Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-12 Thread Liam Proven
On 9 April 2012 12:22, Barry Drake wrote:

 The thing is, I've trained myself to think like a non-geek who is familiar
 with Microsoft Windows, and is now using Ubuntu.  Thinking in that way rules
 out words like 'panel', 'dash', 'launcher' and many many more as well as
 program names such as nautilus.  If my friend Heidi phones, I'm not going to
 say 'Open the dash ...  ' but rather, left click on the top icon on the
 column on the left of your screen, then left click the icon at the bottom
 that looks a bit like a ruler and two candles'  (what on earth the apps icon
 is supposed to be is quite beyond me   ).  And by the way, isn't a
 'window' something for looking out of?  Get the drift?  If we keep checking
 ourselves, we'll be amazed how much geek-speak we use.

The thing is, icon and left click and so on are computer language too.

But a century ago our ancestors were doubtless assimilating and
inventing new language concerning automobiles. Language changes. If
you want to talk about software and things, you need some specialist
vocabulary. You can bootstrap ;¬) this from familiar terms from
Windows, but they need /some/.

The trick is to try to encourage people not to be phobic about this, I guess.

It's tricky. I find it a real problem when people learn the words but
then apply them incorrectly.

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-09 Thread alan c
On 08/04/12 20:03, Norman Silverstone wrote:
 I think we all ought to shout at the gimp folk.  Gimp is an incredibly 
 capable program, and it is also the least intuitive and least workable 
 that I have ever seen!  If the Gimp folk wanted to sell it for cash, 
 there would be no chance!  It seems to me that FOSS developers never 
 talk to potential (non-geek) users.  It's high time ordinary folk like 
 us (folk who use and don't develop) got ourselves a voice.
 Once upon a time ordinary folk did have a voice which was welcomed. I
 know because I was one of them. I was one of the first non-technical
 users of Ubuntu and was used as a bit of a guinea-pig by one of my sons
 who worked for Canonical. It was all very new to me and I found and
 filed bugs. But, as Canonical became more complex and diverse, so the
 sort of help which users like me could give appeared to be of less and
 less use to developers.  

When the other people in your street start using Ubuntu they will be
novices, and it is interesting to see that systematic testing is
slanted in that direction.
Canonical take user testing seriously and this is done in a systematic
and documented way. (This does not mean of course that one's own
tastes are catered for)

A bunch of links I have just found
alan cocks


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-09 Thread Byte Soup
 We're collating this round of testing at 07:00 UTC on Monday but if
 you do find any bugs over the next few weeks, do please let us know.

 - --
 Alan Pope

I run as many of the test I could. I installed a spare drive into a Dell
latitude D610 laptop and installed from DVD. I have run all previous
versions of Ubuntu on this machine since 8.04 and its always seen my
wireless card and compiz has always worked ok.

I know its not a powerful machine by a long shot but it seemed to be
running real slow. It turns out compiz kept crashing which meant the
desktop would freeze up completely. I had to drop to the console and kill X
and checkbox to restart. I got cheesed off after a while so skipped the
last bunch of tests.

So my question is, when compiz dies is it expected the desktop just
freezes? In gnome on my work machine which still runs 10.04 all windows
clutter onto one workspace and at least you can get a terminal and issue
the compiz --replace command to rescue your desktop, and save any work.

I did get a error pop up when compiz died but it said something along the
lines that its not a core ubuntu component and so I couldn't submit a error

Do I just submit a separate manual bug for the desktop issue?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-09 Thread Norman Silverstone
 That's a shame. I'd be interested in knowing exactly which test it was
 and we can fix the text description pretty easily for future tests.

For example I am asked to run gedit. No problem, I go to Applications,
Accessories and select Text Editor. Problem, there is no heading
Applications. I could of course select a terminal and type gedit and
press enter - problem where do I find a terminal. I move on and I am
asked to run nautilus. As far as I am concerned nautilus is or was a

 Checkbox does have the option to skip this test which enables you to
 move onto a test which you understand or can perform.

When I first saw the email about testing I thought it was a great idea.
At my age time is not a problem and so I could start to learn about the
latest version of Ubuntu and, at the same time, return something to help
the developers. My fear now is that if I continue with more tests I may
produce misleading data causing the developers more hindrance than help.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-09 Thread Barry Drake

On 08/04/12 20:41, Alan Pope wrote:
Interesting feedback Barry. I certainly didn't expect this, but then I 
naïvely expected people on this list to have taken a look at 12.04 
previously, and be familiar with the basics. Thanks for highlighting this.

