Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

2010-10-30 Thread Ron Speers
Ah, Then why don't you call Linux an OS for geeks and Windows an OS for 
everybody else (who knows how to spell English)

Ron Speers 

Balibago, Angeles City

--- On Tue, 10/26/10, hard wyrd wrote:

From: hard wyrd
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from 
GNOME to Unity
To: Mailing List para sa Ubuntu Pilipinas (Philippines)
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 5:36 PM

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 4:29 PM, JC John Sese Cuneta wrote:


Marked with ::


:: It's not really deception per se.  You have to consider where
they're coming from and where they're standing at.  For us geeks,
it's a no-brainer.  For them, it isn't.  Our brains function way
differently than the non-geeks.  And most of the time, we geeks are
willing to spend more time into reading, experimenting, learning,
asking questions, finding solutions, etc.  They are not and they
will never be.

Mimicking a UI of one OS is technically deception. And instead of letting those 
users get familiar with a Linux user interface, they'll continue on with the 
same thing from Windows. 

It is exactly this thinking - users will never be experimenting, learning, 
and asking questions - that made a lot of people call system administrators as 
BOFH in the first place. As tech people - knowledgeable in the systems - i 
believe it's the tech's responsibility to educate them, show them the hoops, 
guide them through the ropes a little. Yes they do experiment, yes they do ask 
questions, and yes they do find solutions as long as we are not so uptight 
about stuff and give them a little lee way to explore (within bounds).  
Honestly, they're just so damn afraid that they'll break something and afraid 
to earn the ire of the techs.
:: You see, if we ever want them to migrate, especially offices, we
need to see things from their eyes, from their perspective.  We need
to think like them.  We can not just go to them, present and demo
our superior product, and tell them every little and big thing
that we can think of why they need to migrate to Linux all we want. 
But if we can not address their needs, not ours but theirs, then
they will never bite.  They won't even bother trying it out.

Exactly. Under a consultant's point of view, it's bad form to just jump in 
without knowing what they want. But then again, when offering a Linux-based 
solution, make sure that they know it _is_ Linux with UI that's reminiscent of 
Linux and not some knock off of another OS, because that is definitely 
:: Personally, I have more success in converting people to use
Linux, or to be exact, Ubuntu, by presenting it to them based on
what they need and what they are looking for in an OS.  I first try
to find out more about them.  Their habbits, what are their primary,
secondary, and tertiary purposes of using a PC, and their outlook in
this matter.  Then when the time is right (or they gave the
schedule), everything that comes out of my mouth has been catered to

Totally different from the mimicked UI we were discussing a few paragraphs 
back. But I agree on you on this part. That's what I do to clients as well. But 
I make sure I let them know it's Linux, Ubuntu, whatever, and I keep the UI as 
it is. But that's me. :).

:: It isn't perfect, and it is harder in office evironments.  But I
have better success in that method than presenting GNU/Linux and
Ubuntu as-is.  It is far from being a deception.  We want to
present GNU/Linux as a product for them, not for geeks.
Ubuntu is already usable as it is. Why change the UI to look like Windows?  

   So changing the desktop
to Unity default, based on our experience, will further make
the Windows users to _not_ to migrate, nor even try.  Unity
for desktop as default will not break that ice.  For
netbook, sure, it _is_ a netbook after all, we need space
and speed.  But for a desktop as default?  It's a bad


I don't quite think so. It requires relearning - yes.
  Relearning was not a barrier to Windows users who purchased
  Macs. They just have to learn the ins and outs. Sadly, a lot
  of users want to be spoon fed. I've been there.

:: Well, Mac users are better than Windows users, they always have
In what way were Mac users better than Windows users? 
  Mac and GNU/Linux have the lowest share vs. Windows.  So our
side obviously can learn Windows much easier because our thinking
has been molded different already.  Windows users are not, as you
have said, spoon fed.  And to add to that, Microsoft has a strong
marketing department. Actually we have

Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

2010-10-30 Thread Zak B. Elep
Who gets to decide that there's enough diversity? :P

I think Gnome will push even without Canonical mostly behind them. It is
more likely that Unity or its design ideas will get pushed back to more
conventional desktop environments, as I heard last time that Unity is for
the Netbook Edition.
On Oct 26, 2010 10:55 PM, Ian Dexter R. Marquez
 Still, Shuttleworth's pronouncement was pretty sensational. ;)

 Some would regard this decision (Unity vs GNOME Shell) as ultimately a
 fork, an idea that further (IMHO) exacerbates the perception that
 Canonical is not contributing enough to core GNOME functionality.
 GNOME's focus right now is to revamp the desktop experience, and with
 Canonical working essentially on their own on Unity, GNOME will be
 losing the much-needed feedback from Ubuntu's user base, and skills
 from Canonical's experienced engineers.

