2003-06-17 Thread Lisa Toro

You have just done that!


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:37 AM

> Aaa aa ah!
> My friend, I don't want to be the one to laugh first. I tll you!
> Bwambuga.
> "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Bwambuga
> >
> >Say your piece what is eating your soul?
> >
> >Em
> >
> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >- Original Message -
> >Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:18 PM
> >
> >
> >> Mh h!
> >> Bwambuga.
> >> --
> >>
> >>
> >> "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> >Cheating women catching up on men
> >> >
> >> >BERLIN (Reuters) - The modern western woman is now almost as likely to
> >cheat on her partner as a man.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >In an online survey of 1,427 men and women aged between 25 and 35 by
> >Hamburg-based GEWIS institute for social research for "Woman" magazine,
> >percent of women said they had been unfaithful to their partner, compared
> >with 59 percent of men.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >"In recent years, numbers of unfaithful men and women have evened out
> >lot," GEWIS head Werner Habermehl told Reuters on Tuesday.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >The survey revealed that non-sexual desires, such as the need for
> >reassurance and understanding, were a primary motive among women for
> >infidelity.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Habermehl said demographic factors were also behind the change in
> >attitudes but more liberal attitudes to sex, greater knowledge about
> >contraception, and more freedom for women had made having affairs less
> >than ever before.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >As the frequency of cheating rose, the gap between the sexes was
> >and eventually reversed.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Some 17 percent of woman said they had cheated two or three times, as
> >against 22 percent of men. But when it came to having cheated four or
> >times in the course of a relationship, women moved ahead of men with
> >percent against four.
> >> >
> >> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> >> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the
> >of everything.
> >> Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.
> >>
> >> Michael Bwambuga.
> >>
> >>
> >> __
> >> McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
> >> Comprehensive protection for your entire computer. Get your free trial
> >today!
> >>
> >>
> >> Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge. Download Now!
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> --
> He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the All-knower
of everything.
> Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.
> Michael Bwambuga.
> __
> McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
> Comprehensive protection for your entire computer. Get your free trial
> Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge.  Download Now!

Re: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] Why Kill the Messenger?

2003-06-17 Thread Matekopoko

Many  of the top leadership of  Uganda Peoples Congress  strongly believe  rather would argue that the so called LRA rebels  come to be as a result  of Yoweri   Museveni's/NRM  policy of militarisim and committing  atrocities in Northern Uganda. 

Still many, including this writer, believe  that  a good many  of the atrocities  which  are said to have been committed  by the so called "KONY"  rebels are actually committed by UPDF forces.

 Indeed,  some of the  atrocities  committed on our people   in Northern Uganda occurs barely  a few meters from UPDF  Army detachment.

 And yet and yet, the UPDF cannot stop this  acts of brutality from  occuring...even if it is only a few meters away from a UPDF detach.   

As an intelligent individual what would be your  deductive reasoning ( intiution)  when such  event occur? 

I would say this naturally  and logically  leads one to conclude that   members of the UPDF detach  are  very much aware  that it is one of their  kind committing   atrocities against our people. 

If that was not the case the UPDF would have acted  to defend and protect  citizens.

Look, Noc, I speak for and on behalf of many UPC top leadership, when I say that the UPC,  aware that the war in Northern Uganda  has claimed many many  lives,  has aways advocated  for  the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Northern Uganda.

But does the  Militaristic NRM listen. hell no...  Absolutely not. 

For the NRM  every political issue  has to be solved by the GUN. For 17 years  the NRM has insisted  and attempted  to solve  the KONY issue by military means.. for 17 years our people  have died and continue to die.

Deadlines came and dead lines have passed  beyond which., so the NRM tells us,  the so called LRA rebels would be no more!

..and now, instead, we  hear that the so called "LRA rebels" are  targeting Priest nans  and members of the catholic clergy..

Speaking  as a PPC member  I have often called upon the NRM /Yoweri Museveni's  Military dictatorship to relinquish power to other Ugandans who would ensure that the  Militaristic NRM policy of  addressing political proplem   are  abandoned...and abondoned forthwith for the seek of Humanity 

 Instead, political  dialogue  rather political persuation should be encourage and persue as a means of solving  political problems. 

MY beef, so to say, is with the "Government" ( if that is what you want to called NRM military dictatorship)  which has failed to solve the LRA  issue. The Museveni dictatorship  is the one in authority ..NOT KONY!!!  It is the "GOVERNMENT" (under the constitution of Uganda) which is answerable to the people NOT KONY.

We can condemn KONY  until our eyes turn blue but that is not going to help the situation.  The Noose should be on Museveni's Nake.  YOu either solve the  KONY problem NOW or you get the hell out!!!


In a message dated 6/17/2003 9:33:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A small some question, as you are a PPC member, what is the UPC´s official 
understanding? That the LRA and the NRA/ movement are embryonic?

I recall it was not so long ago when the party's chief executive expressed 
himself in manners which could have been perceived as UPC "spiritual" 
support for the LRA. I also notice that certain PPC members(on other forums) 
for whom only a few months ago, support for the LRA was a shrine have 
subsequently shifted or subsided.

As the UPC´s official position something to do with this?
best rgds

ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] DO YOU REMEMBER PROF. A. KASOZI?

2003-06-17 Thread Matekopoko
"Uganda has reached a point of no return in its quest for political stability, internal affairs minister Dr Ruhakana Rugunda has said. "


Do you, or any other Ugandan out there, believe this statement by Ruhakana Rugunda?  This Ruhakana Rugunda must be living in the  proverbial  Plato  Cave. Otherweise  how can somebody  who excise good  political  reasoning  state as a matter of  fact that  quote " Uganda has reached a point of no return in its quest  for political  stability" expecially  with what has been and continues to happen in   many parts of our country.


In a message dated 6/16/2003 2:25:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Uganda’s stability not reversible – Rugunda

 By Vision Reporter 

Uganda has reached a point of no return in its quest for political stability, internal affairs minister Dr Ruhakana Rugunda has said. 

He said the legacy of the Movement in the history of Uganda will be the entrusting of the country’s destiny into the hands of its people. 

Rugunda, who was chief guest at a dinner hosted in honour of a British scholar, Dr. Gardner Thompson, said the NRM has over the last 17 years created a legacy of ensuring that the army and the Police are for all Ugandans. 

Thompson, whose book, “Governing Uganda: British Colonial Rule and its Legacy” had just been launched, gave a public lecture at Makerere University in which he lamented the failure of the British colonialists to leave behind a stable and united Uganda. 

He, however, refuted theories from other academics that the British used excessive force to administer Uganda and had exploited it. 

Thompson said Uganda’s balance of trade was in its favour during the British rule. 

The British High Commissioner, Adam Wood, who attended the lecture and the dinner, hailed Uganda and Britain’s historical ties. 

He said everybody was watching to see how the country manages its political succession in the next three years. 

One of the reviewers of the book, Prof. A. Kasozi, said the book presents a new approach in looking at Uganda’s colonial history under the British. 

He said the Movement government had done a lot to empower the population through elections and decentralisation. 

   The Mulindwas Communication Group

Re: ugnet_: Third-term stamp

2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Remember Kiiza Besigye stated that he will be a friend of Baganda, so
Museveni is under cutting him by doing the stamp for he knows that Besigye
is coming back to Uganda soon.

Now wait when Federalism enters Uganda Ssabasajja Mutebi him self will be on
Uganda Shillings. This is to carry a Buganda vote. Mark my words.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
- Original Message -
From: "Y Yaobang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:23 PM
Subject: ugnet_: Third-term stamp

> This stamp is supposed to be " ... a dedication to all the children of
> Uganda...".   BULL SHIT.
> There are better ways to select a "Ugandan child"  than this nonsensical
> approach.
> y
> --
> Posta launches Princess Katrina stamps
> By Patrick Onyango
> June 17, 2003
> Posta Uganda yesterday launched three new stamps honouring Princess
> Katrina-Sarah Ssangalyambogo of Buganda.
> The stamp is a dedication to all the children of Uganda, company officials
> said.
> The princess was chosen to promote the cause, in recognition of her
mother -
> Nnabagereka Slyvia Nagginda's work.
> The Nnabagereka is the patron of the Christian Children's Fund.
> The stamp is in three denominations.
> The stamp for Shs 400 features Princess Katrina in front of the Bulange
> (Buganda parliament). The stamp for Shs 1,200 features her in front of the
> Twekobe, the palace of the Kabaka at Mengo.
> The Shs 1,400 stamp features the princess in front of a man playing a
> drum that always accompanies the Kabaka of Buganda during his official
> tours.
> Launching the stamps at the General Post Office in Kampala yesterday, the
> Nnabagereka said that she is delighted that Posta Uganda decided to issue
> the stamps not only to honour Princess Katrina but all Uganda's children,
> who have for long been denied a voice.
> She said that the new stamps are culturally important to Buganda and they
> would help to display its vast heritage.
> Posta Uganda launched the stamp in part to commemorate Princess Katrina's
> second birthday.
> She was born on 4 July 2001.
> The chairman of the board of directors of Posta Uganda, Mr Patrick
> said that management has invested heavily in recruiting new staff and
> training in leadership skills, sales, and marketing.
> The acting managing director, Ms Sarah Kiyingi Kaweesa, said that Posta
> Uganda is associating with the Nnabagereka because of her inspirational
> in uplifting the life of the children.
> --
> _
> Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Re: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell R.A \ blander

