2003-09-14 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Million UK Casualties A Year From Weekend 


LONDON (ANI) -- Weekend 
accidents and violent assaults have become a common feature these days. 
A new survey has found that one million hospital casualty cases in the 
U.K on Friday and Saturday nights are linked to alcohol. 
Among such incidents most are victims of violent 
assaults in pubs and clubs and some are in road accidents. 
In order to have control over this, Prof Colin 
Drummond, of St George's Hospital Medical School in London has said that 
the age limit for drinking should be raised, there should be tighter 
controls on alcohol advertising, explicit labels and unit measurements 
on bottles. He further said raising prices should be considered by the 
government, according to a report in 
A nationwide survey of 32 accident and emergency 
departments on a Saturday night showed that 40 per cent of the 
attendance was linked to alcohol, he said. Assuming Friday night figures 
to be similar, this is equivalent to an annual figure of a million 
alcohol-related attendances, he added. 
"There are lots of missed opportunities for 
intervention," said Prof Drummond. Between 10 minutes and 30 minutes of 
advice from a GP has been shown to cut the number of excessive drinkers 
by 20 per cent. 
And raising the age limit from 18 to 21, as had been 
done in some American states, had caused a significant drop in 
alcohol-related road deaths, he added. 
While alcohol abuse in other parts of Europe was 
falling, the reverse was true in the UK because of a range of factors 
from increasing wealth, and levels of stress and depression, he said. 
The UK also has probably the highest levels of under age drinking in 
Europe, he argued. And, among 18- to 24-year-old women there has been a 
70 per cent rise in alcohol abuse over the past 12 years. 
"I don't think it is just the Bridget Jones 
phenomenon," said Prof Drummond. "The drinks industry is putting huge 
effort into making drink more attractive to women, making pubs more 
He also accused the industry of flouting voluntary 
codes, notably those that caution against using sex to market 
Copyright © 2001 ANI-Asian News International. All 
rights reserved.
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: Luwero in Pictures

2003-09-14 Thread dbbwanika db 

Think for the moment that the appointing authority – lost track of what is doing or as Ugandans assume is about to suffer from mind loss.

Enter Luwero Revolution and its numerous ministers- a playground.

Natural law will suggest – for any development to take place in Luwero as anywhere else, and as per appointing authority there must be several things on ground.

(a).  A well-designed plan in defined areas socially, economically etc,  - (b) budgetary provision i.e. finances and funding  (c). time frame for implementation and execution.   None of the above is on ground 

as for budgetary provision were financing is not adequate – a command type of economy will be instituted i.e. Stalinist forceful industrialisation – but in both cases I only see failure devoid of systematic region and state plan.

But the above can likewise be poised on the flimsy feeling – that Kampala is not sleeping.

Notice on a massive scale of privatisation- Uganda is no where a strong economy – a failure. Massive indoctrination has only disoriented society – re failure.

Now suppose that the Luwero minister, indeed has an steel heart with help of voodoo or magi  or simply Juses ‘s fine hand, doing the impossible-

 All that what COA, Luwero district administration and planning , rdc, iso , district intelligence officer can’t do 

Have you ever asked what the minister can do that those above-mentioned legal entities can’t do where they can do?

The circus goes on – and the audience is all smiles. Welcome to the Luwero Revolution.

ugnet_: Col. Elly Kayanja has urged all Ugandans to join the hunt Against KONI

2003-09-14 Thread Matekopoko
Col. Kayanja lauds late Capt. Ruyonga 
By Eunice Kabahuma 
September 14, 2003

KYENJOJO- Col. Elly Kayanja has urged all Ugandans to join the hunt against the Lord's Resistance Army rebels in the north and north east of the country.

Kayanja is the Director General of Internal Security Organisation, (ISO). He made the appeal last week during the burial of late Capt. Chris Ruyonga, the Kaberamaido district internal security officer, who was killed in an LRA ambush in Soroti on September 1. He was buried at his ancestral home in Kasiina in Kyenjojo district. 

Ruyonga died together with 24 others when the rebels ambushed the Gateway passenger bus at Atirir Catholic Mission in Katine sub-county. 

Kayanja exalted the late Ruyonga as a patriot. "That is why he died fighting for the people of Teso yet he is a Mutooro," Kayanja said.

His burial was attended by senior regional and district security officials from various parts of the country. 

ugnet_: Sudan renews UPDF stay

2003-09-14 Thread Matekopoko
Sudan renews UPDF stay 
By Alex B. Atuhaire 
September 14, 2003

BOMBO - Sudan has extended the protocol allowing Uganda to enter her southern region to hunt the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels.

