[Ugnet] RE: Re: what Buganda Mps did Know

2006-09-13 Thread d b
Buganda Women, Children misery  Robbery Theology:

Professors Nsibambi, Bukenya, Kiwanuka, Makubuya abaganda are tired. Your 
government is silently eradicating Buganda through poverty. Remember Bataka 
Bu?! Our efforts therefore, will not stop to bring your government to book for 
premeditated torturing and murdering of O’Buganda. 

Buganda does not need your Mputa I- II oil – Buganda is more than 1000 years 

Evidence on genocide

Those sending me all high-quality data on Luwero genocide, I thank you so much, 
continue doing so. Go on and further get that from the Kingdom of Acoli too. 
The International Criminal Court is in waiting and justice will be done. Our 
archivers please record that Peter Mayiga Monitor article, untold story in 
Luwero for further study and investigation.

A one Mukasa who sent me data on killings that went in West Nile in 1985 please 
send it were I told you for your own safety. 

Likewise, look at the internet among the Buganda home pages, organisations, 
discussion list and send all that data to such sites – mean time will get the 
resources to start a auto programmed data based WEBSITE and a LUGANDA MAGAZINE 
to document all Baganda murdered as the result of the Luwero war in Mityana, 
Mubende, Kiboga etc, before we proceed to the ICC at the Hague.

Contribution of pictures of the dead is also very vital and crucial to tracing 
their origins. Baganda aren’t fools neither are Baganda ignorant as presumed.
State religion and Buganda

In social medicine, (I am a practising sociologist) COUNSELLING PROFESSION MUST 
BE LEGITIMISED after years of thorough education. The department of social work 
and religious studies at Makerere or the school of psychiatry at Mulago know 
about it! Those practicing counselling without proper education and practicing 
licences are doing it illegally. Such vice has generated children sacrifice, 
women rape, and out right stealing by the practioneers.
It’s misuse leads to disqualification, annulment of practicing licence and 
might lead to long-term imprisonment. 

Where did these pastors and prophets get the professional qualification to 
practice such trade?! Established churches and mosques have a very streamlined 
mode of operations, not every one can become a sheikh or priest. Moreover 
seminaries in Uganda are affiliated to Makerere Universities for that sole 

 Dr. Kigozi of Butabika has written countless articles on such issues. Do you 
realises increasing psychiatric problems among the Baganda? The medical 
fraternity must come in and save Buganda. These pastors and prophets promise an 
un-knowledgeable community of instant wealth – without work and remedies even 
to natural ailments. The same type of micro – finance ideology peddled by the 
government, where ignorant peasants borrow and instantly become rich! 

This is teaching robbery! The stories are abundant of people having lost 
property and land. There is an Asian millionaire, who has specialised in this 
type of trade. You want to pay back on an agreed date he disappears only to 
come to you the following day to take away your premises for failure of 

Investors! We are going to fight back.

Buganda cultural heritage is being ruthlessly attacked through;

a.  Papyrus churches  (twisted Marxists type of robbery theology) by 
b.  Intensifying Poverty of knowledge and want in Buganda (killing 
co-operatives  agriculture production)
c.  Land grabbing from Buganda
d.  Killing off rich Buganda peasant and traders - they don’t get incentives
e.  Micro finance borrowing leading to c
f.  Ecological war i.e. Kalangala, Mubende, Luwero, Mabira leading to b.
g.  Non promotion and war destruction of small and medium industry in 


Through churches, they tell you last funeral rites is devilish, our herbal 
medicine scientifically identified by our long lost grandparents is evil spirit 
worshiping, Buganda naming is backward and selling wine through the papyrus 
churches is godly. So Buganda did not have a God?!!

Selflessness and Buganda glory

We aren’t using your money, however our efforts have been relentless, very 
successful and strategically incorruptible. We’ve scored highly, to diminish 
the oppression of the peoples of Buganda. 

Use your money to do likewise. If you are better off enjoying your fuel 
guzzling car, spend on another semester; get fat cheeks on another hamburger, 
heavens bless you and don’t talk for Buganda for God’s sake. 

Segregation on Buganda Land

How much money has NRM allocated to the Lord Mayor Alhajji Nasser Ssebagala to 
upgrade Katwe and Kisenyi – 6 million Uganda shillings to clean the street when 
the Chinese prime minister was here!

How much money has NRM allocated to the Lord Mayor Alhajji Nasser Ssebagala to 
unblock sewer and Indian gutter open constructed drainage network? Nil. 

We’re industrialising with faeces in our Buganda’s backyard.

Today: Bombo, Kampala-Jinja 

[Ugnet] RE: Re: what Buganda Mps did Know

2006-09-13 Thread d b

If you want to understand the mentality of Uganda leaders, drive on Uganda 
roads, visit any Uganda town, Kampala streets or visit Uganda town bus and taxi 
terminals. Certainly, many of these locations, are quite different from 
politicians homes who always prefer high-sounding names i.e. Muyenga, Buziga, 
Ntinda, even if the place might lack proper sewerage facilities or a proper 
road to one powerful man in a banana republic. 

In nature, common sense and rationalism are combined to come to social and 
system organisation among higher primates i.e. human beings. That is not among 
Ugandan political class!

