2003-04-02 Thread Mulindwa Edward

'You've just killed a family because you didn't fire a warning 
shot soon enough'
By Raymond Whitaker
02 April 2003 

As a blue Toyota van raced towards an intersection held by American troops, 
Captain Ronny Johnson grew increasingly concerned. He radioed to one of his 
forward platoons, giving the order: "Fire a warning shot." The vehicle kept 
coming, so, with increasing urgency, he told the platoon to shoot a machine-gun 
round into its radiator. "Stop [messing] around!" Capt Johnson yelled into the 
radio when he saw no action being taken. Then he shouted at the top of his voice 
"Stop him, Red 1, stop him!" 
The hail of gunfire that followed resulted in the deaths of up to 10 Iraqi 
women and children, including five under the age of five. 
Sharply conflicting accounts of the tragedy at a military checkpoint near 
Najaf on Monday evening were still circulating yesterday when American troops 
shot dead another civilian at a roadblock. He was unarmed. 
American commanders admitted that their soldiers had killed seven women and 
children but their first reaction was to defend their troops, saying they opened 
fire after warning shots, including one into the vehicle's engine, were ignored. 
The men involved did "absolutely the right thing", said General Peter Pace, 
vice-chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. "Our soldiers on the ground have an 
absolute right to defend themselves." 
But William Branigin, a journalist for The Washington Post who 
witnessed the incident, filed a graphic account of Capt Johnson's interchange 
with his platoon. The reporter said 10 people were killed, and that the first 
shots fired included 25mm high-explosive cannon shells from one or more Bradley 
fighting vehicles, which tore into the four-wheel-drive. 
He claimed that Capt Johnson, a veteran of the 1991 Gulf War, after peering 
into his binoculars from the intersection where he was positioned, screamed at 
his platoon leader: "You just [expletive] killed a family because you didn't 
fire a warning shot soon enough!" 
Afterwards, reported Mr Branigin, the soldiers gave the survivors 10 body 
bags to recover the remains and offered them money in compensation. 
An army medic present told Mr Branigin: "It was the most horrible thing I've 
ever seen and I hope I never see it again." 
US Central Command said Monday's killings and yesterday's shooting, which 
happened when a white pick-up truck failed to stop at a checkpoint 20 miles from 
Nasiriyah, were being investigated. But it was maintaining its unapologetic 
stance. "There will be occasions where civilians will be put in harm's way," 
said Brigadier General Vincent Brooks. Another spokesman blamed the Najaf deaths 
on Saddam Hussein. 
"This is yet another incident in a trend of this regime using civilians, in 
this case innocent women and children, in order to cause harm to coalition 
forces," said Capt Frank Thorp. "The blood of this incident is on the hands of 
this regime." 
To others, the deaths indicate how jittery and trigger-happy American troops 
have become since an Iraqi soldier blew himself up at a roadblock on Saturday, 
killing four Americans. "I thought it was a suicide bomb," said one of the 
soldiers who opened fire. 
Capt Johnson was quoted by The Washington Post as saying that he 
thought the Toyota driver might have been a suicide bomber. "All the other 
vehicles stopped and turned around when they saw us," he said. "But this one 
kept on coming." 
These are the first civilian deaths for which the Anglo-American forces have 
admitted responsibility, but "embedded" journalists have seen evidence of 
several more, usually when Iraqis have approached troop positions at night. 
Predictions that the Iraqi population would welcome British and American 
troops have proved wide of the mark. A Pentagon spokesman's comment that 
"everyone is now seen as a combatant until proven otherwise" means gaining 
civilian support will be harder than ever. Asked if the checkpoint killings 
undermined attempts to win over locals, a British Army spokesman said: "It does 
Commanders insist that the rules of engagement have not changed, but new 
procedures have been ordered in response to the suicide bombing. Drivers and 
passengers at checkpoints will be ordered out of vehicles with their hands 
raised, and will be searched. Cars and lorries will no longer be permitted to 
cross through American and British convoys; any vehicle blocking traffic will be 
pushed aside. 
And if civilians approach troops with their hands in their pockets and fail 
to respond, first to a shouted command and then to a warning shot, they will be 
killed, US officials say. 
American forces have traditionally taken a more aggressive, arms-length 
approach towards civilian populations than other Western armies. This conflicts 
with their desire to appear as "liberators" in Iraq. On peace-keeping duties in 
Kosovo, for example, US troops were ordered to wear full battle gear at all 


2003-04-02 Thread Mulindwa Edward

21:03George W. Bush: 
We Bring Freedom to Iraqi People Smart American missiles hit market places and houses 
The American president and the officials of his milieu keep repeating 
certain phrases over and over again every day. The point of those phrases can be 
shortly characterized as follows: “we bring freedom to the people of Iraq,” or 
“the operation proceeds successfully.” Anyway, the point of the war is already 
clear: Iraqi and American soldiers give away their lives for the Messiah of the 
incumbent American leadership More details... 