Maybe a bit of over-reaction on my part.  But I've spent the last couple 
of years moving ordinary non-computer literate Windows folk over to 
Ubuntu.  My wife, my sister various friends etc.  My sister's 
stepdaughter was horrified - 'Linux is for geeks ...'  Then she took a 
look at it and realised that Ubuntu is very user-friendly.  For her many 
sins, she now works for Spec-Savers   need I say more 

The thing is, I've trained myself to think like a non-geek who is 
familiar with Microsoft Windows, and is now using Ubuntu.  Thinking in 
that way rules out words like 'panel', 'dash', 'launcher' and many many 
more as well as program names such as nautilus.  If my friend Heidi 
phones, I'm not going to say 'Open the dash ...  ' but rather, left 
click on the top icon on the column on the left of your screen, then 
left click the icon at the bottom that looks a bit like a ruler and two 
candles'  (what on earth the apps icon is supposed to be is quite beyond 
me   ).  And by the way, isn't a 'window' something for looking out 
of?  Get the drift?  If we keep checking ourselves, we'll be amazed how 
much geek-speak we use.

Having said all that, just as soon as my Raspberry Pi arrives, I'm going 
to be in the local school trying to make sure that the next generation 
gets kick-started in real computer literacy just as my son and I were 
with the Sinclair ZX81  .  ah, those were the days.

Kind regards,Barry.

Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-09 Thread alan c
On 09/04/12 12:22, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 08/04/12 20:41, Alan Pope wrote:
 Interesting feedback Barry. I certainly didn't expect this, but then I 
 naïvely expected people on this list to have taken a look at 12.04 
 previously, and be familiar with the basics. Thanks for highlighting this.
 Maybe a bit of over-reaction on my part.  But I've spent the last couple 
 of years moving ordinary non-computer literate Windows folk over to 
 Ubuntu.  My wife, my sister various friends etc.  My sister's 
 stepdaughter was horrified - 'Linux is for geeks ...'  Then she took a 
 look at it and realised that Ubuntu is very user-friendly.  For her many 
 sins, she now works for Spec-Savers   need I say more 
 The thing is, I've trained myself to think like a non-geek who is 
 familiar with Microsoft Windows, and is now using Ubuntu.  Thinking in 
 that way rules out words like 'panel', 'dash', 'launcher' and many many 
 more as well as program names such as nautilus.  If my friend Heidi 
 phones, I'm not going to say 'Open the dash ...  ' but rather, left 
 click on the top icon on the column on the left of your screen, then 
 left click the icon at the bottom that looks a bit like a ruler and two 
 candles'  (what on earth the apps icon is supposed to be is quite beyond 
 me   ).  And by the way, isn't a 'window' something for looking out 
 of?  Get the drift?  If we keep checking ourselves, we'll be amazed how 
 much geek-speak we use.
 Having said all that, just as soon as my Raspberry Pi arrives, I'm going 
 to be in the local school trying to make sure that the next generation 
 gets kick-started in real computer literacy just as my son and I were 
 with the Sinclair ZX81  .  ah, those were the days.

My experience and approach is very close indeed to Barry's
alan cocks


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Colin Law
On 7 April 2012 23:34, Avi Greenbury wrote:
 Colin Law wrote:
 On 7 April 2012 17:10, Alan Pope wrote:
  Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
  the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
  installation. Choose that, job done.

 If you choose that route does it give a choice on how much space to
 keep for the existing system?  It is a long time since I tried it but
 I seem to remember then that it squashed my existing system down to
 the smallest it could and I later had to adjust the partitions sizes.

 Yeah. I don't think it prompts you per se but it picks roughly sensible
 defaults and lets you adjust them. How long ago did you last do it, I
 don't remember it ever doing that.

