Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Sample Letter to Government

2008-06-06 Thread RJ
Interesting, I was working on something close to that. We have a sort of forum 
here in France where everyone can have his word on numeric future in France. 
That's held by the French government for a month, each year.

I'm gathering ideas in French community on "how to highlight the power of 
OpenSource" at the moment, to sent them in the wiki dedicated to the forum, 
and in a letter to our minister.

I'll be looking after your letter and I'll bring you ideas if I can, but my 
first thought is that you got a point speaking about "I'm paying the tax, I 
can have my word".

Keep up the good work,


> I'd like some help editing it and ideas on how we can get people to send
> these letters out. One could also be made to support open document and open
> formats. Should separate letters be made for different countries and
> different government levels (city, state, federal)?

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Article on mass Linux migration

2008-06-06 Thread RJ
Reading it now. Thanks for the info.

As a side note, there is a Microsoft Office Ad on this article, spaeking about 
Linux. Nice coupling there !



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Organizational meeting proposed (Mike

2008-06-01 Thread RJ
I can't completely agree with Hubuntu / VidA : this first meeting is one of 
the most important. We have to gather the maximum of our contributors if we 
want it to be representative. I agree we are wasting time in trying to find a 
perfect time which doesn't exist, but trying to find "the less worst" sounds 
normal to me.

After this one we will know what's the best schedule for active members here, 
and we will be able to set up some basics for further meetings.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Organizational meeting proposed (Mike

2008-06-01 Thread RJ
This one is great : easy and fast to use : perfect ! Thanks Simon !

I added my times. It may look a bit weird, but I could arrange for those 
times, hardly for anything else.



> Hi all,
> This here may help you choose a date and time that suits best.
> Regards
> Simon

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Organizational meeting proposed

2008-05-30 Thread RJ
Already said it but : GMT +1 (UK) / +2 (FRANCE) depending on weeks. +2 most of 
the time tho.



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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] New Member

2008-05-29 Thread RJ
Le Thursday 29 May 2008 04:51:57 Bruno Barrera Yever, vous avez écrit :
> Hello
> I had joined the LP group a few months ago, but i just found out about
> the mailing list.
> I am REALLY interested in helping out with Ubuntu Marketing. I have
> been involved in marketing ubuntu in my LoCo (the Mexican LoCo), but i
> would also like to help with marketing in other places apart from
> Mexico.
> Regards,
> --
> Bruno Barrera Yever

Your experience within the Mexican LoCo could be helpful here. Do not hesitate 
to have your word in our actual 'redefiniting' and give us your insight.

Welcome :)


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The future of the Marketing Team (Mike Feravolo)

2008-05-29 Thread RJ
> 1) Ambassadors - People with connections in their local communities that
> could get marketing materials "out there" and let people know about
> Ubuntu.

Yes, but they definitely have to work both way : sending needs from their LoCo 
to marketing team, and sending marketing team feedback to their LoCo.

> 2) Marketing - People that mass produce the marketing material and
> distribute it to the Ambassadors and the current LoCo team structure.
> They also setup and a maintain the channels of communication between the
> other two

We are actually working on the organization of this part. See "defining who we 
are" from John Botscharow and the following replies.

> 3) Graphic Design / Copy Writing - People that have the ability to
> create the marketing materials and  people that can write the copy that
> goes with the graphics.

The team already exist, and I think they would love helping out for a 
marketing issue. See Ubuntu Artworks.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Defining who we are

2008-05-29 Thread RJ
> You are assuming that everyone in the community understands marketing.
> That, IMHO, is a DANGEROUS assumption. That's like assuming everyone who
> has a driver's license knows how to drive WELL or everyone who owns a
> gun REALLY knows how to use it. You can get killed that way!

I'm not assuming anything close to that. I'm assuming that when I visit ubuntu 
marketing team wiki page, I want to learn things about ubuntu marketing team, 
its actions and its members, how to contribute... Things directly related to 
the subject of the page. 

I'm not saying your articles couldn't be useful to some of our readers nor I 
wanted to offend you. Just stating that articles related to marketing as a 
whole should be put, IMO, in a "Link" or "Resources" page. The best would 
even be to add them as links/resources when we will be writting guidelines / 
howto. There, they could be way more useful because directly related to the 
ubuntu content they belong with. Maybe I don't make it very clear, but the 
idea is to link theoritycal content with ubuntu marketing actions. Learning 
theoritycal marketing without direct goal/action is of no use for the common 

> Besides, the more you know about your job/task, the better your results
> will be.

I couldn't agree more, and that's exactly my point. You have a howto + the 
theoritycal article going along with it, you are able to make it better than 
by just having the howto on a hand and the theoritycal content on the other 

> I stopped writing marketing
> articles a couple of years ago, but it has crossed my mind to perhaps go
> back to writing some specficially for the team.

Beside the bad feeling my last email seemed to give you, I'd like you to write 
articles for the ubuntu marketing team. They would be useful for whoever 
wants to "get it further" than just the howto.

> As far as driving traffic to my personal wiki goes, that is not
> important to me. I would rather people went to the TEAM wiki, which is
> why I put the marketing category link at the bottom of my page and why I
> have links to the team on both my wiki and my profile. 