The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy" 
groupe de transmission de Mulindwas " avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans 
anarchy "


2003-04-02 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Fault Did My Son Have?'

By Beatriz - South 


UMM QASR (Sapa-AFP) - 
Eight Iraqis stand weeping unconsolably next to an empty coffin and a 
hastily dug grave on the side of the highway leading from Umm Qasr to 
Inside the shallow hole, limbs askew, lies the 
decomposing body of Bassem Abdu Zara, killed by British troops last week 
as he and some friends were trying to flee the fighting that had 
engulfed southern Iraq. 
"What fault did my poor son have?" sobs his elderly 
father, sitting impotent by the side of the road. 
On the third day of the war, Bassem and 10 other 
people were heading north from there homes in Umm Qasr toward Basra, 
55km away, thinking it would be safer up there. 
Hassem Farah, one of the survivors, recalls: "British 
soldiers fired on us. First against the car and then, after we all got 
out with our hands up, they continued attacking us with machine 
The van exploded and caught fire. It was completely 
Farah, who was wounded in the leg, was limping as he 
returned to the scene on Sunday to help recover the body of his 
He said that, beside Bassem, the driver of the van was 
mortally wounded. He died several hours later in hospital in Umm Qasr 
where other wounded among the group, including a 10-year-old girl, are 
being treated. 
Alongside the van are the remains of a truck, also 
burnt out. 
Inside are the skeletons of two people, who witnesses 
say were machine gunned before their vehicle exploded. In Umm Qasr, no 
one seemed to know who they were, and no one had come to reclaim their 
With no chance to hold a funeral in the middle of the 
fighting, Bassem's friends buried him where he was killed. 
As relatives and others gathered to transfer Bassem's 
remains into the coffin, a number of cars stopped on the road, their 
drivers curious to know what was happening. They were quickly waved on 
for fear of another attack. 
Overpowering stench 
A short while afterwards, a British armoured car 
arrives and a soldier gets out, demanding to know what these people are 
hiding in the hole. When he sees the answer, he sombrely withdraws, his 
head hanging. 
"It's obvious they weren't soldiers," the Iraqis say. 
"Why did they kill them?" 
They were digging as they spoke, first with shovels 
and then with their hands. As their work proceeded, the stench became 
overpowering, and they had to put perfume under their noses and cover 
their faces to keep from vomiting. 
Finally, the body appears, unrecognisable, and his 
friends retrieve it with the help of ropes. The men kneel and weep. A 
child sitting inside the vehicle that brought them watches on 
"This country didn't need this war; we were better 
without them," one of the men says as Bassem's body is wrapped in 
plastic and placed in the wooden coffin, which is hoisted on to the roof 
of the car. 
"He was 30 years old. He only got married four months 
ago. We were all so happy," his father says, wiping the tears from his 
eyes as he 
The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy" 
groupe de transmission de Mulindwas " avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans 
anarchy "

ugnet_: Uganda Is Queueing Up For Blood Money!

2003-04-02 Thread gook makanga

Uganda Is Queueing Up For Blood Money!

