Fwd: Please fix regressions between 7.04 and 7.10-8.04 !!!

2008-03-28 Thread thibaut bethune
and i forgot to mention Bug #190579 numlock does not stay enabled Hardy...

-- Forwarded message --
From: thibaut bethune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 28 mars 2008 19:18
Subject: Please fix regressions between 7.04 and 7.10-8.04 !!!
To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com

I think regressions should be treated with top priority.

 i have to face two important regressions since Ubuntu 7.04 :

 1°) defects concerning image rendering
 My video card is an ATI Radeon 8500 LE (R200) which is not rare stuff.

 a) Compiz is activated since Ubuntu 7.10. Since then i have that bug

 b) Since Ubuntu 8.04 i have that bug also

 Therefore switching from Ubuntu 7.04 to Ubuntu 8.04 creates is an
 important regression in image rendering (bugs a + b)

 2°) Photo Import from Canon IXUS 30/Powershot SD200 failed since Ubuntu 7.10
 see that bug report

 Considering my hardware components (ATI R200 and Canon camera) which
 are not rare, that makes a lot of regressions since Ubuntu 7.04 (bugs
 1a + 1b + 2)...

 Please, note that there is a workaround concerning bug 1

 bug 1° a) disapears if i switch to metacity with composite
 (gconftool-2 -s --type bool /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager true)

 bug 1° b) disapears if i add in my xorg.conf : Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"
 but it creates another bug that is solved if i add also Option
 "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"

 Therefore, switching to metacity with composite and adding Option
 "AccelMethod" "EXA" & Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" completly
 solves bug 1 a+b

 Maybe that should be default settings for R200 ?

 But i don't have any workaround for the camera bug, therefore i don't
 know what to with my pictures :-(
 I'd be please to wait for a fix but i'd like to be sure that someone
 is working on it


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Does metacity compositor use acceleration?

2008-03-28 Thread thibaut bethune
chombee said "Does the compositor that you can enable in metacity in
hardy use 3D acceleration?"

( to enable compositor in metacity, run in a terminal :
gconftool-2 -s --type bool /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager true )

Yes it is accelerated
Unlike Compiz Fusion that uses OpenGL acceleration, Metacity makes use
of XRender

More information here : http://blogs.gnome.org/metacity/category/compositing/
and specially here :

"Compositing at its simplest is a program telling the Xserver not to
draw the windows anymore because the program wants to do it instead.
So now X doesn't draw the window to the screen, but to a backing store
pixmap which the compositor program then draws on the screen. It makes
sense for this compositing program to be the window manager, because
it already knows all about screens and displays and what window goes
where when. . . etc, but it does not need to be (e.g. xcompmgr).
The trick is that when the compositor comes to draw the window's
backing pixmap to the screen it can really do whatever it wants with
it. It can paint it backwards, or with a red tint, or just simply
paint it normally to the screen. Compositors like Compiz draw the
window onto GL textures and then are able to do 3D transforms on them.
The compositor in Metacity just draws it to the screen using the
XRender extension."

"No, you don't need 3D acceleration for this compositor, so cards with
sucky GL will be able to use it. You will however need a good and fast
XRender implementation. I'm using the both the binary NVidia driver
and the opensource Intel driver. The NVidia driver works well, the
Intel one (as shipped by Gutsy) works ok, but CPU usage can get high.
I've been told the Fiesty Intel driver is quite slow"

Note that i have an ATI Radeon 8500 LE card (R200) and i've modified
my xorg.conf to boost performance through EXA (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EXA ) by adding two lines into it.
Here is the interesting part of my xorg.conf :
"Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"
Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"

See also :

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Please fix regressions between 7.04 and 7.10-8.04 !!!

2008-03-28 Thread thibaut bethune
I think regressions should be treated with top priority.

i have to face two important regressions since Ubuntu 7.04 :

1°) defects concerning image rendering
My video card is an ATI Radeon 8500 LE (R200) which is not rare stuff.

a) Compiz is activated since Ubuntu 7.10. Since then i have that bug

b) Since Ubuntu 8.04 i have that bug also

Therefore switching from Ubuntu 7.04 to Ubuntu 8.04 creates is an
important regression in image rendering (bugs a + b)

2°) Photo Import from Canon IXUS 30/Powershot SD200 failed since Ubuntu 7.10
see that bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/f-spot/+bug/158119

Considering my hardware components (ATI R200 and Canon camera) which
are not rare, that makes a lot of regressions since Ubuntu 7.04 (bugs
1a + 1b + 2)...

Please, note that there is a workaround concerning bug 1

bug 1° a) disapears if i switch to metacity with composite
(gconftool-2 -s --type bool /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager true)

bug 1° b) disapears if i add in my xorg.conf : Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"
but it creates another bug that is solved if i add also Option
"MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"

Therefore, switching to metacity with composite and adding Option
"AccelMethod" "EXA" & Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy" completly
solves bug 1 a+b

Maybe that should be default settings for R200 ?