2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

You might be right in your statement but you see 
there is a catch, UPC has survived on and for a long time. They sell an idea, it 
is not about who or what but the idea. And if you look closely Movement has 
failed for they thought that using vocubralies work, words like annihilate, 
political bankruptcy on and on, but realistically Movement never had an idea 
that my parents can get interested in. And for that I personally feel that 
untill when we as a society can sit down and figure out an idea that can sell in 
our people, UPC has an upper hand in Uganda politics. Look on the groups coming 
into Uganda today, The Reform Agenda can not even apologise for the murders they 
did in Uganda, they are asking us to forget what ever they have been doing and 
we move on, actually they are not only asking for that, they want us as well to 
accept some other huge NRM cores who are even still in the movement as we speak. 
Kironde I would love to see Kiiza Besigye as a leader of The Reform Agenda 
winning the next presidency, and after that I love him to go and address his 
first rally in Gulu. I want to know what he can tell to the women in Northern 
Uganda who were not only raped but made widows and their kids killed by UPDF 
when Kiiza Besigye was still in Uganda Government. I would love to hear that 
speech and even attend it in person for it might teach me how tolerant Ugandans 
are. Then look on the Federalists, these are people who believe that we can only 
build Uganda under federalism but Buganda must be left un touched. 
Now as we are still letting that sink in, Museveni 
has taken the equation a step further, Here we are with Ssanga Lyambogo put on a 
national stamp, one wonders what is her position to Uganda as a state that no 
other Uganda kid fits? And if she has taken that position today before 
Federalism becomes a reality in Uganda, what will happen if Uganda becomes a 
federalist state? One wonders.
Look on DP, these are guys who were in London 
meeting to generate energy with in a party, but reports today are stating that 
even some other DP prominent were refused to attend.
That is why it all sink down to the Ugandans, the 
problem is that when Ugandans decide, you shoot them on spot.
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:01 
  Subject: RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell 
  R.A \ blander
  It would be 
  unthinkable in a country where UPC oligarchy banned all forms of opposition to 
  find people who belonged to other political parties.  It was illegal to have freedom of 
  association; the authoritative brutal rule crashed such associations.  
  It is laughable that 
  now UPC members remind us which Ugandan joined them as though there were any 
  other political organizations to join. 
  -Original Message-From: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ssenya 
  nyangeSent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 5:49 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: ugnet_: 
  Join us, UPC tell R.A \ blander
  Mr. Bwambuga,
  Thats why I called it a blander. One portion will go 
  back to UPC, another led by Njuba will go back to DP 
  or Concervative Party, 
  another will join Ochega, Kibirige, Juuko etc. It wont 
  be a solid block 
  allying or joining UPC.
  J. Ssenyange
  >Subject: RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform 
  Agenda\ blander
  >Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:02:58 -0400
  >One thing people must realize is that most of 
  those guys in the movement 
  >(and Reform for that matter) were at one time or 
  another UPC subcripts. 
  >They believed in the principles that UPC stands 
  for. But politics as usual 
  >keeps it smell trails. Having divergent views is 
  one thing UPC stands for. 
  >Some of these people might have harboured some 
  political fantacy at some 
  >point in time which made them good recruites for 
  NRM. But as reality dawned 
  >on them they had to to go soul searching. At least 
  they realised that NRM 
  >was just a fantacy.
  >UPC did not disown them. UPC had no bitterness 
  with any of them. What 
  >difference they may have had, it was healthy. It 
  was good for each other's 
  >health in political terms. Now UPC is making clear 
  to them that home is 
  >still home.
  >Please come home.
  >"Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  > >Mwaami Ssenyange
  > >
  > >Reform Agenda is NRM in a blue suit. They 
  have been a movement combining
  > >every Ugandan under one blanket, what is 

ugnet_: BURUNDI: Rebel group steps up attacks

2003-06-17 Thread Matekopoko
BURUNDI: Rebel group steps up attacks

BUJUMBURA, 17 June (IRIN) - Attacks by the Conseil national pour la defense de la democratie-Force pour la defense de la democratie (CNDD-FDD) rebel faction led by Pierre Nkurunziza have increased in several areas in Burundi, the latest being the abduction on Monday of a local official in Kayanza Province to the north of the country.

Kayanza Governor Edouard Nkurunziza told IRIN that the rebels had abducted the administrator of Gatara Commune, Hermenegilde Manirambona.

"They kidnapped and took him to an unknown destination. We also heard that his wife was kidnapped," Nkurunziza said. "Security forces are now seeking ways of saving them," he added.

The rebels also recently abducted the administrator of Rusaka Commune in Mwaro Province, Etienne Bigirimana, and later freed him after he paid an unidentified amount of ransom money.

Another administrator, Louis Niyonzima of Mutimbuzi Commune in the province of Bujumbura Rural, was reported to have escaped on Sunday from an CNDD-FDD assassination attempt. The rebels killed Niyonzima's bodyguard.

Over the 14-15 June weekend, Member of Parliament Gerard Buryo was killed in a rebel attack at a pub in southern province of Makamba. Local authorities said CNDD-FDD rebels were responsible for the killing.

Beside the abductions and assassination of political authorities, the rebels have intensified ambushes of passenger vehicles along roads. During such attacks the rebels rob passengers of their money and other valuables and at times kidnap them.

Home Affairs and Public Security Minister Salvator Ntihabose has condemned the kidnappings. He said the government would soon announce its response.

"The rebels had declared that they have launched a social war, we never understood what they meant by this," he said. "They have changed their tactic, they avoid any contact with the government army, they plunder social infrastructure and kill or kidnap local administrative officials, this is unacceptable."

Rebel attacks have continued despite the signing of a ceasefire agreement between the group and the government on 3 December 2002.

The last meeting between CNDD-FDD and government officials, which took place in Tanzania's commercial capital, Dar es Salaam, on Friday and Saturday, ended without any agreement.

The meeting had been convened to solve disagreements over some points in the December ceasefire accord. These issues include the cantonment of rebel troops, disarmament and integration of CNDD-FDD fighters into the country's security forces.

The facilitation team indicated that a final decision on the contentious issues would be made during a regional summit on Burundi, due to take place any time between 20 June and 14 July at a venue yet to be decided.


ugnet_: Re: #2Fw: [camnetwork] France Chides Washington Over 'My Way' World View

2003-06-17 Thread RWalker949

Couple of other little points:

1.  It is also important to remember that the Franks were a germanic tribe;


2.  that there is a growing German-Franco alliance inside of Europe, with 
things like the European armed force in NATO that excludes the US...


2003-06-17 Thread bwambuga
Aaa aa ah!
My friend, I don't want to be the one to laugh first. I tll you!


"Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Say your piece what is eating your soul?
>            The Mulindwas Communication Group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>- Original Message -
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:18 PM
>> Mh h!
>> Bwambuga.
>> --
>> "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Cheating women catching up on men
>> >
>> >BERLIN (Reuters) - The modern western woman is now almost as likely to
>cheat on her partner as a man.
>> >
>> >
>> >In an online survey of 1,427 men and women aged between 25 and 35 by the
>Hamburg-based GEWIS institute for social research for "Woman" magazine, 53
>percent of women said they had been unfaithful to their partner, compared
>with 59 percent of men.
>> >
>> >
>> >"In recent years, numbers of unfaithful men and women have evened out a
>lot," GEWIS head Werner Habermehl told Reuters on Tuesday.
>> >
>> >
>> >The survey revealed that non-sexual desires, such as the need for
>reassurance and understanding, were a primary motive among women for
>> >
>> >
>> >Habermehl said demographic factors were also behind the change in
>attitudes but more liberal attitudes to sex, greater knowledge about
>contraception, and more freedom for women had made having affairs less taboo
>than ever before.
>> >
>> >
>> >As the frequency of cheating rose, the gap between the sexes was reduced,
>and eventually reversed.
>> >
>> >
>> >Some 17 percent of woman said they had cheated two or three times, as
>against 22 percent of men. But when it came to having cheated four or five
>times in the course of a relationship, women moved ahead of men with eight
>percent against four.
>> >
>> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
>> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>> >
>> --
>> He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the All-knower
>of everything.
>> Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.
>> Michael Bwambuga.
>> __
>> McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
>> Comprehensive protection for your entire computer. Get your free trial
>> Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge.  Download Now!

He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the All-knower of everything.
Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.

Michael Bwambuga.

McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
Comprehensive protection for your entire computer. Get your free trial today!

Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge.  Download Now!

RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell R.A \ blander

2003-06-17 Thread bwambuga
AND Ss. Ssenyange,
What a round about politics in Uganda will have made Could one ever have thought 
that many lives would be lost before we, as Ugandans, will have been all over only to 
find that it was all "a blander"? But the most important question then still remains, 
are we ready NOW to start it all over again? Together that is? Strength in diversity??


"Ed Kironde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>It would be unthinkable in a country where UPC oligarchy banned all
>forms of opposition to find people who belonged to other political
>parties.  It was illegal to have freedom of association; the
>authoritative brutal rule crashed such associations.  
>It is laughable that now UPC members remind us which Ugandan joined them
>as though there were any other political organizations to join. 
>-Original Message-
>Of ssenya nyange
>Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 5:49 PM
>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell R.A \ blander
>Mr. Bwambuga,
>                       Thats why I called it a blander. One portion will
>back to UPC, another led by Njuba will go back to DP or Concervative
>another will join Ochega, Kibirige, Juuko etc. It wont be a solid block 
>allying or joining UPC.
>J. Ssenyange
>>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform Agenda\ blander
>>Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:02:58 -0400
>>One thing people must realize is that most of those guys in the
>>(and Reform for that matter) were at one time or another UPC subcripts.
>>They believed in the principles that UPC stands for. But politics as
>>keeps it smell trails. Having divergent views is one thing UPC stands
>>Some of these people might have harboured some political fantacy at
>>point in time which made them good recruites for NRM. But as reality
>>on them they had to to go soul searching. At least they realised that
>>was just a fantacy.
>>UPC did not disown them. UPC had no bitterness with any of them. What 
>>difference they may have had, it was healthy. It was good for each
>>health in political terms. Now UPC is making clear to them that home is
>>still home.
>>Please come home.
>>"Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Mwaami Ssenyange
>> >
>> >Reform Agenda is NRM in a blue suit. They have been a movement
>> >every Ugandan under one blanket, what is different from that and 
>> >publicly in round two that we are going to take every body this time
>> >a recognised entity?
>> >
>> >Em
>> >
>> >            The Mulindwas Communication Group
>> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>> >            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>> >
>> >- Original Message -
>> >From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:24 PM
>> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform Agenda\ blander
>> >
>> >
>> >>
>> >> That will be Reform's biggest blander of this century. A reform
>> >> sentiments and "nothing to reconcile" is NOT a Reform.
>> >>
>> >> J. Ssenyange
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >>
>> >> >From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >> >Subject: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform Agenda
>> >> >Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 22:49:28 +
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> _
>> >> STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>>He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the
>All-knower of 
>>Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.
>>Michael Bwambuga.
>>McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
>>Comprehensive protection for your entire computer. Get your free trial 
>>Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge.  Download Now!
>The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*  
>Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
>Version: 6.0.487 / Virus Database: 286 - Release Date: 6/1/2003
>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (

ugnet_: Third-term stamp

2003-06-17 Thread Y Yaobang
This stamp is supposed to be " ... a dedication to all the children of 
Uganda...".   BULL SHIT.
There are better ways to select a "Ugandan child"  than this nonsensical 

Posta launches Princess Katrina stamps
By Patrick Onyango
June 17, 2003
Posta Uganda yesterday launched three new stamps honouring Princess 
Katrina-Sarah Ssangalyambogo of Buganda.

The stamp is a dedication to all the children of Uganda, company officials 

The princess was chosen to promote the cause, in recognition of her mother – 
Nnabagereka Slyvia Nagginda’s work.

The Nnabagereka is the patron of the Christian Children’s Fund.

The stamp is in three denominations.

The stamp for Shs 400 features Princess Katrina in front of the Bulange 
(Buganda parliament). The stamp for Shs 1,200 features her in front of the 
Twekobe, the palace of the Kabaka at Mengo.