The implications are deeper, for an African Politician, driving in a traffic 
jam or passing by a filthy town or village, can’t see anything and in that 
respect if is a powerful politician, has nothing to do to rectify the situation.

There is more to this fact, IMPROVISING by these types. A politician will on 
that basis get ten policemen to follow him through a traffic jam. Or will make 
sure he becomes a minister to acquire a four will drive, to beat the pot holed 
road to his village or squeeze himself through the commons. I am amazed by this 
behavioural structure!

The above is a scientific study!

It has been raining, and you can imagine; mangoes, passion fruits, bread or 
taxi drivers parking in the middle of huge excrement flow, sending a terrible 
stinking foul smell and that is okay for UTODA and this government. 

You might blame KCC however, government policy is such that KCC will not have a 
mechanical engineering section but rather procure services – as the case might 
be in Global Fund or any other NRM government social services sector.

Uganda, has no known motor and vehicle industrial establishment to either meet 
her transportation needs or replace the existing, despite an over 20-year 
advent of Japanese made mini-buses. Mini buses are a precursor to a modern 
Uganda transportation system. It’s a millennium disaster resulting into 
dismantling of (colonialism) Uganda Railways (UR) and Uganda Transport 
Corporations (UTC) by NRM. 

Welcome come to Uganda government transport policy.

Individuals alleged to be Uganda Taxi Operators Association (UTODA) utilised 
the gap to capture the trend above. Subsequently, launching the most primitive 
transport system ever, in Uganda’s modern history. UTODA today, is a limited 
company of, which usefulness as an association for taxi drivers is more 
political and profit maximisation than meeting the country’s socio-economic and 
health needs. Ask any taxi driver if they know who and what UTODA is, few even 
know the proprietary of that entity and what it stands for!  UTODA is a dreaded 
entity by all taxi drivers and discussing or mention of UTODA appears to send 
shivers among them.

Yet, taxi drivers operate in the filthiest, congested and most toxic 
environment ever known in Uganda. Taxi and bus drivers are the most 
psychologically and sociologically affected labour force in Uganda. Politicians 
predominantly own taxis and buses. 

Drivers and conductors, wake up at 05.00 a.m. and get off their jobs at 11.00 
p.m., implying they work more than 15 hours a day. It is a negative trend for 
family men and a sole reason why taxi drives, are the source of the gravest 
Uganda modern social ills; like drug use, excessive alcohol intake and violent 
behaviour. Taxi drivers have a higher incidence of violence among them, than 
any other working group in Uganda.

In a sentence taxi drivers have lost all human dignity forced or indirectly 
brought on them.

The recent presidential and parliamentary election not a single driver dared 
mention any other party other than National Resistance Movement - you can 
imagine the primitivism despite the oppressive conditions these people work in!

As bodaboda, taxi drivers are expected to shout political slogans even though 
they get nothing from the state.

Scientific driving regulations, a person driving a public service vehicle will 
be working only 4 – 5 consecutive hours and resting for 1 – 2 hours before 
resuming work afresh. That is in civilised societies that care about the health 
of their own people.

 Uganda taxi drivers have to take to his boss between 50,000 to 70,000 shs 
daily and on top of that pay taxi fees raging from between 4500 per route and 
monthly fee of 20,000 in addition to taking care of fuel and mechanical needs. 

Funny enough when motor vehicles particularly matatu and buses slaughter 
people, Uganda police interpret it as over speeding overlooking the very 
origins of the problem – forcing taxi and bus drivers, overworking into such 
terrible omnivorous conditions as illustrated above.

Given that Kampala is a wetland, basic hydrological engineering study shows the 
city would be utilising water transport on Lubigi and Nalukolongo, Mayanja, 
even on garbage filled Nakivubo channel as alternative transport system. 


[Ugnet] Fw: [panafricanistforum] Rebels in Uganda seek UN support for leaders' immunity

2006-09-13 Thread Edward Mulindwa

Rebels in Uganda seek UN support for 
leaders' immunity 
UNITED NATIONS humanitarian chief, Jan 
Egeland has been urged by Uganda's rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) to support 
immunity for its top leaders from international war crimes charges. 
Egeland is joining the Ugandan government and LRA at peace talks in Juba in 
southern Sudan. 
He has opposed an amnesty for the five rebel leaders indicted by the 
International Criminal Court (ICC). 
But he said other forms of justice should also be used to ensure the brutal 
20-year war is ended. 
LRA spokesman Obonyo Olweny said the only way peace talks could progress was 
for Egeland to persuade the UN Security Council and the ICC to drop the charges. 