 (I don't want this to boil down to an us vs them debate -- anyone
 miss KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce vs whatever? Didn't think so.)

 Bottom line: it was a business decision for Canonical. They want
 market differentiation for the Ubuntu brand, and it's well within
 their right to decide what's best for their users. In the end, the
 free software community would have to decide which to support more.
 Diversity is good, but not too much. :)

 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 18:11, Zak B. Elep wrote:
 That's sjvn for you. He just loves to sensationalize.

 On Oct 26, 2010 12:05 PM, Allan E. Registos wrote:
 Actually as one commentator pointed this out, the title is SJVN's
 is misleading, it is not a departure from GNOME which is the desktop,
 from the default shell of Gnome. Unity can be understood as a
counterpart or
 another alternative of Gnome Shell which runs on top of Gnome.

 - Original Message -
 From: Stephen Piana
 To: Mailing List para sa Ubuntu Pilipinas (Philippines)
 Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 9:15:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop
 from GNOME to Unity


 found this: :D

 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Stephen Piana

 Hhhhmm... users want Unity as their primary desktop.? now that's

 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Allan E. Registos  wrote:

 At least for the 11.04 release. Here is the link:
 Any thoughts?

 ubuntu-ph mailing list

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 Don't Mess With The TeNsAi!!!

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 Ian Dexter R. Marquez

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Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

2010-10-30 Thread Erick John Cuevas

On Tuesday, 26 October, 2010 08:56 AM, Allan E. Registos wrote:

At least for the 11.04 release.  Here is the link:
Any thoughts?

Developers of Gnome attack Canonical’s Ubuntu decision


Erick John Cuevas - Ubuntu user number # 30996
ubuntu-ph mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

2010-10-26 Thread hard wyrd
On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Stephen Piana stephen.pi...@gmail.comwrote:

 as long as support for the current UI is still available then the new move
 is fine with me. :D but it's weird for a desktop to act/look like the
 netbook remix.

Something that's new will always be weird :). A radical approach will
 always be weird :).

Penguin, penguin, and more penguin !
ubuntu-ph mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

2010-10-26 Thread JC John Sese Cuneta

On Tuesday, 26 October, 2010 04:03 PM, Allan E. Registos wrote:

 So changing the desktop to Unity default, based on our experience, will 
 further make the Windows users to _not_ to migrate, nor even try. Unity 
 for desktop as default will not break that ice. For netbook, sure, it _is_ 
 a netbook after all, we need space and speed. But for a desktop as default? 
 It's a bad decision.
 Its too early to decide, whether its bad or good, but I will go for the good 
 one, since I voted a +1 for this move.

:: My question is, why Unity?  Why not gnome3?  Other than the fact that
it is not yet released quality…  Unity is good for netbooks, that I'm
full support.

:: But regardless, I'm not against Unity-desktop as default.  My concern
is coming from the marketing/sales side of it.  We geeks can install
Unity easily, the non-geeks, as I've said, doesn't think the way you and
I think.  And then the question, is it time?  Couldn't it have waited
until 11.10 or after the next LTS?

:: Oh, and since you're a team member :p  My gripe with Unity (as
out-of-the-box) is a locked panel.  I'm sure it will be unlocked for the
desktop?  Or not?  (Again for netbooks it is understandable…)
 This clearly tells me that Canonical is done with the come Windows users 
 try us out phase. The recent decisions, from Jaunty onwards, were all 
 signs to me that they have a new vision and a new objective. They are now 
 treating Ubuntu as an independent OS. A product worthy to be called an 
 Operating System in and of itself. Ubuntu is Ubuntu. Ubuntu _is_ _the_ OS. 
 I am hoping that the recent attack against Ubuntu as a mere packaging company 
 does not inspire us to say that Canonical wants her OS to be apart from the 
 Linux core. Ubuntu may not contributing more to upstream developers, but the 
 distro is my default desktop when migrating large number of users to Linux, 
 they have done a wonderful job of creating a user friendly desktop.
:: Not sure about that, I didn't even know there were new ones again.  I
actually care less about the attacks on Canonical.  Canonical is there
and it is for the good of the Ubuntu product, so let them attack
Canonical all they want, sooner or later they will see the value of
Canonical being there at the back and at the top of Ubuntu.

:: Also, I don't quite got the idea about Canonical being a mere
packaing company.  What was that all about?

