Re: [Ubuntu-ch] GI pour fetons-linux

2010-09-02 Thread Hassan El Jacifi
Salut Cedric,

Je me suis annoncé être présent lors de ton premier appel à
contribution. Je peux aider les GI.


On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 17:23 +0200, BRINER Cédric wrote:
 Salut la Cie,
 je recherche des gentils installeurs pour la ubuntu install de fêtons 
 linux qui se déroulera à l'HEPIA le 8 oct de 14h à 21h.
 Repondez-moi sur cette liste, pour me le faire savoir.

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-ch] GI pour fetons-linux

2010-09-02 Thread BRINER Cédric
Salut Myriam,

 présentation bien sur :) J'apporterai aussi des CD Kubuntu, donc KDE,
 est-ce qu'il vous faut des CD Ubuntu? Sinon, on a aussi des Swiss
 sans vouloir te froisser, et désireux faire au mieux pour cette
 première, peut-on envisager d'installer en priorité du Ubuntu et pour
 ceux qui le souhaitent faire pourquoi pas du Kubuntu.

 Ma fois, j'installe toujours ce que le client désire. Mais sache tout
 de même que Kubuntu est simplement KDE, alors que Ubuntu c'est Gnome,
 c'est aux utilisateurs de décider, pas à nous. La base de distribution
 est exactement la même. Je croise que ce n'est pas à nous de décider
 ce qui est installé, mais aux utilisateurs tout de même.
Oui, je suis au courant de ce qu'est Ubuntu et Kubuntu... c'est juste 
que contrairement à toi, je n'ai pas croché sur KDE. Je trouve leur 
approche de leur framework avec ces piliers KDE parfaite, leur capacité 
à offrir des applications sur osx et windows excellente, ils font c'est 
vrai un joli boulot. Sans parler des puristes qui sont passé de windows 
à KDE pour amaroK.

Je suppose que tu es très engagée avec KDE et Kubuntu, et je trouve ça 
excellent, mais ma position maintenant c'est de faire entre autre de la 
promotion d'outils pour des néophytes. Et ne nous cachons pas la face, 
peu de gens utilise linux et moins encore kubuntu, alors mettons toutes 
les chances de notre côté et poussons Ubuntu/Gnome.

Tu auras l'occasion de parler de KDE, de la force vive qui pousse c'est 
environnement à fort racine européeene dans ta présentation.

 Oui, cela me froisse en effet si tu veux interdire Kubuntu. Cela me
 fera en effet reconsidérer ma participation. Dans le monde du libre,
 je trouverais cela un comble de ne pas laisser le choix aux
Je ne l'interdirai pas, mais je me donne à fond, et c'est une première 
pour moi et pour ce genre d'événement sur Genève... peut-être (naon, il 
faut pas que j'aie la grosse tête, je dois raconter des conneries !), 
mais si tu tiens absolument à faire de la promotion et de l'installation 
de Kubuntu alors j'apprécierai que tu places le contexte de Kubuntu et 
des autres distributions et de son rang dans distrowatch auprès des 
personnes venant se faire installer leur machine.
1ère  position Ubuntu  avec un ratio à 2246
22ème position Kubuntu avec un ratio à 349

 Et tout ce passe
 déjà bien pour cette première session, alors j'accueillerai bien plus
 volontiers du Kubuntu pour la session de l'année prochaine. Ca te
 conviens comme ça ?

 Remix, je suis sure que Dani peut nous en fournir.
 Swiss Remix : Qu'est-ce donc

 C'est un DVD avec la totalité d'Ubuntu, Kubuntu et Xubuntu, avec
 uniquement les paquets langues en allemand, français, italien et
 anglais US et le clavier Suiss préconfiguré, + quelques docs. Tu
 trouveras tout ça dans

 Cedric: tu n'as pas répondu à ma question: est-ce qu'il te faut des CD
 Ubuntu ou non? La Swiss Team étant le partenaire officiel pour les CD,
 je suppose que oui.
des CD.. pourquoi pas, et pourquoi pas aussi des autocollants ! ça c'est 
cool d'afficher sa fanboy attitude.

 Amitiés, Myriam.

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Ethernet not working on Dell Inspiron 14R 4010

2010-09-02 Thread Jkhatri

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Ramnarayan.K wrote:


Am helping a friend install Ubuntu on his new dell 14r 4010
SRS laptop

The basic install has happened well , no issues

The only issue is ethernet is not working.

Funnily there is wirless broadcom driver that needs to be
for wifi to work - and after installation wifi works but ethernet
continues to not work.

Have not found any link (via googling) to indicate how to
recitify the
ethernet not working.

The ethernet works on the windows side and on other Linux machines
(like the one i am typing from)


ubuntu-in mailing list

will You post the output of following[1] command through terminal

[1]   lspci | grep Ethernet


Jatin Khatri


Phone (+91) 98250 20393

Save Paper, Save Environment.**
/*(Plant at least one tree in your life and nurture it !!!)*/

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] pour les nostalgiques... de retour en 2010... avec support officiel UBUNTU!

2010-09-02 Thread David Montminy
  On 02/09/2010 1:45 AM, Steve Nadeau wrote:
 eh oui, c'est maintenant fait... voyez par vous même...
 toutes les machines viennent avec Ubuntu installé...
 ils font même de la pub pour Ubuntu 10.04

Le invictus ( ) ressemble 
etrangement au Asus  Eee keyboard ( )

Et Ubuntu est venu sur leur Store a No Price :D
Ils ont meme AROS OS a vendre, mais il set back-ordered bizzarrement...

David Montminy

P.S.: Pour ceux qui ne savent pas ce qu'est AROS OS (c'est assez obscure 
quand meme), voici la page wikipedia:
Et le site Officiel:

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] pour les nostalgiques... de retour en 2010... avec support officiel UBUNTU!

2010-09-02 Thread Gregory Eric Sanderson
Je ferait attention avant d'acheter sur leur site. Ils viennent supposément
de négocier pour avoir les droits d'utiliser les logos d'amiga, sauf que
normalement ils n'ont pas le droit de le faire après les négociations qu'i
ly a eu entre hyperion et amiga.

De plus, si on regarde les images des produits sur leur site web (qui, de
par lui même, me semble extrêmement douteux), on peut apercevoir que ce sont
des copies identiques à des produits déja sur le marché :

Certes, ils pourraient très bien être que des revendeurs de produits venant
d'autre part, mais si c'était le cas, pourquoi vendre le produit comme si
c'était eux qui l'avait fabriqué ?

Je pourrais aussi parler de leur page sur les 'OS' qui liste le système
d'exploitation 'comodo'. La encore, à ce que je sache ce système
d'exploitation ne leur appartient pas, et il n'est pas préinstallé dans
aucun de leur produits.

En gros, toute cette histoire de commodore USA me semble très très douteux.

2010/9/2 David Montminy

  On 02/09/2010 1:45 AM, Steve Nadeau wrote:
  eh oui, c'est maintenant fait... voyez par vous même...
  toutes les machines viennent avec Ubuntu installé...
  ils font même de la pub pour Ubuntu 10.04
 Le invictus ( ) ressemble
 etrangement au Asus  Eee keyboard ( )

 Et Ubuntu est venu sur leur Store a No Price :D
 Ils ont meme AROS OS a vendre, mais il set back-ordered bizzarrement...

 David Montminy

 P.S.: Pour ceux qui ne savent pas ce qu'est AROS OS (c'est assez obscure
 quand meme), voici la page wikipedia:
 Et le site Officiel:

 Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

All musicians are drug addicts, no question about it. The ecstasy we get
during a concert is proof enough.
yet there is a slight difference between us, the musicians, and the typical
Instead of consuming powder, we consume vibrations

Gregory Eric Sanderson Turcot Temlett MacDonnell Forbes
Touffa!  :)
Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] pour les nostalgiques... de retour en 2010... avec support officiel UBUNTU!

2010-09-02 Thread Cedric Janssens
En fait ce n'est pas la société Commodore que l'on connait du passé
Car ces machines ne sont pas d'eux mais font penser au concept all in one
des Commodore.


Le 2 septembre 2010 10:28, Gregory Eric Sanderson a
écrit :

 Je ferait attention avant d'acheter sur leur site. Ils viennent supposément
 de négocier pour avoir les droits d'utiliser les logos d'amiga, sauf que
 normalement ils n'ont pas le droit de le faire après les négociations qu'i
 ly a eu entre hyperion et amiga.

 De plus, si on regarde les images des produits sur leur site web (qui, de
 par lui même, me semble extrêmement douteux), on peut apercevoir que ce sont
 des copies identiques à des produits déja sur le marché :

 Certes, ils pourraient très bien être que des revendeurs de produits venant
 d'autre part, mais si c'était le cas, pourquoi vendre le produit comme si
 c'était eux qui l'avait fabriqué ?

 Je pourrais aussi parler de leur page sur les 'OS' qui liste le système
 d'exploitation 'comodo'. La encore, à ce que je sache ce système
 d'exploitation ne leur appartient pas, et il n'est pas préinstallé dans
 aucun de leur produits.

 En gros, toute cette histoire de commodore USA me semble très très douteux.

 2010/9/2 David Montminy

   On 02/09/2010 1:45 AM, Steve Nadeau wrote:
  eh oui, c'est maintenant fait... voyez par vous même...
  toutes les machines viennent avec Ubuntu installé...
  ils font même de la pub pour Ubuntu 10.04
 Le invictus ( ) ressemble
 etrangement au Asus  Eee keyboard ( )

 Et Ubuntu est venu sur leur Store a No Price :D
 Ils ont meme AROS OS a vendre, mais il set back-ordered bizzarrement...

 David Montminy

 P.S.: Pour ceux qui ne savent pas ce qu'est AROS OS (c'est assez obscure
 quand meme), voici la page wikipedia:
 Et le site Officiel:

 Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

 All musicians are drug addicts, no question about it. The ecstasy we get
 during a concert is proof enough.
 yet there is a slight difference between us, the musicians, and the typical
 Instead of consuming powder, we consume vibrations

 Gregory Eric Sanderson Turcot Temlett MacDonnell Forbes
 Touffa!  :)

 Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Partage de fichiers Lucid Lynx

2010-09-02 Thread LeDucDuBleuet
Salut Linuxbbas!

Désolé pour le délai, j'avais pas vu passer ta réponse...
Les problèmes de connexions que tu rencontres sont vraiment frustrants.

Sur l'ordinateur qui servira les dossiers partagés, je te suggère
d'ajouter un nouveau partage administratif au moyen de l'utilitaire

Pour les noms d'usagers et mot de passe à utiliser pour se connecter sur
le partage, il faut particulièrement faire attention à la configuration
des usagers Samba dans la section:

Tandis que pour ce qui est du nom de domaine à utiliser en tant que
groupe de travail ou workgroup, on peut le spécifier dans les
Paramètres du serveur:

Le mode d'authentification doit être à Utilisateur.

J'espère que ça t'aide...


Le 2010-08-22 09:12, linuxbbas a écrit :
 Salut Leducdubleuet,

 Je vais essayer ta démarche, j'avoue que je m'y perds facilement dans cette
 démarche de partage de fichiers. J'ai essayé les démarches proposées
 jusqu'ici par les menmbres de cette communauté mais je me bute toujours èa
 la même fénêtre (voir image ci-jointe)

 Je crois que le premier problème que je dois résoudre est à savoir comment
 m'identifier car je n'arrive même pas à accéder aux dossiers partagés de la
 machine que j'utilise pour accéder aux autres ordinateurs.

 Est-ce que l'identifiant dans mon cas doit être entré tout simplement Jean
 comme il me l'est proposé ou dois-je entrer /WORKGROUP/Jean ou une autre
 forme d'identification

 Comment puis-je faire pour connaître les propriétés du partage de fichiers
 (utilisateur, nom de domaine, ect)

 Je crois que je ne vous remercierai jamais assez pour l'aide que vous me
 donnez. J'utilise de plus en plus Ubuntu et pour continuer ma migration j'ai
 besoin d'échanger des fichiers entre les 3 postes que j'ai

 Merci et bonne journée !

 Jean linuxbbas Bernier 

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

[ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?

2010-09-02 Thread Andrew Oakley
I'm looking for a low power NAS box that supports:
* Two SATA hard drives up to 2TB each in RAID1 mirroring
* Runs Ubuntu Server or can be flashed/reinstalled to run a variant of Ubuntu 
(or failing that, Debian) - in particular, must be able to run cron/at jobs, 
must be able to do overnight large file transfers and torrents
* Is low power (I already have an miditower Linux server... it uses too much 
power and does too little to warrant 24/7 ATX PSU power consumption)
* Is silent or near-silent (may be situated in spare bedroom that is frequently 
* Can operate in a dusty environment (may be situated in loft with dust and 
occasional spiders)
* Ideally has E-SATA and USB2 ports for occasionally connecting external drives
* Ideally budget of £50-£100 (without drives, I already have the 2 drives) but 
up to £150 if outstanding
Any suggestions gratefully received please, thanks all.
Andrew Oakley
Head of Software Development
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W 


Try our free UK HE Stats iPhone app -
No iPhone? Use our mobile website -

Higher Education Statistics Agency Ltd (HESA) is a company limited by
guarantee, registered in England at 95 Promenade Cheltenham GL50 1HZ.
Registered No. 2766993. The members are Universities UK and GuildHE.
Registered Charity No. 1039709. Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

HESA Services Ltd (HSL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of HESA,
registered in England at the same address. Registered No. 3109219.

This email is private and confidential. If you have reason to believe
that you have received this message in error, please contact the
sender immediately and remove it from your system.

No employee or agent is authorised to conclude any agreement binding
on HESA/HSL without express written confirmation by the Chief
Executive or an employee of HESA/HSL with director in their title.

This outgoing email was virus scanned for HESA by MessageLabs.

[ubuntu-uk] Dual boot splash screen - Ubuntu 10.04, grub 2

2010-09-02 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker
  Dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04.
Every time there's a kernel update I get a new entry in the grub 2 boot 
I am very confused on how to edit this new version of Grub - in the old 
days I just edited menu.1st file.
What I'm aiming for is just two entries  - Ubuntu and Windows.
Can this be accomplished?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual boot splash screen - Ubuntu 10.04, grub 2

2010-09-02 Thread Steve Fisher
On 2 September 2010 11:26, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

  Dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04.
 Every time there's a kernel update I get a new entry in the grub 2 boot
 I am very confused on how to edit this new version of Grub - in the old
 days I just edited menu.1st file.
 What I'm aiming for is just two entries  - Ubuntu and Windows.
 Can this be accomplished?


Download Ubuntu Tweak:

It has a section to remove old kernels (under package cleaner).


