[Ugnet] US magazine lays into Tsvangirai

2013-06-11 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*US magazine lays into Tsvangirai *

*Farirai Machivenyika Senior Reporter *

Tuesday, 11 June 2013 00:08

THE choice Zimbabweans face at the elections is a simple one, continue on
the path of revolution and true independence espoused by Zanu-PF or regress
to the counter-revolutionary politics of puppetry in the MDC-T, the leading
American left-wing magazine, Counterpunch, has said.

In an article titled ‘Zimbabwe: The Revolution Continues” published in its
June edition, Counterpunch magazine’s Eric Draitser said under President
Mugabe’s leadership Zimbabwe had managed to maintain its independence
despite spirited efforts by Western powers to destabilise the country and
slammed Tsvangirai’s policy of western appeasement.

“The coming elections in Zimbabwe are no mere referendum on the leadership
of the coalition government. Instead, the decision before Zimbabweans is a
clear one: continue on the revolutionary path of Mugabe and Zanu-PF or
follow Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC-T and their pro-US,
neoliberal economic agenda.

“While much of Africa has been turned into a chaotic, war-ravaged continent
stuck in the destructive cycles of violence, terrorism, and dependence on
imperial powers, Zimbabwe has managed to maintain the fierce independence
and commitment to revolution espoused by President Mugabe stretching all
the way back to the post-colonial liberation struggle,” he said.

Draitser said the fast track land reform programme was the reason imperial
powers imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe.

“It was precisely this policy shift that earned Mugabe the ire of the
imperial powers, particularly the British, which then sought to punish
Mugabe and the people of Zimbabwe by instituting crippling sanctions that
destroyed the Zimbabwean economy,” Draitser said.

Over 300 000 households were resettled on land formerly owned by 6 000
white commercial farmers and have done well despite shortages of resources
and long term financing that are a result of the illegal sanctions.

“This incredible accomplishment of land redistribution has far-reaching
implications for the people of Zimbabwe.

“Not only are they finally able to enjoy the fruits of their revolution,
but they have charted a course of self-sufficiency that allows the country
and its elected officials to be less dependent on foreign powers, giving
them a greater degree of autonomy in political and economic matters.
However, the significance of the land redistribution goes much further than
simply its impact on the people of Zimbabwe. The successful redistribution
of land provides a “dangerous” model for other African nations still
struggling with the legacy of colonial rule,” he said.

He added that other policies adopted by Zimbabwe like the indigenisation
programme have also riled most Western nations who view Africa’s resources
as theirs to exploit.

“Perhaps one of the most shocking to financiers and capitalists in the West
was the decision to nationalise the mining sector, as the Government took
majority stakes in most mining companies operating in the country.

“Naturally, this was yet another slap in the face to corporate interests
that saw in Zimbabwe yet another African cash cow to be milked dry. The
imperialist mentality in Africa views the resources as belonging to white
Europeans and Americans rather than the people of Africa.

“This fundamental divide is what distinguishes Mugabe and Zanu-PF from many
other leaders in Africa who, at every turn, grovel at the feet of their
former oppressors,” he said.

Draitser took a swipe at Tsvangirai and the MDC-T for their subservience to
corporate imperial power and their intentions to reverse the gains made by
Zimbabweans under President Mugabe’s rule.

“In 2011, as the land redistribution and indigenisation programs were
beginning to take root, Tsvangirai stated publicly that, “We don’t support
grabbing property and seizing companies. We support a process of willing
seller, willing buyer.”

This revealing statement illustrates clearly the degree to which Tsvangirai
and MDC-T represent the interests of the British and the imperial-corporate
powers who themselves created the “willing seller, willing buyer” concept
in the Lancaster House Agreement.

“Essentially then, when Tsvangirai speaks it is the voice of London,
Washington and Wall Street,” Draitser said.

He said even cables released by WikiLeaks showed that Tsvangirai is against
the interests of Zimbabwe by privately urging the US to maintain sanctions
on Zimbabwe while speaking against them in public.

“The intimate relationship between the MDC-T and US intelligence
illustrates the degree to which Tsvangirai is not merely compromised but,
in many ways, an outright agent of the United States and the other imperial

The MDC-T would seek to transform Zimbabwe into little more than another
compliant African client state where the needs of the poor majority would
be trumped by the power of the wealthy minority serving the needs of

Re: [Ugnet] [UAH] God have mercy! Look at the baby boy on the side! Where is the alcohol ban and mini-skirt law when u need one?

2013-06-11 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa


Because the old crap that was building the morals in the country are lining
up at age 90 to get medals from Museveni, look this man has screwed up
Uganda from both ends, the youths and the olds. But thank God for this,
because you Ugandans brought this man to power, you supported him, you hide
him in your own homes, you slept with him to making firkin babies. He killed
Northerners as you were singing Mwoto Nawaka, he killed Easterners and you
defined them as Badugudugu, when we asked for an inquiry into Luwero murders
you called us very angry men, when we asked about Kanungu you told us that
it had a church to house 500 people, when we raised Mukura you questioned if
those in Mukura are actually Ugandans. But you laughed for you have a King
and you used a caviar of Ffe kasita twebaka Munange kutulo ate ne General
Katumba Muganda. It is time to sleep in the bed you made with Museveni and
The Movementists. Uganda has nowhere to go but into tyranny, and may God
help me to be alive for the deaths in Uganda after Museveni are going to
make the Rwanda genocide a firkin joke.


My name is EM and I reside in Toronto.{Just on record}


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of eun Nyaronyango
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:42 PM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [UAH] God have mercy! Look at the baby boy on the side! Where
is the alcohol ban and mini-skirt law when u need one?


The moral fiber is really rotten - gone kabisa!  - What a shame!