"The predominant feeling among all the stakeholders in the peace process is 
that the ICC warrant of arrest should be dropped against the LRA leaders, so 
that a peaceful conclusion to the talks can be reached," he told the British 
Broadcasting Corporation's (BBC) Network Africa programme. 
But Egeland in his response said it was up to the ICC to respond to the LRA's 
"Those who have been indicted should face justice but we should also use all 
other ways to deliver justice," he said, suggesting that even traditional 
systems could help. 
Uganda has offered an amnesty to LRA leaders in exchange for an end to the 
war but the ICC has refused to withdraw its international arrest warrants. 
Thousands have died during the conflict and more than one million have fled 
their homes. 
Egeland is hoping to persuade both sides not to be side-tracked by the 
amnesty issue. 
The first group of rebels yesterday afternoon arrived at assembly points in 
southern Sudan - as part of a truce with the government. 
At least 400 rebels have arrived at two sites and include deputy leader 
Vincent Otti, according to peace talks mediator Riek Machar. 
The rebels have been trekking on foot through northern Uganda since a 
cessation of hostilities last month. 
By the terms of the deal, the rebels will be protected by the southern 
Sudanese and the government has undertaken not to attack them. 
"They have shown up in the western assembly point in Ri-Kwangba. They have 
also shown up in Owiny-ki-Bul," southern Sudan's vice president Riek Machar told 
Earlier in the day, the BBC reported meeting a group of about 50 rebels, some 
80kilometres from the border. 
Also a 15-year-old Ugandan boy, George Ochera, told Agence France Presse 
(AFP) news agency from Akworo, a village some 70 kilometres (45 miles) from the 
border: "We saw 200 rebels camping here. Before, we were afraid of them but this 
time they said peace is coming." 
The LRA has abducted thousands of children and forced them to fight since the 
conflict began. 
Aid workers say the flood of children known as night commuters that used to 
stream into northern Ugandan towns every night for protection from rebel attacks 
has now slowed to a trickle. __._,_.___  

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[Ugnet] Patience starts home church

2006-09-13 Thread Peter-Rhaina Gwokto

Patience starts home church

Friday, 8th September, 2006


SISTERS: Patience and Diana
Perhaps all these negative tales about crafty pastors have had an adverse effect on the some people’s faith in established churches. We hear that first daughter Patience Rwabwogo, a few weeks ago, started a church in the courtyard of her plush Buziga home! Covenant Nations Church (CNC), as it is called, is housed under a marquee, has a pulpit and is led by pastor Patience Rwabwogo. Hubby Odrek is the overall overseer, whose role is to make sure everything falls in place. Patience’s sister Diana Kamuntu is the worship leader, while her husband is an usher. Diana is also charged with putting together a choir. For those who might be interested in joining the choir, we hear choir practice and enrolment is at the Kamuntu’s place in Bugoloobi. Dr Joseph Okia of King Solomon Investments is the choir guitarist. Meanwhile, we hear Sunday contributions will go into purchasing musical instruments and a larger location for the church, especially after the
 Rwabwogos’ compound fills up. A scout who attended church service at CNC recently sighted MP David Bahati with his wife, and Susan Muhwezi and her children among other high profile ‘sheep’. Pastor Patience eloquently preached about taking over the Promised Land and having the heart of a warrior. Ends
In my opinion:
Remember: "Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower
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[Ugnet] Uganda: UN Official Takes the Temperature of the Peace Process

2006-09-13 Thread Matek Opoko
  "The Ugandan military has failed to protect civilian populations not only from the LRA but also from its own troops, who have in some cases been the major source of insecurity in the camps (for internally displaced persons)," said the group in a briefing issued in January, titled 'A Strategy for Ending Northern Uganda's Crisis'."Comment: the fact of the matter is that NO comprehensive peace agreement can be reached in JUBA sudan, as long as the cloud of prosecution still hangs over LRA leaders . It is absolutely correct to hold Yoweri Museveni's Military dictatorship responsible for the 20 years of suffering in Northern Uganda. Indeed it is the Military dictatorship in Kampala which started the war in northern Uganda some 20 years ago. "Kony and the Rebels" simply REPONDED to what was an imminenet plan by the Military
 dictatorship to wipeout Acholi, Lango, Teso tribesmen/women of northern Uganda . Assigning the blame for the twenty years of war in Northern Uganda without equally blaming the museveni Dictatorship for policies which resulted in creating the Northern/Eastern Uganda wars is pretty much missing the point. Indeed doing so would be misunderstanding the Northern/Eastern Uganda crises by both Ugandans and members of the International Commuinty.  MK  Uganda: UN Official Takes the Temperature of the Peace ProcessEmail This Page Print This Page  
   Inter Press Service (Johannesburg)  September 12, 2006Posted to the web September 13, 2006  Joyce MulamaNairobi  Efforts to bring peace to northern Uganda have been highlighted over recent days during a visit to Africa by the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Jan Egeland.  For two decades, the region has been gripped by conflict between government forces and the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel movement that wishes to establish an administration based on the biblical Ten Commandments. 
   Thousands of lives have been lost in the fighting, while the LRA has also achieved notoriety for its human rights abuses -- notably the abduction of children to serve as soldiers, porters and sex slaves. U.N. estimates put the number of children kidnapped since the start of the war at about 25,000.  Addressing journalists in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi Tuesday, at the end of his eight-day trip, Egeland repeated a call made earlier in his visit for women and children still held by the LRA to be freed.  "We advocate for the release of the women and children We will do all we can to help the women and child soldiers as they arrive at the assembly points," he said (Egeland is also the U.N's Emergency Relief Co-ordinator). This was in reference to centres established in southern Sudan where rebel fighters are expected to assemble, as negotiators from Uganda's government
 and the LRA continue the latest talks aimed at ending the conflict.  The talks have been taking place in the south Sudanese capital of Juba, under the mediation of the government of southern Sudan. Discussions began over two months ago and are now set to resume, with Ugandan officials and rebels having reached a truce in August.  In the course of his trip, Egeland visited Juba, apparently in a bid to give renewed impetus to the peace negotiations. While there, he met the president of south Sudan (and vice-president of Sudan), Salva Kiir; the vice-president of southern Sudan, Riek Machar; and representatives from Uganda's government and the LRA -- including deputy rebel leader Vincent Otti.  Sudan's involvement in Uganda's northern war dates back more than a decade, when the Khartoum government began supporting the LRA in response to Uganda's backing of south Sudanese rebels. The Sudanese
 civil war came to an end early last year.  Egeland also spent a night at a camp for internally displaced people (IDP) in the Gulu district of northern Uganda, where he held talks with persons forced from their homes about the difficulties they are facing -- and their hopes for the peace process.  Disease and malnutrition are rife in the IDP camps, which house close to two million Ugandans displaced by conflict.  The war has also created what are termed "night communters": thousands of children who walk to towns, where they spent the night in streets and church compounds in an effort to avoid abduction by the LRA.  However, the relative peace following last month's truce has seen the number of night commuters reduced from a peak of 40,000 to 10,000 in the towns of Gulu, Kitgum and Kalongo says Martin Mogwanja: representative in Uganda of the United Nations
 Children's Fund.  "Those who are still coming in are fleeing not from fear of abduction but social problems, such as overcrowding," he told IPS.  The improved situation in northern Uganda notwithstanding, there is apprehension about the peace process -- not least that indictments by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against LRA leader Joseph Kony, Otti, 

