Re: [ubuntu-uk] Samba problems.

2008-01-06 Thread Colin Humphrey

'what's wrong how can I fix it'

Hi there!!

Just a few things,

- Can you see your linux box in your XP's network neighborhood?
- You may need to create an entry in the lmhosts file.
- Have you tried to locate your linux box using windows' search function 
(either by ip 
  or  computer name).
- Have you tried commands like 'nmblookup -A computer name/ip address'. 
- You could try to check whether ports 137(default port) or 445 are open using  

I had a similar prob but after a bit of googling and  t-shooting  I now have a 
basic share working.  My problem was that I could  see the linux machine in the 
windows work group but not connect to it.

I cannot speak with great authority on SAMBA but I would say that my entry in 
lmhosts as per attached link and following instructions in the other 
tutorials/guides helped.  Just as in windows you have to select and 'share' a 
folder so to in linux.

links:  # link about config file
 #above link about lmhosts

p.s.  I can browse from xp to linux but have not yet tried linux to xp //no 
Also I am not sure how secure you want the share to be - but I hope that helps. 

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] PHP & Apache2

2007-05-16 Thread Colin Humphrey
Hi Paul

Thanks for the info I will be looking into it.

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] Introductions and Init script bug query

2007-05-16 Thread Colin Humphrey
Hello I am newish to ubuntu myself, sounds like you've got a head start on 
me. There are good English speaking forums at:

You can also get to an ubuntu IRC using an IRC client(I use the hydra irc 
client), the node is:

Hope that helps - though the 'runlevel' and 'sendmail' problem are beyond my 

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[ubuntu-uk] PHP & Apache2

2007-05-16 Thread Colin Humphrey
Hi all - I have a bit of trouble with PHP and Apache2, I have posted a 
thread at:

The thread is longish so I have not posted it here.  If anyone is a LAMP 
developer and has about five mins spare on a lunch break to take a look, I 
would appreciate it alot.

Many thanks


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[ubuntu-uk] ftp - chmod

2007-01-02 Thread Colin Humphrey
Hi all cheers for the help

I have tried to resolve the upload problem by:

[1] Making ftp globally/world writable - this locked me out
[2] Creating a directory called uploads which is globally/world writable - 
this did not work
[3] Changing the ownership of [uploads] to ftp - still no resolve


I checked the log file this diplayed the entries for "connecting" and 
"downloading" but it did not give any further info about the failed 

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] uploading files ftp

2007-01-02 Thread Colin Humphrey
Thanks - with the suggestions given I should be able to try some more 

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] uploading files ftp

2007-01-01 Thread Colin Humphrey
Regards your suggestions I have made a directory with a chmod permission of 
777.  Though  I cannot upload to this directory from the winxp machine.

when I use the following:

"put upload"

this is what I get:

"200: Port request successful. Consider using PASV.
553: Could not create file."

[What does this mean?]


I wonder if the command I'm using from c: prompt in winxp is incorrect.

When I connect to the ftp server from the winxp machine, I connect using 
generic user account of "ftp" with a random e-mail address for a password:

after this I use "ls -l" to see what's there which shows [porc] the 
directory which I created and the one text document I created.

After this I use "ls -l [porc]" to list the contents of porc.

Then after verifying porc is empty I try to upload the file named, "upload" 
[which is sitting on the winxp machine in /documents and 
settings/colin] with the following command, "put upload".

Is this the correct command?  Has it got anything to do with the fact that 
/var/ftp/porc and /home/ftp/porc are at different locations?

The permissions shown in the contents of /home/ftp are:

total 8
drwxr-xr-x- 2 root root 4096 2007-01-01 18:26 [porc]
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7 2007-01-01 16:31 send to

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] uploading files ftp

2007-01-01 Thread Colin Humphrey

No this is just a "local" job - thanks for the tip

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] uploading files ftp

2007-01-01 Thread Colin Humphrey

So I thought.  I have attempted both commands from the terminal prompt and 
on both occasions
I received these error messages:

"when I attempted mkdir I received this"

mkdir: cannot create directory '[/var/ftp/upload]' no such file or directory


"when I attempted chmod I received this"

chmod: missing operand after '777/var/ftp/upload'

If these are the wrong commands, anyone know the right ones and/or which 
shell/directory they should be executed from?



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Re: [ubuntu-uk] uploading files ftp

2007-01-01 Thread Colin Humphrey
Since the server isn't working
with that it is likely to be getting upset by things it doesn't
understand in the config file.

That explains things.  Are the terminal and the command line the same thing?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] uploading files ftp

2007-01-01 Thread Colin Humphrey

What I meant is that you should chmod the directory you'll be
uploading to beforehand. This needs to be done on the Ubuntu machine,
not via anonymous FTP. You can either use chmod from the terminal or
change the permissions for the directory from the file manager.

