Re: [Ugnet] Hiting A Woman's Breast

2006-06-30 Thread Rehema Mukooza
Are you talking about real breasts or implants?  Anyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thanks for your response.  It would be difficult to find an abused woman who says "He punched, boxed, or kicked my breasts". Given the research that I have done, I found that women's breasts get hurt during a scuffle or with an object ONLY , NOT  the man's direct hit with a hand/fist. If you have information to the contrary, please forward it to me. My argument is that behind all that faked madness, there is very clear conscious operating protecting the breasts. Why? The answer is embedded in the sexual psyche of every sperm
 producer.     The Albanian woman in the link said her abuser tried to tear off her shirt while trying to get to her breast. The fact he did not touch her breasts leaves questions to be answered.      The other abuser threw an object at the abused woman who later reported her breasts area swollen and hurting. Neither woman said the abuser hit their breasts with his hands. If you got more information for me, please let me know.     Let me if I miss some information in the link that you sent to me. Thanks for your response.              EQUALITY FOR KNOWLEDGE IS POWER  "The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking
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[Ugnet] Kony going to Haag alone?!?

2006-06-30 Thread Okuto del Coli

Well, there is that thin chance that Kony may not Hague alone. Those of us who had access to LRA videos and audio recordings from 1980s -2000, please revisit. There was in one of them, a moment when Kony went hard on Acoli "POLITICIANS AND LOCAL LEADERS". There he articulated how he had faith in Mego Betty Bigombe and HOW HE REALLY WANTED TO CUT A PEACE DEAL WITH HER and, most importantly, HOW UNSCRUPULOUS ACOLI POLITICIANS KEPT RUNNING TO HIM AND TELLING HIM NOT TO CUT A PEACE DEAL WITH ATUK BECAUSE SHE WAS ONLY A WOMAN. FURTHER MORE, KONY SPOKE OF THE LRA being "CUK" (market).madit. Question is, WHO WERE / ARE THOSE POLITICIANS HE WAS REFERRING TO? And, "CUK" pa anga gi?!rgdsNoc'l

Well, there is that thin chance that Kony may not Hague alone. Those of us who had access to LRA videos and audio recordings from 1980s -2000, please revisit. There was in one of them, a moment when Kony went hard on Acoli "POLITICIANS AND LOCAL LEADERS". There he articulated how he had faith in Mego Betty Bigombe and HOW HE REALLY WANTED TO CUT A PEACE DEAL WITH HER and, most importantly, HOW UNSCRUPULOUS ACOLI POLITICIANS KEPT RUNNING TO HIM AND TELLING HIM NOT TO CUT A PEACE DEAL WITH ATUK BECAUSE SHE WAS ONLY A WOMAN. FURTHER MORE, KONY SPOKE OF THE LRA being "CUK" (market).madit. Question is, WHO WERE / ARE THOSE POLITICIANS HE WAS REFERRING TO? And, "CUK" pa anga gi?!

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[Ugnet] Stealing Mexico

2006-06-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi

Stealing Mexico By Greg Palast 
Friday 30 June 2006 
Bush team helps ruling party "Floridize" Mexican presidential election.
George Bush's operatives have plans to jigger with the upcoming elections. I'm not talking about the November '06 vote in the USA (though they have plans for that, too). I'm talking about the election this Sunday in Mexico for their Presidency. 
It begins with an FBI document marked, "Counterterrorism" and "Foreign Intelligence Collection" and "Secret." Date: "9/17/2001," six days after the attack on the World Trade towers. It's nice to know the feds got right on the ball, if a little late. 
What does this have to do with jiggering Mexico's election? Hold that thought. 
This document is what's called a "guidance" memo for using a private contractor to provide databases on dangerous foreigners. Good idea. We know the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the Persian Gulf Emirates. So you'd think the "Intelligence Collection" would be aimed at getting info on the guys in the Gulf. 
No so. When we received the document, we obtained as well its classified appendix. The target nations for "foreign counterterrorism investigation" were nowhere near the Persian Gulf. Every one was in Latin America - Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico and a handful of others. 
Latin America?! Was there a terror cell about to cross into San Diego with exploding enchiladas? 
All the target nations had one thing in common besides a lack of terrorists: each had a left-leaning presidential candidate or a left-leaning president in office. In Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez, bete noir of the Bush Administration, was facing a recall vote. In Mexico, the anti-Bush Mayor of Mexico City, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was (and is) leading the race for the Presidency. 
Most provocative is the contractor to whom this no-bid contract was handed: ChoicePoint Inc. of Alpharetta, Georgia. ChoicePoint is the database company that created a list for Governor Jeb Bush of Florida of voters to scrub from voter rolls before the 2000 election. ChoicePoint's list (94,000 names in all) contained few felons. Most of those on the list were guilty of no crime except Voting While Black. The disenfranchisement of these voters cost Al Gore the presidency. 
Having chosen our President for us, our President's men chose ChoicePoint for this sweet War on Terror database gathering. The use of the Venezuela's and Mexico's voter registry files to fight terror is not visible - but the use of the lists to manipulate elections is as obvious as the make-up on Katherine Harris' cheeks. 
In Venezuela, leading up to the August 2004 vote on whether to re-call President Chavez, I saw his opposition pouring over the voter rolls in laptops, claiming the right to challenge voters as Jeb's crew did to voters in Florida. It turns out this operation was partly funded by the International Republican Institute of Washington, an arm of the GOP. Where did they get the voter info from? 
In that case, access to Venezuela's voter rolls didn't help the Republican-assisted drive against Chavez, who won by a crushing plurality. 
In Mexico this Sunday, we can expect to see the same: challenges of Obrador voters in a race, the polls say, is too close to call. Not that Mexico's rulers need lessons from the Bush Administration on how to mess with elections. 
In 1988, the candidate for Obrador's Party of the Democratic Revolution (PDR), who opinion polls showed as a certain winner, somehow came up short against the incumbent party of the ruling elite. Some of the electoral tricks were far from subtle. In the state of Guerrero, the PDR was leading on official tally sheets by 359,369. Oddly, the official final count was 309,202 for the ruling party, only 182,874 for the PDR. Challenging the vote would have been dangerous. Two top officials of Obrador's party were assassinated during the campaign. 
Crucial to the surprise victory of the ruling party was the introduction of computer voting machines and the centralization of voter databases. Observer Andrew Reding of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs reported that ruling party operatives had special access codes denied the opposition. 
Whether the US "War on Terror" lists will find a use in Sunday's election, we cannot know. But the use of American government resources to interfere in south-of-the-border campaigns is an open secret. The GOP's International Republican Institute has run training sessions for the PAN youth wing, funded by US taxpayers through the "National Endowment for Democracy." 
Foreign - that is, American - interference in political campaigns is a crime. That didn't stop Team Bush. However, when the theft of its citizen files was discovered, Argentina threatened to arrest ChoicePoint contractors until the company returned the tapes - and Mexico's attorney general did in fact arrest the ChoicePoint data thieves to