[Ugnet] UN chief to meet Uganda's rebel leader over peace talks..Xinhua news Agency

2006-09-13 Thread Matek Opoko
  UN chief to meet Uganda's rebel leader over peace talks   The UN humanitarian chief is to meet the second-in-command of Uganda's rebels of Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) over the peace talks between the Ugandan government and the rebels, an official said here on Tuesday.   Jan Egeland, the UN undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator, accompanied by the vice president of southern SudanRiek Machar, is to meet the LRA's deputy Vincent Otti in Nabanga town of southern Sudan.   Henry Okello Oryem, Uganda's minister of state for international affairs and member of the government negotiation team in Juba, southern Sudan, said the two officials will travel to Nabanga on Tuesday afternoon to meet Otti.   According to Oryem, the two senior officials are going to discuss the peace process with the rebel deputy and hopefully convince him to personally attend the southern
 Sudan brokered negotiations in Juba.   Otti has on various occasions expressed fear of attending the talks because of the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant, but the Ugandan government has promised the rebel leadership blanket amnesty if the peace talks succeeded.   Oryem said because of the importance of the meeting, the peace negotiations have been adjourned to Monday next week.   This will be the first time a senior UN official meeting a top LRA commander, who is among those wanted by the ICC for the war crimes committed in northern Uganda.   The Hague based ICC issued warrants last October for the elusive LRA's leader Joseph Kony, Otti and three other top commanders, who were responsible for a 20 year rebellion that has left tens of thousands of people dead and over 1.4 million homeless.   The peace talks, which started on July 14 and have so far culminated into the signing of a truce agreement, are
 seen as a chance to end one of Africa's longest conflicts.   Source: Xinhua  
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[Ugnet] Uganda extends deadline for peace with LRA rebels

2006-09-13 Thread Matek Opoko
"like Yosweri Mucebeni Kaguta really has a choice? Behold the activity termites!! a house appears to be whole...but thenfill in the blanks  MKUganda extends deadline for peace with LRA rebels by Vincent Mayanja Tue Sep 12, 1:59 PM ET KAMPALA (AFP) - Uganda extended a September 12 deadline for the rebel Lord's Resistance Army to agree to a peace deal or lose an amnesty offer for war crimes charges its leaders face. Just hours before its expiration, Kampala said it would fix a new deadline -- yet to be announced -- in recognition of progress being made at peace talks in southern Sudan following a landmark truce last month.  The move boosts hopes for the negotiations, which have been adjourned until at least next week, aimed at ending northern Uganda's brutal, nearly
 two-decade war that has killed tens of thousands and displaced nearly two million.  Uganda's deputy foreign minister Okello Oryem told reporters that a new deadline would be announced shortly, but suggested the revised timetable could also be adjusted depending on the situation when it expires.  "The adjustment of the deadline will be announced any time soon," he said, noting that the step was being taken because Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni was pleased with "the progress and realistic situation on the ground."  "President Museveni is satisfied with the progress and the movement of the LRA, including the presence of Vincent Otti, at the assembly points," Oryem said, referring to the rebels' second-in-command.  Under the truce, LRA fighters, who number between 500 and 5,000 according to various estimates, have until September 19, to gather at one of two neutral camps in south Sudan where they are to remain for the duration of
 the talks.  "Members of the LRA are following the cessation of hostilities agreement and are assembling in big numbers," Oryem said, noting the arrival of Otti at one camp and of some 400 fighters in the other since the weekend.  In July, Museveni set September 12 as the deadline for rebels to sign a peace accord or lose an offer of a blanket amnesty extended to elusive LRA supremo Joseph Kony, Otti and three other top commanders -- one of whom is now dead -- for war crimes charges lodged by the International Criminal Court.  Since the truce took effect on August 29, he has hinted the date is flexible, although the rebels say they won't agree to a deal unless the charges are dropped and Museveni won't ask for them to be quashed until a pact is done.  The indictees have refused to participate in the peace talks in the southern Sudanese capital of Juba, citing fears of arrest, but Oryem said new efforts would be made to convince at
 least Otti to attend.  Before the talks resume, he said lead mediator Riek Machar, the vice president of autonomous south Sudan, LRA negotiators and top UN relief envoy Jan Egeland would meet with Otti in a bid to bring him to Juba.  "They will encourage him and, if possible, come back with him to the negotiation venue," Oryem said.  Egeland, who toured war-ravaged northern Uganda at the weekend and visited Juba on Monday, was in Kenya on Tuesday but did not mention any plans to meet with Otti in person in comments to reporters there.  However, he told a Nairobi news conference that the United Nations was willing to assist the negotiations in any way it could.  "The UN is
 supporting this peace process," Egeland said. "We will do anything to help this succeed."  One way in which UN agencies are prepared to assist immediately is in caring for thousands of so-called "non-essentials" -- women, children, the wounded, elderly and sick -- the LRA have agreed to release, he said.  "In the next few months we are confident that hundreds of thousands may either return or start to return to northern Uganda," Egeland said. "It will be a dramatic change."   The LRA, which took leadership of a regional rebellion in 1988 and purports to want to create a government based on the Biblical Ten Commandments, has been accused of committing horrendous atrocities, including rapes, mutilations and mass abductions. 
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[Ugnet] UPC's henry Mayega: NRM Must Plead Guilty

