[ubuntu-uk] Dbus problems

2008-10-14 Thread martin castle
apologies for my absence (and for my email address link), I thought I'd
worked around this problem by using 'dbus-launch hp-toolbox' to install a
printer, but no joy - now ( a few days later) I'm back to square one, but
without the ability to get it working again.

I'm interested to know (but can't understand at all really) not only if this
bug fix can be applied to ubuntu, but also how to apply it :/, I'm not quite
sure I can make sense of what they're saying.


same applies really to this one:


it all seems a bit involved, but gives no details other than that it is

My info started coming from here because it's the only thing I could find
that related to dbus.

My details of what's going on for me are here (as a launchpad bug). I had no
replies (not sure if I upset them - maybe too much info :(.

Still - the problem:


I'm struggling with this, so hope someone can help. Thanks for your time
already if you've read this far, and hope this isn't too wordy to be useful,


[ubuntu-uk] hplip sudden failure in printing

2008-10-03 Thread martin castle
Hi, I'm having issues with a fairly new install of hardy. my hp P1005 just
stopped printing. it seems to be something to do with dbus & possibly glade,
but I'm now at a loss.

I posted a bug report (it has the output of various commands for perusal,
but no joy yet can anybody help me? it would be good if i could have a
direction to head in - whre else to look etc.


Along with this problem, the machine also finds it hard to get site names (&
therefore web pages), it appears this is down to it not being able to
resolve hostnames intermittantly. other systems on the same network are



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Open Officce

2007-04-01 Thread Martin Castle
instead of moving them, drink the pints. the problem with the points will  
then be much easier to deal with.

On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 18:36:26 +0100, Robin Menneer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> A problem has developed in Draw whereby the points command does not raise
> the points menu, so while I can move the pints (default) I cannot delete  
> or
> insert points.   I'm using a compaq 386 laptop and there is 2.6mb free,
> Help please


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu cube graphics

2007-04-01 Thread Martin Castle
you need a good card, you are lookinig for Beryl  
( http://www.beryl-project.org/ ). it's a lot better than the cube, it's  
rammed with bits and peices that look fantastic ;)

does have a few issues though - but that's the fun of it - you can get  
involved in developing it - like all linux stuff - no matter what level  
you are... from the wishlist to giving offerings...

you're the navigator (or at least 'a' navigator(!)

good luck!

On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 22:59:34 +0100, STONE COLD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> hi,Im wanting to install some eye candy on my edgy 6.10. i would like to  
> install the flashy cube thing (sorry im new :) The only thing is im  
> running a AMD Athlon XP2000+. It has an onboard graphics card "via". I  
> read that this these fancy graphics required either nvidia or ATI but  
> can i not use this?Also can someone point out an "easy" tutorial i could  
> follow then id be very grateful.Has anyone else got the cube thing and  
> is it as nice as it looks? :)Regards Javad


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Awareness-Raising Campaign Idea (was Ubuntu CNR deal)

2007-02-13 Thread Martin Castle
On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 05:48:31 -, Philip Wyett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> One thing that does erk me sometimes is people who push the thousands of  
> apps
> in the repositories when most normal folks only use a small core of  
> applications. A real
> annoyance is when people fire up synaptic and see what are quite frankly  
> rubbish
> descriptions for apps and libs etc. that sometimes leave even me  
> wondering what
> the hell is that really.

Hmmm agreed. Isn't it a shame they have to open up the other repo's to  
get their mp3's to play etc and therefore be introduces to it at startup!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Martin Castle
OK - I'll give you most of those, to a fashion, but -

> No I didn't know about it, now I do, and still won't be signing it.
> Did you know if pollution continues the way it is, that the polar
> icecaps could melt, and UK cities could flood. It could also increase
> extreme weather, (incidentally weather warnings are in effect,
> freezing temperatures and snow).
> Its high time we held drivers accountable for the actions.

well - a large amount of the ice caps have already gone, but I do aggree -  
my issue is that this is a tax on travelling - not on petrol/evironmental  
issues. If I ran an environmentally friendly car i would be charged the  

I want to see environmental taxes, like the rest, but this isn't.

and i'll put money down it'll see your bus fares go up too, even if not at  
first, the'll go up fast as soon as people start having to use them.. ;)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Martin Castle
On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 10:08:28 -, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ah how dedicated you are, it must have taken you ages to copy and
> paste what someone else wrote.

well... i did adjust it a bit!


[ubuntu-uk] Completely off topic

2007-02-07 Thread Martin Castle
but - as this is a uk group & this is very important (at least to me and I  
expect a few of you) I apologise to those it doesn't effect,

but there are massive road tax increases due.

petition at:




this is a paste from the mail sent to me:

UK ROAD TAX Dear all, Have done this, it's very easy. We have nothing to  
lose by trying - if you don't want Tony Gordon to have all our money  
because we drive a car or bike, then please at least sign up - This is the  
official #10 petition site.

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having  
to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to  
use it. The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by  
the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for  
a delivery driver.

A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in  
one month. On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked.  
Somebody will know where you are at all times.

They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you  
accidentally creep over a speed limit* you can expect and additional fine  
with your monthly bill.

If you care about this please sign the petition on No 10's new website:


Please pass this on to anyone who owns a car/motorcycle. It affects them.

This is not limited to speeding. They also know where parking restrictions  
etc are located. And you!

There are over 30million vehicles and drivers in this country. Just to  
register 3% of those against this proposal there needs to be 900k signed  
up! and the closing date is 20/02/07. Did you know about this?

I didnt.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Sunday Times - In Gear and MS

2007-02-07 Thread Martin Castle
On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 19:38:15 -, Llywelyn Owen  
> "Sponsored by Windows LIVE" logo next to the search box - and guess
> what it doesn't work, last night nor today! The site is also really
> slow. WHAT A GREAT AD FOR MS! Oh, and some articles about DVDs not
> working with Vista!
> This better than beer.

free beer?