I never took that wrong, and I could already have bet on the fact you didn't 
care of your wiki traffic. You seem to be a very dedicated guy.

> Since when does giving people knowledge confuse them? People are only
> confused when they LACK knowledge. And knowledge is one thing you can
> never get too much of.

Gimme a book about Van Gogh's life and way of painting while I'm drawing, and 
you will confuse me. Maybe that's just me..? I think that if you give your 
users theoritycal content while they try to put ideas in action you will 
confuse them. There are (atleast) 2 times in a learning process : the time 
where you try to understand how it works, and the time where you try to 
understand how what you learnt could serve you and how to put it in action.

Just my 2 cents, no offence.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The future of the Marketing Team

2008-05-29 Thread RJ
About timezone, I'm from France and leaving in the UK for 2 more weeks. So I'm 
GMT +1 till the 10th of June, and GMT+2 after that. Using IRC isn't a 

About the leadership of the team, yes we need to set one up, and we need to do 
it fast. 
I sadly don't have much time to give to the team but I'd still like to put my 
professional insight in the leading part. If there is any need, let me know.

The main proposed core fits me anyway, you got my vote.


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Defining who we are

2008-05-29 Thread RJ
I don't think creating a page there for your articles would be useful. Maybe 
putting a link somewhere getting guys on your wiki ? 
The wiki page should be, imo, specifically about ubuntu marketing, not 
marketing as a whole. 

It would confuse readers.


> I did not say that it did not belong there :-) But if that's the
> rule
> I suspect it showed up there because I have several pages of marketing
> articles on my wiki, which I put there because I was not sure about
> whether I should put them on the team wiki or somewhere else.
> Perhaps we should set up a page on the team wiki and I can put them
> there?? I have LOTS of them that I have written onver the years and
> they do provide a lot of information on marketing theory, marketing how
> to, etc.
> What does everyone think about this? I will abide by  the team
> consensus.
> On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 09:50 +0100, VidA wrote:
> > On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 8:13 AM, John Botscharow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > Did you put the link to my wiki there or did that show up on its own
> >
> > No I didnt put it there but thanks for pointing that out.
> > You are right, personal wiki pages dont  belong there so could someone
> > tell me how to edit the subpages.

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The future of the Marketing Team

2008-05-28 Thread RJ
Sounds the best way to act to me. But still I would put "defining our 
relationship with Canonical's marketing department" at the first place. Since 
that's the point of the long discution we just had : everything that will be 
done here is depending on this relationship. So I'll change your question 
in "How to sort this issue out ?"


> Well, it appears to me, and the information, such as it is, on the
> Marketing Team wiki page confirms it, that we need to do the following
> things very quickly in order to be effective at marketing:
> 1. Define who and what we are. This entails defining our mission in some
> detail as well as defining our target market AND defining our
> relationship with Canonical's marketing department. These have to be
> spelled out concretely, not just vague generalities.
> 2. Once we have defined who and what we are as well as our mission, then
> we can set up how we will do this: speific goals, projects, tasks and
> who will do them.
> Then we do #2!!! And everything we decided regarding #1 and #2 should be
> put in writing on the wiki page, so anyone can go read it and know
> exactly who we are and what we do and how we do it.
> The only point of discussion prior to working on #1 is to decide when
> and where we are going to do it - as a thread on the list or do we want
> to have some sort of formal meeting.
> I suggest we try to avoid any orher discussions until #1 and #2 are
> accomplished.
> How does that sound to everyone?
> Peace!
> John Botscharow

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The future of the Marketing Team

2008-05-28 Thread RJ
> I see the marketing of Ubuntu as a Canonical responsibility. Anything
> "community" lead I see as D.I.Y./street team work. Just me.
> If I had my way, I'd reinvent the team as Ubuntu-StreetTeam or something.


I can't agree with Cory here. The community-based-marketing-team or whatever 
you want to call it just needs to get the ball rolling and to set up some 
basics. After that, it shouldn't be that hard to get things done from this 
team. Organization is the key, guys. With it you don't have to stay 
at "StreetTeam", which is quite a mean view on what a whole group can bring 
up to light if you ask me.

A solid and organized group could just do tons of things, not just basic stuff 
waiting for Canonical to do the biggest part and following. Did ubuntu start 
from Canonical or did Canonical start with ubuntu ? I guess you know what I 
mean. As I said, we have a find ways to keep Canonical marketing dept and 
community-based-marketing-team. I already have some in mind, but that's maybe 
not the point now.
Listening to some here, it seems that Canonical is the only company having 
money, and the only one allowed to put money in ubuntu. I saw a lot of funds 
raised just by community donates, and I strongly believe that we could - as 
an organized entity - get funds from some smallers companies. I could get my 
company working for some ubuntu marketing at the price it cost me. I could 
even get some things free. And that's just the tip of the iceberg you know ? 
How many people are reading those words now ? How many could they get in 
touch with about the idea ? How many people could be aware of the project in 
24 hours just by community forums ? Money is a problem, but not the biggest 
one imho.

Long story short, I believe starting now to say "we should just do the less of 
what we can" is the best way to get ride of the community-based-actions.

Let's talk,


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