Re: [ubuntu-uk] 12.04 oddities

2012-04-30 Thread Roy Jamison
I think what we're trying to say is maybe it's time to upgrade ;)
On May 1, 2012 12:13 AM, "Alan Pope"  wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 30/04/12 11:20, paul sutton wrote:
> > on the partition page i choose set up and tried to partition as
> > follows
> >
> > / 50mb
> That's not big enough.
> > /home 100mb
> Neither is that. Also, why have a separate home?
> > swap 10mb
> >
> Nor is that big enough.
> Cheers,
> - --
> Alan Pope
> Engineering Manager
> Canonical - Product Strategy
> +44 (0) 7973 620 164
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJPnxydAAoJEMx6UFtfvV4w91gIAMRGFdyNQcK1q3lbk8nQ2h2k
> BmwfTKHTupJcsF7ZRLz8S1vzrN8/MpxZWjcITzGuNr6rU9yVtsZ0b3KOyQwuG+E/
> pYI0gCEKR5KaA1oWc9rFaFwLGVKw29kvG5EKlV845WoIwezpqPoqRUUfveQx5Gyj
> NMNadEsvBqnVoRPTFz7CmGi7PEFpi73PNr6b6Kkv/ncm2/iv3lSrMC03YWLu6PsD
> wv8OoBfggdybyfpK2N6oeChvBd4Iu+moFF8qioUrS9hp8Fj1BpOwIrQAj2K2H7A8
> +DQnswcKxdcUsLOYfNwMZrFZfMMz6KXfZjb30pD04L+38xO2KnaQbgVuQjnx4ZM=
> =3gpT
> --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] How have I killed my system?

2012-04-30 Thread Roy Jamison
Install the offending package and remove it. Should clear up any confusion
the system has.
On Apr 30, 2012 11:10 PM, "Gareth France"  wrote:

>  On 30/04/12 23:01, Tony Pursell wrote:
> On 30 April 2012 22:49, Gareth France  wrote:
>> On 30/04/12 22:44, Tony Pursell wrote:
>>> apt-cache search sense*
>> Ok, now I'm really confused. That brought up damn near every package in
>> the cache! Nothing looked promising but doing the same for scratch brought
>> up:
>> squeak-plugins-scratch
>> and a few others but trying to remove:
>> Package squeak-plugins-scratch is not installed, so not removed
> You could also try looking for it in Synaptic Package Manager.  That
> always had any odd packages I installed.
>  And it has a pretty good search function.
> Tony
>  I can't install synaptic due to the fault.
> --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] 12.04 oddities

2012-04-30 Thread Roy Jamison
Will the root fs even fit in 50MB??
On Apr 30, 2012 7:21 PM, "paul sutton"  wrote:

> Hi
> Just done a clean install of 12.04 on a dell 10v netbook
> on the partition page i choose set up and tried to partition as follows
> / 50mb
> /home 100mb
> swap 10mb
> I could create / fine,  creating /home however took up the rest of the
> hard disk (110 mb despite me making it clear i wanted it 100mb) ,
> leaving no room for swap,  so i deleted this and created swap at the end
> of the hard disk then re-created /home and it worked.
> Just wondered if anyone else had similar issues ?
> Paul
> --
> --
> skype : psutton111
> --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Going back to GNOME 3

2011-12-10 Thread Roy Jamison
Thanks guys for the suggestions. Very much appreciated. It's not that I
don't like the idea of Unity, just for me personally it feels a bit clunky.
I don't intend bringing up this endless debate or to start a flame war!
Again thanks for the response guys, will get on it later on. :)
On 10 Dec 2011 19:19, "Avi Greenbury"  wrote:

> Roy Jamison wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > Is there any way to completely bypass Unity and go back to the default
> > GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.10? I'm considering Mint if not :(
> Pedantically (but it's a bit important anyway), Unity *is* Gnome 3 -
> both Gnome Shell and Unity use Gnome 3 to provide all the underlying
> tools a DE needs. Gnome 3 vs Unity isn't a question of defaults -
> they're two different shells for the same DE.
> Anyway, Gnome Shell is in the gnome-shell package in universe, so
> if you install that you should then have Gnome Shell as an option on
> log in.
> --
> Avi
> --

[ubuntu-uk] Going back to GNOME 3

2011-12-10 Thread Roy Jamison
Hi guys,

Is there any way to completely bypass Unity and go back to the default
GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.10? I'm considering Mint if not :(

Re: [ubuntu-uk] down?

2011-05-30 Thread Roy Jamison
Perfectly fine here, O2-UK broadband, their DNS.

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 10:10 +0100, alan c wrote:
> On 30/05/11 09:30, alan c wrote:
> > Is it me or is site down just now?
> it came back ok
> -- 
> alan cocks
> Ubuntu user


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Want to create an advert for Ubuntu?

