[Ugnet] Mkapa and the AU

2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa
Title: Mkapa bids AU farewell





Mkapa bids AU 
farewell 2005-09-01 07:43:41 By Sihle 
Benjamin Mkapa has challenged African leaders to fight for the 
economic liberation of the continent before it is too late. 
President Mkapa made the remarks when he met with the 
Chairman of the African Union Commission, Alpha Oumar Konare, in 
Addis Ababa yesterday. He said there was no future for 
Africa in the current economic set-up, bearing in mind that the 
continent was currently being viewed solely as a source of raw 
materials for the developed world. Africa had experienced 
the horrors of the slave trade and colonialism for many years, he 
said, adding that the two eras laid the foundation for the 
continent’s inferiority on the global stage. ’If we want a 
better future for the continent and the coming generations, we must 
sufficiently be agitated to robustly fight the manifestly unjust 
economic relations in a global world. The two years I have spent as 
the co-chairman of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of 
Globalisation convinced me that Africa is the loser,’ he said. 
President Mkapa added that Africa had to fight its 
insignificance in world trade and provision of services in the 
era of globalisation. ’There was once a suggestion from some 
quarters that Africa should be satisfied with aid and agree not to 
participate in the World Trade Organisation talks. The argument was 
that we were too insignificant as a player in the global market and 
a distraction when the big players talk.’ He said studies 
had shown that Africa lacked proper structures for kick-starting 
aggressive economic growth that would match international standards 
and the demands of globalization. The time had come for 
Africa to put all plans that have been conceived into action, the 
President added. We speak about these injustices in meetings 
and conferences, but we do not aggressively develop and implement 
the necessary strategies to deal with them as a continent. 
We must also work towards changing our direction in trade. 
We are concentrating too much on Europe and America, 
forgetting that there is Asia, another player in trade, he said. 
President Mkapa also bid Konare farewell ahead of the 
Tanzanian head of state’s retirement later this year. 

  SOURCE: Guardian 






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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

[Ugnet] Bush abandons hurricane victims, protests break out

2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Bush abandons hurricane victims, protests break out 
UNITED STATES President George W. Bush and his government have 
come under heavy criticism, after they left thousands of Americans at the mercy 
of Hurricane Katrina that has ravaged the coastal city of New Orleans. 
Associated Press reported yesterday that fights and trash fires broke 
out, rescue helicopters were shot at and anger mounted across New Orleans as 
National Guardsmen in armoured vehicles poured in to help restore order across 
this increasingly desperate and lawless American city. "We are out here 
like pure animals. We don’t have help," Reverend Isaac Clark (68) said outside 
the New Orleans Convention Centre, where corpses lay in the open and evacuees 
complained that they were dropped off and given nothing. An additional 
10 000 National Guardsmen from across the country were ordered into the 
hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast to shore up security, rescue and relief operations 
in Katrina’s wake as looting, shootings, gunfire and carjackings spread and food 
and water ran out. But some Federal Emergency Management rescue 
operations were suspended in areas where gunfire broke out. Homeland 
Security spokesman Russ Knocke was quoted as saying: "In areas where our 
employees have been determined to potentially be in danger, we have pulled 
back." Coast Guard Lieutenant Commander Cheri Ben-Iesan, who is the 
spokesman at the city emergency operations centre, said: "Hospitals are trying 
to evacuate. At every one of them, there are reports that as the helicopters 
come in people are shooting at them. There are people just taking potshots at 
police and at helicopters, telling them, ‘You better come get my family’." 
Police Captain Ernie Demmo said a National Guard military policeman was 
shot in the leg during a scuffle with a civilian for his rifle. The man was 
arrested. "These are good people. These are just scared people," Demmo 
added. The Superdome, where some 25 000 people were being evacuated by 
bus to the Houston Astrodome, descended into chaos. Huge crowds, hoping 
to finally escape the stifling confines of the stadium, jammed the main 
concourse outside the dome, spilling out over the ramp to the Hyatt Hotel next 
door — a seething sea of tense, unhappy people packed shoulder-to-shoulder up to 
the barricades where heavily armed National Guardsmen stood. Fights 
broke out. A fire erupted in a trash chute inside the dome, but a National Guard 
commander said it did not affect the evacuation. After a traffic jam 
kept buses from arriving at the Superdome for nearly four hours, a near riot 
broke out in the scramble to get on the buses that finally did show up. 
Outside the Convention Centre, the pavements were packed with people 
without food, water or medical care, and with no sign of law enforcement. 
Thousands of storm refugees had been assembling outside for days, 
waiting for buses that did not come. At least seven dead bodies lay 
scattered outside, and hungry, desperate people who were tired of waiting broke 
through the steel doors to a food service entrance and began pushing out pallets 
of water and fruit juice and whatever else they could find. An old man 
in a chaise lounge lay dead as hungry babies wailed around him. Around 
the corner, an elderly woman lay dead in her wheelchair, covered up by a 
blanket, and another body lay beside her wrapped in a sheet. "I don’t 
treat my dog like that," 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the 
woman in the wheelchair. "I buried my dog." He added: "You can do 
everything for other countries, but you can’t do nothing for your own people. 
You can go overseas with the military, but you can’t get them down here," he 
moaned. Just above the convention centre on Interstate, 10 commercial 
buses were lined up, going nowhere. The street outside the centre, above 
the floodwaters, smelled of urine and faeces, and was choked with dirty babies’ 
nappies, old bottles and garbage. "They’ve been teasing us with buses 
for four days," Edwards said. People chanted, "Help! Help!" as reporters 
and photographers walked through. The crowd got angry when journalists tried to 
photograph one of the bodies, and covered it over with a blanket. A 
woman, screaming, went onto the front steps of the convention centre and led the 
crowd in reciting the Psalm 23 (The Lord is my Shepherd). John Murray, 
52, said: "It’s like they’re punishing us." The first of hundreds of 
busloads of people evacuated from the Superdome arrived early yesterday at their 
new temporary home — another sports arena, the Houston Astrodome, 560 kilometres 
away. But the ambulance service in charge of taking the sick and injured 
from the Superdome suspended flights after a shot was reported fired at a 
military helicopter. Richard Zuschlag, chief of Arcadian Ambulance, said 
it had become too dangerous for his pilots. The military, which was 
overseeing the removal of the able-bodied by buses, continued the ground 