The protocol was extended up to September 30, at Bombo army headquarters on Friday. 

The protocol had expired on August 31. The Minister of State for Defence, Ms Ruth Nankabirwa, signed on behalf of Uganda while the Sudanese Ambassador, Surajjudin Hamid Yousef, signed on behalf of his country.

The Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence Col. Noble Mayombo and army spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza witnessed the signing. 

Sudan and Uganda signed the renewable protocol last year, allowing the Ugandan army to enter southern Sudan to flush out the LRA from their bases there. 

Ms Nankabirwa said a government delegation will next month go to Khartoum for talks over ( Talks! Talks about what?)

© 2003 The Monitor Publication

ugnet_: Arrow Boy Kills Soldier, Arrested

2003-09-14 Thread Matekopoko

Arrow Boy Kills Soldier, Arrested

The Monitor (Kampala)

September 12, 2003 
Posted to the web September 12, 2003 

Patrick Elobu Angonu and Alex B. Atuhaire

A Teso militia fighter has been arrested for shooting a UPDF soldier dead and injuring two others, 3rd Division Commander Col. Andrew Guti has said.

"Yes we are holding an Arrow Boy for shooting a UPDF soldier dead and injuring two others. But I don't have details," he said.

The Arrow Group, is a local militia in Teso, fighting the Joseph Kony rebels along side the UPDF.

Guti talked to The Monitor on Wednesday at Soroti Independence Gardens during the peace prayers.

Security sources identified the Arrow Boy only as Ecegu. Ecegu allegedly killed the soldier in a fire exchange.

"I am aware an Arrow Boy was arrested in Gweri for killing a UPDF officer and crippling two other soldiers. But don't quote me as yet. This is a hot potato," a security source said.

Sources said Ecegu shot the soldiers after they refused to engage the rebels who sneaked into Soroti town from Gweri on Tuesday.

The arrest of Ecegu comes in the wake of an merging rift between the local militia and UPDF over the prosecution of the war against the rebels in Teso.

The rift is reportedly centered on strategy and logistics needed to fight the rebels.

The Arrow Group accuses UPDF of "cowardice" and resorting to conventional warfare. The UPDF is angry that the local militia is quick to claim credit whenever government soldiers score a major victory against the rebels.

Asked whether the rift would jeopardise the war effort against the LRA, Col. Guti said "no."

"In a home children fight but they can't separate a family," he said.

ugnet_: Re: Sudan renews UPDF stay

2003-09-14 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 9/14/2003 2:50:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kaguta may even have an indefinite time to operate in Sudan territory. The problem is not in Sudan. It it is right with him
Charles Eliba

You are quiet correct in your assertion above. But then the NRM/A have failed to realise this basic fact. I think it was Ms Winnie Byanyima who once pointed out that Kony is in Yoweri Museveni's State house in Nakasero.

In any case, it is not the first time that the UPDF have been allowed or rather have stayed in Southern Sudan for months hunting or searching for KONI Rebels. 

 If indeed, stationing troops in Southern Sudan could solve the KONI problem, the KONI REBEL issue could have been solved long time but then sometime one must be allowed "beat a dead horse " so to say, only to realize that the horse is not moving!!!


