Re: Selecting music for example-content

2006-02-21 Thread Henrik Nilsen Omma

Sandis Neilands wrote:

Right! And what's the point of including firefox or thunderbird on the
cd which are only usable, if one have internet connection? I mean we
could include bookmarks to their download's page or something. On
windows the outdated firefox and thunderbird will try to upgrade
themselves anyway!
Only firefox of those (+OOo and Gaim) included ATM. You are right that 
it does soon become outdated, but it's the #1 killer app of the FOSS 
world. Any way we can help spread and promote it or even just associate 
ourselves with it is a good thing. On dial-up even the 5meg download 
might be prohibitive and some people have qualms about installing stuff 
from the internet, but less so from a nice CD.

- Henrik

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

2006-02-21 Thread Henrik Nilsen Omma

I'd like to poll people's views on the content of the Windows FOSS on 
the Live CD. In the past we have adjusted the Win-FOSS to fit the 
available space quite close to the end of the process, but it might be 
worth taking a longer view now.

How do people use it? Is it something that end user find valuable? This 
is the current collection on Ubuntu 5.10:

Firefox 4.7mb
Gaim 6.6mb
OpenOffice 77.1mb
Other CD content 13-15mb

Total: 100mb

The big space-hog as always is 2.0. It takes up 77 MB of 
space (compressed), and is then only available in English (a different 
language is a separate install). If we removed OOo2 we could add several 
other applications, and still save considerable space. An example:

Firefox 4.7mb
Gaim 6.6mb
Thunderbird 6.1mb
Abiword 5.0mb
Gimp 15mb
MoinMoin Desktop 3.2mb
7-zip 0.8mb
Other CD content 13-15mb

Total: ~57mb

The 'other CD content' is the stuff that makes it browseable. This 
includes the Gecko-based CD bowser and content files including images 
like screenshots. We could potentially add some items to this, like a 
PDF version of the 'Great Features of Ubuntu' document and possibly some 

I see three main issues with removing OpenOffice: First it is a 
cornerstone piece of FOSS that has an important role in getting a 
foot-hold on the Windows platform (but less important than Firefox). It 
has the best support for MS-Office files of the Free office suites. And 
third, it is what we ship with Ubuntu, so it presents a unified picture, 
making it clear that you can run many of the same applications on 
several platforms and you can then painlessly move your data between them.

The question is whether these three points are important enough to 
outweigh the limitations on space. The the saved 30-77mb we can add a 
lot of cool stuff.

Among that stuff could be example content (and language packs).  With 
more space we could include more pictures, OOo presentations, several 
pieces of music, a decent video clip, gimp files with multiple layers, etc.


- Henrik

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Selecting music for example-content

2006-02-21 Thread Sandis Neilands
Hello Henrik!

On 2/19/06, Henrik Nilsen Omma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another problem with that list is that it contains almost exclusively
 classical music, and we might want a bit more variety. I would think a
 few short pieces, each under a meg, from 3-4 different genres would be

OK, if space on CD wasn't a problem, then 3 - 4 different genres would
be perfectly fine. Unfortunately ubuntu ships with outdated windows
software, so we can't have space for something more interesting or
usable for actual users.

Few thoughts then. If we pick from classics, we shouldn't go with
religious (or American) hymns. Also we shouldn't choose symphonies or
other heavy and long pieces.

 Good candidates from the Wikipedia list seem to be  Holst's Jupiter or
 Uranus. Cutting out one of the more lively segments of either of these
 would make for an engaging piece. Venus is too tranquil for our purpose
 and I'm worried about including 'Mars' simply because the 'God of war'
 is not very compatible with the spirit of Ubuntu.

Thumbs up for Jupiter. Venus is very beautiful, but you are right,
that it's perhaps too sleepy for purpose of the example content.
However I can't stress enough how rude it is to cut (cripple) music.
If Jupiter or any other candidate is too long, then it's better to
drop it from candidate list, than cut it.