[Ugnet] Congo army rebel threatens to overthrow Kabila

2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa


Wednesday 31, August 
Congo army rebel threatens to overthrow 

Aug 31 (Reuters) - A renegade Tutsi general who led an uprising in Congo last 
year has broken months of silence and said the time had come to overthrow 
President Joseph Kabila. General Laurent Nkunda rocked Congo's fragile 
peace process when he attacked and seized the eastern Congolese town of Bukavu 
in May last year, only pulling out under international pressure. 
Kabila's office dismissed Nkunda's latest threats, which were made in a 
letter written on Aug. 25 and seen by Reuters. "We believe that the 
moment has arrived to begin using all necessary means to overthrow this 
government and replace it with a power that is inclusive, non-conflictual and 
capable of restoring peace in the republic," Nkunda said in the letter. 
"Congolese lives are priceless. Every man killed, every woman held 
hostage, raped or sold in public, and every child burned or buried alive goes to 
justify the offensive against Kabila's plan and the dismantlement of his clan," 
he added, referring to what he says are rights abuses by army soldiers. 
Following a massacre of Congolese Tutsis in Burundi last year, Nkunda 
published a similar letter calling for military action but none was taken. 
Kabila's office dismissed the rebel's latest threat. "We are not going 
to waste our time worrying about Nkunda," said presidential spokesman Kudura 
Kasongo. Despite calls from donors and many Congolese for Nkunda's 
arrest, he remains at large in the North Kivu province, underlining the struggle 
Kinshasa faces in imposing authority over a country divided during a 1998-2003 
war that sucked in six countries and killed nearly 4 million people. 
Officials in the U.N. peacekeeping mission, which was widely criticised 
for failing to stop Nkunda seizing Bukavu, said it was monitoring the situation, 
especially given the risk of ethnic tension over voter registration ahead of 
2006 polls. "We are keeping an eye on things," a military source told 
Reuters. "He may not launch a big attack but he could try and spark a crisis so 
he is at the centre of attention again." Kabila heads a transitional 
government that is charged with leading Congo to elections after five years of 
war but the polls have been delayed and critics accuse the government of 
dragging its feet to stay in power longer. Congolese across the vast 
country are registering for elections, now rescheduled for mid-2006, but army 
integration has stalled and bands of armed men continue to roam the east, 
preying on civilians. 
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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

[Ugnet] Re: [Mwananchi] DO AFRICANS EVER LEARN?

2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Professor George Ayittey
The individual who said that the presidency of 
Rwanda was crafted in heaven was not a leader/elite he was an African the one 
you classify as a people. May be you would read my posting before you jump on 
 The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; ugandanet@kym.net 
  ; rwanda ; Congo ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; africa-politics 
  Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 5:27 
  Subject: Re: [Mwananchi] DO AFRICANS EVER 
  You should avoid using the term "Africans" and ALWAYS distinguish between 
  African LEADERS/ELITES and the African PEOPLE. 
  The PEOPLE learn but the LEADERS/ELITES don't seem to have anything 
  Another coconut election is being organized in Egypt.Care to comment on 
  George Ayittey, Washington, DC 
  Edward Mulindwa wrote: 

NettersI ask again do we ever learn? Look on a nation like Congo which has 
all its minerals flying to The States at a cost of its population, The 
Americans are mining it from the UN.But do you remember that Paul Kagame man, the one who was called a 
new leadership in Africa? Yes I am talking about the same Paul Kagame who 
has been pushed into our throat as the most democratic man in Africa, in 
fact one Rwandese stated it this way "Paul Kagame's leadership was created 
in heaven" Well guess what Rwanda is also not accepted in the 
council. How idiotic can 
we be? Just curious  EmToronto== U.S. Tries to Exclude Some >From U.N. 

AP Diplomatic Writer Wed Aug 31, 4:38 PM 
administration is trying to exclude seven nations from a new U.N. human 
rights council, saying their own records make them unfit to sit in judgment 
of others. 

