Evince not opening PDF

2012-07-18 Thread OPM595
Hi Guys,
I installed 12.04 on a friends laptop a few weeks ago and all's been going
fine up until today when they downloaded and attempted to open a PDF from
NSW Music Exams Board using Evince. Evince attempts to open and hangs
while loading. I get the same result from my Laptop using 10.04, and have
to force Evince to quit.

Unfortunately, to rub salt into my wounds, this friend has contacted a
Windows user, who downloaded, opened and printed the document in seconds.
I've never had a problem ever opening PDF files on Ubuntu, and of all
things it has to happen now with a new convert :(

For reference the actual document in question can be downloaded here:

If anyone could possibly let me know what might be the issue here, that
would be much appreciated.


Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Evince not opening PDF

2012-07-18 Thread OPM595
Hi Guys,
Many thanks for everyones input on this one.
I did have a little success in opening the document after installing
Okular on my laptop with 10.04, however for some reason the quality was
somewhat fairly poor.
Overall though, I just wish this situation could have happened to me alone
one hundred times beforehand than just this one single occasion with a
Ubuntu newbie convert, of just a few weeks - and of all things the very
first time they've attempted to download a PDF file on Ubuntu. Talk about
Murphy's Law, and wash the car to make it rain . . .

Anyway, I'll no doubt keep toying around with this and test other PDF
viewers available. I'll let the list know if I have any major success with
this, along with submitting a bug report on Lauchpad as suggested.

Once again, many thanks for everyones prompt input, support and advice on
this matter.


Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

ubuntu-au mailing list

Softphone for 10.04LTS

2012-02-09 Thread opm595
Hi Guys,
Any Pennytel subscribers out there tell me of the best Softphone, codedecs,
and config etc, to install on 10.04LTS.
My actual VoIP system is going to be out of order for a few days, while I'm
doing some reno's, and thought the soft phone idea might be an option.
Pennytel have their own from the members area, which work ok in Chrome
(sadly crashes Fox), but hoping to install something so I can just make
calls from desktop/Panel etc.
Any advice much appreciated.
ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Softphone for 10.04LTS

2012-02-09 Thread OPM595
Well, how about that. I've finally found a reason to use Empathy :)
All this time I thought it was just the Pidgin alternative. Never gave it
a thought that it supported SIP.

Anyway, installed the plugin from Synaptics, added the account details,
and 5 minutes later I'm back on the phone making calls.

All too good! Many thanks for that, Dave.


Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: NetworkManager Applet 0.8 Icon

2011-06-01 Thread OPM595
Is Network Manager checked in:
System  Startup Applications  Network Manager (ticked etc)?
Sorry, not sure what you mean about up/down arrows though.

On Wed, June 1, 2011 8:41 pm, David Bowskill wrote:
 G'day All

 I am running Ubuntu 10.04
 I seem to have lost my tool bar icon for the NetworkManager Applet 0.8
 (up/down arrows) which makes it difficult to see what is going on.
 Can anyone tell me how I can recover this icon ??


 ubuntu-au mailing list

ubuntu-au mailing list

Thanks for the Stickers!

2011-05-23 Thread opm595
Hi Guys,
Who's ever responsible (I'm assuming they're on the List).

Many thanks for the Stickers!

They finally arrived here in yesterdays post, after requesting them some
time ago.

So, many thanks. There's now several smiling Ubuntu faces around here, with
their 'Powered by Ubuntu' stickers.
The stickers were attached to laptops in a somewhat mini-coronation crowning
ceremony with the utmost pride.
The few left overs we have will be used for new Ubuntu converts and
installs. :)

ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Ubuntu One

2009-11-15 Thread OPM595
I think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
For me, I treat usb drives like sun glasses. I either loose them, or somehow 
break them. Ubuntu One seems to be ideal for this reason, and sync's 
I thought it was only just released with 9.10, but someone just told it's been 
around for a while, which was a surprise.

Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 09:50:49 pm you wrote:
 Do people love or hate the idea of Ubuntu One? Personally I think they
 are heading in the right direction they are not trying to be your PC
 they don't want to do all the computing they are just trying to make
 computing more convenient. Anyway I would love to hear your opinions
 on it.

ubuntu-au mailing list

Help with Graphics Problem on New Machine using Koala

2009-11-10 Thread OPM595
Hi Guy's,

I did post this to the main forums, but been a bit light  on replies. So
thought I'd just pass it bye the list, hoping to get a bit of advice, if
possible, from the smart, good-looking and intelligent Ubuntu users here. 

