Re: Changing Desktop in Ubuntu 11.10

2011-12-12 Thread Penelope Stowe
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 1:22 AM, Hammer Attila wrote:

Hy Dave,

 Feel free you put with you worked final steps with a Wiki page, I am not
 have accessing yet any Wiki page. Of course if you suggest me a Wiki page
 with have public editing possibility, I welcome doing this.



Can you not use the Ubuntu Accessibility wiki pages ( )? If you have a launchpad account it
uses the same sign-on information.  If you don't want to put it up, I'm
more than happy to, though.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Changing Desktop in Ubuntu 11.10

2011-12-12 Thread Hammer Attila

Hy Penelope,

Thank You the tip, I of course have Launchpad account.
If not a big request, can you possible doing this task?
Unfortunately I haven't got enough experiences yet with proper viki page 
documents related formattings sintax, and don't would like doing extra 
works with documentation correctors.

I will be reading the Wiki page related community documentation if I 
have more time, but now have lot of another works with I need finalizing 
before december 21th the company with I working.
This wiki page is a wonderful possibility to share all A11y related 
informations and workarounds.

I wrote a text with all I used modifications in GNOME3 fallback session, 
but possible need correcting my horrible english sentences with 
grammaticaly before you uploading this new article with proper wiki 
page, because my primary language is hungarian. :-):-)

If you would like, feel free to shortest the documentation.

Hopefuly this detailed text documentation help more users if would like 
using GNOME3 fallback session with a better A11y support.

Switching from Unity Desktop to GNOME3 fallback session in Ubuntu 11.10 
(Oneiric Ocelot)
Installing the GNOME3 fallback session related packages and dependencies
First, you ensure already enabled with the universe and multiverse repositories.
Default the universe and multiverse repositoryes is not enabled. If you would 
like enabling this repositoryes, launch the software-properties-gtk preference 
tool, and enable this repositoryes.
You are possible to launch software-properties-gtk preference tool for example 
with sudo software-properties-gtk command in gnome-terminal.
If the universe and multiverse repositoryes is enabled, you need install 
gnome-session-fallback package. You possible using the Software Center or 
Synaptic this purpose, or possible using in terminal with following command:
sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback

Changing the desktop session from Unity to GNOME3 fallback session
Because LightDm login screen is not accessible for Orca Screen Reader, you 
manual need changing the desktop session. The simplest way is following this 
1. Open the terminal with CTRL+ALT+T keystroke.
2. Run sudo gedit /var/lib/AccountsService/users/yourusername command to open 
the actual used session related configuration file.
If for example your username is john, the proper path is following:
The opened file default containing similar lines:


If you would like logging in next time with GNOME3 fallback session, you need 
replacing for example the XSession=ubuntu-2d line with XSession=gnome-fallback 
line. Save the file, and reboot the system.

Final customizations
When you logged again your system, you already have in the GNOME3 fallback 
session. Following part containing optional modification suggestion to prowide 
the new desktop session with better A11y experience:
Fixing system menue inaccessibility related problem
Unfortunately GNOME3 developers removed with the old System menue in the 
fallback session. Unfortunately, this modification are resulted visualy 
impaired users unable to access the importanter functions for example with the 
actual username awailable submenue (unable to change actual user status, launch 
system settings, log out, switch user, or shutdown the system.
Now, have only one known workaround to prewent this problem:
1. Press Control+Alt+TAB keystroke, and go to the top extended panel.
2. Delete this panel. Press SHIFT+F10 keystroke, and choose the Delete this 
3. Go to bottom extended panel, and press SHIFT+F10 keystroke. Choose the 
create new panel menu item.
4. In the empty panel, you need add the main menu applet, and optional the 
Clock, Notification Area applets. This last two applet is need only if you 
are not would like using GNOME3 ported Indicator applets development version.
This modifications are resulting you an one column menue system. If you are 
press ALT+F1 keystroke, you are possible accessing all importanter menu items. 
You will be see your username realted submenue, possible log out, switch user, 
or shutdown the system with keyboard usage.