COALITION MEMBERS: Presidents Museveni and Kagame

--Mr president, please withdraw and join the coalition of the just Letter from Toronto By Opiyo Oloya Dear Mr President, in the wake of relentless bomb-attacks on Iraq by American and British forces which have killed and terrorised hundreds of innocent Iraqi civilians, it is time for Uganda to withdraw its support from the so-called Coalition of the Willing. Such an about-face may sound cowardly, even disloyal to the US and British but a cool-headed analysis will show that it makes perfect sense. Foremost, regional and continental cooperation are the cornerstones of Uganda’s foreign policy. It is our immediate neighbours and those with whom we share the African continent that are our closest allies, friends and economic partners. Internationally, we share solidarity and kinship with those nations in Asia and Latin America who, like us, are on the threshold of development. Politically, therefore, Uganda cannot isolate itself from its traditional allies in Africa, friends in the Middle East, Asia and Latin America while moving closer to Britain and the US. For instance, as a very well regarded and staunch member of the 116-strong Non-Aligned Movement, Uganda was behind the Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Iraq adopted last February at the 13th NAM Summit in Malaysia that called for “diplomacy to diffuse the conflict”. Today, Uganda is one of only 16 NAM members that appear to condone the carnage in Iraq. It should also be noted that Uganda, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Rwanda stand alone like lepers in support of the war in Iraq from the 20-member Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the 53-member African Union (AU). Secondly, apart from Britain, Australia, Spain, South Korea and Japan, the majority of the so-called “Coalition of the willing” is in it for the money and will receive U.S. aid under Bush’s budget request. For example, Israel will receive $1billion in direct military assistance and $9 billion in loan guarantees that could help Israel weather the economic shock of a war with 
Iraq. Other beneficiaries include Jordan $700 million, Egypt $300 million, Turkey $9.5 billion in direct loans or loan guarantees, Pakistan $175 million for border security and to buy aircraft and radar systems, Afghanistan $127 million, Colombia $34 million to combat drug trafficking and terrorist activity, and $15 million each to Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Other beneficiaries include Romania, Slovakia, and the Philippines, according to White House documents. Given the fact that these countries stand to gain financially from the war, one must question their motivation regarding the war on Iraq. Is this war really about fighting terrorism and disarming Iraq? From all appearance, the “coalition of the willing” seems more like the “coalition for blood money and profits”. Which then begs the question, why is Uganda doing this if not for the money like everyone else? You have been very clear from the beginning that Uganda’s motivation is to support the global war on terrorism. In this regard, you are not alone as virtually every freedom loving country supports the fight against terror groups such as Al Qaeda. However, the repressive government of Saddam Hussein has never been linked to any terror group, a point conceded by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In fact, several very close US-allies such as Canada, Mexico and Chile have refused to join this war precisely because the US failed to make a credible case to show that Baghdad promoted terror and therefore must be attacked now. In essence, Mr. President, Coalition forces are now using your original support for the fight against global terror as a blank cheque to wage war on a sovereign nation. While this may seem okay because the war is far from Uganda, it presents a potential problem in the future. For example, in the current tension between Rwanda and Uganda, Kigali could invade Uganda on the pretext of fighting terrorism. In such a scenario, the Americans already racked by guilt for not doing enough to stem off the Rwanda genoc
ide in 1994, will almost certainly support Kigali. More important, if we accept the argument that it is okay to wage war on Iraq because the US says Saddam Hussein is guilty of harbouring weapons of mass destruction, we also accept the argument that in a world with just one dominant superpower you are guilty as charged by that superpower. It sounds simplistic, but in the affairs of nations, the simple arguments often carry the day. Let us not shoot ourselves in the foot by appearing to condone the aggression of a superpower on a smaller albeit oil-rich nation. Mr. President, Uganda has no business being listed among the coalition of the willing. Instead, we should follow the example of the Slovenian Prime Minister Anton Rop who last week said the United States had made a mistake when it named his country as part of the 


