Re: [ubuntu-art] Some criticism

2007-11-11 Thread Brian Burger
On 11/11/07, Carlos Moreno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perhaps the most extreme example is the Emblems --- in the
> "Emblems" tab in the Properties window for a folder or a file,
> I see a bunch of little orange things, all close to identical to each
> other, and only distinguishable by taking a very close look at
> them --- same size, same color, same shape  (orange, round);
> plus they're flat --- when you introduce "full-color" to the icons,
> you can even include 3D touches.

The (useless) little orange emblems in Nautilus are the primary reason
I use the Tango icons instead of Ubuntu's default Human ones.[0]

Up until Dapper (was it Dapper?) Human had nice Tango-styled Emblem
icons, with different shapes, an actual palette of different colours,
and all that. Then the little orange blobs arrived, and I haven't used
Human since, personally.

There's been a number of discussions on this list about the
uselessness of the little orange Nautilus blobs - check the mailing
list archives - but the things keep re-appearing in each release of

For Hardy, can we please kill off the little orange blobs?

[0]Not that Tango is perfect, either - OpenOffice's Tango icons are
massive and cartoonish - Human icons look far nicer in OOo. But I use
Nautilus far more than OOo, so Tango stays...

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Proposal : Ubuntu-Art forum.

2006-09-04 Thread Brian Burger
On 9/3/06, PingunZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The general idea is an artwork forum, replacing launchpad, the wiki and the Mailing List.This just seems like a bad idea.The rest of Ubuntu uses LP & the wikis.
Integration with the rest of the Ubuntu project/community is a *good* thing. It seems to be working for the art team this release cycle.Speaking purely personally, I find mailing lists far easier to keep track of than forums. Everything arrives in my mail client, I don't have to visit a bunch of different websites to try and keep track of stuff.
Brian(Madpilot on IRC & elsewhere...)
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Xubuntu splash

2006-07-22 Thread Brian Burger
On 7/22/06, Joao Inacio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/22/06, jmak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> You can look at them here:>>
>> And please give me some feedback.>> Thanks,> J. Mak> -->>To be honest, the 1st seems a bit too distracting with the "blinking" circles.
I like the Dapper mouse-in-wheel splash screen, that makes me grin every time I see it.How about updating that for Edgy, with a glossy wheel/Ubuntu logo or something?Brian
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Logo Help Needed

2006-07-13 Thread Brian Burger
On 7/13/06, Brian Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/13/06, Matthew Nuzum <
 I've attached a png and a link to the svg if you feel inspired to helpout. I don't want this to be a big deal, so just contact me separatelyif you want and are able to help.Here's the SVG: some reason the branch doesn't show up when viewed in firefox, butits there when you open it in Inkscape)I don't think that SVG URL works - I can't get a clean SVG that Inkscape will open - tried with two browsers. (and with wget, just for the heck of it, which returned a 404.) 
That said, here you go:'ve no idea what the Tango colours for something like this would be, but take this SVG and do whatever you like to it.
Inkscape is great.Brian
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Logo Help Needed

2006-07-13 Thread Brian Burger
On 7/13/06, Matthew Nuzum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've attached a png and a link to the svg if you feel inspired to helpout. I don't want this to be a big deal, so just contact me separatelyif you want and are able to help.Here's the SVG: some reason the branch doesn't show up when viewed in firefox, butits there when you open it in Inkscape)I don't think that SVG URL works - I can't get a clean SVG that Inkscape will open - tried with two browsers. (and with wget, just for the heck of it, which returned a 404.
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] [Ponder] Glowing Lines

2006-07-05 Thread Brian Burger
On 7/5/06, Who <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Doing some last minute pondering...I was working on using SVGs to get fyre-like effects a while ago and Ihave dugg up some of the ideas - I have put together a 'ponder-pic'that shows off the style a bit - any chance of making the original SVG & a short howto available for everyone else to play with?
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] HOT OFF THE WIKI: Inkscape Compilation