It was a couple of years ago at least.  My memory may not be entirely
accurate.  I think the problem was that I was installing Ubuntu
alongside Windows in order to play try Ubuntu to see what it was all
about.  In that situation Windows continued to be my main OS and my
disk was not overly large so I wanted the max available for Win with
just enough for Ubuntu to run happily.  I think I ended up with
something like 40GB for my Win partition which meant it was almost
full and the same for Ubuntu which was then virtually empty.  What I
really wanted was 70 for win an 10 fur Ubuntu.  I don't know what
algorithm it uses now, something like dividing it so that each system
ends up with the same free space might be good.  Another thing that I
thought was not so good was that it did not tell me how it was going
to partition it and ask me if that was ok so that I could back out and
use the advanced settings instead.  It just went ahead and did it.  As
I said, however, my memory may be failing me and the installer may
have changed since then.






Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Norman Silverstone
 Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
 the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
 installation. Choose that, job done.
 Other options will allow you to upgrade or overwrite. Don't choose
 those if you absolutely want dual boot.

I started the installation process but the only options I was offered
were to 'Erase', 'Upgrade' or 'Do something else'. Nowhere was the
option to install side-by side. Now what?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Colin Law
On 8 April 2012 10:45, Norman Silverstone wrote:

 Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
 the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
 installation. Choose that, job done.

 Other options will allow you to upgrade or overwrite. Don't choose
 those if you absolutely want dual boot.

 I started the installation process but the only options I was offered
 were to 'Erase', 'Upgrade' or 'Do something else'. Nowhere was the
 option to install side-by side. Now what?

You are right, I am seeing that too.  The side by side option seems
not to be there.
Do Something Else takes one to the manual setup page.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Norman Silverstone
 You are right, I am seeing that too.  The side by side option seems
 not to be there.
 Do Something Else takes one to the manual setup page.

I would be quite happy to do a manual set up if I could be sure not to
ruin everything else on the HD.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Colin Law
On 8 April 2012 11:22, Norman Silverstone wrote:

 You are right, I am seeing that too.  The side by side option seems
 not to be there.
 Do Something Else takes one to the manual setup page.

 I would be quite happy to do a manual set up if I could be sure not to
 ruin everything else on the HD.

Open a terminal (in your normal booted system) and type
Copy and paste the results here.  In a terminal Ctrl+Shift+C copies to
the paste buffer.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Norman Silverstone

  You are right, I am seeing that too.  The side by side option seems
  not to be there.
  Do Something Else takes one to the manual setup page.
  I would be quite happy to do a manual set up if I could be sure not to
  ruin everything else on the HD.
 Open a terminal (in your normal booted system) and type
 Copy and paste the results here.  In a terminal Ctrl+Shift+C copies to
 the paste buffer.

Did that, here is the result.

Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1147921176  54147020  86260156  39% /
none   1018232   684   1017548   1% /dev
none   1024860   260   1024600   1% /dev/shm
none   1024860   100   1024760   1% /var/run
none   1024860 0   1024860   0% /var/lock
none   1024860 0   1024860   0% /lib/init/rw



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Colin Law
On 8 April 2012 11:43, Norman Silverstone wrote:

  You are right, I am seeing that too.  The side by side option seems
  not to be there.
  Do Something Else takes one to the manual setup page.
  I would be quite happy to do a manual set up if I could be sure not to
  ruin everything else on the HD.

 Open a terminal (in your normal booted system) and type
 Copy and paste the results here.  In a terminal Ctrl+Shift+C copies to
 the paste buffer.

 Did that, here is the result.

 Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda1            147921176  54147020  86260156  39% /
 none                   1018232       684   1017548   1% /dev
 none                   1024860       260   1024600   1% /dev/shm
 none                   1024860       100   1024760   1% /var/run
 none                   1024860         0   1024860   0% /var/lock
 none                   1024860         0   1024860   0% /lib/init/rw

Well at least that is nice and simple.  If you boot into the installer
and go into Something Else then you should see
/dev/sda2 (it might be a different number)
where sda2 has type Swap and sda1 is ext3 or ext4.  It does not matter which.
sda1 should show a size of 140GB or thereabouts with 85GB used.  You
first need to shrink this to make room for 12.04.
First though make sure you have backed up everything important just in case.

Click on sda1 and click Change.  It will show the partition size as
14 (MB) or thereabouts.  Reduce this by about 1 to allow 10GB
for 12.04.  So if it were 14 change it to 13.  MOST
IMPORTANTLY leave Use As set to do not use, and do NOT select Format.
Click OK which will show a warning about writing it to disk and that
you will not be able to undo it.  Click Continue.