2003-04-02 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Prepared to 
Pay Very High PriceU.S. may suffer 'a lot of 
casualties' in toppling SaddamBy Craig 
GordonSTAFF CORRESPONDENT; Ken Fireman of the 
Washington bureau contributed to this story.April 
1, 2003
Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar - As furious street fighting drew closer to 
Baghdad, a senior official with the U.S. military command here insisted the 
United States is willing to suffer "a lot of casualties," if necessary, to 
achieve its goal of toppling Saddam Hussein's regime."We're prepared to 
pay a very high price," said the Central Command official, who spoke on 
condition of anonymity. "Because we are not going to do anything other than 
ensure that this regime goes away. And if that means there will be a lot of 
casualties, then there will be a lot of casualties."The comments came as 
U.S. forces began a slow push closer to Iraq's capital city and U.S. soldiers 
guarding a checkpoint in central Iraq opened fire on a civilian vehicle carrying 
more than a dozen people when the driver refused orders to 
stop.Officials at Central Command said last night that seven women and 
children in the vehicle were killed near Najaf, although other reports said 10 
had died near Karbala, about 50 miles north. Saturday, a suicide bombing at a 
checkpoint near Najaf killed four U.S. soldiers and sowed suspicion among U.S. 
troops toward the Iraqi populace.In the checkpoint incident yesterday, 
the soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division first motioned the vehicle to stop, 
then fired warning shots into the engine and finally opened fire when it kept 
coming, the Pentagon said. It was unclear why the vehicle didn't stop, though 
the Pentagon said it appeared the soldiers had followed proper 
procedures.Around the Shiite holy city of Najaf yesterday, one U.S. 
soldier from the 101st Airborne Division was killed in intense fighting after 
Iraqi fighters dressed as civilians opened fire. About 100 Iraqi fighters either 
were wounded or killed.Farther north, U.S. Army soldiers pushed within 
50 miles of Baghdad to probe the strength of Hussein's elite Republican Guard 
units in the city of Hindiyah. It was the toughest sort of urban-style combat - 
exactly what U.S. officials have long said they hoped to avoid in Iraq - as 
soldiers traded fire with Iraqis hiding behind brick walls and hedges, sometimes 
at a range of just 200 yards.U.S. officials ordered the push in the hope 
of securing a bridge over the Euphrates River. An armored unit from the 3rd 
Infantry Division rolled into the town of 80,000 at dawn, only to be met by 
small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades from Iraqis in hiding. Soldiers 
reported seeing pickup trucks filled with children interspersed among the Iraqi 
fighters.U.S. troops killed or captured dozens of Republican Guard 
members, including some from the Nebuchadnezzar Brigade, based in Hussein 
hometown of Tikrit. U.S. officials took that as an encouraging sign that days of 
heavy bombardment had significantly weakened the Medina Republican Guard 
division south of Baghdad, forcing Iraqi leadership to divert troops from the 
north.A mix of U.S. warplanes - from sleek, modern B-1s and B-2 bombers 
to the Vietnam-era warhorse B-52s - have been bombing Baghdad this week, and 
attacks continued yesterday. One target was a presidential palace used by 
Hussein's son Qusay, who leads the Republican Guard.Despite days of 
bombing, Iraqi state TV remained on the air yesterday, showing pictures of Iraqi 
soldiers staffing their posts in the face of allied attacks as well as pictures 
of Hussein and his two sons. It was impossible to verify the date of the Hussein 
video.Several military analysts have criticized the coalition's failed 
efforts to knock out the TV stations, saying it allows Hussein's regime to send 
a powerful message that it still exercises some control.In Philadelphia, 
President George W. Bush sought to reassure the Iraqi people that U.S. forces 
would stay in Iraq until their mission was complete. "Many dangers lie ahead, 
but day by day we are moving closer to Baghdad. Day by day, we are moving closer 
to victory," Bush said.In Washington, the State Department said 
Secretary of State Colin Powell would travel to Turkey and Belgium today for 
talks on the war as well as postwar reconstruction of Iraq. Turkey is permitting 
use of its air space for combat aircraft but rejected a U.S. request to allow 
ground troops to invade northern Iraq from Turkish territory.The head of 
another key U.S. ally in the region, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, said the 
war had inflamed passions in the Arab world. He predicted it would spawn "100 
bin Ladens," a reference to al-Qaida network leader Osama bin Laden.Even 
in Britain, anger brewed over an apparent friendly-fire incident in which 
British troops say an American A-10 Thunderbolt opened fire Friday on their 
position outside Basra, then circled to fire again, killing one. The U.S. pilot 
acted as though "he was out on a jolly. He had 

ugnet_: From my Archives

2003-04-02 Thread The Fugee

Hon_ Nkuuhe.eml
Description: Binary data

Re: ugnet_: Museveni Says Govt To Fund Parties

2003-04-02 Thread Lutimba Matovu

You have embedded yourself so much in the Iraq war
that you don't seem to know what has been going on in

Re-read the story and you'll know why Museveni is
making that proposal.