[Ugnet] Letter from President Mbeki

2006-06-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi

Volume 6, No. 24 • 23—29 June 2006


Letter from the President: Advancing the African peace agenda 
SACP Discussion Document: God save us from the false prophets! 

Previous issues 

Advancing the African peace agenda
As we go to press, our continent is still celebrating the success of the Ghana Black Stars who have qualified to take part in the second round of the FIFA Soccer World Cup. This achievement will surely inspire the peoples of Africa to strive for success in other fields as well.
We also wish Tunisia success in their last first round match which will be played as we publish this edition of ANC Today.
What the Ghana Black Stars have done shows that if we apply ourselves seriously to confront the challenges facing our continent, there is no reason why we should not succeed. This includes the central task facing our continent, the task of Africa's renewal.
Over the last few days we had the possibility to interact with a number of processes on our continent focused on the continuing and important challenge of achieving peace in all countries of our continent.
On 18 June, we participated in an important meeting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which opened the way finally to bring an end to the protracted civil war in Burundi. On this day the Government of Burundi and the armed group, Palipehutu-FNL, signed the "Dar es Salaam Agreement of Principles Towards Lasting Peace, Security and Stability in Burundi."
The critical Article VI of this Agreement says "the Parties agree to stop hostilities and commit to engage in serious discussions aimed at reaching a comprehensive ceasefire within a period of two weeks."
Once more we extend our congratulations to the Government of Burundi and the FNL for taking this major step to integrate within the Burundi democratic process the last armed group to end its armed struggle.
We also congratulate and thank President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania for the enormous effort he put into the process of assisting the Burundi Parties to reach the important agreement to end the war. We also thank the current Facilitator of the Burundi Peace Process, our Minister of Safety and Security, Charles Nqakula.
The Dar es Salaam Agreement also makes some important observations that are of great relevance not only to Burundi, but also others of our countries which continue to work to ensure durable peace and stable democracies. The Agreement says:
"In the history of Burundi, the ethnic question has been recognised as being one of the mainsprings of the conflict that the country has endured for so long. It is therefore important to put an end to this state of affairs, to rewrite and take into consideration the history of the country. It has also proven important to put in place mechanisms to ensure the mistakes of the past are never repeated...
"The Truth and Reconciliation Commission shall be called the Truth, Forgiveness and Reconciliation Commission. Its mission shall be to establish the facts regarding the dark periods in our history and to identify the responsibility of the different individuals with a view to forgiveness and reconciliation among the Barundi. It should reflect the broadest representation of Burundi society in its political, social, ethnic, religious and gender aspects."
Like Burundi, Sudan, which we visited a few days ago, similarly faces the challenge of forgiveness and reconciliation as well as the task to ensure that the mistakes of the past are never repeated.
We were therefore pleased to find the Government of Sudan ready to implement the Darfur Peace Agreement concluded in Abuja, Nigeria with the Sudan Liberation Movement.
Of importance in this regard is the fact that the rebel groups that did not sign the Darfur Peace Agreement have now signed a "Declaration of Commitment to the Darfur Peace Agreement", in which they say:
"We shall be bound by the letter and spirit of the DPA and shall assume and implement the relevant obligations arising therefrom, especially those related to the Comprehensive Ceasefire Agreement and the Arrangements agreed therein.
"We commit ourselves to ensure that all the Organs, Committees and Structures under our control, including our members, shall comply with the provisions of the DPA."
Also very encouraging is the progress that has been made to implement the complex Comprehensive Peace Agreement that ended the protracted war between the north and the south of Sudan.
It is however true that there are still some key questions that have still to be resolved. These include the demarcation of boundaries and the sharing of oil revenues according to formulae contained in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.
Our country chairs the Sudan Post-conflict Reconstruction Committee of the AU. We will therefore work closely with President al-Bashir and First Vice President Salva Kiir to help finalise agreement on the outstanding issues.
We also warmly welcome the steps that have been taken to end the conflict in E