ugnet_: Dr Odiambo was assasinated

2003-09-14 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Assassination claims as Bomas official shot 
deadBy ODHIAMBO ORLALE A team leader in the constitutional review talks 
was shot by gunmen yesterday. Dr Odhiambo Mbai, chairman of the 
Devolution Committee of the National Constitutional Conference, was killed 
in attack at his Nairobi home. The raid was described as an 
"assassination" by minister Raila Odinga, who was among the first to arrive 
at Nairobi Hospital, where Dr Mbai was taken by neighbours. A 
shocked Constitutional Review chairman, Prof Yash Pal Ghai, also said he 
suspected the killers were hired gunmen. "The committee had made 
great progress and it is possible that there were some people who were not 
happy with its work and wanted to slow it down," he told the Nation. 
The gunmen burst into the university don's home near Adam's Arcade at 
about 3pm and opened fire, shooting him in the head, arm, stomach and 
thigh before escaping on foot. They did not steal anything. Dr Mbai 
was rushed to the Nairobi Hospital, where he died during an operation as 
doctors struggled to remove the bullets from his body. Earlier, 
addressing the press outside the hospital after Dr Mbai had been admitted, 
Mr Odinga said: ''There has been an assassination attempt on the life of Dr 
Mbai, who was the chairman of the devolution committee. This comes shortly 
after some delegates from Nyanza province had called a press conference to 
express fear that they were being trailed by unknown people, who had 
threatened them. This speaks volumes and your guess is as good as mine.'' 
But police said they were treating the shooting as an ordinary crime 
until other evidence comes up. Mr Odinga, who holds the Works, Roads 
and Public Housing portfolio, said it was significant the gang went straight 
for Dr Mbai and shot him without stealing anything. The gunmen 
hijacked a matatu on the busy Ngong Road and fled towards Karen. 
Only Dr Mbai, a close friend of Mr Odinga's and political science 
lecturer, and one of his daughters, Catherine, were at home when the 
gang struck at their maisonette. Catherine was taking a nap in an 
upstairs bedroom when she heard a commotion followed by three loud gunshots. 
She rushed downstairs and found her father bleeding profusely on the 
sofa set. He had been reading the Sunday newspapers. The Nairobi 
university student screamed as the three assailants rushed out of the house 
and escaped across the guarded compound to the main road. A 
neighbour, Kamukunji MP Norman Nyagah, helped Caroline and others at the 
scene to carry the wounded don into his Range Rover. He was rushed to 
Nairobi Hospital where he was taken straight to theatre. Mr Nyagah had 
just arrived from Mombasa when he heard three loud shots and commotion 
coming from Dr Mbai's house. Said the Chief Whip. ''I came from Mombasa 
today and as I was reading the newspapers I heard a commotion followed by 
three loud gunshots from Dr Mbai's house. I rushed there and found him 
bleeding on the sofa with gunshot wounds on his head and chest.'' 
Among the first to arrive at the hospital were Mr Odinga and former 
Kisumu mayor Shakeel Shabbir. The minister said all the information 
gathered so far indicated that it was an assassination attempt. Dr 
Mbai's Devolution Committee is one of the 12 technical teams writing the 
Constitution at the Bomas of Kenya. He is among the key people in the 
National Constitutional Conference, which has been dogged by controversy 
over radical reforms in the government structure. Mr Odinga 
said that as a delegate and a member of the welfare committee, he had 
ensured that the death threats were reported to police. On September 
11, a group of Nyanza delegates led by a Mr George Ochieng Orwa from Suba 
told the Press their lives were in danger after they exposed attempts to 
bribe participants in order to scuttle the review conference. 
Present at the press conference were Mr Shabir and Mbita MP Otieno 
Kajwang'. A rapporteur in the same committee, Mr Mutakha Kangu, 
said: "The wrangling that has been going on about the sharing of power has 
been worrying. I would not be surprised if someone felt they would derail 
the process by taking such an action. But at the same time, it could 
also be normal thuggery." Others at the hospital were MPs 
Oburu Oginga and Joseph Kamotho and a Ford People official, Ms Orie Rogo 
Manduli. Dr Mbai was considered a likely candidate for the Rangwe seat 
on an LDP ticket but was prevailed upon to stand down for Mr Philip 
Okundi. The devolution committee is looking at the 
distribution of power from the central government to district and civic 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

Re: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] IN DEFENCE OF MUNIINI MULERA

2003-09-14 Thread Matekopoko
...and you thought I was going to let Ed Kironde slide way with no response from this end.

First of all, Cardinal Emmanual Nsubuga's conspiracy with Yoweri Museveni Kaguta to create wars in our country is a well known fact. There are still some UNLA top ranking officers who are alive and can testify to this fact. and what do you have to say to that my friend?

Secondly, the NRM/A Created KONY because of your ( meaning NRM) Militaristic policy in Northern Uganda immediately following NRM's raise to power which saw the systematic and deliberately targeting of the Acholi for mass murder and slaughter, rape sodomy e.t.c 

Now the bold headed one, the warmonger Yoweri Kaguta Mucebeni, has to sleep deep there in the Jungle of teso .. I hear to fight KONY. Indeed he has been fighting KONI for now 18 years and inspite of claims by the likes of Kazini that Mbu we have KONI's Kaunda suit we norrowlly missed the man, KONI is still there driving Kaguta NUTS!

 This for man who often parades himself (in the Capital of US and Britain ) Mbu he is a military Genus! 18 years later Kaguta is still fighting KONI!


In a message dated 9/9/2003 12:49:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal"There is no way the suffering in Northern Uganda would have continued for now 18 years if some elements within some of our fellow citizens in Buganda (yes including the Late Cardinal Nsubuga) were not in cohorts with the NRM murderers to eat and destroy Uganda. This is a bitter fact. Matekopoko

 This is the most bizarre statement so far. If you have failed to blame Joseph Kony for slaughtering Ugandans in the northern part of the country and now in Teso, then you shift the blame on a dead respected leader in our society, we have a lot of work to do. Blaming Buganda for the slaughter of the Acholi seems to be the official stand of the UPC leadership  even when Obote writes about the LRA rebels he puts the word in quotes. You guys are seated on the truth and it is only fair to talk to your UPC members to stop the insurgency and do not blame Buganda. Dr Rwanyarare has already vowed to take up arms if the land deal is approved  I wonder how many times he is going to do that.