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual boot splash screen - Ubuntu 10.04, grub 2

2010-09-02 Thread Tony Pursell
On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 11:26 +0100, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
 Dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04.
 Every time there's a kernel update I get a new entry in the grub 2 boot 
 I am very confused on how to edit this new version of Grub - in the old 
 days I just edited menu.1st file.
 What I'm aiming for is just two entries  - Ubuntu and Windows.
 Can this be accomplished?

Documentation for Grub2


Hope that helps



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual boot splash screen - Ubuntu 10.04, grub 2

2010-09-02 Thread Gordon Burgess-Parker

 On 02/09/2010 11:39, Steve Fisher wrote:
On 2 September 2010 11:26, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

 Dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04.
Every time there's a kernel update I get a new entry in the grub 2
I am very confused on how to edit this new version of Grub - in
the old
days I just edited menu.1st file.
What I'm aiming for is just two entries  - Ubuntu and Windows.
Can this be accomplished?


Download Ubuntu Tweak:

It has a section to remove old kernels (under package cleaner).


Many thanks - I'll have a look at that.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Samba Shares

2010-09-02 Thread Cornelius Mostert
 Is cAdmin part of the Samba group?



  I did not add or change any of the settings in the XP box but guess and
  hope this is not required
  Please could you help me to come to know what the fault/s is/are

 Have you run smbpasswd -a username for each account to create the
 accounts in Samba (can't remember if you create accounts after
 installing Samba if you need to do this).


Daniel I do think that the cAdmin User is in a Samba group = cAdmin
but not sure if it is in THE Samba group, Do I need to place EACH
win/nix user in THE Samba group if I want them to have access to the
shares surely not??

Rob This does ring a bell but I have made use of Webmin to create some
*nix users AFTER samba was installed and event they did not have much
joy. I will however check this agian

It is an Ubuntu 32 bit v10.4 desktop install with Webmin v Latest -1
and Samba 3 I believe if anyone was wondering.


Cornelius Mostert
Senior IT Specialist
United Kingdom: 075 2233 4818
International: 0044 75 2233 4818


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Samba Shares

2010-09-02 Thread Alan Lord (News)
On 01/09/10 23:08, Cornelius Mostert wrote:
 Hi all
 I have some trouble setting up my Samba Server. Here is the Samba file:
 # Samba config file created using SWAT

I just hand code smb.conf files and and when needed.

the one below has been working just fine for years and is currently 
working on my local LAN at home on a 10.04 server with Ubuntu clients 
and one lone XP VM.

When you first configure samba, you do have to add a user to the 
smbpasswd store using:

smbpasswd -a username

But after the first one is done I believe it is automatic (this might 
not be true I don't ever recall having to add additional users manually).

FWIW, the [* Store] shares are quite interesting in that they act like a 
one-way dropbox. My family can *add* pictures, music etc, but they 
cannot delete. Just in case, if you know what I mean.

I wrote about how to get this to work here:

# Samba Configuration File
# Created 27/09/07

# Global Parameters
bind interfaces only = Yes
netbios name = VIMES
workgroup = HOME-NET
unix charset = UTF-8
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
interfaces = eth1,
hosts deny =
log level = 1
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
dns proxy = no
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
encrypt passwords = true
obey pam restrictions = yes
unix password sync = yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n 
*Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
pam password change = yes
passdb backend = tdbsam
wins support = yes

[Music Store]
comment = Shared Music Area
path = /home/music/
read only = no
valid users = +shared
browseable = yes
inherit owner = yes
directory mode = 3770
force directory mode = 3770

[Media Store]
copy = Music Store
comment = Pictures, Videos etc...
path = /home/media/

[Software Store]
copy = Music Store
 comment = Software Dropbox
 path = /home/sware/

comment = Home Directory for %U
path = %H
valid users = %S
create mode = 0644
directory mode = 0755
read only = no
browseable = yes

# Add a Recycle Bin
vfs object = recycle
recycle:repository = .trash
recycle:keeptree = yes
recycle:exclude = *.tmp, *~, *.bak

PS - For someone with a Job title of Senior IT Specialist I am 
somewhat surprised you are using tools like webmin and swat which do not 
have the best reputations for security...


The Open Learning Centre


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual boot splash screen - Ubuntu 10.04, grub 2

2010-09-02 Thread John Stevenson
On 2 September 2010 11:26, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

  Dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04.
 Every time there's a kernel update I get a new entry in the grub 2 boot
 I am very confused on how to edit this new version of Grub - in the old
 days I just edited menu.1st file.
 What I'm aiming for is just two entries  - Ubuntu and Windows.
 Can this be accomplished?

Hello Gordon,
I am sure you probably know this, but if you remove older kernels then they
will no longer show up on the grub menu list.  Personally I dont keep more
than three different kernel versions and you should probably always keep two
known working ones (the current kernel and previous one) just in case there
is a bug with your hardware.

If you want to keep all your kernels, then the only thing I saw was to hide
your recovery kernels (not sure thats the best idea).  If you edit

and add / change / uncomment the following line

Tthis line to prevent Recovery mode kernel options from appearing in the
menu. If you want a Recovery option for only one kernel, make a special
entry in /etc/grub/40_custom.

You may need to update grup using the command:

sudo update-grup2

Hope this helps.
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach  |

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual boot splash screen - Ubuntu 10.04, grub 2

2010-09-02 Thread Alan Lord (News)
On 02/09/10 12:17, John Stevenson wrote:
snip /
 You may need to update grup using the command:

 sudo update-grup2

/usr/sbin/update-grub2 simply calls update-grub.

when a new kernel is installed (say via an update), or a mew module is 
built using dkms, then the script /usr/sbin/update-grub automatically 
gets run.

This in turn runs /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig which is also a script that 
you can read.

This, basically, searches your system for kernels and other operating 
systems (like Windows for example) and automatically creates the 
necessary files for grub to read when booting.

Other grub configuration rules and parameters - aside from the default 
kernel names and locations - should go in /etc/default/grub.

All this is designed to mean that you no longer should manually edit 
anything in /boot/grub.



The Open Learning Centre


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?

2010-09-02 Thread Glen Mehn
  I think you'll have at least a bit of trouble doing this with 
current-ish kit, the big killer will be the silent requirement.

I suspect, though, that putting together osmething like one of those 
Shuttle mini things with an Atom or C3 processor will do what you need. 
Alternatively, a netbook and a couple of external USB boxes for your 
drives. Also, finding an old-ish machine and underclocking the CPU might 
work-- I'm thinking centrino-era solos.

Or why not put the drives in your mid-tower? If you're running it most 
of the time anyway. The best you'll get will be about 12-15w 
consumption, so maybe doing the math will see if it makes sense to just 
have a single box vs. the additional capital expense/carbon/energy/etc. 
of having a separate box.

Best of luck,


On 02/09/2010 10:04, Andrew Oakley wrote:
 I'm looking for a low power NAS box that supports:
 * Two SATA hard drives up to 2TB each in RAID1 mirroring
 * Runs Ubuntu Server or can be flashed/reinstalled to run a variant of 
 Ubuntu (or failing that, Debian) - in particular, must be able to run 
 cron/at jobs, must be able to do overnight large file transfers and 
 * Is low power (I already have an miditower Linux server... it uses 
 too much power and does too little to warrant 24/7 ATX PSU power 
 * Is silent or near-silent (may be situated in spare bedroom that is 
 frequently occupied)
 * Can operate in a dusty environment (may be situated in loft with 
 dust and occasional spiders)
 * Ideally has E-SATA and USB2 ports for occasionally connecting 
 external drives
 * Ideally budget of £50-£100 (without drives, I already have the 2 
 drives) but up to £150 if outstanding
 Any suggestions gratefully received please, thanks all.
 *Andrew Oakley
 Head of Software Development*
 Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
 95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
 T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W


 Try our free UK HE Stats iPhone app -
 No iPhone? Use our mobile website -

 Higher Education Statistics Agency Ltd (HESA) is a company limited by
 guarantee, registered in England at 95 Promenade Cheltenham GL50 1HZ.
 Registered No. 2766993. The members are Universities UK and GuildHE.
 Registered Charity No. 1039709. Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

 HESA Services Ltd (HSL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of HESA,
 registered in England at the same address. Registered No. 3109219.

 This email is private and confidential. If you have reason to believe
 that you have received this message in error, please contact the
 sender immediately and remove it from your system.

 No employee or agent is authorised to conclude any agreement binding
 on HESA/HSL without express written confirmation by the Chief
 Executive or an employee of HESA/HSL with director in their title.

 This outgoing email was virus scanned for HESA by MessageLabs.


[ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread javadayaz
Ive recently started to put my pc into hibernate as opposed to switching off

Although it takes longer to switch back on and ready to use..i do find all
my windows open and even my video paused, ready to watch where i left!

How does ubuntu know where i stopped watching a vidand open it right
back up?

Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Vince Marsters

On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 13:54 +0100, javadayaz wrote:
 Ive recently started to put my pc into hibernate as opposed to
 switching off completely. 
 Although it takes longer to switch back on and ready to use..i do find
 all my windows open and even my video paused, ready to watch where i
 How does ubuntu know where i stopped watching a vidand open it
 right back up?

Hibernate effectively saves the contents of the memory to the hard
drive, which when you resume is copied back into memory. Hence your
system restarts where it left off (even in the middle of a video).

Switching off does exactly that - closes all running applications and
shuts the system down.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread javadayaz
Does this have any adverse affects on the hard drive?

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Vince Marsters wrote:

 On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 13:54 +0100, javadayaz wrote:
  Ive recently started to put my pc into hibernate as opposed to
  switching off completely.
  Although it takes longer to switch back on and ready to use..i do find
  all my windows open and even my video paused, ready to watch where i
  How does ubuntu know where i stopped watching a vidand open it
  right back up?

 Hibernate effectively saves the contents of the memory to the hard
 drive, which when you resume is copied back into memory. Hence your
 system restarts where it left off (even in the middle of a video).

 Switching off does exactly that - closes all running applications and
 shuts the system down.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?

2010-09-02 Thread Andrew Oakley
Glen Mehn wrote:
I suspect, though, that putting together osmething like one of those
Shuttle mini things with an Atom or C3 processor will do what you need.

Do these come with low-power PSUs?

I was hoping for something like a beefed-up NSLU2, but which supports SATA. ( )

Or why not put the drives in your mid-tower? If you're running it most
of the time anyway.

I currently have the drives in an ATX mini-tower, self-built job running 24/7 
under Ubuntu Server with a Celeron 3500 and a micro ATX motherboard. Acts as a 
Samba file share, cron/at job scheduler, overnight file transfers etc. This has 
a 450w ATX PSU which I would estimate consumes around 70-120w when idle. My 
goal is consume less power and make less noise whilst maintaining functionality.

This will then free up the mini-tower to become a desktop workstation, which 
will only be turned on when required, spending most of its life in standby or 
maybe even hibernate.

Andrew Oakley
Head of Software Development
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W

-Original Message-
From: Glen Mehn [] On Behalf Of Glen Mehn
Sent: 02 September 2010 12:45
To: UK Ubuntu Talk
Cc: Andrew Oakley
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?

  I think you'll have at least a bit of trouble doing this with 
current-ish kit, the big killer will be the silent requirement.

I suspect, though, that putting together osmething like one of those 
Shuttle mini things with an Atom or C3 processor will do what you need. 
Alternatively, a netbook and a couple of external USB boxes for your 
drives. Also, finding an old-ish machine and underclocking the CPU might 
work-- I'm thinking centrino-era solos.

Or why not put the drives in your mid-tower? If you're running it most 
of the time anyway. The best you'll get will be about 12-15w 
consumption, so maybe doing the math will see if it makes sense to just 
have a single box vs. the additional capital expense/carbon/energy/etc. 
of having a separate box.

Best of luck,


On 02/09/2010 10:04, Andrew Oakley wrote:
 I'm looking for a low power NAS box that supports:
 * Two SATA hard drives up to 2TB each in RAID1 mirroring
 * Runs Ubuntu Server or can be flashed/reinstalled to run a variant of 
 Ubuntu (or failing that, Debian) - in particular, must be able to run 
 cron/at jobs, must be able to do overnight large file transfers and 
 * Is low power (I already have an miditower Linux server... it uses 
 too much power and does too little to warrant 24/7 ATX PSU power 
 * Is silent or near-silent (may be situated in spare bedroom that is 
 frequently occupied)
 * Can operate in a dusty environment (may be situated in loft with 
 dust and occasional spiders)
 * Ideally has E-SATA and USB2 ports for occasionally connecting 
 external drives
 * Ideally budget of £50-£100 (without drives, I already have the 2 
 drives) but up to £150 if outstanding
 Any suggestions gratefully received please, thanks all.
 *Andrew Oakley
 Head of Software Development*
 Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
 95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
 T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W


Try our free UK HE Stats iPhone app -
No iPhone? Use our mobile website -

Higher Education Statistics Agency Ltd (HESA) is a company limited by
guarantee, registered in England at 95 Promenade Cheltenham GL50 1HZ.
Registered No. 2766993. The members are Universities UK and GuildHE.
Registered Charity No. 1039709. Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.

HESA Services Ltd (HSL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of HESA,
registered in England at the same address. Registered No. 3109219.

This email is private and confidential. If you have reason to believe
that you have received this message in error, please contact the
sender immediately and remove it from your system.

No employee or agent is authorised to conclude any agreement binding
on HESA/HSL without express written confirmation by the Chief
Executive or an employee of HESA/HSL with director in their title.

This outgoing email was virus scanned for HESA by MessageLabs.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Tyler J. Wagner
On Thursday 02 Sep 2010 14:05:30 javadayaz wrote:
 Does this have any adverse affects on the hard drive?



Offending fundamentalists isn't my goal – but if it is an inevitable
side-effect of defending human rights, so be it.
   -- Johann Hari


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?

2010-09-02 Thread David Restall - System Administrator

Andrew Oakley on Thu Sep 02 10:04:39 2010 did scribble :-

 I'm looking for a low power NAS box that supports:
 * Two SATA hard drives up to 2TB each in RAID1 mirroring

 * Runs Ubuntu Server or can be flashed/reinstalled to run a variant
 of Ubuntu (or failing that, Debian) - in particular, must be able to
 run cron/at jobs, must be able to do overnight large file transfers
 and torrents

 * Is low power (I already have an miditower Linux server... it uses too
 much power and does too little to warrant 24/7 ATX PSU power consumption)

 * Is silent or near-silent (may be situated in spare bedroom that is
 frequently occupied)

 * Can operate in a dusty environment (may be situated in loft with dust
 and occasional spiders)

 * Ideally has E-SATA and USB2 ports for occasionally connecting
 external drives

 * Ideally budget of £50-£100 (without drives, I already have the 2
 drives) but up to £150 if outstanding

Might blow the budget a bit but I've just ordered QNAP TS210 (£168 inc
VAT  Delivery from

It's just been delivered and I'll be sorting it over the weekend.  It has
an external PSU and runs ~14W.  Will take 2TB drives and provides loads
of other stuff.  The installed OS is Linux - don't know what flavour but
I suppose it will be replaceable with Ubuntu.