:: My analysis is not related in any way whatsoever with those attacks
and views.  And I am only coming from the marketing/sales side of it.
 Right now, the popular OS are: Mac (for Unix, lolz), Windows, and Linux. 
 Most are mis-informed about the name/brand Linux but not with Ubuntu. I 
 only hope that the good reputation they have built behind the brand Ubuntu 
 will bring the product to greater heights and success with the new path and 
 future they want to bring it to. 
 This is NOT Ubuntu/Canonical's fault for creating a bad name for Linux as 
 an OS. Whose fault? The last time I check, this is my list: Asus, Acer and 
 Lenovo. Lenovo's linux got pre-installed on some of their notebooks is junk 
 and unusable (CLI). Acer's inclusion of Android as a dual-boot with Win7 
 (Another linux-based) is horrible. Asus' EEE line of netbooks got quickly 
 replaced with Windows XP. At least Ubuntu offers the default Gnome(A Unix DE).
:: Meh, I did not say it was anybody's fault, and not even talking about
whose fault it was ^_^  I was in fact in favor of Ubuntu there,
re-positioning Ubuntu from being just another distro with a Linux OS to
being the Ubuntu or should I say, the OS.
 Maybe one day it will be like this: Mac, Windows, and Ubuntu. ^_^ 
 One day, most applications are web-based, and the looks of Mac and Windows 
 are irrelevant to the user as long as their is a Web browser that will run 
 their applications.
:: One day.  And for that one day to arrive, our net connection quality
and reliability should be at par with our northern neighbors.  :)
 My opinion.
 The inclusion of Unity for the next release to my opinion is a welcome one. 
 We do have a lot of DEs in Linux, but none of them even close to mainstream 
 adoption not because the fault is on their side, but to me, it is because the 
 application support. Many ISVs today, as I noticed, were supporting Ubuntu 
 in tandem with RHEL and other popular Linux distros. The more applications 
 that will run on top of GNU/Linux, the more hardware manufacturers will 
 support GNU/Linux. 

 Also, I believe we are in a transition period i.e., from traditional 
 desktop to web-based apps, and at that time, Windows Desktop Environment 
 becomes irrelevant, since the most important thing is the browser.
:: I hope so.  And that transition period will be a very long one. 
Our own country alone is far from being ready to go web-based, and even
more far to go cloud-based.

:: I don't know.  And I'm sorry.  I just see things from a different
perspective.  I like Ubuntu, no, I _love_ Ubuntu more than any other

Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

2010-10-26 Thread JC John Sese Cuneta

On Tuesday, 26 October, 2010 05:36 PM, hard wyrd wrote:

 Mimicking a UI of one OS is technically deception. And instead of
 letting those users get familiar with a Linux user interface, they'll
 continue on with the same thing from Windows. 

 It is exactly this thinking - users will never be experimenting,
 learning, and asking questions - that made a lot of people call system
 administrators as BOFH in the first place. As tech people -
 knowledgeable in the systems - i believe it's the tech's
 responsibility to educate them, show them the hoops, guide them
 through the ropes a little. Yes they do experiment, yes they do ask
 questions, and yes they do find solutions as long as we are not so
 uptight about stuff and give them a little lee way to explore (within
 bounds).  Honestly, they're just so damn afraid that they'll break
 something and afraid to earn the ire of the techs.

 Exactly. Under a consultant's point of view, it's bad form to just
 jump in without knowing what they want. But then again, when offering
 a Linux-based solution, make sure that they know it _is_ Linux with UI
 that's reminiscent of Linux and not some knock off of another OS,
 because that is definitely misleading.
:: Of course they know it _is_ Linux, they wouldn't ask for a demo if it
is not. ;)  Seriously, no kidding (I'm not being sarcastic or anything).

:: You're taking the UI as something that will kill Linux off.  A UI is
just that, a UI.  They can customize it all they want, make it look like
LCARS (Star Trek interface) if they want to, it's just a UI.  And if a
Windows mock-up will get them interested with Linux (Ubuntu to be
exact), then why not?  Secondly, when you demo Linux, you make sure you
show them at least two UIs, be it GNOME or KDE, or in our case with
other groups, GNOME and Windows mock-up.

:: So I will still disagree, it is not a deception at all, not even
technically, because they know what it is all about.  That's what and
why there is a demo, a presentation.  Deception is not telling them what
they need to know right there and then, no we'll tell them next time.

 Totally different from the mimicked UI we were discussing a few
 paragraphs back. But I agree on you on this part. That's what I do to
 clients as well. But I make sure I let them know it's Linux, Ubuntu,
 whatever, and I keep the UI as it is. But that's me. :).


 :: It isn't perfect, and it is harder in office evironments.  But
 I have better success in that method than presenting GNU/Linux and
 Ubuntu as-is.  It is far from being a deception.  We want to
 present GNU/Linux as a product for them, not for geeks.

 Ubuntu is already usable as it is. Why change the UI to look like Windows?
:: So it won't be too much for them?  Or they will have an even more
opened mind?  Or because they asked to?  Or because we want to give them
options or show the freedom they can have with Linux?