2010-12-04 Thread Roy Jamison
Hi all,

I have made 2 "adverts" for personal/humorous purposes. 
One is a simple sound mix/edit of the Apple "childish" music used in
their ads overlaid on the video in the Examples folder (I think it works
quite well).
The other is a parody of Harry Hill's TV Burp illustrating (possibly)
some Linux users' views on Windows 7.
I realise that this isn't *anywhere* near what we are or should be
looking for, but if anyone wants to take a look and have a laugh,
perhaps get some ideas or anything, please feel free to do so.
I am not a designer or professional editor or anything (you'll probably
be able to tell!), but I hope that it gives something to the community,
i.e. some ideas, a bit of fun, etc. It's not self promotion because to
be quite frank, the videos are pretty rubbish, but still, if it helps,

If I can contribute in any way I'd like to help, and will definitely
splurge it over Twitter and Facebook when it is produced.


Roy Jamison (xteejx)
Ubuntu Bug Squad
Ubuntu Bug Control


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity And Gnome Shell

2010-10-27 Thread Roy Jamison
To add to this, you could just install xubuntu-desktop to try it out,
but if you do it this way, it'd probably be better in a terminal so you
can note down the apt output, i.e. the packages it will install, so if
you don't like it and want to go back to normal Ubuntu, it's just a case
of removing those installed packages, since removing just
xubuntu-desktop doesn't remove what it installed (sadly).

xfce does look a lot like gnome and it is a lot more customisable too,
so you can make it pretty much how you want with only a few

Hope this helps :)

On Wed, 2010-10-27 at 12:29 +0100, Nigel Verity wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I would recommend to Les that he looks seriously at Xubuntu. You get
> the benefits of Ubuntu but with the Xfce desktop instead of Gnome.
> It's considerably more lightweight than Gnome but it still gives you a
> lot of options to tailor the layout and appearance.
> Yes, there is always the KDE option, too, but if you like the general
> Gnome way of working, then Xfce is a much less radical departure.
> Regards
> Nige


Roy Jamison (xteejx)
Ubuntu Bug Squad
Ubuntu Bug Control


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Support - Where are we in the real world

2010-10-17 Thread Roy Jamison
Isle of Sheppey in Kent here :)

On Sun, 2010-10-17 at 14:42 +0100, Paul Morgan-Roach wrote:
> Skipton, North Yorkshire here.  Incidentally we support Linux and
> Windows boxes (server and workstation).  For commercial reasons we
> avoid domestic support though, but for business we're happy to provide
> informal advice or paid consultancy.  
> I believe it's against list rules(?) to shamelessly plug businesses,
> but if you want to google us we're in "Skipton", and we support
> "Systems" ;)
> Seriously though, if anyone on list is stuck with anything and in the
> area, let me know.  Likewise, if anyone fancies meeting up or setting
> up a local group, give me a shout :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Successful Ubuntu workshop at UCL

2010-10-14 Thread Roy Jamison
Wow! That's a really good turnout :)
I'm hoping there might be some kind of Ubuntu open day somewhere in
north Kent soon. It will give me a chance to get my hands dirty and muck
in in the hands-on area instead of bug triage/fixing.

Does anyone know if there are plans for anything like this in the north
Kent area, i.e. borough of Swale where I am? If not, I'd like some
pointers on getting one set up, maybe share experiences or come along
and help.

I've already had about 10-20 full-time adopters of Ubuntu so far, they
were shown how to do the basics, i.e. install, remove and use and so far
I've only had one question about a 3 mobile broadband dongle, but it was
a simple fix.

I must say the new options in the installer to automatically install
updates and 3rd party stuff like flash is so much help when trying
to get people on the Ubuntu bandwagon. I think the time will soon come
when we really can say "it just works!"


Roy Jamison (xteejx)
Ubuntu Bug Squad
Ubuntu Bug Control


Re: [ubuntu-uk] [SUGGEST THREAD IS CLOSED] (was Re: Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss)

2010-10-13 Thread Roy Jamison
On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 17:38 +0100, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 17:08 +0100, John Matthews wrote:
> > To be honest with you, its pissed me off you bought up that thing about 
> > contacting people in the middle of the night. I have not done that on 
> > here, or the ubuntu group, so I know there is only one reason for you to 
> > have bought that up. That is out of order, its nothing to do with you. 
> > It explains a hell of a lot though. Out of order.
> OK, I'm not a moderator on this list, however I am a member of the
> community and I'm sure I'm not the only one that is worried about where
> this email thread is going.
> Before someone invokes and
> we end up as a community of these:
> I'd like to respectfully suggest
> to all involved that the list below is a fair summary of the current
> situation and that we all log what ever bug reports are required, work
> to fix them where we are able and move on before someone says something
> that they really regret.