I bought it as recommended by a friendly Sun engineer who came to site
yesterday :)

Long story but I bought two 2TB drives to replace two ageing 330GB drives
in my shuttle only to find the MB doesn't support SATA II so I ended
up spending more wonga on a barebones box then discovered the TS210.
My son's dead chuffed - he's getting the old shuttle :)

I've currently got two 1TB drives hanging off a slug (NSLU2) running
debian but it's very unreliable so I'm hoping this solution will work.

I'll let you know what it's really like when I get it built.


| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger  |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245  Skype: dave.restall Radio: G4FCU  |
| email : Web : Not Ready Yet :-(   |
| If you would understand your own age, read the works of fiction produced   |
| in it.  People in disguise speak freely.   |

 Any suggestions gratefully received please, thanks all.
 Andrew Oakley
 Head of Software Development
 Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
 95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
 T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W 
 Try our free UK HE Stats iPhone app -
 No iPhone? Use our mobile website -
 Higher Education Statistics Agency Ltd (HESA) is a company limited by
 guarantee, registered in England at 95 Promenade Cheltenham GL50 1HZ.
 Registered No. 2766993. The members are Universities UK and GuildHE.
 Registered Charity No. 1039709. Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.
 HESA Services Ltd (HSL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of HESA,
 registered in England at the same address. Registered No. 3109219.
 This email is private and confidential. If you have reason to believe
 that you have received this message in error, please contact the
 sender immediately and remove it from your system.
 No employee or agent is authorised to conclude any agreement binding
 on HESA/HSL without express written confirmation by the Chief
 Executive or an employee of HESA/HSL with director in their title.
 This outgoing email was virus scanned for HESA by MessageLabs.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Samba Shares

2010-09-02 Thread Cornelius Mostert
 When you first configure samba, you do have to add a user to the  smbpasswd 
 store using:  smbpasswd -a username
 [Media Store]
copy = Music Store
comment = Pictures, Videos etc...
path = /home/media/

comment = Home Directory for %U
path = %H
valid users = %S
create mode = 0644
directory mode = 0755
read only = no
browseable = yes

# Add a Recycle Bin
vfs object = recycle
recycle:repository = .trash
recycle:keeptree = yes
recycle:exclude = *.tmp, *~, *.bak

Thanx for the file, I saw a few interesting things in there that I
would like to try, I do recall in the past that I also struggled to
get SAMBA up and running and the FIRST user thing does strike a bell.
I deduct from: copy = Music Store that this copy all the settings from
the Music Store and replace the variables with what you state as the
values to be
Can you elaborate on the Recycle bit as this does look interesting, I
did not go through your article as yet so maybe you are explaining it
there also.


Cornelius Mostert
Senior IT Specialist
United Kingdom: 075 2233 4818
International: 0044 75 2233 4818


[ubuntu-uk] Titles

2010-09-02 Thread Cornelius Mostert
 PS - For someone with a Job title of Senior IT Specialist I am somewhat
surprised you are using tools like webmin and swat which do not have the
best reputations for security...

Yea I can agree with you; however I do not always have the time or luxury of
doing everything by hand and to some point I have to balance convenience
with security and even though I try to follow good practise and even best
practise on security I still sometimes prefer the GUI tools than to do stuff
by hand + if you think about it if people do not use the GUI tools out there
then they will never get better and then the home user population will not
grow as the home user do not or can not mess with conf files and why would
they as on Windows they do not have to

Let me explain the title thing as I did get flak on it in the past as well
and therefore please do not consider this as something directed to you but
rather as a general comment; YET I stand by this title: it does not state
Senior Linux/Windows IT Specialist or Senior IT Security Specialist and
therefore I am continuously open to guidance and learning but I do know a
large amount of IT stuff built up over many years in the field and therefore
I do not consider myself as a Junior nor Mid-range, I also do not consider
myself a generalist but a specialist and I specialise in IT so hence: Senior
IT Specialist.

Also If you think about it even if my title was Dr or Prof. xyz in IT then
still it does not mean that I need to do everything by hand does it?



Cornelius Mostert
Senior IT Specialist
United Kingdom: 075 2233 4818
International: 0044 75 2233 4818

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Samba Shares

2010-09-02 Thread Alan Lord (News)
On 02/09/10 14:45, Cornelius Mostert wrote:
 Thanx for the file, I saw a few interesting things in there that I
 would like to try, I do recall in the past that I also struggled to
 get SAMBA up and running and the FIRST user thing does strike a bell.
 I deduct from: copy = Music Store that this copy all the settings from
 the Music Store and replace the variables with what you state as the
 values to be

Yes. This is all available to read in the samba manual:

 Can you elaborate on the Recycle bit as this does look interesting, I
 did not go through your article as yet so maybe you are explaining it
 there also.


The Open Learning Centre


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Titles

2010-09-02 Thread Jong
Actually in the trend of virtualisation and the demands for modern day IT
It is not that unthinkable, to use tools that get the job done quickly.
Of course for any web administration tool this requires some minding
on security.
but when the boss askes to have a service running within 5 minutes
this seems good practise to me.

2010/9/2 Cornelius Mostert
 PS - For someone with a Job title of Senior IT Specialist I am somewhat
 surprised you are using tools like webmin and swat which do not have the
 best reputations for security...

 Yea I can agree with you; however I do not always have the time or luxury of
 doing everything by hand and to some point I have to balance convenience
 with security and even though I try to follow good practise and even best
 practise on security I still sometimes prefer the GUI tools than to do stuff
 by hand + if you think about it if people do not use the GUI tools out there
 then they will never get better and then the home user population will not
 grow as the home user do not or can not mess with conf files and why would
 they as on Windows they do not have to

 Let me explain the title thing as I did get flak on it in the past as well
 and therefore please do not consider this as something directed to you but
 rather as a general comment; YET I stand by this title: it does not state
 Senior Linux/Windows IT Specialist or Senior IT Security Specialist and
 therefore I am continuously open to guidance and learning but I do know a
 large amount of IT stuff built up over many years in the field and therefore
 I do not consider myself as a Junior nor Mid-range, I also do not consider
 myself a generalist but a specialist and I specialise in IT so hence: Senior
 IT Specialist.

 Also If you think about it even if my title was Dr or Prof. xyz in IT then
 still it does not mean that I need to do everything by hand does it?

 :-)    :-)


 Cornelius Mostert
 Senior IT Specialist
 United Kingdom: 075 2233 4818
 International: 0044 75 2233 4818


Met vriendelijke groeten,
Keimpe de Jong


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?

2010-09-02 Thread Andrew Oakley

David wrote:
 Might blow the budget a bit but I've just ordered QNAP TS210 (£168 inc
 VAT  Delivery from

Wow. That is *exactly* what I want... only 50-75 quid cheaper! I will do the 
standard IT action in these circumstances; wait until the price drops. ;-)

The other route looks like shopping around for a low-power mini-ITX 
motherboard, mITX chassis and build from there. What I absolutely do not want 
is an ATX or mATX power supply slurping 100w and making fan/buzz noises. So 
maybe I can find an mITX motherboard which takes a 9v/12v power brick mains 

Andrew Oakley
Head of Software Development
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W

-Original Message-
From: David Restall - System Administrator [] 
Sent: 02 September 2010 14:43
To:; Andrew Oakley
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?


Andrew Oakley on Thu Sep 02 10:04:39 2010 did scribble :-

 I'm looking for a low power NAS box that supports:
 * Two SATA hard drives up to 2TB each in RAID1 mirroring

 * Runs Ubuntu Server or can be flashed/reinstalled to run a variant
 of Ubuntu (or failing that, Debian) - in particular, must be able to
 run cron/at jobs, must be able to do overnight large file transfers
 and torrents

 * Is low power (I already have an miditower Linux server... it uses too
 much power and does too little to warrant 24/7 ATX PSU power consumption)

 * Is silent or near-silent (may be situated in spare bedroom that is
 frequently occupied)

 * Can operate in a dusty environment (may be situated in loft with dust
 and occasional spiders)

 * Ideally has E-SATA and USB2 ports for occasionally connecting
 external drives

 * Ideally budget of £50-£100 (without drives, I already have the 2
 drives) but up to £150 if outstanding

Might blow the budget a bit but I've just ordered QNAP TS210 (£168 inc
VAT  Delivery from

It's just been delivered and I'll be sorting it over the weekend.  It has
an external PSU and runs ~14W.  Will take 2TB drives and provides loads
of other stuff.  The installed OS is Linux - don't know what flavour but
I suppose it will be replaceable with Ubuntu.

I bought it as recommended by a friendly Sun engineer who came to site
yesterday :)

Long story but I bought two 2TB drives to replace two ageing 330GB drives
in my shuttle only to find the MB doesn't support SATA II so I ended
up spending more wonga on a barebones box then discovered the TS210.
My son's dead chuffed - he's getting the old shuttle :)

I've currently got two 1TB drives hanging off a slug (NSLU2) running
debian but it's very unreliable so I'm hoping this solution will work.

I'll let you know what it's really like when I get it built.


| Dave Restall, Computer Nerd, Cyclist, Radio Amateur G4FCU, Bodger  |
| Mob +44 (0) 7973 831245  Skype: dave.restall Radio: G4FCU  |
| email : Web : Not Ready Yet :-(   |
| If you would understand your own age, read the works of fiction produced   |
| in it.  People in disguise speak freely.   |

 Any suggestions gratefully received please, thanks all.
 Andrew Oakley
 Head of Software Development
 Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
 95 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 1HZ
 T 01242 211460  F 01242 211122  W 
 Try our free UK HE Stats iPhone app -
 No iPhone? Use our mobile website -
 Higher Education Statistics Agency Ltd (HESA) is a company limited by
 guarantee, registered in England at 95 Promenade Cheltenham GL50 1HZ.
 Registered No. 2766993. The members are Universities UK and GuildHE.
 Registered Charity No. 1039709. Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.
 HESA Services Ltd (HSL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of HESA,
 registered in England at the same address. Registered No. 3109219.
 This email is private and confidential. If you have reason to believe
 that you have received this message in error, please contact the
 sender immediately and remove it from your system.
 No employee or agent is authorised to conclude any 

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?

2010-09-02 Thread Samuel Toogood
Hash: SHA1

On 02/09/10 14:43, David Restall - System Administrator wrote:
 Might blow the budget a bit but I've just ordered QNAP TS210 (£168 inc
 VAT  Delivery from
 It's just been delivered and I'll be sorting it over the weekend.  It has
 an external PSU and runs ~14W.  Will take 2TB drives and provides loads
 of other stuff.  The installed OS is Linux - don't know what flavour but
 I suppose it will be replaceable with Ubuntu.
I suspect getting ubuntu on to it may be a challenge, but debian is
certainly possible, see:


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Low power 2-drive NAS box that can run Ubuntu?

2010-09-02 Thread Alan Lord (News)
On 02/09/10 15:16, Andrew Oakley wrote:

 The other route looks like shopping around for a low-power mini-ITX 
 motherboard, mITX chassis and build from there. What I absolutely do not want 
 is an ATX or mATX power supply slurping 100w and making fan/buzz noises. So 
 maybe I can find an mITX motherboard which takes a 9v/12v power brick mains 

Here's the story of what I built almost three years ago. A VIA C7 (which 
I now downclock!) in a small case. It draws  20W from the socket and 
It's been on virtually all the time since I built it.

Another option is to look at some the little Revo-type boxes...


The Open Learning Centre


Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Will Bickerstaff
In my experience hibernate is a pain, it takes an absolute age to
restore and is often slower than booting from off.

Suspend works well though and I use it all the time. The difference
being, at least as far as I understand it, that suspend stores all
currently open data to RAM, and then powers off the hard disk,
display, CPU and other stuff while keeping RAM powered. Hibernate
writes all open data to swap partition and then completely powers off
the computer.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Rob Beard
On 02/09/10 13:54, javadayaz wrote:
 Ive recently started to put my pc into hibernate as opposed to switching
 off completely.

 Although it takes longer to switch back on and ready to use..i do find
 all my windows open and even my video paused, ready to watch where i left!

 How does ubuntu know where i stopped watching a vidand open it right
 back up?

It saves a copy of the memory to your swap space and then turns the 
machine off.  When you turn it back on it boots up (I'm guessing it 
boots the kernel) and then restores the memory, hence why everything is 
how you left it.

I used to use Hibernate quite a lot on Windows as it was reasonably 
quick (quicker than booting from scratch) but I find on Linux it works 
out slower.  As a stop gap I generally suspend my laptop when I'm not 
using it although it does use some power to keep it suspended (whereas 
with hibernate it wouldn't use any power, well not if the machine was 
disconnected from the mains).



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread Jacob Mansfield
so whan does the
ubuntu-TheExactSpotIamStanding/Sitting/HaveMyPC/ServerInRightNow LoCo start?

On 1 September 2010 23:52, Tony Pursell wrote:

 On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 23:20 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
  Quite confused... I thought that the TLD for our country was UK?
  Please correct me if I'm wrong... I shall search out a domain
  or a or a
  Ukraine doesn't even come into it...

 UK for Ukraine is wrong!

 GB is the ISO country code for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
 Northern Ireland.  UK is exceptionally reserved as an ISO country code
 at the request of the UK.  See

 Perversely, it is the other way round for TLDs.  See

 Ukraine's country code is UA, and TLD is .ua - Sensible people!




Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Jacob Mansfield
why not set it so that if you close the lid it will suspend for, say an hour
and then shut down if it takes longer to come out of hybernation than a cold

On 2 September 2010 19:25, Rob Beard wrote:

 On 02/09/10 13:54, javadayaz wrote:
  Ive recently started to put my pc into hibernate as opposed to switching
  off completely.
  Although it takes longer to switch back on and ready to use..i do find
  all my windows open and even my video paused, ready to watch where i
  How does ubuntu know where i stopped watching a vidand open it right
  back up?

 It saves a copy of the memory to your swap space and then turns the
 machine off.  When you turn it back on it boots up (I'm guessing it
 boots the kernel) and then restores the memory, hence why everything is
 how you left it.

 I used to use Hibernate quite a lot on Windows as it was reasonably
 quick (quicker than booting from scratch) but I find on Linux it works
 out slower.  As a stop gap I generally suspend my laptop when I'm not
 using it although it does use some power to keep it suspended (whereas
 with hibernate it wouldn't use any power, well not if the machine was
 disconnected from the mains).