--- Mulindwa Edward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is how deadly Museveni can be, the major
 question you must ask your self is why now? Let me
 as well state this, by 2006 Uganda will be carved
 into federal states kind of, I hope the Kibuuka's
 and kasangwawo's are happy now.
  The Mulindwas Communication Group
 With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy 
  Le groupe de transmission de Mulindwas 
  avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans anarchy 
   - Original Message - 
   From: Elum aniap Godfrey Ayoo 
   Cc: Edward Mulindwa 
   Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 3:41 AM
   Subject: [Ugandacom] Museveni Says Govt To Fund
   Museveni Says Govt To Fund Parties
   By Felix Osike 
   PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said the Government
 will contribute funds and other resources to run the
 activities of registered political parties and
   Sources told The New Vision that the President
 revealed this on Monday during the Movement's
 National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting at
 International Conference Centre in Kampala. 
   He proposed State funding of political parties
 proportionate to each party's or organisation's
 performance during the elections or number of
 seats, said a NEC member who preferred anonymity. 
   Museveni said a percentage of the budget would be
 allocated to the parties. He cited an example of
 Tanzania where about 2% of the national budget is
 allocated to the parties. He said under that
 arrangement, parties can also solicit for funds. 
   But under the Political Parties and Organisations
 Act 2002, no political party or organisation shall
 demand or accept any contribution, donation or loan
 in excess of sh100m within one year. 
   Published on: Wednesday, 2nd April, 2003
 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 

   To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
   Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!
 Terms of Service. 


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ugnet_: Departure From Uganda

2003-04-02 Thread Anyomokolo .

OPOKA JAMESSATURDAY, 29 DEPATURE FROM UGANDA.Fellow Ugandans.As you may be aware, Dr. Col. Kizza Besigye (Rtd.), and several members ofhis former task force, myself included, are currently living outsideUganda. I have been following the events unfolding back home with interest.I must confess that I am touched and encouraged by your anticipation, andhow you have reacted to the situation in the country, sometimes eagerlyawaiting our communiqué. Allow me to start off by informing you I am stillcommitted to working for democratic reforms in the country and I am moredetermined than ever. I also know that comrades and wellmeaning people inUganda and worldwide are tirelessly putting together the necessaryinfrastructure (and apparatus) to place Uganda back in the family of fullyfunctional practising democratic nations.I would like to set the record straight as to why I left Uganda. Over thepast 15 years, I have witnessed our beloved country, Uganda, traumatised bythe relentless effort of the forces of doom. The Uganda I love has beensystematically plundered and pillaged by these evil forces. My decision toleave Uganda was based on the realisation that our tormentors had erodedthe foundation for civilisation - that is the respect for human rights. Thenew millennium theme, for Democratic nations, is to champion humanity.Uganda’s current administration, on the other hand, prides itself in thedestruction of humanity. By the time I left Uganda, it was evident that thecitizens are living under siege. From the statesponsored decade and a halfof tyranny in the north, my homeland,to the bombings in Kampala suburbs,Kasese raids in the presence of UPDF troops, not forgetting the shamelections we went through. Fellow Ugandans, you must realise that Peace andFreedom are universally fundamental rights worth sacrificing for. Thissacrifice must be met by anyone who counts him or herself worth
y. Worthy ofa God given right.The stakes are high. As you can tell from the reaction of the Museveniadministration, the die has been cast. Having been humiliated on all awaymissions, Museveni is now turning the guns on his own people. Deployment inwestern Uganda (a former strong hold for Museveni) is an indication thatMuseveni’s friends are thin on the ground. Ugandans have realised that the“emperor is not wearing any clothes.BACKGROUNDSince Museveni came to power, my homeland in the north has beenconsistently a battlefield. At the end of the 1986/87 wars, there was atime when the situation had taken a turn for the better. I recall back in1986/87, when NRA’s 15th Battalion was in Gulu. Under the leadership of Lt.Col Samson Mande and later joined by Lt. Col. Fred Mugisha (RIP) when Guluhad fallen, a good relationship, between the NRA’s 15th Battalion, thelocal population and the UNLA forces was established. Several UNLA troopssurrendered, some were integrated into the 15th Battalion of the NRA. Thiswas an unprecedented act of professionalism, loyalty to the cause and asense of responsibility to the local population, on behalf of the NRAforces. This also was a challenge to the evil forces within the NRM highcommand. The 15th Battalion was removed. This was done to deliberatelysabotage a good working relationship between the 15th Battalion and thelocal population. At this point, Museveni’s extermination policy wasunleashed on the people in Gulu.One Major General David Tinyefuza, who had been removed from active dutyfor indiscipline, was appointed as the northern brigade commander. Onarrival, Tinyefuza made his objectives clear:* Former soldiers of the UNLA were enemies.* Insisting that the UNLA forces had killed people in Luweero and lootedproperty, they weren’t to be handled with kid gloves. Tinyefuza impliedthat the UNLA troops did not deserve to be treated as POW’s.* Tinyefuz
a instructed NRA Soldiers to raid, loot and pillage villages inand around Gulu. His reason for this inexcusable act was that the propertyhad been stolen from Luweero. In due process, many lives were lost. Hecontinuously justified this act because he was one of the mainbeneficiaries of the loot.* The raids were executed using a search and cordon operation againstcivilians who were nonviolent and former UNLA officers who were nowreporting to the NRA voluntarily.* The ex UNLA soldiers were rounded up, mentally and physically tortured,tied up “kandoya” style, which involves tightly tying a victims arms behindthe back and leaving the victim to die of breathing problems.The atrocities were carried out for months. This destroyed the relationshipbetween the NRA and the population. From then on, the line was drawn in thesand. Ugandan citizens in the north had to take security matters in theirown hands. It was war, thus conflict and rebellion began. Rather thanrectifying the situation, Museveni and his military monsters intensifiedthe unprovoked attacks on wana inchi and their property, under the guise ofstamping out the rebellion. Innocent civilians lost their lives, 