In a reform proposal, 
Sudan, Liberia, the Democratic 
Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Sierra Leone 
and Rwanda would not be eligible to serve on a revised human rights 
council.The seven 
countries are subject to sanctions by the U.N. 
Security Council for human rights abuses and the 
United States wants to keep "some of the worst offenders off," Kristen 
Silverberg, assistant secretary of state for International Organizations 
said Wednesday. 
Forming a new human rights council to 
replace the "discredited" Human Rights Commission is an important part of 
the U.S. agenda for reform of the United 
Nations, she said. 
Besides excluding the seven nations, the 
United States is proposing that appointments to a new council have the 
support of at least two-thirds of the members of the U.N. General 
That would be helpful in keeping some of 
the worst offenders off, Silverberg said. 
Other nations that also seek reform have 
other approaches, and all will be discussed by U.N. Ambassador John Bolton 
and other nations' U.N. representatives, she said. 
"We feel very good about our agenda and on 
progress we are making in persuading other member-states," Silverberg 
"There is a lot of support in the U.N. for 
this kind of thing," she told reporters. 
Reform is a key item on the agenda of the 
U.N. General Assembly session. President 
Bush is expected to touch on the problem in the annual 
presidential speech Sept. 14 and Secretary of State Condoleezza 
Rice will spend more than a week in New York holding 
talks on human rights and other issues. The Mulindwas Communication 
Group "With Yoweri 
Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"     
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 
Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

Re: [Ugnet] An ABC Guide To Trace The Stolen Global Funds

2005-09-01 Thread Simon Nume
The point of the piece was to show the structure which allows the stealing to go on.  
This structure as you can see was setup by M7 and the donors and both of them are aware of it.
It is the global Fund which was caught by surprise, as it was never a signatory to the original MoU,  which has spilled the beans so-to-speak.
NumeOwor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your piece is quite illuminating but the reality is that the so called MOH is just
a White Elephant!.
Those serving there are usually lambs that can be easily sacrificed when shave comes
to shove.
Mu7 actually know where all the said monies are because most of the so called AIDS
Global Funds were directly under the control of the Office of the President who is none
other than the Life-President and Ssebagabe Yoweri Museveni.
To use his usual covert tactics,he even appointed an AIDS Control Commission/Directorate
and he constantly puts their people who owe all to him and he can dispense them at will.
The MOH is being used as a scape goat because a few fellas there might have found themselves inadvertently coming into contact with those secret documents and so some
heads must roll from there to make his partners in crime in the Western Hemisphere believe
that he is remedying the situation.
That is the crocodilian nature of this accomplished Grandmaster of  Crimes Inc.
KipenjiSimon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

An ABC Guide To Trace The Stolen Global Funds
In the wake of the Global Funds Corruption Scandal, the Uganda government has vowed to identify and confiscate the properties of those who misappropriated the money. 
In order to be able to discover who took the money and where the money ended up, this investigation will have to study the structure especially of the Ministry of Health, to identify who authorised the expenditure of this money, and also identify the individual recipients in the NGO’s private companies and sub-district commitees who received the meony.
Any relationships between the authorisers of the expenditure and the recipients of the money should be established in order to follow the trail of the ‘lost’ money.
In order to unveil the trail of the Global Funds money one has to understand the structure of the Health industry in Uganda.
A Centralised And Privatised Ministry Of Health 
In 2000, the health industry in Uganda was changed, when the government of Uganda (MOH)
signed a fairly secret Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU), between itself and all the main donor agencies in the western world, under what is known in world bank speak as a Sector Wide Approach .(SWAp) Although there are SWAP’s in Ghana, Zambia and the Phillipines, the Ugandan SWAp seems to be different.
Although the MoU is not a legal framework, and runs out in 2006, it provided the infrastructure which changed the MOH to support the decentralised levels in the implementation of the HSSP,. In the process the MOH became a centralised but privatised organisation ostensibly to improve the health benefits of Ugandans with the help of the donor countries.   
Maybe to reward the government for allowing the implementation of such a SWAp , the MoU agreed that the government monitors itself through a joint Supervision Mission, and report to the development partners (donors) every year. The government immediately realised that with the SWAp/ decentralisation, the donors would end up funding the NRM/Museveni government up to grass root level , thus ensuring the continuity of Museveni in power.  The only price the Uganda government had to pay was to allow the donors own the drug procurement in Uganda, but as long as he had national Medical Stores, he could still get apiece of the procurement pie as well. 
A win-win situation for both sides.
Under the SWAp, the MOH has redefined its role from one of service provider to that of policy making. The role of the MOH is now to provide guidelines, training and capacity building, to monitor the health sector, and co-ordinate the donors.
How The SWAp works
The best description of how the MOH works is to study and analyse the speech made by Brig Jim Muhwezi, the Minister Of Health, at the Seam Conference on Dec 10 2003 in Zanzibar.
This conference was organised by three American pharmaceutical companies and the role
Of Jim Muhwezi was to explain how the Ugandan SWAP works.
‘How to Use the SWAp Structure To Trace The Lost Global Funds
Rigid Decentralisation’
Muhwezi explained that the government decentralised the provision of medical services by 
creating 56 local districts which are tasked with providing health services at the local level.
Out of the 56 districts, the government set out to create 214 individual health sub-districts county wide. Appointments to these sub-districts are made by the MOH , and are under the control of the Minister of State for Primary Health Care, Dr Alex Kamugisha.