2006-09-13 Thread Matek Opoko
Uganda: NRM Must Plead GuiltyEmail This Page Print This Page The Monitor (Kampala)  OPINIONSeptember 13, 2006Posted to the web September 13, 2006  Henry Mayega  I have read Nyombi Thembo's response of
 September 6, titled "UPC Unrepentant" to mine, "The Untold Story Of The NRA In Luwero Traiangle," of September 1. Either he has a problem of comprehension or he disregarded the spirit of reconciliation that UPC has for long now, been advocating. And his rebuttal smacks of sycophancy to a point of absurdity.  Mine was based on figures and incidents. If Nyombi Thembo has ever done research he ought to have known the strength of figures in analysing issues. Since 1986 the NRM regime has been referring to the UPC government as a band of killers. The folly of this argument is that the UPC has been out of power for over 20 years but people are still being killed, disappearing, getting maimed, interned in the most squalid conditions in "concentration camps" dubbed, "Internally displaced peoples camps" and rape by government soldiers of women in the conflict- torn northern Uganda is rife.  If the regime in which Thembo serves was 100% clean then the above ugly events would not be happening.  Back to the "Luwero Triangle" instead of responding wholly to article I wrote, Nyombi Thembo cleverly avoided responding to the various issues I raised and he picked out one namely; the Luwero Saga that took place between 1980 -1985. I pointed out several things that need articulation by courageous people so that we get to the top of this problem.  I touched on the lies peddled by the NRM about a number of things including; Luwero killings, the attack on Lubiri by UFM in the 1980s, banning of political party activities in 1986, General Yoweri Museveni's refusal to relinquish power as laid down by the laws of this country (reasoning that it is citizens of this country who wanted him to eternally stay in power) and conscription of people into the NRA. It does not appear that Nyombi Thembo is a
 courageous character.  The UPC has had that courage albeit the numerous problems we have. During the time of the Presidential Policy Commission, the UPC proposed the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). Again the same position was proposed in the UPC campaign manifesto of the 2006 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. Thembo and his ilk should be reminded that all presidential elections organised by the NRM right in 1996, 2001, and 2006, were massively rigged by this regime.  If he does not know this, then he should read the verdict by the Supreme Court on the Kizza Besigye petitions of 2001 and 2006. Yet the wonderful people of this regime justified their going to the bush in 1980 because of "rigged" elections. I hope Thembo has been living in this country to know this. You cannot claim to hide in the bushes of Luwero and cause maximum carnage/ shedding of blood because of "rigged elections"
 only to emerge from there and massively rig subsequent elections.  I want to set the record straight that I, Henry Mayega, an ardent supporter and member of the UPC, I am not a sycophant of any leader of UPC. I disagree for instance with the slow pace of the reconciliation process in the UPC and hounding of independents in parliament who have a background of UPC.  I always cause a lot of argument about this matter in the UPC administrative structures because I know that we cannot claim the moral high ground on national reconciliation matters when internally as a party, we are not reconciled. I met Nyombi Thembo in one of the city supermarkets and I saw a real sycophant who had copied every stroke of President Museveni in term of dress code; hat on the head, walking stick, he had even transformed his accent to imitate that of his party leader.   
 Relevant LinksEast Africa Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Uganda Post-Conflict Challenges Legal and Judicial Affairs  
 Let me turn to the rebuttal from Thembo. He opens his sycophantic diatribe by saying UPC did not learn from its mistakes. First, was it the UPC that started the war in Luwero? It was the NRA that fired the first bullet in Luwero not the UPC. The then government was duty-bound to defend the people of Uganda in the Luwero Triangle. This was a constitutional obligation.  The writer is Special Envoy  UPC Presidents Office 
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[Ugnet] Uganda: Uganda Asks UN to Delay Action On LRA Rebels

