Re: [ubuntu-in] MUAs Was:Ubuntu under XP

2009-05-11 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Manish Sinha  wrote:
> My bad experience with mail client:
> Well, I use Thunderbird and it too takes a long time for login,checking
> server capabilities and downloading headers. Sometimes I feel as I would
> sleep. If I create a label with filter to redirect mail with *Archive It*
> option in Gmail, it is interpreted as a folder in mail client. To add insult
> to injury, Thunderbird just fetches mail for the Inbox and not for mails
> that have been archived and set the label. I have to click on those folder
> icons to fetch the mail.
> I guess no mail client is perfect. Hope Mutt works better in this case.

You need to use IMAP protocol to be able to fetch mails from folders
inside a mailbox. Plus configure which folders you want to subscribe
to. I extensively use Gmail Filters with IMAP using Claws Mail as my
MUA. Claws Mail is a fork of Slypheed, its light, fast and highly
configurable , GTK based.
> In Gmail, I simply goto last line using Ctrl+End and then type my reply over
> there, but is time consuming in web based clients.
Yeah thats what I do. It helps if you use Plain Text.


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Need to install previous updates

2009-04-04 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 12:09 PM, nagendra prasad
> Hi,
> I had Ubuntu Studio installed on my system. Now I have removed and Installed
> it again. But before I did that I took a backup of update folder
> '/var/cache/apt/archives'  where system downloaded all its updates. Now I
> want to install all updates again but I don't want it to connect with
> internet and take much time. So, is their anything can install all updates
> all at once instead of clicking on one by one??
> Thanks,
Assuming it is the same version of Ubuntu Studio, do the following steps
- dump your backup into '/var/cache/apt/archives/'
-  Run $ sudo aptitude update  (This will require internet access - as
you dont have the latest repo listing which are stored in
- Run $ sudo aptitude upgrade ( This will update all the 'currently'
installed packages to the latest version available in the repo, if you
have the same deb  version in your backup it wont require to download
the newer version from the internet)

You still will have to install those packages which are not installed
by default during the basic install but you have installed them after
installation , in your previous system.


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Airtel Broadband dialup howto?

2008-07-04 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 18:58:40 +0530
Lut4rp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > use the following command in a terminal, and follow the onscreen
> > setup : pppoeconf
> >
> > hope this will help your friend.
> >
> > ইতি
> > অনিন্দ্য
> > Anindya
> I mentioned in my mail, that I have tried the ppoeconf method from the
> Ubuntu Help system. It isnt working... Maybe I did the wrong
> setting-up? Hasn't someone actually done this yet? I am actually
> surprised!
> help!
> pratul
What errors ?? It would help if you provide the output of plog
or /var/log/syslog 
I have beetel 220BX modem , which I had configured to be used with pon
but with Dataone. 


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu OpenWeek is back again

2008-04-29 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Roshan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> List,
>  For those who check the wiki regularly, this might not
>  be new! ;)
>  For others, if you log on to IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
>  regularly, it might be worth to know how Ubuntu (andanks
>  its derivatives) are created and how it can be used in
>  fantastic ways to accomplish daily computing tasks.
>  Follow the link to know more:

Thanks a ton Roshan :)
Catch you there.


ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] Locale en_IN or en_IN.UTF-8 ??

2008-04-10 Thread Jasbir Khehra
Choosing language as  English(India) during the install process makes
en_IN the default locale of the system.But this causes the gtk1 using
applications not to show their menu eg. audaciity,xmms ( ) .
Changing the locale to en_US solves this problem somehow. Also noticed
there was no .UTF-8 for en_IN when listing the locales using locale -a
. So generating the en_IN.UTF-8 locale and making it the default,
solves the gtk1 bug plus other irritants.
So my questions are,
a) what is the difference between en_IN and en_IN.UTF-8?
b) why cant en_IN.UTF-8 be the default locale when selecting English
(India) as the preferred language?

I have noticed this behaviour in Ubuntu 7.04 and 7.10 , and no other
language packs have been installed.
Can some one check this out in 8.04?


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Sharing Ubuntu 8.04

2008-04-10 Thread Jasbir Khehra
Opps, forgot to paste the link :)


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Sharing Ubuntu 8.04

2008-04-10 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:18 PM, Prakash Advani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Excellent suggestion :) Open source is all about Sharing! I am willing
>  to share what I have with me.
>  I am sure many of us will be downloading 8.04 once it is released, we
>  should plan a way to share them. I am sharing whats available with me
>  and where I am located.
>  I have Ubuntu 8.04 beta, Ubuntu  7.10 32/64Bit , Kubuntu 7.10,  Ubuntu
>  Server 7.10 32/64 Bit, Ubuntu Studio 7.10, Ubuntu JEOS 7.10, Edubuntu 7.10.
>  I am located at Kandivali, Mumbai.
>  Prakash
We do have a CD share/request page especially for this, its convenient
 to have this info at a single location then to be scattered around in
mailing list threads.