Definitely a +1 here! We can go on about Windows vs linux for years and
never hear the end of it.

> 1) New users of Ubuntu are sometimes intimidated/concerned/hacked off by
> the fact that they have to install the operating system themselves and
> it does not come preconfigured in the same way that Windows does.
> 2) Existing users of Ubuntu can (and I'm as guilty of this as anyone
> else!) sometimes forget that it isn't straight forward to install Ubuntu
> onto a PC if you've not done it before.
> 3) Regardless of which Operating System you eventually settle for, there
> are issues involved when installing on to certain hardware and sometimes
> the correct drivers for the operating system you have chosen don't work
> in the way that you expect (personally, I believe that this applies
> equally to Windows, Mac and Linux).
> 4) Whilst "File a bug report" is often a (valid) first response to
> someone posting to the list about a hardware issue, it is (in my view)
> useless unless it is accompanied by - at the very least! - a link to a
> step by step guide on _how_ to file a bug report.
> 5) All to often in the Linux community as a whole (and even though I
> hold this as true, I know I'm going to upset a lot of people with this
> one!) there is an attitude (or at least a perceived attitude) of "What
> do you mean you don't know how to do that?!!! Are you thick or
> something?!!! I can do it, you should be able to as well!" which does
> not help us when we try to encourage people who are less familiar with
> Linux to adopt it and only fuels the Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD)
> spread by commercial businesses with a vested interest in watching Open
> Source fail.

I totally agree. Come on guys for God's sake, at the end of the day,
we're all in this together, and are one community, we are meant to
support each other, not be at loggerheads!

> I have left more mailing lists than I care to mention as a result of
> watching the communities fall apart - I don't want to see Ubuntu-UK fall
> apart... :(
> My thoughts on (and hopefully the end of!) this matter.
> Kind regards,
> Matt
> -- 
> Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

If anyone needs help with any problem, and doesn't get any joy from
other channels, i.e. forums, IRC, Answers tracker on Launchpad, find me
on IRC and I will try and help, but please for God's sake try the other
3 first I'm not *that* clever :D

Who said the Ubuntu community isn't helpful? ;)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Roy Jamison
Forget the middle of the night thing, whoever said it. Our night-time is
America's daytime. IRC channels are pretty busy during our night :)

On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 17:08 +0100, John Matthews wrote:
> On 13/10/10 16:54, Alan Pope wrote:
> > On 13 October 2010 16:51, John Matthews  wrote:
> >> That doesnt surprise me really, basically what your saying is, go
> >> somewhere else, we cant be bothered. That brings us right back to what
> >> the OP said at the beginning. There we are.
> >>
> > No, I was giving you _options_.
> >
> > Al.
> >
> Options I have tried and got nowhere again with.
> To be honest with you, its pissed me off you bought up that thing about 
> contacting people in the middle of the night. I have not done that on 
> here, or the ubuntu group, so I know there is only one reason for you to 
> have bought that up. That is out of order, its nothing to do with you. 
> It explains a hell of a lot though. Out of order.
> John
> -- 
> Ubuntu User #30817


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Roy Jamison
I didn't mean it to be offensive at all, but moaning about the way
things are doesn't change anything, that's why we have a coalition
government; no-one voted, they sat at home complaining.

Trust me though, I've used Ubuntu since 6.06 and my God I've been peed
off at times with problems and people not helping, but unless you shout
loud enough or see the right channels for support, nothing will ever get
done - for those that don't help aren't worth helping themselves ;)

If you *do* have any issues or problems, I'll be there at the front with
a few others asking how I can help.

We can only help those that bother to report things, sorry it's a grim
way to look at it, but it's true. Developer XYZ won't know about ABC
until they're told about it, same goes for anything: if you buy
something at Tesco that doesn't work, you'd take it back and tell them,
you can't expect them to know it's a shoddy product (not that Ubuntu is
in any form) if you don't tell them.

Again, sorry if it came across "abusive" it wasn't meant to be.

On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 17:08 +0100, John Matthews wrote:
> On 13/10/10 16:54, Alan Pope wrote:
> > On 13 October 2010 16:51, John Matthews  wrote:
> >> That doesnt surprise me really, basically what your saying is, go
> >> somewhere else, we cant be bothered. That brings us right back to what
> >> the OP said at the beginning. There we are.
> >>
> > No, I was giving you _options_.
> >
> > Al.
> >
> Options I have tried and got nowhere again with.
> To be honest with you, its pissed me off you bought up that thing about 
> contacting people in the middle of the night. I have not done that on 
> here, or the ubuntu group, so I know there is only one reason for you to 
> have bought that up. That is out of order, its nothing to do with you. 
> It explains a hell of a lot though. Out of order.
> John
> -- 
> Ubuntu User #30817


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Roy Jamison
Equal support!??! You have GOT to be kidding me right?