2006-09-13 Thread Matek Opoko
  ABOKALAM!!! fighting the LRA is like fighting Maumau..the wind, so to say... and as you know one can never fight the wind and win!!!..indeed were is this UN goingt ot fight mbu the rebels? in Congo, southern Sudan. this world is surely full of moronsMKUganda: Uganda Asks UN to Delay Action On LRA RebelsEmail This Page Print This Page New Vision (Kampala)  September 12, 2006Posted to the web September 13, 2006  Emmy Allio  AgenciesKampala  UGANDA has appealed to the UN Security Council to delay a resolution calling for joint military action against the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and arrest its indicted leaders.  State minister for foreign affairs in charge of international affairs Okello Oryem said Uganda had communicated to Britain, the sponsor of the Security Council debate, to delay passing of the resolution. The resolution calls for indictment of not only the LRA top officers
 but also collaborators and sponsors of the rebel group.  He said foreign affairs minister Sam Kutesa would brief the Security Council after the Non-Aligned Movement summit in Cuba.  "I must say that diplomatic efforts are underway to ensure that the Juba talks are supported in the interest of peace in the region," Oryem said.  He added that Uganda was consulting the International Criminal Court, which indicted LRA leader Joseph Kony, commanders Vincent Otti, Dominic Ongwen, Okot Odhiambo and the late Raska Lukwiya for war crimes.  On Monday, the LRA team to the talks in Juba requested for two days to go and consult their leadership.  The Government has also extended a September 12 deadline set up in July for the LRA to agree to a peace deal or lose an offer of blanket amnesty.  Just hours before the deadline
 expired, Oryem said, "The adjustment of the deadline will be announced any time soon."  He noted that the extension was to be made because President Yoweri Museveni was pleased with "the progress and realistic situation on the ground".  "The President is satisfied with the progress and the movement of the LRA, including the presence of Vincent Otti, at the assembly points," Oryem said.Relevant LinksEast Africa International Organizations and Africa Uganda Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution   The spokesman for the Government team in Juba, Capt. Paddy Ankunda, told Reuters in Juba on Monday that the rebels have up to September 19 to assemble at agreed locations.  "If they don't assemble, then they are breaking the agreement and we will have to rethink our approach," Ankunda said, declining to say what action the Government would take.  The UN humanitarian chief, Jan Egeland, who toured the war-ravaged northern Uganda and visited Juba on Monday, told a news conference
 in Nairobi, Kenya that the UN was willing to assist the negotiations in any way it could. 
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[Ugnet] Uganda: NRM Must Plead Guilty

2006-09-13 Thread Matek Opoko
  Henry:some of these NRMpeople have been peddling NRM lies for many many years so much so that they now have a tendency of believingin their own lies. The irony matter, however, is that the TRUTH has it's on way of prevailing over lies. This has been proven time and time again.Case in point, we now know that iraq did not have Weapons of Mass Destruction..and that it possed no threath to the world..why then was the world subject to wars were over 450 Billion dollars have thus far been spent to fight wars? well ask the wise one over there!! back to Uganda politics...
 the people of Uganda has now belately understood the extent of lies told by the NRM military dictatorship.. the stupid one still parot NRM likes the wise ones have now realize their their folly!!!MAtekUganda: NRM Must Plead GuiltyEmail This Page Print This Page The Monitor (Kampala)  OPINIONSeptember 13, 2006Posted to the web September 13, 2006  Henry Mayega  I have read Nyombi Thembo's response of September 6, titled "UPC Unrepentant" to mine, "The Untold Story Of The NRA In Luwero Traiangle," of September 1. Either he has a problem of comprehension or he disregarded the spirit of reconciliation that UPC has for long now, been advocating. And his rebuttal smacks of sycophancy to a point of absurdity.  Mine was based on figures and incidents. If Nyombi Thembo has ever done research he ought to have known
 the strength of figures in analysing issues. Since 1986 the NRM regime has been referring to the UPC government as a band of killers. The folly of this argument is that the UPC has been out of power for over 20 years but people are still being killed, disappearing, getting maimed,
 interned in the most squalid conditions in "concentration camps" dubbed, "Internally displaced peoples camps" and rape by government soldiers of women in the conflict- torn northern Uganda is rife.  If the regime in which Thembo serves was 100% clean then the above ugly events would not be happening.  Back to the "Luwero Triangle" instead of responding wholly to article I wrote, Nyombi Thembo cleverly avoided responding to the various issues I raised and he picked out one namely; the Luwero Saga that took place between 1980 -1985. I pointed out several things that need articulation by courageous people so that we get to the top of this problem.  I touched on the lies peddled by the NRM about a number of things including; Luwero killings, the attack on Lubiri by UFM in the 1980s, banning of political party activities in 1986, General Yoweri Museveni's refusal to relinquish power as laid down
 by the laws of this country (reasoning that it is citizens of this country who wanted him to eternally stay in power) and conscription of people into the NRA. It does not appear that Nyombi Thembo is a courageous character.  The UPC has had that courage albeit the numerous problems we have. During the time of the Presidential Policy Commission, the UPC proposed the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). Again the same position was proposed in the UPC campaign manifesto of the 2006 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. Thembo and his ilk should be reminded that all presidential elections organised by the NRM right in 1996, 2001, and 2006, were massively rigged by this regime.  If he does not know this, then he should read the verdict by the Supreme Court on the Kizza Besigye petitions of 2001 and 2006. Yet the wonderful people of this regime justified their going to the bush in 1980 because of
 "rigged" elections. I hope Thembo has been living in this country to know this. You cannot claim to hide in the bushes of Luwero and cause maximum carnage/ shedding of blood because of "rigged elections" only to emerge from there and massively rig subsequent elections.  I want to set the record straight that I, Henry Mayega, an ardent supporter and member of the UPC, I am not a sycophant of any leader of UPC. I disagree for instance with the slow pace of the reconciliation process in the UPC and hounding of independents in parliament who have a background of UPC.  I always cause a lot of argument about this matter in the UPC administrative structures because I know that we cannot claim the moral high ground on national reconciliation matters when internally as a party, we are not reconciled. I met Nyombi Thembo in one of the city supermarkets and I saw a real sycophant who had copied every stroke of President Museveni
 in term of dress code; hat on the head, walking stick, he had even transformed his accent to imitate that of his party leader.Relevant LinksEast Africa Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Uganda Post-Conflict Challenges Legal and Judicial Affairs   Let me turn to the rebuttal from Thembo. He opens his sycophantic diatribe by saying UPC did not learn from its mistakes. First, was it the UPC that started the war in 