Re: [Ugnet] An ABC Guide To Trace The Stolen Global Funds

2005-09-01 Thread Owor Kipenji
Your piece is quite illuminating but the reality is that the so called MOH is just
a White Elephant!.
Those serving there are usually lambs that can be easily sacrificed when shave comes
to shove.
Mu7 actually know where all the said monies are because most of the so called AIDS
Global Funds were directly under the control of the Office of the President who is none
other than the Life-President and Ssebagabe Yoweri Museveni.
To use his usual covert tactics,he even appointed an AIDS Control Commission/Directorate
and he constantly puts their people who owe all to him and he can dispense them at will.
The MOH is being used as a scape goat because a few fellas there might have found themselves inadvertently coming into contact with those secret documents and so some
heads must roll from there to make his partners in crime in the Western Hemisphere believe
that he is remedying the situation.
That is the crocodilian nature of this accomplished Grandmaster of  Crimes Inc.
KipenjiSimon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

An ABC Guide To Trace The Stolen Global Funds
In the wake of the Global Funds Corruption Scandal, the Uganda government has vowed to identify and confiscate the properties of those who misappropriated the money. 
In order to be able to discover who took the money and where the money ended up, this investigation will have to study the structure especially of the Ministry of Health, to identify who authorised the expenditure of this money, and also identify the individual recipients in the NGO’s private companies and sub-district commitees who received the meony.
Any relationships between the authorisers of the expenditure and the recipients of the money should be established in order to follow the trail of the ‘lost’ money.
In order to unveil the trail of the Global Funds money one has to understand the structure of the Health industry in Uganda.
A Centralised And Privatised Ministry Of Health 
In 2000, the health industry in Uganda was changed, when the government of Uganda (MOH)
signed a fairly secret Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU), between itself and all the main donor agencies in the western world, under what is known in world bank speak as a Sector Wide Approach .(SWAp) Although there are SWAP’s in Ghana, Zambia and the Phillipines, the Ugandan SWAp seems to be different.
Although the MoU is not a legal framework, and runs out in 2006, it provided the infrastructure which changed the MOH to support the decentralised levels in the implementation of the HSSP,. In the process the MOH became a centralised but privatised organisation ostensibly to improve the health benefits of Ugandans with the help of the donor countries.   
Maybe to reward the government for allowing the implementation of such a SWAp , the MoU agreed that the government monitors itself through a joint Supervision Mission, and report to the development partners (donors) every year. The government immediately realised that with the SWAp/ decentralisation, the donors would end up funding the NRM/Museveni government up to grass root level , thus ensuring the continuity of Museveni in power.  The only price the Uganda government had to pay was to allow the donors own the drug procurement in Uganda, but as long as he had national Medical Stores, he could still get apiece of the procurement pie as well. 
A win-win situation for both sides.
Under the SWAp, the MOH has redefined its role from one of service provider to that of policy making. The role of the MOH is now to provide guidelines, training and capacity building, to monitor the health sector, and co-ordinate the donors.
How The SWAp works
The best description of how the MOH works is to study and analyse the speech made by Brig Jim Muhwezi, the Minister Of Health, at the Seam Conference on Dec 10 2003 in Zanzibar.
This conference was organised by three American pharmaceutical companies and the role
Of Jim Muhwezi was to explain how the Ugandan SWAP works.
‘How to Use the SWAp Structure To Trace The Lost Global Funds
Rigid Decentralisation’
Muhwezi explained that the government decentralised the provision of medical services by 
creating 56 local districts which are tasked with providing health services at the local level.
Out of the 56 districts, the government set out to create 214 individual health sub-districts county wide. Appointments to these sub-districts are made by the MOH , and are under the control of the Minister of State for Primary Health Care, Dr Alex Kamugisha.
These sub-districts receive direct funding from the treasury, as well as the regional hospitals still owned by the government.
An identification of the members of these health sub-districts would indicate where some of the stolen money ends up.
Central Essential Medicines Credit Line
The MoU encouraged the government to recognise and promote particular sections of the private se


2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Blair And Sharon - Trio Of Death And DisasterBy Sam HamodAl-Jazeerah.com9-1-5



It is more than ironic that G W Bush, Tony Blair, and 
Ariel Sharon are spiritual brothers. Bush and Blair have created 
"Islamists out of thin air, out of lies, and now have joined in making 
war on the Muslim world"first in Afghanistan, now in Iraq and perhaps 
tomorrow in Iran, Syria or wherever Bush feels he can find an easy 
target. Sharon has opened Bush,s nose to order an attack on Iraq through 
false Mossad/Israeli intelligence, and now is pushing for an attack on 
Iran. In all cases, these men have bonded in their ways"all these men 
love to kill others, all these men see the world in absolute good and 
evil terms and they are always on the side of "good (even though the 
facts speak otherwise). 
Sharon, Bush and Blair have created more fantasy 
Islamists than existed in the world; now, because of their behavior 
toward the Palestinians, Afghanis, Iraqis and threats against Iran, they 
are making more and more radical Muslims who have no trust in the West 
and see Israel as the country that runs American foreign policy. At this 
time, I would be willing to guess, with some authority, that at least 
95% of all Muslims in the world are fed up with Bush, Blair and Sharon 
and have lost trust in America as a moral leader. In fact, America is 
now seen as "the great satan"something that Ayatollah Khomeini had 
called America, but until Bush,s presidency, no one in the world 
believed such a label; now, with Bush in power, most of the world, 
especially the Muslim world, would agree with Khomeini. 
What is worse is that the American people have been 
lied to so much by Bush and by the major media that they no longer know 
the truth of what is going on in the world. The worst nightmares of 
Orwell,s, 1984 have come true"Bush keeps talking about the "Isalmist 
threat"while taking away American rights, freedoms of speech and 
assembly, arresting people without cause or data, and bombing innocent 
people and calling it "killing the enemy. At this time, 
A friend of mine said that Iraq and the debacle there 
would stop Bush from attacking Iran. I told him, "On the contrary, when 
you are losing in Iraq, what better thing to take people,s mind off the 
losses than to start another war with Iran! Unfortunately, that is what 
has happened with dictators in the past; they,ve yelled "wolf, then 
after a while, when the wolf doesn,t come, they change tactics and 
create another problem so as to take our minds off the failure on 
another front. 
Sharon is doing the same thing in Palestine; 
pretending to be pulling out of territories (which were illegal for 
Israel to occupy in the first place), but has reserved the right to 
invade and to attack Palestinians at any time, anywhere, so long as he 
wants. Bush has supported Sharon,s policies and funded them with our 
U.S. tax payer monies. The average Israeli gets at least $18,000 per 
year in U.S. subsidies. On the other hand, the rate of homeless, 
uninsured, unemployed and penniless in America is climbing at an 
alarming rate"so much so that even Alan Greenspan, the architect of much 
of this failed economic disaster, has now begun warming people about the 
financial bubble bursting in the near future. Of course, it was he and 
Henry Kissinger who led us into cheap paper money with no real 
What we have no is a trio of men who have led the 
world into a disastrous state"creating the clash of Israel, America and 
England against the Muslim countries of the world, and the rest of the 
world watching to see how long it will be before the three of them 
collapse from within, implode, or fall from an assassins bullet, or 
before their populations finally stand up and say, "That,s ; enough"it,s 
time for you to resign or be kicked out of office for the sake of 
sanity, peace and morality. 
At this point, I,m not sure how it will all end, but 
it must end soon, before Bush and his two allies do more damage to 
America and England than Bin Laden ever thought could be 
Professor Sam Hamod writes on world affairs for 
several ezines and website; he is the former editor of Third World News 
in Wash, DC; professor at Princeton, Michigan, Iowa and Howard; and 
former Director of The Islamic Center in Wash, DC; he is also editor of 