Go and have a cup of coffee while it shrinks the partition.

When it is finished you should a new entry marked as Free Space or
1MB.  Select this one and click Add.
Set the Mount Point to /, leave the rest at default and click OK

It should now show the new partition as type ext4, mount point / and
Format ticked.
DOUBLE CHECK that the other partitions have nothing under Mount Point
and are NOT ticked for formatting.
Offer a quick prayer or sacrifice to any Deity you consider relevant
and click Install Now.






Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Norman Silverstone

   You are right, I am seeing that too.  The side by side option seems
   not to be there.
   Do Something Else takes one to the manual setup page.
   I would be quite happy to do a manual set up if I could be sure not to
   ruin everything else on the HD.
  Open a terminal (in your normal booted system) and type
  Copy and paste the results here.  In a terminal Ctrl+Shift+C copies to
  the paste buffer.
  none   1024860 0   1024860   0% /lib/init/rw
 Well at least that is nice and simple.  If you boot into the installer
 and go into Something Else then you should see
 /dev/sda2 (it might be a different number)
 where sda2 has type Swap and sda1 is ext3 or ext4.  It does not matter which.
 sda1 should show a size of 140GB or thereabouts with 85GB used.  You
 first need to shrink this to make room for 12.04.
 First though make sure you have backed up everything important just in case.
 Click on sda1 and click Change.  It will show the partition size as
 14 (MB) or thereabouts.  Reduce this by about 1 to allow 10GB
 for 12.04.  So if it were 14 change it to 13.  MOST
 IMPORTANTLY leave Use As set to do not use, and do NOT select Format.
 Click OK which will show a warning about writing it to disk and that
 you will not be able to undo it.  Click Continue.
 Go and have a cup of coffee while it shrinks the partition.
 When it is finished you should a new entry marked as Free Space or
 1MB.  Select this one and click Add.
 Set the Mount Point to /, leave the rest at default and click OK
 It should now show the new partition as type ext4, mount point / and
 Format ticked.
 DOUBLE CHECK that the other partitions have nothing under Mount Point
 and are NOT ticked for formatting.
 Offer a quick prayer or sacrifice to any Deity you consider relevant
 and click Install Now.

Thanks, Colin that looks pretty straight forward. Just one question,
where you say Set the Mount Point to /, is the ',' necessary or just



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Colin Law
On 8 April 2012 12:55, Norman Silverstone wrote:

   You are right, I am seeing that too.  The side by side option seems
   not to be there.
   Do Something Else takes one to the manual setup page.
   I would be quite happy to do a manual set up if I could be sure not to
   ruin everything else on the HD.
  Open a terminal (in your normal booted system) and type
  Copy and paste the results here.  In a terminal Ctrl+Shift+C copies to
  the paste buffer.
  none                   1024860         0   1024860   0% /lib/init/rw

 Well at least that is nice and simple.  If you boot into the installer
 and go into Something Else then you should see
     /dev/sda2 (it might be a different number)
 where sda2 has type Swap and sda1 is ext3 or ext4.  It does not matter which.
 sda1 should show a size of 140GB or thereabouts with 85GB used.  You
 first need to shrink this to make room for 12.04.
 First though make sure you have backed up everything important just in case.

 Click on sda1 and click Change.  It will show the partition size as
 14 (MB) or thereabouts.  Reduce this by about 1 to allow 10GB
 for 12.04.  So if it were 14 change it to 13.  MOST
 IMPORTANTLY leave Use As set to do not use, and do NOT select Format.
 Click OK which will show a warning about writing it to disk and that
 you will not be able to undo it.  Click Continue.

 Go and have a cup of coffee while it shrinks the partition.

 When it is finished you should a new entry marked as Free Space or
 1MB.  Select this one and click Add.
 Set the Mount Point to /, leave the rest at default and click OK

 It should now show the new partition as type ext4, mount point / and
 Format ticked.
 DOUBLE CHECK that the other partitions have nothing under Mount Point
 and are NOT ticked for formatting.
 Offer a quick prayer or sacrifice to any Deity you consider relevant
 and click Install Now.

 Thanks, Colin that looks pretty straight forward. Just one question,
 where you say Set the Mount Point to /, is the ',' necessary or just

No comma, use the drop down list to select / from the options there.






Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Norman Silverstone

 No comma, use the drop down list to select / from the options there.

Thank you.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Colin Law
On 8 April 2012 16:59, Norman Silverstone wrote:
 Followed instructions and everything worked like a charm.

Thanks goodness for that, I am always a bit nervous giving out advice
like this in case it all goes wrong.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Norman Silverstone

I would like to make a couple of comments relating to my experience. The
most time consuming part of the process is the downloading and
installation of the system. I suppose, overall this took well over 2
hours. Perhaps, with super fast broadband and a super computer, neither
of which I have, this time would be considerably reduced but, where I
live, broadband is a joke. Eventually I settled down to do some tests
and very soon encountered difficulties because I did not really
understand how to carry out the required test. I am not thick but when I
am asked, for example, to start gedit or nautilus using a set up with
which I am not familiar I was lost and gave up. Maybe this testing is
only for the Ubuntu literate and not for a simple user like me. 

I will have another look when I have recovered my equilibrium but I
don't hold out much hope of being any use to the developers.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Barry Drake

On 08/04/12 17:21, Norman Silverstone wrote:

  I am not thick but when I
am asked, for example, to start gedit or nautilus using a set up with
which I am not familiar I was lost and gave up. Maybe this testing is
only for the Ubuntu literate and not for a simple user like me.

Norman well said!  Unity testing folk (and Popey) please note.  I was 
appalled at the level of knowledge that the tests required.  The Unity 
testing program ought at least to tell you how to start gedit etc.  And 
to use programs that are installed by default, which does NOT include 
Amarok that is (almost) specifically asked for by at least one of the 
tests.  By the way, gedit is the default text editor and you can start 
it by clicking on 'Text Editor'.  Where do you find that?  Well, it's 
not too bad now I know my way around the latest Unity ...  but I agree, 
it can be a bit daunting.  However, if you type 'gedit' into the entry 
field that comes up when you click the top (Ubuntu) button on the 
launcher sidebar, you will get a match that you can click.  The same 
would be true of Nautilus, but actually all you need to do is open the 
'Files' (Home Folder) icon on the launcher sidebar.

Oh, and a 'program that needs multiple windows'      PLEASE     
some of us might understand this, but just get back to the drawing board.

Unity testing folk - please use plain English for a change /rant

Norman, please continue, and ask this list at every hurdle.  It's worth 
it.  If only to try the latest Unity lenses.  Unity under 12.04 is 


Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread John

On 08/04/12 18:10, Barry Drake wrote:

On 08/04/12 17:21, Norman Silverstone wrote:

I am not thick but when I
am asked, for example, to start gedit or nautilus using a set up with
which I am not familiar I was lost and gave up. Maybe this testing is
only for the Ubuntu literate and not for a simple user like me.

Norman well said! Unity testing folk (and Popey) please note. I was 
appalled at the level of knowledge that the tests required. The Unity 
testing program ought at least to tell you how to start gedit etc. And 
to use programs that are installed by default, which does NOT include 
Amarok that is (almost) specifically asked for by at least one of the 
tests. By the way, gedit is the default text editor and you can start 
it by clicking on 'Text Editor'. Where do you find that? Well, it's 
not too bad now I know my way around the latest Unity ... but I agree, 
it can be a bit daunting. However, if you type 'gedit' into the entry 
field that comes up when you click the top (Ubuntu) button on the 
launcher sidebar, you will get a match that you can click. The same 
would be true of Nautilus, but actually all you need to do is open the 
'Files' (Home Folder) icon on the launcher sidebar.

Oh, and a 'program that needs multiple windows'  PLEASE  some 
of us might understand this, but just get back to the drawing board.

Unity testing folk - please use plain English for a change /rant

Norman, please continue, and ask this list at every hurdle. It's worth 
it. If only to try the latest Unity lenses. Unity under 12.04 is 

Regards, Barry.

I have to admit, I tried to go through the testing, and got lost with 
some of the things they want you to do, so I gave up, and following 
this, if I had that problem with the partition, I dont think it would 
have been as simple for me to understand how to get around itbut 
I have to say, I am amazed at 12.04, I have been using it as my main OS, 
and have only come across a few things that caused a problem, and I have 
to admit, its got me liking Unity.which I didnt think I would, way 
to goI dont open too many windows, though I am having problems 
getting used to Gimp which I finding a bit confusing with the way the 
windows open, but if I dont have the main window maximised, I am ok..