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] OT: Unable to access the internet even though the BSNL WLL connection is working

2008-03-22 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On 3/22/08, Sanjay Bhangar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey ..
> On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 1:00 PM, Ramnarayan. K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi Jasbir,
> >
> > 1. I added the opendns namservers while the connection was off and it
> > did not work
> > infact when i did less /etc/resolv.conf
> >
> > it only showed the normal nameservers
> >
> > i then live added the above opendns - and it worked ??
> >
> > Why ?? can i make these permanent additions ??

The dialer programs be it wvdial or adsl pppoeconf upon successful
connection gets the DNS entries from the ISP and overwrites them in
etc/resolv.conf . Also while disconnecting remove these entries. There
is provision in the config files of these dialers to disable this auto
In case of wvdial add this line in /etc/wvdial.conf
Auto DNS=off

> I've had this problem before where Ubuntu keeps changing resolv.conf and it
> can get quite irritating -- not sure if this was the most elegant solution,
> but I would do:
>  $sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf  (this makes the file 'immutable' and thus
> network-manager can't automatically change it.. )
That is a bit excessive. You need to find out the exact program which
is making changes to resolv.conf and disable the option.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] OT: Unable to access the internet even though the BSNL WLL connection is working

2008-03-21 Thread Jasbir Khehra
> Hi
>  Am using a BSNL WLL (CDMA) fixed wireless phone connection to access the
>  internet.
>  The connection has been working pretty well since January.
>  But for the last two days though the phone connects i am unable to browse.
>  This is my wvdial connection
>  WvDial<*1>: pppd: x?[06][08]
>  WvDial<*1>: pppd: x?[06][08]
>  WvDial<*1>: local  IP address
>  WvDial<*1>: pppd: x?[06][08]
>  WvDial<*1>: remote IP address
>  WvDial<*1>: pppd: x?[06][08]
>  WvDial<*1>: primary   DNS address
>  WvDial<*1>: pppd: x?[06][08]
>  WvDial<*1>: secondary DNS address
>  WvDial<*1>: pppd: x?[06][08]
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ tracepath
>   1: (  0.241ms pmtu 1500
>   1: ( 1287.837ms
>   1: (  25292.169ms
>   2: (
>   3: (  8 1235.882ms
>   3: (  8 25240.111ms
>   4:  no reply
>   5:  no reply
>   >snipped
>   31:  no reply
>   Too many hops: pmtu 1500
>   Resume: pmtu 1500
>  ***
>  I don't understand why it traces or pings a random ip address
>  So what could be the problem - if an additional DNS needs to be added /
>  changed how do i find out ???
>  Any one else using BSNL WLL can they confirm what their DNS' are and if
>  its working.
Hi Ram,
Yup the BSNL DNS seems to be the culprit. I am on BSNL Dataone and
also cant able to reach those DNS servers. Try after changing the DNS
servers in your /etc/resolv.conf to
(These are OpenDNS servers)

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] encoding to flash videos

2008-03-18 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On 3/18/08, Moz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
>  Can someone give the full command using ffmpeg or mencoder to encode
>  an ASF or mpg or mp4 file to a flash video (flv) file suitable to
>  upload to various video sites?
Goggle is way much faster :)
ffmepg -i  -ar  22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 output_file.flv

well I was under the impression the the enconding part was also
handled by the "various video sites" .


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Repository on DVDs

2008-03-17 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On 3/17/08, Francis Bosco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all
>   i have got those dvd repositories by VPP. but it seems not all packages
> available in them. i have added those dvds with synaptic. when i tired to

Yup, not all the _latest_ version of the packages. Maybe the version
in your DVD repo wasnt the latest, so the Package Management was
trying to fetch and install the latest one.
apt-cache policy  is a very useful command to see
versions of the packages in the various repos and which one will be
fetched or is already installed.

> install k3b its showing that libqt3-mt is not present like that even when i
> was installing vlc player there was package like libnavdvd which i had to
> download from internet.
> i think those packaes are only packages from ubuntu community. Is there any
> packages which are not available with those dvds or i was somewhere wrong...
Nah, dont thing you are wrong ; Debian Package Management is just smart :)

Btw, apt-cache search libnavdvd come out zilch. Seems libnavdvd is a
dvd menu navigation lib, hmmm dont know how come vlc barfed about this

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Bhavani Shankar [was Re: What happened to ubuntu-in development ?]

2008-01-23 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On 1/23/08, Mir Nazim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bhavani, Why don't you just do what you want to do. Why keep bug everyone.
> JUST DO IT & PROVE IT. Its as simple as that.

Yup, and feel your Karma rise, I dont mean the Launchpad one.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Need a /etc/fstab

2008-01-23 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On 1/23/08, Lut4rp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I installed gutsy on my box, and I dont know what got into me, I
> decided to do it using the text mode CD (alternate). It turns out that
> if we use that it doesnt write the fstab for the NTFS windoze
> partitions. All it does while startup is mount the ext3 partition.

