2003-09-17 Thread NOC´LADUMAS GEORGES

Woow, that Church is smoking!!! Try the real Afrikan ones, mate Mitayo. If it is not child molestation it is the other, God damn it!
AND THE REGIMES let him get away with it?!
There is a saying that "..he who allows a fool to fool him is more foolish than the fool::".

In that light the regimes that allowed Nsubuga to fool them are more foolish than Nsubuga.


THEREBY NOT SAID THAT HE DID RIGHT. I only mean that they should have stopped him if they themselves were not birds of a feather.

Too bad that where I come from we do not shoot at graves. But who knows, may be one day I'll gut-up.

best rgds


>From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>




>Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 22:59:33 + 



>Mates, this His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Nsubuga was a criminal 

>f'cking dog who should never have taken the leadership of my beloved 

>Catholic Church. I know all is not well in that church but this 

>Nsubuga thug was in a class of his own. More greedy than a hyena. 


>And while at it, was his death due to natural causes or AIDS? 

>Whatever the cause, I say good riddance. 


>How many Ugandans have since died stemming from his betrayal? 

>How many Rwandese? And how many Congolese have died as a result? 


>You guys talk about his farm in Ssingo where he used to train rebels 

>to kill Ugandans. But he had a whole route for weapons inflow all 

>the way from Mombasa to Kampala. Like many others who have sold us 

>for a few pieces of silver he was imperialisms' running dog. How 

>much did he get from Lonrho anyway. (That is Cecil Rhodes' so-called 

>LONdon RHOdesia settler colonist corporation, if you didn't know). 


>May the dirtiest of sewers seep down into his grave. If you ever see 

>his grave get a bullet and shoot it into his grave/coffin. The 

>criminal should have been hanged in a public square. 


>Mitayo Potosi 



>>From: noc´l gaumoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>






>>Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 14:06:22 +0200 


>><< Mates.doc >> 




>Not only you, Mulindwa, I too shiver. 


>Adwong Aniap, were things so bad? This is really scary and indeed 

>sorrowful, to put it mildly. It is hard to draw tenable conclusion 

>if Rt. Rev Nsubuga indeed acted so. It leaves a lot of Questions. 


>You said: 

>“…Knowing was one thing, but getting the bulls by the horns was 

>something different and almost impossible. The late Nsubuga's 

>intentions and activities re-enforced by M7, some individual 

>Ugandans even those who served under the UPC II, politicians and 

>political groupings was no secret.” 




>I will not go into what Ladit Mulindwa already articulated or where 

>our viewpoints phase. 


>Rude awakenings, indeed! What has chanced our former UPC WITH SPINAL 

>CORDS? Was the façade a mere bluff? 


>You know, Godfrey, such attitudes awaken bad memories. What you 

>rehiterated is exactly the hallmark of Ugandan and indeed, general 



>Our elected leaders and other forms of folk representation are not 

>are not delegated that trust to be THEORETICIANS. Politicians are 

>supposed to be pragmatic(ian)s. Otherwise, they may as well abdicate 

>and allow others who can move mountains do the show. What do you 

>think about that difference? Why should we have a bunch of 

>theoreticians on top of already overwhelming heap of advisors and 

>consultants? Why should we have inactive theorists occupying “action 

>/ decision” positions which they do not administer well? 


>From what you say, it is not surprising that things went the way 

>they did or that the political situation is the way it is. 


>Recall that this was not the first time. In so-called Obote 1, Field 

>Marshal Dr. Idi Amin Dada DSO, VC, MC Con Br.Empire´s COUP in 1971 

>was also anticipated. There are reports that it was eminent to the 

>then GSU. Still they could not act. Amin was under house arrest, but 

>there was NO ACTION. 


>A friend of mine told me that even His Excellency Musseveni started 

>recruiting his army along sides the UNLA and continued as minister 

>of defense. Still NO ACTION! 


>So, now when you outline the same monster in Obote 2, I understand 

>why the Basilios without political agenda were able to overthrow the 

>government that was their own. 


>Is that negligence (inability) not a serious form of letting the 

>country down? Is that not adventuring with the country’s security? 