:: I don't know.  Should there be deep and fundamental reasons to why or
why not we should include a presentation/demo of Ubuntu with a Windows
UI theme?  It's catered to them, we knew the kind of people there are in
the organization beforehand (or the individual).  ^_^

 In what way were Mac users better than Windows users?
:: Most of them already have an open mind, re: other OS.  But I
misunderstood you there, I switched the scenario, I thought I read Macs
to Windows


 This clearly tells me that Canonical is done with the come
 Windows users try us out phase.  The recent decisions, from
 Jaunty onwards, were all signs to me that they have a new
 vision and a new objective.  They are now treating Ubuntu as
 an independent OS.  A product worthy to be called an
 Operating System in and of itself.  Ubuntu is Ubuntu.  Ubuntu
 _is_ _the_ OS.

 I don't think they're going to drop Linux because it still is a
 Linux distribution. To me the recent decisions were to make it a
 bit more recognizable than just another Linux distro. How will
 it distinguish itself from the rest? It's still Linux but
 something will need to be done as far as risks and bold moves are
 :: No, I wasn't referring to dropping Linux, it won't run without
 it.  And if you meant name, they never used Ubuntu Linux, not
 that I remember.  Regardless, that's what I was talking about. 
 They're looking at the product to become a household name. 
 Instead of Linux, it will be Ubuntu.  It is still Linux
 underneath, but the non-geeks know it by Ubuntu.

 Mac is Unix underneath. But do people refer to it as Unix? I think
 this is semantics :)
:: Exactly my point ^_^  Positioning Ubuntu to where Mac is positioned. 
And that _is_ a good strategy, I am all behind it.  If my analysis is
correct and that is where they see Ubuntu is going or will be in the future.

 :: For us, we care so much about correctness of terminologies,
 like GNU/Linux vs. Linux.  

Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

2010-10-26 Thread Ian Dexter R. Marquez
Still, Shuttleworth's pronouncement was pretty sensational. ;)

Some would regard this decision (Unity vs GNOME Shell) as ultimately a
fork, an idea that further (IMHO) exacerbates the perception that
Canonical is not contributing enough to core GNOME functionality.
GNOME's focus right now is to revamp the desktop experience, and with
Canonical working essentially on their own on Unity, GNOME will be
losing the much-needed feedback from Ubuntu's user base, and skills
from Canonical's experienced engineers.

(I don't want this to boil down to an us vs them debate -- anyone
miss KDE vs GNOME vs Xfce vs whatever? Didn't think so.)

Bottom line: it was a business decision for Canonical. They want
market differentiation for the Ubuntu brand, and it's well within
their right to decide what's best for their users. In the end, the
free software community would have to decide which to support more.
Diversity is good, but not too much. :)

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 18:11, Zak B. Elep wrote:
 That's sjvn for you. He just loves to sensationalize.

 On Oct 26, 2010 12:05 PM, Allan E. Registos wrote:
 Actually as one commentator pointed this out, the title is SJVN's article
 is misleading, it is not a departure from GNOME which is the desktop, but
 from the default shell of Gnome. Unity can be understood as a counterpart or
 another alternative of Gnome Shell which runs on top of Gnome.

 - Original Message -
 From: Stephen Piana
 To: Mailing List para sa Ubuntu Pilipinas (Philippines)
 Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 9:15:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop
 from GNOME to Unity


 found this: :D

 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Stephen Piana 

 Hhhhmm... users want Unity as their primary desktop.? now that's funny.

 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Allan E. Registos  wrote:

 At least for the 11.04 release. Here is the link:
 Any thoughts?

 ubuntu-ph mailing list

 Don't Mess With The TeNsAi!!!

 Don't Mess With The TeNsAi!!!

 ubuntu-ph mailing list

 ubuntu-ph mailing list

Ian Dexter R. Marquez

ubuntu-ph mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from GNOME to Unity

2010-10-25 Thread Allan E. Registos
Actually as one commentator pointed this out, the title is SJVN's article is 
misleading, it is not a departure from GNOME which is the desktop, but from 
the default shell of Gnome. Unity can be understood as a counterpart or another 
alternative of Gnome Shell which runs on top of Gnome. 

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Piana 
To: Mailing List para sa Ubuntu Pilipinas (Philippines) 
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 9:15:21 PM 
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-PH] SJVN reports that Ubuntu changes its desktop from 
GNOME to Unity 


found this: :D 

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Stephen Piana  

Hhhhmm... users want Unity as their primary desktop.? now that's funny. :p 

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Allan E. Registos  wrote: 

At least for the 11.04 release. Here is the link:
Any thoughts? 

ubuntu-ph mailing list 

Don't Mess With The TeNsAi!!! 

Don't Mess With The TeNsAi!!! 

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