The Shs 1,400 stamp features the princess in front of a man playing a royal 
drum that always accompanies the Kabaka of Buganda during his official 

Launching the stamps at the General Post Office in Kampala yesterday, the 
Nnabagereka said that she is delighted that Posta Uganda decided to issue 
the stamps not only to honour Princess Katrina but all Uganda’s children, 
who have for long been denied a voice.

She said that the new stamps are culturally important to Buganda and they 
would help to display its vast heritage.

Posta Uganda launched the stamp in part to commemorate Princess Katrina’s 
second birthday.

She was born on 4 July 2001.

The chairman of the board of directors of Posta Uganda, Mr Patrick Kabonero, 
said that management has invested heavily in recruiting new staff and 
training in leadership skills, sales, and marketing.

The acting managing director, Ms Sarah Kiyingi Kaweesa, said that Posta 
Uganda is associating with the Nnabagereka because of her inspirational role 
in uplifting the life of the children.

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Say your piece what is eating your soul?


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:18 PM

> Mh h!
> Bwambuga.
> --
> "Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Cheating women catching up on men
> >
> >BERLIN (Reuters) - The modern western woman is now almost as likely to
cheat on her partner as a man.
> >
> >
> >In an online survey of 1,427 men and women aged between 25 and 35 by the
Hamburg-based GEWIS institute for social research for "Woman" magazine, 53
percent of women said they had been unfaithful to their partner, compared
with 59 percent of men.
> >
> >
> >"In recent years, numbers of unfaithful men and women have evened out a
lot," GEWIS head Werner Habermehl told Reuters on Tuesday.
> >
> >
> >The survey revealed that non-sexual desires, such as the need for
reassurance and understanding, were a primary motive among women for
> >
> >
> >Habermehl said demographic factors were also behind the change in
attitudes but more liberal attitudes to sex, greater knowledge about
contraception, and more freedom for women had made having affairs less taboo
than ever before.
> >
> >
> >As the frequency of cheating rose, the gap between the sexes was reduced,
and eventually reversed.
> >
> >
> >Some 17 percent of woman said they had cheated two or three times, as
against 22 percent of men. But when it came to having cheated four or five
times in the course of a relationship, women moved ahead of men with eight
percent against four.
> >
> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
> >"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
> >
> --
> He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the All-knower
of everything.
> Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.
> Michael Bwambuga.
> __
> McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
> Comprehensive protection for your entire computer. Get your free trial
> Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge.  Download Now!


2003-06-17 Thread bwambuga
Mh h!

"Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Cheating women catching up on men
>BERLIN (Reuters) - The modern western woman is now almost as likely to cheat on her 
>partner as a man.
>In an online survey of 1,427 men and women aged between 25 and 35 by the 
>Hamburg-based GEWIS institute for social research for "Woman" magazine, 53 percent of 
>women said they had been unfaithful to their partner, compared with 59 percent of men.
>"In recent years, numbers of unfaithful men and women have evened out a lot," GEWIS 
>head Werner Habermehl told Reuters on Tuesday.
>The survey revealed that non-sexual desires, such as the need for reassurance and 
>understanding, were a primary motive among women for infidelity.
>Habermehl said demographic factors were also behind the change in attitudes but more 
>liberal attitudes to sex, greater knowledge about contraception, and more freedom for 
>women had made having affairs less taboo than ever before.
>As the frequency of cheating rose, the gap between the sexes was reduced, and 
>eventually reversed.
>Some 17 percent of woman said they had cheated two or three times, as against 22 
>percent of men. But when it came to having cheated four or five times in the course 
>of a relationship, women moved ahead of men with eight percent against four.
>            The Mulindwas Communication Group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the All-knower of everything.
Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.

Michael Bwambuga.

McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
Comprehensive protection for your entire computer. Get your free trial today!

Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge.  Download Now!

Re: ugnet_: Fw: [camnetwork] France Chides Washington Over 'My Way' World View

2003-06-17 Thread RWalker949
A few things to consider:

The Franks under Charlemagne (Charles the Great) were the initiators of the Holy Roman Empire...

the French court of the 16 and 17th century is considered by some historians as the richest in all of Europe

It was the French who really defeated the British in the "American Revolution", their navy, their army and their money

The French that have had an influence on Pan-Europe and the world include individuals such as Claude-Henri Saint-Simon, Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Charles de Gaulle,  Jean Monnet, Napoleon Bonaparte   

For example in the modern era,  it would be useful to start with the study of the Gaullist, and their struggle against the Roosevelt - Vichy alliance 

RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell R.A \ blander

2003-06-17 Thread Ed Kironde

It would be unthinkable
in a country where UPC oligarchy banned all forms of opposition to find people
who belonged to other political parties. 
It was illegal to have freedom of association; the authoritative brutal
rule crashed such associations.  

It is laughable that
now UPC members remind us which Ugandan joined them as though there were any
other political organizations to join. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ssenya
Sent: Tuesday, June 17,
 2003 5:49 PM
Subject: RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell R.A \ blander



Mr. Bwambuga,


Thats why I called it a blander. One portion will go 

back to UPC, another led by Njuba will go back to DP
or Concervative Party, 

another will join Ochega, Kibirige, Juuko etc. It wont
be a solid block 

allying or joining UPC.


J. Ssenyange







>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform
Agenda\ blander

>Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:02:58



>One thing people must realize is that most of
those guys in the movement 

>(and Reform for that matter) were at one time or
another UPC subcripts. 

>They believed in the principles that UPC stands
for. But politics as usual 

>keeps it smell trails. Having divergent views is
one thing UPC stands for. 

>Some of these people might have harboured some
political fantacy at some 

>point in time which made them good recruites for
NRM. But as reality dawned 

>on them they had to to go soul searching. At least
they realised that NRM 

>was just a fantacy.

>UPC did not disown them. UPC had no bitterness
with any of them. What 

>difference they may have had, it was healthy. It
was good for each other's 

>health in political terms. Now UPC is making clear
to them that home is 

>still home.

>Please come home.





>"Mulindwa Edward"


> >Mwaami Ssenyange

> >

> >Reform Agenda is NRM in a blue suit. They
have been a movement combining

> >every Ugandan under one blanket, what is
different from that and 


> >publicly in round two that we are going to
take every body this time but 


> >a recognised entity?

> >

> >Em

> >

> >            The
Mulindwas Communication Group

> >"With Yoweri
  Museveni, Uganda
is in anarchy"

> >          
 Groupe de communication Mulindwas

> >"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est
dans l'anarchie"

> >

> >- Original Message -

> >From: "ssenya nyange"


> >Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:24 PM

> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform
Agenda\ blander

> >

> >

> >>

> >> That will be Reform's biggest blander of
this century. A reform based 


> >> sentiments and "nothing to
reconcile" is NOT a Reform.

> >>

> >> J. Ssenyange

> >>

> >> --

> >>

> >> >From: "gook makanga"

> >> >Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


> >> >Subject: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell
Reform Agenda

> >> >Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 22:49:28 +

> >> >

> >>

> >>

> >> STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and
get 2 months FREE*

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >




>He it is Who created for you all that is on
earth...He is the All-knower of 


>Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.


>Michael Bwambuga.




>McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.

>Comprehensive protection for your entire computer.
Get your free trial 




>Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge.  Download Now!




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2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward


KARACHI - Such is the deteriorating 
security situation in Afghanistan, compounded by the return to the country of a 
large number of former Afghan communist refugees, that United States and 
Pakistani intelligence officials have met with Taliban leaders in an effort to 
devise a political solution to prevent the country from being further ripped 
According to a Pakistani jihadi leader who played a role in 
setting up the communication, the meeting took place recently between 
representatives of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the US Federal 
Bureau of Investigation and Taliban leaders at the Pakistan Air Force base of 
Samungli, near Quetta. 
The source told Asia Times Online that four conditions were put 
to the Taliban before any form of reconciliation can take place that could 
potentially lead to them having a role in the Kabul government, whose present 
authority is in essence limited to the capital:
* Mullah Omar must be removed as supreme leader of the Taliban. 

* All Pakistani, Arab and other foreign fighters currently 
engaged in operations against international troops in Afghanistan must be thrown 
out of the country. 
* Any US or allied soldiers held captive must be released. 

* Afghans currently living abroad, notably in the United States 
and England, must be given a part in the government - through being allowed to 
contest elections - even though many do not even speak their mother tongue, such 
as Dari or Pashtu. 
Apparently, the Taliban refused the first condition point 
blank, but showed some flexibility on the other terms. As such, this first 
preliminary contact made little headway. It is not known whether there will be 
further meetings, but given the fact that the reason for staging the talks in 
the first place remains unchanged, more contact can be expected. 
The channels for the contact have been set up by Taliban who 
defected when the government collapsed in Kabul, and fled to Pakistan, where 
they were sheltered in ISI safe houses. Now these defectors, working with 
Pakistani jihadis who know how to approach the Taliban leadership, are acting as 
The backdrop to the first meeting is an ever-increasing 
escalation in the guerrilla war being waged against foreign troops in 
Afghanistan. Small hit-and-run attacks are a daily feature in most parts of the 
country, while face-to-face skirmishes are common in the former Taliban 
stronghold around Kandahar in the south. 
According to people familiar with Afghan resistance movements, 
the one that has emerged over the past year and a half since the fall of the 
Taliban is about four times as strong as the movement that opposed Soviet 
invaders for nearly a decade starting in 1979. 
The key reason for this is that the previous Taliban government 
- which is dispersed almost intact in the country after capitulating to 
advancing Northern Alliance forces without a fight - is backed by the most 
powerful force in Afghanistan: clerics and religious students.
For centuries, these people were the most respected segment of 
Afghan society, and before 1979 they never participated in politics. On the 
contrary, their role was one of reconciliation in conflicts. During the Afghan 
resistance movement against the USSR, things changed, and clerics threw their 
weight behind the mujahideen struggle, but, with a few exceptions, such as 
Maulana Yunus Khalis, they were not in command. 
With the withdrawal of the Soviets and the emergence of the 
Taliban in the early 1990s, though, the situation once again changed. The 
Taliban, taking advantage of the power struggles among bitterly divided militias 
in Kabul, consolidated themselves into an effective political movement led by 
clerics and in 1996 seized power in Kabul. A part of their success also lay in 
the fact that initially Afghans, especially Pashtuns who make up the majority of 
the country, were reluctant to take up the gun against clerics. 
Now, in the renewed guerrilla war against foreign troops, it is 
the clerics who are calling the shots. For instance, Hafiz Rahim is the most 
respected cleric in the Kandahar region, and he commands all military operations 
from the sanctuary of the mountainous terrain. 
The US forces have employed maximum air support and advanced 
technology in an attempt to curtail attacks, but without the help of local 
Afghan forces they are unable to track down Hafiz Rahim, who to date has 
targeted US convoys scores of times. The United States has admitted a few 
deaths, while the Taliban claim they have killed many more than the official 
numbers state. For funds, the Taliban use money looted from the central bank 
before they abandoned Kabul, estimated in excess of US$110 million, in addition 
to money received from Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda. 
At the same time, famed warlord Gulbbudin Hekmatyar has joined 
the resistance after returning from exile in Iran. His Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan 
(HIA) is the most organized forc

ugnet_: Fw: [camnetwork] France Chides Washington Over 'My Way' World View

2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Some interesting comments about France, now I 
happen not to know much about France and I wonder whether we have any body out 
there with such a knowledge to help us here.
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 
- Original Message - 
From: sea gol 
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] France Chides Washington Over 'My Way' 
World View