Re: ugnet_: Departure From Uganda

2003-04-02 Thread gook makanga

Where is this brave young man? Was he killed by "Kony"(Read NRA)?


“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of bad people but also for the appalling silence of good people". M.L.King

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OPOKA JAMESSATURDAY, 29 DEPATURE FROM UGANDA.Fellow Ugandans.As you may be aware, Dr. Col. Kizza Besigye (Rtd.), and several members ofhis former task force, myself included, are currently living outsideUganda. I have been following the events unfolding back home with interest.I must confess that I am touched and encouraged by your anticipation, andhow you have reacted to the situation in the country, sometimes eagerlyawaiting our communiqué. Allow me to start off by informing you I am stillcommitted to working for democratic reforms in the country and I am moredetermined than ever. I also know that comrades and wellmeaning people inUganda and worldwide are tirelessly putting together the necessaryinfrastructure (and apparatus) to place Uganda back in the family of fullyfunctional practising democratic nations.I would like to set the record straight as to why I left Uganda. Over thepast 15 years, I have witnessed our beloved country, Uganda, traumatised bythe relentless effort of the forces of doom. The Uganda I love has beensystematically plundered and pillaged by these evil forces. My decision toleave Uganda was based on the realisation that our tormentors had erodedthe foundation for civilisation - that is the respect for human rights. Thenew millennium theme, for Democratic nations, is to champion humanity.Uganda’s current administration, on the other hand, prides itself in thedestruction of humanity. By the time I left Uganda, it was evident that thecitizens are living under siege. From the statesponsored decade and a halfof tyranny in the north, my homeland,to the bombings in Kampala suburbs,Kasese raids in the presence of UPDF troops, not forgetting the shamelections we went through. Fellow Ugandans, you must realise that Peace andFreedom are universally fundamental rights worth sacrificing for. Thissacrifice must be met by anyone who counts him or herself worth

y. Worthy ofa God given right.The stakes are high. As you can tell from the reaction of the Museveniadministration, the die has been cast. Having been humiliated on all awaymissions, Museveni is now turning the guns on his own people. Deployment inwestern Uganda (a former strong hold for Museveni) is an indication thatMuseveni’s friends are thin on the ground. Ugandans have realised that the“emperor is not wearing any clothes.BACKGROUNDSince Museveni came to power, my homeland in the north has beenconsistently a battlefield. At the end of the 1986/87 wars, there was atime when the situation had taken a turn for the better. I recall back in1986/87, when NRA’s 15th Battalion was in Gulu. Under the leadership of Lt.Col Samson Mande and later joined by Lt. Col. Fred Mugisha (RIP) when Guluhad fallen, a good relationship, between the NRA’s 15th Battalion, thelocal population and the UNLA forces was established. Several UNLA troopssurrendered, some were integrated into the 15th Battalion of the NRA. Thiswas an unprecedented act of professionalism, loyalty to the cause and asense of responsibility to the local population, on behalf of the NRAforces. This also was a challenge to the evil forces within the NRM highcommand. The 15th Battalion was removed. This was done to deliberatelysabotage a good working relationship between the 15th Battalion and thelocal population. At this point, Museveni’s extermination policy wasunleashed on the people in Gulu.One Major General David Tinyefuza, who had been removed from active dutyfor indiscipline, was appointed as the northern brigade commander. Onarrival, Tinyefuza made his objectives clear:* Former soldiers of the UNLA were enemies.* Insisting that the UNLA forces had killed people in Luweero and lootedproperty, they weren’t to be handled with kid gloves. Tinyefuza impliedthat the UNLA troops did not deserve to be treated as POW’s.* Tinyefuz