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Northern Installfest

2010-09-02 Thread Jacob Mansfield
don't worget the south-west, what about Bristol as well?

On 1 September 2010 22:32, Dave Rice wrote:

 I agree,

 perhaps somewhere such as Leeds, York, Newcastle perhaps?

 I'm not sure if I would be able to attend, it depends on my return date
 from the desert!


 On 1 September 2010 22:16, Yorvyk wrote:

 On Wed, 1 Sep 2010 21:52:24 +0100
 Daniel Case wrote:

  Hi there fellow's!
  In tonight's meeting I brought up the possibility of having an
  up in the north for those of us who cannot get all the way down to
 London. I
  was thinking Leeds or Manchester might be a good place to have it unless
  guys would rather have it somewhere else?
  How many of you would be able to attend?
 I think Manchester/Liverpool are already planning something, so this side
 of the country is better and as I said on IRC Leeds is easy to get to.

 Steve Cook (Yorvyk)




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Northern Installfest

2010-09-02 Thread Barry Titterton
On Wed, 2010-09-01 at 21:52 +0100, Daniel Case wrote:
 Hi there fellow's!
 In tonight's meeting I brought up the possibility of having an
 installfest up in the north for those of us who cannot get all the way
 down to London. I was thinking Leeds or Manchester might be a good
 place to have it unless you guys would rather have it somewhere else?
 How many of you would be able to attend?

Leeds is best for me as it is approx an hour's drive straight up the M1.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Northern Installfest

2010-09-02 Thread Yorvyk
On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 19:36:15 +0100
Jacob Mansfield wrote:

 don't worget the south-west, what about Bristol as well?
I think you know how to solve that problem ;)

Steve Cook (Yorvyk) 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Tyler J. Wagner
I don't believe you can instruct a suspended laptop to wake itself up. That 
would take at least a BIOS feature, I think.

A suspended laptop doesn't make a copy of anything. It just syncs the 
filesystems (writes changes to media), and puts the hardware into a low-power 
state. That basically means that RAM remains powered and everything else is 
effectively off. When you restore, the data is still in RAM.


On Thursday 02 Sep 2010 19:30:01 Jacob Mansfield wrote:
 why not set it so that if you close the lid it will suspend for, say an
 hour and then shut down if it takes longer to come out of hybernation than
 a cold start
 On 2 September 2010 19:25, Rob Beard wrote:
  On 02/09/10 13:54, javadayaz wrote:
   Ive recently started to put my pc into hibernate as opposed to
   switching off completely.
   Although it takes longer to switch back on and ready to use..i do find
   all my windows open and even my video paused, ready to watch where i
   How does ubuntu know where i stopped watching a vidand open it
   right back up?
  It saves a copy of the memory to your swap space and then turns the
  machine off.  When you turn it back on it boots up (I'm guessing it
  boots the kernel) and then restores the memory, hence why everything is
  how you left it.
  I used to use Hibernate quite a lot on Windows as it was reasonably
  quick (quicker than booting from scratch) but I find on Linux it works
  out slower.  As a stop gap I generally suspend my laptop when I'm not
  using it although it does use some power to keep it suspended (whereas
  with hibernate it wouldn't use any power, well not if the machine was
  disconnected from the mains).
Cheops' Law: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.
   -- Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love, by Robert A. Heinlein


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread David D Lowe
On 01/09/10 23:52, Tony Pursell wrote:
 UK for Ukraine is wrong!

I think there's a misunderstanding. This is what is how I classify things:

UK: United Kingdom (the country)
uk: Ukrainian (the language)

All I wanted was for the UK to be in capitals. That's it. As I have no 
hope of becoming a dictator, benevolent or otherwise, I'll cheerfully 
accept the wisdom of the crowd. I definitely prefer UK to GB, as UK is 
more inclusive.

David D Lowe


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread Jacob Mansfield
I agree, can we make that change and have another (sub)vote?

On 2 September 2010 20:52, David D Lowe wrote:

 On 01/09/10 23:52, Tony Pursell wrote:
  UK for Ukraine is wrong!
 I think there's a misunderstanding. This is what is how I classify things:

 UK: United Kingdom (the country)
 uk: Ukrainian (the language)

 All I wanted was for the UK to be in capitals. That's it. As I have no
 hope of becoming a dictator, benevolent or otherwise, I'll cheerfully
 accept the wisdom of the crowd. I definitely prefer UK to GB, as UK is
 more inclusive.

 David D Lowe



Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Jacob Mansfield
there is a setting in windows for that, ie if it has been in standby for a
certain amount of time to shut it down. most new-ish desktops do it

2010/9/2 Tyler J. Wagner

 I don't believe you can instruct a suspended laptop to wake itself up. That
 would take at least a BIOS feature, I think.

 A suspended laptop doesn't make a copy of anything. It just syncs the
 filesystems (writes changes to media), and puts the hardware into a
 state. That basically means that RAM remains powered and everything else is
 effectively off. When you restore, the data is still in RAM.


 On Thursday 02 Sep 2010 19:30:01 Jacob Mansfield wrote:
  why not set it so that if you close the lid it will suspend for, say an
  hour and then shut down if it takes longer to come out of hybernation
  a cold start
  On 2 September 2010 19:25, Rob Beard wrote:
   On 02/09/10 13:54, javadayaz wrote:
Ive recently started to put my pc into hibernate as opposed to
switching off completely.
Although it takes longer to switch back on and ready to use..i do
all my windows open and even my video paused, ready to watch where i
How does ubuntu know where i stopped watching a vidand open it
right back up?
   It saves a copy of the memory to your swap space and then turns the
   machine off.  When you turn it back on it boots up (I'm guessing it
   boots the kernel) and then restores the memory, hence why everything is
   how you left it.
   I used to use Hibernate quite a lot on Windows as it was reasonably
   quick (quicker than booting from scratch) but I find on Linux it works
   out slower.  As a stop gap I generally suspend my laptop when I'm not
   using it although it does use some power to keep it suspended (whereas
   with hibernate it wouldn't use any power, well not if the machine was
   disconnected from the mains).
 Cheops' Law: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.
   -- Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love, by Robert A. Heinlein


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Northern Installfest

2010-09-02 Thread Jacob Mansfield
you're right, we just have a massive VR session with users from all over the
country :) my ubuntu server can host

On 2 September 2010 20:05, Yorvyk wrote:

 On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 19:36:15 +0100
 Jacob Mansfield wrote:

  don't worget the south-west, what about Bristol as well?
 I think you know how to solve that problem ;)

 Steve Cook (Yorvyk)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread Alan Lord (News)
On 02/09/10 21:18, Jacob Mansfield wrote:
 I agree, can we make that change and have another (sub)vote?

I do not think so. Did you actually look at the options???

We spent weeks before the vote asking for ideas and suggestions.

On the POLL there were *2* options with the UK in uppercase: (#9 and #10)

The results for the Uppercase UK were not popular:

so in order of popularity that is:

8) 58 full height k with hyphen
7) 48 UK with Union Flag texture. The texture might be repositioned a
bit if this is the winner, probably more like the current logo.
12) 43 circle of friends between ubuntu and uk
6) 40 lower case uk with ascender of k in line with b and t of ubuntu
11) 37 Waiting for the image on this one, the logo of #8 but with the
round hyphen of #2 and the circle of friends a bit bigger so it lines up
with the top of the k
1) 35 Bold UK scaled down to the height of the lower case ubuntu
5) 25 lower case uk with short ascender on k
2) 21 Bold UK with a circular hyphen
4) 23 lower case uk
9) 20 full size caps UK in the Ubuntu font
3) 10 Normal caps UK scaled down to lower case height, circle of friends
between ubuntu and UK
10) 8 caps UK, but with the lower case u scaled up to the size of caps
U. This might be redrawn a bit more precisely if it is the winner

 On 2 September 2010 20:52, David D Lowe wrote:

 On 01/09/10 23:52, Tony Pursell wrote:
   UK for Ukraine is wrong!
 I think there's a misunderstanding. This is what is how I classify

 UK: United Kingdom (the country)
 uk: Ukrainian (the language)

 All I wanted was for the UK to be in capitals. That's it. As I have no
 hope of becoming a dictator, benevolent or otherwise, I'll cheerfully
 accept the wisdom of the crowd. I definitely prefer UK to GB, as UK is
 more inclusive.

 David D Lowe


The Open Learning Centre


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread David King
To all those who are not happy with results, remember that we all had a 
chance to vote. Although the design I voted for did not win, I am happy 
that I was given a chance to vote. Companies like Microsoft are not 
likely to do something like this. But in the free software community we 
can all have a say, and those who put in more will get more out of it. 
Those who submitted designs are probably happy that their design had 
some votes, even if it did not win.

And as Alan Lord wrote, we had 2 weeks to submit ideas for designs. I 
think that there was quite a good choice of designs to choose from, they 
all looked professional and of a suitable standard.

And because we could all contribute in some way, either by making a 
design, or voting, we are all winners here. We contributed to something 
worthwhile. Most large software companies do not bother to ask people 
for their ideas or votes, they just create stuff and hope people will 
buy/use it.

So I will finish by thanking those who organised this and for giving us 
a vote. And remember, the most popular design was chosen.

David King


Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Alan Pope
On 2 September 2010 20:39, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
 I don't believe you can instruct a suspended laptop to wake itself up. That
 would take at least a BIOS feature, I think.

ACPI RTC Wake :)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread Jacob Mansfield
It was ment to be a joke

On 2 September 2010 21:48, David King wrote:

 To all those who are not happy with results, remember that we all had a
 chance to vote. Although the design I voted for did not win, I am happy
 that I was given a chance to vote. Companies like Microsoft are not
 likely to do something like this. But in the free software community we
 can all have a say, and those who put in more will get more out of it.
 Those who submitted designs are probably happy that their design had
 some votes, even if it did not win.

 And as Alan Lord wrote, we had 2 weeks to submit ideas for designs. I
 think that there was quite a good choice of designs to choose from, they
 all looked professional and of a suitable standard.

 And because we could all contribute in some way, either by making a
 design, or voting, we are all winners here. We contributed to something
 worthwhile. Most large software companies do not bother to ask people
 for their ideas or votes, they just create stuff and hope people will
 buy/use it.

 So I will finish by thanking those who organised this and for giving us
 a vote. And remember, the most popular design was chosen.

 David King



Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Jacob Mansfield
but can it be invoked by the kernal???

On 2 September 2010 22:01, Alan Pope wrote:

 On 2 September 2010 20:39, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
  I don't believe you can instruct a suspended laptop to wake itself up.
  would take at least a BIOS feature, I think.

 ACPI RTC Wake :)




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread Alan Bell
On 02/09/10 21:48, David King wrote:
 To all those who are not happy with results, remember that we all had a 
 chance to vote. Although the design I voted for did not win, I am happy 
 that I was given a chance to vote. Companies like Microsoft are not 
 likely to do something like this. But in the free software community we 
 can all have a say, and those who put in more will get more out of it. 
 Those who submitted designs are probably happy that their design had 
 some votes, even if it did not win.

 And as Alan Lord wrote, we had 2 weeks to submit ideas for designs. I 
 think that there was quite a good choice of designs to choose from, they 
 all looked professional and of a suitable standard.

 And because we could all contribute in some way, either by making a 
 design, or voting, we are all winners here. We contributed to something 
 worthwhile. Most large software companies do not bother to ask people 
 for their ideas or votes, they just create stuff and hope people will 
 buy/use it.

 So I will finish by thanking those who organised this and for giving us 
 a vote. And remember, the most popular design was chosen.

 David King

Thanks very much David,

we have been working on this for a while, more than two weeks, in fact
the first concept was put up on the second of July just after the font
first became officially available to ubuntu members. this first design
did in fact have capital UK, but scaled down to the height of the ubuntu
lower case letters. I kind of liked that as a subtle design trick, it
takes a couple of glances to work out what is going on. It has been
knocked about on the IRC channel several times and was discussed on the
mailing list and in several meetings: - Update
on Website 
[[Micheal_Harker|MichealH]]: update on Maverick installfests -
review of action items from last meeting

and as a result of these extensive discussions it evolved to the set of
designs we ended up voting on, some with upper case UK (my favourites)
and some with lower case uk (I can live with it). Some were drawn by me,
some I tweaked based on suggestions received on the mailing list, some
were drawn by other people, this was a totally open process.

We had the vote, the preferred design direction was established and I
have submitted it for trademark approval.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] It Hibernate better than switching off?

2010-09-02 Thread Alan Pope
On 2 September 2010 22:03, Jacob Mansfield wrote:
 but can it be invoked by the kernal???

Yes, see this page which explains how it's done.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Northern Installfest

2010-09-02 Thread Daniel Case
Leeds it is!
I am going to be calling a few venues tomorrow and shall let you all know
how it goes :)


On 2 September 2010 21:21, Jacob Mansfield wrote:

 you're right, we just have a massive VR session with users from all over
 the country :) my ubuntu server can host

 On 2 September 2010 20:05, Yorvyk wrote:

 On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 19:36:15 +0100
 Jacob Mansfield wrote:

  don't worget the south-west, what about Bristol as well?
 I think you know how to solve that problem ;)

 Steve Cook (Yorvyk)




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread Yorvyk
On Thu, 02 Sep 2010 22:05:26 +0100
Alan Bell wrote:

 We had the vote, the preferred design direction was established and I
 have submitted it for trademark approval.
I have no problem with the outcome, I was just throwing in a few thoughts that 
didn’t occur at the time.  As is usual with this sort of thing, the 
conversation continues long after the results are in.  These ideas can be 
forgotten or maybe used at a later date.

Thank you Alan, and everybody else that contributed.

Steve Cook (Yorvyk) 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread Xiamen
I think it looks much better all in lower case. Looks more inviting  gives
the idea of easy to use.

anyone else think so? [?]

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Tony Pursell

 On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 20:52 +0100, David D Lowe wrote:
  On 01/09/10 23:52, Tony Pursell wrote:
   UK for Ukraine is wrong!
  I think there's a misunderstanding. This is what is how I classify
  UK: United Kingdom (the country)
  uk: Ukrainian (the language)

 The ISO code for the Ukrainian language is UA.

 The Top Level Domain for the UK is uk.

  All I wanted was for the UK to be in capitals. That's it. As I have no
  hope of becoming a dictator, benevolent or otherwise, I'll cheerfully
  accept the wisdom of the crowd. I definitely prefer UK to GB, as UK is
  more inclusive.

 Agreed - inclusive is the word for it.