 Matekopoko is being certain of something you know nothing about. What do you intend to achieve by enticing your community that Buganda is to blame for the slaughter of the Acholi people for the past 18 years? As a politician, and am sure you have a handful following in your community, what would be the intention of portraying the late Cardinal Nsubuga as a murderer? This takes me back to my thinking that LRA has been and still is the fighting wing for UPC. Stop diverting your own atrocities on your own kin and then blame it to Buganda or the catholic community. Some of the people in Northern Uganda know what the politicians are doing blaming Buganda in the day and recruit at night.

 You are bankrupt of ideas Mr Matekopoko and regionalizing this insurgency and crediting it to Cardinal Nsubuga is clear testimony to that.


2003-09-14 Thread Mulindwa Edward


Yes you let him slide away. LOL. Can I put in only 
one suggestion, in this Matek/ Kironde exchange? How about putting in 
Uganda a free inquirely so that Ugandans can tell what they know? Surely Mwaami 
Kironde, democratic as your government is, you can do this. let us allow 
Ugandans to tell us how UNLA murdered Ugandans in Luwero and Ssingo, may be it 
will give us a chance to understand how Obote is a killer? Mwaami Kironde can I 
count on you to back my standing on a free and international monitored 
inqurirely, as the one which took place in Rwanda to know who exactly killed our 
people? Is it NRM or UNLA?

Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2003 7:22 
  Subject: Re: ugnet_: Re: [Ugandacom] IN 
  ...and you thought I was going to let Ed Kironde 
  slide way with no response from this end.First of all, Cardinal 
  Emmanual Nsubuga's conspiracy with Yoweri Museveni Kaguta to 
  create wars in our country is a well known fact. There are still some UNLA top 
  ranking officers who are alive and can testify to this fact. and 
  what do you have to say to that my friend?Secondly, the NRM/A Created 
  KONY because of your ( meaning NRM) Militaristic policy in Northern 
  Uganda immediately following NRM's raise 
  to power which saw the systematic and deliberately targeting of 
  the Acholi for mass murder and slaughter, rape sodomy e.t.c Now 
  the bold headed one, the warmonger Yoweri Kaguta Mucebeni, has to sleep deep 
  there in the Jungle of teso .. I hear to fight KONY. Indeed he has been 
  fighting KONI for now 18 years and inspite of claims by the likes of 
  Kazini that Mbu we have KONI's Kaunda suit we norrowlly missed the man, 
  KONI is still there driving Kaguta NUTS!This for man who 
  often parades himself (in the Capital of US and Britain ) Mbu he is a military 
  Genus! 18 years later Kaguta is still fighting 
  KONI!MatekIn a message dated 9/9/2003 12:49:16 PM Eastern 
  Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal"There is no way the suffering in Northern Uganda would 
have continued for now 18 years if some elements within some of our fellow 
citizens in Buganda (yes including the Late Cardinal Nsubuga) were not in 
cohorts with the NRM murderers to eat and destroy Uganda. This is a bitter 
fact. MatekopokoThis is the most bizarre statement so far. If you 
have failed to blame Joseph Kony for slaughtering Ugandans in the northern 
part of the country and now in Teso, then you shift the blame on a dead 
respected leader in our society, we have a lot of work to do. Blaming 
Buganda for the slaughter of the Acholi seems to be the official stand of 
the UPC leadership  even when Obote writes about the LRA rebels he puts the 
word in quotes. You guys are seated on the truth and it is only fair to talk 
to your UPC members to stop the insurgency and do not blame Buganda. 
Dr Rwanyarare has already vowed to take up arms if the land deal is approved 
 I wonder how many times he is going to do that.Matekopoko is being certain of something you know nothing 
about. What do you intend to achieve by enticing your community that 
Buganda is to blame for the slaughter of the Acholi people for the past 18 
years? As a politician, and am sure you have a handful following in 
your community, what would be the intention of portraying the late Cardinal 
Nsubuga as a murderer? This takes me back to my thinking that LRA has 
been and still is the fighting wing for UPC. Stop diverting your own 
atrocities on your own kin and then blame it to Buganda or the catholic 
community. Some of the people in Northern Uganda know what the 
politicians are doing blaming Buganda in the day and recruit at 
night.You are bankrupt of ideas Mr Matekopoko and regionalizing 
this insurgency and crediting it to Cardinal Nsubuga is clear testimony to 


2003-09-14 Thread Mulindwa Edward



  Israeli Says Killing 
  Arafat Is an Option 

1 hour, 48 minutes ago
  Press Writer 
  RAMALLAH, West Bank - The second-ranking 
  official in the Israeli government said Sunday that killing Yasser Arafat 
  - web 
  sites) is an option, as thousands of Palestinians took to the streets 
  across the West Bank and Gaza Strip (news 
  - web 
  sites) promising to protect their leader. 


