ugnet_: ...then the Law, the Master & Peasants

2004-05-31 Thread dbbwanika db

Court stops registration of parties 

THE Constitutional Court yesterday suspended the registration of political parties, pending the disposal of a petition that seeks to overturn the Political Parties and Organisations Act (PPOA).

With a 4-1 majority decision, the court said there was merit in the application brought by pro-multiparty activists, seeking the suspension of the Act.

Under the law, yesterday, January 16, was the deadline for all political parties to register anew or cease to exist. Justices Galdino M. Okello, Alice Mpagi-Bahigeine, Stephen George Engwau and Christine B.N. Kitumba concurred in allowing the request.

But Justice Constance Kategaya Byamugisha dissented. The judgment of the dissenting Justice was not read.

The application was brought by Dr James Rwanyarare, the chairman of the UPC presidential policy commission, Haji Badru Kendo Wegulo, Yusuf Nsubuga Nsambu, Ken Lukyamuzi and James Garuga Musinguzi. The others are Maj Rubaramira Ruranga, Francis Gureme, Karuhanga Chaapa, Hussein Kyanjo and John Jean Barya.

The court said the fundamental rights of the petitioners were being threatened by the Act.

The justices dismissed the Attorney General's argument that to grant a stay of the provisions of the Act, would amount to granting an injunction against the Government, which is illegal.

In a 10-page ruling, read by Justice Engwau, the court said the 1995 Constitution ushered in the administration of justice a fundamental change.

They agreed with Peter Mukidi Walubiri and Kiyemba Mutale, the applicants' lawyers, that a stay or suspension of the operation of the law to stop the violation of peoples rights and freedoms, was not an injunction against the Government. They also concurred with the lawyers that the order being sought was merely to preserve the status quo as the constitutionality of the law in question was being investigated.

They said under the 1995 Constitution, judicial power is derived from the people and is exercised by the courts.

"This is an important innovation of justice because the emphasis is on the people. Judicial power is now derived from the sovereign people of Uganda and is to be administered in their names," they added.

Published on: Friday, 17th January, 2003

Court Overturns POA

The Constitutional Court yesterday declared sections 18 and 19 of the Political Organisations Act (POA) null and void.

The two sections restricted political party activities to national level. In a unanimous decision, the five judges ruled that the sections were unconstitutional, and in effect established a one-party state in favour of the Movement.

They said the sections were contrary to section 75 of the Constitution.

"The effect of these findings is that the impugned sections 18 and 19 of the Act contravene the Constitution. We therefore declare them null and void. Accordingly, the petition is allowed with costs in favour of the petitioners," read the joint ruling presented by Justice G.M Okello.

But the Attorney General, Francis Ayume, who represented the State, immediately said he would appeal against the ruling.

Ayume, assisted by the director of civil litigation, Deus Byamugisha, told journalists that he would file his intention to appeal soon.

Democratic Party President Paul Ssemogerere Terego MP Casiano Wadri and Sam Njuba of Reform Agenda had challenged the two POA sections.

The others behind the petition are Sebuliba Mutumba, Winnie Byanyima and Reagan Okumu.

Court also said the sections were inconsistent with articles 20(2), 29 (1) (d) and (e), 43 (1) and 2(c) and 73 (2) of the Constitution.

The judges said they never ruled on the Constitutionality of the entire POA since the petitioners never asked them to do so.

Published on: Saturday, 22nd March, 2003



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ugnet_: What Justice Minister thought then - what has changed Now

2004-05-31 Thread dbbwanika db  

Referundum 2000: What happened

Clause 21 of the Bill allows political parties to open offices and engage in political activities at national level, but not at district,municipal,sub-county, ward and village levels. The Bill was passed as an amendment to Section 269 of the Constitution of Uganda, which places restrictions on the operation of political parties.

On 31 August, Parliament overwhelmingly voted to amend the Constitution, validating the Referendum (Political Systems) of 2000 and other laws enacted since October 1996. A total of 224 MPs voted in favour of the Constitution (Amendment) Bill of 2000 tabled on 29 August by Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Mayanja Nkangi. 

Only one unidentified MP voted against the Bill which amended Articles 88, 89, 90, 97 and 257. 

Deputy Speaker Edward Ssekandi barred Omara Atubo (Otuke) from presenting a certified copy of Constitutional petition number 2, challenging the Referendum (Political Systems) Act of 2000. He also stopped any comment on the case, which is pending in the Constitutional Court. Parliament at first suspended Rule 73, which provides for voting by secret ballot. The motion to suspend the Rule, which was not debated, was moved by Mike Mukula (Soroti Municipality) and passed with 182 votes against 18. Six MPs including Maj. Gen Mugisha Muntu abstained. 

Rule 73 provides for a secret ballot when the House is voting on a Bill seeking to amend the Constitution or election and removal of a personholding a Constitutional office. Under the amendments, Parliament will determine its methodof voting. It will also not be required to have a quorum of 93 members to transact business.

A quorum will only be necessary at the time of voting. Parliament, presided over by Ssekandi, unanimously passed an amendment moved by Ben Mutyaba (Makindye East) seeking to bar courts from inquiring into the proceedings of the House and compelling the Speaker, members and staff to give evidence as was the case in the recent petition against the Referendum and other Provisions Act of 2000. 

Article 257 was amended to provide that «no Act passed or purported to have been passed by Parliament at any time after the commencement of this Constitution shall be taken to be invalid by reason of the fact that the Bill for the Act was not discussed and recommendations made on it to Parliament by a standing committee.» The Referendum Act is one such Act that was never scrutinised by a standing committee. The Article was further amended to validate laws and resolutions, passed by the House using voice-voting that the Constitutional Court had also declared unconstitutional.

(The New Vision, Uganda, 1 September 2000) 

Movement supporters also marshalled support from Justice Minister Mayanja Nkangi and the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, Ms Rebecca Kadaga, to rout the motion by multiparty legislators, who included the outspoken de facto leader of the Uganda People's Congress, Mrs Cecilia Ogwal. Paul Ssemogerere, the Democratic Party president, together with Nwoya County MP Zachary Olum and Kibuku County MP Reiner Kafiire, petitioned the Constitutional Court in November 2000 seeking nullification of the Constitutional Amendment Act 2000.

The Act was passed contrary to the provisions of Chapter 18 of the Constitution, they charged. The petitioners said it was not read before Parliament for at least 14 days before President Museveni's assent. They further maintained the amendment of articles 88, 89, 90 and 97 indirectly amended articles 1, 2, 28, 41, 43 and 44 without consent of the people through the referendum under articles 258-262 of the Constitution. But, typically, the petition was dismissed on 3-2 majority ruling.


CA set up a timetable in Article 271 (2) and (3) as well as Article 269 showing how the transition period would come to an end. That is why the 2000 Referendum on Political Systems became a constitutional requirement.

Political Parties and Organisations Bill 2001the bill sailed through with 146 votes in favour, 7 abstentions and one against. In a parliament of 306 MPs, government must be wondering what happened to its assumptions that it has two thirds of the MPs in the bag.

The member from Bukhooli North, who we all know has firm links with the Uganda People's Congress party, Patrick Mwondha did say "parliament is being used to do somebody else' work".

Indeed if one didn't know better, he or she would think that in a Parliament of nearly 300 people, there were 120 multi-partyists. No, they are about 25, and have been able to give the NRM's 250 MPs a run for their money. In every way, I think the strength of the Movement has been overstated. Without the muscle of the state machinery and public funds, and the army on its side, it would only be marginally stronger than either UPC or DP. (The Monitor, Feb. 10, 1999) Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) terms of reference of the commission will a

ugnet_: Who owns Wakyato/Ngoma Land - The Peasant's Destiny

2004-05-25 Thread dbbwanika db 

- Between 30 - 60, 80 Farmers are evicted from their land in wakyato 
and  other areas in Luwero

-Farmers have stayed on land for over 40 years others more than 60 

- Their crops destroyed without being paid or moved to other land and 
even cattle destroyed

-One Mularo women her cattle keeper is imprisoned without charges or 
any reason for imprisonment being explained!!

- Some land has been sold more than three times by people driving UC 

-Letters from the forestry department have been produced claiming 
ownership to land yet ministers and private individuals are cutting 
down trees to make charcoal for sell!

- At the same time ministers and other invidividuals claim ownership 
to land as the forward the UFA ownership

- Who owns this land - state minister of defence or the forestry 
department or people claiming to be government officials.

- Why were the people farmer not paid before eviction what does the 
law  say??



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ugnet_: Clerks to Lumpens - The Peasant's Destiny

2004-05-25 Thread dbbwanika db 

NRM MOST remarkable but also visible success ever, is in fighting back colonialism and in its place setting up a system that has transformed the backward , ignorant peasants, primitive and biological substances and "bantu" office clerks  into STREET LUMPENS and DESTITUTES in their own land.

Even the buffon  amin and goost Obote never succeded in doing that!

For women - liberty has drove them to the narrow dark corners now strangling unwanted children obtained by accident or default - the frequence is so amazing that backward regimes will for a vry long time remain an academic and social debate among Ugandans. 

whether NRM is revolution or a devolution of Uganda's authentic sociality that history will tell for now we are enjoying the mustard seed.

so be it!




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ugnet_: For Power and Land of the dead

2004-05-17 Thread dbbwanika db

- Between 30 -80 Farmers are evicted from their land in wakyato and 
other areas in Luwero
-Farmers have stayed on land for over 40 years others more than 60 years
- Their crops destroyed without being paid or moved to other land and 
even cattle destroyed.
- Some land has been sold more than three times
-Letters from the forestry department have been produced 
- At the same time ministers and other invidividuals claim ownership 
to land
- Who owns this land - the state minister of defence or the forestry 
department or people claiming to be government officials.
- Where were these people not paid before eviction what does the law 




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ugnet_: Who owns Wakyato/Ngoma Land - The Peasant's Destiny

2004-05-14 Thread dbbwanika db  

- Farmers are evicted from their land in wakyato and other areas in Luwero
-Farmers have stayed on land for over 40 years
- Who owns this land - state minister of defence or the forestry department or people claiming to be government officials.
- Where were these people not paid before eviction what does the law say




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ugnet_: National Library of Uganda -for Land & Money

2004-05-14 Thread dbbwanika db

--- original message ---
> A suggestion to contact the Prime Minster was raised we should plan how
> to
> present our case to him. While we are doing that I suggest that a
> committee
> be formed to present the case to parliament. Parliament can respond
> faster
> than the PM's office. Since the NL is set up by Act its in the interest
> of
> parliament to see it run and not collapse.


Fellow Ugandans, 

Immagine a Country without a "National heltage"!. The National Library is 
mandated to "act as a depository for national and foreign governments 
publication... for purpose of promoting research... and for preservation of 
published national culture and intellectual out put" (The National Library 
act, 2003 Dated 17th January, 2003).This function has been formally 
performed by Makerere University Library, and Uganda Management 
Institute.Less than a year after enactment of the national Library, the 
Government comes out with a statement saying "...The Ministry has also 
failed to pay the rent arrears and national Library will be evicted from the 
current offices because the land loard has given them a notice to quit his 
premises at Buganda Road by 10th may 2004" (Statement of the honourable 
Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development to the Social Services 
Committee, 29th April, 2003).What do you say? 

Read the message below. 


Elisam Magara 
Senior Lecturer, East African School of Library and Information Science, 
Makerere University 
Home address:Box 16217, Kampala 
Personal address: Box 40277, Kampala 
Fax: 256-41-540817, 

From: "charles batambuze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
List-Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: 04 May 2004, 03:08:44 PM 
Subject: [Uganda_LibAssoc] Crisis hits NLU 

In a period of less than a year since the enaction of the National Library 
Act 2003, establishing the National Library of Uganda (NLU)a looming crisis 
over rent threatens to sniff out the short life of the newly born 
institution. According to sources, NLU has an accumulated bill of Shs 127 
million spanning a period of 3 1/2 years. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and 
Social Development under whom NLU falls has indicated that they have failed 
to pay the rent arrears and so the library will be evicted. A notice of 
eviction has been served by the land lord, Patidar Samaj giving 10 May 2004 
as the date by which NLU should vacate. The Ministry is moving towards 
relocating the library to Mengo Kisenyi, a proposal that is unpopular with 
staff of NLU, Uganda Library Association and some Members of Parliament. The 
reason being that Kisenyi is a slum and the social centre is in a very sorry 
state to house an institution worth the name of a national library. 
In another development, the Uganda Library Association (ULA) in a petition 
dated 15 April 2004, petitioned Parliament through the Social Services 
Sessional Committee to intervene and stall the schemes of the Ministry of 
Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) to kill NLU. ULA petition got 
a hearing last week on 29 April 2004 when the Minister of Gender, Labour and 
Social Development, Hon. Zoe Bakoko Bakoru and her team were appearing 
before the Social Services Sessional Committee over the budget for FY 
2004-05. The Ministry did not budge on its determination to relocate the 
library to Mengo Kisenyi inspite of protests from some MPs on the Social 
Services Committee, NLU Director and fearless arguments advanced by ULA 
Chairperson Elisam Magara. The committee decided that they would visit the 
Social Centre in Mengo Kisenyi this week beginning 5 May before a decision 
to move the library is made. 
At the end of the meeting, the Minister and Permanent Secretary were full of 
rage and fury over the petition and the petitioners. They did not have kind 
words for ULA which they said is a small organisation that won't move them. 
They pointed out that our "screaming" before the Social Services Committee 
would not help to resolve the crisis. 
The above statements not withstanding, ULA remains committed to ensuring 
that this high profile case gets to a satisfactory end. We believe that we 
are a small organisation that is politically significant. An organisation 
whose power of mobilisation and movement must not be underestimated. An 
organisation whose real power resides with the resilience of our membership 
and their creativity. ULA is now moving towards drawing the public into the 
debate of eviction and the broader debate of library funding through the 
mass media. We trust that our membership will contribute to the debate 
through letters to the editor, etc. For now please watch this space for 
updates on the case. 

