Re: [ubuntu-uk] Spread Ubuntu

2007-04-14 Thread Rob Stent
Ok I'll try to respond to all the comments in one go:

As I mentioned in my first post I have read various discussions on the 
possibility of setting up a Spread Ubuntu site in a similar vain as 
spread firefox. This includes spending some time reading the discussions 
at the Marketing Team wiki. These discussions seem to have been going on 
for a long time and I just wanted to get on with something. Too much 
talking and not enough doing. The number of people and suggestions 
involved seems to have bogged things down. I thought, why not get 
something out there and go from there, being open to suggestions. After 
all isn't that the open source way?

Just to be clear, my intention for the site is for it to be a place for 
people to discuss promotion ideas and in time, access resources to do 
such promotion. The intention is not for the site itself to market 
Ubuntu. A site called Get Ubuntu (yes i realise there is a section for 
this on would be a possibility for this with just a simple 
short list of why you would want it/what's good about it and how to get it.

I've used a domain name because it was the only decent one 
available. I plan to make it clear on the site that its meant to be 
international despite the domain. My thought was that in future if the 
site is successful it may be allowed to use the .com

Thanks to Alan I'm now using the Ubuntu theme for Drupal so the site 
matches however there's still some tweaking to do with the 

I take the point about using the Ubuntu forums rather than creating 
another one but it just seemed to me that its mainly dedicated to support.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Forgot his password after installing Ubuntu

2007-04-14 Thread Robin Menneer

On 4/12/07, Eamonn Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/12/07, Robin Menneer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a colleague who had help from a friend (more knowledgeable than I
> in loading Ubuntu from the web via apple-mac and a PC
emulation.  Between
> the two of them, they have forgotten the Ubuntu password and don't think
> that either wrote it down.  Is the only solution to load it again, or is
> there a simple (it's got to be thickie-proof) short cut?  If a new load
> the only route, presumably,by default, it overwrites the earlier
> Will Ubuntu go easily on or with Tiger/Leopard ?  I would have thought
> Ubuntu would co-exist happier with Unix-based Tiger than on a

I believe (I'm not at Ubuntu right now) that you can choose the
"recovery" option on the bootup screen and then run the following at
the "#" prompt:

passwd username

substituting "username" for the person's account name. That'll let you
create a new password.

That's not too hard, is it?



Thank you - i've experimented with my machine and it seemed to work ok - in
fear and trembling in case I did anything wrong - and had to guess to type
exit, Now to talk with my colleague 

[ubuntu-uk] OOo Draw - expanding points menu

2007-04-14 Thread Robin Menneer

About a month ago, two of you kindly responded to solve my problem with OOo
Draw where I cannot raise the points sub-menu by clicking on the Points
icon.  Quite correctly you suggested my goining into Edit > Points which
worked.  Now (returning to it after a while) I can't even get that to work
and I've no note of the kind person who helped me last time.  Almost makes
me think kindly of WIN  or perhaps it doesn't have Draw.  Help please.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Primer on networking - any recommendations

2007-04-14 Thread I C McNab
Colin Murphy wrote:
> Not of the TCP/IP type networking, but of the smb/nfs variety.
> So, anyone got any recommendations, preferably with a Linux bent 'cos my
> knowledge of Windows is minimal in this respect.

Colin >>> You may have already looked at this, but it seems to have some 
  links to the sort of thing you're after.

Hope it's of some use.