  Israel blames Arafat for blocking peace efforts and preventing a 
  crackdown against militants who have carried out two suicide bombings in 
  the last week. 
  Vice Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday that killing Arafat is a 
  possibility — along with expelling him or keeping him in a siege that 
  would "isolate him from the world." Olmert's comments have not been part 
  of any official government statement. 
  Olmert's comments appeared aimed at sending signals to other 
  Palestinian leaders to abandon Arafat. Olmert, considered a likely future 
  candidate for premier, is the closest official to Prime Minister Ariel 
  Sharon (news 
  - web 
  sites) to say outright that Arafat might be killed. 
  "Arafat can no longer be a factor in what happens here," Olmert told 
  Israel Radio. "Expulsion is certainly one of the options, killing is also 
  one of the options." 
  Secretary of State Colin Powell (news 
  - web 
  sites) said Israel would incite rage among Arabs and Muslims 
  everywhere by exiling or killing Arafat. 
  "The Israelis know our position quite well," Powell told "Fox News 
  Sunday" during a visit to Iraq (news 
  - web 
  sites). "The United States does not support either the elimination of 
  him or the exile of Mr. Arafat." 
  Olmert's comments underscored the collapse of the U.S.-backed "road 
  map" peace plan and the depths to which Israeli-Palestinian relations have 
  sunk a decade after Arafat and then-Premier Yitzhak Rabin (news 
  - web 
  sites) agreed on the first Israel-PLO accords in September 1993. 
  In a sign that Israelis were bending on other U.S. demands, Israeli 
  security officials said Sharon has decided not to build, for now, a 
  section of security barrier that would have dipped deep into the West Bank 
  to incorporate Jewish settlements in the center of territory that 
  Palestinians want for a state. 
  The previously intended route of the barrier enraged Palestinians, who 
  saw it as a land grab, and was strongly opposed by the United States. 
  The plan to erect a security barrier between Israel and the West Bank 
  is popular in Israel as a way to block suicide bombers. No Palestinian 
  bombers have come from the Gaza Strip, which is fenced. 
  Israel has completed about 90 miles of the West Bank barrier, whose 
  fences, trenches, razor wire and concrete walls could eventually run more 
  than 400 miles, depending on the ultimate route. 
  Palestinian legislator Saeb Erekat, meanwhile, condemned Olmert's 
  statements as "the behavior and actions of a mafia and not a government." 
  Olmert's statements echoed threats by other Israeli officials following 
  last week's vaguely worded security Cabinet decision to "remove" him. The 
  decision came after twin suicide bombings killed 15 people. 
  Israeli leaders have said a move to further isolate Arafat could 
  include cutting phone lines and barring visitors to his Ramallah compound, 
  where he has been effectively confined for nearly two years. 
  The threats against Arafat have triggered daily protests in the West 
  Bank and Gaza Strip in support of Arafat. 
  On Sunday, thousands of supporters arrived for a fourth straight day at 
  Arafat's compound, chanting that their 74-year-old leader "is a mountain 
  that the wind can't shake." 

  Arafat emerged and waved, smiling. 
  Some 5,000 Palestinians in the Rashidiyeh refugee camp in southern 
  Lebanon also demonstrated to support Arafat. Speaking by telephone over a 
  loudspeaker, Arafat told them: "I will die in Palestine and I will not 
  In an unusual gesture, Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk al-Sharaa offered 
  support to Arafat by telephone Sunday, officials said. It was disputed who 
  had placed the call. 
  The Palestinians have asked the U.N. Security Council to intervene to 
  protect Arafat, who on Saturday urged Israel to return to the 


