Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

2019-09-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 11:49:19 -0700, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
>Ralf: Mousepad is part of the Xfce suite, so for consistency sake we
>include it. Xfce includes no official GUI archiver, so we (and Xubuntu)
>include File Roller from GNOME. There's your consistency.

It's arguable that a distro for creative folks provides a default editor
without spell checking. Spell checking isn't rocket science and

It's strange that Xubuntu prefers Archive Manager (it isn't
FileRoller anymore) over Engrampa. My guess is, that users usually like
an environment consistency. Some prefer to get no menu bar, while other
prefer to get a menu bar, but I suspect less users like to have a mix of
burger menu and menu bar apps. IMO such a mix is a step in the wrong
direction. Apropos step in the wrong direction, "Many were increasingly
of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from
the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had
been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans."

IN this case the German translation is more funny than the original,
since "Holzweg" is a correct and very funny translation. 

Aus dem Englischen von Benjamin Schwarz.

"Viele kamen allmählich zu der Überzeugung, einen großen Fehler
gemacht zu haben, als sie von den Bäumen heruntergekommen waren.
Und einige sagten, schon die Bäume seien ein Holzweg gewesen, die
Ozeane hätte man niemals verlassen dürfen." - Per Anhalter durch
die Galaxis, Kapitel 1, ISBN 3-453-14697-2, PT7

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

2019-09-28 Thread Mike Squires
You're doing excellent work, and I'm quite happy with the 19.x version 
of Ubuntu Studio.

My main reason for reporting is that defect with 18.x, very slow 
operation with my rather complex dual quad core Xeon system, does not 
occur with 19.10.  I don't know how common dual quad core Xeon systems 
are out there.

This problem appears to be specific to the kernel mods provided with 
Ubuntu Studio 18 when run on my hardware; the problem doesn't appear in 
the 16.x version of Ubuntu Studio nor does it appear in any Xubuntu 
version I've used.  It also does not appear when any version of Ubuntu 
Studio is installed on simpler hardware (on an HP i7 Envy 17T or a Dell 
6320 i5 to be specific).

It did not appear, for reasons I can't find, when Ubuntu 18.x was 
updated with the backports PPA.  I didn't feel comfortable, however, 
using that version since I didn't know when, if ever, the problem would 
appear again.

Keep up the good work!

Mike Squires

Michael L. Squires, Ph.D., M.P.A.
546 North Park Ridge Road
Bloomington, IN 47408
"Michael Leslie Squires" on FB
Home phone: 812-333-6564
Cell phone: 812-369-5232 (personal) or (PA)
UN*X at home since 1985

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

2019-09-28 Thread Erich Eickmeyer
Ralf and Mike,

You guys do realize that we have very little to do with the actual
development of what is included and simply put it all together, right?
The only things we really have any actual code in are
ubuntustudio-controls and ubuntustudio-installer, and some of the
default configuration. The Xubuntu team is more involved with Xfce itself.

Ralf: Mousepad is part of the Xfce suite, so for consistency sake we
include it. Xfce includes no official GUI archiver, so we (and Xubuntu)
include File Roller from GNOME. There's your consistency.

Remember: Ubuntu Studio, like all of the official flavors is NOT a
separate distribution from Ubuntu. So far, your critiques have been
about the overarching system and nothing with which we have any direct
involvement. The performance increases that Mike mentioned are mostly
tuning done in the Kernel (again, nothing where we have direct
involvement). I just want to disspel the myth that Ubuntu Studio is a
separate distribution from Ubuntu. It is not. The "Studio" just denotes
what's installed and configured by default, much like the "K" in
Kubuntu, the "X" in Xubuntu, the "L" in Lubuntu, the "MATE" in Ubuntu
MATE, etc.

If you find something wrong, bug reports please! ($ ubuntu-bug

So, if you wouldn't mind, please give critique over things that we have
control over which, albiet, isn't much. Other than that, thanks! 

Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader
Ubuntu Studio

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

2019-09-28 Thread Erich Eickmeyer
Ralf and Mike,

You guys do realize that we have very little to do with the actual
development of what is included and simply put it all together, right?
The only things we really have any actual code in are
ubuntustudio-controls and ubuntustudio-installer, and some of the
default configuration. The Xubuntu team is more involved with Xfce itself.

Ralf: Mousepad is part of the Xfce suite, so for consistency sake we
include it. Xfce includes no official GUI archiver, so we (and Xubuntu)
include File Roller from GNOME. There's your consistency.

Remember: Ubuntu Studio, like all of the official flavors is NOT a
separate distribution from Ubuntu. So far, your critiques have been
about the overarching system and nothing with which we have any direct
involvement. The performance increases that Mike mentioned are mostly
tuning done in the Kernel (again, nothing where we have direct
involvement). I just want to disspel the myth that Ubuntu Studio is a
separate distribution from Ubuntu. It is not. The "Studio" just denotes
what's installed and configured by default, much like the "K" in
Kubuntu, the "X" in Xubuntu, the "L" in Lubuntu, the "MATE" in Ubuntu
MATE, etc.

If you find something wrong, bug reports please! ($ ubuntu-bug

So, if you wouldn't mind, please give critique over things that we have
control over which, albiet, isn't much. Other than that, thanks! :)

Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader
Ubuntu Studio

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

2019-09-28 Thread Erich Eickmeyer
Ralf and Mike,

You guys do realize that we have very little to do with the actual
development of what is included and simply put it all together, right?
The only things we really have any actual code in are
ubuntustudio-controls and ubuntustudio-installer, and some of the
default configuration. The Xubuntu team is more involved with Xfce itself.