[Ugnet] Spreading cancer

2006-06-30 Thread Mitayo Potosi

DepartmentsInternational IssuesSpreading cancerby Robert C. Koehler, Tribune Media ServicesJune 29, 2006The unending game of "pretend" that the U.S. media allow George Bush to play on the global stage, so often letting his lying utterances hang suspended, unchallenged, in the middle of the story, as though they were plausible - as though a class of third-graders couldn't demolish them with a few innocent questions - feels like the journalistic equivalent of waterboarding. Gasp! Some truth, please! I suggest the prez has forfeited the right to command a headline, or half a story, or an uninterrupted quote: ". . . we'll defend 
ourselves, but at the same time we're actively working with our partners to spread peace and democracy," he said last week in Austria. Surely "spreading democracy" should no longer be allowed to appear in print, between now and 2008, unless accompanied by a parenthetical clarification ("not true," stated as profanely as local standards allow). And that, of course, would only be the media's first step back into integrity with the public. The occupation of Iraq, the occupation of Afghanistan, the entire war (to promote) terror . . . please, please, can these no longer be trotted out in consequence-free abstraction, but as the high-tech malevolence they are, actively continuing the incalculable devastation of countries and their populations? The bodies keep piling up, the toxic horrors spread. Hasn't anyone in this place ever heard of depleted uranium? Is the health 
crisis in Iraq and, indeed, throughout the Middle East and Central Asia, not to mention Kosovo and among returning vets for the last four American wars, somehow irrelevant to "the course" we're asked to stay? "Two strange phenomena have come about in Basra which I have never seen before. The first is double and triple cancers in one patient. For example, leukemia and cancer of the stomach. We had one patient with two cancers - one in his stomach and kidney. Months later, primary cancer was developing in his other kidney - he had three different cancer types. The second is the clustering of cancer in families. We have 58 families here with more than one person affected by cancer. . . . My wife has nine members of her family with cancer." This is Dr. Jawad Al-Ali, director of the oncology center at the largest hospital in Basra, speaking in 2003 at a peace conference in 
Japan. Why is it that only peace activists are able to hear people like this? Why hasn't he been asked to testify before Congress as its members debate the future of this war and the next? "Children in particular are susceptible to DU poisoning," he went on. "They have a much higher absorption rate as their blood is being used to build and nourish their bones and they have a lot of soft tissues. Bone cancer and leukemia used to be diseases affecting them the most. However, cancer of the lymph system, which can develop anywhere on the body and has rarely been seen before the age of 12, is now also common." Depleted uranium - DU - is the Defense Establishment euphemism for U-238, a byproduct of the uranium enrichment process and the ultimate dirty weapon material. It's almost twice as dense as lead, catches fire when launched and explodes on impact into microscopically fine 
particles, or "nano-particles," which are easily inhaled or absorbed through the skin; it's also radioactive, with a half-life of 4.468 billion years. And we make bombs and bullets out of it - it's the ultimate penetrating weapon. We dropped at least 300 tons of it on Iraq during Gulf War I (the first time it was used in combat) and created Gulf War Syndrome. This time around, the estimated DU use on defenseless Iraq is 1,700 tons, far more of it in major population centers. Remember shock and awe? We were pounding Baghdad, in those triumphant early days, with low-grade nuclear weapons, raining down cancer, neurological disorders, birth defects and much, much more on the people we claimed to be liberating. We weren't spreading democracy, we were altering the human genome. As we "protected ourselves," in the words of the president, from Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass 
destruction, we opened our own arsenal of WMD on them, contaminating the country's soil and polluting its air - indeed, unleashing a nuclear dust into the troposphere and contaminating the whole world. "We used to think (DU) traveled up to a hundred miles," Chris Busby told me. Busby, a chemical physicist and member of the British government's radiation risk committee, as well as the founder of the European Committee of Radiation Risk, has monitored the air quality in Great Britain. Based on his findings, "It looks like it goes quite around the planet," he said. While Bush mouths ironic whoppers - "We will be standing with the people of Afghanistan and Iraq until their hopes for freedom and liberty are fulfilled," he told the U.N. General Assembly a while back - his actions pass, in the words of former Livermore Labs scien