  David D Lowe



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Community Events Banner

2010-09-02 Thread Yorvyk
On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 09:22:28 +0100
Sean Miller wrote:

 Think Flag not Banner... :-)
 Then you can get somebody to march around with the flag raised high
 when you're collecting people and then, when enough are present to be
 a group, you stick it in the ground and fly it proudly above the
 assembled masses.
 Seems to work well enough in Rock Festivals amongst 150,000 people so
 I'm sure it'd work fine too in a relatively sparsely populated Hyde
 Park :-)
Have we got anywhere with this idea? As I’m sure I saw something about Locos 
receiving a banner (along with other promo stuff).  If this is the case, 
anybody know what it looks like and can we make a copy or two?

Steve Cook (Yorvyk) 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-09-02 Thread shaunoneil
On 02 Sep, 2010,at 08:52 PM, David D Lowe wrote:On 01/09/10 23:52, Tony Pursell wrote:
 UK for Ukraine is wrong!

I think there's a misunderstanding. This is what is how I classify things:

UK: United Kingdom (the country)
uk: Ukrainian (the language)

All I wanted was for the UK to be in capitals. That's it. As I have no 
hope of becoming a dictator, benevolent or otherwise, I'll cheerfully 
accept the wisdom of the crowd. I definitely prefer UK to GB, as UK is 
more inclusive.

David D LoweI voted lower-case on purely typographical grounds. The upper-case U inthe 'ubuntu' font doesn't have the same shape as the lower-case u, so anupper-case UK looked disjoint next to the multiple, distinctive u's in 'ubuntu'.If 'ubuntu' in the logo was capitalized, or entirely upper-case, it would havebeen very different.I'd ordinarily go with an upper-case UK on technical grounds, but in a logothat's almost entirely typographical, type considerations are unavoidable.Your position is also entirely valid, I just thought I'd illustrate the other sideof the fence.Regards,Shaun--

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Samba Shares

2010-09-02 Thread Cornelius Mostert
Ok I am now on the brink of reinstalling as I have tried all I can think

My samba now looks like this
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN (
# Date: 2010/09/02 23:31:22

workgroup = rsServer
netbios name = rs0002
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
bind interfaces only = Yes
obey pam restrictions = Yes
pam password change = Yes
unix password sync = Yes
log level = 1
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
dns proxy = No
wins support = Yes

[Music Store]
inherit owner = Yes
writeable = yes
path = /data/NetworkShares/temp1
force directory mode = 3777
comment = Shared Music Area
directory mask = 3777
valid users = test1,@cAdmin

I have users:

I have linux groups:

I have these lines in my groups file in /etc:
sambashare:x:122:cAdmin   -I did not create this group (I think)

I have this on the shared folder:
drwxrwsrwt 2 cAdmin cAdmin 4096 2010-09-02 23:51 temp1

Now when I try to access my share \\ from XP it popes up a log on
If I use cAdmin as user and the correct password then I see a list of Shares
(currently only the Music Store) I then can double click on the share and
have full access rights.
If I use test1 as user and the correct password then I see a list of Shares
(currently only the Music Store) NOW if I double click on the share it state
that the share could not be accessed and that I might not have the correct

This is now doing my head in!!
- The test1 user IS in the cAdmin group
- The folder belongs to the cAdmin user and cAdmin group AND allow anyone
else full access
- Valid users are test1 user AND cAdmin group

BUT only the cAdmin user can access the particular share even thought both
users can see the share

Cornelius Mostert
Senior IT Specialist
United Kingdom: 075 2233 4818
International: 0044 75 2233 4818

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Samba Shares

2010-09-02 Thread Cornelius Mostert
Further more:
Loged in as the cAdmin user on the command prompt

$ smbclient -L //rs0002
Enter cAdmin's password:
Domain=[rs0002] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.7]

Sharename   Type  Comment
-     ---
IPC$IPC   IPC Service (rs0002 server (Samba, Ubuntu))
MusicStore  Disk  Shared Music Area
Domain=[rs0002] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.7]

Server   Comment
RS0002   rs0002 server (Samba, Ubuntu)

rs0002  RS0002

And logging in as cAdmin user:

$ smbclient // -U cAdmin
Enter cAdmin's password:
Domain=[rs0002] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.7]
smb: \ q


BUT logging in as test1 user:

$ smbclient // -U test1
Enter test1's password:
Domain=[rs0002] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.7]
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME


Does this mean that the test1 user is not correctly setup as a Samba user OR
dies it mean that the test1 user does not have access rights to this

Re: (re)Developing the Ubuntu Studio Site

2010-09-02 Thread Cory K.
On 09/02/2010 01:53 AM, Chris Jones wrote:
 Both Cory and yourself (and others) seemed to have missed the part where
 I actually gave a legitimate response to the request.

You said you had no *website* examples. Everyone got that. Do we assume 
you have no other examples of *anything* artistic you've done? No. So we 
asked for examples. Quite clearly.

Please post some links to a logo, wallpaper, website mockup, photo, 
smiley face, hell, a doodle on a napkin. (at this point, i'm quite sure 
you will just continue to be evasive)

If your next post isn't *exactly* what we've requested, your just 
continuing waisting everyone's time and we'll be moving on. No need to 
continue to spend time on someone who's clearly unwilling to do 
something so simple.

-Cory K.

Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
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Ubuntu Studio daily CD health check

2010-09-02 Thread Colin Watson
This is a daily health check report on the Ubuntu Studio CD images.
If you have any questions, contact Colin Watson

ubuntustudio/daily: Uninstallable packages:

linux-meta-rt produces uninstallable binaries:
  * linux-headers-rt (amd64 i386)

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Re: (re)Developing the Ubuntu Studio Site

2010-09-02 Thread Chris Jones
On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 06:03 -0400, Cory K. wrote:

 You said you had no *website* examples. Everyone got that. Do we assume 
 you have no other examples of *anything* artistic you've done? No. So we 
 asked for examples. Quite clearly.
 Please post some links to a logo, wallpaper, website mockup, photo, 
 smiley face, hell, a doodle on a napkin. (at this point, i'm quite sure 
 you will just continue to be evasive)
 If your next post isn't *exactly* what we've requested, your just 
 continuing waisting everyone's time and we'll be moving on. No need to 
 continue to spend time on someone who's clearly unwilling to do 
 something so simple.
 -Cory K.

Congratulations, you've just joined the crowd of many people already
that confuse the professions within the digital imaging industry.

Why the bloody hell would I have those sorts of examples (some of which
you've clearly thrown in for whatever reason rolls eyes) when they
have nothing to do with my job or profession as a Photographic Imaging
Professional and Graphic and Web Designer. And that's exactly where you
seem to be confusing the whole issue. Graphic Design and Graphic Artist
are NOT the same thing as many people believe. And those very
aforementioned examples do not involve my line of work, I'm afraid.
Portions of it yes, portions of it no.

Look perhaps for now I'll remain part of the website redevelopment team
but take more of a consultation role and throw my views and opinions in
where I see fit and where I truly believe them to be productive and let
us forgot all the previous crap. Because in all seriousness, that's all
this is! :-)


Chris Jones

Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
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Beta in risk

2010-09-02 Thread Ara Pulido
Hello all!

As you know, testing the ISOs in every milestone is a distribution

Right now, and for Beta, the Ubuntu Studio ISOs haven't been tested:

I am afraid that, if they remain untested, the Release Team might decide
to NOT release Ubuntu Studio Maverick Beta.

Please, coordinate with the Release Team at #ubuntu-release and help
testing the ISOs before it is too late.


Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
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Re: Beta in risk - a related story

2010-09-02 Thread Marc R.J. Brevoort
On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, Ara Pulido wrote:

 Right now, and for Beta, the Ubuntu Studio ISOs haven't been tested:

 I am afraid that, if they remain untested, the Release Team might decide
 to NOT release Ubuntu Studio Maverick Beta.

Related story-

The 8.04-10.04 LTS upgrade I ran last weekend rendered
my soundcard silent, video non-accelerated (and black-
screening), and a few apt-gets even rendered my system

Fortunately I had backups of most of my stuff, a live CD
still allows access to the drive and a second drive should
be arriving soon, so that I can run a fresh install and
restore things as needed.

I had read 8.04-10.04 was supposed to be a smooth upgrade.
But I guess not everything can be tested. Apparently, I
wasn't the only one with this problem either.

Now I'm a long-time linux user; I've been running linux-only
for about a decade now. As such I'll just chalk it up as
another learning experience (Never, ever upgrade your system
with the upgrade functionality!) but a week of downtime
certainly is sub-optimal and I suppose would drive away
most normal from Linux in an instant.

Just a story to consider regarding the importance of
testing. Anyway, I'd rather the distro be late than untested.

That said, with the apparent unrest on the list as of
late, should I stick with ubustu for my composing or
just go for plain vanilla lucid?


Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
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Re: (re)Developing the Ubuntu Studio Site

2010-09-02 Thread Marc R.J. Brevoort
On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, Chris Jones wrote:

 On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 06:03 -0400, Cory K. wrote:

 Please post some links to a logo, wallpaper, website mockup, photo,
 smiley face, hell, a doodle on a napkin.

 Congratulations, you've just joined the crowd of many people already
 that confuse the professions within the digital imaging industry.

 Why the bloody hell would I have those sorts of examples (some of which
 you've clearly thrown in for whatever reason rolls eyes) when they
 have nothing to do with my job or profession as a Photographic Imaging
 Professional and Graphic and Web Designer.

Even if you don't do art but design, surely you have something
(anything at all?) to show for it. It's called a portfolio
or CV, whichever you prefer. It is where you tell about and/or
show stuff you did so that people know what you're capable of,
or at least so that they know what your added value is.

When you are asked for examples of previous work, you can start
quarreling and implying that people are ignorant before you've
even started on the job. But I imagine the people you're arguing
with aren't going to be overly thrilled about the prospect of
working with you.

If, on top of that, they have no idea what quality of work
they'll be able to expect from you, don't be surprised if they
don't want you for this job.


Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
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Re: Beta in risk - a related story

2010-09-02 Thread Ricardo Lameiro
did you did that upgrade in ubuntu studio?

I tested some ISOs and found some problems on the networking in
UbuntuStudio, but i didnt tested for upgrade. As far as i know, Ubuntu
studio isnt considered a 10.04 isnt considered an LTS, altough its based on
the ubuntu LTS.

Also i will try to find some time to test the ISOs, but i am really short in
time this days.

2010/9/2 Marc R.J. Brevoort

 On Thu, 2 Sep 2010, Ara Pulido wrote:

  Right now, and for Beta, the Ubuntu Studio ISOs haven't been tested:
  I am afraid that, if they remain untested, the Release Team might decide
  to NOT release Ubuntu Studio Maverick Beta.

 Related story-

 The 8.04-10.04 LTS upgrade I ran last weekend rendered
 my soundcard silent, video non-accelerated (and black-
 screening), and a few apt-gets even rendered my system

 Fortunately I had backups of most of my stuff, a live CD
 still allows access to the drive and a second drive should
 be arriving soon, so that I can run a fresh install and
 restore things as needed.

 I had read 8.04-10.04 was supposed to be a smooth upgrade.
 But I guess not everything can be tested. Apparently, I
 wasn't the only one with this problem either.

 Now I'm a long-time linux user; I've been running linux-only
 for about a decade now. As such I'll just chalk it up as
 another learning experience (Never, ever upgrade your system
 with the upgrade functionality!) but a week of downtime
 certainly is sub-optimal and I suppose would drive away
 most normal from Linux in an instant.

 Just a story to consider regarding the importance of
 testing. Anyway, I'd rather the distro be late than untested.

 That said, with the apparent unrest on the list as of
 late, should I stick with ubustu for my composing or
 just go for plain vanilla lucid?


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Fagote / Contrafagote
Bassoon / Contra-bassoon
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Re: (re)Developing the Ubuntu Studio Site

2010-09-02 Thread louiethecuban
My apologies, I meant chris. I'm terrible with names, but this needs to move 
on, I'm sure everyone would agree
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Cory K.
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 19:00:42 
To: Ubuntu Studio Development  Technical
Reply-To: Ubuntu Studio Development  Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: (re)Developing the Ubuntu Studio Site

On 09/02/2010 06:57 PM, wrote:
 Can we stop arguing and just focus, jesus christ. Cory if you have nothing to 
 contribute, then just say it, we need for this move on.

Uh, I think you're mistaken addressing me here. I didn't send the msg 
you quoted.

-Cory K.

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Re: Future of Ubuntu Studio Development

2010-09-02 Thread Chris Jones
On Thu, 2010-09-02 at 02:45 +0100, Ricardo Lameiro wrote:
 if you are quoting, you should also  quote this from Scott's blog
 Website - Ideally we would like a complete update of the website since
 it has not changed in years, other than the slight disrepair that has
 occurred.  If you have suggestions for a new layout we would love to
 see them and are extremely flexible in regards to design requirements.
 Sorry for the HTML but the key word is -- ...we would love to see
 It not unreasonable anyware in the world to as for some portofolio in
 any artistic work. If you are hired to work for someone, without
 showing what you can do, then the people who pay you are fools.
 Yes the project needs colaborators, A LOT, but that doesn't mean that
 anything goes. 
 sorry for the answer, but i never saw a position so narrow about
 artistic work paid or not...
 my 2 cents

Rlameiro, I'm not going to flog a dead horse here as I've already posted
my response of the same question that keeps getting asked.


Chris Jones

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Late unity translation string change

2010-09-02 Thread Gordon Allott
Hi all,

Just a heads up about a late translation change in Unity
( ). very small change that hopefully won't
impact too many translations, regarding plural versions of a word. the
bug describes it best

Essentially we changed
_(%d items)
ngettext(%d item, %d items, n_items);

If anyone has any problems let me know, the version with this change
should be released later on today.
Thanks, Gord 
Gordon Allott
Canonical Ltd.
27 Floor, Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Nightly testing PPA

2010-09-02 Thread Kenneth Koym
Sorry you're over my head when you tell about packages are now available
from ppa:ubuntustudio-nightly/packages are now available from

Is the ppa that you tell us is ready, prepared such that one can open
terminal and make an essentially single step build of a working OS?

I'd be very interested in ending up with an UbuStu OS that can handle what I
cannot do with what boots up as UbuStu 10.04.1 Lucid 64amd in a Kubuntu

Maybe I am alone in not knowing at all how to proceed.

Warm regards from the skin and bone farm.

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Andrew Hunter wrote:

 Hey Everyone,

 The packages are now available from

 The mailing list for feedback:



 On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:46 PM, C K wrote:
  On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Andrew Hunter
  Hey Everyone,
  I just want to announce that I've set up a ppa for nightly builds of
  FFmpeg, x264 and (soon) blender. Currently it supports Lucid, but if
  there are any maverick testers out there, it is simple to add support
  for that too.
  The url is ppa:rexbron/rexbron-nightly
  Please test it out and let me know how it works!
  Hey Andrew. You wanna do this as part of Studio? make a sub-team under
  *-dev maybe? *-testing or *-nightly or something?
  -Cory K.
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Re: [Tradutores-Ubuntu] Pequena gralla en gnome-codec-install

2010-09-02 Thread Miguel Bouzada
Desexa buscar *por* un engadido que sexa compatíbel co ficheiro

Creo que debería ser:
Desexa buscar un engadido que sexa compatíbel co ficheiro seleccionado?