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From: robuku...@gmail.com
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [UAH] God have mercy! Look at the baby boy on the side! Where
is the alcohol ban and mini-skirt law when u need one?
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 19:43:50 -0700
CC: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com; sseka...@aol.com; ugandanet@kym.net;


Not sure if the miniskirt or alcohol is to blame here, some one has failed
as a parent here, nothing to do with government.


On some level allowing kids to an adult show is a statement on the level of

On Jun 10, 2013, at 2:49 PM, "Herrn Edward Mulindwa" 

Again I am repeating what I stated to Robukuni, I am not worried about
Museveni but the long term damage he has done to our country and how we deal
with it.


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mary Kelly
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 5:46 PM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com; sseka...@aol.com
Subject: Re: [UAH] God have mercy! Look at the baby boy on the side! Where
is the alcohol ban and mini-skirt law when u need one?


This really crazy!

On June 10, 2013 2:39:53 PM PDT, sseka...@aol.com wrote:

Death of the entire nation. Six year old kids joining in with older

men and women to see a fool plugging a bottle inside a woman??


Apparently the kids are enjoying it.


It send shivers down my body. 




-Original Message-
From: Hannah Ogwapiti 
To: ugandans-at-heart 
Sent: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 18:35
Subject: [UAH] God have mercy! Look at the baby boy on the side! Where is
the alcohol ban and mini-skirt law when u need one?


On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Hannah Ogwapiti






2013-06-11 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
How life has changed for Raila Odinga after polls

Updated Monday, June 10th 2013 at 11:59 GMT +3

By Geoffrey Mosoku, Mangoa Mosota and Cyrus Ombati

Following the March 4 general election outcome and the subsequent Supreme
Court ruling upholding Uhuru Kenyatta’s win, life has changed for former
Prime Minister Raila Odinga, including loss of trappings of power.

As Raila grapples with diminishing political influence in the country,
having been left only as the head of the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy
(CORD), albeit outside the two legislative institutions, so too have the
symbols of power that he bore shrunk.

The transition from OM and the President’s co-principal in accordance with
the 2008 power-sharing deal with President Kibaki, to elder citizen and
political party captain, has been further complicated by what his supporters
see as a plot by Jubilee Alliance to humiliate, undermine and eventually
tame his influence and social standing.

The changing lifestlyle of Raila was discernible when twice last week he was
blocked from accessing the VIP lounges at the Jomo Kenyatta International

In both cases, what came to the fore was whether by virtue of having been a
co-principal in the power-sharing deal, he should not have direct access to
the airport’s VIPIII lounge which Kenya Airports Authority says is the
preserve of serving presidents and their deputies, visiting heads of States
and Prime ministers.

Also affected by the blockade was his wife Ida Odinga, something that
triggered outrage within CORD ranks in Parliament, with claims being made
that President Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration had shown disrespect for Mr
Odinga out of political considerations. 

MPs from Mr Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) were angry over what
they term as deliberate attempts by the Jubilee government to undermine him
and warned that this was slowly stoking tension among Kenyans who voted for
him in the last election.

Before the election, Mr Odinga had more than 40 bodyguards, drawn from the
Recce Company, General Service Unit’s team that protects VIPs, but the
situation drastically changed after the power shift. 

A senior security officer told The County Weekly that Mr Odinga has been
assigned only two guards, while his wife Ida has none. An official at the
ODM secretariat, who asked not to be named for protocol reasons, was blunt:

“There are concerted efforts to frustrate and humiliate him and this will
not be good for this country.”

He said that due to the limited number of security officers assigned to Mr
Odinga, it was not possible for the security guards to rest.

Senior leader 

“Mr Odinga has accepted the Supreme Court’s ruling and has agreed to move on
but he must be treated as a senior leader. Anybody trying to belittle his
position should know that this country may never be the same again should
anything bad happen to him,” warned the official.

When he visited Kisumu recently in the company of Margit HellwigBoette, a
German Ambassador, it was clear things have changed for him.

While opening a modern school financed by the German government, he had two
officers struggling to shield him from surging crowds. Most of his security
was left to a horde of ODM youths clad in black suits.

When it started drizzling, it was an ODM youth who shielded him with an
umbrella, a sign of how things have changed.

There were only a handful of police officers.

The day was a deep contrast from the past when armed security officials
covered his public functions.

>From Kisumu International Airport to the venue of the celebrations at the
stadium, jubilant crowds cheered him.

Recently, Ida, who was accustomed to about six officers while in public did
not have any bodyguard. There was no lead or chase car.

Both Mr Odinga and former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka who was his running
mate on the CORD ticket now have to contend with the Nairobi traffic
gridlocks after their chase cars were withdrawn.

At public events, there has been confusion on where they should be placed in
line with protocol arrangements. But because of their past status, they are
usually accommodated in the programme with some of the speakers having
difficulties on how to address them.

Own staff 

But Mr Odinga has been magnanimous about his ‘tribulations’. He has likened
his detractors to a witch in the dark who is caught pants down.

“A witch is exposed when carrying out his activities in the dark, when
suddenly there is light and everyone witnesses the entire evil thing he has
been doing,” he said.

According to his aides, Mr Odinga now operates between his home in Karen and
two private offices in Upper Hill and at times Orange House, the ODM party

Whenever he is retreating to write his memoirs, Mr Odinga prefers to use
Raila Odinga Centre (ROC) or the exclusive Nairobi Club.

He spends most of his time in consultations with his local and international
friends on political, business and diplomacy issues.

For polit


2013-06-11 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa


Canadian press has just reported that the former Ontario premier Dalton
McGuinty will resign his seat as an MPP for Ottawa South on Wednesday. He
has held the seat for 23 years, so if you want to stand as an MPP in Ottawa
South start to build your team today for the position is opening up very


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"

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