Woow, that Church is smoking!!! Try the real Afrikan ones, mate Mitayo. If it is not child molestation it is the other, God damn it!

AND THE REGIMES let him get away with it?!

There is a saying that "..he who allows a fool to fool him is more foolish than the fool::".

In that light the regimes that allowed Nsubuga to fool them are more foolish than Nsubuga.


THEREBY NOT SAID THAT HE DID RIGHT. I only mean that they should have stopped him if they themselves were not birds of a feather.

Too bad that where I come from we do not shoot at graves. But who knows, may be one day I'll gut-up.

best rgds


>From: "Mitayo Potosi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 22:59:33 +0000
>Mates, this His Eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Nsubuga was a criminal
>f'cking dog who should never have taken the leadership of my beloved
>Catholic Church. I know all is not well in that church but this
>Nsubuga thug was in a class of his own. More greedy than a hyena.
>And while at it, was his death due to natural causes or AIDS?
>Whatever the cause, I say good riddance.
>How many Ugandans have since died stemming from his betrayal?
>How many Rwandese? And how many Congolese have died as a result?
>You guys talk about his farm in Ssingo where he used to train rebels
>to kill Ugandans. But he had a whole route for weapons inflow all
>the way from Mombasa to Kampala. Like many others who have sold us
>for a few pieces of silver he was imperialisms' running dog. How
>much did he get from Lonrho anyway. (That is Cecil Rhodes' so-called
>LONdon RHOdesia settler colonist corporation, if you didn't know).
>May the dirtiest of sewers seep down into his grave. If you ever see
>his grave get a bullet and shoot it into his grave/coffin. The
>criminal should have been hanged in a public square.
>Mitayo Potosi
>>From: noc´l gaumoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 14:06:22 +0200
>><< Mates.doc >>
>Not only you, Mulindwa, I too shiver.
>Adwong Aniap, were things so bad? This is really scary and indeed
>sorrowful, to put it mildly. It is hard to draw tenable conclusion
>if Rt. Rev Nsubuga indeed acted so. It leaves a lot of Questions.
>You said:
>“…Knowing was one thing, but getting the bulls by the horns was
>something different and almost impossible. The late Nsubuga's
>intentions and activities re-enforced by M7, some individual
>Ugandans even those who served under the UPC II, politicians and
>political groupings was no secret.”
>I will not go into what Ladit Mulindwa already articulated or where
>our viewpoints phase.
>Rude awakenings, indeed! What has chanced our former UPC WITH SPINAL
>CORDS? Was the façade a mere bluff?
>You know, Godfrey, such attitudes awaken bad memories. What you
>rehiterated is exactly the hallmark of Ugandan and indeed, general
>Our elected leaders and other forms of folk representation are not
>are not delegated that trust to be THEORETICIANS. Politicians are
>supposed to be pragmatic(ian)s. Otherwise, they may as well abdicate
>and allow others who can move mountains do the show. What do you
>think about that difference? Why should we have a bunch of
>theoreticians on top of already overwhelming heap of advisors and
>consultants? Why should we have inactive theorists occupying “action
>/ decision” positions which they do not administer well?
>From what you say, it is not surprising that things went the way
>they did or that the political situation is the way it is.
>Recall that this was not the first time. In so-called Obote 1, Field
>Marshal Dr. Idi Amin Dada DSO, VC, MC Con Br.Empire´s COUP in 1971
>was also anticipated. There are reports that it was eminent to the
>then GSU. Still they could not act. Amin was under house arrest, but
>there was NO ACTION.
>A friend of mine told me that even His Excellency Musseveni started
>recruiting his army along sides the UNLA and continued as minister
>of defense. Still NO ACTION!
>So, now when you outline the same monster in Obote 2, I understand
>why the Basilios without political agenda were able to overthrow the
>government that was their own.
>Is that negligence (inability) not a serious form of letting the
>country down? Is that not adventuring with the country’s security?
>Extended (even if it does not directly belong), I may conclude that
>it is the same passivity displayed against the LRA. We commoners
>expect action (rd. constructive and responsive opposition) from our
>political parties against prevalent intensified havocs by the LRA on
>Ugandan. Preferably the “shortest-cut” because it is the plight of a
>people we are talking about, not extended versions of security
>I sincerely hope this is not symptomatic of the UPC.
>Best rgds
>You are now making me very scared, are you saying that shutting down
>Nsubuga was impossible? You see my problem is very simple, we can
>sit here and spend all our lives blaming the Kironde's who were
>marching soldiers, the Kironde's who may be were eating meat which
>they never cared to know where it was coming from, but Cardinal
>Nsubuga had a physical base. A base that could have been shut down.
>The then Uganda government, I will not blame it for failing to stop
>NRM operations in Luwero District for the Kironde's were blowing up
>patients in ambulances and running away, that was a war and I am not
>going to sit here and blame Uganda government for that. But Cardinal
>Nsubuga as I said before, had a known establishment, a ranch in
>Ssingo that was not only used for training the Kironde's but feeding
>them too. And my question is, who is it in that government that had
>the power to shut down that ranch who did not? Now we have a history
>of Iddi Amin killing Jonan Luwum, and it wasted his reputation, did
>that government know of Nsubuga's actions and refused to act for it
>feared its name would have been wasted as Amin's? Is that what you
>mean by "Getting the bulls by the horns impossible"? Godfrey Ssingo
>had no reason to be insecure, and if UPC's failing to shut down
>Cardinal Nsubuga's ranch costed us even one baby's life, Ugandans
>need and must know. Now that I do not expect answers in these
>forums, a public inquirely again is my next solution.
>Who had the authority to shut down Cardinal Emanuel Nsubuga's ranch
>in Ssingo and failed to use it?
> The Mulindwas Communication Group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
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