Soon figured that out. is this [if not what is] the right way to go about 

I appended the following in /etc/vsftpd.conf:

anon_upload_enable=YESmkdir /var/ftp/upload
   chmod 777/var/ftp/upload

But after restarting vsftpd I used the "ls -l" command within ftp but there 
was no new directory listing.


After I made the changes above I can no longer connect to the ubuntu ftp 
server, I get the following message:

connected to ubuntu01
connection closed by remote host

the only way to re-establish a connection is to re-install the LAMP server.  
What could the problem be, is there another way?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] uploading files ftp

2006-12-31 Thread Colin Humphrey
This is the 1st time I have used the ftp Daemon/server to transfer data, I 
am using it before I attempt other safer protocols such as sftp.

Could you tell me what command I would have to issue when using the "put" 
command to upload files to the ftp daemon/server from the win xp client.  
This is my guess please recorrect:

put  chmod 777

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[ubuntu-uk] uploading files ftp

2006-12-29 Thread Colin Humphrey

Dear all

At present I am not able to upload files to an ftp daemon/server.

The set up is an ubuntu machine [which is the ftp daemon/server] connected 
to a windows xp mahcine [which is the ftp client] over LAN.

I have changed/uncommented the necessary directives in /etc/vsftpd.conf:

write enable


the one for enabling new directory entries [forgotten name]

I am connecting to ftp using an anonymous account with generic passwd "ftp"


At present I can download files from the ubuntu ftp daemon/server but I can 
not "upload"

to it or make a new directory within it.

Any ideas

Thanks in advance

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-06 Thread Colin Humphrey

What is the ethernet device? And does it work in windows?

I could not ascertain if ethernet worked with windows because the network 

needed a hot fix in order function.  I couldn't get the hotfix because
windows was no longer suppoorted at the time I looked.

by selecting the check disk

I ran a check and the disk passed the test.

Certainly, stop in past #ubuntu-uk, there is usually someone there
willing to help. I'm ormiret and am lurking quite a lot but usually
notice if I'm addressed.

For sure my i.d. is magpy

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-06 Thread Colin Humphrey

oK, I'm a bit lost about what you're trying to do.

I'll outline things a bit more:

It was my original intention to have an old 98se machine dual partitioned so 
that I can have ubuntu LTS 6.06 as a server, on this server I wanted to 
upload files from a winxp machine.  Partitioning the old machine was fine, 
downloading the iso image was also fine.  The initial install went through 
o.k. but no ethernet was detected [the actual ethernet device itself].

Also DHCP failed.  After DHCP failed I was given an option where I could 
assign/choose the network addresses myself.  I did this but it was redundant 
as the ethernet test failed.  Thus when I tried to ping the ubuntu machine 
either under the hostname or the ip address both attempts failed.

If the DHCP
step in the setting up networking is failing during boot up this is
probably because there either isn't a DHCP server on the network or
because the DHCP server isn't working properly (esp. if the same
symptoms are seen on a couple of different machines).

Regarding DHCP, to infer from what you stated above there are two possible 
problems; (1) - No  DHCP Server/computer was detected on the network [This 
is true because I don't have another machine acting as a DHCP server]. (2) 
Could there be a problem with the installation disk itself?

When you say there was no ethernet detection do you mean that the
ethernet device wasn't detected or that it didn't detect the settings
for the network? You can tell this by running 'ifconfig'

I mean that the device wasn't detected


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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-05 Thread Colin Humphrey

DHCP works by a machine on the network acting as a server and giving
out IP addresses and configuration information for the other machines.
In small networks this is often integrated wth the router. When I asked
about if this was all with the same server I assumed you were trying to
get an ubuntu machine to get an IP address (and other other details)
from a DHCP server, and was wondering if that server might be the bit
that isn't working. Looking back over more of the thread I notice that
you are setting up an ubuntu server so I might have things backwards
and you want the ubuntu machine to be the DHCP server?

Yes, I was not looking to set up subnetworks and give out ip addresses with 
dhcp but to have an ubuntu machine act as a server to a windows machine.  I 
could not even have gotten that far becasue dhcp configuration failed and 
was thus skipped at installation.

I wanted the installation procedure to dynamically set up the networking 
addresses but as ethernet
and dhcp both failed I was given the default loop back device, this was 
still no good as there was no ethernet detection.

So current situe is to get a machine which passes ethernet detection [good] 
and dhcp configuration[good but not essential]

Where can you get Xwindows from?  Also To run Xwindows would you have active 
desktop already installed?


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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-05 Thread Colin Humphrey
Apologies about delayed response

>>have all these
>>tests been with the same DHCP server?

I believe so - though I am not sure what you mean by this?  I thought that 
there was only one DHCP server procedure per installation disk?  I have 
tried on different machines though with the same installation disk each time 
  and the results were varied.