In realpolitik, France is a no nonsense nation, mind you. To France's 
credit is the discovery of the what is today Great Britain in circa 1066 AD, and 
it started what is known today as diplomacy when France was known as Frank. If 
you read ancient history, you probably must have heard about Frank and Vandals, 
Allemagnie and Bourgidians. Ancient Franks is today's French, they are brisk and 
smart in diplomacy. The US started diplomacy after the opening of the Panama 
Canal in 1903. The opening of the canal was the first time a 
sitting US President traveled out of the US since independence. When it comes to 
diplomacy vis-a-vis Foreign Affairs, the United States is still an 
amateur-in-the-learning process. The US knows no diplomacy but military 
engagement. The Expeditionary Force is all about US foreign affairs. When it 
comes to diplomacy, the US trails behind the French. In diplomacy, the US always 
finish what the french started centuries ago - Vietnam War is a typical 
example of what the French started and the US finish. Yes, when it comes to 
diplomacy and foreign affairs, the US does the dirty 
and inhumane job with its expeditionary/speial force, 
while the french uses diplomats. 
Jude   Homme De 
  what!What/Who is France???THE USA remains THE best.. You 
  all should live withit--- Ralph Tanyi 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:> Top Stories - ReutersFrance Chides 
  Washington Over> 'My Way' World View> Sat Jun 14, 2:42 PM 
  ET> > By Tim Hepher > PARIS (Reuters) - France's defense 
  minister took a> double swipe at the United States on Saturday,> 
  accusing her counterpart Donald Rumsfeld of American> supremacism and 
  U.S. industry of waging "economic> war" on Europe. > > 
  AFP/File Photo > > Michele Alliot-Marie's remarks, in a 
  newspaper> interview, were the bluntest criticism of Washington> 
  by a French official since presidents Jacques Chirac> and George W. 
  Bush skirted around their differences> on Iraq (news - web sites) at a 
  summit two weeks> ago. > > "The American Defense 
  Secretary (Donald Rumsfeld)> believes the United States is the only 
  military,> economic and financial power in the world. We do not> 
  share this vision," Alliot-Marie told Le Monde> newspaper in an 
  interview published on Saturday. > > In Washington, the Pentagon 
  (news - web sites)> rebuffed her remarks. > > "The French 
  minister is entitled to her own opinion.> However her opinion does not 
  accurately characterize> the policy or position of the secretary of 
  defense> or the position of the U.S. government," Defense> 
  Department spokesman Jim Turner said. > > France's suggestion of 
  superpower arrogance comes> days after Rumsfeld revisited the scene of 
  recent> bickering over French opposition to the Iraq war by> 
  distinguishing between "old" and "new" Europe --> language which 
  infuriated Paris in January. > > Back then, Rumsfeld had 
  dismissed France and Germany> as "old Europe" in contrast to a "new 
  Europe" of> mostly eastern European countries more supportive 
  of> Washington. He repeated the controversial barb in> Germany 
  on Wednesday. > > Alliot-Marie said military and 
  intelligence> co-operation between Paris and Washington had 
  been> unaffected by the split over Iraq. The Pentagon,> however, 
  said last month France would not be invited> to a major military 
  exercise in Nevada next year. > > BOURGET BOYCOTT > 
  > The fallout from the Iraq row was on stark display> on 
  Saturday as top U.S. military and aerospace> figures boycotted the 
  opening of the Paris Air Show> -- a prestigious event held every two 
  years to the> roar of American flypasts. > > This time, 
  the Pentagon banned the traditional> aerial displays by its military 
  pilots and scaled> down its presence at the Le Bourget show in what 
  is> widely seen as a deliberate snub. > > In her 
  interview, timed to coincide with the world's> largest air show, 
  Alliot-Marie urged European firms> to stand together to resist what she 
  called an> American "economic war." > > "American 
  industrialists are pursuing a logic of> economic war," she said in the 
  interview, which Le> Monde daily said had been read and cleared by 
  her> office before publication. > > "This attitude is not 
  connected to the Iraq episode.> Faced with this, European industry must 
  regroup in> order to be in a bette


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Cheating women catching up on men 

BERLIN (Reuters) - The modern western woman is now almost as likely to cheat 
on her partner as a man. 

In an online survey of 1,427 men and women aged between 25 and 35 by the 
Hamburg-based GEWIS institute for social research for "Woman" magazine, 53 
percent of women said they had been unfaithful to their partner, compared with 
59 percent of men. 

"In recent years, numbers of unfaithful men and women have evened out a lot," 
GEWIS head Werner Habermehl told Reuters on Tuesday. 

The survey revealed that non-sexual desires, such as the need for reassurance 
and understanding, were a primary motive among women for infidelity. 

Habermehl said demographic factors were also behind the change in attitudes 
but more liberal attitudes to sex, greater knowledge about contraception, and 
more freedom for women had made having affairs less taboo than ever before. 

As the frequency of cheating rose, the gap between the sexes was reduced, and 
eventually reversed. 

Some 17 percent of woman said they had cheated two or three times, as against 
22 percent of men. But when it came to having cheated four or five times in the 
course of a relationship, women moved ahead of men with eight percent against 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell R.A \ blander

2003-06-17 Thread ssenya nyange
Mr. Bwambuga,

  Thats why I called it a blander. One portion will go 
back to UPC, another led by Njuba will go back to DP or Concervative Party, 
another will join Ochega, Kibirige, Juuko etc. It wont be a solid block 
allying or joining UPC.

J. Ssenyange

Subject: RE: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform Agenda\ blander
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:02:58 -0400
One thing people must realize is that most of those guys in the movement 
(and Reform for that matter) were at one time or another UPC subcripts. 
They believed in the principles that UPC stands for. But politics as usual 
keeps it smell trails. Having divergent views is one thing UPC stands for. 
Some of these people might have harboured some political fantacy at some 
point in time which made them good recruites for NRM. But as reality dawned 
on them they had to to go soul searching. At least they realised that NRM 
was just a fantacy.
UPC did not disown them. UPC had no bitterness with any of them. What 
difference they may have had, it was healthy. It was good for each other's 
health in political terms. Now UPC is making clear to them that home is 
still home.
Please come home.

"Mulindwa Edward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Mwaami Ssenyange
>Reform Agenda is NRM in a blue suit. They have been a movement combining
>every Ugandan under one blanket, what is different from that and 
>publicly in round two that we are going to take every body this time but 
>a recognised entity?
>            The Mulindwas Communication Group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>- Original Message -
>From: "ssenya nyange" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:24 PM
>Subject: Re: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform Agenda\ blander
>> That will be Reform's biggest blander of this century. A reform based 
>> sentiments and "nothing to reconcile" is NOT a Reform.
>> J. Ssenyange
>> --
>> >From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >Subject: ugnet_: Join us, UPC tell Reform Agenda
>> >Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 22:49:28 +
>> >
>> _
>> STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the All-knower of 
Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.

Michael Bwambuga.

McAfee VirusScan Online from the Netscape Network.
Comprehensive protection for your entire computer. Get your free trial 

Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge.  Download Now!
The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

DRC: Kabila launches national birth registration 
campaignNAIROBI, 17 June (IRIN) - President Joseph Kabila of the 
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has launched a nationwide campaign to 
promote the registration of births in the country, the UN Children's Fund 
(UNICEF) reported on Monday.The launch coincided with the annual Day of 
the African Child, observed on 16 June.Birth registration is the 
permanent and official record of a child's existence. At present, only an 
estimated 34 percent of births are registered in the DRC, UNICEF reported.It 
said that birth registration was fundamental to the realisation of a number of 
rights and needs such as providing access to health care and immunisation; 
ensuring that children enroll in school at the right age and enforcing laws 
relating to minimum age for employment.Registration is also important in 
countering the problem of girls being forced into marriage before they are 
legally eligible, without proof of age, UNICEF said.It would also ensure 
that children in conflict with the law received special protection, and that 
young people would be protected from underage military service or conscription 
and from harassment by police or other law enforcement officials.Moreover, 
birth registration would secure the child's right to a nationality; protect 
children who are trafficked and who are eventually repatriated and reunited with 
family members.The agency said that getting a passport, opening a bank 
account, obtaining credit, voting or finding employment would be made easier by 
registration of births."In addition to issues relating to protection, a 
functioning system of birth and civil registration ensures that the country has 
an up-to-date and reliable database for planning," UNICEF said. "This is as 
useful for national level planning as it is for local government bodies that are 
responsible for maintaining education, health and other social services for the 
community."UNICEF attributed the failure to register births in the DRC 
to several factors such as a general lack of awareness of its importance; long 
distances between villages and government offices, and the fact that 
registration after the first 30 days costs US $2, a fee too high for many 
Congolese.At Kabila's request, a meeting among government officials and 
humanitarian agencies is due to be held on 16 July to discuss progress made in 
the registration campaign, scheduled to conclude officially on 20 November 
2003.Under Article Seven of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 
all children "shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the 
right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and, as far as 
possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents". The 
Convention, which entered into force on 2 September 1990, has been ratified by 
191 countries to date, including the DRC.