Hi Pratul,
Did you select the NTFS windoze partitions to be mounted during the
partition stage of the Alternate CD installation ?
I extensively use the Alternate CD for installing and prefer it over
the live cd.
Here is a very illustrative tutorial for installing Feisty Fawn using
the Alternate CD with NTFS partitions -->
Hey my reply may not be of any help to you, just wanted to clear
doubts that Alternate CD can infact handle NTFS partitons.


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Setting up local apt-get repository ? Error

2008-01-21 Thread Jasbir Khehra
On 1/18/08, Ramnarayan. K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Ok my sources.list points to
> deb file:media/disk/ubuntu/dvd710_1/ubuntu gutsy main
> multiverse universe
> and the files Packages.gz
> /media/disk-1/ubuntu/dvd710_1/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> /media/disk-1/ubuntu/dvd710_1/dists/gutsy/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> /media/disk-1/ubuntu/dvd710_1/dists/gutsy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> are there :

The location of the mirror and the path given in sources dont match.
Try this line in your sources.list
deb file:/media/disk-1/ubuntu/dvd710_1 gusty main multiverse universe

> top:~$ sudo apt-get update
> E: Malformed line 4 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)
>  the top 5 -6 lines of my sources.list looks like
> # adding 7.10 material transferred from dvd to usb disk
> # deb file:///media/disk-1/ubuntu/dvd710_1/ubuntu/gutsy/
> main multiverse universe
> deb
> file://media/disk-1/ubuntu/dvd710_1/dists/gutsy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> deb
> file:///media/disk-1/ubuntu/dvd710_1/dists/gutsy/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> deb
> file:///media/disk-1/ubuntu/dvd710_1/dists/gutsy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> so what now ???
You need to remove these lines pointing to 'Packages.gz'


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Command Line Problems

2007-10-23 Thread Jasbir Khehra
< big snip>
> ***
> hoping to know whats happening and how to rectify it.
> thanks
> ram
Hi, using the '-c' option clears the buffer contents after printing
them once. Therefore subsequent 'dmesg -c' will output nothing unless
some kernel activity has take place.

*1  dont use '-c' , "dmesg > boot.txt" ,will work fine.
*2 su is required for dmesg -c but not for dmesg (witout any options)
*3 covered by 1&2 above.
Also you can have a look at /var/log/kern.log for all the kernel messages.
Run a $ tail -f /var/log/kern.log  then watch the messages fly past as
you plug your devices .


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] [Fwd: to know about ubuntu]

2007-04-18 Thread Jasbir Khehra
Very well said.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Subject of Proprietory Software(s) codecs etc on Ubuntu

2007-03-11 Thread Jasbir Khehra
> Onkar Shinde wrote:
>> On 3/11/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> This is a follow up on the previous posts on piracy
>>> there is a persistent issue of Ubuntu not being totally open source and
>>> that it includes components (codecs etc ) that are propreitory and that
>>> basically go against the GNU/Linux core FLOSS philosophy
>>> comments !!!
>> Wrong analogy. 
> yep true
> Just that while the discussions on the ebook were on it struck me that
> this was one question i had been wantin to ask - to clarify
>> The ebook was published by someone (or some company)
>> and there is no mention about it being freely redistributable.
>> FOSS is about sharing but not something which is not owned by you or
>> when you don't have license for sharing.
> FOSS yes but the question still is about the proprietory stuff -  the
> difference i guess is that a. the proprietory drivers, etc are not
> licensed as open source - even if they are freely distributable
> [whereas in the case of the book it is not freely distributable (and nor
> is it open source)]
Yup, you got it right this time. :)
Just that in the case of proprietary h/w driver stuff u only need them 
if you 'purchase' the hardware. So here comes the difference between the 
  vendors which support Linux(with proprietary drivers) and those which 
support Open Source.


ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Volunteers for Zonal CD Distribution

2007-02-16 Thread Jasbir Khehra
Aanjhan R wrote:
> Hello All,
> Since its increasingly becoming difficult to courier CDs to various
> parts of the country, I would like to have it couriered to the
> following locations from where the CDs can get further distributed.
> (If you have objections for this idea please raise)
> 1. Pune
> 2. Chennai (Me, techno_freak)
> 3. Kolkata
> 4. Hyderabad
> 5. Delhi
> 6. Somewhere in Rajasthan
> 7. Mumbai
> 8. Kerala
> 9. Bangalore (Me)
> Please volunteer for handling these CDs.
> Thanks and Regards,
Add me for Chandigarh&Punjab.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] List of packages installed

2007-01-12 Thread Jasbir Khehra
> Onkar Shinde wrote:
>> You can get a list of such packages with 'dpkg -la'. Using command
>> 'dpkg -la | wc -l' will tell you number of packages installed.

'dpkg -la | grep '^ii' | wc -l ' gives the correct answer to the number 
of deb packages installed .

ubuntu-in mailing list