>Extended (even if it does not directly belong), I may conclude that 

>it is the same passivity displayed against the LRA. We commoners 

>expect action (rd. constructive and responsive opposition) from our 


ugnet_: Otafiire named in illicit timber trade

2003-09-17 Thread gook makanga

Otafiire named in illicit timber trade


By Emmy Allio and Felix Osike An officer appointed by State House to fight illegal timber dealings has been sacked after he refused to release timber connected to the Minister of Lands, Water and Environment, Col. Kahinda Otafiire. Capt. James Okello was on September 10 fired from his liaison office at the Forestry Department, according to documents seen by the New Vision. The acting Commissioner for Forestry, Deus Byarugaba, wrote the termination letter on the orders of the minister. He also asked Okello to return the department’s vehicle, cut off facilitation and urged him to stop engaging in timber monitoring. “The status of this officer has been a subject of discussion for sometime now. This has now been finalised and a letter informing us of the decision shall soon arrive from the minister. “It has been decided that Capt. Fred James Okello be withdrawn from the duty of timber monitoring and return to his former unit,” wrote B
 yarugaba. Attempts to reach Otafiire for a comment were futile. The Minister of State for Environment, Lt. Gen. Jeje Odongo, yesterday declined to comment, saying he has been out office for a month. Byarugaba yesterday said Okello had been assigned other duties. “It is not a sacking. We got other officers from other sections to assist us and he is going back to his former unit,” he said. Following the alarming rate of deforestation in the country, President Yoweri Museveni appointed Capt. James Fred Okello in May this year as commandant of a specially-created Forest Produce Monitoring Unit (FPMU). The unit is charged with the duty to empower the forestry department which falls under the Ministry of Lands, Water and Environment. FPMU, which comprises forestry officials, the Police and army personnel, falls under the Directorate of Economic Monitoring Unit of the Office of the President. Okello’s crack team compri
 sed personnel of the Special Revenue Protection Services (SRPS) of the State House. He was replaced as head of FPMU by two bodyguards of Col. Otafiire. The New Vision has identified them as Lt. Swaib Mugambe and Corporal Swaib Butengenene, who is believed to be a nephew of the minister. The sacking comes after Okello rejected Byarugaba’s directive to release the minister’s timber. Forestry sources blame the rise in illicit timber trade on Byarugaba’s weakness. On August 2, Byarugaba wrote to Okello saying, “Could you please liaise to make sure that the minister’s truck is released and provide the driver with some escorts to a store on 6th street Industrial area where it is to be off-loaded.” The Fuso truck registration number UAE 680T was carrying 320 pieces of mahogany timber 12 x 2 x 14 from the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was impounded by the SRPS personnel on Mityana-Mubende road. But Okello insisted that Otafiire should forfeit the t
 imber to the state and pay fines for each of the trucks. In another letter of August 11, 2003, Byarugaba asked the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Lands to direct Okello to release another five trucks carrying assorted sizes of Otafiire’s mahogany timber. “Following our telephone discussion this morning August 11, 2003. It was agreed I discussed with Capt. Okello and have the following trucks impounded with illegal timber (mahogany assorted sizes) belonging to Hon. Kahinda Otafiire released,” Byarugaba’s letter said. “Apparently, Captain Okello has refused the whole idea. He said that Hon. Minister forfeit the timber to the State and pay fines for each truck,” he ended his letter where he listed registration numbers of trucks impounded as UAA 644H (Fuso), UAA 688R (Fuso), UAD 968X (Fuso), UAE 742F( Fuso) and UAD 042Z (Isuzu). Byarugaba yesterday denied any knowledge of Otafiire’s timber. “If there is any such timber, I don’t know about 
 it. You are telling me news,” he said on phone. On September 9, Byarugaba again wrote to Okello asking him to release timber belonging to Kangara Kamango, a Congolese businessman. “This is to inform you that there was an understanding between Hon. Col. Kahinda Otafiire and the Congolese businessman to transport his timber from Lwempunu in Hoima to Ndeeba in Kampala although they do not have our movement permit and the timber are chain (power) sawn,” the commissioner’s letter said. The Government recently banned the use of power saws in harvesting timber. “You are therefore requested to allow him pass as you monitor some sections of the roads, but not cause it to be brought to the Forest department headquarters at Nakawa,” wrote Byarugaba. Situational reports indicate that since Okello’s appointment in May, revenue from public auctions of timber recovered in four months amounted to sh180m. More timber worth sh100m is due to be auctioned
  this month. Recently, Byarugaba said when illegal timber is impounded, it is forfeited to the state and the lorry owners pay fines ranging 


2003-09-17 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Hog wash, as usual a lot of chatter without substance.