a instructed NRA Soldiers to raid, loot and pillage villages inand around Gulu. His reason for this inexcusable act was that the propertyhad been stolen from Luweero. In due process, many lives were lost. Hecontinuously justified this act because he was one of the mainbeneficiaries of the loot.* The raids were executed using a search and cordon operation againstcivilians who were nonviolent and former UNLA officers who were nowreporting to the NRA voluntarily.* The ex UNLA soldiers were rounded up, mentally and physically tortured,tied up “kandoya” style, which involves tightly tying a victims arms behindthe back and leaving the victim to die of breathing problems.The atrocities were carried out for months. This destroyed the relationshipbetween the NRA and the population. From then on, the line was drawn in thesand. Ugandan 

ugnet_: What about Kilembe Mines? Do fish from L. George have copper poisoning?

2003-04-02 Thread J Ssemakula

The Copper Mine Ran Through It: Tales of a River's Rescue 

April 1, 2003 

In a state known for pristine rivers, the Clark Fork in Montana has been poisoned by years of mining copper deposits. Protect your PC - Click here for VirusScan Online 

ugnet_: WHO LIED TO UNO?

2003-04-02 Thread Mulindwa Edward

USA and UK lied to UNOThe list of 
crimes committed by the United States of America and the United Kingdom does not 
cease to grow. Before the criminal attack against Iraq, a sovereign nation and 
member of the UNO, in which war crimes and murder are being committed on a daily 
basis, these two countries had desperately tried to create a causus belli where 
none existed. First, we were presented with Colin Powell’s “hard 
evidence” based on British intelligence reports, which proved to be a lifted 
document written twelve years previously, complete with spelling mistakes. This 
may have fooled the Bush administration, but no-one else. Now it is 
discovered in Niger that the Bush and Blair governments had lodged a complaint 
with the International Atomic Energy Agency, claiming that Niger had violated 
international law by selling uranium to Iraq, as part of a claim that since Iraq 
was illegally developing its nuclear weapons programme, which Colin Powell 
declared to be “active” on more than one occasion, it was in material breach of 
UN Resolutions. What more convincing evidence that documents, presented to the 
IAEA, confirming that the sales had been made? These documents were 
presented to the UN Agency between December 2002 and March 2003. They indicated 
that there had been contacts between the governments of Niamey and Baghdad to 
arrange for the exportation of uranium. However, there is one small problem: 
Mohammed El Baradei, Director of the IAEA, declared that these documents were 
falsified. In December 2002, the Bush administration declared in public 
that two years previously, the governments of Niger and Iraq had signed an 
agreement in which 500 metric tonnes of concentrated uranium (yellowcake) would 
be sold to Iraq, while the British government supplied “Niger State Documents”, 
complete with the official stamp of the country and signatures of ministers. 
In 1981 and 1982, Niger had exported yellowcake to Iraq for its nuclear 
power programme. However, at that time, it was not illegal – the UNO banned 
trade in nuclear materials with Iraq only in 1991. The documents 
presented by the USA and UK insinuated that the trade had gone on well into the 
1990s, a claim which was branded as a “lie” by the former Minister of Mines and 
Energy of Niger, who added that his country always cleared exports with the IAEA 
and anyway, no sales could have been made without the knowledge of the French 
company, Cogema. After having studied the documentation presented by the 
US and British governments, Mohamed El-Baradei concluded that it was not 
authentic and for this reason “the specific allegations are unfounded”. In other 
words, the USA and UK falsified the documents in Washington and London and 
presented them to the UNO. The line of thinking is as follows: Niger is 
the third largest producer of uranium after Canada and Australia. Being a Moslem 
country, it was obviously collaborating with Iraq. We have seen this 
black-and-white line of reasoning before in the Bush administration. By 
“not authentic”, Mohamed El-Baradei was referring to the fact that the standard 
letter types had been invented, they were not the same as those used by the 
government in Niger, and the signatures were totally different from those of the 
politicians whose signatures had been forged. The “form, format, content and 
signatures” were all falsified. Timothy BANCROFT-HINCHEY 
The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni Uganda is in Anarchy" 
groupe de transmission de Mulindwas " avec Yoweri Museveni, Ouganda est dans 
anarchy "

