Re: Japanese team (reviewer) is not working

2017-03-02 Thread BALLOON a.k.a. Fu-sen.
Hi, Yoshida-san


This is translator ML. There is obviously information not related to it.
And I felt that idea was too unilateral.
I think you are a representative member of the Japanese Team.
That word has no future.

What are you seeking from me there? What would you like me to do?

Respectful, and Collaborative...
These are included in the Ubuntu Code of Conduct:

I have not received anything so far about responses from overseas
users regarding this time.
Perhaps my figure from other users, everyone would not be seeing that.

I appreciate the credit of Ubuntu Japanese Team,
I started to link Ubuntu Japanese Team to my site.
I was considering adding Ubunru Japanese Remix.

I have stopped that hand now...


BALLOON a.k.a. Fu-sen. (Keiichi SHIGA)

ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Japanese team (reviewer) is not working

2017-03-02 Thread Fumihito YOSHIDA
Fu-sen san,

  Firstly, Please read carefully this mail and past mails in this
thread, these have many many insights for Fu-sen san's future

  Sorry for later, because I want to think this issue that are reach
to your heart and your contribution styles vulnerabilities.

  I apologize for our lack of detailed guidance in past days, and I
remorse that.

  And, this is not judgement, only suggestion, I can not add any
constraint for your future, and contribution spirit. But some of your
styles have serious risk, IMHO, you have to change.

- Can we use web-based translations on LP?
- Regarding Hanlon's razor and your behavior
- Can we avoid reverting the Fu-sen san's contribution?
- Conclusion

Can we use web-based translations on LP?

  NOTE: This is my understood, not official, and no covenant for
license matching. License problem are very sensitive and very
difficult. These pattern are not MECE, but workable for this time.

- Case: Translate with dictionary and your brain.

- Case: web-based Translation Service with explicitly declaration for
compatible with FLOSS license.
- IMHO: Probably(-Maybe) OK, but I dont have assurance for
"translation" work. If original documents author are you, the risk are

- Case: multiple web-based Translation Service with explicitly
declaration for combatiple with FLOSS license.
- IMHO: Probably(-Maybe) OK, but I dont have assurance for
"translation" work. If original documents author are you, the risk are

- Case: web-based Translation Service with no declaration for
compatible with FLOSS license.
- IMHO: Maybe OK when if you translate with their output as a one of
references, probably safe, but when you need perfection, don't use

- Case: web-based Translation Service with explicit declaration for
*incompatible* with FLOSS license.
- IMHO: Completely NG.

- Case: No EULA (no contract):
- IMHO: Completely NG, see below as a reference. This is deadly venom
for our freedom.

Regarding Hanlon's razor and your reputations

  We know one golden rule(not only FLOSS context), "Hanlon's razor"
and variants, like this.:

  " Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. "

  " Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained
by stupidity, but don't rule out malice. "

  Sorry for shocking words, but we are same, we (You, Ikuya, me and
any other peoples) are stupid, therefor, we have to make an efforts to
more fabulous future under the contract and discipline.

  In discussion context, when you met adversing developments, you
change your behavior to keep saying one is sorry (or just leave with
words like: "Okay, I leave this community, this is only way for
benecicial to everyone"). but you are returning, or, moving another
places without turning a hair.

  Honestly, In first action, Fu-sen san told that "I use Google
Translator, it looks good for me".

  At that time, I hope just say "Can we revert part of your
contributions? because it seems risky."  Small reverting.

  But, you dont respond(twicely) to me. I feel something bad. When
Ikuya AWASHIRO were onboarding, you leaved this lists, without

  Again, apologies my suspicious.

  After that, you were starting your know-how broadcastly on SNS, that
can summarized to : "I use use multiple translation services, that
need fitting to format, not simple copy and paste."

  And, probably, You updated your instruction site on elementaryOS's.
> (運営者は完全な未翻訳の場合、複数の Web 翻訳を元に規則に基づいて体制を整えて反映しています。
>  これは翻訳文を少しでも確実にすると共に、単独の Web 翻訳から引用したと分からないようにします。
> 翻訳した文を逆に日本語に戻して確認するのも効果的です。)

  That said: "Web administorator use multiple web translation
services, and fitting to format. This mainly providing more accuracy,
and, that can be cover the translation coming from one-single web
translation services as a side effect. "

  Firstly, I cant understand that word: "分からないように"(cover, disguise or
camouflage?)? I had suspect that it meaning "If you chery-pick from
multiple web services, its sound good".

  And I found your words in a few days, "I cant translate without
Google Translater", "I dont use Web-based Translater", "I use multiple
web services".
  I feel heavy pain with say, but must say,  you dont understand
what's wrong in past few days.

  Yet another thing occured, one of users notice to me, Fu-sen
san have many notorious reputations. User of indicate that.
(Thank you for anonymous person of sincerity.) are notorious(bad nuance) anonymous board services. Yes,
they are just anonymous, and, sometime they work with dysphemism and
antagonism. Sometimes they become demagogue, but they have some kind
of guilelessness.