From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 22:59:33 +
Mates, this His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Nsubuga was a criminal f'cking 
dog who should never have taken the leadership of my beloved Catholic 
Church. I know all is not well in that church but this Nsubuga thug was in 
a class of his own. More greedy than a hyena.

And while at it, was his death due to natural causes or AIDS?  Whatever the 
cause, I say good riddance.

How many Ugandans have since died stemming from his betrayal?
How many Rwandese? And how many Congolese have died as a result?
You guys talk about his farm in Ssingo where he used to train rebels to 
kill Ugandans. But he had a whole route for weapons inflow all the way from 
Mombasa to Kampala. Like many others who have sold us for a few pieces of 
silver he was imperialisms' running dog.  How much did he get from Lonrho 
anyway. (That is Cecil Rhodes' so-called LONdon RHOdesia settler colonist 
corporation, if you didn't know).

May the dirtiest of sewers seep down into his grave. If you ever see his 
grave get a bullet and shoot it into his grave/coffin. The criminal should 
have been hanged in a public square.

Mitayo Potosi

From: noc´l gaumoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 14:06:22 +0200

<< Mates.doc >>

Not only you, Mulindwa, I too shiver.

Adwong Aniap, were things so bad? This is really scary and indeed 
sorrowful, to put it mildly. It is hard to draw tenable conclusion if Rt. 
Rev Nsubuga indeed acted so. It leaves a lot of Questions.

You said:
“…Knowing was one thing, but getting the bulls by the horns was something 
different and almost impossible. The late Nsubuga's intentions and 
activities re-enforced by M7, some individual Ugandans even those who 
served under the UPC II, politicians and political groupings was no 


I will not go into what Ladit Mulindwa already articulated or where our 
viewpoints phase.

Rude awakenings, indeed! What has chanced our former UPC WITH SPINAL CORDS? 
Was the façade a mere bluff?

You know, Godfrey, such attitudes awaken bad memories. What you rehiterated 
is exactly the hallmark of Ugandan and indeed, general POLITICAL FAILURES.

Our elected leaders and other forms of folk representation are not are not 
delegated that trust to be THEORETICIANS. Politicians are supposed to be 
pragmatic(ian)s. Otherwise, they may as well abdicate and allow others who 
can move mountains do the show. What do you think about that difference? 
Why should we have a bunch of theoreticians on top of already overwhelming 
heap of advisors and consultants? Why should we have inactive theorists 
occupying “action / decision” positions which they do not administer well?

From what you say, it is not surprising that things went the way they did 
or that the political situation is the way it is.

Recall that this was not the first time. In so-called Obote 1, Field 
Marshal Dr. Idi Amin Dada DSO, VC, MC Con Br.Empire´s COUP in 1971 was also 
anticipated. There are reports that it was eminent to the then GSU. Still 
they could not act. Amin was under house arrest, but there was NO ACTION.

A friend of mine told me that even His Excellency Musseveni started 
recruiting his army along sides the UNLA and continued as minister of 
defense. Still NO ACTION!

So, now when you outline the same monster in Obote 2, I understand why the 
Basilios without political agenda were able to overthrow the government 
that was their own.

Is that negligence (inability) not a serious form of letting the country 
down? Is that not adventuring with the country’s security?

Extended (even if it does not directly belong), I may conclude that it is 
the same passivity displayed against the LRA. We commoners expect action 
(rd. constructive and responsive opposition) from our political parties 
against prevalent intensified havocs by the LRA on Ugandan. Preferably the 
“shortest-cut” because it is the plight of a people we are talking about, 
not extended versions of security policies.

I sincerely hope this is not symptomatic of the UPC.
Best rgds

You are now making me very scared, are you saying that shutting down 
Nsubuga was impossible? You see my problem is very simple, we can sit here 
and spend all our lives blaming the Kironde's who were marching soldiers, 
the Kironde's who may be were eating meat which they never cared to know 
where it was coming from, but Cardinal Nsubuga had a physical base. A base 
that could have been shut down. The then Uganda government, I will not 
blame it for failing to stop NRM operations in Luwero District for the 
Kironde's were blowing up patie

Re: ugnet_: In Response to Paul Waibale Senior

2003-09-17 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Ladies and Gentlemen of this forum, fellow citizens, you have heard it from 
the horses mouth (or read it from the horses posting). These people post all 
sorts of rubbish without evidence, without viable solutions. Their main aim 
is to settle very petty personal scores with the President of Uganda and 
their main grievance is that our President put them out of power and in the 
process saved Uganda. All they have now is UP.C, that's it, a party. 
They are barren withrespect to ideas that can push our country forward. All 
they want to do is get back into power and continue where they stoped, 
apparently they were not done destroying Uganda. To prove that their 
thinking and ideas have remained static for the last twenty years, their UPC 
is still controled and led by it's founder who is an octogenerian (talk 
about democracy) and of course we all know what he is all about. The man has 
ruled Uganda TWICE, UPC is all about Obote that is it's begining and it's 
end. UPC judging from their last time in power have nothing new to offer 
Uganda. If you still don't think so, read again below and see what Mr. Matek 
has to say.