But i don't have any workaround for the camera bug, therefore i don't
know what to with my pictures :-(
I'd be please to wait for a fix but i'd like to be sure that someone
is working on it


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[Policykit] No possibilty to unlock the save option in Gedit while

2008-03-24 Thread thibaut bethune
Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote : "This is a good idea, but
ubuntu-devel-discuss is IMHO not the best place to talk about that.
Please report a bug (wishlist) on http://bugzilla.gnome.org to the
gedit product: they'll see what they can do. Here we can just agree,
but nobody codes directly into gedit."

Bug 524199 – When password is needed to modify a file, Gedit should
ask user to give its password instead of saying "you can't save

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[Policykit] No possibilty to unlock the save option in Gedit while trying to modify xorg.conf

2008-03-24 Thread thibaut bethune
Policykit is there to avoid the user to get a dialog box that would
say "that can't be done" without offering a workaround (if i'm not

well i've run Nautilus, and i've opened in Gedit etc/X11/xorg.conf
i've made some changes in it and pressed the "save" button (which was
active) and i've gotten an error message

I think that :
either the save button should not be active (at less)
either the user should have the possibilty to give the password to be
able to save the file (that would be perfect to me)

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apturl in Evince with PDF files

2008-03-24 Thread thibaut bethune
Apturl is very useful for documentation concerning Ubuntu.

Firefox and Epiphany use it and allow to easily install a software
from a documentation website

There is also documentation in PDF files, and therefore Evince should
also cope with apturl


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Fwd: nm-applet : Notification Area or Panel Applet ?

2008-03-23 Thread thibaut bethune
1°) Jerone Young said "This nm-applet is also for configuration
changes. So while you may
have a staic ip you may want to change it. Or maybe you decide to
start using DHCP. This will allow you to easily see your ip address"

Actually you can have that configuration thing with an applet : see
Tomboy applet or Glipper applet which can easily be accessed since it
remains on the panel (but not in the notification area)
look at this picture
: Tomboy applet is always visible as an applet (top right of the
screen), not in notification area

2°)  Jerone Young said "I actually think it makes since and eases
network configuration for everyone"

You can say that for everything and then place all programs in
notification area i guess. Maybe that should therefore be renamed into
the "configuration area" ;-)

nm-applet is an applet and notification area is for notification.
Therefore the "bug" seems pretty obvious to me.

Please, read again that HIG quote "The utility of the notification
area decreases rapidly when more than  about four icons are always
present. For this reason, icons that
 appear only temporarily in response to events are preferable."
That seems to be a good principle to me.

Besides, the problem not only concerns nm-applet, it concerns the
whole system. If nm-applet starts to stuck in notification area, all
programs will do the same. I guess this is why HIG stand for

Thank you

------ Forwarded message --
From: thibaut bethune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 22 mars 2008 04:48
Subject: nm-applet : Notification Area or Panel Applet ?
To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com

I'm running Hardy beta. Since Ubuntu 7.04 the network manager icon is
 stuck in my top panel.

 I don't see the interest of having such an icon in notification area
 since the icon never changes on my system (but i have no wireless

 Therefore i wander if network manager should not be an applet instead
 of cluttering the notification area : actually network manager icon
 doesn't notify anything (it acts in a manner quite similar to Tomboy
 which is an applet. Besides it is called nm-applet !).

 Having network manager as an applet doesn't mean that it can't display
 ponctual pieces of information in notification area when needed
 (poping up a small transient "balloon" attached to a notification

 for reference, here is the GNOME HIG quote :

 "Using the Status Notification Area

 Using the status notification area applications can notify the user of
 non-critical events (for example, arrival of new email, or a chat
 'buddy' having logged on), and expose the status of active system
 processes (for example, a printing document, or a laptop's battery

 The utility of the notification area decreases rapidly when more than
 about four icons are always present. For this reason, icons that
 appear only temporarily in response to events are preferable."


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nm-applet : Notification Area or Panel Applet ?

2008-03-22 Thread thibaut bethune
I'm running Hardy beta. Since Ubuntu 7.04 the network manager icon is
stuck in my top panel.

I don't see the interest of having such an icon in notification area
since the icon never changes on my system (but i have no wireless

Therefore i wander if network manager should not be an applet instead
of cluttering the notification area : actually network manager icon
doesn't notify anything (it acts in a manner quite similar to Tomboy
which is an applet. Besides it is called nm-applet !).

Having network manager as an applet doesn't mean that it can't display
ponctual pieces of information in notification area when needed
(poping up a small transient "balloon" attached to a notification

for reference, here is the GNOME HIG quote :

"Using the Status Notification Area

Using the status notification area applications can notify the user of
non-critical events (for example, arrival of new email, or a chat
'buddy' having logged on), and expose the status of active system
processes (for example, a printing document, or a laptop's battery

The utility of the notification area decreases rapidly when more than
about four icons are always present. For this reason, icons that
appear only temporarily in response to events are preferable."