When was the last time Microsoft had a bugtracker and actually had its
employees respond to a problem, let alone even acknowledge you?
Does MS have IRC channels? Direct support? No they bloody well don't!

The help is there for Ubuntu if you need it;'re on your
Failing that you could always get an MCSE and then be classed as an
"expert of s...@*t", and still not know how to network between Vista and 7
with it's cleverly designed HomeGroups that fail to connect to anything
other than 7...

Windows didn't even have a "reporting this problem to MS" feature until
Vista, and how do you know it's being looked at? Does it ever get fixed?
No. The suggestion is: upgrade or shut the hell up.

Windows fanboys flame me, linux fanboys pat me on the back ;) lol

I rest my case.

On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 16:46 +0100, Paul Jones wrote:
>  I cant comment on your experiences with getting support John, I've
> always had positive experiences from getting support from forums for
> both MS stuff and Linux, but I have never ever once, received a
> working solution, or anything resembling proper help from Microsoft
> themselves. There responses are usually very dismissive and unhelpful
> to say the least.
> I'm not trying to say you are wrong in your view, but I am trying to
> say that the Windows support for example is in my opinion no better
> than that of Linux. I'd personally class them as fairly equal.
> I can usually find an answer to my issues whether they are MS or Linux
> using the user forums and known documented issues. I certainly wouldnt
> say Ubuntu support is lacking in anyway, in comparison to other OS's.
> Paul.
> - Original Message -
> From:
> UK Ubuntu Talk 
> To:
> "UK Ubuntu Talk" 
> Cc:
> Sent:
> Wed, 13 Oct 2010 16:39:24 +0100
> Subject:
> Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses
> - discuss
> On 13/10/10 16:35, Paul Jones wrote:
> >
> > If you ask me (and I know noone did) there will ALWAYS be as
> many 
> > people claiming "it worked perfectly without any
> configuration at all" 
> > as there are people who claim "it was a nightmare, I couldnt
> get it to 
> > work and I couldnt get any help either" regardless of
> whether its 
> > Linux/Windows/ OSX etc. This debate rages in Car/Motorcycle
> forums as 
> > well that I'm part of as well with people almost fighting to
> claim 
> > each side of the story.
> >
> > The fact is there will always be good and bad examples of
> experiences 
> > with any "product", simple as that. I agree, feeling like
> you are not 
> > being helped enough by the Ubuntu community must be very
> frustrating, 
> > but considering how much we pay where I work for our
> Microsoft Volume 
> > Licensing the amount of help, or should I say lack of help
> we get from 
> > MS is shocking Almost every fix I have ever implemented in
> my entire 
> > 15yr IT career has come from forums and word of mouth, or
> just plain 
> > old fault finding.
> >
> > I could name many people who have installed Windows out of
> the box 
> > with no issues, whatsoever, and many who have had an
> absolute 
> > nightmare. I'm sure the same goes for Ubuntu but in my
> opinion the 
> > help and resources for help from Microsoft are no better
> than for 
> > Ubuntu/Linux so if you arent getting the answers you need,
> either you 
> > need to shout louder, or maybe you are asking in the wrong
> "forum" 
> > (not literal).
> >
> > Paul.
> Yeh, but what makes the difference, is the support. It can be
> a 
> nightmare, but if there is good support, and its not done in a
> way that 
> makes you feel like a idiot or worse, then it doesnt matter if
> its bad, 
> if you can get it fixed fine. To be told go else where, if you
> cant get 
> on, that really is good support.
> That is what makes something worth it or not.
> John
> -- 
> Ubuntu User #30817
> -- 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Roy Jamison
Do all of these machines have nVidia graphics cards?
Just a thought, but there's a known issue with the new Xorg 1.9 ABI that
breaks the older nVidia drivers, and I'm guessing the 6800 would be one
of them, hence the reason that Ubuntu *thinks* it is running ok. That
might also explain the fact that there is no X fallback coming up.

Kernel modesetting commands anyone?

I remember seeing something about a machine with SiS graphics...I had
trouble with them too :(


Roy Jamison (xteejx)
Ubuntu Bug Squad
Ubuntu Bug Control


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Roy Jamison
I think your best bet to get support on these machines is to:

1. Search for the graphics cards you
have in each machine, there may be a known problem with them, or they
may have a workaround. It may even be a really simple fix :)

2. If there is nothing relevant to your issue, create an account, file a
bug for each one, and from the machine you can run "apport-collect -p
linux BUGNUMBER" so it can upload all the hardware info we would need to
look into the problem - obviously run the command from the machine with
the problem and change BUGNUMBER for the bug number Launchpad gives you
for the report for that machine (bit of a mouthful)

I would've said use ubuntu-bug to file it but that needs access to
firefox, since the commandline web browser doesn't like the LP website,
and without X working it wouldn't be feasible.