 Corrixido → A *busca* tamén incluirá o software que non conta con
asistencia oficial


 A busca incluira o software que conta con asistencia oficial? --- Falta
 o acento en 'incluirá' e sobra a interrogación final.

 Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list

Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list

[Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread Robson Dantas

Postei problema no fórum Ubuntu, neste link:,71751.0.html

Alguém dessa lista conhece este problema e pode me ajudar?
Estou usando o Ubuntu pelo livecd 10.04-1

...e preciso fazer funcionar a instalação do / em sda2, o /home está em sda3

Ajuda com esse problema, já tentei de tudo e não dá certo, tudo daqui
da empresa tá nessa instalação, tenho de botar para funcionar nem que
seja no pau, mas tô procurando esse pau e não encontro.

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread Andre Cavalcante

Só uma ideia:

Boot live-CD.

Veja pelo nautilus qual onde o seu hd target está montado (e.g.


$ sudo su
# chroot /media/disk1
# apt-get purge linux-image (remove tudo que você achar que deve
# apt-get purge linux-headers...
# apt-get install linux-headers-generic  (instala a versão mais nova)
# apt-get install linux-image-generic  (instala a versão mais nova)

Reboot, retira o Live-CD e vê se funfa

André Cavalcante
Manaus, AM
Ubuntu User number # 24370
Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
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Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os anexos
em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (

Em 2 de setembro de 2010 08:29, Robson Dantas rdadel...@gmail.comescreveu:


 Postei problema no fórum Ubuntu, neste link:,71751.0.html

 Alguém dessa lista conhece este problema e pode me ajudar?
 Estou usando o Ubuntu pelo livecd 10.04-1

 ...e preciso fazer funcionar a instalação do / em sda2, o /home está em

 Ajuda com esse problema, já tentei de tudo e não dá certo, tudo daqui
 da empresa tá nessa instalação, tenho de botar para funcionar nem que
 seja no pau, mas tô procurando esse pau e não encontro.

 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

 Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
 Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

[Ubuntu-BR] Hotmail e Ubuntu

2010-09-02 Thread Ubuntu User # 31923

  Caros Ubunteiros;
Alguém além de mim está com dificuldades de acessar o hotmail pelo 
Ubuntu, tenho Firefox e Chrome, e em ambos não abre nada após o login.
Existe alguma forma de enviar mensagem à Microsoft para que eles 
expliquem essa anomalia?
Existe alguma forma de fazer funcionar?
Obs1.: Meu hotmail tem mais de 11 anos de existência e não queria perder 
este contato.
Obs2.: Não gostaria de usar gerenciador de e-mail, pois já perdi muitos 
e-mails por causa do backup falho do Evolution.
No mais agradeço,
Ubuntu User #31923

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Hotmail e Ubuntu

2010-09-02 Thread Ivan Brasil Fuzzer
  Funcionando plenamente aqui. Testei com o firefox e opera.

Em 02-09-2010 11:33, Ubuntu User # 31923 escreveu:
Caros Ubunteiros;
 Alguém além de mim está com dificuldades de acessar o hotmail pelo
 Ubuntu, tenho Firefox e Chrome, e em ambos não abre nada após o login.
 Existe alguma forma de enviar mensagem à Microsoft para que eles
 expliquem essa anomalia?
 Existe alguma forma de fazer funcionar?
 Obs1.: Meu hotmail tem mais de 11 anos de existência e não queria perder
 este contato.
 Obs2.: Não gostaria de usar gerenciador de e-mail, pois já perdi muitos
 e-mails por causa do backup falho do Evolution.
 No mais agradeço,
 Ubuntu User #31923

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Hotmail e Ubuntu

2010-09-02 Thread nethell
On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 11:33:15 -0300
Ubuntu User # 31923 wrote:
   Caros Ubunteiros;
 Alguém além de mim está com dificuldades de acessar o hotmail pelo 
 Ubuntu, tenho Firefox e Chrome, e em ambos não abre nada após o login.
 Existe alguma forma de enviar mensagem à Microsoft para que eles 
 expliquem essa anomalia?
 Existe alguma forma de fazer funcionar?
 Obs1.: Meu hotmail tem mais de 11 anos de existência e não queria perder 
 este contato.
 Obs2.: Não gostaria de usar gerenciador de e-mail, pois já perdi muitos 
 e-mails por causa do backup falho do Evolution.
 No mais agradeço,
 Ubuntu User #31923

- Não vou opinar sobre o hotmail porque nunca o usei, mas estou tendo problemas 
com o acesso web no gmail, too...
- Estranho você citar problemas no backup do Evolution, o uso desde o 7.04 e só 
tive um problema por causa de uma transferência mal sucedida do arquivo de 
backup que o corrompeu, fora isso...
- Um sugestão de cliente que te dou é o Sylpheed, estou usando-o desde Março 
para esta conta (nethell). Ele cria uma pasta Mails e arquiva as postagens em 
formato texto. Para um backup é só compactar a pasta e descompactá-la em caso 
de problemas. Muito prático. 

nethell - Ubuntu user 24389 - Linux user 496632

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread rda
não precisa dar o comando

sudo update-grub não?

Em 02/09/10, Andre escreveu:

 Só uma ideia:

 Boot live-CD.

 Veja pelo nautilus qual onde o seu hd target está montado (e.g.


 $ sudo su
 # chroot /media/disk1
 # apt-get purge linux-image (remove tudo que você achar que deve
 # apt-get purge linux-headers...
 # apt-get install linux-headers-generic  (instala a versão mais nova)
 # apt-get install linux-image-generic  (instala a versão mais nova)

 Reboot, retira o Live-CD e vê se funfa

 André Cavalcante
 Manaus, AM
 Ubuntu User number # 24370
 Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
 Quer saber mais sobre Espiritismo?

 Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
 Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os anexos
 em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (

 Em 2 de setembro de 2010 08:29, Robson Dantas rdadel...@gmail.comescreveu:


 Postei problema no fórum Ubuntu, neste link:,71751.0.html

 Alguém dessa lista conhece este problema e pode me ajudar?
 Estou usando o Ubuntu pelo livecd 10.04-1

 ...e preciso fazer funcionar a instalação do / em sda2, o /home está em

 Ajuda com esse problema, já tentei de tudo e não dá certo, tudo daqui
 da empresa tá nessa instalação, tenho de botar para funcionar nem que
 seja no pau, mas tô procurando esse pau e não encontro.

 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

 Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
 Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

 Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
 Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Hotmail e Ubuntu

2010-09-02 Thread José Aniceto
eu abri agora sem problema.

Em 2 de setembro de 2010 11:49, nethell escreveu:
 On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 11:33:15 -0300
 Ubuntu User # 31923 wrote:
   Caros Ubunteiros;
 Alguém além de mim está com dificuldades de acessar o hotmail pelo
 Ubuntu, tenho Firefox e Chrome, e em ambos não abre nada após o login.
 Existe alguma forma de enviar mensagem à Microsoft para que eles
 expliquem essa anomalia?
 Existe alguma forma de fazer funcionar?
 Obs1.: Meu hotmail tem mais de 11 anos de existência e não queria perder
 este contato.
 Obs2.: Não gostaria de usar gerenciador de e-mail, pois já perdi muitos
 e-mails por causa do backup falho do Evolution.
 No mais agradeço,
 Ubuntu User #31923

 - Não vou opinar sobre o hotmail porque nunca o usei, mas estou tendo 
 problemas com o acesso web no gmail, too...
 - Estranho você citar problemas no backup do Evolution, o uso desde o 7.04 e 
 só tive um problema por causa de uma transferência mal sucedida do arquivo de 
 backup que o corrompeu, fora isso...
 - Um sugestão de cliente que te dou é o Sylpheed, estou usando-o desde Março 
 para esta conta (nethell). Ele cria uma pasta Mails e arquiva as postagens 
 em formato texto. Para um backup é só compactar a pasta e descompactá-la em 
 caso de problemas. Muito prático.

 nethell - Ubuntu user 24389 - Linux user 496632

 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

 Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
 Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread rda
Ok, fiz exatamente assim (veja os erros, acho que falta alguma coisa):

r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-headers-generic
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
Os seguintes pacotes foram automaticamente instalados e não são mais requeridos:
Use 'apt-get autoremove' para removê-los.
Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
  linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic linux-headers-generic
0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
e 0 não atualizados.
É preciso baixar 744kB de arquivos.
Depois desta operação, 9224kB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
Você quer continuar [S/n]? S
Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic 2.6.32-24.42 [740kB]
Obter:2 lucid-updates/main
linux-headers-generic [4022B]
Baixados 744kB em 2s (299kB/s)
Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic.
(Lendo banco de dados ... 200068 arquivos e diretórios atualmente instalados).
Desempacotando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (de
.../linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-headers-generic.
Desempacotando linux-headers-generic (de
.../linux-headers-generic_2. ...
Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
Configurando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
Examining /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d.
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms
2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common
2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci

Configurando linux-headers-generic ( ...
r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-image-generic
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
Pacotes sugeridos:
  fdutils linux-tools
Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
  linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic linux-image-generic
0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
e 0 não atualizados.
É preciso baixar 4032B/31,5MB de arquivos.
Depois desta operação, 99,1MB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
Você quer continuar [S/n]? s
Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
linux-image-generic [4032B]
Baixados 4032B em 0s (9470B/s)
Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic.
(Lendo banco de dados ... 206789 arquivos e diretórios atualmente instalados).
Desempacotando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (de
.../linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-image-generic.
Desempacotando linux-image-generic (de
.../linux-image-generic_2. ...
Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
Configurando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
Running depmod.
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic
grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
cat: /proc/cmdline: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Running postinst hook script /usr/sbin/update-grub.
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).
User postinst hook script [/usr/sbin/update-grub] exited with value 1
dpkg: erro processando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (--configure):
 sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de
saída de erro 1
dpkg: problemas de dependência impedem a configuração de linux-image-generic:
 linux-image-generic depende de linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic; porém:
  Pacote linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic não está configurado ainda.
dpkg: erro processando linux-image-generic (--configure):
 problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
Nenhum relatório do apport gravado porque a mensagem de erro indica é
o seguimento de um erro de uma falha anterior.
Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Ele não acha alguns diretórios, falta alguma coisa, ninguém sabe o que
se trata não?

Eu tenho o sda1 como swap;
Tenho o sda2 como / (montei ele assim: sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /media/sda2)
Tenho o home que montei: sudo mount --bind /home /media/home

depois dei o comando chroot /media/sda2

dei o comando apt-get purge (como 

[Ubuntu-BR] [Off Topic] Provedora 3G em Piracicaba SP

2010-09-02 Thread nethell
Pessoal, desculpem o off.

Minha filha vai ficar residente na Unicamp de Piracicaba e vai precisar de um 
provedor 3G.
Alguém da área pode me recomendar quais provedores disponibilizam banda móvel 
por lá e, se possível, qual a recomendada?

Grato, abraços a todos.

nethell - Ubuntu user 24389 - Linux user 496632

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread rda
Uma curiosidade:

no livecd, dentro da pasta /proc tem um montão de diretórios e
arquivos, já dentro da pasta /proc do meu hd (sda2) de sistema, não
vejo nada e eu não apaguei nada. Isso é criado na inicialização ou
deve ter uma estrutura organizada???

Em 02/09/10, escreveu:
 Ok, fiz exatamente assim (veja os erros, acho que falta alguma coisa):

 r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-headers-generic
 Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
 Construindo árvore de dependências
 Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
 Os seguintes pacotes foram automaticamente instalados e não são mais
 Use 'apt-get autoremove' para removê-los.
 Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
 Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
   linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic linux-headers-generic
 0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
 e 0 não atualizados.
 É preciso baixar 744kB de arquivos.
 Depois desta operação, 9224kB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
 Você quer continuar [S/n]? S
 Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
 linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic 2.6.32-24.42 [740kB]
 Obter:2 lucid-updates/main
 linux-headers-generic [4022B]
 Baixados 744kB em 2s (299kB/s)
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado
 (Lendo banco de dados ... 200068 arquivos e diretórios atualmente
 Desempacotando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (de
 .../linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-headers-generic.
 Desempacotando linux-headers-generic (de
 .../linux-headers-generic_2. ...
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Configurando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
 Examining /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d.
 run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms
 2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
 run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common
 2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
 pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci

 Configurando linux-headers-generic ( ...
 r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-image-generic
 Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
 Construindo árvore de dependências
 Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
 Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
 Pacotes sugeridos:
   fdutils linux-tools
 Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
   linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic linux-image-generic
 0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
 e 0 não atualizados.
 É preciso baixar 4032B/31,5MB de arquivos.
 Depois desta operação, 99,1MB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
 Você quer continuar [S/n]? s
 Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
 linux-image-generic [4032B]
 Baixados 4032B em 0s (9470B/s)
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado
 (Lendo banco de dados ... 206789 arquivos e diretórios atualmente
 Desempacotando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (de
 .../linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-image-generic.
 Desempacotando linux-image-generic (de
 .../linux-image-generic_2. ...
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Configurando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
 Running depmod.
 update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic
 grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 cat: /proc/cmdline: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 Running postinst hook script /usr/sbin/update-grub.
 /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).
 User postinst hook script [/usr/sbin/update-grub] exited with value 1
 dpkg: erro processando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (--configure):
  sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de
 saída de erro 1
 dpkg: problemas de dependência impedem a configuração de
  linux-image-generic depende de linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic; porém:
   Pacote linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic não está configurado ainda.
 dpkg: erro processando linux-image-generic (--configure):
  problemas de dependência - deixando desconfigurado
 Nenhum relatório do apport gravado porque a mensagem de erro indica é
 o seguimento de um erro de uma falha anterior.
 Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de:

[Ubuntu-BR] Ajuda com RAID

2010-09-02 Thread Chiga - Arima Informática
  Olá pessoal,

gostaria muito da sua ajuda, montei um servidor de arquivos da seguinte 
4 HDs Sata de 1Tb
md0  Raid 1  ponto de montagem  /
md1 Raid 5  ponto de montagem  /home
swap no disco fisico mesmo

estou ainda na fase de testes, os arranjos funcionaram perfeitamente, 
somente ao fazer o poweroff aparece o erro em vermelho:
stopping  md0  failed (busy)

já pesquisei bastante na internet e li num forum que este erro é normal 
porque o md0 é onde instalei o  /

  Estou usando o Debian Lenny

Agradeço a ajuda,

Marcelo Chiga
Arima Informática

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread nethell
On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 17:57:20 +
rda wrote:

 Uma curiosidade:
 no livecd, dentro da pasta /proc tem um montão de diretórios e
 arquivos, já dentro da pasta /proc do meu hd (sda2) de sistema, não
 vejo nada e eu não apaguei nada. Isso é criado na inicialização ou
 deve ter uma estrutura organizada???

