Re: FreeNX complete suite uploaded.

2009-01-24 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
On 24/01/2009, at 05.44, Marcelo Boveto Shima wrote:

> I have been maintainining the FreeNX complete suite for at least 2  
> years
> and now I uploaded it to revu.

I've reviewed this package when it was uploaded under the name "nx"  
and before it was split.

In the comments, I asked you to clarify what version of nx it is  
you've uploaded. It was not at all clear to me, since the source tree  
contains lots of material with reference to Nomachines.

Those comments are no longer accessable because the original package  
has been archived. Since you are now advertising your re-packaging on  
the mailing list, you might as well explain it here.

In the interest of making a clear distinction -- if there is one --  
may I suggest that you name the packages "freenx-*" instead of "nx-*"?

Thank you,

Morten Kjeldgaard 
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
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Re: REVU: Automated Package Checks

2009-01-23 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
On 23/01/2009, at 18.17, Jordan Mantha wrote:

... a long post with points that I agree with and others that I don't.  
A very good outset for discussion!  Just a short comment on one of  
your points, Jordan:

> 1) New contributors are not to be encouraged to package from scratch.
> If somebody wants to go for it anyway, they will be expected to be the
> primary maintainer of the package and should give a rationale beyond
> "dunno, I just wanted to package something" for including it in
> Ubuntu. MOTU documentation should be fairly clear that generally
> people should try some other packaging tasks before try to package
> something from scratch.

I agree that new people should be pointed in a different direction,  
which is why I have drafted a new "getting started" document with the  
specific purpose of getting people involved with things other than  
packaging new stuff. The document is still quite imperfect and it  
would be good to get more ideas and more contributions!

Go edit! Specifically, it would be nice to get more qualified input  
from folks in the bugsquad, the locos and in the ubuntu art teams!


Morten Kjeldgaard 
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
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Re: REVU: Automated Package Checks

2009-01-23 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
Loïc, Nathan,

It is in principle possible to transform REVU into a super- 
sophisticated package-analysis machine that would extend Lintian's  
capabilities and it is even in principle possible that virtually error- 
free packages would result.

The point is, it doesn't solve our problem, because at some point, a  
human being needs to have a look at the package. Even if all packages  
were perfect, we still could not handle one review plus an upload with  
the current activity of MOTUs.

In addition, having this automatic checking would not change the rate  
of arrival of new packages. Our rate of processing is less than the  
rate of arriving packages, and consequently the pool of packages  
awaiting review is constantly increasing.

A second point is, that no matter how sophisticated the program, it  
will not be able to solve issues that are common with many of the  
packages. F.ex. that the package has to be split into several  
subpackages, which often is a point of discussion, that the  
description is not understandable, that files need to be removed from  
upstreams tarball, etc. etc. There are lots and lots of issues that  
could never be detected automatically.

Thirdly, and most importantly, is the personal interaction we get with  
the uploaders, and in this regard the simple things people are asked  
to fix is often a useful beginning. It gives you an opportunity to  
judge the qualifications and personal qualities of the uploader, and  
it tells you if the uploader is truly interested in doing some work.

So, in my opinion, REVU is a very good tool already that fulfills it's  
purpose very well. What is lacking is the involvement of more MOTUs.


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Re: REVU: Automated Package Checks

2009-01-23 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
On 23/01/2009, at 00.30, Nathan Handler wrote:

> For those of you who might be unaware, I have taken over Siegfried
> Gevatter's (RainCT) role of REVU Coordinator. For the past few days, I
> have been thinking about something, and I want to get the opinions of
> the rest of the people in the community before taking any action.

... and kudos to you for taking on this task, Nathan!

I am not sure that more automated package analysis well help much. The  
uploaders already have Lintian and other tools at their disposal, yet  
the fact is that many packages have lots of Lintian issues remaining  
on the binary packages.

When people upload to REVU, they have read all the guides and  
tutorials (at least some have) and what they really want is a human  
being to look at it, and to get advice on what to do. Many see the  
warnings by the various tools, but simply don't know what to do about  
them. Or, they feel unsure on where to go and don't want to spend a  
lot of time going in the wrong direction.

The REAL problem with REVU is that not enough MOTUs care about it to  
enable us to keep up with the demand for reviews.

IF we want this interaction with the community, this way of meeting  
and training new developers, we really have to do more!