Unless someone reports info like this to us, there isn't a lot we can do
to fix it. Canonical doesn't have access to a wide range of machines


Roy Jamison (xteejx)
Ubuntu Bug Squad
Ubuntu Bug Control


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Roy Jamison
This is precisely why we have Launchpad, both the bug tracker and the
answers tracker. 
The Ubuntu documentation (both in the OS and online) has workarounds,
known issues, and failing that can point you to an IRC channel #ubuntu -
people there are usually very helpful.
I totally understand though, as when things like that happen it really
p*?ses me off too, but there is always a solution.
OEMs will always make sure their hardware is supported in whatever is
preinstalled i.e. Dell, but you must remember that not all manufacturers
support linux. 
There will always be problems, it's a known fact that Microsoft are
still producing bloated s...@*t after 30 years. You could argue that it
always installs fine and works, but what then? Antivirus? Anti-spyware?
Anti-malware? Firewall? Defrag? The problems don't stop there...
Ubuntu is about 4-5 years old and nearly at the "Windows point" with
support and usability, but unless manufacturers support linux fully,
sadly there will always be some shortcomings.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Pages not loading in Ubuntu 10.10

2010-10-11 Thread Roy Jamison
Actually if p...@home staff are anything to go by, I wouldn't exactly
expect their website to be any good.
Think..."mass breeding at the sibling level" with the rabbits and other
animals they sell. Most of them die within 2 years because of health
problems like cancer, deformations, etc.

Source: College teacher (part of syllabus)

On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 09:28 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> On 11 October 2010 07:58, Colin Law  wrote:
> > It is not his own site, his initial question was worded slightly
> > ambiguously. He said that he 'had a page' that failed, but did not
> > mean that it was his own site.
> Ah, apologies... mis-read.
> > But you are right that the fundamental problem may be the invalid
> > html.  The new version of the renderer may be interpreting the html
> > differently.  The OP should contact the site admin and point out the
> > errors on the site.
> If the petsathome site is completely awful HTML then that's rather a
> sad reflection on their brand... who is to know whether the pet food
> is edible, the fish being sold healthy or the staff knowledgable if
> they can't be bothered to spend at least a few minutes on their
> website to ensure it renders in all browsers?
> Think I'll stick with Pampurred Pets... they don't really have a
> website to speak of, but at least it renders ;-)
> Sean


Re: [ubuntu-uk] warning: Non ubuntu thread! Fwd: Transcript of 4 Oct 2010 7:25:17. Visitor: javad. Operator: Jessica Waynick.

2010-10-04 Thread Roy Jamison
lol! Fonejacker springs to mind with a guy sitting in a box asking for
"monies Sir"...I wouldn't touch this with a barge pole! For the sake
of a few extra quid, you'd be better off sticking with a known
brand/seller. Western Union do not give back money for buyer/seller
mistakes like Paypal do - once the money's transferred that's it, no
bank to back you up (Fraud Prevention Team)
60% off is usually the "closing down clearance" type sale, but I don't
know any retailer that would hike the prices back up after a week if
they're selling their stock off... the mind boggles on this one...

If you want a cheap monitor, you can get a 21.6" TV from Tesco now for
£99, or maybe it was £119, and it can double as a monitor with the VGA
ports :) Failing that you could try Maplin, SVP or eBay for some
bargains...or even Freecycle/Freegle if you're not fussed about
picking up second-hand stuff from strangers houses for free ;)

Just a few suggestions :)