Ralf: Mousepad is part of the Xfce suite, so for consistency sake we
include it. Xfce includes no official GUI archiver, so we (and Xubuntu)
include File Roller from GNOME. There's your consistency.

Remember: Ubuntu Studio, like all of the official flavors is NOT a
separate distribution from Ubuntu. So far, your critiques have been
about the overarching system and nothing with which we have any direct
involvement. The performance increases that Mike mentioned are mostly
tuning done in the Kernel (again, nothing where we have direct
involvement). I just want to disspel the myth that Ubuntu Studio is a
separate distribution from Ubuntu. It is not. The "Studio" just denotes
what's installed and configured by default, much like the "K" in
Kubuntu, the "X" in Xubuntu, the "L" in Lubuntu, the "MATE" in Ubuntu
MATE, etc.

If you find something wrong, bug reports please! ($ ubuntu-bug

So, if you wouldn't mind, please give critique over things that we have
control over which, albiet, isn't much. Other than that, thanks! :)

Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader
Ubuntu Studio

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

2019-09-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
My impression is, that this release is a good starting point for
almost all creative domains. I doubt that Luke would consider the
default optimal regarding privacy and it for sure does not fit my
world view related to pro audio, but I didn't notice an issue, it
should be possible to tailor it to individual needs. I didn't test if a
strange GTK2 issue is solved. Actually the only one I know who
seems to be seriously worried about the
"!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost" issue, is (apart from myself) Walter
Lapchynski (Lubunt). I stay with *buntu 16.04, since it doesn't suffer
from this issue, but my main install Arch Linux is affected.

“Awards are merely the badges of mediocrity.”

― Charles Ives

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

2019-09-28 Thread Mike Squires

I've installed Ubuntu Studio 19.10 Beta on my primary system.

System is a Supermicro X7DAE motherboard, 20GB RAM, 3ware 9750 SATA 
controller with two Seagate 1.3 TB drives in RAID 0 for boot, a single 
Seagate 4 TB drive as backup/archive.  Video is a AMD/ATI 5000 PCI-E 
card with two 25" flat panel monitors.  Sound, which has not yet been 
tested with 19.10, is a M-Audio PCI card.  As far as I know all hardware 
as properly detected at installation and seems to be working normally 
(except the untested audio, of course).

The only difference between the 19.10 Beta install and my usual Xubuntu 
system is the replacement of the two Seagate 2 TB drives with the two 
Seagate 1.3 TB drives.

Performance seems much better on this hardware than Ubuntu Studio 18, 
which ran so slowly as to be unusable (I did find that Ubuntu 18 plus 
the backports PPA worked OK, by the way.  No idea why).

I will have some benchmarks later once I've done some migration of my 
primary system onto this new version.

Installation was uneventful, except for a weird desktop that briefly 
appeared which seemed to be a concatenation of several desktops 
appearing during the boot process running the live version, and once 
after a restart of 19.10 after updates.  This seems to be debris from 
the creation of the DVD and has no effect on performance, but might be 
scary to some users.  If this is something that I should track down I 
will try to catch it once on video.

Updates from Ubuntu proceeded without problems.

I haven't had any problems with the applications but "Software" failed 
to complete the install of UnixBench from the Ubuntu server(s).  This is 
not a real problem since the current version does not run on this system 
and needs to be recompiled, and I have the recompiled version already 
available.  I will try this again once I've migrated my directories to 
the test system.


Michael L. Squires, Ph.D., M.P.A.
546 North Park Ridge Road
Bloomington, IN 47408
"Michael Leslie Squires" on FB
Home phone: 812-333-6564
Cell phone: 812-369-5232 (personal) or (PA)
UN*X at home since 1985

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] [ubuntu-studio-users] Ubuntu Studio 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) Beta Released

2019-09-28 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 27 Sep 2019 18:55:03 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>Eoan Ermine (beta) released by Erich Eickmeyer :).
>^^ ^ ^
>I'll download it later and at least test it as a live-DVD when I backup
>my Linux installs tonight or during the weekend.


my apologies, first I sent this reply by a wrong email address and I
guess I accidentally did not push "cancel".

At least as a live-DVD to make backups and to open tar archives, it
works without issues.

IMO it's just inconsistent to stay with Xfce4 and at the same
time to provide the GNOME app Archive Manager, former FileRoller.

Even gtk3-nocsd doesn't makes it better, since still the menu bar
is missing and the main window can't be moved while extracting an
archive, so I installed Engrampa, it doesn't require gtk3-nocsd to not
break the theme, it provides a menu bar and the main window as well as
the progress bar window can be moved, while extracting an archive. IMO
Mate apps fit better to Xfce4, than GNOME apps do.

For backup usage I could use mousepad, however, an IDE isn't needed for
a studio distro, but IMO either pluma or xed fit better to a studio
distro, since spell checking should be provided. AFAIK mousepad improved
a lot, but still is way to simple and compared to xed, mosuepad already
is bloatware, while xed already is similar feature-rich as pluma is.

Without taking into account how they work under the hood and without
taking plugins into account, just the file size might be at least a
little bit meaningful:

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hAl /usr/bin/{mousepad,pluma,xed}
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 258K Aug 12 01:28 /usr/bin/mousepad
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 655K May 20 12:33 /usr/bin/pluma
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  14K Jul 29 01:15 /usr/bin/xed

Dunno if xed is available by repositories, it's the editor I'm using
most of the times on Arch Linux. The script I run, when running an
Ubuntu flavour live-DVD session installs pluma.


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