[Ugnet] Re: from the convention host

2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa


"this is a convention with a big package; politics, elections, 
entertainment, beauty pageant, tradition, "

How relevant are these issues to a Ugandan today in Diaspora? What about our 
children embroiled in crime/s? What about our kids on murder trials that now 
we even have a current one in New York? Just how about the North of our 
country which the UN stated that we are loosing a thousand Ugandans a day? 
Ssenoga do you realize that today Northerners are even beating the rest of 
population in Diaspora?

Is our major problem today, politics elections entertainment and beauty 
pageant? And when you talk about tradition, tradition of whom? Acholis or 

We are truly screwed up society indeed and Museveni has every right to rule 
Uganda to death.


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: "Ssennoga, Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: from the convention host

The convention preparation effort ends today.  You have given us your
support and your trust to host you, let's us give you one of the best
convention experience in Minneapolis.

Much as we are prepared to give you the best, we have to all realise that
this is a convention with a big package; politics, elections, 
beauty pageant, tradition, etc.  Let us all ensure that all this happens 

a harmonious way.  Minneapolis has put in place measures to ensure your
satisfaction but we shall expect that attendants remain calm even in 
campaigns or political discussion.  Let us give each other an opportunity 

be heard and stick with the issues at hand.  Let us keep our debates civil
and our goal will be accomplished.  We have to all come together on this.

Have a good stay in Minneapolis all of you who are travelling to 

Francis Ssennoga
Publicity Director Minneapolis
Candidate UNAA Secretary 2005 - 2007

Ugandanet mailing list
% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

[Ugnet] An ABC Guide To Trace The Stolen Global Funds

2005-09-01 Thread Simon Nume

An ABC Guide To Trace The Stolen Global Funds
In the wake of the Global Funds Corruption Scandal, the Uganda government has vowed to identify and confiscate the properties of those who misappropriated the money. 
In order to be able to discover who took the money and where the money ended up, this investigation will have to study the structure especially of the Ministry of Health, to identify who authorised the expenditure of this money, and also identify the individual recipients in the NGO’s private companies and sub-district commitees who received the meony.
Any relationships between the authorisers of the expenditure and the recipients of the money should be established in order to follow the trail of the ‘lost’ money.
In order to unveil the trail of the Global Funds money one has to understand the structure of the Health industry in Uganda.
A Centralised And Privatised Ministry Of Health 
In 2000, the health industry in Uganda was changed, when the government of Uganda (MOH)
signed a fairly secret Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU), between itself and all the main donor agencies in the western world, under what is known in world bank speak as a Sector Wide Approach .(SWAp) Although there are SWAP’s in Ghana, Zambia and the Phillipines, the Ugandan SWAp seems to be different.
Although the MoU is not a legal framework, and runs out in 2006, it provided the infrastructure which changed the MOH to support the decentralised levels in the implementation of the HSSP,. In the process the MOH became a centralised but privatised organisation ostensibly to improve the health benefits of Ugandans with the help of the donor countries.   
Maybe to reward the government for allowing the implementation of such a SWAp , the MoU agreed that the government monitors itself through a joint Supervision Mission, and report to the development partners (donors) every year. The government immediately realised that with the SWAp/ decentralisation, the donors would end up funding the NRM/Museveni government up to grass root level , thus ensuring the continuity of Museveni in power.  The only price the Uganda government had to pay was to allow the donors own the drug procurement in Uganda, but as long as he had national Medical Stores, he could still get apiece of the procurement pie as well. 
A win-win situation for both sides.
Under the SWAp, the MOH has redefined its role from one of service provider to that of policy making. The role of the MOH is now to provide guidelines, training and capacity building, to monitor the health sector, and co-ordinate the donors.
How The SWAp works
The best description of how the MOH works is to study and analyse the speech made by Brig Jim Muhwezi, the Minister Of Health, at the Seam Conference on Dec 10 2003 in Zanzibar.
This conference was organised by three American pharmaceutical companies and the role
Of Jim Muhwezi was to explain how the Ugandan SWAP works.
‘How to Use the SWAp Structure To Trace The Lost Global Funds
Rigid Decentralisation’
Muhwezi explained that the government decentralised the provision of medical services by 
creating 56 local districts which are tasked with providing health services at the local level.
Out of the 56 districts, the government set out to create 214 individual health sub-districts county wide. Appointments to these sub-districts are made by the MOH , and are under the control of the Minister of State for Primary Health Care, Dr Alex Kamugisha.
These sub-districts receive direct funding from the treasury, as well as the regional hospitals still owned by the government.
An identification of the members of these health sub-districts would indicate where some of the stolen money ends up.
Central Essential Medicines Credit Line
The MoU encouraged the government to recognise and promote particular sections of the private sector through which to channel the distribution of the bulk of the medical services in Uganda. 
There are four types of private sector organisations which the Ministry Of Health acknowledges and uses; 
Religious NGO’s, 
Other Community based NGO’s, 
Private Clinics, pharmacies and private hospitals, 
Traditional healers.
These private health providers are funded by the government through a Central Essential Medicines Credit Line
These private sector organisations (NGO’s and private )are allocated money on credit to provide public health services, based on an allocation criteria determined by the MOH.
These facilities receive credit to buy drugs using public grants and loans and the recipients are determined by the National Medical Stores which is run by Robert Rutaagi ( a close connection of Jim Muwhezi) and the Joint Medical Stores M.D.
In the case of an NGO, the NGO must be ‘cleared’ by the President’s Office, while in the case of private facilities, they must belong stipulated trade bodies like Uganda Private Medica