Charles Batambuze 

Från:	Beatrice Sekabembe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>	Datum:	2004.05.07 07:35

ugnet_: National Libraries - Uganda Crisis

2004-05-14 Thread dbbwanika db

Fellow Ugandans, 

Immagine a Country without a "National helitage"!. The National Library is mandated to "act as a depository for national and foreign governments 
publication... for purpose of promoting research... and for preservation of 
published national culture and intellectual out put" (The National Library 
act, 2003 Dated 17th January, 2003).This function has been formally 
performed by Makerere University Library, and Uganda Management 
Institute.Less than a year after enactment of the national Library, the 
Government comes out with a statement saying "...The Ministry has also 
failed to pay the rent arrears and national Library will be evicted from the 
current offices because the land loard has given them a notice to quit his 
premises at Buganda Road by 10th may 2004" (Statement of the honourable Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development to the Social Services Committee, 29th April, 2003).What do you say? 

Read the message below. 


Elisam Magara 
Senior Lecturer, East African School of Library and Information Science, 
Makerere University 
Home address:Box 16217, Kampala 
Personal address: Box 40277, Kampala 
Fax: 256-41-540817, 

From: "charles batambuze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
List-Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: 04 May 2004, 03:08:44 PM 
Subject: [Uganda_LibAssoc] Crisis hits NLU 

In a period of less than a year since the enaction of the National Library 
Act 2003, establishing the National Library of Uganda (NLU)a looming crisis 
over rent threatens to sniff out the short life of the newly born 
institution. According to sources, NLU has an accumulated bill of Shs 127 
million spanning a period of 3 1/2 years. The Ministry of Gender, Labour and 
Social Development under whom NLU falls has indicated that they have failed 
to pay the rent arrears and so the library will be evicted. A notice of 
eviction has been served by the land lord, Patidar Samaj giving 10 May 2004 
as the date by which NLU should vacate. The Ministry is moving towards 
relocating the library to Mengo Kisenyi, a proposal that is unpopular with 
staff of NLU, Uganda Library Association and some Members of Parliament. The 
reason being that Kisenyi is a slum and the social centre is in a very sorry 
state to house an institution worth the name of a national library. 
In another development, the Uganda Library Association (ULA) in a petition 
dated 15 April 2004, petitioned Parliament through the Social Services 
Sessional Committee to intervene and stall the schemes of the Ministry of 
Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) to kill NLU. ULA petition got 
a hearing last week on 29 April 2004 when the Minister of Gender, Labour and 
Social Development, Hon. Zoe Bakoko Bakoru and her team were appearing 
before the Social Services Sessional Committee over the budget for FY 
2004-05. The Ministry did not budge on its determination to relocate the 
library to Mengo Kisenyi inspite of protests from some MPs on the Social 
Services Committee, NLU Director and fearless arguments advanced by ULA 
Chairperson Elisam Magara. The committee decided that they would visit the 
Social Centre in Mengo Kisenyi this week beginning 5 May before a decision 
to move the library is made. 
At the end of the meeting, the Minister and Permanent Secretary were full of 
rage and fury over the petition and the petitioners. They did not have kind 
words for ULA which they said is a small organisation that won't move them. 
They pointed out that our "screaming" before the Social Services Committee 
would not help to resolve the crisis. 
The above statements not withstanding, ULA remains committed to ensuring 
that this high profile case gets to a satisfactory end. We believe that we 
are a small organisation that is politically significant. An organisation 
whose power of mobilisation and movement must not be underestimated. An 
organisation whose real power resides with the resilience of our membership 
and their creativity. ULA is now moving towards drawing the public into the 
debate of eviction and the broader debate of library funding through the 
mass media. We trust that our membership will contribute to the debate 
through letters to the editor, etc. For now please watch this space for 
updates on the case. 

Charles Batambuze 

Från:	Beatrice Sekabembe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>	Datum:	2004.05.07 07:35
Till:	<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>	Storlek:	2
Rubrik:	Re: Crisis hits National Library of Uganda	 	 

Dear All, 
This being a crisis (10th May is around the corner), I suggest that two 
crisis teams should immediately be formed by ULA to go to both the P.M's 
office and to Parliament. A third team should try to plead with the land 
lord to give us a little more time while

ugnet_: Ndejje University - Luwero

2004-05-14 Thread dbbwanika db

I am writing to you to introduce a newly started University – Ndejje 
University in Uganda East Africa. The University is in advanced stages 
of developing a website and inter/intranet network for instant 
communication. The University has different campuses in Ugandans 
capital Kampala and another about 25 km away from the capital city an 
ideal place for academic pursuit.

The university is seeking contacts with external university resource in 
the development of  the following;

- Science and Research Development programme
- Student Exchange Programme 
- Human Resources Exchange and Development
- Institutional Academic programme Development

If there is wish  from your university to get in touch of Vice 
Chancellor please find the contacts below .

Contact Vice Chancellor 

Rt. Rev. Dr. Micheal Senyimba
Ndejje Univeristy
P.O . Box 7088

Tel: 256 –77- 507306
256 –77- 730322



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ugnet_: The Peasant NO Slum dwellers - Uganda's Destiny

2004-04-27 Thread dbbwanika db  

Katanga’s booze, sewage, cheap sex 
LIFE GOES ON: Drainage channel that substitutes the usual demarcation marks in Katanga, and right, THAT’S LIFE: A man washing clothes near a stream of sewage

TO say my maiden visit to Katanga was simply a nightmare is an understatement. As I sauntered through the ghetto, flies incessantly gave me standing ovations. My eyes were entertained to the sight of fresh and dry human dung launched at rather every head-turn. 

Naked, malnourished infants with yellow lumps of mucus heading reluctantly for their mouth, frolic about the whole expanse hollering and wailing. The less enthusiastic ones find no mischief settling down to attend a natural call to excrete. 

This is no preserve for the children. 

Adults play it straight at night under the cover of darkness, albeit, in a more sophisticated manner. Faeces are off-loaded into a black kavera(polythene bag) and littered all over. The level minded dump them in the swamp. 

Temporary bibaati units, murky shacks and yawning mud and wattle huts complete the picture of Katanga housing. A handful of semi temporary structures stand erect, but still overtly defy the principles of geometry. A few dozen tin-roofed shops and bars flank the filthy clustering. With sewerage snuggling about with houses’ threshold, this is surely the right place to pick up cholera or dysentery. The sordid smell of sewage blended with malwa and waragi doses lends the impression of an everyday do, just as this throng and another indulge in their orgy of self congratulation. 

Forget about milk tea or coffee for breakfast, residents here wake up to a treat of waragi and malwa. It is mundane for casual men and women to start serious drinking as early as 7:00a.m. This lasts throughout the whole day as tales and jokes are exchanged, raucous laughter filling the air, abuses hurled, rattling gossip unshelled and the tide of talk is like the booming of surf on a distant shore. 

Everyone seems to be pumping up his or her decibel to reveal the jugular muscle like it were an unprecedented falsetto competition. There is nothing I think of to compare with the noise levels down here. 

The brainchild of the booze are women who enthusiastically peddle this business as the salient brink to keeping their family afloat. 
Drunken couples snog and fondle amidst cheers in the broad daylight with not even the least of care. Binges are spiced up with mairungi chewing sessions. Joints of crack (marijuana) are dispensed to all and sundry. I have heard a lot about slums, but nothing could quite prepare me for my debut experience. 

Lunchtime set in and my tummy started throwing malicious tantrums. I succumbed to its plight. 
And in no time I was solemnly trudging the length and breadth of the slum looking out for a somewhat decent sizzle to apprehend the situation. I was wrong. Katanga harbours no decent hotel or restaurant. Not even the travesty of it. 
Nothing had snuffed my earlier urge about exploring Katanga before. 

Thank God I stumbled upon a shack with writings, “Mama Boy’s Hotel” inscribed on its chest. Something crucial dawned on me. I ingested it full dose that since the eating joint’s gimmick was correctly spelt, the catering benefactress must be having a stretching command of the English language. I was beside the fact. 

Dusk here shows up with prostitution in tow. Forget about the bar and roadside whores, the ones here ply their trade at home. It is normal to see a modest wench straddled by her doorside wooing passersby, as another one a stone throw away announces a discount. They are robust responsible-looking young women by day and seven headed beasts at night. 

Most of the prostitutes do mediocre jobs like selling waragi during the day, not to cover up their sombre deeds (because everyone knows them pretty well) but to supplement their nightly income. 

Shuddering to swallow, some of the perpetrators of this ill are housewives whose hubby is a notorious drunk. Being the only way to get food on table for the entire family, she carries on enthusiastically with due consent of her husband. 

Brothels are strewn all over Katanga. Ugly-looking mud houses with a standard furnishing; one bed, one chair, a table and a packet of condoms for goodness’ sake. 

Price discrimination literally controls this venerable profession. She (commonly referred to as Nampima by locals) sweet-talked me before sprawling the fees sheet; a kiss is priced at sh200. A short-lived sexual game meanders between sh600 to sh1,000, while a night through encounter stands defiantly apart at sh2,500. All days and nights are the same. I encountered a replica experience the following day. Though this time round I was short of guts to afford another night here. 




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ugnet_: money change hands - Ugandans military immersed

2004-04-25 Thread dbbwanika db  

They do anything for money--> Kony and Acoli

Those who unmasked Fera say so much money used to change hands here. And because of this, they say, a good number of top military Ugandans were immersed in this deal against President Moi. The money is said to have come from Libya, North Korea, and Cuba through their missions in Kampala.



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ugnet_: NRM Fragility - Uganda's Destiny

2004-04-21 Thread dbbwanika db

Uganda still dangerous disposition.

-	Whenever organisation status dependence is quasi or mediated or proxy – the organisation becomes a liability to those who depend on it. In case of state power, a nation heads towards self-destruction. 

-	Let us examine the National Resistance Movement (NRM).

-	Why NRM for 18 years has turned itself into a probabilistic entity- DELIBERATELY heading to confuse, obscure and shroud its POLITICAL AGENDA.

-	To understand Uganda’s future one has to look and break down power structures; who holds what, how and THROUGH/ BY WHICH MEANS. 

-	These power structures are namely, the Media (newspapers & radio), Resident District Councils & Local Council (peasants), Political agitation formation & assemblies quasi economic power relations, direct state corruption manifestation on both national and district level vis vi political power appointments.

-	To start with, the National Resistance Movement has no AMBITION TO RELINQUISH power. This is not only due to Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC) cultural-political presence, NRM fear it is deeper than that.

-	For reasons given above, the NRM government MINUS CORRUPTION MEDIATED BASED BUSINESS & POLITICAL governancy by proxy and development, there is completely nothing in Uganda in terms of society transformation or institutional frame growth (see march-2004 media publication on URA-Ssebutinde-Rwakoko Commission articles!) .

-	 Brutal Power (structured violence) manifest as (1). Economic (see The Corporate Roots of American Fascism at) but this always HAS AN IRRATIONAL SURVIVAL FEAR TRAJECTORY especially among the elite (2). State violence, which NRM uses rationally NOT TO EXPOSE an embedded fascist mind configuration, is based on cultural-biological notation (3). NRM claim to SUPERIORITY OF THE INTELLECT is a quasi-violent militant state or a verge African Nationalism (Pol Pot - Leninists/Stalinist power structure) (4). NRM dislike of the law  

-	NRM inspired and calculated perversion of the law, administration and imposition of suitable judicial -legal power over the people only where it suits NRM goals is an indication of NRM subtlety! (2001 referendum, NRM power extension 1996 etc)

-	In essence NRM power relations in a society like ours can only be attained through; (a). Political corruption (monetary derived cohesion) and  (b). State violence. (intimidation or elimination Cohesion) One complements the other NOT that Ugandans have no will to vote any other political entity. Higenyi at Uganda house.

-	Proof: NRM obsession with political buy off – ELUSIVENESS, INDIRECTNESS and the opposite CLAIM TO EFFECTIVE STATECRAFT and popularity on the one hand all interpreted as military genius goes to illustrate NRM power structures. 

-	Military driven politics – see the murder of Higenyi at a UPC rally or 2001 election violence or utterances that it is only NRM that can create chaos strengthens the proof above!

-	Proof two; NRM constant fear to expose itself to the multi-political vote, re: emergency of REFORM AGENDA, MALWA and POFA etc, without a clear political ideology BUT the same Jinja violence!

-	Now who are the members of REFORM AGENDA, MALWA AND PAFO – are they the same people or different, what are their respective ideologies vs political position as per CRC, Judicially, poverty etc,?

-	The use of the CHURCH and some given political party support irrespective of what the law says goes back to show NRM power relationship based on religio-cultural and biological (fascist) society structures and configuration.

-	Overwhelmed NRM as things fall apart (luwero peasantry) hence political favour bought that can’t translate into political organisation thus the biting misery, and economic malnutrition in our society projects NRM untouchables- and total institutional and economic failure 

-	How many NRM have been prosecuted for breaking the law.