 Also try:

First two are very low quality. I skipped Bach simply because I think
it doesn't go well with the playful spirit of ubuntu and free software
in general.

 Please have a listen to some of that if you have some time and esp. if
 you know stuff about music (which I don't)

My favourites from wikipedia. As you see, it's mostly piano works.

Brahms-waltz11.ogg (very nice)
Brahms-waltz14.ogg (also very nice, a bit dramatic though)
Brahms-waltz15.ogg (beautiful, but slow)
Brahms-waltz16.ogg (beautiful, but ends in minor)
Chopin_Nocturne.ogg (beautiful, but slow and long)
Debussy_-_Mazurka.ogg (Unfortunately very low audio quality. Otherwise
it suits the image of dapper drake very well)
Holst-_jupiter.ogg (Vivid as a whole. Please don't cut it.)
Liszt-_au_bord_d_une.ogg (IMHO the most beautiful peace from that
list. My personal favourite from that list.)

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

2006-02-21 Thread Santiago Roza
imho the win32 foss is a bad idea per se: we shouldn't take 100 mb for
something that's not needed for ubuntu, especially when you're under
heavy size constraints.

given that, if the choice still is to blundle win32 software, the
non-ooo2 option sounds like the most reasonable.  no one will ever
install it from that cd anyway, and we get to add more variety.

Santiago Roza
Departamento I+D - Thymbra

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

2006-02-21 Thread Henrik Nilsen Omma

Santiago Roza wrote:

imho the win32 foss is a bad idea per se: we shouldn't take 100 mb for
something that's not needed for ubuntu, especially when you're under
heavy size constraints.
Well, remember that the CD isn't just for you and I who already know and 
use Ubuntu. It's for a wider audience, to which esp. the live CD serves 
as a great introduction tool. Once you are using Ubuntu, you can always 
install more software or you can get the DVD instead.

Imagine a conversation with a friend who you are trying to introduce to 
Ubuntu. He generally likes the concept of FOSS, and has been stubbed N 
times by virus and malware infections. So you have his interest, but 
then there are the obstacles:

* I have this FooBarCash program on Windows that I really need
* I need MS-Office/QuarkXpress, etc. for my job
* I have all my files in format X
* Repartitioning my drive sounds scary
* My parents/friends/partner also use the machine and they won't like 
it if I change the system

Armed with an Ubuntu Live CD you can say: OK, take this disc and 
restart your computer. Run the live session and see what you think. Then 
open it up on your Windows system, and at the very /least/ install 
Firefox. Using IE is just a bad idea. Using Firefox will at least reduce 
your exposure to nasty stuff and it has tabs!.

-- OK, that sounds useful. I'll try it. They take the CD and actually 
use it :)

-  Henrik

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

2006-02-21 Thread Santiago Roza
On 2/21/06, Henrik Nilsen Omma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, remember that the CD isn't just for you and I who already know and
 use Ubuntu. It's for a wider audience ...

i know that, but the problem is that we're overlapping objectives
here.  the ubuntu livecd cannot have the same objetives as (for
example) the opencd.

 open it up on your Windows system, and at the very /least/ install

i don't see why i can't give him a different cd for that, and let both
cds do what they're meant to do, and do it well.

Santiago Roza
Departamento I+D - Thymbra

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: More colorful help browser

2006-02-21 Thread Matthew East
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 17:53 +, Matthew East wrote:
 Matthew East [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Sebastien Bacher seb128 at ... writes:
   Thanks for your work on that. The idea seems to be good and the
   screenshots are nice. Do you already have some patch to play with?
 I've put the patch up with the screenshots:

Did this patch work? Is there anything else I can do?

Has anyone got any other ideas about how we can improve on the yelp

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Re: Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

2006-02-21 Thread Henrik Nilsen Omma

Jerome Gotangco wrote:

This selection is pretty good actually, although I would wonder the
use of MMDE for casual computer users. 
Yes, I agree that it's probably not mainstream enough. It's just me who 
is a Moin-zealot :) That was more a hypothetical list to show some file 

Wesnoth is pretty good too
(included in the OpenCD) but that's around 35MB for the setup file.
I think 35MB is a bit too much for something which has a fairly small 
audience in the end (besides, TheOpenCD needs some selling points too ;) ).