Using indicators under GNOME3 fallback session
Unfortunately GNOME3 Indicator Applets porting related works is not finished 
before Ubuntu 11.10 development cicle.
GNOME3 ported indicator applets is already awailable with an external PPA 
repository. If you would like using the Ubuntu Natty release awailable 
indicators under GNOME3 fallback session, you need doing following steps:
1. Open the Terminal with CTRL+ALT+T keystroke.
2. Run sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jconti/gnome3 command.
3. Run sudo apt-get update, and sudo apt-get install indicator-applet-complete 
4. Go to for example with top extended panel the CTRL+ALT+TAB keystroke. Press 
Shift+F10 keystroke, and choose the Add the panel... menu item.
If you would like using all indicators with a single applet, you need add the 

Changing Desktop in Ubuntu 11.10

2011-12-11 Thread Dave Hunt

Hi, People,

Hammer Atilla, of the blind Ubuntuers' community, offered me the 
solution, below, for changing the Ubuntu 11.10 desktop session, 
eyes,free.  This seems to work.  The 'dbus' command, offered by Luke, 
has not yet worked for me.  Maybe Hammer's offering should be placed in 
a wiki or faq site someplace?


Dave  Hunt

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Changing Desktop in Ubuntu 11.10

2011-12-11 Thread Hammer Attila

Hy Dave,

Feel free you put with you worked final steps with a Wiki page, I am not 
have accessing yet any Wiki page. Of course if you suggest me a Wiki 
page with have public editing possibility, I welcome doing this.
To any user possible doing a good working fallback session style 
desktop, need doing other steps, because for example the factory 
awailable GNOME main menue not possible accessing keyboard the third 
System menue awailable functions.
Because not have better method yet, I deleted entire top panel, created 
a new panel, and added following applets before I not found 
jconti/gnome3 PPA and the GNOME3 ported indicator-applet packages:

- clock
- Notification area
- Main menu applet
If any user would like installing indicator-applet-complete GNOME3 
ported package and want add the all indicator applet in the panel, to 
get good visual lookup not need adding I think the clock and 
notification area applet, but I am not full sure this, so this is need 
confirming a sighted or partialy sighted user.

This changes resulted me an one column dropdowned main menue with are 
possible accessing all now missing importanter menu items (actual 
username related submenue with possible changing the status and launch 
system settings preference tool, shutdown, switch user, logout menu items).
Have a disadwantage this method, if you press ALT+F1 keystroke, Orca 
does'nt spokening the first awailable menu item, because the first menu 
item is not focused automaticaly I think the GNOME Main Menu applet.
If future hopefuly resolving developers following bug, this step doesn't 
Launchpad bugreport link is following:

Because I added the all indicators applet my top panel, if I press 
Super+S keystroke, I see all installed indicators, similar with Natty. I 
very wait when Precise officialy awailable the GNOME3 ported indicator 
applets, but before this is happening, developers need resolving 
following bug:

If I remember right, when an user installed the gnome-session-fallback 
package and first doing the session change, the ALT+F1 and ALT+F2 
keybindings are disabled, so this keystrokes need assigning with proper 
functions in the GNOME Control Center Keyboard preference pane. Need 
going the keybindings page, choosing the system section and associate 
the proper commands with the ALT+F1 and ALT+F2 keybindings.
I using now my testing Precise system this way with GNOME3 fallback 
session without any problems.

The best desktop session switch method I think Luke suggested command, 
but I don't no why not working right the suggested command with I pasted 
my letter in Orca-list.
Possible not a full elegant way session change method with editing the 
/var/lib/AccountsService/actual username related file and changing 
direct the session if have a better alternative, better put I think Luke 
working command a Wiki page, because this command doing session change 
on the fly if I understanding right Luke pasted letter part.

The pasted letter part is following:
Ok, here is a command that should change your session to unity-2d, 
without you having to log out and stop lightdm. This should worok 100%.

You need to know what your user ID is, not your user name your user ID 
number. To find this out, open a terminal and run:

echo $UID

Make a note of the number you hear, you will need it in the next 
command. To make the change, run this command:

dbus-send --type=method_call --system --reply-timeout=1000 
--dest=org.freedesktop.Accounts /org/freedesktop/Accounts/User$uid 
org.freedesktop.Accounts.User.SetXSession string:ubuntu-2d

Where $uid is your user ID number, mine is 1000.

accessibility at login will certainly be fixed for precise, and may be 
fixed in oneiric as well, depending on how invasive the fix is.

Hope this helps.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list