>>Tell them where the internet
>>gateway and DNS servers are.

So would that mean I could change files:

-w nano/etc/resolv.conf
-w nano/etc/network/interfaces

and then ping the host ubuntu computer from an XP computer after changes 
have been made?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-05 Thread Colin Humphrey
>>If you want the Ubuntu server accessible from the internet, you need
>>to get a proper router and put the Ubuntu server in the DMZ as David
>>mentioned earlier.

I agree a proper router and ubuntu 6.06 LTS in the appropriate place would 
be of most benefit.
At present I am having a hard time finding a computer that passes both 
ethernet detection test and the dhcp auto configuration procedures.

Only one computer I have tried it on has passed both steps.  I have tried 
installation with brand new and 2nd hand computers.  In these instances 
ethernet detection was found but dhcp autoconfiguration failed.  Is this 
uncommon?  Would it still be possible to network/ping with only ethernet 
detection and no dhcp?


Done contacted my M.P a while back

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-03 Thread Colin Humphrey
Cheers I'm looking into it - viewing pros and cons between Hydra and mIRC

It's Hotmail's 10th Birthday! Come and play Pass the Parcel


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-12-02 Thread Colin Humphrey
at the moment I only have win xp as my ubuntu machine exerienced hdd 
Do you know how to get IRC going for windows / which client to use?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
>Hmm, sounds like the machine is a bit poorly...


>A DMZ is an area of your network that has restricted access to the
internal machines. It's used for hosting a web server, for example, so
that if the machine with public access from the internet is hacked,
your internal machine(s) are safe (or safer) from it. It only applies
if you have a genuine router that connects to the internet.

I get the concept - like another method of security.

Thanks for the help new terms troubleshooting etc

Colin signing off

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
Sure - Thanks for the memory jog with check cd - will do when I get another 
machine to test on this one has had it.

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
Hi Matt

Not tried with a desktop version yet - If after trying with desktop version 
network card is  still not detected then I will attempt an install on 
another computer.

By the way where can I get the desktop package from?


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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey

Hi Neil

I have not tried another distro yet - will do.  I thought that boths issues 
were related thanks for the confirmation.

Basically I want to have an XP computer with an internet connection to 
display web pages that housed on an ubuntu server.  What's the best 
configuration - way to go about it?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey


I have the computer plugged into a converter [it acts like a router] between 
the two computers.

I could not go ahead with the BIOS change as the computer did not boot up.
I think the problem might lie with the hard drive or the machine itself.

By the way how do you check the pmz zone - what is it?  Also how do you run 
check cd within ubuntu?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
Right - I'll check the BIOS settings.  If after checking and changing there 
is still no change would that mean the problem lies with the machine rather 
than the installation of ubuntu?

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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey


I didn't know about those other groups in Brighton and London.  Will look 
into them.

Windows Live™ Messenger has arrived. Click here to download it for free!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey
Hi Dan

Thanks for the advice - I will look into those wikis etc.

I have a few others here you can look at:


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Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-24 Thread Colin Humphrey


Samba is right up my alley - just what I need infact.  But the trouble I am 
having is at the installation stage so cannot get to networking.

When I try to install ubuntu server edition - it does not recognize any 
ethernet device and cannot

automatically configure the computer with DHCP.

My main query is are the two problems of ethernet and DHCP related?


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[ubuntu-uk] ubuntu server edition

2006-11-23 Thread Colin Humphrey
Dear all

I am new to linux and to ubuntu and would like to

have an ubuntu machine running as a server to

communicate with a windows xp machine, I have not

been able to do this because of network issues.

Just before I start I would like to say that I've

been reading about your screen casts which I think

are a really good initiative, would you consider

doing one for installing and setting up the ubuntu

server edition 6.06 to communicate with a windows


I ask this because I am really interested in setting

up a server environment but so far have not been

able to.  Also if after watching the screencast I

get my server together then I will be able to spread

the word to other computer users at college who

might be able to benefit from using an ubuntu

machine and LAMP environment.

I have a few questions:


If you install ubuntu server edition 6.06 onto your

machine and it cannot recognize an ethernet device

or cannot set up DHCP does this mean that you will

not be able to network between another machine

because there is not a network capability - does

this mean that you will not be abale to ping another



If you have an inherited machine and you try to

install ubuntu server edition 6.06 does it normally

recognize the ethernet device and configure DHCP

automatically - if not why might this be?


If you experienced either of the problems above what

may be the problem?


Are there any regular meets that take place in

London/Brighton where people can talk about

practical problems and how to solve them?


Also would anyone be up for scheduling a chat

session to take place over a messaging programme

such as msn messenger to talk about the server


I read a couple of news letters ago that it was o.k.

to ask for help here  - hope this still holds true.

All Thoughts - Ideas - tips and advice

much needed


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