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:05 PM, javadayaz  wrote:
> Hi,
> Many of you may know of my efforts to get a revo installed with ubuntu as a
> media centre for my living roomwhat do you make of this offer here?
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: ProvideSupport 
> Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 12:47 PM
> Subject: Transcript of 4 Oct 2010 7:25:17. Visitor: javad. Operator: Jessica
> Waynick.
> To: "" 
> Chat Transcript
> Visitor: javad
> Operator: Jessica Waynick
> Company:
> Started: 4 Oct 2010 7:25:17
> Finished: 4 Oct 2010 7:47:40
> javad: on this item CODE: 0099802702922...what is the size of the monitor?
> * Welcome javad! Your request has been directed to the Technical Support
> department. Please wait for our operator to answer your call.
> * Call accepted by operator Jessica Waynick. Currently in room: Jessica
> Waynick, javad.
> Jessica Waynick: I am can only answer questions about return policy, payment
> methods and shipping. For this kind of questions, please use the contact
> form from the website and the guys from the sales department will answer.
> javad: sorry i thought this was the technical support department!!!
> javad: do you accept paypal or google checkout as payment methods?
> Jessica Waynick: From Oct/01/2010 to Oct/07/2010 we don't accept credit
> cards. This is an offer sponsored by Western Union, the prices are lower by
> 60% because of this, so the only payment method available is Western union
> wire transfer. After this time period, you can purchase by credit card, but
> also the prices are going to be much higher.
> javad: so i cant pay via my debit card?
> Jessica Waynick: no, you can't this week
> javad: but i can after the 7th of oct.?
> Jessica Waynick: Yes
> javad: after which prices will go up too?
> Jessica Waynick: yes, by 60%
> javad: so to take advantage of the 60% off offer i need to make western
> union transfer? where do i make the transfer to?
> Jessica Waynick: Please locate here
> a Western Union agent
> near you. You will must have the money in cash and a valid ID with you.
> After the wire transfer is completed, please scan the copy of the Western
> Union receipt and send it by email at . You will
> also have to include in the email the following details: MTCN ( Money
> Transfer Control Number ) - 10 digits number from the payment receipt -
> Sender Name and Address - Receiver Name ( agent name ) - Amount Western
> Union has offered two sponsored payment options, one for its own advertising
> and brand awareness and the other for the Yele Haiti Organization. 1.You
> will send the payment by Western Union without disclosing the purpose of the
> transfer to the Western Union agent from where you are going to send the
> payment. It this case, you will only have to pay the reduced price of your
> order and you will receive with your items the book " Western Union At Your
> Service Since 1851". 2. If you will send the payment by Western Union and
> disclose the purpose of the transfer to the agent, you will have to pay the
> reduced price for your order plus a £250 fee as donation for the Yele Haiti,
> a non-political movement that has built global awareness for Haiti while
> helping to sustain the country through short-term emergency relief efforts
> and long-term programs.
> Jessica Waynick: You will have to order the items first
> Jessica Waynick: You will receive detailed payment instructions by email and
> also on your account.
> javad: this sounds like a really good offer
> javad: where in the uk are goods dispatched from?
> javad: can i pick them up personally
> javad: ?
> Jessica Waynick: We only ship the items, we are an internet based store,
> like many others. Local pick up it not an option.
> javad: do you support any other charities ?>
> Jessica Waynick: Not at the moment.
> javad: are you a man in africa trying to steal my money?
> Visitor Details
> ---
> Please sel

Re: [ubuntu-uk] warning: Non ubuntu thread! Fwd: Transcript of 4 Oct 2010 7:25:17. Visitor: javad. Operator: Jessica Waynick.

2010-10-04 Thread Roy Jamison
If you look at the registered address it is 57th & Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022... that's a road intersection lol

If it looks too good to true, it usually is.

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:28 PM, javadayaz  wrote:
> i thought their prices were too good to be true!!
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Vince Marsters  wrote:
>> As soon as I read no credit cards but only Western Union then the alarm
>> bells started ringing for me. I wouldn't just walk away but would be running
>> as fast as I could.
>> Also I didn't see anywhere on the website where a postal address is shown.
>> AFAIK it is a legal requirement in the UK for all internet companies to
>> provide this.
>> Vince
>> On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 13:05 +0100, javadayaz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Many of you may know of my efforts to get a revo installed with ubuntu as
>> a media centre for my living roomwhat do you make of this offer here?
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: ProvideSupport 
>> Date: Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 12:47 PM
>> Subject: Transcript of 4 Oct 2010 7:25:17. Visitor: javad. Operator:
>> Jessica Waynick.
>> To: "" 
>> Chat Transcript
>> Visitor: javad
>> Operator: Jessica Waynick
>> Company:
>> Started: 4 Oct 2010 7:25:17
>> Finished: 4 Oct 2010 7:47:40
>> javad: on this item CODE: 0099802702922...what is the size of the monitor?
>> * Welcome javad! Your request has been directed to the Technical Support
>> department. Please wait for our operator to answer your call.
>> * Call accepted by operator Jessica Waynick. Currently in room: Jessica
>> Waynick, javad.
>> Jessica Waynick: I am can only answer questions about return policy,
>> payment methods and shipping. For this kind of questions, please use the
>> contact form from the website and the guys from the sales department will
>> answer.
>> javad: sorry i thought this was the technical support department!!!
>> javad: do you accept paypal or google checkout as payment methods?
>> Jessica Waynick: From Oct/01/2010 to Oct/07/2010 we don't accept credit
>> cards. This is an offer sponsored by Western Union, the prices are lower by
>> 60% because of this, so the only payment method available is Western union
>> wire transfer. After this time period, you can purchase by credit card, but
>> also the prices are going to be much higher.
>> javad: so i cant pay via my debit card?
>> Jessica Waynick: no, you can't this week
>> javad: but i can after the 7th of oct.?
>> Jessica Waynick: Yes
>> javad: after which prices will go up too?
>> Jessica Waynick: yes, by 60%
>> javad: so to take advantage of the 60% off offer i need to make western
>> union transfer? where do i make the transfer to?
>> Jessica Waynick: Please locate here
>> a Western Union agent
>> near you. You will must have the money in cash and a valid ID with you.
>> After the wire transfer is completed, please scan the copy of the Western
>> Union receipt and send it by email at . You will
>> also have to include in the email the following details: MTCN ( Money
>> Transfer Control Number ) - 10 digits number from the payment receipt -
>> Sender Name and Address - Receiver Name ( agent name ) - Amount Western
>> Union has offered two sponsored payment options, one for its own advertising
>> and brand awareness and the other for the Yele Haiti Organization. 1.You
>> will send the payment by Western Union without disclosing the purpose of the
>> transfer to the Western Union agent from where you are going to send the
>> payment. It this case, you will only have to pay the reduced price of your
>> order and you will receive with your items the book " Western Union At Your
>> Service Since 1851". 2. If you will send the payment by Western Union and
>> disclose the purpose of the transfer to the agent, you will have to pay the
>> reduced price for your order plus a £250 fee as donation for the Yele Haiti,
>> a non-political movement that has built global awareness for Haiti while
>> helping to sustain the country through short-term emergency relief efforts
>> and long-term programs.
>> Jessica Waynick: You will have to order the items first
>> Jessica Waynick: You will receive detailed payment instructions by email
>> and also on your account.
>> javad: this sounds like a really good offer
>> javad: where in the uk are goods dispatched from?
>> javad: can i pick them up personally
>> javad: ?
>> Jessica Waynick: We only ship the items, we are an internet based store,
>> like many others. Local pick up it not an option.
>> javad: do you support any other charities ?>
>> Jessica Waynick: Not at the moment.
>> javad: are you a man in africa trying to steal my money?
>> Visitor Details
>> ---
>> Please select the department you would like to reach: Technical Support
>> Your Name: javad
>> Your Question