Subject: Re: ugnet_: In Response to Paul Waibale Senior
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 21:40:06 EDT
In a message dated 9/16/2003 4:14:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> 1. What does Mr. Kony want from Uganda in other words what is his 
> with Uganda (and in   particular Acholi where he is doing most of his
> killing).

  Mr. Emusaazi  were did I ever say that I am MR. Kony's spokeman. Why 
you ask Koni or his spokeman to explain to you what he wants?

> 2. Do you think Uganda is ready to be ruled by the ten commandments or 
> you suggest that the government of Uganda should give autonomy to the
> regions of Uganda where Kony is active so that he could rule them by the 
> commandments as he once claimed to want.

Again I think KONI is the best person to address this questions to.  
it is better to ask him!

> 3. Should the Ugandan government for the sake of "peace" hand over the
> ministry of defense to Kony and his bandits as they once demanded (these 
> people who are cold bloodedly killing there own with no mercy, one 
> whether they will see other Ugandans as human beings).

I really do not care  how Museveni address KONY's concerns. That is His or
rather NRM's poblem.
 What I care about, what the people of Uganda Care about and what my party 
the UPC) is concerned about is that the people of Uganda are tired of 
under Yoweri Museveni's NRM military dictatorship; we are TIRED of WARS .

  The Onus is upon Museveni  to address the KONy issue  with out resorting
neccesssarily to wars  and Fightings
.. WHy because  17 years of wars and fighting, one would argue, has not
resolved anything in our beloved country .. Instead more and More Ugandans 
died ( this include the young Acholi  Kids  who museveni has been killing 
GEE in the name of killing Rebels, the many  UPDF soldiers who have died
fighting Museveni's Wars, the  Many  civilians caught up in this wars, the 
victims of rap by UPDF soldiers e.t c)

> 4. Should the Ugandan army pull out of the north completely and leave 
> people at the mercy of Kony in the hope that he will become sane and 
> mercy on them. While the rest of Uganda waits for his eventual 

 I think that might be a good Idea... After all  for 17 years inspite of 
presences in northern Uganda  ,  the UPDF has thus far failed to protect  
 people of Northern Uganda.. What good is an  army which cannot defend 
Protect  the people  but insead it uses PROPAGANDA to convince the people 
Uganda in order to  create an impression  that the  UPDF will soon win the 
with KONI... and yet on the ground there is really  no differences.   
continue to die..many more  continue to leave in very deplorable  
in the   so called Camps.


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ugnet_: President Binaisa - review your views

2003-09-17 Thread dbbwanika db
President Binaisa's recent proposal that Uganda should be limited to a few political parties is not the solution, but a problem in Uganda. The entire idea should be abandoned!

What has Kiwoko below for example gained from decentralisation or political polarisation?

The problem in Uganda is (a) law (b) social justice (c) state /institutional corruption.

Uganda today has a got basic infrastructures to enforce and propel Uganda into a stable nation the police force, the army and the judiciary.

The question is if they are not working to complement implementing institution like the electoral commission, ministries, civil society - they ask why ? 

However, the above enduring  institutions and legal entities are manipulated for self and dubious motives. 

How could a few political parties solve legal, social justice and state/ institutional corruption?

My one view is that  many parties should be allowed to compete locally and nationally.

A simple formula can be designed depending on the electorate and parliament size. 

such that those parties that do not meet a give criteria (the formula) can remain to server as local pressure groups for the people, by the people locally, instead of the so-called decentralised institutions.

decentralised institutions  have not be fully free, to the extent that they server and propel state and institutional corruption. 

Pressure groups can server to galvanise opposition locally against state corruption and  power subsequently accumulated over time, used to  gain  to  state power.