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

DRC: Azarias 
Ruberwa named RCD-Goma leaderNAIROBI, 17 June (IRIN) - Azarias Ruberwa 
was on Monday appointed leader of the Rwandan-backed Rassemblement congolais 
pour la democratie (RCD-Goma) rebel movement, replacing Adolphe Onusumba Yemba, 
who had held the post since October 2000, RTNC radio reported from Goma on 
Tuesday.Ruberwa, one of four vice president-designates of a national 
transitional government, had previously served as RCD-Goma secretary-general, 
also since October 2000.Ruberwa becomes the fourth head of the RCD-Goma 
movement after Ernest Wamba dia Wamba, Emile Ilunga Kalambo and Onusumba, who 
would be appointed to other functions within the movement, AFP cited Crispin 
Kabasele Tshimanga, head of RCD-Goma's International Relations Department, as 
saying.Kabasele Tshimanga said the appointment was made by the 
movement's college of founding members "in the context of [RCD-Goma's] 
transformation into a political party", AFP reported.Ruberwa, a 38 
year-old lawyer, is a Congolese Tutsi, or Munyamulenge, hailing from the Hauts 
Plateaux region of South Kivu Province in eastern DRC.RTNC reported 
other appointments as including Raphael Katebe Katoto as first vice president 
and Eugene Serufuli Ngayabaseka, the current governor of North Kivu Province, as 
second vice president. Katubalundi Babo was appointed secretary-general, the 
post vacated by Ruberwa, while Francis Bedi Mabele was named deputy 
secretary-general and Jean-Marie Emungu Ehumba was named treasurer. AFP 
reported that Kabasele Tshimanga would remain head of RCD-Goma's International 
Relations Department, while Jean-Pierre Lola Kisanga would remain head of 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: The bad flavour of Museveni’s US visit

2003-06-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Kampala - Tuesday, 17 June 2003 10:09 pm ;  The Monitor

 The bad flavour of Museveni’s US visit

 By Karoli Ssemogerere
 June 17, 2003
 President Yoweri Museveni’s visit to Washington, last week 
came at a time when the
 sea of change in official opinion about his unique brand 
of politics that combine
 authoritarianism, militarism, monolithism and a 
quasi-liberal autocracy and economy is
 beginning to part.

 During Mr Museveni’s stop-over at the White House, issues 
were raised on Uganda’s
 involvement in the Congo where blood continues to be 
splattered. The vagrancy of
 well-armed militias trotting all sorts of paraphernalia 
has received a lot of coverage.
 The Economist, a conservative publication from London, UK 
carried photos of the
 horrors in eastern Congo last week.

 This week, it carried a snippet of Maj. Gen. James 
Kazini’s sacking as army
 commander. Fox News network began covering the madness in 
the Congo live last
 week. Mr Ted Koppel’s report, a veteran of ABC’s Nightline 
programme is being
 replayed on Washington D.C. area television channels.

 Mr Museveni has chosen to deal with Congo in three ways. 
First, was pretending to
 leave on more than three occasions. At one time Samia 
Bugwe North MP and strong
 anti-government critic, Aggrey Awori travelled with other 
MPs, at the invitation of the
 President, to the border to witness one of those sham 

 Second, arming different militias as has been reported to 
maintain Ugandan influence
 by proxy.

 Third, was the attempt that for the most part failed in 
African diplomatic circles: This
 was to hide behind Rwanda’s equally bankrupt policy that 
justifies occupation in the
 Congo allegedly to rout dissidents planning mayhem. For Mr 
Museveni, the fallacy of
 the Popular Resistance Army provided a bogey.

 Mr Museveni failed to communicate to his White House 
counterpart that the domestic
 economies of Rwanda and Uganda are on the verge of 
bankruptcy. The structural
 realignments of the economy into mono clusters, and a 
failure to open up to
 corruption free investment have taken their toll. Save for 
the consumer economy
 boosted by economic growth, we know that zero progress is 
being made in other key

 Finance Minister Gerald Ssendaula managed again to shove a 
content free budget
 that did not discuss the unemployment crisis in the 
economy. He instead hid under the
 failed policies of improving Uganda’s comparative 
advantage in “agriculture” when we
 cannot feed our own people in drought and famine stricken 

 Accessing American markets through Africa Growth and 
Opportunity Act, which is set
 to expire in 2004, is a pet project that is being peddled 
by one Ms Rosa Whitaker. She
 did demonstrate that she is doing something to justify her 
hefty pay cheque paid by
 the Uganda government for lobbying purposes.

 Ms Whitaker, an American national, is doing her work 
directly from State House but
 completely outside the purview of Parliament’s 
Presidential and Foreign Affairs

 The Whitaker Foundation prepared a speech for Mr Museveni, 
at a dinner that was
 organised to honor congressmen who played a crucial role 
in passing AGOA including
 my own congressman Donald Payne (Democrat, New Jersey), 
the ranking member of
 the US Africa Sub-committee.

 It was interesting to note that Mr Payne, long a backer of 
authoritarian leaders,
 succinctly pointed out that Uganda is a poor performer 
under AGOA. Small countries
 like Lesotho have benefited more. Mr Payne would want to 
come to Uganda and study
 the case of our telecom industry to understand why 
economics in Uganda is a unique
 discipline, anachronistic and built in fiction-land.

 Of course Ms Whitaker’s $ 300,000 pay cheque pales in 
comparison to what richer
 autocracies like Angola and Nigeria pay for their 
lobbyists. However, she would be
 eager to know that many Ugandans die because a Shs 1 
million spare part cannot be
 bought in a hospital. Or that the Shs 600 million pay 
cheque could more than double


2003-06-17 Thread Ed Kironde

During the recently concluded official
visit to the US, the Ugandan president revealed, despite
reports that Sudan had said to have announced to have
extended Uganda’s hunt for Kony
rebels inside Sudan for another 3 months, that Sudan has resumed arming Kony,
in her quest to extend her borders.


Why the Ugandan president or the Sudan government opted to announce this during
the period when Museveni was invited to go to Washington, is the six million dollar question.  We all remember how Saddam is said to
have hid some of fighter jets in Sudan and some family members and how Osama son of Laden was an official visitor to the Sudanese


In Washington, Sudan is a conduit of terrorists operating in
sub-Saharan Africa. 
Iraq is believed to have had the desire extending
her borders into Kuwait. 
The UN Security Council has good reasons to believe that the Ugandan
president has an enormous influence within the region and wants him to use it.  So as to use that influence, arsenals
have to be well equipped and son of the soil is no fool to have signed that
treaty without a deal(s).


Now, so as to curtail what is known as “Arab
Expansionism” within East Africa and the rest of sub Saharan Africa, the ‘spring board’
or the “conduit” must be cut-off.  Iraq has oil, so is Sudan and America’s presence in Sudan will keep Libya in check.

Sudan will violate Uganda’s air space and maybe even carry out
some aerial bombardment and Uganda will turn to her allies in Washington to fend off “such unspeakable
aggression” of her sovereignty. 
It is Katakwi today,
and soon will be Bombo.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:57
Subject: ugnet_: KONNY REBELS




Here we go with questions popping up
more than answers. We knew as by statements from Uganda Government that Konny
was now operating from Sudan and he was basing in Sudan as he is 
attacking in Northern Uganda. As a person who knows Northern Uganda, Sudan is
way too North for even a force which has a light infantry with the greatest
mobility, to be able to move from Sudan hit in Gulu district and go back to
Sudan with out the detection of UPDF. But this is getting better for now Konny
has not only managed to make that miracle over and over, but he has passed UPDF
and went all the way East to now Katakwi. So he has left Sudan come to Katakwi
hit them and gone back to Sudan. Where is UPDF when all this is taking place?
How many miles do we have from the Sudan border to Katakwi? Why is SPLA (Which
controls Southern Sudan) Allow Konny to operate in Southern Sudan yet they are
Uganda's friends? And lastly are Ugandans being attacked by Konny or by UPDF?


  Kony Rebels Hit Katakwi
  FLIGHT: Residents of
  Obalanga subcounty fleeing to safety after suspected LRA rebels attacked their
  village on Sunday
  people killed, 100 huts set ablaze 
  By R. Otim & J. Opolot in Katakwi
  SUSPECTED rebels of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) on Sunday night
  attacked Obalanga trading centre in Kapelebyong county, Katakwi district,
  killing a Local Defence Unit (LDU) and three civilians. They burnt a Police
  post and an LDU detachment. 
  They also burnt 101 grass-thatched huts and eight shops after they failed to
  carry all the loot. They abducted 12 civilians. 
  The attackers are said to have been commanded by ‘Col.’ Charles
  Tabuley, a notorious Kony commander. 
  The mid-eastern Regional Police Commander (RPC), Bob Ngobi, told a press
  conference at his office in Soroti that the attackers spoke Luo and wore both
  civilian and military clothes. They looted Obalanga health centre. 
  He said four people had been confirmed dead one of whom had been identified
  as a Local Defence Unit (LDU) officer. 
  “We do not know how many (of the attackers) they were but the number is
  believed to have been big,” the RPC said. 
  He said the number of the rebels had been estimated at over 100. 
  “We have not known who the attackers were but there are similarities
  with the LRA operations,” Ngobi said. 
  Residents who fled to Soroti for refuge said the rebels moved to Kapelebyong
  county headquarters and settled at Amusus-Awoja P7 school. 
  The district councillor for Obalanga, Julius Ocen, said over 100 huts at the
  Internally Displaced Persons camps and 10 shops had been burnt. 
  A UPDF officer attached to a Victor battalion that had been attacked by the
  rebels said a soldier was killed. 
  “These people (the rebels) came in a very big number that our soldiers
  could not repulse them. The best they could do was to flee for their
  lives,” the soldier said. 

RE: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] Why Kill the Messenger?

2003-06-17 Thread Ed Kironde

If I remember
correctly, AMO is said to have uttered remarks to the effects that he will not
condemn Kony.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, June 17,
 2003 7:30 AM
Subject: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] Why Kill the Messenger?



A small some question, as you are a PPC member, what
is the UPC´s official 

understanding? That the LRA and the NRA/ movement are


I recall it was not so long ago when the party's chief
executive expressed 

himself in manners which could have been perceived as
UPC "spiritual" 

support for the LRA. I also notice that certain PPC
members(on other forums) 

for whom only a few months ago, support for the LRA
was a shrine have 

subsequently shifted or subsided.


As the UPC´s official position something to do with

best rgds








>Subject: [Ugandacom] Why Kill the Messenger?

>Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 07:47:43 EDT


>Why Kill the Messenger?





>Monitor (Kampala)



>June 17, 2003

>Posted to the web June 17, 2003




>Reports that the Lord's Resistance Army leader
Joseph Kony has ordered the

>killing of all priests in northern Uganda are


>It is not the first time that the LRA have issued
such threats. The

>difference this time round is that the credibility
of the report has been 


>by the use of the Catholic Church's own local
radio network.


>We cannot understand why religious leaders, let
alone ordinary civilians,

>should become a prime target of any rebel group.
While it is obvious that 

>no one,

>including the priests, is really safe from
atrocities in the war-torn 


>specifically targeting priests amounts to a
witch-hunt of God's servants,

>which is unacceptable.


>Indeed, Catholic Church missions have been
targeted in this conflict 


>which explains the abduction of dozens of
seminarians only two weeks ago. 


>attempt to exacerbate this kind of action must be


>Religious leaders are merely God's messengers who
should be protected by a

>rebel force that once claimed to be fighting so
that Uganda can be governed

>according to the Ten Commandments.


>It is ironical that religious leaders who have
been fighting tooth and nail

>to find a lasting solution to the insurgency
through negotiations should be

>targeted. Yet in the past, there have been reports
that Mr Kony wanted the

>Catholic Church in particular to play a more
active role in the peace 



>The latest threat comes at a time of renewed
hostilities. The Acholi

>Religious Leaders Peace Initiative (ARLPI) appears
to have failed and we 

>are now back

>to square one. The killings and abductions have
resumed at an even greater

>scale than before.