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Speech Recognition

2010-07-01 Thread Roy Jamison
I had a look at that but it looked very complicated, and I don't think
it has a frontend for recognition/training. If it had that, it might
work well enough for end-users. :)


On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 06:55 +0100, Alan Bell wrote:
> this project seems quite active
> and has packages for Ubuntu 10.04 in a ppa
> I have not tried it yet, but it would be interesting to see how well it
> works for people.
> Alan.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] OT: Need some Routers

2010-06-30 Thread Roy Jamison
Sounds like a misinformed student! I'll make sure to correct him on that
next time I see him ;) (He's not exactly the brightest potato in the
field lol)

On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 15:45 +0100, Dan Attwood wrote:
> On a lighter note, Mid-Kent College in Gillingham uses linux
> servers
> with Moodle on,
> says who? I'm working to move them to Ubuntu but at the moment they
> are on Windows. Oddly the main drive to shift them is that Mahara
> doesn't play nicely on IIS and I really want rid of the Xampp set-ups
> I've inherited
> and moodle is packaged in the Ubuntu repositories so it
> is already there.
> From experience I'd say it's not a good idea to use the Moodle version
> in the repos as an apt-get upgrade can break any custom changes. 
> if you want Moodle help though I can offer it depending on where you
> are and what help you want.
> Dan Attwood
> VLE Admin Midkent College


Re: [ubuntu-uk] OT: Need some Routers

2010-06-30 Thread Roy Jamison
Linux is not freeware, it is FOSS, please make sure you understand the
differences here, especially if you are trying to "sell" it to others :P

On a lighter note, Mid-Kent College in Gillingham uses linux servers
with Moodle on, and moodle is packaged in the Ubuntu repositories so it
is already there.

It might be an idea to contact other local schools and/or businesses to
see if there are any bits of hardware they are throwing out (it happens
a hell of alot more than most people realise during office upgrades!)

I'm sure you'd be able to get some kind of token ring network setup with
a few bits and some decent software: Ubuntu ;)

Teej Bug Control

On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 14:12 +0100, Cornelius Mostert wrote:
> Hi
> I need to setup a network (wire and WiFi) in a school but they have £0
> budget and was wondering if any of you have not used routers/switches
> (I was thinking of old ISP supplied ones, those you do not know what
> to do with once you switch to a new ISP, but other will also be very
> welcome) and other hardware that you might wana get rid of.
> They currently have only 20 mini books (net books) and a few old PCs,
> the server is old and dieing so it would almost be a complete redo.
> If it helps they are very open to freeware  and therefore Linux.
> While on the subject is there any software you would recommend, I know
> about ubuntu/debian education and the normal user apps like open
> office, but as there is almost NO it infrastructure, so any other
> software will be nice.
> Any one knows Moodle??
> thanx
> --
> _
> Cornelius Mostert
> Senior IT Specialist
> United Kingdom: 075 2233 4818
> International: 0044 75 2233 4818


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Speech Recognition

2010-06-29 Thread Roy Jamison
@Alan: Exactly my thought! It's a shame that if there are any, that they
weren't released (or at least not without public knowledge). I suppose
contacting Universities would be a futile attempt ;) (saying that if I
thought it would bring results I would do it!)
If anything can be found I would be willing to maintain it.