If we don't, we should consider closing down REVU. Personally, I don't  
think it's a good idea, but it is even worse having a queue of over a  
hundred packages where uploaders are waiting months between review  
cycles! That is detrimental to our standing respect in the community.  
The large number of packages in the "needs-work" section is also  
testiment to the number of uploaders who have given up, and every one  
of those is a potentially useful contibutor lost. Those still hopeful  
of getting their packages processed generally re-upload quite quickly,  
and so their package can wait for another month or two. This is BAD.

As someone who has been doing lots of REVUs this cycle, it is quite  
depressing seeing that no matter how hard you work, the list keeps  
growing, and the packages you advocate do not attract a second advocate.

As a temporary measure, to get rid of this long queue, perhaps we  
should only require one advocate for an upload? This is what Debian  
does, and I'd like to suggest a discussion of that on the next MOTU  


Morten Kjeldgaard 
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
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Re: Using Brainstorm for packaging requests

2009-01-23 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
On 19/10/2008, at 00.25, Caroline Ford wrote:

> Having them in malone makes them easier to link to the Debian request
> - and we can see if the status changes in the Debian bug. This means
> it is easier to see if the request has been satisfied.

Agreed. We have our stuff scattered all over the Internet already. No  
need to introduce yet-another site for doing something that is quite  
adequately being tracked in LP. And, as ScottK pointed out, we now  
have the "affects me too" field that people can tick .

I think we need to direct our actvities towards LP, and engage  
actively in work to get it to do what we need, in the way we want it.  
With the upcoming opensourcing of LP, it's going in the right  
direction too.


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Re: REVU: [ubuntu/jaunty] foo-plugins 1.0-0ubuntu1 (New)

2009-01-23 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
On 23/01/2009, at 08.00, Jordan Mantha wrote:

> Is there an easy way that we can include a description of packages in
> the REVU emails? I really like seeing what's new from REVU but I'm
> always a little disappointed when I look at the email and I can't find
> any idea of what the package is. Even the short description would be
> nice.

I miss package descriptions everywhere, on, on's +source pages, on REVU, on DAD, MoM... Whenever you  
grab a package to look at, it is really nice to see what it's for.  
When I first met the foo-plugins package, I thought its name was a bad  

On 23/01/2009, at 08.09, Emmet Hikory wrote:

> Do you think they
> should be exposed in the .dsc or .changes files?

That's a wonderful idea, and if that was done, it would be a small  
step to include package descriptions in the webpages mentioned above!


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All hands on deck! It's REVU day!

2009-01-22 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten

It's Friday, Jan 23, 2009 and it's REVU day!

We need all MOTUs on deck! A similar plea was sent out last week, but  
to not much avail. We really need MOTUs to go and make at least one  
review. This week we have ~128 packages waiting for review. That's an  
increase of > 15% in a week!  The REVU regulars can't keep up with  
that growth.

As I wrote last week,  each upload deserves at  least _one_ review. If  
it after that gets stuck in "needs-work" status,
so be it. Perhaps someone else will come along later and care for it.

Come along on #ubuntu-motu,  get a friendly chat and brush up on your  
rusty reviewing skills!


Morten Kjeldgaard 
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
GPG Key ID: 404825E7

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All hands on deck! It's REVU day!

2009-01-16 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten

We are already well into REVU day, and we have > 100 entries sitting  
in the queue waiting for a review. You may not think that reviewing is  
the most sexy MOTU task, but as long as we refer newcomers to REVU, we  
owe it to the community to review uploads. Each upload deserves at  
least one review. If it after that gets stuck in "needs-work" status,  
so be it. Perhaps someone else will come along later and care for it.

But,  in fact many of the packages have gone through several rounds of  
reviewing and can soon be finalized, and their uploaders are anxiously  

There are many exciting software packages to look at, and many that  
would be a big plus for Ubuntu users. So come along on #ubuntu-motu,  
get a friendly chat and brush up on your rusty reviewing skills.


Morten Kjeldgaard 
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
GPG Key ID: 404825E7

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Re: xTide transparent

2009-01-12 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten

On 12/01/2009, at 10.45, Geerd HF Diercksen wrote:
> /var/cache/apt/archives/xtide-wvs1-data_20020219-0ubuntu1_all.deb:
> trying to overwrite `/usr/share/xtide-wvs/wvs1.dat', which is also in
> package xtide-coastline.

xtide-coastline is a package from Debian with the same content as  
xtide-wvs1-data, an Ubuntu package which has now been removed.

You should remove xtide-wvs1-data and install xtide-coastline, but for  
the function of the program it doesn't matter.