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Fwd: Rhythmbox & Sound Juicer : some thoughts about the extracting audio CD functionality in Ubuntu & suggestions to improve it

2008-03-18 Thread thibaut bethune
see also :

Bug 523072 – Rhythmbox should warn the user who tries to close it
during audio CD ripping that it will stop the current task

Bug 523073 – Rhythmbox lacks an argument to launch it with "audio CD"
selected instead of "Library" in "Source" panel

-- Forwarded message --
From: thibaut bethune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 16 mars 2008 19:00
Subject: Rhythmbox & Sound Juicer : some thoughts about the extracting
audio CD functionality in Ubuntu & suggestions to improve it
To: ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com

I'd like to discuss the way Ubuntu deals with the "extracting audio CD" task

  - Ubuntu 7.10 and before : inserting an audio CD launchs Sound Juicer
  (according to the nome-volume-properties GUI)
  - Ubuntu 8.04 hardy alpha 6 : inserting an audio CD launchs Rhythmbox.

  I'm in favor of Rhythmbox for performing that task.

  BUT, the Ubuntu Hardu alpha 6 situation could be improved in 3 ways :

  1°) Sound Juicer should be removed from Hardy since Rhythmbox is the
  default system application to extract music from CD - no need for
  cluttering Applications menu.
  See Bug #202593 in sound-juicer (Ubuntu) on Launchpad

  2°) When inserting and audio CD, Rhythmbox should be launched with the
  GUI that shows the "Extract" button.
  Let me explain. Actually :
  - Rhythmbox has a contextual toolbar, which means that the "Extract"
  button is only displayed when you select the CD name in the "Source"
  - But Rhythmbox is always launched with "Library" selected in the
  "Source" panel (even when an audio CD is inserted)
  - Therefore, when an audio CD is inserted, Ubuntu launches Rhythmbox
  with "Library" selected in the "Source" panel, and no "Extract" button
  visible by the user : the user doesn't know how to rip his audio CD.
  My suggestion is that, when an audio CD is inserted, Rhythmbox should
  be launched with current audio CD selected in the "Source" panel, to
  make the contextual toolbar in Rhythmbox matching the task the user

  3°) While ripping an audio CD, you can close Rhythmbox without be
  advertised that Rhythmbox is performing a task. User should be warned
  that closing Rhythmbox now will stop the current task.
  Maybe a confirmation dialog box could say : "You are about to close
  Rhythmbox while Rhythmbox is ripping a CD. Closing Rhythmbox will stop
  the current CD ripping"

Thank you

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Rhythmbox & Sound Juicer : some thoughts about the extracting audio CD functionality in Ubuntu & suggestions to improve it

2008-03-16 Thread thibaut bethune
I'd like to discuss the way Ubuntu deals with the "extracting audio CD" task

 - Ubuntu 7.10 and before : inserting an audio CD launchs Sound Juicer
 (according to the nome-volume-properties GUI)
 - Ubuntu 8.04 hardy alpha 6 : inserting an audio CD launchs Rhythmbox.

 I'm in favor of Rhythmbox for performing that task.

 BUT, the Ubuntu Hardu alpha 6 situation could be improved in 3 ways :

 1°) Sound Juicer should be removed from Hardy since Rhythmbox is the
 default system application to extract music from CD - no need for
 cluttering Applications menu.
 See Bug #202593 in sound-juicer (Ubuntu) on Launchpad

 2°) When inserting and audio CD, Rhythmbox should be launched with the
 GUI that shows the "Extract" button.
 Let me explain. Actually :
 - Rhythmbox has a contextual toolbar, which means that the "Extract"
 button is only displayed when you select the CD name in the "Source"
 - But Rhythmbox is always launched with "Library" selected in the
 "Source" panel (even when an audio CD is inserted)
 - Therefore, when an audio CD is inserted, Ubuntu launches Rhythmbox
 with "Library" selected in the "Source" panel, and no "Extract" button
 visible by the user : the user doesn't know how to rip his audio CD.
 My suggestion is that, when an audio CD is inserted, Rhythmbox should
 be launched with current audio CD selected in the "Source" panel, to
 make the contextual toolbar in Rhythmbox matching the task the user

 3°) While ripping an audio CD, you can close Rhythmbox without be
 advertised that Rhythmbox is performing a task. User should be warned
 that closing Rhythmbox now will stop the current task.
 Maybe a confirmation dialog box could say : "You are about to close
 Rhythmbox while Rhythmbox is ripping a CD. Closing Rhythmbox will stop
 the current CD ripping"

Thank you

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