-	The above is supported by what is clearly NRM MAJOR MEDIA ESTABLISHMENT relationship through its position to society transformation being propagated as positive criticism. FETHISM- NRM will go to greater length to stop independent media. 

-	Media take over is a long-term strategy for propoganda purposes in fascist societies is ever present.

-	Misinforming society, cover-up and promoting NRM government goals either murderous has become media preoccupation!; 

-	Proof Kichwamba, Barlonyo, Kony war, Teso-Lango (Amuka Arrow militia), Acoli misery, why doesn’t Busoga, Buganda, Toro and Kigezi have militias of their own?! –

-	NRM long term ambition as exposed above and in “ we have trained our own people!” goes to illustrate the obvious - who are these people ( see cultural/Biological structures) 

-	Military officers, Ambassadorial, Ministerial, RDC appointment in major and strategic districts as years go by will offer more or evidence to the obvious. This is wel culculated 

-	 RDCs are used to per

ugnet_: Ndejje University

2004-04-20 Thread dbbwanika db
 – Ndejje University in Uganda East Africa. The University is in advanced stages 
of developing a website and inter/intranet network for instant 
communication. The University has different campuses in Ugandans 
capital Kampala and another about 25 km away from the capital city an 
ideal place for academic pursuit.

The university is seeking contacts with external university resource in 
the development of  the following;

- Science and Research Development programme
- Student Exchange Programme 
- Human Resources Exchange and Development
- Institutional Academic programme Development

If there is wish  from your university to get in touch of Vice 
Chancellor please find the contacts below .

Contact Vice Chancellor 

Rt. Rev. Dr. Micheal Senyimba
Ndejje Univeristy
P.O . Box 7088

Tel: 256 –77- 507306
   256 –77- 730322



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ugnet_: George Soros , Big business & aaah Biddco

2004-04-19 Thread dbbwanika db
by Michael Pugliese
18 April 2004 14:46 UTC  < < < 
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..Over the past five years, the Soros network has given a successful 
start to previously nonexistent "gay" activism in almost all of its 
areas of operation. The campaign for "LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, 
transgender] Rights" is directed from Budapest, where Miriam Molnar's 
1999 policy paper published by OSI defined the "problem" as 
discrimination and the low level of acceptance, visibility, and 
political representation of LGBT's. It was necessary either "to 
convince the society to accept LGBT people as equal and let the society 
make pressure [sic] to the politicians (through media) to change laws" 
or "to convince the politicians that LGBT people are equal and that 
they need help in convincing the rest of the society." The overall 
goals were to generate discussion about LGBT identity within the 
community, to make them visible and "create a positive image," and to 
establish regular forums of discussion with other groups in the region. 
Specific tasks included the development of websites in English with 
subsites in local languages, the establishment of task forces that 
would react to all "homophobic" media outbursts in one "Pink Book," and 
the organization of two-week summer schools for teachers that 
would "provide training about discrimination of [sic] LGBT people, 
disabled people, overweight people etc."

In November 1999, a pilot project began at the Center for Publishing 
Development (OSI Budapest) on homosexual books in Bulgaria, the Czech 
Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, and Slovakia. That same year, Nash Mir 
(Our World) Gay and Lesbian Center announced that it had been 
registered as an NGO in the Ukraine. From that moment, the group was 
free to pursue its stated goals, including "fight against sexual-
orientation discrimination" and "homophobic sentiments in societal 
consciousness" and "assistance to upbringing of gays' and lesbians' 
self-consciousness as equal and valuable members of society." The group 
expressed gratitude for its legalization to the "Ukrainian branch of 
Soros Foundation Network (Renaissance Foundation) which lobbied our 
question in the Ministry of Justice and render [sic] legal assistance 
to us." is a Soros-funded Moscow NGO that has developed "into an 
established and recognized Russian gay and lesbian center" and "the 
clearing house for lesbian and gay groups scattered across the country":

We keep contacts with all existing gay, lesbian, and AIDS organizations 
in Russia and maintain on-going correspondence and reporting to 
international gay and lesbian organizations . . . We have collected the 
biggest off-line library that features over a hundred Russian titles 
and some fifty English classic books on gay studies. It was greatly 
enhanced by the Core Collection on Gay and Lesbian Issues awarded to us 
by the Soros Foundation in 2000.

In Bucharest, Monika Barcsy of the local Soros branch bewailed the fact 
that, in Rumania, "the homosexual identity is stigmatized" and is one 
of the main bases for treating individuals as "the others" in an 
attitude of intolerance. Their families became the victims of 
prejudice "just because the society is unable to accept the legitimacy 
of same-sex relations as a 'normal' manifestation." The author singles 
out the Rumanian Orthodox Church as a prime culprit: "The problem is 
that many Christian Orthodox students' organizations and other student 
groups support the church." In 1994, she points out, more than 100 
theology students began a series of demonstrations in front of 
Rumania's parliament against homosexual propaganda in the media and 
collected signatures demanding legislation to criminalize same-sex 
relations. Barcsy concludes by reiterating the standard Soros line:

Gay men and lesbians need rights that guarantee them the _expression_ of 
their identity in the public sphere . . . [T]he legal status of gays 
and lesbians, their ability to move and appear in public, to speak out 
and act together should be considered a very good test of the civic 
openness. [It] can't be resolved with the new laws made under the 
pressure of different human rights organizations. Romania needs . . . 
to ameliorate the negative responses towards the homosexuals from the 
majority population . . . There are "problems" with the society as a 
whole, and the society's mentality can't be changed overnight.

A key pillar of Soros' activities is his dictum that "no-one has a 
monopoly on the truth" and that "civic education" should replace the 
old "authoritarian" model. Civic education does not have to be "just a 
dialogue" between a teacher and students, he says; in addition, "we 
have projects like health education, where people use new ways to 
discuss issues like hygiene, diet, and sex." While "this does not sound 

ugnet_: Bidco & more

2004-04-19 Thread dbbwanika db

-Original Message-
From: Richard Sanders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: April 16, 2004 10:32 AM
Subject: The Corporate Roots of American Fascism

"Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism"
April 2004, Press for Conversion! (Issue #53).
Published by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
This 54-page magazine is available for $5. (See details below.)

In the early 1930s, some of America's wealthiest industrialists and 
plotted to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt 
(FDR) and replace it with a fascist dictatorship. Thanks to one of the 
greatest whistleblowers of all time, we know the names of the prominent 
Wall Street financiers and politicians (both Democrat and Republican) 
organized and backed this plot. The whistleblower who exposed the 
plot was a U.S. military hero named Major-General Smedley Darlington 
For 33 years, Butler -- a two-time recipient of the 
U.S. Medal of Honor -- had fought with the Marines. He helped invade 
numerous countries, subdued native revolts, oversaw fraudulant 
and forced regime changes on nations to bring them in line with U.S. 
economic interests. (Sound familiar?) All this, Butler later said, was 
in order to protect America's foreign investments. In 1935, describing 
himself as a "racketeer for capitalism," Butler said, "I might have 
Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was operate his racket in 
city districts. We Marines operated on three continents" (Common Sense 
magazine, Nov. 1935).
In 1933, the year Hitler took control of Germany, some of Wall 
Street's top financiers sent representatives to recruit the 
recently-retired General Butler into a fascist coup d'etat to overthrow 
FDR. Butler played along in order to find out who was behind the scheme 
then, in 1934, he testified under oath before the MacCormack-Dickstein 
House Committee that was examining Nazi propaganda in the United 
Butler named names and exposed the key fascist plotters. He also 
a high-powered, business organization, the American Liberty League, as 
"super-organization" behind the plan for an American coup.
Thanks to General Butler, this Wall Street plan to subvert 
democracy was thwarted. However, none of the multi-millionaire behind 
plot were ever questioned by legal authorities, let alone charged or 
put on 
trial for treason. In fact, they continued to work behind the scenes, 
through the American Liberty League, to sabotage FDR's "New Deal" 

The April issue of Press for Conversion! contains a detailed account of 
this fascist plot. It also highlights the Wall Street CEOs who were 
the plan. COAT's magazine traces their corporate legacies to the 
and exposes how some of these top U.S. fascists helped finance and 
the rise of Hitler and Mussolini before WWII. Some of these U.S. 
corporations even sold military hardware and strategic materials to the 
enemy during that war. Perhaps even more shocking than this history of 
American complicity with European fascism is the fact that these 
corporations still wield tremendous influence over U.S. politics today. 
fact, many megacorporations whose roots are firmly planted in the 
of the 1930s, now dominate the globalized marketplace. This issue of 
for Conversion! outlines the corporate genealogy of the wealthiest 
among America's fascist elite and traces their financial empires right 
to the present day.
Other corporate fascists, like President George Walker Bush's 
grandfather (Prescott Bush) and his great-grandfather (George Herbert 
Walker -- after whom George W. Bush and his father G.H.W. Bush are both 
named), not only financed Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 
they also made a great fortune from the slave labour that was used in 
Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz during the war. The proceeds of 
Walker-Bush family's complicity in the Holocaust were confiscated by 
U.S. government in 1942 -- under the Trading with the Enemy Act. 
when it was later returned to them, they used to it to launch the Bush 
family into political fame and the oil business. After WWII, Walker and 
Bush were instrumental in laundering the Nazi loot of Fritz Thyssen, 
Hitler's wealthiest industrialist backer. (Subscribe now: A future 
issue of 
Press for Conversion! will focus entirely on this history of the Bush 
family's legacy of support for fascism from the rise of German fascism 
the 1920s to the present.)

The current 54-page issue of the COAT's quarterly magazine, Press for 
Conversion!, on "Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism," is 
available for $5. The magazine is divided into three sections:

(1) Setting the Stage: A few articles on the historical context of 
fascism in the 1930s. (Pages 3-7)


ugnet_: Bidco's Progressive History - Money Mine

2004-04-15 Thread dbbwanika db

Vimal Shah joined the United States International University to study business administration. He graduated in 1980 with majors in accounts and financial management and was soon employed as an insurance agent by the American Life Insurance Company (Alico).

The company traded as Bidco Soap Processors, a name derived from the initials of family patriarch Bid Shah.

Bidco Oil Refineries Limited has received a government guarantee of Sh8.5billion loan, which was reportedly given without parliamentary approval.

Bidco ventured into Tanzania in 2001 after buying a bar soap producing firm, Shivji and Sons Limited, whose flagship brand was Mshindi bar soap. The company had six branches.

Kenya’s Bidco Oil Refinery topped Uganda’s list of 2003 foreign investors with a Sh7.7 billion refinery in Jinja refinery.

Meanwhile, Bidco has become the first private company to list and issue corporate bonds at the Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE).

The bonds - fixed and floating - were issued on February 17, 2004. They are structured, managed and handled by Barclays Merchant division of South Africa

Friday, November 19, 1999 
Bidco seeks to raise Sh300m ($4,000,000)
Bidco Oil Refineries Limited yesterday launched a Sh300 million commercial paper.

Tuesday February 17, 2004 
Oil firm defends Uganda deal
The Kenyan transnational at the centre of a brewing storm over a $120 million agro-industrial investment in neighbouring Uganda has denied any impropriety in the matter. 
Bidco said that its dealings with the Ugandan government were completely above-board and that it had not received any loans or guarantees from the same.

The case was filed in 1999 by Unilever through its lawyer Fred Ochieng while Mr Paul Kihara Kariuki represented Bidco in the initial stages, however now both are Acting High Court judges. 
During the trial Unilever PLC had told the court that it is the registered proprietor of the trade mark 'Blue Band' since March 20,1947, it had contested a decision by Bidco Oil Industries to use 'Gold Band' in its margarine product.



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ugnet_: Bidco & Uganda Tax Money Recycling?

2004-04-15 Thread dbbwanika db
Much has been said about Bidco Deal- no smoke without fire in Uganda and this one has many similarities in the mucky world of money recycling.

Firstly Uganda does not need any commercial or large scale project in the production of the products derived from palm oil where we have sesame, sun flower, ground nuts, maize, even trees from which we can get oils to make soap like moringa!
Secondly that large-scale project in due course will kill off all small-scale producers of the above raw products unless there is alternative use of the above crops which will become constant but only for sesame, sun flower, ground nuts as society in and around Uganda transforms.  

Thirdly the above crops take a shorter time to grow and requires a lot of labour in a country like ours therefore in terms of employment palm oil can’t compete with those named raw material.

Fifthly environmentally it is not the best project for Uganda.

Now if there is a close analysis of this project focusing on given parameters 

1.	The roles the persons responsible for enforcing that Uganda sign the agreement
2.	The firms involved in consultancy work on which the loan is based to be offered to Uganda
3.	Scrutiny of the banks and other financial institutions involved in handling the moneys involved
4.	The origins of the money offered and reasons given in the project prospectus 
5.	The relationship among the people involved and their Uganda counterparts involved in implementing the project

Many interesting and surprising facts might come-up to the bewilderment of Uganda government- I think so. 


‘Govt Forced To Sign Bidco Deal’

FINANCE state minister Mwesigwa Rukutana yesterday told MPs on the finance committee that the government hurriedly signed the Bidco palm oil project agreement because the International Fund for Agriculture Develo-pment (IFAD) had threatened to withdraw support. 

Rukutana and agriculture state minister Kibirige Ssebunya, appeared before the committee to explain why the agreement was drafted and signed on the same day. 

“We were in a panic because IFAD was threatening to withdraw its support if we did not sign the agreement. We were fighting against time to get the loan,” Rukutana said. 

IFAD agreed to extend to a loan worth $20m, while Bidco would raise $120m and the rest to be from the government. 