2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa

When we try to fight the problems we face in our 
continent we need to understand the diffrence we are treated especially by the 
Western nations. And here are issues that really make ones jaw 
1) France has made the deaths of Africans a daily 
joke. Yes we all know France has the worst building standards in Developed 
nations but just how many refugees have to die to end this night mere and 
secondly, suppose a single Jewish family died in France do you think a second 
one would have died in he same fate?
2) You know New Orleans has baffled many of us. To 
those who do not have much info on this city, it was built under sea level, and 
why? I have no clue.  From time memorial there has been a system to monitor 
the movement of the waters around this city. Water pumps and tunnels that pump 
waters out. In about 1965 there was an almost attack on the same city by the 
water. The system around it was built to stand a category three, but after the 
Tsunami attack, plans were made to raise it to a category 5.
But before we even go there, New Orleans is a city 
of mainly black and poor population. And one of the things that George Bush did 
recently was to shut down the program that has been monitoring the water raising 
of New Orleans. In fact those monies were dumped into the running of Home Land 
Security. barely less than two months ago, the leader of the organization 
looking at these water levels, made an interview where he stated how very un 
wise it was to stop this project hat has kept this city dry all this long. The 
waters of New Orleans must always be monitored as the waters around the Tokyo's 
new airport, to those who have flown into it.
And here we are with a whole city destroyed and not 
even a chance to be rebuilt. Many streets have not even shown the power lines 
The president can send in as much help as he can, 
and as late as he has, but did these people really have to die?
Which sends your thoughts to nations like Angola 
which have been under the Americans all along yet lost the most population, or 
even The Iraqis that today have died of only being on the edge.
As a person who has been in these forums very long, 
I wonder why Zimbabwe is the most undemocratic nation and Mugabe must go, but 
Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame who have killed literary millions of people are 
not an issue.
The diffrence between us and them is that if 53 
British die in London bombings they are humans, but as one of their agents 
commented on my outrage about Bob Astles, Pat Anderson called him a strange 
Africans wake up and today.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group"With 
Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

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[Ugnet] Quotes for Thought

2005-09-01 Thread Owor Kipenji
Men in authority will always think that criticism of their policies is dangerous. They will always equate their policies with patriotism, and find criticism subversive: Henry Steele Commager - (1902-1998) Historian and author=There are no boundaries in this struggle to the death. We cannot be indifferent to what happens anywhere in the world, for a victory by any country over imperialism is our victory: Ernesto Che Guevara =Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder the working class who fight all the battles, the working class who make the supreme sacrifices, the working class who freely shed their blood and furnish their corpses, have never yet had a voice in either declaring war or making peace. It is the ruling class that invariably does both. They alone de
 war and they alone make peaceThey are continually talking about their patriotic duty. It is not their but your patriotic duty that they are concerned about. There is a decided difference. Their patriotic duty never takes them to the firing line or chucks them into the trenches. Eugene V. Debs ===
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[Ugnet] Re: [rwandanet] Re: U.S. Tries to Exclude Some From U.N. Group

2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa


I totally agree with you but I would move it a step further, how about not 
being in position to even grade any one's human rights level? For if we 
condemn Rwanda for its autocratic government, so should we the American.

Thank you for bringing  a level into this discussion for some reason that 
part escaped me this morning. (My time)


The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
   Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

- Original Message - 
From: "Serwaja Okwota" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 8:42 AM
Subject: RE: [rwandanet] Re: U.S. Tries to Exclude Some From U.N. Group

Whilst I agree with the arguments of the US on this,I think the US should 
excluded from sitting on this council becoz of its human rights violation 


Subject: [rwandanet] Re: U.S. Tries to Exclude Some From U.N. Group
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 12:26:47 -

Thank you Emmanuel for this information. Rwanda, under the current
regime, should not get a seat in any human rights council. That
country is indeed "unfit to sit in judgment of others". I than thank
the Bush administration for that effort.
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nyemera Emmanuel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 U.S. Tries to Exclude Some From U.N. Group

 By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

 Wed Aug 31, 4:38 PM ET


 WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is trying to
 exclude seven nations from a new U.N. human rights
 council, saying their own records make them unfit to
 sit in judgment of others.