- Henrik

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

example-content - is it really a solution?

2006-02-21 Thread Armand CORBEAUX
Sometimes I don't understand choices that are done...

By putting examples files in Ubuntu, will it really help people?

If you look at how people apprehend the software, you note that they don't read documentation.

If you look at how people consider the examples files on others OS, you note that they don't use them.

this is not a criticism, but another solution can be considered for the next distribution:
- To learn is an action which you make for yourself.
- One cannot force somebody to learn.

In this case an interesting solution could be to propose a presentation on CD and indicate it on cover.
So that a presentation is interesting, it must be short, and indicates the principal points.

But it is just a suggestion.

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

2006-02-21 Thread Manu Cornet

Hi !

 I think 35MB is a bit too much for something which has a fairly small 
 audience in the end (besides, TheOpenCD needs some selling points too ;) ).

Considering the great pieces of software we could make available the
Ubuntu part in those 35M, I tend to agree.

What about opening a small window (just like now, with nice icons), but
with just internet links (to the download page(s)) for the software we
don't want to actually include on the CD ?


ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Windows FOSS on the Live CD -- the OOo2 question

2006-02-21 Thread Armand CORBEAUX
To change its practices requires an effort.
To propose softwares for Windows on CD is a means of reassuring people.

When you listen people around you, you realize that they don't know
what is free softwares, even less than they can have a free office
suite, and even less than any software does not require a licence of

These softwares are still necessary to help people to learn.
But that should be better indicate on Live CD.

Of course that can make double employment, because Live CD is bootable, but sometimes simply start another OS can make fear.
ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: example-content - is it really a solution?

2006-02-21 Thread Lionel Dricot (aka Ploum)
This is at least useful on a Live CD.When I demonstrate Ubuntu with a live CD, I've nothing to do and I must always say : If you had a picture, you could edit it with the gimp, there. If you had a word document, you could...
Some videos, sounds and pictures samples could turn a boring demonstration into something very cool.People will not remember that Ubuntu is easier or better. They will say : I like your stuff. The picture of the bird was so cuuute ! (and, hop, I can then increment my Universal Ubuntu Conversion Counter)
On 21/02/06, Armand CORBEAUX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sometimes I don't understand choices that are done...

By putting examples files in Ubuntu, will it really help people?

If you look at how people apprehend the software, you note that they don't read documentation.

If you look at how people consider the examples files on others OS, you note that they don't use them.

this is not a criticism, but another solution can be considered for the next distribution:
- To learn is an action which you make for yourself.
- One cannot force somebody to learn.

In this case an interesting solution could be to propose a presentation on CD and indicate it on cover.
So that a presentation is interesting, it must be short, and indicates the principal points.

But it is just a suggestion.

--ubuntu-desktop mailing
ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Making example-content more visible

2006-02-21 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas

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On Feb 21, 2006, at 9:43 AM, Daniel Holbach wrote:

Apart from making the content fresher, more exciting and more fun, one
problem remains: making example content more visible. At the moment 
it's installed into /usr/share/example-content - a place that my 
mother would never find.

Ugh! :-) Wherever it goes, don't use the word example, because I 
already know that, and don't use the word content, because it hardly 
means anything.

How about /home/Shared/Music/, /home/Shared/Pictures/, and so on?

What can we do to make this better?

How about:

For the audio files, leave them in /Users/Shared/Music, and add them to 
Rhythmbox's library for each account.

For the other types, copy them to the Pictures/ or Documents/ subfolder 
of each new home folder. They're not nearly as big as the audio files, 
so multiple copies of them won't matter.

And ensure that any images suitable as a desktop background are present 
in the Desktop Background Preferences list by default.

- -- 
Matthew Paul Thomas
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