But Mps rejected his explanation saying it was not enough to let the government be blindfolded into extending huge incentives to one company.



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ugnet_: The General, Peasants & The Revolution

2004-04-12 Thread dbbwanika db   

This is very exciting- in terms of Leninist-Stalinist counter-revolution measures re: the KGB in USSR, the Trotskyists, stasi in The German Democratic Republic (DDR) and the entire European Social democratic party counter-communist revolution penetration of their western capitalist societies.

In each and every European country there is and still continuing registration of communist activities which in social democratic and their liberalist counterparts vocabulary, is a composition of reactionaries forces.

My question is how Uganda and NRA (UPDF) is achieving this without a huge intelligence network?!

Enter the military court martial and the so –called gost soldiers- 

Ugandans are very interesting.  And who are these Uganda fascist reactionaries working with foreign entities? Now this is very interesting in terms of Uganda’s privatisation stance and recent NRM multiparty talk. 

I love Museveni’s openness, unflinching sincerity in his peasant society!   

Now A portion of this capacity has been demonstrated in recent operations inside southern Sudan and on the Sudanese border. To fight Kony? Laughter!

Obote and Amin killed a total of 800,000 Ugandans in extra-judicial killings.

How many Ugandans have died in non- extra-judicial killing that can be defined from state violence since 1986 to date……..!

-	In the fourth phase, apart from suppressing the fascists within Uganda, we have also maintained a determined opposition to external fascist forces as well as contributing to regional peace. We are glad the fascist forces in Rwanda were defeated and the situation in Congo is coming to a peaceful end.

-	and the defence against the strategic counter-offensive of the reactionaries in partnership with regional allies (1986–todate).

-	We are now in the process of equipping our army in such a manner that it has a prompt, all-weather, night and day and capacity to respond and decisively deal with any armed trouble. A portion of this capacity has been demonstrated in recent operations inside southern Sudan and on the Sudanese border.

-	This colonial creature, without the brains of its former colonial masters and with incapable political leadership, became a monster over the people of Uganda. Between them, the regimes of Obote and Amin killed a total of 800,000 Ugandans in extra-judicial killings.

-	This evening, you will be able to visit one of the 30 mass graves in the Luwero Triangle area. There are 70,000 skulls that we were able to preserve in that area. These atrocities were not, primarily, a responsibility of the askaris involved although they cannot be completely exonerated from these crimes. The main responsibility must be borne by the political leaders of Uganda that did not follow the example of Mwalimu Nyerere in using political independence to create an army of a new type for the people of Uganda.

Therefore, the KAR was a colonial outfit – completely divorced from the interests of the people of Uganda. The senior African leader Mwalimu Nyerere (RIP), took the first opportunity to restructure the Tanganyika KAR in 1964 when they mutinied. Our (Uganda) KAR here was, instead, pampered for mutinying. 
As a reward for arresting and confining to the guardroom of Minister Onama, the Ugandan ex-KAR soldiers were awarded salary increases. The product of all this was monster Idi Amin. This was the beginning of Uganda’s post-independence problems emanating from the badly managed army. This colonial creature, without the brains of its former colonial masters and with incapable political leadership, became a monster over the people of Uganda. Between them, the regimes of Obote and Amin killed a total of 800,000 Ugandans in extra-judicial killings.
This evening, you will be able to visit one of the 30 mass graves in the Luwero Triangle area. There are 70,000 skulls that we were able to preserve in that area. These atrocities were not, primarily, a responsibility of the askaris involved although they cannot be completely exonerated from these crimes. The main responsibility must be borne by the political leaders of Uganda that did not follow the example of Mwalimu Nyerere in using political independence to create an army of a new type for the people of Uganda. 

I cannot blame the British or the other colonialists in Africa for not helping Africa to build pro-people armies because that had never been their mission. Their mission had been colonialism and using us for their “enterprise” as Capt. Lugard wrote.
It is against this background that the people of Uganda, eventually, organised an armed, people’s protracted war against the remnants of the colonial state encapsulated in the form of the un-restructured KAR that had been baptised the Uganda Army.
Kudos to TZ, Libya We took the opportunity of Amin seizing power from his co-conspirator Milton Obote in 1971. 
We started mobilisi

ugnet_: Ndejje University - The Diasporas Needed (FWD)

2004-04-09 Thread dbbwanika db
Ugandans in the diasporas willing to assist Ndejje University become an international academic centre for

-	Science and Research Development programmes
-	Student Exchange Programmes 
-	Human Resources Exchange and Development
-	Institutional Academic programme Development

Contact Vice Chancellor 

Rt. Rev. Dr. Micheal Senyimba
Ndejje Univeristy
P.O . Box 7088
Tel: 256 –77- 507306

pass on this article to the wider world

ugnet_: From book to Theather - China Keitetsi

2004-04-09 Thread dbbwanika db
[When Katharina Cohen and Stefan Norrthon retell China Keitetsis' story the child soldier,  it is portrayed in the cruelest authenticity.

Director Andreas Kundler says the repetition has been meagre but on concentrated to solve the scenic  practical problems]


När hennes historia återberättas av Unga Klaras skådespelare Katharina Cohen och Stefan Norrthon ställs vi inför de yttersta av grymheter, helt autentiska. 

Regissören Andreas Kundler säger att repetitionstiden varit knapp och koncentrerad och mest ägnats åt att lösa praktiska sceniska problem.



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ugnet_: Further Readings about MASS murderers

2004-04-07 Thread dbbwanika db 

Five (or more) of the following criteria must be met:

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - feel grandiose and self-important (e.g., they exaggerate the group's achievements and talents to the point of lying, demand to be recognized as superior - simply for belonging to the group and without commensurate achievement). 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are obsessed with group fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance, bodily beauty or performance, or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering ideals or political theories. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are firmly convinced that the group is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status groups (or institutions). 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - require excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation - or, failing that, wish to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply). 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - feel entitled. They expect unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment. They demand automatic and full compliance with expectations. They rarely accept responsibility for their actions ("alloplastic defences"). This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are "interpersonally exploitative", i.e., use others to achieve their own ends. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are devoid of empathy. They are unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of other groups. This often leads to anti- social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about them. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are arrogant and sport haughty behaviors or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, punished, limited, or confronted. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 
Also read:



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2004-04-04 Thread dbbwanika db   

 Fetishism, Power, and Politics.

-	Just think a bit, Uganda is indeed heading for multiparty politics and in the mean time – instead of "pressure groups" becoming parties they keep the pressure on and indeed the political parties boorishly have to negotiate their rights to be parties?!!!

-	Let us imagine that all Ugandans have lost their grey matter or have to toe THAT FINE LINE – many will be thinking?! Aah DP,CP and UPC have not registered GAME and why yet buildings going up! and then You can see a free society on the horizon with master of wisdom guiding us there? There is more to this.

-	Monopoly of the media or its subsequent turn into a theatre of society manipulation has its foundation into REAL FEAR to be challenged to ones demise.  Exactly away a SLAVE MASTER SOCIETY RELATIONSHIP manifests itself. But what happens when monopoly of the media is impossible? 

-	Fetishism (Latin facticius factitious, artificial, false). So the media becomes the first causality of it own idiosyncrasy. 

-	Are you now surprised by media trajectories in a country like ours with disease, death, want and need?

-	The above structure can vividly be witnessed among Europeans and their SYSTEMATIC RACIAL economic, cultural and political toxic triumphantalism and perverted philanthropy. We helped you so we’re great, don’t we?

-	Many educated Ugandans by now must have realised we’re in very dangerous times- where SECRECY can’t be sustained in an open-ended media, OPTIONS LEFT to the master is nothing else other than to calculated biological and cultural rationalism?  It is a very dangerous state of affairs. 

-	Power must have AN OPPOSING FORCE in order to be any sort of power- now where is the opposing power to cause, political, media or its subsequent turn into a theatre of society manipulation and its assort arsenal of non-flitching media psychologist and journalist!

-	We have seen Kampala city council and its political careerist and movement theocrats- now the same glorious and all dominating entity turning on its heads with a 100 million shilling website and some turned ambassador – 

-	What an absurdity to be rewarded for driving a nation into a dark hole? Ssebutinde commission is as truth as its appearance. 

-	Yes – Ugandans should be very very careful for fear has a terrible MISDIRECTED TRAJECTORY and indeed Uganda by a slightest incidence Rwanda will be a child play.

-	For in a system where the CONSTITUTIONAL COURT can make very important decisions, where SSEMPEBWA COMMISSION and the rest can make important recommendations, where the PARLIAMENT is full to the capacity and debates regularly – a question arises why kill the children to make your point?

-	18 years of FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE that has by the way fundamentally changed the FUNDAMENTALISTS is a failure of greater proportions that media and society manipulation is the only remaining way out.

-	Nevertheless media or its subsequent turn into a theatrical popular society manipulator (TPSM) can’t survive its own generated recursive mechanism of self destruction – for always in the history of human nature, REALITY HAS WON over COGNITIVE TRIUMPHALISM.  

-	Morality, power and what ethical have some boundaries into a guided society BUT not a misguided on- i.e. when honourable justices portrayed without seriousness into media first cover pop start a strategy not working for the lowly to cover up? To obscure?   

-	Lastly knowledge in the hands of brutes, is dangerous knowledge. So what do we do with those we don’t love or are above 

-	Kampala is dancing all night long, drink beer enlightened and cultured and the entire half of the country is in destitution, misery under the york of civilisation – so we have to believe in cultural, and our superior biological nature indeed. 

-	We say NO

Bwanika, dwfa-u



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ugnet_: Ugandans Perish & Politicians Celebrate - & Tha Law

2004-03-30 Thread dbbwanika db 

and When time closes in- they Will Answer

We want to know the circumstances under which the following Ugandans were murdered

Provide there full names, place of residence and where and what they did during their last days.

1 G. Olwidja 
2 N. Opio
3. Agelo Banya
4. N . Otanga
5. A Oryema
6. Haji Kaliphani
7. C. Bonobana
8. Hon. Katetegwire
9.J.K. Isingoma
10. B Kahangire
11. C. Rushohe
12 Nyairu
13. Kayabuki
14. S. Mutenyo
15. Ludoviko Mangeni
16. Atatau
17. Peter Kato
18. E. Isiko
19Neslon Kalikwani
20	A Kaduyu
21	Mary Kayaga
22	S Mwina
23	N. Kirunda
24	Patrick A Ntale
25	P . Kafuuma
26	W Kajubi
27	G. Mazinga
28	Z. Babukiika
29	.G. Kibandama
30	Mujje
31	F. Mugubi
32	 J. Kazairwe
33	A Opwa
34	B. Olwit
35	J . Olda
36	Opotti
37	M. Rubanga
38	M. Matovu
39	 Ssemakula
40	P. Ssendikwanawa
41	J Sonko
42	S Bemba
43	 J Gahwera 
44	O. Okuo
45	A Mboizi
46	R.O. Imalingat
47	F. Okello
48	R.O Imalingat
49	Joseph Wabwire
50	Ouma Gusino
51	P Mulema
52	E. Keera
53	C. Mutagwanya
54	J Walakira
55	Kayabuki
56	George Bamuturaki (kabarole)
57	Haji Edirisa Muyingo
58	Africanus Ssembatya (masaka south)
60 .Hon Ssebastian Ssebugwawo

On Thursday 31.1.1985 at Kiteezi village the following people were murdered in a one hour; Haji Male, Dan Katende, and Mrs. Katende his wife Gita and his son Ssendagire, Muyingo and Mrs. Muyingo

And information leading the people who killed these people is very much welcome.

-	The Democratic Party during the first half of 1980s offered a flora of Ugandans a spectacular list of her members murdered in what was said to be Uganda Peoples Congress’s (UPC) deliberately pre-emptive elimination of DP supporters.

-	The Uganda Democratic Party up to this date has NEVER called for legal redress on those matters of national significance.

-	No form of REMEMBRANCE WHAT SO EVER is in place to honour DPs fallen hero and heroin

-	Are DP claims that UPC killed their members with concrete evidence and such for legal redress what DP CLAIMS TO BE TRUTH AND JUSTICE or these dead people were another ladder for DP stalwarts in their SUCH FOR POWER?

-	This to us raises a lot of questions as to why DP is so very quite about its murdered members. Was DP lying was DP telling the truth 

-	Close investigation as it emerges for case from case the majority of DP who were murdered during this period were instigated or caused within or by internal wrangles especially surrounding economic motives 

We are therefore seeking enough data contrary or complementary to the above views.



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ugnet_: THE MIND OF MASS murderers (II) -kichwamba, barlonyo, acoli, teso, etc

2004-03-29 Thread dbbwanika db

It is worthy reading since it is so near the description of the subjects. The entire book on mass murderers can be found at

The global reach, the secrecy, the impotence, and growing panic of his 
victims, of the public, and of his pursuers, the damage he wreaks - all 
serve as external ego functions. The terrorist and serial killer 
regulate their sense of self esteem and self worth by feeding slavishly 
on the reactions to their heinous deeds. Their cosmic significance is 
daily sustained by newspaper headlines, ever increasing bounties, 
admiring copycats, successful acts of blackmail, the strength and size 
of their opponents, and the devastation of human life and property. 
Appeasement works only to aggravate their drives and strengthen their 
appetites by emboldening them and by raising the threshold of 
excitation and "narcissistic supply". Terrorists and killers are 
addicted to this drug of being acknowledged and reflected. They derive 
their sense of existence, parasitically, from the reactions of their 
(often captive) audience.