 In a reform proposal, Sudan, Liberia, the
 Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Somalia,
 Sierra Leone and Rwanda would not be eligible to serve
 on a revised human rights council.

 The seven countries are subject to sanctions by the
  U.N. Security Council for human rights abuses and the
 United States wants to keep "some of the worst
 offenders off," Kristen Silverberg, assistant
 secretary of state for International Organizations
 said Wednesday.

 Forming a new human rights council to replace the
 "discredited" Human Rights Commission is an important
 part of the U.S. agenda for reform of the United
 Nations, she said.

 Besides excluding the seven nations, the United States
 is proposing that appointments to a new council have
 the support of at least two-thirds of the members of
 the U.N. General Assembly.

 That would be helpful in keeping some of the worst
 offenders off, Silverberg said.

 Other nations that also seek reform have other
 approaches, and all will be discussed by U.N.
 Ambassador John Bolton and other nations' U.N.
 representatives, she said.

 "We feel very good about our agenda and on progress we
 are making in persuading other member-states,"
 Silverberg said.

 "There is a lot of support in the U.N. for this kind
 of thing," she told reporters.

 Reform is a key item on the agenda of the U.N. General
 Assembly session. President Bush is expected to
 touch on the problem in the annual presidential speech
 Sept. 14 and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
 will spend more than a week in New York holding talks
on human rights and other issues.
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Re: [Ugnet] High Court to hear Brigadier Tumukunde petition in camera

2005-09-01 Thread Daudi Kiribedda

Mr Nume
Your analysis is on the money, and if  M7 is not careful with Tukumunde it may lead to his political obliteration.  M7 is presently juggling too many balls but he has forgotten he's no magician.  The balls are going to start dropping one by one and he will be history and soon.  Keep your eyes on the balls and you will see.

From:  Simon Nume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To:  ugandanet@kym.netTo:  ugandanet@kym.netSubject:  Re: [Ugnet] High Court to hear Brigadier Tumukunde petition in cameraDate:  Thu, 1 Sep 2005 02:52:34 -0700 (PDT)

Mr Kiribedda


A lot of people recently dismissed the Musolini story about the possible impending divirce bertwwen M7 and his wife Janet.


Part of the story revealed that Tumukunde's arrest is closely related to his facilitating the affair of Janet M7 and her Eritrean/Swedish boyfriend.


Could this be why his trail is in camera ??   .. Just wondering 



Daudi Kiribedda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


High Court to hear Brigadier Tumukunde petition in camera



THE State yesterday convinced the High Court to hear Brig. Henry Tumukunde's application, challenging his military trial, in camera.When court convened to hear the matter yesterday, the acting Director of Civil Litigation, Mr Joseph Matsiko, asked for the hearing to be under closed doors "because it had issues concerning the (UPDF) High Command." He said all parties had agreed upon the issue.Tumukunde's team of lawyers, who included Enos Tumusiime, McDusman Kabega, Oscar Kambona and Ronald Oine, did not object to the application.Justice Richard Okumu Wengi subsequently ordered the press and public out of court. The High Court premises remained under tight guard by Military Police during the proceedings. Tumukunde faces was charged with spreading harmful propaganda before the General Court Martial chaired by Lt. Gen. Elly Tumwine, and has been on remand since May 30. He has separate charges of creation of ghost soldiers on the army payroll in
the UPDF allegedly lost over Shs120 million. This trial is also heard in camera.Tumukunde is challenging his Court Martial trial, saying the court was illegally constituted, as the Army High Command never appointed it. He claims that Tumwine cannot preside over his trial when he actively participated and chaired some of the meetings that recommended his prosecution. But the Army refuted the claims in an affidavit sworn by the Chief of Military Intelligence, Col. Noble Mayombo.

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[Ugnet] Re: You can never be too Careful: Drinking from Soda and beer cans

2005-09-01 Thread David Nyende

This incident 
happened recently in north Texas. We need to be even more careful 
everywhere. A woman went boating one Sunday, taking with her some cans 
of coke which she put in the refrigerator of the boat. On Monday she was 
taken into Intensive Care Unit and on Wednesday she died. The autopsy 
revealed a certain Leptospirose  caused by the can of coke from which she 
had drunk, not using a glass. A test showed that the can was infected by 
dried rat urine and hence the disease Leptospirosis. Rat urine contains 
toxic and deathly substances. It is highly recommended to wash 
thoroughly the upper part of soda cans before drinking out of them as they have 
been stocked in warehouses and transported straight to the shops without being 
cleaned. A study at NYCU showed that the tops of soda cans are more 
contaminated than public toilets i.e. full of germs and bacteria. So 
wash them with water before putting them to the mouth to avoid any kind of fatal 
accident. Please forward this message to all the people you care about. 

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Re: [Ugnet] Save UNAA From Self-Destruction!