>Even more worrying are reports that the Sudan
government has resumed

>providing covert military assistance to the Kony
rebels contrary to the 

>spirit of the

>bilateral protocols signed by the two countries in
the wake of the UPDF's

>Operation Iron Fist.


>The destruction of life and property in northern
Uganda has gone on for far

>too long. This is the time, especially for the LRA
rebels, to put an end to 








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ugnet_: 'makwerekwere' xenophobia again

2003-06-17 Thread Mitayo Potosi
 Ugandan priest jailed for ‘rape’

 By Alex B. Atuhaire
 June 17, 2003 ;  The Monitor
 A Ugandan priest working in South Africa was on Friday 
sentenced to 10 years in
 prison for rape.

 A court in the Rustenburg province convicted Fr. Joseph 
Mugera, 33, of the
 Rustenburg Diocese in the northwest of South Africa.

 He was reportedly found guilty of raping a South African 
woman, Ms Agnes Moteni.

 Another Ugandan priest, Fr. Kizito Kaganda, also serving 
in South Africa, told The
 Monitor yesterday that Fr. Mugera had appealed against the 

 Fr. Kaganda dismissed the rape accusations against his 
colleague as “xenophobia”
 aimed at discrediting the young priest before his bishop 
and the laity.

 “He has been a threat to most of his colleagues because of 
his stand on celibacy.
 They envied him. He was the most loved priest in 
Rustenburg,” Fr. Kaganda said by
 telephone from South Africa.

 Fr. Kaganda said that Fr. Mugera was another victim of 
xenophobia – being targeted
 like many of the other foreigners (the so-called 
makwelekwele) living and working in
 South Africa.

 He said that there is a campaign by local priests to 
target colleagues from other
 African countries including those from Nigeria, Ghana and 

 He blamed the unholy campaign on rivalry for positions and 

 “This was not a shock. Something like this was expected 
anytime,” he said.

 Fr. Kaganda said that there are about 20 Ugandan 
missionaries working in South

 Fr. Mugera was born in Lwagulu village in Masaka district.

 He left Uganda for South Africa in 1993 as a missionary 
and enrolled at St Joseph’s
 Kidala Major Seminary in Natal Province.

 He was ordained in October 2000 and posted to Rustenburg 
Diocese where he was
 appointed the parish priest early this year.

  © 2003 The Monitor Publications

Mitayo Potosi

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ugnet_: Wat Odwogo?

2003-06-17 Thread Abayombo
Priests trace Kony’s deadly flow of arms
By Ogen Kevin Aliro
June 17, 2003

President Yoweri Museveni meets Gen. Omar El Bashir of Sudan in Nairobi, in 1999. Can their two countries ever be ‘good neighbours’? (PPU photo).
The deadly flow of weapons to the LRA rebels continues from the Sudan, says a new report on the war in northern Uganda.

The Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative (ARLPI) Secretariat yesterday said in a report that it has evidence pointing at the Sudan Armed Forces.

“Senior officers of the rebel Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) have been receiving a constant supply of arms, ammunition and other items from officers of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) since the last months of 2002. This accounts for the fact that in recent months violence has escalated to unprecedented levels in northern Uganda, with the civilian population bearing the brunt of the rebel offensive.”

The ARLPI said that the information on the Sudan army’s continued support for the LRA has been “systematically verified”.

The ARLPI, which is seeking for a peaceful end to the conflict in northern Uganda, last week interviewed six different LRA “returnees” in Gulu and Kitgum. 

The returnees had all stayed with the LRA for between seven to ten years and had held ranks of sergeant to major. 

Following is a slightly edited version of what the ARLPI found:

“They were interviewed separately in the Lwo language without an interpreter and in places away from the sight and hearing of others, without any of them knowing that we were asking the same questions to their companions. Most of our informants — whose anonymity we are obliged to respect — knew members of our team from previous peace contacts made in the bush by the ARLPI. So that made it easier for them to speak without fear and with trust.

These are the main points that came out of these interviews:

1) At the beginning of the Operation Iron Fist, launched by the UPDF, the LRA found themselves in a difficult position having to fight against the UPDF, the SPLA (Sudan Peoples Liberation Army) and the SAF.

2) The LRA attacked positions of the SAF and kept them under constant harassment with regular ambushes against their vehicles.

3) During the second half of 2002, after the capture of Torit by the SPLA, some officers of the SAF sent an emissary to [Joseph] Kony in order to restore the old link with the LRA. The SAF stated that the UPDF was supporting the SPLA in Torit so they proposed working together with the LRA in an attempt to reverse the capture of Torit. 

The LRA representative involved in this discussion has been identified as “Boggy’s father”, an Acholi from Atyak who lives in Juba and is the father of a senior officer from the LRA.

4) Members of the SAF have been delivering truckloads of military assistance to the LRA in Nisitu since at least October 2002. In recent months, the LRA appear to be keeping a quasi base near Nisitu (where they come, stay for a few days and go), which they call “Wat Odwogo” (the relation is back). The LRA officers who deal more with the SAF are Col. Caesar Acellam and Lt. Col. Livingstone Opiro. Joseph Kony has also been present there several times during delivery of military and food aid (durra, lentils and beans).

5) Part of this weaponry and ammunition is being buried in secret locations in south Sudan and northern Uganda.

6) In mid-March 2003 a group of LRA fighters received instructions by radio-call from Col. Acellam to wait for a big delivery of supplies in a place located on the banks of the River Pager near the Goma Mount (Kitgum district). Soon after, a group commanded by Brig. Vincent Otti and Brig. Raska Lukwiya came from Sudan. Col. Acellam remained behind in Sudan to continue co-ordination with the SAF.

These are the items they distributed:

- B10 bombs, RPG shells, SPG shells, MGL shells, about 30 each.
- 20 boxes of bullets for each LRA commander, containing 720 bullets each.
- New uniforms.
- Groundnut paste in tins with Arabic inscriptions.

7) According to all our six informants, had the LRA remained short of military supplies since last year, by now they would have been forced to come to a negotiated settlement with the Uganda Government that would have made it possible to have peace in northern Uganda.”

The report by the religious leaders concludes that the continuous flow of weapons and ammunition to the LRA is killing the Acholi people in endless ambushes, attacks on displaced people’s camps and more recently destructive attacks on religious missions.

“The LRA appears to feel strong again as it continues its campaign of terror, abducting many innocent children who are being forced to fight and die in their ranks,” says the report released yesterday by the ARLPI Secretariat in Gulu.

“We really have to work at the international level, putting pressure on Sudan to stop this deadly flow of weapons,” a member of the ARLPI told The Monitor yesterday.

The report by the ARLPI would seem to confirm President

ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] Why Kill the Messenger?

2003-06-17 Thread NOC´LADUMAS GEORGES
A small some question, as you are a PPC member, what is the UPC´s official 
understanding? That the LRA and the NRA/ movement are embryonic?

I recall it was not so long ago when the party's chief executive expressed 
himself in manners which could have been perceived as UPC "spiritual" 
support for the LRA. I also notice that certain PPC members(on other forums) 
for whom only a few months ago, support for the LRA was a shrine have 
subsequently shifted or subsided.

As the UPC´s official position something to do with this?
best rgds

Subject: [Ugandacom] Why Kill the Messenger?
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 07:47:43 EDT
Why Kill the Messenger?";>The 
Monitor (Kampala)

June 17, 2003
Posted to the web June 17, 2003

Reports that the Lord's Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony has ordered the
killing of all priests in northern Uganda are alarming.
It is not the first time that the LRA have issued such threats. The
difference this time round is that the credibility of the report has been 
by the use of the Catholic Church's own local radio network.

We cannot understand why religious leaders, let alone ordinary civilians,
should become a prime target of any rebel group. While it is obvious that 
no one,
including the priests, is really safe from atrocities in the war-torn 
specifically targeting priests amounts to a witch-hunt of God's servants,
which is unacceptable.

Indeed, Catholic Church missions have been targeted in this conflict 
which explains the abduction of dozens of seminarians only two weeks ago. 
attempt to exacerbate this kind of action must be condemned.

Religious leaders are merely God's messengers who should be protected by a
rebel force that once claimed to be fighting so that Uganda can be governed
according to the Ten Commandments.
It is ironical that religious leaders who have been fighting tooth and nail
to find a lasting solution to the insurgency through negotiations should be
targeted. Yet in the past, there have been reports that Mr Kony wanted the
Catholic Church in particular to play a more active role in the peace 

The latest threat comes at a time of renewed hostilities. The Acholi
Religious Leaders Peace Initiative (ARLPI) appears to have failed and we 
are now back
to square one. The killings and abductions have resumed at an even greater
scale than before.

Even more worrying are reports that the Sudan government has resumed
providing covert military assistance to the Kony rebels contrary to the 
spirit of the
bilateral protocols signed by the two countries in the wake of the UPDF's
Operation Iron Fist.

The destruction of life and property in northern Uganda has gone on for far
too long. This is the time, especially for the LRA rebels, to put an end to 

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Re: ugnet_: "Kony's" Rebels to Kill 'All Priests'

2003-06-17 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 6/16/2003 8:43:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Why has he survived for all these 20 years and NRM has failed to get him? How can Konny survive when he is an enemy of both Uganda government and the population?


Simply The LRA is "Embedded" into the UPDF. As long as the UPDF survives, the LRA survives  Think about it.


RE: ugnet_: "Kony's" Rebels to Kill 'All Priests'

2003-06-17 Thread NOC´LADUMAS GEORGES
Eddy please, don't disappoint me in the morning.

".Why has he survived for all these 20 years and NRM has failed to get him? 
How can Konny survive when he is an enemy of both Uganda government and the 

You have indeed perfected the art of irony: answered your questions in the 


From: "Ed Kironde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: ugnet_: "Kony's" Rebels to Kill 'All Priests'
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 00:44:47 -0600
Mulindwa asks:
Why has he survived for all these 20 years and NRM has failed to get
him? How can Konny survive when he is an enemy of both Uganda government
and the population?
Could be that he is as elusive as Saddam Hussein.   The later has so far
eluded Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, John Major, Tony blair et al.

-Original Message-
Of Mulindwa Edward
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: "Kony's" Rebels to Kill 'All Priests'

My problem is not whether Konny can decide to kill all Priests, but I
have a very simple question that I want you to help me here.
We have been told all along that Konny is killing Ugandans, we have been
told that he kidnaps school girls and take them for wives, we have seen
the ears being cut off by Konny. Now as a person who knows Northern
Uganda, the Catholic church has done a very extensive work in the
North, from Schools to hospitals to every thing, today the information
is that Konny has directed to kill all priests, thus in essence he is
trying to destroy the Catholic infrastructure in Northern Uganda. In all
these actions I can not help but conclude that Konny is against the
population of Northern Uganda.
Why has he survived for all these 20 years and NRM has failed to get
him? How can Konny survive when he is an enemy of both Uganda government
and the population?