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Re: Getting started wiki page

2009-01-12 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten

On 12/01/2009, at 05.10, Jonathan Marsden wrote:
> Also, I think adding a table of contents to the page would be good (I
> just did this!).

Great, that makes it easier to get back to the section you are working  
on! Ideally, I would have liked some kind of check-box for every  
exercise that people could tick off to mark how far they've gotten,  
but I don't think that's possible within the Moinmoin framework.

I started the exercise sections as a way to put in links to explore,  
but with the implicit message "come back here when you're done  
reading". In general, I think the problem with the Wiki approach where  
everything is marked by a link is that it's easy to get lost and  
distracted. Therefore, when you add a link to the document, consider  
formulating it as an exercise for people to do.

>  One idea: Perhaps each major section should
> have a "Further Resources" bit at the end which links to more detail
> about the particular topic concerned
> (Launchpad/Triage/bugfixing/packaging/whatever)?

I think it's better to save all the "Further Reading" links until the  
end of the document - where they could be organized in a table or list  
corresponding to the content. The reason is not to distract the reader  
too much from the flow of the document and exercises. So again: if  
there's a link you think is vital for the reader to visit, consider  
formulating it as an exercise, possibly with some questions to answer  

> I'm slightly confused as to the expected path users (wannabe community
> members) would take to get to this page (say from 
> )
> and (if they are MOTU-wannabes) from here to MOTU-specific material.
> How does the new more general GettingStarted page you are creating
> relate to existing non-MOTU-specific pages of a somewhat similar  
> nature,
> such as and
> ?

The current "Getting Started wit h MOTU" document is the one we've  
been pointing newcomers at, but I think that document misses the mark  
and turns away a lot of not-so-technical people. On the other hand,  
MOTU-hopefuls also need to learn about the workflow, so the general  
introduction is a fair requirement before going into the more MOTU- 
specific stuff. So my feeling is that all community wannabes should be  
pointed to this document as their first step, and the document should  
help them find out where they best can help out.


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Re: Getting started wiki page (was: Hello there)

2009-01-11 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten

>> I volunteer to draft a new GettingStarted page, and I will collect  
>> with
>> gratitude any contributions from this list or otherwise.
> Excellent.
> I'm happy to review, improve and discuss. The only thing I'd like
> MOTU/GettingStarted to be is
> - a concise landing page
> - that links to all the important pages (so we have one good answer  
> and
> the new contributor one page to bookmark)
> - and gets people a sense of direction

I have now produced a draft page at 
  , incorporating all ideas contributed to me (the number is zero ;-)).

The main idea is to give a gentle introduction suited for the people  
we meet on the mailing lists or IRC asking "Hi, I'm interested in  
Ubuntu, how can I help out?".

The current introduction aims at steering people directly towards a  
MOTU career, but I have adopted a completely different strategy in the  
draft document. With this approach newcomers are taught:

* Launchpad
* Bug work and triaging
* The workflow of packages in Ubuntu
* How Ubuntu development is organized in the various teams
* The Ubuntu release model (not yet written)

The document includes practical exercises that gets people started  
with various tasks that most of us use every day. People are invited  
to join mailing lists and IRC, show up and ask questions, examine  
various Launchpad pages etc.

It is always difficult to arrive at the right level of a training  
document. However, even the most experienced developer does not  
(necessarily) know how Ubuntu's bug flow works, and will benefit from  
an introduction.

The document is a draft, with a lot of shortcomings and lacking  
features, but it does outline an alternative educational approach that  
I think could be useful and productive. Please feel free to add and/or  
correct the Wiki document, so we as quickly as possible can start a  
systematic and fruitful education of new Ubuntu enthusiasts with a  
desire to help out!

> Agreed, though I'm not sure this should be in the MOTU namespace -  
> what
> do you think?

Yes. I think the MOTU namespace should only contain material that is  
strictly relevant to the MOTU team. We need a "howto become MOTU"  
page; the current MOTU/GettingStarted perhaps needs some revision  
based on the more granular training we now have with the new  Ubuntu  
Contributor team.


Morten Kjeldgaard 
Ubuntu MOTU Developer
GPG Key ID: 404825E7

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Fun with oneliners

2007-12-05 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
Hi all, this is a long-ish post, but I hope you will enjoy it.

The other night I was discussing with persia, apachelogger and  
norsetto on #ubuntu-motu, where they were using their awesome MOTU  
powers to demolish my poor little theseus package.

While apachelogger was disassembling and devastating the files in  
debian/ one by one, persia was vehemently attacking a little awk  
script that I used in the package. I'll make a long story short, and  
just say that I needed to extract the upstream version number from  
debian/changelog file from inside debian/rules.