Erich Fromm suggested that both Hitler and Stalin were narcissistic 
mass murderers. 

Hitler and Nazism are often portrayed as an apocalyptic and seismic 
break with European history. Yet the truth is that they were the 
culmination and reification of European history in the 19th century. 
Europe's annals of colonialism have prepared it for the range of 
phenomena associated with the Nazi regime - from industrial murder to 
racial theories, from slave labour to the forcible annexation of 

Germany was a colonial power no different to murderous Belgium or 
Britain. What set it apart is that it directed its colonial attentions 
at the heartland of Europe - rather than at Africa or Asia. Both World 
Wars were colonial wars fought on European soil. Moreover, Nazi Germany 
innovated by applying prevailing racial theories (usually reserved to 
non-whites) to the white race itself. It started with the Jews - a non-
controversial proposition - but then expanded them to include "east 
European" whites, such as the Poles and the Russians.

Germany was not alone in its malignant nationalism. The far right in 
France was as pernicious. Nazism - and Fascism - were world ideologies, 
adopted enthusiastically in places as diverse as Iraq, Egypt, Norway, 
Latin America, and Britain. At the end of the 1930's, liberal 
capitalism, communism, and fascism (and its mutations) were locked in 
mortal battle of ideologies. Hitler's mistake was to delusionally 
believe in the affinity between capitalism and Nazism - an affinity 
enhanced, to his mind, by Germany's corporatism and by the existence of 
a common enemy: global communism.

Colonialism always had discernible religious overtones and often 
collaborated with missionary religion. "The White Man's burden" of 
civilizing the "savages" was widely perceived as ordained by God. The 
church was the extension of the colonial power's army and trading 

It is no wonder that Hitler's lebensraum colonial movement - Nazism - 
possessed all the hallmarks of an institutional religion: priesthood, 
rites, rituals, temples, worship, catechism, mythology. Hitler was this 
religion's ascetic saint. He monastically denied himself earthly 
pleasures (or so he claimed) in order to be able to dedicate himself 
fully to his calling. Hitler was a monstrously inverted Jesus, 
sacrificing his life and denying himself so that (Aryan) humanity 
should benefit. By surpassing and suppressing his humanity, Hitler 
became a distorted version of Nietzsche's "superman".

But being a-human or super-human also means being a-sexual and a-moral. 
In this restricted sense, Hitler was a post-modernist and a moral 
relativist. He projected to the masses an androgynous figure and 
enhanced it by fostering the adoration of nudity and all 
things "natural". But what Nazism referred to as "nature" was not 
natural at all.

It was an aesthetic of decadence and evil (though it was not perceived 
this way by the Nazis), carefully orchestrated, and artificial. Nazism 
was about reproduced copies, not about originals. It was about the 
manipulation of symbols - not about veritable atavism.

In short: Nazism was about theatre, not about life. To enjoy the 
spectacle (and be subsumed by it), Nazism demanded the suspension of 
judgment, depersonalization, and de-realization. Catharsis was 
tantamount, in Nazi dramaturgy, to self-annulment. Nazism was 
nihilistic not only operationally, or ideologically. Its very language 
and narratives were nihilistic. Nazism was conspicuous nihilism - and 
Hitler served as a role model, annihilating Hitler the Man, only to re-
appear as Hitler the stychia.

What was the role of the Jews in all this?

Nazism posed as a rebellion against the "old ways" - against the 
hegemonic culture, th

ugnet_: THE MIND OF MASS murderers (I)-Kichwamba, barlonyo, Acoli, Luwero, teso

2004-03-29 Thread dbbwanika db

It is worthy reading since it is so near the description of the subjects. The entire book on mass murderers can be found at

VI. Serial Killers and Mass Murderers

Are all politicians narcissists? The answer, surprisingly, is no. The 
preponderance of narcissistic traits and personalities in politics is 
much less than in show business, for instance. Moreover, while show 
business is concerned essentially (and almost exclusively) with the 
securing of narcissistic supply - politics is a much more complex and 
multi-faceted activity. Rather, it is a spectrum. At the one end, we 
find the "actors" - politicians who regard politics as their venue and 
their conduit, an extended theatre with their constituency as an 
audience. At the other extreme, we find self-effacing and schizoid 
(crowd-hating) technocrats. Most politicians are in the middle: 
somewhat self-enamored, opportunistic and seeking modest doses of 
narcissistic supply - but mostly concerned with perks, self-
preservation and the exercise of power.

Most narcissists are opportunistic and ruthless operators. But not all 
opportunistic and ruthless operators are narcissists. A narcissistic 
politician would do anything and everything to remain in power, or, 
while, in power, to secure his narcissistic supply. A common error is 
to think that "narcissistic supply" consists only of admiration, 
adulation and positive feedback. Actually, being feared, or even 
derided is also narcissistic supply. The main element is attention. So, 
the narcissistic politician cultivates sources of narcissistic supply 
(both primary and secondary).

Often, politicians are nothing but a loyal reflection of their milieu, 
their culture, their society and their times (zeitgeist and 
leitkultur). This is the thesis of Daniel Goldhagen in "Hitler's 
Willing Executioners". 

Terrorists, serial killers, and mass murderers can be 
phenomenologically described as narcissists in a constant state of 
deficient narcissistic supply. The "grandiosity gap" - the painful and 
narcissistically injurious gap between their grandiose fantasies and 
their dreary and humiliating reality - becomes emotionally 
insupportable. They decompensate and act out. They bring "down to their 
level" (by destroying it) the object of their pathological envy, the 
cause of their seething frustration, the symbol of their dull 
achievements, always incommensurate with their inflated self-image.

They seek omnipotence through murder, control (not least self control) 
through violence, prestige, fame and celebrity by defying figures of 
authorities, challenging them, and humbling them. Unbeknownst to them, 
they seek self punishment. They are at heart suicidal. They aim to cast 
themselves as victims by forcing others to punish them. This is 
called "projective identification". They attribute evil and corruption 
to their enemies and foes. These forms of paranoia are called 
projection and splitting. These are all primitive, infantile, and often 
persecutory, defence mechanisms. 

When coupled with narcissism - the inability to empathize, the 
exploitativeness, the sense of entitlement, the rages, the 
dehumanization and devaluation of others - this mindset yields abysmal 
contempt for the narcissist's victims. The overriding emotion of 
terrorists and serial killers, the amalgam and culmination of their 
tortured psyche - is deep seated disdain for everything human, the flip 
side of envy. It is cognitive dissonance gone amok. 

On the one hand the terrorist, or serial killer derides 
as "false", "meaningless", "dangerous", and "corrupt" common values, 
institutions, human intercourse, and society. On the other hand, he 
devotes his entire life (and often risks it) to the elimination and 
pulverization of these "insignificant" entities. To justify this 
apparent contradiction, the mass murderer casts himself as an 
altruistic savior of a group of people "endangered" by his foes. He is 
always self-appointed and self-proclaimed, rarely elected. The serial 
killer and the mass murderer rationalize and intellectualize their 
murders by purporting to "liberate" or "deliver" the victims from a 
fate worse than death. 



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ugnet_: Mass Murderers - Their political worthy

2004-03-28 Thread dbbwanika db   

VI. Serial Killers and Mass Murderers

Are all politicians narcissists? The answer, surprisingly, is no. The preponderance of narcissistic traits and personalities in politics is much less than in show business, for instance. Moreover, while show business is concerned essentially (and almost exclusively) with the securing of narcissistic supply - politics is a much more complex and multi-faceted activity. Rather, it is a spectrum. At the one end, we find the "actors" - politicians who regard politics as their venue and their conduit, an extended theatre with their constituency as an audience. At the other extreme, we find self-effacing and schizoid (crowd-hating) technocrats. Most politicians are in the middle: somewhat self-enamored, opportunistic and seeking modest doses of narcissistic supply - but mostly concerned with perks, self-preservation and the exercise of power.

Most narcissists are opportunistic and ruthless operators. But not all opportunistic and ruthless operators are narcissists. A narcissistic politician would do anything and everything to remain in power, or, while, in power, to secure his narcissistic supply. A common error is to think that "narcissistic supply" consists only of admiration, adulation and positive feedback. Actually, being feared, or even derided is also narcissistic supply. The main element is attention. So, the narcissistic politician cultivates sources of narcissistic supply (both primary and secondary).

Often, politicians are nothing but a loyal reflection of their milieu, their culture, their society and their times (zeitgeist and leitkultur). This is the thesis of Daniel Goldhagen in "Hitler's Willing Executioners". 

Terrorists, serial killers, and mass murderers can be phenomenologically described as narcissists in a constant state of deficient narcissistic supply. The "grandiosity gap" - the painful and narcissistically injurious gap between their grandiose fantasies and their dreary and humiliating reality - becomes emotionally insupportable. They decompensate and act out. They bring "down to their level" (by destroying it) the object of their pathological envy, the cause of their seething frustration, the symbol of their dull achievements, always incommensurate with their inflated self-image.

They seek omnipotence through murder, control (not least self control) through violence, prestige, fame and celebrity by defying figures of authorities, challenging them, and humbling them. Unbeknownst to them, they seek self punishment. They are at heart suicidal. They aim to cast themselves as victims by forcing others to punish them. This is called "projective identification". They attribute evil and corruption to their enemies and foes. These forms of paranoia are called projection and splitting. These are all primitive, infantile, and often persecutory, defence mechanisms. 

When coupled with narcissism - the inability to empathize, the exploitativeness, the sense of entitlement, the rages, the dehumanization and devaluation of others - this mindset yields abysmal contempt for the narcissist's victims. The overriding emotion of terrorists and serial killers, the amalgam and culmination of their tortured psyche - is deep seated disdain for everything human, the flip side of envy. It is cognitive dissonance gone amok. 

On the one hand the terrorist, or serial killer derides as "false", "meaningless", "dangerous", and "corrupt" common values, institutions, human intercourse, and society. On the other hand, he devotes his entire life (and often risks it) to the elimination and pulverization of these "insignificant" entities. To justify this apparent contradiction, the mass murderer casts himself as an altruistic savior of a group of people "endangered" by his foes. He is always self-appointed and self-proclaimed, rarely elected. The serial killer and the mass murderer rationalize and intellectualize their murders by purporting to "liberate" or "deliver" the victims from a fate worse than death. 

The global reach, the secrecy, the impotence, and growing panic of his victims, of the public, and of his pursuers, the damage he wreaks - all serve as external ego functions. The terrorist and serial killer regulate their sense of self esteem and self worth by feeding slavishly on the reactions to their heinous deeds. Their cosmic significance is daily sustained by newspaper headlines, ever increasing bounties, admiring copycats, successful acts of blackmail, the strength and size of their opponents, and the devastation of human life and property. Appeasement works only to aggravate their drives and strengthen their appetites by emboldening them and by raising the threshold of excitation and "narcissistic supply". Terrorists and killers are addicted to this drug of being acknowledged and reflected. They derive their sense of existence, parasitically, from the reactions of their (often captive) audience.

Erich Fromm suggested th

ugnet_: Reasons are Cuases"interpersonally exploitative", use others to achieve their own

2004-03-28 Thread dbbwanika db  

Five (or more) of the following criteria must be met:

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - feel grandiose and self-important (e.g., they exaggerate the group's achievements and talents to the point of lying, demand to be recognized as superior - simply for belonging to the group and without commensurate achievement). 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are obsessed with group fantasies of unlimited success, fame, fearsome power or omnipotence, unequalled brilliance, bodily beauty or performance, or ideal, everlasting, all-conquering ideals or political theories. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are firmly convinced that the group is unique and, being special, can only be understood by, should only be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status groups (or institutions). 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - require excessive admiration, adulation, attention and affirmation - or, failing that, wish to be feared and to be notorious (narcissistic supply). 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - feel entitled. They expect unreasonable or special and favorable priority treatment. They demand automatic and full compliance with expectations. They rarely accept responsibility for their actions ("alloplastic defences"). This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are "interpersonally exploitative", i.e., use others to achieve their own ends. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are devoid of empathy. They are unable or unwilling to identify with or acknowledge the feelings and needs of other groups. This often leads to anti- social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are constantly envious of others or believes that they feel the same about them. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 

The group as a whole, or members of the group - acting as such and by virtue of their association and affiliation with the group - are arrogant and sport haughty behaviors or attitudes coupled with rage when frustrated, contradicted, punished, limited, or confronted. This often leads to anti-social behavior, cover-ups, and criminal activities on a mass scale. 



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ugnet_: Psychology of MASS murderers

2004-03-28 Thread dbbwanika db 

VI. Serial Killers and Mass Murderers

Are all politicians narcissists? The answer, surprisingly, is no. The preponderance of narcissistic traits and personalities in politics is much less than in show business, for instance. Moreover, while show business is concerned essentially (and almost exclusively) with the securing of narcissistic supply - politics is a much more complex and multi-faceted activity. Rather, it is a spectrum. At the one end, we find the "actors" - politicians who regard politics as their venue and their conduit, an extended theatre with their constituency as an audience. At the other extreme, we find self-effacing and schizoid (crowd-hating) technocrats. Most politicians are in the middle: somewhat self-enamored, opportunistic and seeking modest doses of narcissistic supply - but mostly concerned with perks, self-preservation and the exercise of power.

Most narcissists are opportunistic and ruthless operators. But not all opportunistic and ruthless operators are narcissists. A narcissistic politician would do anything and everything to remain in power, or, while, in power, to secure his narcissistic supply. A common error is to think that "narcissistic supply" consists only of admiration, adulation and positive feedback. Actually, being feared, or even derided is also narcissistic supply. The main element is attention. So, the narcissistic politician cultivates sources of narcissistic supply (both primary and secondary).