It is how European Green parties have emerged to become power holders.

in Uganda we must have contradictory and antagonistic institution right from local societies which today is totally lacking  due to uni-polarity of politics of today hence the rampant inability for societies to seek a new direction from society, political and economic malaise.

ugnet_: Uganda; Education , Housing, Revolution in Pictures

2003-09-17 Thread dbbwanika db



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ugnet_: Where fish turns boys into men

2003-09-17 Thread Owor Kipenji

Comment  Thursday, September 18, 2003  

Where fish turns boys into menBy CHARLES ONYANGO-OBBO 
First came the discovery of a "new" illness called PND (post-nuptial depression), The Observer reports. 
PND happens after a wedding, when one of the spouses finds that marriage hasn’t brought what they most expected from it - immediate happiness. 
"It ranges from vague discontent, to full-scale depression. PND lasts a few days, though if left untreated, it can go on indefinitely, getting worse – with time", the paper says. About 10 per cent of new couples suffer from a post-wedding depression. 
Perhaps, not surprisingly, more brides than grooms suffer PND, we are told, because "women are investing more effort and emotional energy in their weddings than ever". 
The story doesn’t mention that the tendency for some grooms to sneak off on their wedding nights to watch Manchester United clash with Arsenal with the boys at the club might contribute to the higher levels of PND among women. 
From a new illness to a new cure. A leading psychologist at the University of California in a major research into the causes of crime among teenagers, reports an intriguing finding.  
His study, released this week, says that feeding children a diet rich in fish could prevent violent and anti-social behaviour in their teens. If he is right, then western Kenyan people, who eat fish from Lake Victoria, and the Coastals should be less violent than the rest of Kenyans. True or false? 
Talking of crime, in Zengzhou, the capital of the Chinese province of Henan, they have hit upon an innovative way of battling rape. An anti-rape squad of female detectives has been set up to help combat rising cases of the crime in the city.  
The women have been chosen for their karate skills, and are undergoing training in acting so that they can successfully lure the culprits. The Chinese police authorities, however, are taking extra precaution and are not letting the detectives, who will move around dressed as ordinary women, rely only on their karate for self-defence. The women will also be packing pistols. And, above all, they have chosen the very beautiful ones who can be sure to attract rapists! 
Closer home in Botswana, the Gaborone government hasn’t been as innovative in dealing with the influx of livestock and unemployed Zimbabweans into the country. 
It is erecting a 480-km long, 8ft-high, electrified fence along its border with Zimbabwe, reports The Guardian, to keep away cattle infested with foot and mouth disease as a way of protecting its lucrative beef export industry.  
Officially, Gaborone denies that the fence is also meant to keep out Zimbabweans, derogatively referred to as makwerekwere (foreigners), 60,000 of whom have arrived in Botswana as their country plunges deeper into economic misery and political chaos. 
The large number of Zimbabweans has created an unusual problem for the municipal authorities in Francistown, Botswana’s second largest city. The district commissioner there has claimed that there are "hordes" of unclaimed bodies of illegal Zimbabwean immigrants clogging the mortuaries, and now the city has to bury them in mass graves. 
Next door in South Africa, we now have a sense of the average level of bribes to politicians. Deputy President Jacob Zuma is fighting for his political life following allegations that he received annual bribes from Thales, the French arms manufacturer, in exchange for his political influence in securing a lucrative contract for the company.  
The Times reports that Zuma is alleged to have sought bribes in excess of £41,000 (Sh5m). Which tells us that South African politicians "eat" less than their Kenyan counterparts, if recent reports about ministerial sticky fingers are to be believed. 
Wherever you go, it seems you can’t separate politicians and money. American elections have become so expensive, only the rich have a prayer. When George Bush won the presidency in 2001, because of the vote rigging in Florida, his critics claimed he had stolen half the election. And bought the other half. Now they are saying he plans to buy the whole thing next year. 
Bush is leading the tables in fundraising. The Independent reports that he is poised to raise and spend more than $200m (Sh15 billion). The price of the White House has really skyrocketed over the last 20 years. When Ronald Reagan first purchased the seat in 1980, it cost him just about 10 per cent of what Bush will have to pay next year - about $21million only (Sh1.6 billion). 
And so to Italy, that land where it seems there is never a dull moment. A senior official at the University of Bari in southern Italy is in police custody after demanding sex in return for the answers to an entrance exam, The Independent reports. 
This is the fourth such scandal to hit Italian universities in recent times. In July, students at Sapienza University, the most prestigious in Rome, were found to have paid between $1,500 to $3,000 to pass exams.  
At the