Só para colaborar:
Minha pasta proc tem 1G de arquivos espalhados em trocentas pastas.
Tem certeza de que direcionou a instalação para o sda2?

nethell - Ubuntu user 24389 - Linux user 496632

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Ajuda com RAID

2010-09-02 Thread Héberson Sette de Almeida
Por curiosidade:

- Qual o fabricante das controladoras RAID?

Em 2 de setembro de 2010 14:59, Chiga - Arima Informática escreveu:

  Olá pessoal,

 gostaria muito da sua ajuda, montei um servidor de arquivos da seguinte
 4 HDs Sata de 1Tb
 md0  Raid 1  ponto de montagem  /
 md1 Raid 5  ponto de montagem  /home
 swap no disco fisico mesmo

 estou ainda na fase de testes, os arranjos funcionaram perfeitamente,
 somente ao fazer o poweroff aparece o erro em vermelho:
 stopping  md0  failed (busy)

 já pesquisei bastante na internet e li num forum que este erro é normal
 porque o md0 é onde instalei o  /

  Estou usando o Debian Lenny

 Agradeço a ajuda,

 Marcelo Chiga
 Arima Informática

 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

 Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
 Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Héberson Sette de Almeida
Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Hotmail e Ubuntu

2010-09-02 Thread Ubuntu User # 31923

  Em 02/09/2010 11:49, nethell escreveu:
 On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 11:33:15 -0300
 Ubuntu User #  wrote:
Caros Ubunteiros;
 Alguém além de mim está com dificuldades de acessar o hotmail pelo
 Ubuntu, tenho Firefox e Chrome, e em ambos não abre nada após o login.
 Existe alguma forma de enviar mensagem à Microsoft para que eles
 expliquem essa anomalia?
 Existe alguma forma de fazer funcionar?
 Obs1.: Meu hotmail tem mais de 11 anos de existência e não queria perder
 este contato.
 Obs2.: Não gostaria de usar gerenciador de e-mail, pois já perdi muitos
 e-mails por causa do backup falho do Evolution.
 No mais agradeço,
 Ubuntu User #31923
 - Não vou opinar sobre o hotmail porque nunca o usei, mas estou tendo 
 problemas com o acesso web no gmail, too...
 - Estranho você citar problemas no backup do Evolution, o uso desde o 7.04 e 
 só tive um problema por causa de uma transferência mal sucedida do arquivo de 
 backup que o corrompeu, fora isso...
 - Um sugestão de cliente que te dou é o Sylpheed, estou usando-o desde Março 
 para esta conta (nethell). Ele cria uma pasta Mails e arquiva as postagens 
 em formato texto. Para um backup é só compactar a pasta e descompactá-la em 
 caso de problemas. Muito prático.

Muito obrigado pelos retornos,
Tive problemas com a recuperação do arquivo, pois o evolution na 
atualização do sistema não reconheceu o próprio arquivo de backup e o 
mesmo estava guardado em partição não formatada (arquivo original).
Vou testar o programa que me falou.
No mais agradeço o retorno,

Ubuntu User #31923

Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread Xisberto
Em 2 de setembro de 2010 15:06, nethell escreveu:

  Uma curiosidade:
  no livecd, dentro da pasta /proc tem um montão de diretórios e
  arquivos, já dentro da pasta /proc do meu hd (sda2) de sistema, não
  vejo nada e eu não apaguei nada. Isso é criado na inicialização ou
  deve ter uma estrutura organizada???

 Só para colaborar:
 Minha pasta proc tem 1G de arquivos espalhados em trocentas pastas.
 Tem certeza de que direcionou a instalação para o sda2?

O diretório /proc só existe enquanto o sistema está sendo executado. Normal
que o /proc do seu sda esteja vazio durante a execução do livecd.

Humberto Xis

Sur la tuta tero estis unu lingvo kaj unu parlomaniero. - Gn 11,1
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[Ubuntu-BR] off: Era pra ser sobre as ferias do Torvalds..

2010-09-02 Thread Andson
Olha só essa materia, finalmente vejo uma materia que coloca o Linux
em seu devido lugar... Isso pq não era esse o foco da materia.

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[Ubuntu-BR] off: Era pra ser sobre as ferias do Torvalds..

2010-09-02 Thread Andson
Olha só essa materia, finalmente vejo uma materia que coloca o Linux
em seu devido lugar... Isso pq não era esse o foco da materia.

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Ajuda com RAID

2010-09-02 Thread gil
Em 02-09-2010 15:06, Héberson Sette de Almeida escreveu:
 Por curiosidade:

 - Qual o fabricante das controladoras RAID?

 Em 2 de setembro de 2010 14:59, Chiga - Arima Informática  escreveu:

Metendo o bedelho onde não fui chamado, mas parece que o raid foi feito 
por software, não por hardware. Por software até em controladora ide é 
possível, basta ter o número de hds recomendados para cada arranjo.

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Hotmail e Ubuntu

2010-09-02 Thread nethell
On Thu, 2 Sep 2010 15:12:35 -0300
Ubuntu User # 31923 wrote:
 Muito obrigado pelos retornos,
 Tive problemas com a recuperação do arquivo, pois o evolution na 
 atualização do sistema não reconheceu o próprio arquivo de backup e o 
 mesmo estava guardado em partição não formatada (arquivo original).
 Vou testar o programa que me falou.
 No mais agradeço o retorno,

Isso deve ter ocorrido entre versões do Evolution, por exemplo: Se estavas com 
o backup de uma versão atualizada e tentou restaura-lo por uma anterior, deu 
problema. Se não me falha a memória isso ocorreu entre as versões do 9.04 para 
o 9.10. Isso ocorreu comigo por precipitação na configuração, mas removi a 
instalação, reinstalei, atualizei e só restaurei o backup após certificar-me de 
que estava na mesma versão do backup. 

O sistema do Sylpheed é mais simples e ele é prático, mas não o testei em 
grandes volumes de correspondências, ou seja, desconheço as limitações. No 
momento utilizo-o só para esta conta e minha pasta está com um volume de 2,5Mb 
de mensagens arquivadas no momento. Está configurado epnas para as listas do 
ubuntu e não recebo anexos. Recomendo um teste antes de partir finalmente para 

nethell - Ubuntu user 24389 - Linux user 496632

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] off: Era pra ser sobre as ferias do Torvalds..

2010-09-02 Thread Vinícius Oliveira Godoy
O homem responsável por escrever as linhas mais influentes do mundo 
Gostei desta frase. Ainda chegará um dia em que mentes como a do Linus 
terão um reconhecimento de seu lugar na história do pensamento humano 
equiparado ao lugar simbólico ocupado por aqueles pensadores 
(escritores, filósofos, cientistas, artistas) que alicerçaram as bases 
de nosso pensamento contemporâneo (Freud, Marx, Nietzsche, Einstein, 
Gödel, Joyce, Picasso, Wiittgenstein, etc etc).


On 02-09-2010 15:28, Andson wrote:
 Olha só essa materia, finalmente vejo uma materia que coloca o Linux
 em seu devido lugar... Isso pq não era esse o foco da materia.

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Notebook Asus

2010-09-02 Thread Bruno Magalhães

Boa tarde!

Tenho um Netbook 1005PE também e não consegui configurar o multitouch
do mouse (para fazer rolagem com 2 dedos ou clicar com 2 dedos...).
Você conseguiu?

Quanto ao microfone frontal o audacius grava perfeitamente com os dois
funcionando, mas para muitos programas (inclusive o skype) o segredo a
abaixar totalmente o volume de um dos dois lados (na frente o netbook
tem 2 microfones, 1 de cada lado da webcam) desta forma o outro
microfone passa a funcionar...


Bruno Donate Magalhães
(11) 8557-5577
Estatístico pela USP
Linux User # 495058
Ubuntu User # 28502

Em 1 de setembro de 2010 11:58, Rui Porto escreveu:
 Tenho há mais de três anos um ASUS G2S 4GB RAM, HD 500, funciona tudo que é
 uma maravilha, nunca tive problemas com nenhum dispositivo. A única coisa
 que não funciona nativamente é a leitura dos Cartões MemoryStick Pro, pois a
 controladora Ricoh não tem drivers disponibilizados para a comunidade. A
 solução é capturar as imagens via cabo usb.
 Da mesma forma tenho um netbook 1005 PE, cuja única dificuldade que ainda
 não resolvi, foi capturar audio com os microfones frontais. o Segundo Mic
 funciona muito bem.

 Em 29 de agosto de 2010 12:51, Elias Alves escreveu:

  Seria um Notebok mesmo, se não me engano um ASUS K42f


 Em 26/08/2010 09:48, Nilo Martins escreveu:
  Eu comprei um Asus EEE 1201T para minha esposa e instalei a versão Ubuntu
  Netbook remix 10.04 sem nenhum problema.
  Só não gosto muito do programa para uso da webcam, mas está funcionando.
  Em 26 de agosto de 2010 08:09, Paulo de Souza Lima
  Em 26 de agosto de 2010 07:40, Elias C.
  Meu HP fez o favor de queimar a placa máe ontem, me deixando na máo.
  Embora eu ja estivesse esperando isso, é uma surpresa muito
  Agora estou querendo pegar um ASUS e gostaria de saber se os dessa
  tem um bom suporte a hardware, como os da HP?
  Netbook, ou notebook? Um amigo acaba de comprar um netbook Asus com
  tela de 12 polegadas. Tudo funcionou perfeitamente com o Ubuntu 10.04.
  Um grande abraço!
  Elias C. Alves
  Sistemas de Informação - UFVJM - Diamantina - MG
  Fones: (31) 9891-4247 / (38) 9180-3980
  Open PGP Key: 0D4001A6
  Paulo de Souza Lima
  Técnico em Eletrônica e Administrador
  Curitiba - PR
  Linux User #432358
  Ubuntu User #28729
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] off: Era pra ser sobre as ferias do Torvalds..

2010-09-02 Thread Paulo Fernandes
Ótima matéria! Ficou um gosto de quero mais.


Em 2 de setembro de 2010 15:28, Andson escreveu:

 Olha só essa materia, finalmente vejo uma materia que coloca o Linux
 em seu devido lugar... Isso pq não era esse o foco da materia.

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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread Andre Cavalcante
Pelo erro que deu parece que tua base de dados do apt tá com algum problema.
Tenta consertar com

apt-get install -f

Quanto ao problema de outros pacotes que podem ser removidos:

apt-get autremove

Sobre o erro no /proc, independente dele, parece que instalou o
linux-headers. Talvez para instalar o kernel a partir do chroot tenha que
remontar o /proc. Não lembro agora o comando certo, mas com certeza é alguma
opção do mount, algo como:

mount -t proc proc /proc

Mas deixo essa pro pessoal confirmar, e já que instalou, tentaria fazer a
instalação linux-image antes e depois fazer um boot para ver se funfa...

Me parece que você tá chegando lá.

André Cavalcante
Manaus, AM
Ubuntu User number # 24370
Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
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Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os anexos
em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (

Em 2 de setembro de 2010 13:14, rda escreveu:

 Ok, fiz exatamente assim (veja os erros, acho que falta alguma coisa):

 r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-headers-generic
 Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
 Construindo árvore de dependências
 Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
 Os seguintes pacotes foram automaticamente instalados e não são mais
 Use 'apt-get autoremove' para removê-los.
 Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
 Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
  linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic linux-headers-generic
 0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
 e 0 não atualizados.
 É preciso baixar 744kB de arquivos.
 Depois desta operação, 9224kB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
 Você quer continuar [S/n]? S
 Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
 linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic 2.6.32-24.42 [740kB]
 Obter:2 lucid-updates/main
 linux-headers-generic [4022B]
 Baixados 744kB em 2s (299kB/s)
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado
 (Lendo banco de dados ... 200068 arquivos e diretórios atualmente
 Desempacotando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (de
 .../linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-headers-generic.
 Desempacotando linux-headers-generic (de
 .../linux-headers-generic_2. ...
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Configurando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
 Examining /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d.
 run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms
 2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
 run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common
 2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
 pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci

 Configurando linux-headers-generic ( ...
 r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-image-generic
 Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
 Construindo árvore de dependências
 Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
 Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
 Pacotes sugeridos:
  fdutils linux-tools
 Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
  linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic linux-image-generic
 0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
 e 0 não atualizados.
 É preciso baixar 4032B/31,5MB de arquivos.
 Depois desta operação, 99,1MB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
 Você quer continuar [S/n]? s
 Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
 linux-image-generic [4032B]
 Baixados 4032B em 0s (9470B/s)
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado
 (Lendo banco de dados ... 206789 arquivos e diretórios atualmente
 Desempacotando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (de
 .../linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-image-generic.
 Desempacotando linux-image-generic (de
 .../linux-image-generic_2. ...
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Configurando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
 Running depmod.
 update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-24-generic
 grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 grep: /proc/modules: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 cat: /proc/cmdline: 

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] Hotmail e Ubuntu

2010-09-02 Thread Andre Cavalcante

Não uso o hotmail, mas minhas irmãs usam e sempre acessam no meu PC sem
problemas. Não pode ser algo de configuração em sua conta em particular?

André Cavalcante
Manaus, AM
Ubuntu User number # 24370
Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
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Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os anexos
em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (

Em 2 de setembro de 2010 10:33, Ubuntu User # 31923 escreveu:

  Caros Ubunteiros;
 Alguém além de mim está com dificuldades de acessar o hotmail pelo
 Ubuntu, tenho Firefox e Chrome, e em ambos não abre nada após o login.
 Existe alguma forma de enviar mensagem à Microsoft para que eles
 expliquem essa anomalia?
 Existe alguma forma de fazer funcionar?
 Obs1.: Meu hotmail tem mais de 11 anos de existência e não queria perder
 este contato.
 Obs2.: Não gostaria de usar gerenciador de e-mail, pois já perdi muitos
 e-mails por causa do backup falho do Evolution.
 No mais agradeço,
 Ubuntu User #31923

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Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] off: Era pra ser sobre as ferias do Torvalds..

2010-09-02 Thread Andre Cavalcante
Em 2 de setembro de 2010 14:28, Andson escreveu:

 Olha só essa materia, finalmente vejo uma materia que coloca o Linux
 em seu devido lugar... Isso pq não era esse o foco da materia.

Incrível mesmo é que veio de um fonte que até pouco tempo atrás não citava a
palavra Linux e, quando o fazia, via de regra falava mal. As coisas mudam...