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ugnet_: What is Changing, Changed = nothing is something

2004-03-27 Thread dbbwanika db 

-	40 years ; of Power, Social/iety Control, Money and the State

-	Let us have some scenarios – into 40 years now who has been saying what and where is the rest of the nation?

-	Murder of children is legal so long as it serves a political purpose!

-	Who voted to change the constitution to gain from the 2000 referendum ? And who has fought the same referendum act and why? Why go in circles?

-	What has changed in 2004 for those who held those views in 2000 or 1960s?  Where some of these people financed by the state can they pay back the monies they got - the taxpayers money? 

-	What is the Ssempebwa commission for or it is irrelevant- think again and stop being manipulated.

-	How many of the liberators of today condemned openly the murder of people in the country? And what have they practically done to stop it? MP have immunity to prosecution what have they done in their constituents

-	Many people including soldiers were deliberately killed in Northern Uganda – why are such stories emerging today and not when they happened? Is it because of voting time?

-	What we wittiness today in Uganda is not the last in an episode of what started in 1966 since; 

   1). The political divisive properties are ever present 
   2) The judicial institutions are not as yet as strong and ever undermined and used by politicians (liberators) for their own goals 
   3). Those who hold power hold state institutions (their property) and society at ransom 
4). General lack of material wealthy-à culuminating in greed, criminality and power struggles (NRM/ UCB/reformism/ pajero)etc,..
   5). Our social/society beliefs Luwero and the Anyanya, Acoli and Kony mysteries.

-	The generative mechanism – the underlying structure that causes all what we see in Acoli, Lango and Luwero, Teso today are basically played exactly by the same people as it were 40 years ago.

-	And why is all Uganda politics going in circles around federo – is this a constitutional, legal or group matter - radio katwe? Look at references in French and British quest for power and their economies, you will learn some few lessons of this project into Uganda!

-	Types of power are numerous; coporate power through the market and industry, state power through repressive mechanisms (violence), cultural power, educational power, labour power, sexual power - so place yourself were you belong to see what you have and can do about your own oppression and wh oppresses you. 

-	An form of power is not attained chaotically ir through parasitism- there must organised forms – let that be in business economics ,religious  culturally or politically. Even armed power quest must be organised.

-	When power (economics ,religious  culturally or politically ) is delegated the possesor of power has none since it through the mediums or power is mediated – therefore power must NOT and EVER be delegated 

-	Long ago Ugandans investigated and came to a conclusion that “GENERALLY” Africans BECAUSE of their family structure had an inability to run, control and monitor large scale entities; organisations, corporations, political organisation and the like.

-	Notice even where we have united entities, colonialism planted social division generators i.e. RELIGION VS. CULTURE so for us religion is a quasi culture to hold on though delegation and mediation.

-	We decided after coming to a conclusion that the problem is was with us therefore could not be left unattended to.

-	Therefore suggestions were made based on MANAGERIAL STRUCTURAL and SOCIETY CONFIGURATION problematicities by studying e.g. lineal family & kin attachments, friendship structures, African conformism and attachment. 

-	I coined a concept that “MANAGEMENT IS NOT OWNERSHIP” therefore what you cannot manage leave it to an entity foreign to the owner/s of the organisation to manage under a principled understanding and/or rather under a theory of justice.

-	This theory of justice - it is called incorporation that is to unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole 

-	If this concept were to be tested you’ll find that a Mushoga will manage an entity owned by a Madi better and efficiently and the opposite is likewise true. – It is called incoporation.

-	We discovered that this was a “PRINCIPAL OF CONTRADICTORY STRUCTURE & MANAGEMENT” cancelling out properties coming and generated within African horizontal structure of dependence- i.e. reasons for the collapse of non- state owned entities the Greenland bank (Islam), Uganda commercial bank(twaliire embundu), Teefe (obuganda buladde),

-	I did expand on that realistic theory as per what I have seen and said that “ KNOWING IS NOT DOING” ; Uganda highly educated do not control Uganda’s economy  but politics of voilent men, chaos and asterisk  speculative rhetoric. 

-	Everyone is saying something and nothing is being


2004-03-24 Thread dbbwanika db
To all Ugandans with detail information about what is written below should not panic or get worried. I have always told you since 1998 that we are heading towards the pinnacle of modern history in Uganda 


Note the following;

If your were involved in anyway in acts which violets your human rights note down the following 

a. Precise DATES AND TIME when such acts happened 
b.	EXACT LOCATION where such violations took place 
c.	Those WHO WERE INVOLVED AND THEIR ROLLS (names, sex age, status on duty and their work posts)
d.	To Ugandan form SMALL GROUPS OF CONFIDANTS and seek specialised and professional help in that regard
e.	Make sure that you get DETAILED INFORMATION on the PRESENT LOCATION of all those involved
f.	Note detailed names of villages of operation, means of transport to that location and other auxiliary information relevant to these issues
g.Gte contacts in Uganda to help you obtain detailed information on the same or cooperate to that effect. 
h.You can add on significant information like audio, graphic details etc,.



Thanks for you observation!  For the 1st or 2nd time, I am agreeing with you 100% on this one.
These Baganda soldiers are held at gun point through the gun-rule of Kaguta and his NRM.  It is like I've said; it is either you kill or get killed!  The same applies to other Ugandans with the exception of Nyankores.  However, there are circumstances were some Baganda soldiers (and other Ugandans) are totally ignorant and they are simply "sleeping" while things are happening around them.  Hence, the saying Abaganda tuli mukwebaka nga katonga ejjula!
Again you are right, many sons and daughters of Buganda (and other Ugandans) have vanished and they are continuing to vanish in Northern Uganda.  Their relatives will never know because Museveni hides that information.  I do have a few former-UPDF friends and they can tell the whole story real good.  You can sit and listen the whole day!  They had to run for their lives when the quit the UPDF.  A Muganda to leave the UPDF, it's a matter of Life or Death!  That's how much of a killer Mu7 is.
Such brutal actions are not only committed in Northern Uganda, but in DR. Congo, and Sudan.  My former-UPDF friends were sent to the North, DR.Congo, and Sudan.  Thanks be to Allah, they survived because many of their mates never made it.
These guys even told me that they went to the North searching for "Kony/rebels" and all the time they spent there, they NEVER saw a single "rebel".  They were instructed by force (it's either kill or get killed) by Banyankore at the top/leaders to go village to village, "searching" for rebels.  This "searching" was to be carried out in the most gruesome, brutal, way I've ever heard.  I was shocked!  The UPDF goes village to village shooting civilians in their huts.  Whoever comes out of the hut is shot on spot because they are "rebels"!  Including, babies, children, women, the youth, the old, men.  Anyone they come accross in an operation is termed a rebel, when they know that these people have no guns on them, and that they are civilians.
Many of these Baganda soldiers (and other Ugandans too) do not understand a single word native Northerners say, for they don't understand Acholi.  They report of usual misunderstandings between the UPDF and the civilians.  Some of these people are rural people who never went to school, how does one expect them to communicate with the UPDF in English.  Besides, even a huge number in the UPDF does not speak English, for Allah's seek they never went to school!  
The good thing is that my former-UPDF friends were not sleeping all that time.  They could not stand killing innocent civilians and killing "undescplined" fellow solders any more.  These guys are tough but even their military training could not prepare them for the nightmares they had.  They were planning a way of escaping without putting their lives in danger.  They finally escaped and fled to far places where they would not be expected to be.  These men had to abandon their families because they feared that their families could easily be intimidated into giving the army information about their whereabouts.  It was a Life or Death situation.  
And do you know who introduced Gun-Rule to Uganda??  He is none other than Obote.  He used to ask his political opponents were their generals are!  But you know what??  The Federal States of Uganda can not let this happen to their men and women.  There is a sense of protection and empowerment involved.  I don't think the federal states of Acholi, Lango, Teso, Buganda can sit down and allow this happen.
Zakoomu M.

In a message dated 3/23/2004 5:18:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I think that you need to cut down on your fantasies.  Bwanika's article is true to the events taking place in Uganda.  These people 

ugnet_: AND Lt. Col Mulindwa Discplined, Capt Kavuma for Trial

2004-03-23 Thread dbbwanika db 

Gen. Museveni Transfers Lira Commander  
HEINEOUS: A child which survived by a whisker gets treated in Lira

President Yoweri Museveni has blamed the Saturday attack and the LRA rebel massacre in Erute county in Lira district on weakness of the UPDF command there. 

He said he had transferred the 403 Brigade commander, Lt. Col. Emmy Mulindwa who has been responsible for the area, to the army headquarters in Bombo for further training. 

Milindwa was formerly attached to the office of the Chief of Personnel and Administration at Bombo. Museveni said 80 civilians and four Amuka militia were killed in the LRA attack. Museveni’s statement reads as follows:

Published on: Tuesday, 24th February, 2004
Gen Museveni Orders Capt Kavuma Trial

By Grace Matsiko 

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has ordered for the speedy trial of a UPDF commander who allegedly failed to stop the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) attack on an internally displaced people’s (IDPs) camp in Pader on Friday. 

Army and civilian authorities said 12 people died during the 6:30pm raid on Lira-Palwo IDP camp. Several IDPs were wounded in the attack that left 127 huts and property burnt. 

“The President is very unhappy about the conduct of the unit commander, Capt. Kavuma, that led to the death of 12 civilians.


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ugnet_: Justice Julia Ssebutinde & the Media

2004-03-23 Thread dbbwanika db   

In the past recent - there has been an assorted media campaign that can be weighed in all manners about the commission of acquiry in URA -  but one thing comes out clearly.

The timing of the campaign came when the URA report was about to be handed in.

That it is exactly under this period in time that the public   is hearing about all a sorts of things about Justice Julia Ssebutinde in particural.

That URA report was only signed by Justice Julia sebutinde- and that the other only waited when the report is to be handed in, that all sorts of dirty about their activities should come ut-

That the legality of the report is questioned when it is handed in not when it was being investigated?

the question is why all this media attention at this material time and who is behind it- 

read all that has been written about the Justice in the past two month.




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2004-03-22 Thread dbbwanika db

In support of Hon Jack Sabiiti on the massacre of  service men by their employer we want a full investigation !

Vice President H.E. Prof. Gilbert Bukenya 
Ministry of Justices Hon. Janet B. Mukwaya  
Ministry of Internal Affairs Hon.Dr.Ruhakana Rugunda  
Internal Affairs Hon. Dr. Kezimbira Miyingo
Security Hon. Betty Akech
The Democratic Party secretariat
Conservative Party Secretariat
Uganda Peoples Congress Secretariat
The Free Movement Secretariat
National Democrats Forum Secretariat
Justice Forum Secretariat
All Members of parliament
Uganda human right commission
The European Delegation in Uganda

In the recent meeting in the suburbs of Kampala, Hon. Jack Sabiiti was quoted by the Uganda major radio station as having said that Baganda soldiers in the National Resistance Army were sent to Northern Uganda and murdered.

However Hon. Jack Sabiiti was short of calling on Uganda parliament and the National Resistance Movement government to call a full investigation into the massacre of Uganda military service men by their employer the National resistance army.

We in the democratic farmers workers alliance – Uganda (dfwa-u) therefore profoundly wish to call on all entities that this letter is addressed – to call on the parliament of Uganda, Uganda human right commission, the international criminal court and the European delegation in Uganda to start full investigations into what Hon. Sabiiti mentioned at the meeting.

We take the issue as a very serious matter of grave concerned in the violation of personal human rights to which Uganda government is a signatory, to the security of individual soldiers in the army and the nation at large.




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2004-03-21 Thread dbbwanika db


-  Who is killing people in camps and internalising them on a notation that THEY ARE SEMI HUMAN BEINGS- how can such people ever rule a country democratically?

- REASONS ARE CAUSES and things into this world happen for reasons – so for those who have reasons to think they’re on a higher plane of the animal kingdom can kill with impunity but their days are number. History will haunt them.

-	Uganda is not failed state – but rather that the LAW WORKS FOR THE RULERS to generate a failed state and subsequent events that follow– RULERS ARE ABOVE THE LAW and the ruled always are the victims of rulers’ law. Ugandans have to Think!

- How can WAR MOBILISATION over the years by Ugandan rulers for; Congo, Teso, Lango, Acoli, Toro, Luwero, Sudan be a very much possibility BUT mobilisation to just develop a fraction of our country 
be impossible?

- Why was there no war into the past? Why is there no war in Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia etc?

- How much do you know about these wars are THEY FOUGHT TO SAVE 
YOU AND YOUR SOCIETY and from what?

- Where does the money buying bullets, war armaments, human resources (soldiers) come from YET THERE IS NO MONEY for HOSPITAL DRUGS, housing for our people and free education? YOU HAVE A CHOICE RISE UP AND – STOP BEING USED 

- Who is responsible and why? 

- How many widows, women without their husbands do we have today 
in this country and why? Why didn’t have them in the past?

- How many men don’t have eyes, legs, and arms today and why? YOU 

- How many CHILDREN ARE FATHERLESS and motherless today and why? 
Who is responsible?

- How many villages are totally without people where did the 
people go i.e. in Luwero !

- And who is responsible and why?

- Why are the majority of our people in such a miserable state poor, internalised in camps, shot at and dying like rats? YET IS IT THEIR OWN KILLING THEM!