2006-06-27 Thread Brian Burger
On 6/27/06, Troy James Sobotka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As per my request to the mailing list, someone tookthe time to step up and contribute a very usefuldocument to the new Artwork archives...j michaelson provided the following guide that IWikized. again to Mr. Michaelson for his contribution!PS:  Etienne and Pascal will be moving things from
the incoming directory into more permanent directoriesas needed, so don't count on the above link working forever.It will, however, migrate to a very logical directory I amsure.I'd suggest moving it over to the main help wiki, - this is the sort of thing that's of interest outside the ArtTeam as
 or /CompileInkscape seems logical.Brian/Madpilot
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Announcement: Minutes for meeting, news

2006-06-18 Thread Brian Burger
On 6/18/06, Pascal Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And Who_. Bah, I feel bad leaving all those out. =\I arrived late and barely said anything, but was present for the last twenty minutes of the meeting. :)/me is Madpilot on IRCBrian
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] A small suggestion

2006-06-15 Thread Brian Burger
On 6/15/06, Cyphase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey everyone,This is my first email to the art list, although I've been subscribedfor a while..I was thinking that in Edgy, there should be icons for different typesof directories, e.g. a Music directory icon, a Photos directory icon,
etc. Also, maybe the ~/Desktop directory should have the "Desktop"emblem as it's icon instead of as an emblem, like it is in the Placesmenu. Just a random idea I thought I'd throw out there.
These exist already, at least in Gnome's Nautilus file manager.Right-click on any file or directory, select Properties, then select the Emblems tab. You can have a least four emblems per file/directory - one per corner - and possibly more, if you're crazed enough. 
I've no idea if KDE or XFCE do anything like this - KDE's Konqeror might; I don't think XFCE's Thunar does.Brian/Madpilot
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Main page discussion

2006-06-15 Thread Brian Burger
On 6/14/06, Michiel Sikma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: trouble with getting rid of the new navigation box along the top is that it's got a bunch of links in it that exist nowhere else on the page.
OTOH, I do agree with you that the box w/ the definition of Ubuntu in it - the one in the lower-left corner - should be redone for better anti-aliasing & generally cleaner look.Proposing this on Sounder might get more feedback than here, too.
ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Artwork team meeting

2006-06-12 Thread Brian Burger
On 6/11/06, Pascal Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fair enough. And because we really need to go underway I'm just going topropose a time and see what people think. Just say yes or no if youcan't make it.Saturday June 17, 16:00 UTC.
I don't think  I'm working this Saturday - my timetable isn't in
front of me right now, though. If I'm not working, 1600UTC is 0900
local, which works for me.

In #ubuntu-meeting, I assume, so it gets logged properly?


ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] Calendar (and other organization)

2006-06-06 Thread Brian Burger
Launchpad has a calendar function - we've already got a team calendar, and individual ones too.LP's internal help/documentation could be better, but we don't need to go re-inventing the wheel.Brian/Madpilot

ubuntu-art mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-art] LAUNCHPAD: ArtworkTeam

2006-05-27 Thread Brian Burger
On 5/27/06, Billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's also extremely slow. No one communicates through the wiki so I don't see what this will do for art. What features are useful? Mailing list is fine. Want more?..stick with  the wiki, or cancel the wiki and go launchpad or something. If the wiki still is not workable why spread out in ot other areas. Focus, focus, focusone thing at a time. Then something might get done.  
Having an art team entry in Launchpad is useful for bug reporting, if nothing else. The wiki is far more flexible for displaying draft artwork, brainstorming, and all the other stuff that goes on there.
I'm still wondering why we suddenly have two art team entries in LP now, though. I haven't bothered joining the second new one - as Dennis said, let's get the original entry sorted out instead...LP has been very slow the last day or so, but it's not normally any slower than any other big website.
ubuntu-art mailing list

[ubuntu-art] Re: Example Content

2006-02-16 Thread Brian Burger
On 2/9/06, Henrik Nilsen Omma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Suggestions and contributions on the OpenOffice files especially isstill very welcome. Like: can anyone think of some interesting numericalmaterial (!?) that can be used in a spreadsheet and yield nice plots?(if not, we end up with my astrophysics data ...)

How about some data from the Ubuntu project itself?

Bandwidth used by the repos by month,  or by the main site/wiki/forums/etc
Number of posts per month/week/whatever in the forums
Number of packages in the various repos

Number of CD sets Shipit.u.c has shipped per month/week
Shipit data by destination country

Timeline plot of the whole Ubuntu project, with some of the above data added?

Just some ideas,

ubuntu-art mailing list