I have just purchased a new machine with an ASUS P5KPL-AM/PS motherboard
and installed Koala 9.10 amd64. The Alt ISO image installed fine, and
everything seems Ok except my graphics resolution, which has the only
single option of 800 x 600.

There is a longer version to my story, but to cut it short; I purchased
the machine off Ebay, advertised as having a Nvidia Geforce 7050 VGA
inside, which is, according to my research, Ubuntu happy. It didn't (have
the Nvidia GeForce), and surprisingly the seller has all but left for
Brazil. Talk about Caveat Emptor, and that which is said of deals too good
to be true. Guess I'll never learn.

Anyway, should I just bite the bullet on this and just purchase a
compatible graphics board, or is there another solution?

Any advice or suggestions on this would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Help with Graphics Problem on New Machine using Koala

2009-11-10 Thread OPM595
Thanks for the reply, Guys.
Sorry about the lack of info in my initial post.

Opening a terminal and doing lspci | grep VGA  gives me the folowing:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express
Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)

Now, I'm a little green on this, but if there was a Nvidia Geforce
installed would there not be some sort of reference to it here (terminal
output), proving it's existence?

And adding to this, when I took delivery of the machine, the first thing I
did was to go to the Nvidia site, and downloaded:
believing the Nvidia Geforce was supplied as advertised.
I got to the point of running the install after doing the chmod +x and
then running, and so forth but, unsurprisingly received:

WARNING: You do not appear to have an NVIDIA GPU supported by the
185.18.36 NVIDIA Linux graphics driver installed in this system.

I think from the feedback on this, my crystal ball is telling me to save
the stress and just buy a compatible card. I think most Nvidia cards are
pretty safe, aren't they? I'm not hoping to do anything special. It's just
getting a bit frustrating when doing things like browsing in Fox and you
have to scroll like eighteen meters to the right to read the whole page (a
little exaggerated, but you get my point).

Once again, many thanks for the response on this. It is very much


Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Bluefish text editor question

2009-08-23 Thread opm595
G'day Geoffrey,
I mostly use gedit in highlighting mode , and sometimes nano (pico), so
I can't really help you with Bluefish. However, just adding to what
other's have mentioned, which may be of value to you, if you are a
Firefox user there are some excellent add-ons that you can easily
install in FF to make your designing experience a whole lot more easier.
Two in particular are:
- Web Developer: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/60  
- Measureit: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/539  

Developer comes with a whole heap of goodies and is great for debugging,
detecting cross/post (quirks) browser compatibility, has inbuilt editors
for (x)html/css, and many other 'can't live without' features.
Measureit is appropriately titled, as it measures in pixels (height 
width) anything inside the viewpoint. 

See the above links for more info on both these add-ons. Both can be
installed directly from FF:
Tools  Add-ons and then search for the add-on accordingly.
Also for some inspiration on what can be accomplished using CSS based
design checkout:

Hope this helps and best of luck.
Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 15:13 +1000, Geoffrey wrote:

 I am learning to build a web site, using as a the teaching aid the text
 book called Build Your Own Web Site the Right Way using HTML  CSS by
 Ian Lloyd.
 As I intend building a website on Ubuntu, I have installed the Bluefish
 text editor - the stable version 1.0.7. So far so good - I have reached
 the stage of displaying an image on the home page (of the example given
 in the text). The Bluefish manual, however, does not discuss the coding
 (tags, etc.), presuming this to be already known. As a beginner I don't
 know, but this hasn't been a problem because my text book teaches me. I
 have found in Bluefish by trial all tags mentioned so far in the
 teaching aid.
 However there are some curiosities. For example the teaching aid use a p
 tag for paragraph, which is to found on Bluefish toolbar. However there
 is in Bluefish another paragraph tag called para. By trial it works
 equally well for paragraphing. Is there a difference between p and para
 My question of members is: Is there a (text) reference for tags that I
 could read and be better informed?
ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Pt2 - Mobile Broadband for 9.04

2009-08-21 Thread opm595
On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 08:15 +1000, Dave Hall wrote:
Did you install usb modeswitch?  It doesn't sound like it.  
See my earlier email about that, then try the instructions below again

Ok . . . We did it! I'm mobile with Vodafone on 8.10 -  Champion
stuff!  :-)
Anyway, no luck with 9.04, but when I went back to 8.10, and just
minutes before heading off to Three Shop, thought I'd have one more
crack at it.
So, in summary, I installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my work lappy (the main one I
need mobile) and then done the following:
Opened a terminal window
sudo dpkg -i usb-modeswitch_1.0.2-1_i386.deb
and then
sudo apt-get -f install
Opened Network Manager and filled in the appropriated blanks and BINGO!
Thanks for the help and  perseverance on this.


Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

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ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Pt2 - Mobile Broadband for 9.04

2009-08-20 Thread opm595
Many thanks, Dave. Unfortunately, mate, no cigar.
I carried out everything as per your instructions and nothing further
has evolved from attempting to get connected on 9.04.
However, for what it was worth, I had a spare lappy that I usually trial
stuff on (been trying  out Kubuntu 9.04 - how cool is KDE? ). So I
thought, what the hec and ran-up Ubuntu 8.10 to see if that did
Following your instructions again, this time it did go a step further
after adding Vodafone in Network Manager by alerting me with the
following message from My Disc:
This medium contains software intended to be automatically started.
Would you like to run it? . . . etc 
Then does nothing more and drops the My Disc icon on the Desktop. When
opened it gave me 3 obviously expected files to look at (all of which
will do very little in my situation):
autorun.inf, helper.exe, and the Vodafone Connect app' -
All in all, I think I must pick USB modems like I pick horses - they end
up costing me money.  :-) 
So, I really don't think we can go any further on this one.
Many thanks and 10/10, from the list, for all the assistance on this
(and the beer shop url, Dave). A beer and Ubuntu night? I like that
idea. :-)
Cheers Guys, and have a great day. Righto,  . . . .I'm off to the Three
PS: Just so you know, I also tried running it under WINE on Ubuntu 9.04
(no, didn't think it'd work to start with but gave it a go anyway) and
on Kubuntu 9.04 before I toasted it and ran it back to 8.10.

On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 10:58 +1000, Dave Hall wrote:

 Do you get the network manager wizard when you plug in the device?  If
 not try this:
 Right click on the network manager applet
 Select the mobile broadband tab
 Click add
 Click forward
 Select vodafone from the list of providers
 Click forward
 Give it a name - the default vodafone should be fine
 Click Apply
 (Left) Click on the network manager applet
 Select vodafone from the list
 Point your browser to google.com.au
 Be impressed that it loaded
 Go to http://www.internationalbeershop.com.au and order some beer for
 the network manager developers :)  (Note: the Around the World in Twenty
 Beers Pack is really good).
 Send an email to the list telling everyone how easy it was

Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

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ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Pt2 - Mobile Broadband for 9.04

2009-08-19 Thread opm595
Thanks heaps, Barry. I'll keep playing around with it, from the
additional info' you've provided, and post the outcome(s) shortly.
Not sure if NM is going to do anything though because the device (usb
modem) wouldn't detect at all when I first tried connection, but we'll
see how I go. 
Once again, many thanks for the assist.

Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 16:28 +0930, Barry Williams wrote:

 Try using the infomation from
 also did you try to use network manager once you got ubuntu to
 recongnise the device a lot of tutorials use wvdial either because
 they predate the new network manager with 3g support or don't know it
 exists so that may work better and easier if NM can see the device
 On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 2:55 PM, opm595opm...@yahoo.com.au wrote:
  Hi Guys,
  The Mobile Broadband for 9.04 using Vodafone saga continues . . . and I'm
  not too sure if I'm beating a dead horse or not here.
  So, anyway, I ended up buying the modem, and after reading a fair bit on
  various forums and Google searching etc I'm up to the stage of trying to
  connect.  The modem itself is a Huawei K3520 (from Vodafone) and from what
  I've read it can work with a bit of perseverance using 'wvdial' (from a
  terminal window).
  I think my main prob' now is trying to determine the right config' for
  Australian settings in the wvdial.conf file. At present it looks like this:
  [Dialer Defaults]
  Init1 = ATZ
  Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
  Modem Type = Analog Modem
  Baud = 460800
  New PPPD = yes
  Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1
  ISDN = 0
  Phone = *+61451358399#
  Password = username
  Username = password
  Init4 = AT+CGDCONT=1,IP,vf.internet.au
  But, when I try to connect, I'm getting this:
  o...@rob2:~$ wvdial hsdpa
  -- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
  -- Warning: section [Dialer hsdpa] does not exist in wvdial.conf.
  -- Cannot get information for serial port.
  -- Initializing modem.
  -- Sending: ATZ
  -- Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
  ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
  -- Sending: AT+CGDCONT=1,IP,vf.internet.au
  -- Modem initialized.
  -- Sending: ATDT*+61451358399#
  -- Waiting for carrier.
  -- No Carrier!  Trying again.
  -- Sending: ATDT*+61451358399#
  -- Waiting for carrier.
  Warning: section [Dialer hsdpa] does not exist in wvdial.conf  - does
  this mean I need a different script variation or something?
  Any assistance, much appreciated.
  Local Id: OPM595
  Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
  PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia
  Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy
  ubuntu-au mailing list
ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Pt2 - Mobile Broadband for 9.04

