Re: [ubuntu-uk] Installing RealPlayer in Gutsy (Re: RealMedia streams (rtsp:) in Gutsy)

2007-11-17 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Alan Pope:
 Hi Mac,
 Alan Pope wrote:
 deb gutsy partner
 deb gutsy partner
 Try each and see what happens?

With *both* enabled, neither realplay nor realplayer are real packages. 
(Damn lying brand names.)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] RealMedia streams (rtsp:) in Gutsy

2007-11-12 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Dougie Richardson:
 This came up on answers -

That's not *quite* the same thing: BBC Radio is audio, for which I use 
Amarok; BBC News 24 is video, which Amarok doesn't support.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] RealMedia streams (rtsp:) in Gutsy

2007-11-12 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Kris Douglas:
 Currently I don't think the Totem player supports RTSP. You may have to 
 install RealPlayer...

So that's possible in Gutsy then? I can't find it in Add/Remove or Synaptic.

Though Helix Player claims to support RTSP, it doesn't: “This player 
does not have the capabilities to play back this content; This content 
is supported by RealPlayer”. I'll file a bug report about the misleading 
package description (unless someone knows of one already).


Re: [ubuntu-uk] RealMedia streams (rtsp:) in Gutsy

2007-11-12 Thread Greg K Nicholson
 Yes, you can install realplayer, because it's available for linux.
 But, I suggest to use VLC, you can run almost all multimedia types with it.
 Just download:
 $sudo apt-get install vlc

VLC doesn't seem to want to play it. I just get the error “Unable to 
open 'rtsp://lots-of-url/'”.

(Besides which, its UI is atrocious.)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] RealMedia streams (rtsp:) in Gutsy

2007-11-12 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Sean Miller:
 I'm sure it's all working for me in mplayer... unless it's something 
 else you're referring to... the BBC Website Realaudio streams?

The stream I'm trying is
which redirects to an RTSP stream.

That address can be found by following the “Watch Live BBC News 24” link 
towards the top of then in the resulting pop-up 
following the “Launch in stand alone player” link.

(Incidentally, that should say “stand-alone”; silly BBC.)

MPlayer doesn't like me either:
“Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:”

(Which is fair enough because I don't like *it* — every time you use a 
multiple-window interface, one of the HIG gnomes dies. (Wilbur is wanted 
by Interpol.))

So: I can't find RealPlayer in Add/Remove or Synaptic; and Totem, Helix 
Player, VLC and MPlayer all can't play the stream.

I don't think it's an internet connectivity issue, because Amarok and 
Totem can both play SomaFM's mp3 streams happily. E.g.:


[ubuntu-uk] Installing RealPlayer in Gutsy (Re: RealMedia streams (rtsp:) in Gutsy)

2007-11-12 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Kris Marsh:
 mplayer -playlist

Aha — that gives me the *sound*, but not the video. Running that and 
then pressing Ctrl+C to stop it gives this:
in the terminal.

In any case, I think I'd rather install RealPlayer, since it has a 
decent UI. I had it installed in Feisty — I think from the Dapper 
Commercial repository.

deb dapper commercial
in Software Sources returns:
“ Unable to find 
expected entry  commercial/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file 
(malformed Release file?)”

Have I got the right APT line? (It does show up as “Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 
'Dapper Drake' commercial”) Is there a proper Gutsy repo I can use for 

(Thanks, everyone, for all the help, by the way.)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] memory lane, was: Please can someone look at this and try to help

2007-11-12 Thread Greg K Nicholson
 I remember
 trying to get to grips with programming in Basic and the difficulty I
 had in accepting that you could have a line which read 'Let n = 2' and
 then, a little further on,'Let n = 10'. In algebra if I wrote n = 2 then
 that was that, it didn't change half way through solving the problem.

I never had such problems: I had a ZX Spectrum before I learnt algebra. 
(In fact it's only just occurred to me (since reading this post) that a 
variable's variability could be considered weird coming at it from an 
algebra point of view.)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] RealMedia streams (rtsp:) in Gutsy

2007-11-12 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Pete Stean:
 I have the firefox plugin for xine, and helix player, and the .ram
 stream is working fine for me - you really don't want to clutter up
 your system with realplayer if you can possibly avoid it.

Actually I do, if I can't get Real streams to play in Totem — 
RealPlayer's UI is actually very good. (And I'd rather use a 
closed-source program with a decent UI than an open-source one with an 
awful UI, all else being equal.)

 Maybe its a
 problem with the codecs that you have (or probably don't have)
 installed on the system?