My approach when scripting is always to try to use a little hammer  
first. If that doesn't work, I'll use a bigger hammer, and if _that_  
doesn't work, I'll use a giant hammer.

The first line of the changelog file, which I am interested in, looks  
like this:

theseus (1.1.5-0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low

Due to the strict format of the changelog file, it will always look  
like that, but of course the version numbers etc. kan vary. I am  
interested in extracting the string "1.1.5". So, first, I pulled out  
my little hammer, which consists of a pipeline of standard shell  
tools, such as head, tail, cut, sort, etc. The following little  
hammer solves the problem.

head -1 changelog |cut -f2  -d' '|cut -f1 -d'-'|cut -f2 -d'('

What's wrong with that? Well nothing, it's just, kinda ugly. We can  
do better. I pulled out the bigger hammer, sed, but within a minute  
or two it grew sour on me and I took out my favourite big hammer,  
awk. Awk is indeed awesome, it's an incredible tool, and if you don't  
know it, you're missing out. Awk is extremely powerful, and very easy  
to understand. An awk script is basically a series of patterns and  
actions, like so:

/pattern/ {action}

If the pattern - an ordinary regexp - matches a line, the action is  
performed on that line. The stuff inside the curly brackets is very  
reminiscent of C syntax, so if you're familiar with that, you're off  
to the races. In fact, awk is so powerful, that Henry Spencer has  
written an nroff formatter, called awf, in the language (sic!). Henry  
writes he can't believe he wrote it. Neither can anyone else :-)

There are several flavours of awk. I like gawk, which is the GNU one.  
It contains several extensions to the original language. So, here is  
the gawk oneliner that extracts the version:

gawk '{match($0,/\((.*)-/,arr);print arr[1];exit}' < changelog

As you see, only the action is used here. We call the function match,  
which actually takes over the regexp matching job normally carried  
out by the pattern. Let's dissect the regexp.

First, it will try to match the initial left parenthesis, that is  
what the \( is for. The next part is (.*), here the parentheses are  
not escaped, so they have a special meaning, namely a grouping.  
Inside the grouping, we look for an arbitrary run of characters. This  
run ends when a dash is encountered. But now the grouping becomes  
important, because the match function will place the matched pattern  
in arr[0] - this is "(1.1.5-" in this case, and the groupings in the  
following array elements. So arr[1] contains the desired string "1.1.5".

Well, as mentioned, persia didn't like that too well. You have to  
Build-depend on gawk, he said. You can use mawk, said norsetto, it's  
part of the basic build environment. Granted, the gawk binary is  
293K, and mawk is only 93K. It's saving valuable resources!  
Unfortunately, the "match" function syntax was not accepted by mawk,  
so I got a syntax error. But, not to worry, of course it can be done  
with mawk!

StevenK said: Why dont you just do:  dpkg-parsechangelog | grep  
Version | cut -d\  -f2 ?

Well, at this stage, we were into optimization, finding the very last  
CPU cycle and the very last bit of RAM. It was becoming a dogma-film  
like situation: we value the minimalist creative ideal. And dpkg- 
parsechangelog is a Perl script. Yeeechh.

The next oneliner worked with both gawk and awk.

mawk '{match($0,/\(.*-/);print substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-2);exit}' <  

In this awk dialect, the match function will set the beginning and  
the end of the string that matches the regexp. It will not deal with  
groupings, so the '()' surrounding the .* are gone. Another function,  
substr, is used to extract the wanted version string from the input  
string ($0). Mission accomplished. Success!

But no, no, no. Persia was still not happy. "I'll accept gawk, but  
couldn't resist your last comment", he said, referring to a comment I  
had made about efficiency. Persia pushed me back to using sed. He said:
"Isn't it just something like sed /^theseus\s\([\d\.]*\)-.*/\1/p |  
head -1 "? And indeed, the size of /bin/sed is only 40K. A huge  
saving of resources compared to gawk!

I copy-pasted it, but it didn't quite work. Hmm. Back to the drawing  
board. Then I came up with another suggestion:

sed 's/.*(//; s/-.*//;q' < changelog

Let's examine the regexp again. It 

Re: RFC: (Was: Re: WANTED: Merging Recipe!)

2007-11-21 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
> I've write a recipe (or kind of) some weeks ago, you can found it  
> on my
> blog [1] if you find it usefull just ping me and i'll be glad to  copy
> it to the wiki :D
> [1].-

Very nice recipe, Nicolas! Thanks!