On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 22:29 +0100, Alan Bell wrote:
> Roy Jamison wrote:
> > Hi all. Have been looking at the Ubuntu wiki and googled around for
> > quite a while trying to find an answer but there doesn't appear to be
> > anything concrete for linux regarding speech recognition programs.
> > I mean, there are developer-only orientated things like sphinx and
> > julius in our repos, but is there anything REALLY being worked on?
> > It'd be a real shame if we had to use Windows payware products to
> > accomplish something that we could probably build on at this stage,
> > albeit average quality, but wouldn't it be better to have *something*
> > rather than nothing?
> > Anyway, the Vista/Win7 recognition is really craptastic, we could esaily
> > do better!!
> > Would like to hear peeps comments on this!
> >
> >
> >   
> IBM did once release a speech recognition product for Linux but they
> failed to maintain it and withdrew it after a while. Text to speech is a
> little better. The accessibility team
> is a good starting point to find
> out information on this subject. There are basically two approaches,
> command recognition where the application is listening for a small
> vocabulary or recorded phrases and it triggers something in response to
> the command (like "call mum" to initiate a phone call). The second type
> of speech recognition application is *hard* and that is natural speech
> dictation. Whilst this is a very very hard problem I wouldn't be
> surprised if there were a dozen or so reasonably decent implementations
> done as a dissertation by various people and then abandoned once they
> got their degree.
> Alan.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Speech Recognition

2010-06-29 Thread Roy Jamison
Actually in its defense, I have found Dragon NS to be quite surprisingly
accurate after 10-15 minutes of training, so I don't think the perfect
model is too far away, at least for closed-source payware. Open-source
I'm not too sure but there's always a negative spin every time this
subject pops up. I feel sad for the thousands of "accessibility needing"
end users who would rely on this technology to get through with using
PCs, and because of this slow(?) progression can't turn to Ubuntu/linux
just yet.

On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 22:18 +0100, Steve wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 22:08:45 +0100, Roy Jamison   
> wrote:
> > Hi all. Have been looking at the Ubuntu wiki and googled around for
> > quite a while trying to find an answer but there doesn't appear to be
> > anything concrete for linux regarding speech recognition programs.
> > I mean, there are developer-only orientated things like sphinx and
> > julius in our repos, but is there anything REALLY being worked on?
> > It'd be a real shame if we had to use Windows payware products to
> > accomplish something that we could probably build on at this stage,
> > albeit average quality, but wouldn't it be better to have *something*
> > rather than nothing?
> > Anyway, the Vista/Win7 recognition is really craptastic, we could esaily
> > do better!!
> > Would like to hear peeps comments on this!
> >
> >
> I think any attempt at a speech recognition system is an exercise in  
> futility.  I’ve never come across one that is anywhere near working and  
> given that humans have enough problems understanding each other at times,  
> I seriously a computer will ever manage.
> -- 
> Steve (Yorvyk)


[ubuntu-uk] Speech Recognition

2010-06-29 Thread Roy Jamison
Hi all. Have been looking at the Ubuntu wiki and googled around for
quite a while trying to find an answer but there doesn't appear to be
anything concrete for linux regarding speech recognition programs.
I mean, there are developer-only orientated things like sphinx and
julius in our repos, but is there anything REALLY being worked on?
It'd be a real shame if we had to use Windows payware products to
accomplish something that we could probably build on at this stage,
albeit average quality, but wouldn't it be better to have *something*
rather than nothing?
Anyway, the Vista/Win7 recognition is really craptastic, we could esaily
do better!!
Would like to hear peeps comments on this!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 62, Issue 7

2010-06-03 Thread Roy Jamison
What about good a good old English fry-up or fish and chips? Ok, I admit
it's lunchtime :) 
Mockup #1 is the best, but I also feel the same, that it is a little too
commercial. What about going with the new official purple colour? Just a
Great work!! :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 62, Issue 1

2010-06-01 Thread Roy Jamison
What the hell? 64 bit version is perfectly fine and I, and many others
would recommend it, but only if you have a 64 bit machine, i.e. AMD64,
Intel Core2Duo, etc. Perhaps there has been a mistake in wording here,
as it is correct to think that most users would be happy with 32 bit
Ubuntu, but nevertheless 64 bit Ubuntu is hardly 'bleeding edge'.

> Does any one know why on the ubuntu site here
> They say 64-bit is not recommended for daily useage? A bug has been entered
> in launchpad
> Any comments on why this was on the ubuntu page? Im concerned as Im using
> 64-bit now for the last few weeks previously I was using 32-bit
> Thanks
> Mark
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