2006-09-13 Thread Anyo
  It is my understanding that the ICC Rome statute came into effect for specifically crimes committed against humanity with impunity. And that once astate party like Ugnada has signed and ratified the Rome statute, the ICC overrides the law of that country in respect to crimes committed against humanity with impunity such as the Amnesty law 2000 that waspassed by Uganda parliament, but exlcuded Joseph Kony and his top commanders. If it was ammended before the ICC came in, then Museveni would have a legal basis for giving amnesty to Joseph Kony. But once ICC stepped in, invited by Museveni, and investigated LRA and issued arrest warrant, it is my understanding that the ICC overrides the Uganda's Amnesty law.In other words, under the ICC statute,Museveni, the complainant, does not have any optionand cannotwithdraw his complaint against Kony from the ICC.It is my understanding also that the ICC cannot rescind the complaint that Museveni brought against the LRA. ICChas to investigate, try and punish or acquit the LRA according to the ICC statute.ICC cannot decide to drop the case. Museveni rhetoric about asking ICC to withdraw charges and arrest warrant against Kony and his top commanderis for public consumption becuase it cannot be done!For Museveni to turn around now to say thatthey will amend the amnsety law to give amnesty to Kony, to my mind it is a bluffand blatant mockery to the Acholi people. It isjust avery cruelunsympathetic joke aboutall ourpeople who have died in and outside theIDP camps? Lets remember thatthe campshave killed moreAcholispeople than the LRA and UPDF combined in 20 years.But this is a secret that Southerners ar enot suppose to know. And whose responsobility is it to protect and provide for theinnocent and law abiding citizens of Uganda in theIDP Camps if not the Government of President Museveni?I amgrieved.Museveni, has worked hard to convince Ugandans to blame the suffering of the people in the North in the camps on the LRA. Well, the war is winding down and I wonder what is going throughMuseveni's mind each day. Does heever think about the
 stateof Uganda when these camp dwellers whose faces reference decaying corpses, dying at 1500/weekin camps, finally learn the truth?Does Musevenibelieve thathe will keepAcholis in bottles and kill them liketsenene (sp) forever as he promised back in 1986? Well 20 years has passed and I hope that he has realized that he was also wrapping an anaconda around his own neck because northern Ugandans have reached a stage where theirwill to die over powers the will to live and this a dangerous state of mind. Are there any expert in international lawhere, withspecialized knowledge of ICC
 statute?Please help!An Acholi feminist. Anyo   UNAA-SF 2007 -- STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN OF UGANDA   
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[Ugnet] 'Doctor Death' on SA army payroll

2006-09-13 Thread Mitayo Potosi

'Doctor Death' on SA army payroll 

Dr Basson is a divisive and controversial figure in South AfricaApartheid-era biological weapons chief Dr Wouter Basson is still being paid by South Africa's army seven years after he was suspended and put on trial. 
Top army officials have been meeting after reports the man dubbed "Dr Death" has been receiving R50,000 ($6,800, £3,600) a month without doing any work. 
He faced 67 charges in court after horrific testimony in the 1990s at Truth and Reconciliation hearings. 
But he was acquitted on all charges in 2002 and then sued the defence force. 
Dr Basson is the former head of the defence force's chemical and biological war programme and was accused of being involved in a number of plots to poison anti-apartheid activists, including Nelson Mandela, using deadly bacteria. 
He was allowed to operate in the private sector after his suspension and has been working as a cardiologist at three hospitals in Cape Town. 
Staff in the Military Health Service have complained to the media that it is unacceptable that nobody has replaced Dr Basson as their chief cardiologist whilst he is suspended. 
The National Prosecuting Authority said in October last year he would not face trial for his alleged role in crimes outside South Africa - following a recommendation by the Constitutional Court that he be tried on charges of crimes against humanity. 