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Barry Drake

On 08/04/12 19:02, John wrote:
I am having problems getting used to Gimp which I finding a bit 
confusing with the way the windows open, but if I dont have the main 
window maximised, I am ok..

I think we all ought to shout at the gimp folk.  Gimp is an incredibly 
capable program, and it is also the least intuitive and least workable 
that I have ever seen!  If the Gimp folk wanted to sell it for cash, 
there would be no chance!  It seems to me that FOSS developers never 
talk to potential (non-geek) users.  It's high time ordinary folk like 
us (folk who use and don't develop) got ourselves a voice.


-- Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Norman Silverstone

 I think we all ought to shout at the gimp folk.  Gimp is an incredibly 
 capable program, and it is also the least intuitive and least workable 
 that I have ever seen!  If the Gimp folk wanted to sell it for cash, 
 there would be no chance!  It seems to me that FOSS developers never 
 talk to potential (non-geek) users.  It's high time ordinary folk like 
 us (folk who use and don't develop) got ourselves a voice.

Once upon a time ordinary folk did have a voice which was welcomed. I
know because I was one of them. I was one of the first non-technical
users of Ubuntu and was used as a bit of a guinea-pig by one of my sons
who worked for Canonical. It was all very new to me and I found and
filed bugs. But, as Canonical became more complex and diverse, so the
sort of help which users like me could give appeared to be of less and
less use to developers.  

This is not the place to have a rant so I'll go and play patience.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Alan Pope
Hash: SHA1

Hi Norman,

On 08/04/12 17:21, Norman Silverstone wrote:
 Eventually I settled down to do some tests and very soon
 encountered difficulties because I did not really understand how to
 carry out the required test. I am not thick but when I am asked,
 for example, to start gedit or nautilus using a set up with which I
 am not familiar I was lost and gave up. Maybe this testing is only
 for the Ubuntu literate and not for a simple user like me.

That's a shame. I'd be interested in knowing exactly which test it was
and we can fix the text description pretty easily for future tests.

 I will have another look when I have recovered my equilibrium but
 I don't hold out much hope of being any use to the developers.

Checkbox does have the option to skip this test which enables you to
move onto a test which you understand or can perform.

- -- 
Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Alan Pope
Hash: SHA1

Hi Barry,

On 08/04/12 18:10, Barry Drake wrote:
 Norman well said!  Unity testing folk (and Popey) please note.  I
 was appalled at the level of knowledge that the tests required.
 The Unity testing program ought at least to tell you how to start
 gedit etc.

Interesting feedback Barry. I certainly didn't expect this, but then I
naïvely expected people on this list to have taken a look at 12.04
previously, and be familiar with the basics. Thanks for highlighting

 And to use programs that are installed by default, which does NOT
 include Amarok that is (almost) specifically asked for by at least
 one of the tests.

Amarok is specifically asked for because it's a Qt app which has an
indicator. I don't know of any application we ship which fulfils that
criteria. If we didn't do that test then we'd have no way of knowing
if Qt apps appear in the indicator area correctly. So that's the
rationale for it being there.

 By the way, gedit is the default text editor and you can start it
 by clicking on 'Text Editor'.  Where do you find that?  Well, it's 
 not too bad now I know my way around the latest Unity ...  but I
 agree, it can be a bit daunting.

There is some basic level of expertise required, I agree.

 However, if you type 'gedit' into the entry field that comes up
 when you click the top (Ubuntu) button on the launcher sidebar, you
 will get a match that you can click.

That's called the Dash.

 The same
 would be true of Nautilus, but actually all you need to do is open
 the 'Files' (Home Folder) icon on the launcher sidebar.
 Oh, and a 'program that needs multiple windows'      PLEASE
  some of us might understand this, but just get back to the
 drawing board.

I think you might be over-thinking this test :)

Surely you're familiar with the concept of a window on your desktop?
Open nautilus and in the File menu there's New Window. Firefox
also has a New Window option. That's what it's talking about.
Applications which can have multiple windows on your screen.

 Unity testing folk - please use plain English for a change

Many of the tests were written by people for whom English is not their
first language, indeed it may be their third or fourth. They are also
developers writing tests predominantly for other experienced users and
developers. So lets not be too harsh on them. The feedback is taken on
board though and I'll pass it on.