2009-08-19 Thread opm595
Thanks Dave,
Unfortunately, it's still no go after doing everything exactly as your
It now seems more so an issue with device detection now then anything.
However when I do a lsusb I receive the following:
o...@rob2:~$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 045e:0737 Microsoft Corp. 
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 12d1:1001 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E620 USB
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

So, I guess it's being seen, but doing little more. 
Anyway, many thanks for your help.
Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 19:25 +1000, Dave Hall wrote:

 Hi Rob,
 The K3520 is a vodafone branded version of the Huawei E169G.  I have 2
 e169g running - neither currently with ubuntu.  I have used this device
 in the past with my ubuntu laptop.
 Try the following:
 * Ditch wvdial - i have never liked it
 * Download the karmic version of usb-modeswitch from
 * Use gdebi when it pops up to install the deb
 * open a terminal
 * run sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart no quotes
 * run exit no quotes
 * Unplug your stick and plug it in again
 * Network manager's HSDPA wizard should popup - i think
 Good luck
ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Pt2 - Mobile Broadband for 9.04

2009-08-19 Thread opm595
 What does ls -l /dev/ttyUSB? give you?
Yep, as follows:

o...@rob2:~$ ls -l /dev/ttyUSB?
crw-rw 1 root dialout 188, 0 2009-08-20 09:43 /dev/ttyUSB0
crw-rw 1 root dialout 188, 1 2009-08-20 09:43 /dev/ttyUSB1

The other thing I've just noticed after testing the device on a work
colleague's laptop (which it worked straight away), is that, browsing
the device in XP, it seems to have nothing more on it then this Voadfone
Connect .exe file, and once launched it's absolutely obsessed in taking
you to the Vodafone Prepaid site at every opportunity. I'm starting to
'smell a rat' from Vodafone here, or is that an unreasonable assumption?
Yeah, I think it's nearly Ebay time for this little modem.  :-)
No, seriously, thanks for everyone's input on this, very much
attachment: face-smile.png-- 
ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Mobile Broadband for 9.04?

2009-08-18 Thread opm595
Many thanks Guys,

From what I can gather my problem more so lies from accepting the advice
of the rep in the Vodafone shop this morning, who said noway - XP/Vista
only. They have a bit of a deal on with their USB prepaid modem plans,
to which I was hoping to take advantage of, and if it works (the USB
modem) on Jaunty maybe go on a plan down the track.

Judging from the info' replies from the list, it seems there's a fair
possibility that the Vodafone product may be a go. I think I might just
'jump in the deep-end' on this one and see what happens. Worse case
scenario, I blow $130 bucks which is better then being on a long term
contract etc. 

Thanks for all the replies - Much appreciated.
Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Mobile Broadband for 9.04?

2009-08-18 Thread opm595
Thanks Barry. Good advice, will do.
I'll post the list my outcomes once I attempt to get it happening.
As for the modem I buy, if it dosen't work - I'll be posting that on
Ebay :-)
Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 17:14 +0930, Barry Williams wrote:

 I would advice trying to get the make and model of the modem (which
 can be harder than it sounds as the guys at voda will likely only know
 it as the vodaphone prepaid modem) but hopefully it is printed on the
 box. Then do some research as to whether that model is supported by
 the linux kernel or has drivers available. Also look for some
 instructions re getting it working. I have some experience with a few
 3g usb modems working for telstra and some will work out of the box
 and some need new drivers sometimes the drivers are not available yet.
 For instance it took sierra wireless about 2 months between releasing
 their 306 21mbps modem and them releasing linux drivers. Another trick
 is if you have one of these fancy modems that have windows software
 loaded on the device you will probably need to eject the internal
 memory on the device before it will function as a modem.
 Unfortunately I haven't come across any company telco or manufacturer
 that officially supports linux. That way they can get out of training
 staff to assist with technical support. However most have unofficial
 support such as sierra wireless writes drivers and zte help users on
 there forum.
 On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 3:42 PM, opm595opm...@yahoo.com.au wrote:
  Many thanks Guys,
  From what I can gather my problem more so lies from accepting the advice of
  the rep in the Vodafone shop this morning, who said noway - XP/Vista only.
  They have a bit of a deal on with their USB prepaid modem plans, to which I
  was hoping to take advantage of, and if it works (the USB modem) on Jaunty
  maybe go on a plan down the track.
  Judging from the info' replies from the list, it seems there's a fair
  possibility that the Vodafone product may be a go. I think I might just
  'jump in the deep-end' on this one and see what happens. Worse case
  scenario, I blow $130 bucks which is better then being on a long term
  contract etc.
  Thanks for all the replies - Much appreciated.
  Local Id: OPM595
  Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
  PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia
  Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy
  ubuntu-au mailing list
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ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Pt2 - Mobile Broadband for 9.04

2009-08-18 Thread opm595
Hi Guys,
The Mobile Broadband for 9.04 using Vodafone saga continues . . . and
I'm not too sure if I'm beating a dead horse or not here.
So, anyway, I ended up buying the modem, and after reading a fair bit on
various forums and Google searching etc I'm up to the stage of trying to
connect.  The modem itself is a Huawei K3520 (from Vodafone) and from
what I've read it can work with a bit of perseverance using
'wvdial' (from a terminal window).
I think my main prob' now is trying to determine the right config' for
Australian settings in the wvdial.conf file. At present it looks like
[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Baud = 460800
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1
ISDN = 0
Phone = *+61451358399#
Password = username
Username = password
Init4 = AT+CGDCONT=1,IP,vf.internet.au

But, when I try to connect, I'm getting this:
o...@rob2:~$ wvdial hsdpa
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
-- Warning: section [Dialer hsdpa] does not exist in wvdial.conf.
-- Cannot get information for serial port.
-- Initializing modem.
-- Sending: ATZ
-- Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
-- Sending: AT+CGDCONT=1,IP,vf.internet.au
-- Modem initialized.
-- Sending: ATDT*+61451358399#
-- Waiting for carrier.
-- No Carrier!  Trying again.
-- Sending: ATDT*+61451358399#
-- Waiting for carrier.

Warning: section [Dialer hsdpa] does not exist in wvdial.conf  - does
this mean I need a different script variation or something?
Any assistance, much appreciated.

Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

ubuntu-au mailing list

Mobile Broadband for 9.04?

2009-08-17 Thread opm595
Hi Guys,
Just wondering if anyone can help me with advice on going mobile
(broadband) with 9.04. I'm hoping it's actually possible, because my
current mobile phone provider (Vodafone) has said noway are they looking
at servicing anything other then MS, between now and this time next
millennium. So, just thought someone here might be able to point me in
the right direction.
Thanks in advance.

Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Converting .MOV files

2009-06-03 Thread opm595
Just a short note to say many thanks to all that replied on this one.
Fantastic stuff!
I'm now testing out a few options to see what best suits my needs etc.
So, many thanks and much appreciated.
Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

ubuntu-au mailing list

Converting .MOV files

2009-06-02 Thread opm595
G'day All,
I have some old video files that are in .MOV.  I can of course play them
with Ubuntu, but can anyone tell me if there's a way to convert .MOV
files to say .MPEG, .OGG or, even better, straight to DVD format so I
can watch them on my telly using my DVD player (plays just about
everything except .mov files)?
Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

ubuntu-au mailing list

Fox crash using .jsp pages on Jaunty

2009-05-23 Thread opm595
Hi Guys,
I have just signed-up with the VoIP mob, Pennytel. However, every couple
of times I login and access the user control panel, Fire Fox seems to
take a dive, goes grey and gives me that Not Responding message.
Therefore, would this have something to do with trying to access .jsp
pages, as this site is published in, or could it be something else, such
as a certificate error, or something along those lines?

I swept the cobwebs out of an old XP machine, I had floating around, and
tested this site using both IE and FF extensively with no issues at all.
So, I'm now guessing that the problem lies between FF and Ubuntu 9.04
that I'm running. Could it be that I need to install additional files to
run .jsp/ java stuff etc?

Anyway, any advise is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Local Id: OPM595
Email: opm...@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 190, Narellan NSW 2567 Australia

Aude aliquid dignum  - Dare Something Worthy

ubuntu-au mailing list