2003-09-14 Thread Mulindwa Edward

More Women Going 


More women are suffering from hair loss problems, 
because of stress, pollution, the contraceptive pill and the use of sex 
hormones in food, a medical expert said today. 
Jennifer Martinick, president of the Australasian 
Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, said other factors contributing to 
female hair loss included anaemia, thyroid problems, fever, childbirth 
or chronic malnutrition. 
Dr Martinick is one of a panel of experts who will 
speak on the issue at the International Association of Trichologists 
seminar in Perth today. 
"Problems with hair loss, which are typically 
associated with men and post-menopausal women, are now affecting women 
in their 20s and 30s," Dr Martinick said. 
She said while the psychological affects of hair loss 
in men could be devastating, hair loss for women caused an enormous 
amount of anxiety.,4057,7262894%255E1702,00.html
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-09-14 Thread Matekopoko
In a message dated 9/14/2003 7:51:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Yes you let him slide away. LOL. Can I put in only one suggestion, in this Matek/ Kironde exchange? How about putting in Uganda a free inquirely so that Ugandans can tell what they know? Surely Mwaami Kironde, democratic as your government is, you can do this. let us allow Ugandans to tell us how UNLA murdered Ugandans in Luwero and Ssingo, may be it will give us a chance to understand how Obote is a killer? Mwaami Kironde can I count on you to back my standing on a free and international monitored inqurirely, as the one which took place in Rwanda to know who exactly killed our people? Is it NRM or UNLA?


That sounds like a good suggestion. The people of Uganda will most definitely sing like a Bird if you know what I mean!!!... when the time is right.. that is. 

 Like I said, thank God we still have, alive, top ranking UNLA officers who have documented evidence which implicates the Cardinal Nsubuga in a conspiracy with Museveni to create wars in our country. There is no denying this fact. Who are some of this people trying to deceive... If there is a Good man of God we Know about it so do the people of Uganda. If there was and there is a bad Man of God, we Know that too. 



2003-09-14 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Last RightsBy Chris Floyd The Moscow 


Once again, the dispiriting spectacle of the American 
media in full campaign cry is upon us, as coverage of the 2004 
presidential race begins in earnest. But this time around, the usual 
inanities, inaccuracies and insipidities have a more melancholy flavor, 
an almost elegiac feel. It's like watching priests of a dead cult, 
vacantly enacting their rituals in a ruined temple whose gods have been 
broken, desecrated and cast down. 
The difference from past campaigns lies in the media 
mandarins' sad belief that there will actually be a genuine, open, 
presidential election in November 2004. This childlike faith stems, of 
course, from their equally fallacious conviction that the United States 
did not suffer a coup d'etat in December 2000 at the hands of an 
extremist faction of elites. 
Although the installation of second-place finisher 
George W. Bush was engineered in a wholly unprecedented and 
unconstitutional manner -- from the illegal purging of more than 90,000 
eligible, predominantly black voters from the Florida rolls by Jeb Bush 
to the violent mobs of Republican congressional staffers paid by George 
Bush to break up the vote recounts in Miami to the threats of military 
insurrection muttered by Bush Family factotum General Norman Schwarzkopf 
to the use of Republican-paid ex-CIA operatives to "correct" 15,000 
Florida absentee ballots to the Supreme Court ruling that unlawfully 
halted the Florida recount by citing a totally fictitious deadline for 
final tallies, down to the congressional session that officially 
"ratified" the election result, held in an half-empty chamber lacking 
the legally required quorum -- America's media leaders insist there was 
no coup because power was transferred "without tanks in the 
But of course, a classic coup is "not necessarily 
assisted by either the intervention of the masses or, to any significant 
degree, by military-type force." It's an inside job, carried out by 
factions within the elite. Who says? The man who literally wrote the 
book on the subject: right-wing guru -- and Pentagon advisor -- Edward 
In 1968, Luttwak penned "Coup d'Etat: A Practical 
Handbook," which could be the text of the 2000 Bush campaign, as John 
Dee reports in Lumpen magazine. Drawing on the extensive experience of 
the CIA in such pranks, Luttwak says that "a coup consists of the 
infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus, 
which is then used to displace the government from its control of the 
remainder." True coupsters "want to seize power within the present 
system" [his italics], then use the existing lines of authority and 
habits of obedience inherent in legitimate government to advance their 
own illegitimate aims. 
Propaganda and false patriotism are key coup 
ingredients. Luttwak says a coup's "information campaign" must "reassure 
the general public by dispelling fears that the coup is inspired by 
extremist elements, and to persuade particular groups that the coup is 
not a threat to them. The first aim will be achieved by manipulating 
national symbols and by asserting our belief in the prevailing pieties." 
United we stand! 
Meanwhile, Luttwak explains, opponents of the coup 
must be painted as isolated cranks, "a few misguided or dangerous 
individuals," unable to "move on" and accept the wonderful new reality. 
Reports of opposition must be "withheld" whenever possible; failing 
that, they must be marginalized and belittled, because "news of any 
resistance against us would act as a powerful stimulant to further 
resistance by breaking down this feeling of isolation." 
We know that Bush never reads any book that doesn't 
have pictures of goats in it, but it's clear that Dick Cheney has had a 
well-thumbed copy of Luttwak's handbook in his back pocket for years. 
The 2000 coup was carried out along Luttwakian lines by a small group of 
ideologues and elitists -- the latter drawn largely from the energy and 
defense industries -- seeking to advance their illegitimate aim of 
global domination by military force and control of the world's energy 
These objectives were no secret. Since 1992, Cheney, 
Don Rumsfeld and a gaggle of other dominionists now in power aired their 
plans publicly via a web of 