 Norman, please continue, and ask this list at every hurdle.  It's
 worth it.  If only to try the latest Unity lenses.  Unity under
 12.04 is awesome

We're collating this round of testing at 07:00 UTC on Monday but if
you do find any bugs over the next few weeks, do please let us know.

- -- 
Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-08 Thread Steve
On Sun, 08 Apr 2012 20:03:54 +0100
Norman Silverstone wrote:

 Once upon a time ordinary folk did have a voice which was welcomed. I
 know because I was one of them. I was one of the first non-technical
 users of Ubuntu and was used as a bit of a guinea-pig by one of my sons
 who worked for Canonical. It was all very new to me and I found and
 filed bugs. But, as Canonical became more complex and diverse, so the
 sort of help which users like me could give appeared to be of less and
 less use to developers.  
I don't think the help non-technical users can give is of any less use to the 
developers. It's just, as you said, things have become more complex, diverse, 
less personal and less obvious so people tend to give up reporting things or 
are unsure where to report them.
I see no problem raising bugs against the tests on Launchpad.  If the tests 
have problems and people ignore them then bugs are not going to be found.  
There's no point in making things frustrating for those that want to help.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Norman Silverstone

 If any of you are at a loose end this weekend and would like to make
 Unity better, we'd really appreciate some testing ahead of the next
 I made a little summary video to show how easy it is to get involved.
 It's all detailed on this blog post from my colleague Nicholas.
 Testing like this is a super easy way to get involved and doesn't
 require any development skills at all. It's mostly just following some
 prepared instructions and reporting when it breaks :)

I would like to have a go but need a little helpful advice, please. I
have Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop computer and wondered if there is a
simple way to install the version of Ubuntu to be tested along side the
version I use.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread paul sutton
On 07/04/12 15:40, Norman Silverstone wrote:
 If any of you are at a loose end this weekend and would like to make
 Unity better, we'd really appreciate some testing ahead of the next

 I made a little summary video to show how easy it is to get involved.

 It's all detailed on this blog post from my colleague Nicholas.

 Testing like this is a super easy way to get involved and doesn't
 require any development skills at all. It's mostly just following some
 prepared instructions and reporting when it breaks :)
 I would like to have a go but need a little helpful advice, please. I
 have Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop computer and wondered if there is a
 simple way to install the version of Ubuntu to be tested along side the
 version I use.



Perhaps install virtual box,  then install 11.10 or 12.04 inside that, 
maybe give the list a little more info on the spec of your computer and
people can then advise further

disk space

Hope this helps




skype : psutton111


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Barry Drake

On 07/04/12 15:40, Norman Silverstone wrote:
I would like to have a go but need a little helpful advice, please. I 
have Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop computer and wondered if there is a 
simple way to install the version of Ubuntu to be tested along side 
the version I use. Thanks Norman 

I put a second hard-drive into my desktop pc way, way back.  My system 
is to have the current version running on one hard drive, and the 
testing version on the other.  I do regular backups onto a third (1GiB) 
drive.  Precise has been so stable and reliable that I deleted 10.10 
completely and currently am running only Precise (not to be 
recommended).  I always set for dual-boot so when the testing version 
has problems, I can boot into the stable version and still get to all my 

I can wholeheartedly recommend having a go with the Unity testing 
thingy.  I've learnt so much that I never knew could be done in Unity 
that the exercise has been immensely useful, and I haven't quite 
finished yet.  If you can't have two drives running, then you could 
partition your drive into three (you only need one swap partition), and 
still dual boot.  It is harder to set up though, and please don't try 
unless you have all your data safely stored somewhere.


Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Alan Pope
Hash: SHA1

On 07/04/12 15:40, Norman Silverstone wrote:
 I would like to have a go but need a little helpful advice, please.
 I have Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop computer and wondered if there is
 a simple way to install the version of Ubuntu to be tested along
 side the version I use.

There is. Download the ISO, use USB startup disk creator to put it on
a USB stick, or burn the ISO to a CD/DVD.

Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
installation. Choose that, job done.

Other options will allow you to upgrade or overwrite. Don't choose
those if you absolutely want dual boot.

Once installed the grub boot menu will show both installs.

