed. Just yesterday, I compiled dasher trunk on Oneiric without
at-spi, and it worked. So would be great if the package could be updated


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: at-spi2 in Ubuntu P

2011-08-18 Thread Frederik Elwert
Am Dienstag, den 16.08.2011, 09:04 +1000 schrieb Luke Yelavich: 
 On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 01:21:27AM EST, Chris Gregan wrote:
  The Canonical QA group is meeting in London this week and we were
  wondering about the movement of Ubuntu to at-spi2. Any information
  would be greatly appreciated.
 Oneiric is using at-spi2 already, and its running well. The main
 driver behind the need for at-spi2 has been unity 2D and its use of

I just noticed that dasher in Oneiric still uses at-spi, and therefor
conflicts with at-spi2. When trying to install dasher, one has to remove
at-spi2 and packages which depend on it, like orca.

Are there any plans to move dasher to at-spi2?


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Build a speech generating device

2011-07-30 Thread Frederik Elwert

a close relative of mine suffers from ALS, a motor neuron disease which
leads to the inability to speak as well as general immobility. Since
there are only few speech generating devices (SGDs) available on the
market, and those are as limited as they are expensive, I plan to build
a custom SGD using a tablet computer as a basis and applying available
free software components.

Since I am not (yet) very much into the field of accessibility
techniques, I hope to get some hints from the community regarding the
best suited components for this project.

The primary components I identified to be necessary are

  * a virtual keyboard with word prediction 
  * pre-defined text snippets 
  * a speech synthesizer backend (for German language output) 
  * a frontend to the speech synthesizer

For the speech synthesizer, I currently plan to use OpenMary[1], since
its output quality is significantly better than espeak’s, even with
mbrola voices.

For the speech synthesizer frontend, I plan to either adapt gespeaker,
adding OpenMary support and as-you-type playback, or build a custom

The pre-defined text snippets could either be built into the virtual
keyboard (as onboard does), or into the speech synthesizer frontend.

So currently the field on which I need most advice is the field of
virtual keyboards. I tried to evaluate the available options, and there
is quite a lot of information scattered across the internet, but for me
it was quite difficult to get information about the usability and state
of the different projects.

Currently, I found these projects which might be worth to evaluate:

  * Caribou, as the future GNOME virtual keyboard of choice. There
was effort to integrate presage as a prediction engine, but I am
not sure about the state of this effort. 
  * OnBoard, which is the current Ubuntu solution and for which a
branch with prediction support exists. But here too, I am not
sure about the state of this branch. 
  * Maliit, as the MeeGo solution, which seems to be quite solid,
but prediction support would have to be added (and might also
use presage). 
  * OpenAdaptxt, which has a prediction engine as its core, but I am
unsure if this is already a usable solution or an evolving
project with a mere basis for future development. 
  * Dasher, as a complete different approach. I might be a good
replacement for a regular virtual keyboard once mobility
decreases to a level where a regular keyboard is hard to handle.
But it seems not to be very well maintained, it’s quite unstable
and I did not manage to get all of its functionality working

I would be glad if someone could give me hints about your impressions as
to which of the available solutions is the most usable and matches my

Of course, I’m also happy about any hints and advice regarding the topic
in general, about experiences with SGDs, etc.


P.S.: I cross-posted this message to gnome-accessibility-list and
ubuntu-accessibility, since I am interested in feedback from both
communities. I hope this is okay. I am not into project politics, I am
just searching for an available solution that can help me achieve what I
am aiming at.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Build a speech generating device

2011-07-30 Thread Frederik Elwert
Dear Patrick,

Am Samstag, den 30.07.2011, 14:59 +0100 schrieb Patrick Welche: 
 On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 02:22:59PM +0200, Frederik Elwert wrote:
* Dasher, as a complete different approach. I might be a good
  replacement for a regular virtual keyboard once mobility
  decreases to a level where a regular keyboard is hard to handle.
  But it seems not to be very well maintained, it???s quite unstable
  and I did not manage to get all of its functionality working
 I'm sorry to hear this - please let me know what problems you are having...

With the version in the Ubuntu repository I couldn’t get speech output
working, and the direct mode was unreliable (only few of the characters
were actually passed to the target application).

 We have already put together dasher running on android writing into
 talkadroid to provide mobile speech generation (both available from
 the android market place).
 The most recent dasher in the git repository
 (git clone git:// will use speechdispatcher or
 gnome speech if it is installed on your system, and in combination
 with control mode will speak what you write.

Okay, that sounds interesting. I’ll try out the latest code, maybe it
already solves the issues I had. Otherwise, I’ll report back.

In the documentation for dasher[1], it sais that it’s also possible to
speak each word or on stop, not just in control mode. But I didn’t find
any way to configure that. (But since control mode already failed, I
didn’t investigate further.)

I also just found a blog article that describes how to set up OpenMary
as a speechdispatcher module.[2] That would probably allow to integrate
dasher with OpenMary easily.

On the other hand, if I write a speech synthesis frontend for normal
keyboard use anyway, I might also just use dasher for text input and
leave the rest to that application. I’ll see what works best.



Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Build a speech generating device

2011-07-30 Thread Frederik Elwert
Hi Justin,

(I’m cc’ing the lists, as this might be valuable information for others.
Hope that’s okay.)

Am Samstag, den 30.07.2011, 09:50 -0400 schrieb Justin Duperre:
 Hi Frederik - I briefly worked on GNOME Caribou for a senior project
 in college. I am not sure of the state of presage integration, but
 what I can tell you is that a lot of work has been done on Caribou
 lately. In the past six months there have been major contributions to
 the code. It would definitely be a good choice for your project as the
 team is very active.

Yes, I also saw that in the course of GNOME 3 Caribou got a lot of
attention. Since I couldn’t find an official release, I was just
wondering how far this is from completion, so that one can actually
start using it, and if word prediction was just an experiment or part of
the recent development efforts.

 I have also used Dasher, and I agree with everything you said about

I think both cover slightly different usage scenarios, so it’d be great
to have both available.

 Are you planning on making this a public open source project?

Currently, I’m only doing a bit of research. My primary aim is to use
existing and stable software. But the parts I might end up writing
myself will be open source. I think primarily of an improved gespeaker,
or a new speechd frontend. (Having OpenMary support in speechd will
probably make things much easier.)

Besides actually writing code, I am planning to document the project, so
that others can benefit from my findings and experience.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list