- Uganda has no single planned town or city?! Why? YOU HAVE A 

- How many houses, gardens, crops, lives have been destroyed in 
Luwero, Teso, Kasese, Acoli , Lango?

- Indeed some Ugandans go hungry and others don’t have land like in Kigezi and Bugunda why?

- It’s the common people in villages who grow coffee, maize, 
sugar canes, meat why do they have nothing- yet those who keep roaming 
the country have everything?

- Today our youth, old men and women have paid highly for an 
education but can’t use it why?

- When your taxes are misused by corrupt people why are they not 

- Why do our people do not oppose these  murdering  of our people



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ugnet_: Partriotic Voilence

2004-03-20 Thread dbbwanika db 

I have been looking for a book I read about how a nation can be turned into a killing machine- I can find it. 

Now I am still to understand the reasons people in Teso and other regions should be dying. I am even confounded and bewildered by Ugandans insensitivity as they applaud calculated and cold Slaughter of women and children in Barlonyo camp, near Lira. 

In fact most Ugandans are jubilant since it gave them an edge in their diabolic political yearnings!!!

If the view and objective (BCC was there in a few hours) was to gain international media attention rebels tend to like so much

- would it imply therefore that massacre of people in such a gruesome scale will taint NRM government and leadership or Kony?

I am sorry to say that its  here I get lost!!!

Those who have read stories of soldiers in the most cruel battle fields like Vietnam, Korean war, First and second world, Cambodia, South Africa the perpetuate tend to suffer from deep sense of remorse I have not in the slightest wittinessed among Ugandans.

I wonder how an entire political and economic ideology can be based on murdering of innocent people. I am sure for once NRM has managed to plant the seeds of genocide in our country – and get ready for the consequences.



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ugnet_: NRM; Reasons are causes- & Strategies-

2004-03-18 Thread dbbwanika db   

Reasons are causes- & Strategies

Scenario: Let us say all Ugandans are opposed to the extension of  NRM monolithic rule and change of the basic law on Uganda presidency.

Then what has the people in Katakwi , Lango and Acoli IDP camps have to do with the above 

Where is NRM electorate in Acoli , Lango, or Katakwi? Will this be viable region to multiparty politics battles?

How will murder of children and women in IDP camps influence the above scenario?

How does self-indulgence in violent acts against the self-impact in changes on the above scenario?

A file report by some radio station quoted one MP saying that some sections of soldiers on a tribal basis were sent in the Northern Uganda only to be murdered – yes there is evidence from army deserters but why is this information officially coming out now? 

There are secrete means of disseminating the same  with clear evidence of the same to the worldwide media was it not done before?

What does the law say about this is if officials in NRA indulged into such crimes and why is this information not coming out in legalistically retroactive form?

Who is liberating whom those fighting NRM/A acts or NRM/A liberating herself from her past by even greater violence on the peoples of Uganda?

Among some Uganda MP word is that when people are camps they therefore can be transformed or change or civilised in that manner because suffering makes people think 

Now my question is this an official policy of those forcing people in camps on behalf of the government or and also the same people opposed to extension of NRM monolithic rule and change of the basic law on Uganda presidency?!

We need answers to these questions and then we can shut up.!



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ugnet_: VB:

2004-03-18 Thread dbbwanika db

--- original message ---
> Observera: vidarebefodrat meddelande bifogat.

Description: Binary data

ugnet_: Beggars and the city- do nothing

2004-03-18 Thread dbbwanika db

--- original message ---
> Observera: vidarebefodrat meddelande bifogat.

Description: Binary data

ugnet_: You can't believe this!!

2004-03-15 Thread dbbwanika db

Even the edition was wrong in a quick flash of time to portrial of a working system but once agian they miss it all.  So what if ...

Now what is that you have not learnt now???!!!

so one wonders if Kinobe represents two constituencies;

Constituency: Katikamu North  

Qualification: Hon. Kinobe Jimmy William holds BCom (MUBS), a Dilpoma in Business Studies (MUBS) and an Advanced Certificate in Business Studies.

Constituency: Bamunaanika  

Qualification: Hon. James Kinobe holds BCom (MUBS), a Diploma in Business Studies (MUBS) and an Advanced Certificate in Business Studies.




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ugnet_: Uganda Scientist & their lost wisdom

2004-03-14 Thread dbbwanika db 

Can anyone get me data on water purification chemicals bought into Uganda monthly and it cost in tax payers money?


a.Moringa oleifera is a tropical plant belonging to the family Moringaceae. The seeds from this plant contain active coagulating agents characterized as dimeric cationic proteins having a molecular weight of 13 kDa and an isoelectric point between 10 and 11 ( N'Dabigengesere et al. 1995).

b. The reliability of WEMOS in this field has motivated investigations into the primary treatment of industrial and domestic wastewater ( N'Dabigengesere and Narasiah 1998; Kalogo and Verstraete 2000). Although these investigations showed good removal of suspended solids it was noticed that an extra chemical oxygen demand (COD) was released in the supernatant fluid. It appears, therefore, that, in the near future, WEMOS could be a potential challenger of synthetic coagulants (e.g. iron chloride, aluminium, etc.) for primary treatment of wastewaters, provided the secondary treatment is biological.



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ugnet_: Uganda want International Criminal Court- Justice Now

2004-03-13 Thread dbbwanika db 

We in dfwa-u want to acknowledge that we fully understand the crisis in which our country is. 

We therefore want history to guide us and therefore the following should be fully filled to grant us transparency; 

We demand that the G7 group demand that all criminals or people in Uganda who have committed criminal acts against the people of Uganda under the banner of liberating them be handed to the ICC within a period of one month for criminal prosecution.

We demand that the G7 group (Malwa, DP, UPC, CP, Pafo, Reform Agenda, , NRM , NRM-o etc,.) in writing fully acknowledge, condemn Luwero and Acoli genocide and call upon the European Union and the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT OF JUSTICE to investigate

a. Luwero genocide during the 1980- 1986 
b. Hand over the Nagenda et al. commission report of inquiry into Luwero genocide to ICC and the European Union delegation in Uganda

We demand the same group, the G7 allow ICC and the European Union delegation in Uganda investigate the Kichwamba massacre of the 80 or so students by the Allied Democratic forces ( ADF)

a. The government of Uganda produce Sarah Nabakozzo the ADF rebel commander said to have torched the college and burnt the students.

b. That Rajab Kasozi the soldier commanding officer of the UPDF during ADF attack also be produced to ICC.

We demand that the G7 group demand ICC and European Union delegation in Uganda to investigate ADF activities in the entire western regions.

We demand that the Democratic Party (DP) hand over its so called Black book to the ICC and European Union delegation in Uganda of all its murdered members and evidence they have about the same.

We demand that Uganda Peoples Congress ( UPC) hand over all the names of UPC members murder by NRA to ICC and European Union delegation in Uganda.

We demand that G7 in writing call ICC to investigate Kony /Lakwena activities in the northern region from 1986 to date.

That G7 group in writing call on the ICC and European Union delegation in Uganda to investigate the murder of people in Camps and the entire of Acoli region.

That the G7 group in writing call on the ICC to investigate the murder and the head of the constitution making process Prof. Dan Mudoola. 

That the G7 demand the Uganda government to produce the Scotland yard report on the murder of Dr. Lutakoome Kayira Andrew.

That the ICC and European Union delegation in Uganda investigates the killings that went on in Teso region during the 80's and the incineration of Ugandans in train wagons.

That the G7 group state it clearly that Buganda institutions should not be used or involved in efforts to change the constitution of Uganda – and where the same applies all tribes should do the same as the Baganda under an organised form.

That the G7 demand in writing the government of Uganda to release and fully serialise the entire Uganda revenue authority (URA) commission of enquiry by Justice Ssebutinde.

The thefts and murder as reported in Justice Ssebutide police inquiry and UPDF helicopter saga be fully prosecuted under the laws of Uganda as established.





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ugnet_: Uganda want International Criminal Court- Justice Now

2004-03-13 Thread dbbwanika db
We in dfwa-u want to acknowledge that we fully understand the crisis in which our country. 

We therefore want history must guide us and therefore the following should be fully filled to grant us transparency; 

We demand that the G7 group demand that all criminals or people in Uganda who have committed criminal activities against the people of Uganda under the banner of liberating them be handed to the ICC within a period one month for prosecution criminal prosecution.

We demand that the G7 group (Malwa, DP, UPC, CP, Pafo, Reform Agenda, , NRM , NRM-o etc,.)  in writing fully acknowledge, condemn Luwero and Acoli genocide and call upon the European Union and the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT OF JUSTICE to investigate

a.	Luwero genocide during the 1980- 1986  
b.	Hand over the Nagenda et al. commission report of inquiry into Luwero genocide to ICC and the European Union delegation in Uganda

We demand the same group, the G7 allow ICC and the European Union delegation in Uganda  investigate the Kichwamba massacre of the 80 or so students by the Allied Democratic forces ( ADF)

a.  The government of Uganda produce  Sarah Nabakozzo the ADF rebel commander said to have torched the college and burn the students.
b.  That Rajab Kasozi the soldier commanding office of the UPDF during ADF attack also be produced to ICC.

We demand that the G7 group demand ICC to investigate ADF activities in the entire western regions.

We demand that the Democratic Party (DP) hand over it so called Black book to the ICC of all its murdered members and evidence they have about the same.

We demand that Uganda Peoples Congress ( UPC) hand over all the  names of UPC members murder by NRA to ICC.

We demand that G7 in writing call ICC to investigate Kony /Lakwena activities in the northern region from 1986 to date.

That G7 group in writing call on the ICC to investigate the murder of people in Camps and the entire of Acoli region.

That the G7 group in writing call on the ICC to investigate the murder and the head of the constitution making process Prof. Dan Mudoola. 

That the G7 demand the Uganda government to produce the Scotland yard report on the murder of Dr. Lutakoome Kayira Andrew.

That the ICC investigates the killings that went on in Teso region during the 80's and the incineration of Ugandans in train wagons.

That the G7 group state it clearly that Buganda institutions should not be used or involved in efforts to change the constitution of Uganda – and where the same applies all tribes should do the same as the Baganda under an organised form.

That the G7 demand in witting the government of Uganda to release and fully serialise the entire Uganda revenue authority (URA) commission of enquiry by Justice Ssebutinde.

The  thefts and murder as reported in Justice Ssebutide police inquiry and UPDF helicopter saga be fully prosecuted under the laws of Uganda as established.


ugnet_: On our the way - a flashback

2004-03-11 Thread dbbwanika db

Al mentioned below no one knows!

-	Justice Joseph Mulenga who was the attorney general then says he does not remember receiving the Scotland Yard report.

-	Mr Ssemogerere was the minister of Internal Affairs at the time of Kayiira’s death.

-	The police, which carried out initial investigations, fall under the Internal Affairs ministry.Ssemogerere resigned his ministerial post in 1995 to contest for the presidency.

-	So the question is why has Ssemogerere kept quite all this long?

-	The Price of Freedom which he wrote after Kayiira’s death, Mr Bwengye blamed government for the murder. Informed sources told Sunday Monitor that government bought off all copies.

-	Capt. Abbey Kalega Sserwada, one of the UFM commanders was arrested and detained at Lubiri. Up to now no one knows his fate but Sunday Monitor has learnt he was probably tortured by senior NRA officers and had his ears cut off before he was killed.

-	Evaristo Nyanzi and Dr David Lwanga. Baganda army officers had apparently spied on them. During court proceedings senior Baganda officers came out and testified that the politicians had approached them.

-	After the death, police arrested five men who it alleged had killed Kayira. Government said two had escaped from Luzira. They were Robert Magezi and Sylvester Wada. Those paraded in court were John Katabazi, Peter Kiwanuka alias Backfire and Musisi Kizito.

-	In the trial that followed, Justice C.M Kato of the High Court acquitted them but they were re-arrested by security operatives outside court and todate, their whereabouts remain unknown.

Who killed Kayiira?
By David Kibirige
March 7, 2004 - Monitor
KAMPALA - For 17 years now, mystery still surrounds the gruesome murder of former minister and guerrilla leader Dr Andrew Lutakome Kayiira.Kayiira was the Uganda Freedom Movement (UFM) military leader with lawyer Francis Bwengye as head of its political wing.On March 7, 1987 Kayiira was shot dead at the home of a friend, then BBC correspondent Henry Gombya, at Konge, Makindye on the outskirts of Kampala.Mr Gombya, who was around the house at the time of the murder, later fled to exile in Britain.Because of its [killing] high profile, President Yoweri Museveni ordered that the famous Scotland Yard investigate the murder.Scotland Yard did come and investigate but several years later, nothing is known about the report, or who killed Kayira.Not surprisingly, Kayiira’s death has dogged the country and at every presidential election, his ghost returns to haunt President Yoweri Museveni.In 1996 when Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere stood against Museveni, Kayiira’s death became a hot issue.
 Fingers were pointed at Museveni saying it was he who did not want the Kayiira report made public. Ironically Mr Ssemogerere was the minister of Internal Affairs at the time of Kayiira’s death. The police, which carried out initial investigations, fall under the Internal Affairs ministry.Ssemogerere resigned his ministerial post in 1995 to contest for the presidency.So the question is why has Ssemogerere kept quite all this long?Contacted by Sunday Monitor on Wednesday Ssemogerere said he could not discuss the Kayiira issue on phone. He said he was going to attend a funeral. Again Sunday Monitor tried to speak to him on Thursday in vain.Kayiira was a Democratic Party (DP) firebrand politician who as early as 1986 had started calling on Ssemogerere to relinquish party leadership.Again in the March 2001 presidential elections, Kayiira’s death cropped up.Museveni’s closest challenger, Dr Kizza Besigye challenged the president to tell Ugandans who had killed Kayiira.Again ironic
 ally, Besigye was time minister of State for Internal Affair!
s, at Kayiira’s death.In his book The Price of Freedom which he wrote after Kayiira’s death, Mr Bwengye blamed government for the murder. Informed sources told Sunday Monitor that government bought off all copies. Even Bwengye does not have one. Highly placed sources told Sunday Monitor that after writing the book, government sent then national political commissar, Col. Kizza Besigye and Lt. Gen Salim Saleh off all copies in addition to “oiling Bwengye’s hand” which persuaded him to come back home. Bwengye conceded that it was Saleh and Besigye who negotiated his return but denies ever receiving money.“The book was published abroad and I had no contact with government, so how could I have negotiated for a buy off,” Bwengye told Sunday Monitor on March 4.Asked if Sunday Monitor could borrow his copy since as the author he might have one, Bwengye said; “My copies were borrowed and never returned.”Again asked why there is no reprint, Bwengye said; “ I am not a publisher. So I do
  not know.” He however said that at one time he requested The Monitor’s then managing editor, Charles Onyango Obbo to publish the book but that he received no reply.Last month during Monitor FM’s popular Andrew Mwenda live programme, Bwengye gave his rea

ugnet_: Decoder at 1, 500, 000 million shillings only

2004-03-10 Thread dbbwanika db

The production of decoders, modems and microwave antennas will reduce the cost so radically that Ugandans can be able to get these services now costing a years’ income for our poor. 