ugnet_: AIDS Origin From First Hepatitis B Vaccines? Investigation Resolution Before Amn

2003-04-02 Thread Matekopoko
AIDS Origin From First Hepatitis B Vaccines? Investigation Resolution Before Amnesty International, USA

Amnesty International PRESS RELEASE
April 2, 2003 
Posted to the web April 2, 2003 Pittsburg Amnesty International, USA (AIUSA) delegates gather this week to discuss the likelihood that AIDS originated from hepatitis B (HB) vaccines given to gay men in New York and Blacks in central Africa during the early 1970s. The theory, advanced by a Harvard graduate in public health, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, is based on National Cancer Institute (NCI) documents proving contaminated chimpanzees were supplied by a major US Army biological weapons contractor to HB vaccine industrialists.AIUSA, addressing cases of human rights abuse, included HIV/AIDS in its 2003 agenda. Members advanced the resolution after reviewing Dr. Horowitzs findings documented in the national best-selling book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS  EbolaNature, Accident or Intentional? (Tetrahedron, 1998; 1-888-508-4787).The doctors summary, featured freely at, has been gaining international scientific support since the 2001 publication of the proceedings of the Royal Society of Londons symposium on the polio vaccine transmission theory of AIDS. The scientific consensus held vaccine contamination a likely pandemic trigger, but doubted chimpanzees were used in the polio vaccine production process. Dr. Horowitz proved this did occur during the earliest HB vaccine trials.Moreover, unlike the 1950s to 1960s suspected polio vaccines, the early 1970s HB vaccine experiments involved the first known victims of AIDSNew Yorks gay men and central African villagers. Also, the HB vaccine injections were precisely timed for the unprecedented, and synchronously telling, simultaneous transcontinental outbreaks of several closely related strains of HIV by the mid to late 1970s.A conspiracy to suppress these scientific facts has also been documented by Dr. Horowitz and other experts at the London meeting. The AIUSA resolution, and proposed further investigation, aims to draw global attention to this matter deemed urgent, during their National Week of Student Action. The resolutions sponsors believe that if HB vaccines delivered AIDS to the world, without close examination and an official investigation, such transmissions may be continuing.

"In the time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
 --George Orwell--

ugnet_: Business As Usual for Child Soldiers

2003-04-02 Thread Matekopoko

Hear ..hear!!!. the adminstration in Washington has just rendered the UN Security council useless , Redandant, caput, finish, gone , done deal. . so to say. 

That stated, does any serious thinking Human Being really think that the UN Security Council will be taken seriously by the War Lords now operating in Eastern DRC? 


"Business As Usual" for Child Soldiers

UN Integrated Regional Information Networks April 2, 2003 
Posted to the web April 2, 2003 Nairobi 

The NGO Refugees International (RI) has called for leaders of groups that employ child soldiers to be declared war criminals and prosecuted as such by the International Criminal Court.

In a report published on 1 April highlighting the plight of child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), RI said that despite UN Security Council resolutions and international protocols prohibiting the recruitment and use of child soldiers, there had been too little progress in eliminating this form of child abuse in the DRC.

Resolution 1460 of January 2003 points out that the conscription or enlistment of children under the age of 15 is classified as a war crime by the Rome statute of the ICC. An annex to the resolution listed 23 military units in five countries that trained child soldiers, 10 of which were in the DRC.

RI reported that during a visit to North Kivu and Orientale (provinces in the DRC) in February, it found that "children armed by the different groups dotted cities and towns".RI called on the Security Council to continue to research and publish the names of armed groups that employ child soldiers and actively work to create Council's consequences for groups that do."In the DRC, all the armed groups use child soldiers, recruited either forcibly or through the lure of escaping abject poverty," RI reported.

"In the time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
 --George Orwell--