The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:25 PM
Subject: ugnet_: "Kony's" Rebels to Kill 'All Priests'
Kony's Rebels to Kill 'All Priests'

"The situation is very difficult in Kitgum," the priest said on phone,
his voice breaking with emotion.
Misna quoted Fr Gerner calling for the solidarity of all Ugandans and
the government to save the local population from more suffering at the
hand of the rebels.

ocation=Kampala"The Monitor (Kampala)
June 16, 2003
Posted to the web June 16, 2003
Richard M. Kavuma
Rebel leader Joseph Kony on Thursday ordered his troops to destroy
church missions and kill all priests in northern Uganda.
"Catholic missions must be destroyed, priests and missionaries killed in
cold blood and nuns beaten black and blue," said Mr Kony, speaking on
the local radio network used by the Catholic institutions in the
war-torn area.
The Rome-based Missionary Service News Agency (Misna) reported late on
Saturday that priests in the north were taking the threat "very
"Mr Kony's words are deeply scaring," Misna quoted Kitgum Parish Priest
Fr Joseph Gerner as saying.
"Daily violence against civilians in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts
make us believe that everything may be really possible," he said.
The UPDF spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza yesterday said that the army's
intelligence had intercepted similar information.
He said that the information is "reliable" and has been corroborated by
someone who recently escaped from the Kony rebels.
Misna editor Fr Julio Albanese told The Monitor on Saturday that rebels
have recently stolen a lot of radio equipment from Catholic missions in
the area that they now use to communicate.
Speaking on phone from Rome, Fr Albanese said that the voice of Kony was
heard at about 6 p.m.
Misna quoted Fr Gerner calling for the solidarity of all Ugandans and
the government to save the local population from more suffering at the
hand of the rebels.
The report did not say what the priest meant by that.

The report said that 11Comboni priests have been killed in various
circumstances in Uganda in the last 20 years.
Fr Gerner yesterday refused to talk about the latest threats, saying
that there is already enough trouble in Kitgum.
"The situation is very difficult in Kitgum,


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

of corruption and chaos in oil rush 
Denny, economics correspondentTuesday June 17, 2003The 
GuardianWashington's determination to find an alternative energy source to the 
Middle East is leading to a new oil rush in sub-Saharan Africa which threatens 
to launch a fresh cycle of conflict, corruption and environmental degradation in 
the region, campaigners warn today. 
The new scramble for Africa risks bringing more misery to the continent's 
impoverished citizens as western oil companies pour billions of dollars in 
secret payments into government coffers throughout the continent. Much of the 
money ends up in the hands of ruling elites or is squandered on grandiose 
projects and the military. 
Tony Blair will today urge the oil industry to be more transparent in its 
dealings with Africa. Openness and accountability are essentials for stability 
and prosperity in the developing world, he will tell oil company executives and 
oil exporting countries at a meeting in Lancaster House in central London. 
African countries own 8% of world oil reserves. An estimated $200bn (£125bn) 
in revenues will flow into African government treasuries over the next 10 years 
as new oilfields open up throughout the Gulf of Guinea. Oil will bring the 
largest influx of revenue in the continent's history, and more than 10 times the 
amount western donors give each year in aid. 
But Ian Gary, author of a new report, Bottom of the Barrel, from the US aid 
agency Catholic Relief Services (CRS), warned yesterday: "Petro-dollars have not 
helped developing countries to reduce poverty; in many cases they have actually 
exacerbated it. In Nigeria, for example, which has received over $300bn in oil 
revenues over the last 25 years, per capita income is less than a $1 a day." 
Despite the prime minister's backing for the extractive industries 
transparency initiative (EITI), aid agencies and MEPs say Britain has let oil 
companies off the hook by watering down plans to make publication of payments to 
third world governments mandatory. 
"The purely voluntary approach will not work in the countries where it is 
most needed because many political and business elites have major vested 
interests in avoiding transparency," said Simon Taylor, director of Global 
Witness, which works to expose links between natural resource exploitation and 
human rights abuses. 
British oil firms, including Shell and BP, have privately backed calls for 
publication of payments to be compulsory because they believe otherwise honest 
companies will be undercut by less scrupulous competitors. 
BP was nearly kicked out of Angola for disclosing that it had paid a $111m 
signature bonus to the government in 2001. 
But with the US administration under pressure from American oil companies to 
resist new regulations, Britain has abandoned the mandatory approach in favour 
of a statement of principles which industry and government representative can 
agree on. 
"As the initiative is increasingly watered down, the ability of the EITI to 
deliver on the promise of increased transparency in African countries remains 
seriously in doubt," Mr Gary said. 
Campaigners believe that without stronger enforcement, the British-led 
initiative will make little difference to helping African countries benefit from 
their oil reserves. 
The discovery of high-quality offshore fields has attracted interest at the 
highest levels of the Bush administration, which is determined to lessen 
America's dependence on imports from the Middle East. 
A taskforce headed by the US vice-president, Dick Cheney, predicted two years 
ago that West Africa would become the fastest growing source of oil and gas for 
the American market. 
"The US geostrategic view is that all crude oil is good, and all non-Opec oil 
is especially good. The goal is to take the Saudi hand off the spare oil 
capacity spigot," said Duncan Clarke, chairman and chief executive officer of 
Global Pacific and Partners International, an independent energy advisory group. 

Next month President Bush is planning to visit Senegal, Nigeria and South 
Africa, while the Pentagon is reportedly considering redeploying American troops 
to protect key oil reserves in Africa, particularly Nigeria. 
Washington is preparing to reopen its embassy in Equatorial Guinea, where oil 
revenues have boosted GDP by 60% over the last two years, despite state 
department reservations over the country's appalling human rights record. 
"The US has identified increasing African oil imports as an issue of 
'national security' and has used diplomacy to court African producers regardless 
of their record on transparency, democracy or human rights," said Mr Gary. 
The drive for African oil is taking on a much more American character, the 
report says. "New fields are being aggressively pursued by ExxonMobil, 
ChevronTexaco and by smaller firms such as Amerada Hess, Ocean and Marathon." 
"The flag is following commerce but the companies are 


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

British troops face children trained for war when they join 
the UN peace-keeping force in Congo authorised yesterday, writes Adrian 
Blomfield in Bunia
Ten-year-old Alphonse is a valuable asset to his Congolese 
militia: he obeys orders without question, he enjoys his job and he is 
meticulous when he murders.
Cradling an AK47 that seemed almost as big as him, he patrolled 
the shattered streets of Bunia yesterday, convincingly aping the arrogant strut 
of his adult commanders who seized the town after a bloody battle two weeks 
Alphonse, clad in a red beret, camouflage jacket and nylon 
trousers emblazoned with pink flowers, claims to have excelled himself in the 
battle, although he refused to reveal the identity of his victims.
"We kill who we are told to by the commander. I shoot them or I 
cut them like this," he said, drawing a finger across his throat with a chilling 
laugh before taking a drag from his cigarette.
"I can kill an old man, a woman, a child and even a mzungu [a 
white person], even you."
Dozens of boys and even the occasional girl, aged anywhere 
between eight and 18, stalk down Bunia's main thoroughfare, their eyes 
expressionless, their fingers curled around the triggers of automatic rifles. 
Known in Congo as the kadogos, or little ones, they are the cannon fodder of 
both the ethnic Hema militia and their tribal rivals, the Lendu, camped in 
mountain bases a few miles outside Bunia, where they are preparing a possible 
According to Catholic priests in Bunia half the combatants in 
Ituri, north eastern Congo's most battle-ridden province, are under 15.
Like Alphonse many are orphans, their parents among up to 4.7 
million victims who have died in Congo's five-year civil war. Some are abducted 
and forced into combat. Others volunteer, knowing that it may be their only 
chance to eat.
The United Nations Children's Fund, Unicef, has tried to take the 
kadogos off the battlefield and send them to school. Many escape and run back to 
their militias at the earliest opportunity.
"How can you rehabilitate a child who has been a professional 
killer?" said a European priest in Bunia. "They have been brainwashed and 
drugged. They do not know the difference between good and evil."
In the next few weeks a rapid reaction force led by France will 
arrive in Bunia with an Afghanistan-style mandate authorising the use of force 
to stop the killing. Britain is expected to contribute anywhere between 200 and 
1,000 troops.
Thrown into a hideously brutal and complex war, one of the most 
difficult dilemmas facing the force will be how to deal with the kadogos. They 
are among the most bloodthirsty of the combatants.
The mandate specifically requires the mission to protect the 
civilian population but European troops are likely to baulk at the prospect of 
opening fire on young children.
British troops will confront acts of savagery on both sides. Both 
the Hema and the Lendu militias have mercilessly slaughtered civilians in Bunia, 
shooting, hacking or bludgeoning them to death. Cannibalism has been rife.
Florent Nzama, a theology student, was in his bedroom at the 
seminary behind Bunia's Catholic church when hundreds of Lendu militia men 
smashed through the door. They dragged men, women and children into the garden 
and executed everyone who did not speak the Lendu language.
Mr Nzama, who was neither Hema nor Lendu, escaped the killing. 
"After paying them money I managed to get to my room and put on an army jacket 
and a beret I had kept just in case," he said. "They thought I was a combatant 
and so I escaped."
A total of 24 people, including two priests, were killed and an 
unknown number of women and children were abducted, almost certainly to become 
sex slaves of the Lendu militiamen.
With the Hemas in control most Lendus have fled Bunia. Unsigned 
letters circulated through the town yesterday telling those who remained to 
leave within 48 hours or face execution.
The Red Cross has found 415 bodies, either on the streets, in 
barely covered mass graves or in pit latrines.
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Intervention in Congo will not 
Only Congolese can overcome 
the legacy of the west's kleptocrat 
BrittainTuesday June 17, 2003The Guardian The military intervention in Ituri province 
in the Democratic Republic of Congo by a French-led force, which will include 
100 British soldiers, is a doomed effort to bring a military solution to deep 
political, economic and social problems. Ituri's terror is highly likely to 
spread to north and south Kivu, and west to Kisangani. 
Many backing this enterprise know it will fail. They are responding to the 
fashion for western military intervention "to stop the killing", and if this 
logic prevails, Liberia or even Zimbabwe will be next. The chronic instability 
and devastation in the aftermath of US-led regime change in Iraq and Afghanistan 
should be a warning against another western military invasion with no clear 
mandate and no exit strategy. 
Congo's own history reinforces that warning. This is the country where in 
1965 Che Guevara led 128 volunteer fighters in the east in an ill-fated attempt 
to support a liberation movement founded by Congo's murdered independence leader 
Patrice Lumumba. At the same time a white mercenary force from apartheid South 
Africa and Belgium was embarking on what their commander, Mike Hoare, called 
"the adventure of their lives" to keep a pro-western regime in power. General 
Mobutu seized power once they had stabilised the country, and Congo began its 
30-year decline into desperate poverty, under a kleptocratic dictatorship 
supported by the west. 
The past is now playing itself out there. Eastern Congo is home to 
15,000-20,000 Rwandan Hutu rebels spread over 150,000 sq kms, according to the 
Belgian-based International Crisis Group. The main group, the misleadingly named 
Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, has many allies among the 
eastern Congolese warlords and militias. This is a group that denies the Rwandan 
genocide while campaigning for inclusion in Rwanda's political life. Its private 
Sun Radio broadcasts systematic disinformation from Austria about what awaits 
any ex-combatant returning to Rwanda. The ICG has called for the closing of this 
station with its terrifying echoes of radio Mille Collines that incited the 1994 
genocide. No wonder Rwanda has warned that if the current Ituri violence 
threatens to spill over the border, it will intervene. 
Ituri's is not a tribal war. Nor is it a Rwanda-style state-organised 
genocide. Land rivalries between the Hema and Lendu are being stoked by the 
national power struggle in Kinshasa between the government of President Joseph 
Kabila, the movement of Jean-Pierre Bemba and the eastern RCD-Goma. All support 
and arm local militia groups. Terrible massacres have been perpetrated by both 
Hema and Lendu militias, according to Human Rights Watch. Uganda, which occupied 
Ituri from 1998 until last month, has shifted alliances continuously between the 
militias and armed them to the hilt. Rwanda and Uganda back rival political 
Warlord culture has brought eastern Congo to catastrophe. Death, 
displacement, lost livelihood, sexual violence, HIV-Aids on a massive scale, 
have been the experience of recent years. This life is not unique to Ituri, nor 
to Congo. This was life in the rural areas in Angola for 15 years, while the US 
supported Jonas Savimbi's war for regime change. Liberia has seen the same since 
Sergeant Doe's coup in 1979. 
These complex African wars are wars of under-development. The countries' 
economic systems have collapsed. Education has broken down from decades without 
funding. Guns are readily available. Violence, often linked to drugs, has 
replaced tolerance. Respect for women and community has been eroded by the 
terror practices of the warlords. 
Repairing the social fabric in Ituri and elsewhere will be a long slow 
process taking generations, and it will be done by Congolese. The local Ituri 
pacification commission has created an interim assembly and is trying to get 
dialogue going. Congo's civil society has many associations doing peace work, 
despite almost no resources. Local leaders, especially women, need the basic 
means to work in 21st-century conditions - a computer, a bicycle, or a radio. 
Ocha, the UN's humanitarian organisation, has played an important role in 
helping local initiatives. It should be given a bigger budget and a higher 
status than the military. 
For months negotiations have been going on for a transitional Congolese 
government. For most Congolese, this government, like Mobutu's, is illegitimate. 
Ordinary Congolese talk of their overwhelming desire for justice: many of the 
warlords now being validated by the powerful outsiders in the new government and 
army should in fact be facing war crimes charges. 
· Victoria Brittain is a research associate at the London School of 

Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda i


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward






ROYAL SMILE: One of the Sangalyambogo stamps 
launched by Posta Uganda 

Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Here we go with questions popping up more than 
answers. We knew as by statements from Uganda Government that Konny was now 
operating from Sudan and he was basing in Sudan as he is  attacking in 
Northern Uganda. As a person who knows Northern Uganda, Sudan is way too North 
for even a force which has a light infantry with the greatest mobility, to be 
able to move from Sudan hit in Gulu district and go back to Sudan with out the 
detection of UPDF. But this is getting better for now Konny has not only managed 
to make that miracle over and over, but he has passed UPDF and went all the way 
East to now Katakwi. So he has left Sudan come to Katakwi hit them and gone back 
to Sudan. Where is UPDF when all this is taking place? How many miles do we have 
from the Sudan border to Katakwi? Why is SPLA (Which controls Southern Sudan) 
Allow Konny to operate in Southern Sudan yet they are Uganda's friends? And 
lastly are Ugandans being attacked by Konny or by UPDF?

Kony Rebels Hit Katakwi

  FLIGHT: Residents of Obalanga subcounty fleeing to 
  safety after suspected LRA rebels attacked their village on 

  --Four people killed, 100 huts set ablaze By R. Otim & J. 
  Opolot in Katakwi SUSPECTED rebels of the Lord’s Resistance Army 
  (LRA) on Sunday night attacked Obalanga trading centre in Kapelebyong 
  county, Katakwi district, killing a Local Defence Unit (LDU) and three 
  civilians. They burnt a Police post and an LDU detachment. They 
  also burnt 101 grass-thatched huts and eight shops after they failed to 
  carry all the loot. They abducted 12 civilians. The attackers are 
  said to have been commanded by ‘Col.’ Charles Tabuley, a notorious Kony 
  commander. The mid-eastern Regional Police Commander (RPC), Bob 
  Ngobi, told a press conference at his office in Soroti that the attackers 
  spoke Luo and wore both civilian and military clothes. They looted 
  Obalanga health centre. He said four people had been confirmed 
  dead one of whom had been identified as a Local Defence Unit (LDU) 
  officer. “We do not know how many (of the attackers) they were but 
  the number is believed to have been big,” the RPC said. He said 
  the number of the rebels had been estimated at over 100. “We have 
  not known who the attackers were but there are similarities with the LRA 
  operations,” Ngobi said. Residents who fled to Soroti for refuge 
  said the rebels moved to Kapelebyong county headquarters and settled at 
  Amusus-Awoja P7 school. The district councillor for Obalanga, 
  Julius Ocen, said over 100 huts at the Internally Displaced Persons camps 
  and 10 shops had been burnt. A UPDF officer attached to a Victor 
  battalion that had been attacked by the rebels said a soldier was killed. 
  “These people (the rebels) came in a very big number that our 
  soldiers could not repulse them. The best they could do was to flee for 
  their lives,” the soldier said. When The New Vision rushed to 
  Obalanga, frightened residents had bundled what remained of their 
  belongings and were fleeing the area. This is the second time the 
  LRA rebels have attacked Katakwi district. In 1998 they attacked Orungo 
  health unit and looted it of all the drugs. Meanwhile, Emmy Olaki 
  and Steven Candia report in Kampala that the four-hour attack that started 
  at about 8:00pm and lasted till midnight also left three civilians dead. 
  There were fears that a number of policemen attached to the post were 
  either dead or abducted. Third division chief Andrew Gutti said, “I 
  have sent out my officers to the field.” The rebels hacked 18 
  civilians to death in Apac just hours before. A source in the RDC’s office 
  said the rebels were heading for Alias Abyaru’s home, once visited by the 
  Published on: Tuesday, 17th June, 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-06-17 Thread Mulindwa Edward

From: Kaswatuka Kasongo 

assassination plot by Kagame: new revelations.  By AfroAmerica 
Network.  Kigali Rwanda – Goma, DRC, June 14, 2003.   
On March 10, 2003, in our editorial comment titled “Kabila Jr. 's Congo: 
Another Rwanda  unfolding, “ AfroAmerica Network revealed an assassination 
plot being fomented by  the Rwanda army through its proxy, the Congolese 
Rebels of the RCD.  The story  is being  confirmed by the exiled 
former Rwandan Minister of Defense,  Brigadier General Emmanuel Habyalimana 
and his former colleague Colonel Ndengeyinka in an article published by the 
Belgian newspaper Le Soir on June 13, 2003. According to Le Soir story,  
the Rwandan army has already appointed Rwandan generals who will serve at the 
top of the future integrated Congolese army, as the RCD-Goma 
representatives.  RCD-Goma as such does not exist. If Kabila accepts the 
nomination of the generals to head Defense and Security, he will be killed in a 
two-month period during a  mounted coup d’Etat.AfroAmerica Network 
had written  in  March 2003 that  the rebels backed by Rwanda 
will have a troy horse in Kinshasa, to kill Kabila and take power. A  
repeat of 1994 in Rwanda.What is important is not that General 
Habyarimana’s and Colonel Ndengeyinka’s story confirms what AfroAmerica Network 
knew all along? It is the insistence of the Rwandan proxy to absolutely and 
unconditionally have a final say on the composition and the  command of 
Congolese Army, the true power in most African countries, especially the 
Democratic Republic of the Congo.This information also confirms another 
information AfroAmerica just received from  RCD officers and Rwandan 
intelligence. RCD, while refusing to accept the oversight of the Central 
government, has appointed and sent its representatives in Government 
territories. These representatives, mostly from the RCD intelligence services, 
are recruiting and training  the would-be fifth column, or RCD cells, who 
will provoke  unrest and take over the regions and cities once Kabila is 
killed and a period of chaos follows.  Some of these fifth column 
agents such as   Mansanga Tshiwuadi, in Kasai oriental  and  
Evariste Tumba  in Bas-Congo are well known. Many more, including members 
of the Rwandan Army Special Forces have already been infiltrated in Lubumbashi, 
Kinshasa, Kisangani, and other major cities. The plan is to assassinate Kabila, 
provoke the population rage, instigate massacres, and take power in the 
chaos.  This plan worked in Rwandan. Kagame thinks it will even easily work 
in the DRC.Kagame  plans to install Tshisekedi as the 
president,  Azarias Ruberwa as the Vice-President, and Arthur Zahidi Ngoma 
as the Prime Minister. A Rwandan Bizimungu-Kagame-Twagiramungu scenario.  
The Rwandan Army will be the de  facto army of DRC  under RCD banner. 
Once the World’s attention has waned, Tshisekedi will be replaced by Azarias 
Ruberwa and maybe sent to retirement in his native Kasai Oriental province if he 
is still alive.  Arthur Zahidi Ngoma will certainly go back to exile, 
although he may also be killed in the process.  The situation is so 
serious and the information so reliable and alarming that Kabila’s allies are 
working around the clock to foil the plot. Hence, the French launched in 
catastrophe the operation Artemis, which, under the cover of Bunia’s tragedy, 
will serve as the bumper against the Rwandan invasion from the East. Angolans 
just proposed to the United Nations Security Council  their official return 
to Congo to protect major cities where leaders will be based. In reality it is 
to counter the actions of infiltrated Rwandan Special forces.  
Rwanda, on its side, fears Kabila may initiate actions. That is why 
Rwandan allies, especially the South Africans and somewhat, the British who have 
initially dragged their feet, have rushed to participate in operations in 
Eastern Congo.AfroAmerica Network still has the clock still 
ticking.  How many months can we give to  Kabila Jr.?