ugnet_: National dialogue is the way forward------Miniini K.Mulera

2003-09-14 Thread Owor Kipenji
















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Letter to A Kampala Friend 

By Muniini K. Mulera In Toronto National dialogue is the way forward September 15, 2003

Dear Tingasiga:
My letter of August 4 titled Northern Killings Bring Out Racism of Ugandans has, quite understandably, generated a lot of passionate debate. 
I have received numerous e-mail messages from Ugandans, especially from northern and north-eastern Uganda, expressing complete agreement with my submission. 
Others on some Internet discussion groups have offered very considered opinions about the terrible tragedy of the war in the north.
Of course one or two who labour under the burden of ethnic narrow-mindedness read anti-Buganda sentiments in my letter, where none existed. 
No doubt it was a tiny minority of readers who suffered such parochial reading of a fairly elementary essay. I am sure the majority of Ugandans, and certainly most Baganda, understood the essence of my commentary, namely, a condemnation of the UPDF's killing of innocent unarmed civilians in Acholi and Teso, as well as the absence of a collective outrage against these incidents. 
For the record, my condemnation of the crimes of the soldiers who killed innocent citizens was not a rejection of my long-held position with regard to fighting Mr Joseph Kony. 
Kony is a terrorist through and through, devoid of a programme or cause that is worthy of consideration by civilised people. I will say that again: Kony has no justifiable cause or political programme, besides turning his homeland into the heart of darkness. 
His group's savagery against the children, women and men of Acholi, Lango and Teso is clear evidence of this fact. 
That is why I have disagreed with the idea of negotiating with him. I remain in complete agreement with President Yoweri Museveni that Kony and his senior commanders must not be forgiven their crimes. 
Thus I still support, in principle, a hard-nosed military approach against these terrorists, though of course I totally reject, and will continue to condemn, any violent act by the UPDF directed at unarmed people. 
The UPDF's failure to end Kony's terrorist rebellion, the misconduct and criminal activities of some government soldiers, and the derailed political leadership of Mr Museveni and the NRM do not exonerate the brutal rogues of the LRA and their sponsors. 
Images of mutilated bodies of children, women and men, and persistent reports from independent sources about the LRA's crimes against humanity inform my opinion on this matter. 
Having said that, three realities that are worth reflecting on: 
First, the Kony terrorist rebellion is not about to end. While Lt. Gen. Museveni and some of his senior commanders have declared, for the umpteenth time, that Kony is finished, blood continues to flow in an ever-expanding killing field. Not even Museveni believes the official deception. 
Second, the UPDF has been made to fail in its mission to protect the people of northern Uganda. 
Notwithstanding the claims of the Ugandan President and the presence of written guidelines, the UPDF is not organised and managed as a disciplined force. 
Well-informed sources in the army tell us that the force is guided and run on impulse. Recruitment, training, promotion and administration do not follow any standards and procedures. All this has killed the morale of the fighting force. 
Furthermore, the extreme corruption in the army, which makes the civilian version of this scourge sound like child's play, has killed the fighting spirit of what was once a respected and disciplined force. 
The northern rebellion has been a financial windfall for some powerful military officers who have become so rich that they are not eager to risk their lives and comfort in the defence of poor peasants. 
While there are many excellent and committed UPDF soldiers and officers, the fact is that the army has become dysfunctional and therefore ineffective in its mission. 
It has not escaped one's attention that the president himself is actively building his own parallel army, the Presidential Guard Brigade [PGB], a powerful commentary on his view of the regular force. 
None of this is good news for those of us who had hoped that the UPDF would perform its constitutional duty and deliver a knockout punch to the terrorists and secure peace and safety for millions of Ugandans in the northern region. 
Third, many people from Acholi and others better acquainted with the situation on the ground than I am, have made well reasoned arguments 