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Re: [Ugnet] UN chief to meet Uganda's rebel leader over peace talks..Xinhua n...

2006-09-13 Thread Onegi4142

Museveni has been in power since 1986 and came to power after waging a 
brutal guerilla war in Luwero Trianglefor almost five years. Claims 
ofdeath in those areas reflected that numerous people lost their lives but 
no commission of inquiry has been conducted. What could be the reasons? And yet 
we now find it so easy to blame the deaths and killings in northern Uganda on 
Kony and the LRA!
Museveni started killing in Rwanda in which many people have been cut by 
machetes. This same method has been carried into northern Uganda with the 
exception that the blame is now solely on LRA.
The peace talk in Juba should be more about the substance of the peace than 
the people involved in the leadership of the combatants troops. once the 
substance is ratified, then the leadership can become more meaningful because 
there is a roadmap to follow.
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[Ugnet] [abujaNig] WhyDoMenBeatTheWomenTheyPenetrate?

2006-09-13 Thread Anyo

Why do men beat the women they penetrate? I asked this question because:
Whether he is aNigerian man, Uganda, Kenya, Australian, American, Indian, Chinese, rich, poor, drunk, short, tall, ugly, handsome, doctor, bus driver, teacher
Theperson these abusive men beat are the women whose vagina they insert their penises! Why don't these same men beat their female bosses, coworkers, sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, neighbours, roommate, male friends, male roommates? 
A man would lose his job, get drunk, get so depressed an bla bla bla...we would never know that hehas "anger management"problem yeah right! until he findsa woman to penetrate...then suddenly we realize that he is a violent man. So is it the alcohol, depression...drunkness...blabla...that is making him violent or the vagina?
Plus, is it mere coincidence that mental abuse on wives is unprecedentedly high in christian homes but physical abuse is extremely low? 
So, is wife beating about our human reproductive mechanism?
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED].com, "Anyo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The highlight for me @ the UNAA-NY conference. I walked incongregation on Sunday, sat patiently and waited for time fortestimonials. I respectefully tip-toed and asked the pastor if I couldgive my testimony. He said "Yes. But please keep it short because we arerunning of time." Little did he know that he was giving a feminist the opportunity to confront god at a very high level. I packed my 'verycarefully chosen' words in a few sentences. My intended target was men (of god); not women. My delivery ended with the question: Why do menbeat the women they penetrate? I was not surprised when the women's faces turned to "Where did this mad one come from?" And then, I thanked god for giving me the opportunity to address his followers and foropenning the mind of the women in the congregation so that they thinkclearly. In less than two minute, I h
 ad completed my delivery; thepastor was sweating and confused. Everyone that gave testimony receivedenthusiastic recognition with loud applause except me. I wasn'tsurprised! 


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PJ Adamz 
Abuja Nigeria.



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% UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

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[Ugnet] Re: FW: [abujaNig] TheDoMenBeatTheWomenTheyPenetrate?

2006-09-13 Thread Anyo

Thank you for the indirect compliment, but my photo? Naaa!


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], otitigbe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Send me your full size photo. I just want to see how you look like.
 are always dreaming of penetration. I will put you picture near
 workbench, may be then I will be inspired to answer your questions.

 -Original Message-
 From: Anyo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 1:28 PM
 Subject: [abujaNig] TheDoMenBeatTheWomenTheyPenetrate?

 Why do men beat the women they penetrate? I asked this question
 Whether he is a Nigerian man, Uganda, Kenya, Australian, American,
 Indian, Chinese, rich, poor, drunk, short, tall, ugly, handsome,
 bus driver, teacher
 The person these abusive men beat are the women whose vagina they
 their penises! Why don't these same men beat their female bosses,
 coworkers, sisters, neighbours roommate, male friends, male roommates?
 A man would lose his job, get drunk, get so depressed an bla bla
 bla...we will never know that he has anger management problem yeah
 right! until he finds a woman to penetrate...then suddenly we realize
 that he is a violent man. So is it the alcohol, depression..blabla...
 that is making him violent or the vagina?
 Plus, is it mere coincidence that mental abuse on wives is
 unprecedentedly high in christian homes but physical abuse is
 So, is wife beating about our reproductive mechanism?

 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Anyo aywek@ wrote:
 The highlight for me @ the UNAA-NY conference. I walked in
 on Sunday, sat patiently and waited for time for testimonials. I
 respectefully tip-toed and asked the pastor if I could give my
 testimony. He said Yes. But please keep it short because we are
 of time. Little did he know that he was giving a feminist the
 opportunity to confront god at a very high level. I packed my 'very
 carefully chosen' words in a few sentences. My intended target was men
 (of god); not women. My delivery ended with the question: Why do men
 beat the women they penetrate? I was not surprised when the women's
 faces turned to Where did this mad one come from? And then, I
 god for giving me the opportunity to address his followers and for
 openning the mind of the women in the congregation so that they think
 clearly. In less than two minute, I had completed my delivery; the
 pastor was sweating and confused. Everyone that gave testimony
 enthusiastic recognition with loud applause except me. I wasn't

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Norway. This site is created for small and medium sized companies in Nigeria. 
We provide them with web space, help with their Internet presence needs and 
provide 10 free email accounts when they sign up to our service.   
PJ Adamz 
Abuja Nigeria.
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