- -- 
Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Colin Law
On 7 April 2012 17:10, Alan Pope wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On 07/04/12 15:40, Norman Silverstone wrote:
 I would like to have a go but need a little helpful advice, please.
 I have Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop computer and wondered if there is
 a simple way to install the version of Ubuntu to be tested along
 side the version I use.

 There is. Download the ISO, use USB startup disk creator to put it on
 a USB stick, or burn the ISO to a CD/DVD.

 Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
 the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
 installation. Choose that, job done.

If you choose that route does it give a choice on how much space to
keep for the existing system?  It is a long time since I tried it but
I seem to remember then that it squashed my existing system down to
the smallest it could and I later had to adjust the partitions sizes.

Of course using this option is only valid if you have about 8GB spare
on the disk.  Also do make sure that you have everything backed up
before starting.  I imagine that, for example, a power fail during
re-partitioning might be rather messy.  Also Operator Error can be
catastrophic when performing such actions.


 Other options will allow you to upgrade or overwrite. Don't choose
 those if you absolutely want dual boot.

 Once installed the grub boot menu will show both installs.

 - --
 Alan Pope
 Engineering Manager

 Canonical - Product Strategy
 +44 (0) 7973 620 164
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -





Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Byte Soup
Just giving this a spin.. I downloaded a 32bit desktop ISO of beta 2,
booting from USB connected HDD and running like a live CD. I can see my
home network in the network manager wireless networking list but can't
select it to connect.

I bet I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems it only allowing
selection of open networks.

Is this a problem?
 On Apr 7, 2012 5:10 PM, Alan Pope wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On 07/04/12 15:40, Norman Silverstone wrote:
  I would like to have a go but need a little helpful advice, please.
  I have Ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop computer and wondered if there is
  a simple way to install the version of Ubuntu to be tested along
  side the version I use.

 There is. Download the ISO, use USB startup disk creator to put it on
 a USB stick, or burn the ISO to a CD/DVD.

 Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
 the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
 installation. Choose that, job done.

 Other options will allow you to upgrade or overwrite. Don't choose
 those if you absolutely want dual boot.

 Once installed the grub boot menu will show both installs.

 - --
 Alan Pope
 Engineering Manager

 Canonical - Product Strategy
 +44 (0) 7973 620 164
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Alan Pope
Hash: SHA1

On 07/04/12 17:30, Byte Soup wrote:
 Just giving this a spin.. I downloaded a 32bit desktop ISO of beta
 2, booting from USB connected HDD and running like a live CD. I can
 see my home network in the network manager wireless networking list
 but can't select it to connect.
 I bet I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems it only
 allowing selection of open networks.

Sounds like a bug. I connect to my WPA-PSK secured wireless network
during install frequently.

- -- 
Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Norman Silverstone
 There is. Download the ISO, use USB startup disk creator to put it on
 a USB stick, or burn the ISO to a CD/DVD.
 Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
 the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
 installation. Choose that, job done.
 Other options will allow you to upgrade or overwrite. Don't choose
 those if you absolutely want dual boot.
 Once installed the grub boot menu will show both installs.

Thanks Alan and everyone else for your help. Here I go.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-07 Thread Avi Greenbury
Colin Law wrote:
 On 7 April 2012 17:10, Alan Pope wrote:
  Boot off the USB stick or CD/DVD and then follow the prompts. one of
  the options is to install side-by-side with your existing
  installation. Choose that, job done.
 If you choose that route does it give a choice on how much space to
 keep for the existing system?  It is a long time since I tried it but
 I seem to remember then that it squashed my existing system down to
 the smallest it could and I later had to adjust the partitions sizes.

Yeah. I don't think it prompts you per se but it picks roughly sensible
defaults and lets you adjust them. How long ago did you last do it, I
don't remember it ever doing that.



[ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

2012-04-06 Thread Alan Pope
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

If any of you are at a loose end this weekend and would like to make
Unity better, we'd really appreciate some testing ahead of the next

I made a little summary video to show how easy it is to get involved.

It's all detailed on this blog post from my colleague Nicholas.

Testing like this is a super easy way to get involved and doesn't
require any development skills at all. It's mostly just following some
prepared instructions and reporting when it breaks :)

- -- 
Alan Pope
Engineering Manager

Canonical - Product Strategy
+44 (0) 7973 620 164
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