ugnet_: Top Ten Reasons Why Men Fail With Women

2003-09-14 Thread Owor Kipenji

“The Ten Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU ProbablyMake With Women—And What To Do About It...”
Here Are The Top Ten Reasons Why Men Fail With Women—And How To Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One Of These Deadly Common Mistakes...
-By David DeAngelo, Author Of “Double Your Dating”
MISTAKE #1: BeingToo Much Of A “Nice Guy”
Have you ever noticed that the really attractive women never seem to be attracted "nice" guys?
Of course you have.
Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive female friends that always seemed to date "jerks"... but for some reason they were never romantically interested in YOU.
What's going on here?
It's actually very simple...
Women don't base their choices of men on how "nice" a guy is. They choose the men they do because they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them.
And guess what?
Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that powerful ATTRACTION.
And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you.
I realize that this doesn't make a lot of logical sense, and it's hard to ACCEPT... but GET OVER IT.
Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with women that you want.
MISTAKE #2: Trying To“Convince Her To Like You"
What do most guys do when they meet a woman that they REALLY like... but she's just notinterested?
Right! They try to "convince" the woman to feel differently.
Never, ever, EVER.
You cannot CONVINCE a woman to feel differently about you with "logic and reasoning".
Think about it.
If a woman doesn't "feel it" for you, how in the world do you expect to change that FEELING by being "reasonable" with her?
But we all do it.
When a woman just isn't interested, we beg, plead, chase, and do our best to change her mind.
Bad idea. One that will never work.
MISTAKE #3: Looking To HerFor Approval Or Permission
In our desire to please women (which we mistakenly think will make them like us), us guys are always doing things to get a woman's "approval" or "permission".
Another HORRIBLE idea.
Women are NEVER attracted to the types of men who kiss up to them... EVER.
Don't get me wrong here.
You don't have to treat women BADLY for them to like you.
But if you think that treating a woman well means "always getting her approval and permission for things", think again.
You will never succeed by looking for approval. Women actually get ANNOYED at men who seek their approval.
Doubt me? Just ask any attractive woman if Wussy guys who chase her around and want her approval annoy her...
MISTAKE #4: Trying To “Buy” Her Affection With Food And Gifts
How many times have you taken a woman out to a nice dinner, bought her gifts and flowers, and had her REJECT you for someone who didn't treat her even HALF as well as you did?
If you're like me, then you've had it happen a LOT.
Well guess what? 
It's only NATURAL when this happens...
That's right, I said NATURAL.
When you do these things, you send a clear message:
"I don't think you'll like me for who I am, so I'm going to try to buy your attention and affection". Your good intentions usually come across to women as over-compensation for insecurity, and weak attempts at manipulation. That's right, I said that women see this as MANIPULATION. 

MISTAKE #5: Sharing“How You Feel” Too Early InThe Relationship With Her 
Another huge and unfortunate mistake that most men make with women is sharing how they "feel" too early on.
Attractive women are rare.
And they get a LOT of attention from men.
Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are being approached in one way or another ALL THE 
An attractive woman is often approached several times a DAY by men who are interested. This translate into dozens of times per week, and often HUNDREDS of times per month.
And guess what?
Attractive women have usually dated a LOT of men.
That's right. They have EXPERIENCE.
They know what to expect.
And one thing that turns an attractive women off and sends her running away faster than just about anything is a guy who starts saying "You know, I really, REALLY like you" after one or two dates.
This signals to the woman that you're just like all the other guys who fall for her too fast... and can't control themselves.
Don't do it. Lean back. Relax.
There's a much better way...
MISTAKE #6: Not “Getting” How Attraction Works For Women
Women are VERY different from men when it comes to ATTRACTION.
You need to accept this fact, and deal with it.
When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction.
But does the same apply for women?
Do women feel sexual attraction to men based mostly on looks? Or is something else going on?
Well, after studying this topic for over five full years now, I can tell you that women usually have their "attraction mechanisms" triggered by things OTHER than looks.
Have you ever noticed that you see a lot more average and unattractive men with beautiful women than the other way around?
Think about 

ugnet_: Court to hear Mutale petition September 23

2003-09-14 Thread Matekopoko

 The man wants his job back as ..I hear "Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs"

Court to hear Mutale petition September 23 
By Halima Abdallah 
September 14, 2003

KAMPALA - The High Court will on September 23 start hearing Maj. Kakooza Mutale's petition against his sacking by the president.

Mutale, a former Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs, was sacked last month by President Yoweri Museveni on recommendation from the Inspector General of Government. 

Mutale wants court to overrule the IGG's findings and to declare that Museveni's decision to sack him was null and void.

The IGG made a report in May accusing Mutale of failing to declare his assets as required by law.

Mutale challenged his dismissal on August 28 in the High Court in Kampala through his counsel Kibedi  Co. Advocates.

Justice Yorokamu Bamwine will hear the petition. Mutale contends that he was erroneously sacked because the report by the IGG did not comply with the Leadership Code provisions. 

He accused the IGG of refusing to give him the forms on which to declare his wealth.