My question is how you found the LP bug #? I actually find the  
merging workflow extremely opaque and convoluted. And LP is still a  
mysterious maze to me. Probably the messiest webtool on the Internet.  
But the layout is pretty ;-)

I would find it logical that all packages that needed merging had a  
(needs-merge?) bug report but it is not possible (for me at least) to  
locate any.

-- Morten

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Re: REVU by Contributors (was: Order of packages on REVU)

2007-11-08 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten

On 08/11/2007, at 11.58, Emmet Hikory wrote:

> Morten Kjeldgaard wrote:
>> Another thing is that experienced non-MOTUs should be able to review
>> packages, which would help the flow through the pipeline, and also  
>> help
>> the MOTO-hopeful getting more experience.
> I'd like to advocate the use of a pastebin during interactive
> discussions on #ubuntu-motu for this purpose.  It provides a means by
> which experienced contributors can participate in package review, but
> does so in such a way that 1) The comments are not persistant (in case
> there is a mistake), 2) REVU Comments are directly related to
> acceptances or rejections, and 3) MOTUs present in the channel may
> oversee the review, adding comments where appropriate.
> I used this model as a contributor, and believe both that I
> provided real help to the packagers, and that I learned a lot from
> corrections by MOTUs when I provided suboptimal recommendations.

One does not rule out the other. The problem is, as pointed out by  
Jeffrey, that dependence on IRC may turn away a certain class of  

The point you are making concerning wrong advice from non-MOTUs could  
be taken care of by the web interface, e.g. corrective comments could  
be attached, the wrong advice comment could be deleted by a MOTU or  
some such.

-- Morten

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Re: Refining MOTU Mentoring

2007-08-21 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
> We have a lot of contributors in this list, and I think it is the  
> right
> time for them to speak up and share their thoughts. We need you guys,
> and we need to know if what we do is valid or not. PLEASE ADD YOUR

As a new contributor, let me add a few comments, then.

As it has been pointed out by others, the reviewing process can be  
quite frustrating. It is not the meticulous requirements to the  
packages, which I find rational and easy to understand, but rather  
the haphazard way you have to find reviewers. When asking how to get  
your package reviewed, the standard reply is "try asking on irc". I  
have done that, of course, but I estimate the success rate to be only  
around 10%. For busy professionals, it can be quite difficult to  
spend time hanging out on irc.

Often, the changes you are required to make are only 20 minutes of  
work or less, but then you have to go through the motion of finding a  
reviewer again, and so on. The cycle time for getting a package  
sponsored is weeks and months, and 99.9% of the time is spent  
waiting.To be honest, it makes progress too slow, and you have to be  
very persistent and committed not to become discouraged.

 From the viewpoint of the contributor, it would be nice to know that  
someone takes on the responsibility of working with you on a regular  
basis. For example, on REVU, the MOTUs could "sign on" for a  
particular package and follow it along until it is ready to get  
sponsor #2. Each package should have a special flag on the web page  
showing that the package is actively being reviewed. Another flag  
should show that the package has been reviewed and is waiting for  
another contributor upload. Communication between MOTU and  
contributor should take place on the REVU webpage, so others can  
follow the discussion and learn. These few modifications to the  
process would improve the productivity of our community and help  
keeping us hopefuls motivated.


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Re: xinetd as a inetd replacement

2007-06-25 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
Emmet Hikory wrote:

> The xinetd license is GPL-incompatible, and the current
> distributed version may not be in compliance (I'm not an expert, but I
> believe there are patches in place without accompanying documentation
> in COPYING).  While the featureset is great, this may not be the best
> basis for a default component.

I am puzzled. Xinetd is listed on the FSF directory page (http:// with explicit  
information that the license is a "3-clause-BSD-style license" which  
is said to be compatible with GPL. The page doesn't mention the  
patches, though. However, software listed as Free Software on FSF's  
webpages ought to be OK for Ubuntu, don't you think?

-- Morten

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Re: The latest DEB file has an error in dependency

2007-06-24 Thread Kjeldgaard Morten
> Depends: netbase, netkit-inetd | inetd, update-inetd | xinetd,
> vmware-server-kernel-modules...
> When you try to install the package on the system with xinetd (most
> Ubuntu systems) the apt-get needs to remove xinetd and want to replace
> it with xinetd.

Inetd should be removed from the distribution altogether, IMHO. It is  
outdated, and superceeded by the superior xinetd which has much  
better configuration and security features.

-- Morten

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