André Cavalcante
Manaus, AM
Ubuntu User number # 24370
Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
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Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os anexos
em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] off: Era pra ser sobre as ferias do Torvalds..

2010-09-02 Thread Tiago Rocha
Cara, show de bola a matéria!

Feita com imparcialidade e profissionalismo. Nem acredito que li algo assim
sobre o linux. Mto bom!

Tiago Rocha

Em 2 de setembro de 2010 17:28, Andre Cavalcante escreveu:

 Em 2 de setembro de 2010 14:28, Andson escreveu:

  Olha só essa materia, finalmente vejo uma materia que coloca o Linux
  em seu devido lugar... Isso pq não era esse o foco da materia.

 Incrível mesmo é que veio de um fonte que até pouco tempo atrás não citava
 palavra Linux e, quando o fazia, via de regra falava mal. As coisas

 André Cavalcante
 Manaus, AM
 Ubuntu User number # 24370
 Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
 Quer saber mais sobre Espiritismo?

 Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
 Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os anexos
 em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread rda
É, como eu tinha que dar de conta do computador funcionando eu resolvi
reinstalar tudo novamente. Esta é a segunda vez que faço mer** aqui
neste computador, oh infeliz!
Vou ficar mais atento, não vou mais atualizar kernel, só quando eu
fizer um Backup com o remastersys e dos meus dados no /home.
Passei uma semana instalando o ubuntu aqui com os programas desejados
e os indesejados excluidos. E instalei em 4 computadores, tim-tim por
tim-tim. Já chega Num aguento mais não, é bom que aprende, mas
cansa muito!!!

Agradeço a colaboração de todos.

Em 02/09/10, Andre escreveu:
 Pelo erro que deu parece que tua base de dados do apt tá com algum problema.
 Tenta consertar com

 apt-get install -f

 Quanto ao problema de outros pacotes que podem ser removidos:

 apt-get autremove

 Sobre o erro no /proc, independente dele, parece que instalou o
 linux-headers. Talvez para instalar o kernel a partir do chroot tenha que
 remontar o /proc. Não lembro agora o comando certo, mas com certeza é alguma
 opção do mount, algo como:

 mount -t proc proc /proc

 Mas deixo essa pro pessoal confirmar, e já que instalou, tentaria fazer a
 instalação linux-image antes e depois fazer um boot para ver se funfa...

 Me parece que você tá chegando lá.

 André Cavalcante
 Manaus, AM
 Ubuntu User number # 24370
 Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
 Quer saber mais sobre Espiritismo?

 Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
 Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os anexos
 em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (

 Em 2 de setembro de 2010 13:14, rda escreveu:

 Ok, fiz exatamente assim (veja os erros, acho que falta alguma coisa):

 r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-headers-generic
 Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
 Construindo árvore de dependências
 Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
 Os seguintes pacotes foram automaticamente instalados e não são mais
 Use 'apt-get autoremove' para removê-los.
 Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
 Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
  linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic linux-headers-generic
 0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
 e 0 não atualizados.
 É preciso baixar 744kB de arquivos.
 Depois desta operação, 9224kB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
 Você quer continuar [S/n]? S
 Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
 linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic 2.6.32-24.42 [740kB]
 Obter:2 lucid-updates/main
 linux-headers-generic [4022B]
 Baixados 744kB em 2s (299kB/s)
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado
 (Lendo banco de dados ... 200068 arquivos e diretórios atualmente
 Desempacotando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (de
 .../linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-headers-generic.
 Desempacotando linux-headers-generic (de
 .../linux-headers-generic_2. ...
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Configurando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
 Examining /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d.
 run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms
 2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
 run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common
 2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
 pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci

 Configurando linux-headers-generic ( ...
 r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-image-generic
 Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
 Construindo árvore de dependências
 Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
 Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
 Pacotes sugeridos:
  fdutils linux-tools
 Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
  linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic linux-image-generic
 0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
 e 0 não atualizados.
 É preciso baixar 4032B/31,5MB de arquivos.
 Depois desta operação, 99,1MB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
 Você quer continuar [S/n]? s
 Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
 linux-image-generic [4032B]
 Baixados 4032B em 0s (9470B/s)
 Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
 Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado
 (Lendo banco de dados ... 206789 arquivos e diretórios atualmente
 Desempacotando linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic 

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread Andre Cavalcante
Pelo jeito respondi tarde, desculpe ;(

Se o computador é de produção, evita de instalar e desinstalar coisas para
testes. Para isso, podes criar uma máquina virtual ou, o ideal, usar outra
máquina para isso.

E realmente, a ferramenta certa é uma de backup, como o remastersys.

André Cavalcante

Em 2 de setembro de 2010 18:04, rda escreveu:

 É, como eu tinha que dar de conta do computador funcionando eu resolvi
 reinstalar tudo novamente. Esta é a segunda vez que faço mer** aqui
 neste computador, oh infeliz!
 Vou ficar mais atento, não vou mais atualizar kernel, só quando eu
 fizer um Backup com o remastersys e dos meus dados no /home.
 Passei uma semana instalando o ubuntu aqui com os programas desejados
 e os indesejados excluidos. E instalei em 4 computadores, tim-tim por
 tim-tim. Já chega Num aguento mais não, é bom que aprende, mas
 cansa muito!!!

 Agradeço a colaboração de todos.

 Em 02/09/10, Andre escreveu:
  Pelo erro que deu parece que tua base de dados do apt tá com algum
  Tenta consertar com
  apt-get install -f
  Quanto ao problema de outros pacotes que podem ser removidos:
  apt-get autremove
  Sobre o erro no /proc, independente dele, parece que instalou o
  linux-headers. Talvez para instalar o kernel a partir do chroot tenha que
  remontar o /proc. Não lembro agora o comando certo, mas com certeza é
  opção do mount, algo como:
  mount -t proc proc /proc
  Mas deixo essa pro pessoal confirmar, e já que instalou, tentaria fazer a
  instalação linux-image antes e depois fazer um boot para ver se funfa...
  Me parece que você tá chegando lá.
  André Cavalcante
  Manaus, AM
  Ubuntu User number # 24370
  Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
  Quer saber mais sobre Espiritismo?
  Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
  Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os
  em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (
  Em 2 de setembro de 2010 13:14, rda escreveu:
  Ok, fiz exatamente assim (veja os erros, acho que falta alguma coisa):
  r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-headers-generic
  Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
  Construindo árvore de dependências
  Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
  Os seguintes pacotes foram automaticamente instalados e não são mais
  Use 'apt-get autoremove' para removê-los.
  Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
  Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
   linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic linux-headers-generic
  0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
  e 0 não atualizados.
  É preciso baixar 744kB de arquivos.
  Depois desta operação, 9224kB adicionais de espaço em disco serão
  Você quer continuar [S/n]? S
  Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
  linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic 2.6.32-24.42 [740kB]
  Obter:2 lucid-updates/main
  linux-headers-generic [4022B]
  Baixados 744kB em 2s (299kB/s)
  Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
  Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado
  (Lendo banco de dados ... 200068 arquivos e diretórios atualmente
  Desempacotando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (de
  .../linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
  Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-headers-generic.
  Desempacotando linux-headers-generic (de
  .../linux-headers-generic_2. ...
  Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
  Configurando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
  Examining /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d.
  run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms
  2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
  run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common
  2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
  pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
  Configurando linux-headers-generic ( ...
  r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-image-generic
  Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
  Construindo árvore de dependências
  Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
  Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
  Pacotes sugeridos:
   fdutils linux-tools
  Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
   linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic linux-image-generic
  0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
  e 0 não atualizados.
  É preciso baixar 4032B/31,5MB de arquivos.
  Depois desta operação, 99,1MB adicionais de 

Re: [Ubuntu-BR] off: Era pra ser sobre as ferias do Torvalds..

2010-09-02 Thread Carlos Eduardo
Salve pessoal,
é o tipo de matéria que deixa qualquer usuário de Linux feliz..

Vou repassar a matéria pros meus contatos!
Em 2 de setembro de 2010 17:46, Tiago Rocha escreveu:

 Cara, show de bola a matéria!

 Feita com imparcialidade e profissionalismo. Nem acredito que li algo assim
 sobre o linux. Mto bom!

 Tiago Rocha

 Em 2 de setembro de 2010 17:28, Andre Cavalcante escreveu:

  Em 2 de setembro de 2010 14:28, Andson escreveu:
   Olha só essa materia, finalmente vejo uma materia que coloca o Linux
   em seu devido lugar... Isso pq não era esse o foco da materia.
  Incrível mesmo é que veio de um fonte que até pouco tempo atrás não
  palavra Linux e, quando o fazia, via de regra falava mal. As coisas
  André Cavalcante
  Manaus, AM
  Ubuntu User number # 24370
  Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
  Quer saber mais sobre Espiritismo?
  Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
  Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os
  em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (
  Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:
  Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
  Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:
 Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

 Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
 Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

Carlos Eduardo

* Antes de imprimir pense no seu compromisso e responsabilidade com o
Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
Histórico, descadastramento e outras opções:

[Ubuntu-BR] Inscrições Semana Integrada!

2010-09-02 Thread Fábio Magnoni
Olá pessoal,

Venho informar que o evento da PUC-Campinas - Semana Integrada iniciará o
processo de inscrições amanhã dia 03/09/2010!

O evento conta com diversas palestras e mini-cursos nas áreas de: Engenharia
de Computação, Análise de Sistemas, Engenharia Civil, Engenharia Elétrica,
Engenharia Ambiental, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Geografia, Química e

O evento terá prioridade claro para alunos da Universidade, mas pessoas
externas também terão oportunidade de participar, tendo que fazer seu
cadastro através do CPF para gerar sua identificação. Liberamos 10% das
vagas para o público externo, sendo que os auditórios tem capacidade em
média para 600 pessoas, o que da um número razoável para público externo.

Temos alguns palestrantes que são daqui da lista, como o Kemel, Kretcheu,
Alexsandro, Marcos, Zandre.

Todos os participantes receberão um certificado de participação.

As inscrições são feitas através do site:


Fábio Réa
Eng. de Computação - PUC-Campinas 2010
Diretor de Recursos Humanos - Associação Informatica Junior - PUC-Campinas
Mais sobre o Ubuntu em português:

Lista de discussão Ubuntu Brasil
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Re: [Ubuntu-BR] failed to boot default and fallback entries

2010-09-02 Thread rda
Tudo bem, não tem porque se desculpar.

Vou deixar redondinho novamente e fazer esse remastersys.

Já tô instalando o virtualbox

Agradeço a todos pelas informações

Em 02/09/10, Andre escreveu:
 Pelo jeito respondi tarde, desculpe ;(

 Se o computador é de produção, evita de instalar e desinstalar coisas para
 testes. Para isso, podes criar uma máquina virtual ou, o ideal, usar outra
 máquina para isso.

 E realmente, a ferramenta certa é uma de backup, como o remastersys.

 André Cavalcante

 Em 2 de setembro de 2010 18:04, rda escreveu:

 É, como eu tinha que dar de conta do computador funcionando eu resolvi
 reinstalar tudo novamente. Esta é a segunda vez que faço mer** aqui
 neste computador, oh infeliz!
 Vou ficar mais atento, não vou mais atualizar kernel, só quando eu
 fizer um Backup com o remastersys e dos meus dados no /home.
 Passei uma semana instalando o ubuntu aqui com os programas desejados
 e os indesejados excluidos. E instalei em 4 computadores, tim-tim por
 tim-tim. Já chega Num aguento mais não, é bom que aprende, mas
 cansa muito!!!

 Agradeço a colaboração de todos.

 Em 02/09/10, Andre escreveu:
  Pelo erro que deu parece que tua base de dados do apt tá com algum
  Tenta consertar com
  apt-get install -f
  Quanto ao problema de outros pacotes que podem ser removidos:
  apt-get autremove
  Sobre o erro no /proc, independente dele, parece que instalou o
  linux-headers. Talvez para instalar o kernel a partir do chroot tenha
  remontar o /proc. Não lembro agora o comando certo, mas com certeza é
  opção do mount, algo como:
  mount -t proc proc /proc
  Mas deixo essa pro pessoal confirmar, e já que instalou, tentaria fazer
  instalação linux-image antes e depois fazer um boot para ver se funfa...
  Me parece que você tá chegando lá.
  André Cavalcante
  Manaus, AM
  Ubuntu User number # 24370
  Quer saber sobre Open Source Software?
  Quer saber mais sobre Espiritismo?
  Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document
  Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os
  em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o BrOffice ( ou o seguinte Plugin para Microsoft Office (
  Em 2 de setembro de 2010 13:14, rda escreveu:
  Ok, fiz exatamente assim (veja os erros, acho que falta alguma coisa):
  r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-headers-generic
  Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
  Construindo árvore de dependências
  Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
  Os seguintes pacotes foram automaticamente instalados e não são mais
  Use 'apt-get autoremove' para removê-los.
  Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
  Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
   linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic linux-headers-generic
  0 pacotes atualizados, 2 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos
  e 0 não atualizados.
  É preciso baixar 744kB de arquivos.
  Depois desta operação, 9224kB adicionais de espaço em disco serão
  Você quer continuar [S/n]? S
  Obter:1 lucid-updates/main
  linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic 2.6.32-24.42 [740kB]
  Obter:2 lucid-updates/main
  linux-headers-generic [4022B]
  Baixados 744kB em 2s (299kB/s)
  Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
  Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado
  (Lendo banco de dados ... 200068 arquivos e diretórios atualmente
  Desempacotando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (de
  .../linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic_2.6.32-24.42_i386.deb) ...
  Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado linux-headers-generic.
  Desempacotando linux-headers-generic (de
  .../linux-headers-generic_2. ...
  Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
  Configurando linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic (2.6.32-24.42) ...
  Examining /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d.
  run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms
  2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
  run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/nvidia-common
  2.6.32-24-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic
  pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci
  Configurando linux-headers-generic ( ...
  r...@ubuntu:/# apt-get install linux-image-generic
  Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
  Construindo árvore de dependências
  Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
  Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
  Pacotes sugeridos:
   fdutils linux-tools
  Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão 

Re: [Ubuntu-be] own t-shirts, follow up and design ideas

2010-09-02 Thread Massimiliano Lentini

Hello everybody,
I made some new suggestions for the t-shirts.

Massimiliano Lentini.

Op 09/07/2010 11:31, jean7491 schreef:

Hi to all,

Design suggestions (I already sent in the mailing list) are now in the 
wiki :

I added a possibility to mention Ubuntu-be (or a sponsor) at the 
bottom of the t-shirt.

New suggestions posted in the mailing list will be added (preference 
in .png, 332px × 344px) at the same place for future comparaison.

Ubuntu Belgium Events Team

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