2005-09-01 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Compare the state of UNAA today with its state when 
we vehemently opposed Dr Munini Mulera's taking it to Uganda and handing it over 
to NRM. The very same words we used are here to hunt us today. Just for the 
record, UNAA is the only organization created to help build refugees in Diaspora 
that is managed and ran by a home government. That in its self is very bizarre. 
A word out now is that Yoweri Museveni him self will be in 
Why should I burn my car at these kinds of fuel 
prices to go and listen to Museveni? 
Just curious !!
 The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  To: UGANDANET@kym.net 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 10:25 
  Subject: [Ugnet] Save UNAA From 
  Our beloved UNAA 
  may be doomed, the single most discussed topic among UNAA regular 
  convention attendees is whether UNAA is really free from partisan 
  politics as the organization's bylaws prescribe. Many 
  Ugandans respected and admired UNAA in its early years because effort was 
  made by the pioneers to keep the organization non-partisan. 
  During the last couple of years, the 
  political leadership in Uganda made concerted effort to infiltrate the 
  organisation.  I am sad to say that the NRM organization has finally 
  succeeded in taking over UNAA. The Ugandan Dictator 
  and President-for-life, Mu7 has of recent taken a front sit when it comes 
  to UNAA affairs and activities. Perhaps inviting Ugandan government officials 
  to participate in UNAA annual conventions was initially done in good 
  faith, but as you might have noticed especially during the 
  Seattle convention; M7's machinations through his NRM stooges in North 
  America effectively took control of UNAA.
  Taking control of 
  UNAA was no accident on the NRM's part, it was one of the key objective of 
  Ambassador Sempala in Washington.  The Ugandan dictator feels threatened 
  by the economic muscle of the Ugandan diaspora in North America.  To 
  minimize this threat, the Ugandan dictator wanted  to infiltrate the 
  diaspora community - he thinks he has a better vision for UNAA, just as he 
  claims to be the only one to have the foresight as to what is best for Uganda. 
  It is disheartening to see an  
  international organization of repute like UNAA, aligning itself with a 
  dictator. It is a sad commentary as to how low UNAA has 
  sunk.  You may have asked yourself, why UNAA past officials and individuals 
  campaigning for UNAA offices this year frequently go to the President’s office 
  when they are in Uganda?
Some UNAA past officials 
who attended the convention which was held at Hotel Africana in 
Uganda met with the President at his office. Two of these officials 
have kept contact with the President office.  
The first 
President of UNAA, Dr. Frank Matovu endorsed Margaret Musoke’s ticket 
and even agreed to  be her running mate. That is well and 
good, but for his own reputation, it is highly recommendable that the 
good Dr. checks out the extent of his running mate's affiliation 
with the President’s Office. MD Musoke was recently in Uganda and 
was seen on more than one occasion with security intelligence 
Officer, Kasirye- connected to the President’s office and an official 
of the President office, Byaruhanga. Margaret Musoke should be open and 
frank with you about her activities and association with the President’s 
Preparations for 
UNAA 2006 convention in New York will be led by Edward Wanda. Two 
years ago, Edward Wanda and  Mrs. Kazibwe currently residing in Boston 
were  appointed Commissar for NRM in North America by the NRM 
Secretariat in Uganda.  Edward Wanda happens to be the 
current Chairman of an ineffective Uganda American Association of Greater 
New York (UAAGNY). The Ugandan Community of New York elected him UAAGNY 
chairman in good faith before the NRM secretariat appointed him an NRM 
commissar. The New  York community was livid that Wanda accepted the 
NRM position, yet  refusing  to relinquish the chairmanship 
of UAAGNY. Since then, Wanda has expanded his NRM patronage 
network disguising it as  UAAGNY work.  He made sure that NRM 
associates in the area, Allan Katatumba and Amooti Kazinduka were appointed 
on the executive. The Uganda House Building Manager and ESO operative, 
Abraham Muhozi is also heavily involved in ensuring 
that Wanda  accomplishes his mission for NRM in 
North America. These are the key people on different committees that 
will be organizing your UNAA 2006 convention. There 
are other sincere members on the various committees who do not seem t

Re: [Ugnet] High Court to hear Brigadier Tumukunde petition in camera

2005-09-01 Thread Simon Nume
Mr Kiribedda
A lot of people recently dismissed the Musolini story about the possible impending divirce bertwwen M7 and his wife Janet.
Part of the story revealed that Tumukunde's arrest is closely related to his facilitating the affair of Janet M7 and her Eritrean/Swedish boyfriend.
Could this be why his trail is in camera ??   .. Just wondering 
Daudi Kiribedda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


High Court to hear Brigadier Tumukunde petition in camera


THE State yesterday convinced the High Court to hear Brig. Henry Tumukunde's application, challenging his military trial, in camera.When court convened to hear the matter yesterday, the acting Director of Civil Litigation, Mr Joseph Matsiko, asked for the hearing to be under closed doors "because it had issues concerning the (UPDF) High Command." He said all parties had agreed upon the issue.Tumukunde's team of lawyers, who included Enos Tumusiime, McDusman Kabega, Oscar Kambona and Ronald Oine, did not object to the application.Justice Richard Okumu Wengi subsequently ordered the press and public out of court. The High Court premises remained under tight guard by Military Police during the proceedings. Tumukunde faces was charged with spreading harmful propaganda before the General Court Martial chaired by Lt. Gen. Elly Tumwine, and has been on remand since May 30. He has separate charges of creation of ghost soldiers on the army payroll in
 the UPDF allegedly lost over Shs120 million. This trial is also heard in camera.Tumukunde is challenging his Court Martial trial, saying the court was illegally constituted, as the Army High Command never appointed it. He claims that Tumwine cannot preside over his trial when he actively participated and chaired some of the meetings that recommended his prosecution. But the Army refuted the claims in an affidavit sworn by the Chief of Military Intelligence, Col. Noble Mayombo.

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