Ah, I thought installing Helix would also install all of the codecs it 
requires to decode the formats it claims to be able decode.

I've tried replacing totem-gstreamer with totem-xine and adding 
libxine1-plugins; when launching the stream in Totem I get:
“Totem could not play 
A problem occurred while loading a library or a decoder (”


Re: [ubuntu-uk] memory lane, was: Please can someone look at this and try to help

2007-11-12 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Chris Rowson:
 Meh lightweights
 My first forage into computing in the 1800's was much more hardcore.
 You don't know you're born!
 I would often be called to the analytical machine late at night,
 because a tiny misalignment of a brass cog had caused it to render an
 ascii image of her majesty incorrectly (thus greatly angering
 subscribers of the then pigeon powered t'internet.).

When *I* were a lad, we 'ad to get up at 3 o'clock in t'morning just to 
boot up t'computer in time so we could to turn it off again before it 
were bedtime.

Brass cogs? *Luxury!* We 'ad to use our teeth as a punch-card. Then, *if 
we were lucky,* we'd get a one dot-per-foot print-out, which took three 
days. If it were wrong you'd have to go back to t'dentist and start all 
over again.

And we didn't 'ave fancy power cables in those days, *oh no*. To power 
t'computer we 'ad to put t'index finger and t'middle finger into t'back 
o' t'computer, and t'tongue into t'wall socket.


[ubuntu-uk] RealMedia streams (rtsp:) in Gutsy

2007-11-11 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Is it possible to play RealMedia video streams in Gutsy? I'm thinking 
primarily of the BBC News 24 stream.

Ideally I'd like to play them in Totem, but installing RealPlayer would 
be OK too (they really should call it something else — the name 
“RealPlayer” is tainted by the abomination that is the Windows version).


[ubuntu-uk] BitTorrent: “Problem connecting t o tracker” (Re: Downloading Ubuntu 7.10 CD image )

2007-10-18 Thread Greg K Nicholson
When trying to download the CD image from
the BitTorrent client immediately complains: “Problem connecting to 
tracker” and “urlopen error (111, 'Connection refused')”.

Is this simply because the load on the server is too high? (It worked 
fine at about 03:00 BST this morning, which I think was before the 
official release.)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Tracker Preferences

2007-10-18 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Stephen Garton:
 On The last tab (Emails) the Enable Evolution email indexing
 is enabled and checked. I don't use Evolution, I use Thunderbird, but
 the option to check the check box is disabled.

Same here.

I noticed that Thunderbird has gone from being a package called 
“mozilla-thunderbird” to being one called “thunderbird” (and the former 
is now a dummy package that depends on the latter). Perhaps Tracker 
expects to find mozilla-thunderbird?


[ubuntu-uk] Possibly-noobish question: Gnome 2.20.1 in Gutsy

2007-10-18 Thread Greg K Nicholson
Do we automatically get these updates in Gutsy? Or do -proposed and/or 
-backports have to be turned on?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Tag Lines?

2007-10-04 Thread Greg K Nicholson
* “Ubuntu: upgrade your computer twice a year, for free, forever”
* “Ubuntu: makes your computer work properly”
* “Ubuntu: it's your choice, dammit!”
* “Ubuntu: hippies make good software”
* “Ubuntu: commies make good software”

We're probably gonna have to advertise negatively against Windows, 
because most people don't know what an operating system is—they don't 
realise they have a choice:

* “Ubuntu: makes Windows look really, really rubbish”
* “Ubuntu: Don't you just *love* Windows? Yay Microsoft!”
* “Ubuntu: Windows is hopeless”
* “Ubuntu: we actually improve it ever”
* “Ubuntu: *not* made by Microsoft”
* “Ubuntu: better than Windows, like how Firefox was better than IE”

I think comparing Ubuntu to Firefox might be a good tactic (as long as 
Mozilla don't complain too hard). Or we could just plagiarise Mastercard:

* “Upgrading Windows: £100; Upgrading Mac OS X: £89; Upgrading to 
Ubuntu: priceless”
* “Windows: £100; OS X: £89; freedom: priceless (oh, and it's free too)”

Or Magnatune:

* “Ubuntu: we are not evil”

Ooh! How about:

* “Ubuntu: a free man's Mac”

—then we'll get all the Mac zealots saying Ubuntu isn't comparable to OS 
X because it doesn't {foo} and then everyone will like Ubuntu because of 
their utter disdain for precious zealots. (Besides, Apple are always 
making jibes at Microsoft, so they're fair game.)