In fact this can become Kabakas’ pet business now run by allied bank and multichoice – since his institution can get free offers of assistance from Sony, Philips, Motorola etc,. If he argue them that he will be showing to his subjects pictures of him, kabaka can be a very marketable individual and get us the bakopi what we want to get our daily bread.

Kabaka can also get a penal for services of highly educated Ugandanso brain storm the merits and inner working of the modern science without using the NRM, catholics, moslems. 

Such a project will offer him a wealthy of status and a pop start acclaim without breaking the law for his is simply doing business and charity.

I hope a speculative idea of federo can come to a quicker fruitation of your subject can have enough food to eat


Allied Bank in Dstv deal 
By Moses Serugo 
March 10, 2004

KAMPALA - Multichoice Uganda and Allied Bank have partnered to sell DStv decoders to working people through a hire purchase scheme.Multichoice Uganda is the franchise holder of the DStv pay television service. Subscribers can choose either the single view at Shs 1,034,000 or the dual view decoder at Shs 1,550,00 that enables viewers to watch two channels simultaneously. Mr Kwame Ahadzi, the managing director of Allied Bank, said that this scheme is an opportunity for working families to enjoy the service by owning today and paying tomorrow. Mr Peter Mungoma, Multichoice's sales and marketing manager, said the service includes viewing more than 40 sports, entertainment and news channels for a small installment.He said the offer includes a one-month free subscription. However, in order to take part, people will be required to open an account with Allied Bank through which the money will be paid.Upcountry subscribers where Allied Bank has no branches will pay through the Centena
 ry Rural Development Bank.



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ugnet_: Mbarara cows lose tails after vaccine- Dr. Mike Ogwal

2004-03-10 Thread dbbwanika db

Dr. Mike Ogwal

It very long indeed we last talked. I remember vividly our discussion with Prof. Walubo on herbal medicine. 

Thanks for your information you offered willingly and I want to inform you i have so far planted 30 herbal trees and i am a rich man making money out it. a 400 grammes go for 4000 shs - so i do get some little to care for my old.

I will soon be embarking on another project God willing a commercial one in the same fields but if you have more information about highly marketable items in the world market please let me know - we can work together.

I was thinking in terms of the proximity to communication and market resources .

we can also try hybriding like aqautic and mamalian farming - though they require a lot of time these can be done in free time.

stay well,


From: "Mike Ogwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 10:26:52 CST
Subject: Re: ugnet_: THE NEW VISION--COWS

Hei Ugandan Vet. Docs,

Don't you think it is time to start developing our own vaccines?
I also used to think that our Ankole bulls could make very good 
semen reserves to AI our local cows. What do you think?
Is it very difficult to siphon the semen out of these bulls? 

My suggestion as a solution to the problems given below are:

1. Let's start out our reserach on development of vaccines to suit 
our own local livestock. 

2. Let's improve the traits of our own bulls and begin "milking the 
semens" from them other than relying on unknown imported brands.

 If you need money to begin, just put up a proposal first and I will 
help you sell the ideas to potential donnors here. All you need is an 
initiative, interest and a willingness to stay on the research for at 
least the next five years or so, till your vaccines are ready for 
test and the semens ready for " harverst". 



 Mbarara cows lose tails after vaccine

A new vaccine for Contact Bovine Pieuro Pneumonia control has resulted
in the death of cattle in Mbarara and Bundibugyo, say officials.

Farmers say some of the vaccinated cattle have died, others lost tails
and several developed serious complications.  The vaccine is
administered in the tail area.

Commissioner Veterinary  Services, Dr Phili Ochaba said Food and
Agricultural Organisation proposed introduction of the vaccine which
has a longer immunity. FAO experts at the headquarters, Rome, advised
that the new strain be used in Uganda and Africa, said the



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ugnet_: Dr. Mukwaya- America and Uganda politic system.

2004-03-08 Thread dbbwanika db

Dr. Mukwaya

I have thought through "Who will tell the people": The betrayal of American Democracy" by William Greider. In social science terms it is a good book but sociologically it is a muted.

My view is simple - human choices are not infinite in fact they are very limited indeed. And I hope now every body can realsie this fact.

This is what we have to develop into a model to read into our own acts i.e. behaviours, wants and needs. A Model that can be used wherever people are stuck , they can test their own possibilities and see their own prospects.

It has taken me several years to reach this conclusion thanks to Ugandanet that offer experimentation possible. 

Horowitz make a fuss about black people in his book "The Bell Curve” but forgets that his level of viewing the world and reality is on another plane i.e. his social status in the society he refers to vis vis the one he refers to.

But why should we Ugandans write the same book about ourselves?

Is it the same that goes with Uganda societies?! 

As Dr. Seguya gave us the model about knowledge and power - one must look deeper into what is really meant or behind the model as per human acts - and their yearnings. 

For 40 years there is nothing that has happened in our society other than retrogress, social misery and economically. 

Today I can give sure answers to these questions and we can move on without much hustle.


Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 20:09:52 +0200
From: Mukwaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of bd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Subject: Re: ugnet_: abnormal distribution

I have just finished reading "Who will tell the people: The betrayal of
American Democracy" by William Greider (Simon and Schuster, New York, NY 1992. ISBN 0-671-68891-X). This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to have the most rudimentary understanding of the American political system. 

I found the book actually quite depressing because it conveys a sense of
futility in what passes for political debate in this country. I saw  William
Greider on C-SPAN recently and what a contrast he makes to the numerous propagandists who masquerade as journalists on American TV.   

The worst aspect of  "The Bell Curve" in my opinion is that it did not provide a credible definition of who is "Black" based on genetic information.

Children with 50% of their genes (or 70%, 80%, 90%) inherited from a caucasia 
parent are classified as blacks (as long as they are not 100% white).
Secondly, there is no credible explanation given to the much higher
achievements of 100% blacks born in Africa, the Carribean or anywhere else
except the USA.  Lastly, one of the terrible crimes committed by books such as
"The Bell Curve" is that they are devoid of facts and figures concerning the
maldistribution of investment (in housing, education, infrastructure,
municipal services, policing, garbage collection etc. etc.) between white and black communities (and between poor and affluent communities) which is so obvious to anyone driving through any American city.

Dinesh D'Souza (a Goan Indian) at the American Enterprise Institute (a
Washington right-wing think  tank) has made a career out of denigrating
African-Americans. Peruse any of his writings and you will see absolutely no mention of this  maldistribution of investments between black and
predominantly caucasian communities. An Israel citizen (if Jewish) enjoys more benefits from the American taxpayer (white or black) than the vast majority of hardworking, taxpaying African-American citizens. 

Geoffrey Mukwaya.



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SV: ugnet_: Ntale, Olweny, wangusi, Mateega; Ugandan Schools have telephone

2004-03-08 Thread dbbwanika db
Dr. Robert Steven Owor 

Thank you very much sir,

I will buy the book and try to contact our people below. Our major problem has been books and circuit boards but alos system of government.

Once we can produce and design these circuits  in considerable amounts - problem will be solved for sure.I am involved myself and we can't fail.

No I argue Uganbans not to get frustarted. Yes that is how Uganda and Ugandans work - for us we have made a deeper collobrative study and we have found a way of going around these problems. Intractive Communication networks is one of them and since no has a monopoly on it any body who tries to struggle agianst the wind will be bypassed.

It is only a beginning- so stick out, there are a lot of people who need direction. Here I must also argue that we are going to use the care free atomsphere of our institutions to reach our goals. This is the contardiction which power holder do not and will never grasp.

thank you very much sir,

Mmwami Bwanika, 

Thanks for your reply. Actually there a number of Ugandans who are quite 
well versed with some of the challenges you are facing. Some of them are 
in Uganda and others are now abroad. 

Many of the Engineers either at UTV, Uganda Telecoms or Electricity 
Authorities (former UEB) are highly trained theoretically and 
practically. I can mention a few names like Kazinduki (A Satellite 
Transmission Engineer, who for a long time managed Mpoma even with very 
few spares coming in), Eng. Mukasa (A Satellite and Radio Communications 
Engineer), Eng. Muskautu (A Switching Expert), Eng. Miriam Wambuzi 
(Exchange, Transmission and Switching Expert), Eng. Dan Naigambi 
(Electrical and Electronics practical whiz, including solar powered 
systems), Eng. Mayanja (power systems) etc. Many of these Engineers have 
been trained right in the production lines of these systems such as at 
Alcatel Telecoms, AT&T, INTELSAT, Fujitsu, SONY, Motorola, Intel, 
Siemens to mention but a few. 

The problem is that they becme frustrated sometimes and even resort to 
"quorum". Some have now joined the private sector and are doing very 
well. Yet sadly some of the most brillaint ones have simply given up and 
swallow more of the "same" than is useful to either themselves or their 
country. This is because after the high training, they go back home with 
great ambition only to be frustrated by circumstances. 

Also the way Digital Electronics courses are taught in classroms in 
Universities lends itself to passing the exams well if you study hard. 
When however you are given a logic probe, transistors, an oscilloscope 
and a multimeter, plus a bunch of capacitors, batteries, transistors and 
a family of logic circuits then one begins to sweat! 

In my sufferings with circuits which do not work, I found a good book 
which I recommend to anyone who perhaps might be as unfortunate as I 
was. It is called Practical Electronics for Inventors by Paul Schertz 
published by McGraw-Hill. This books guides anyone who is struggling to 
develop circuitry for a new electronic device without delving into 
advanced Physics right from the start. It is a good staring point. 

Wish you the best 

Dr. Robert Steven Owor 

>>> "dbbwanika db" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/08/04 9:38 AM >>> 
Dr. Robert Steven Owor 

My understanding is that most of the mediums mentioned below are being 
used on given levels. 

The problem though as of now is affordability we are focusing on. 

My colleague and I are looking into a possibility of starting to 
manufacture affordable transponders to meet Uganda consumer standards. 

We have discussed this issue quite exhaustively and human resources we 

Our strategy so far is to diversify from computation now that digitised 
radio and television sets are coming on the market with universal 
service bus connection that can make going around configuration 

This is a problem since our friends who have been educated and educating 
us in these fields are still very few and still lack hands on skills. 

One of our major problem is getting engineering literature which is a 
fra bigger problem on these items particularly on digital circuits 
design and the circuits themselves which is very rear commodity in 

We also need suppliers of assorted items but that will be disccused 

I will be contacting you in due course on this very issue as we progress 
with our programme since we want to make it very easy to watch TV. 

I will soon be venturing my pasion- nature filming that could be tested 

Thank you sir, 




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ugnet_: software

2004-03-08 Thread dbbwanika db

Mr. Alfred Bageya

You might wish to contact Mr. Kakinda @ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  better still edward at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have followed the developments and I have gathered enough information about digitised  communication infra/meta-structures. 

Am now very confident that government is liability if they ever stop us.
Enormous amount of energy invested in these structure have got very positive social implication and these must be pursed vigorously.

thank so much once again,



Dear  Bwanika
An associate of mine forwarded a copy of your e-mail to Dr. Kigongo
regarding the above subject. It is nice to see that a young man like you
would look so far in the future an d see that without computers problems in
Uganda will only multiply and might cause the down fall of successive

I noted your three points and all I can say from my perspective is that
there is even more to that than what meets the eye. Reason for my point of
is short and simple: Our training and education never prepares us to notice
and tackle problems rather we followers of foreign dogma despite the fact
that we have the most creative brains compared to other races. But whatever
we create we more that happy to give it away for free. Why? I have yet to
find that answer.

Any way it is back to your discussion. I happen to have been offered a very
powerful software package that can deal with all the problems you mentioned
to Dr. Kigongo but to my surprise there were no takers from Uganda for a
simple reason; it is going to be used to deter corruption, fraud and theft.
So right off the bat you know that you are fighting against the will of the
authority. This does not mean that the systems can't be implemented. You
only do it in a different way knowing that "if you build it they will come".
So whatever Engineering project for the hardware you working on, remember
that a powerful software package with pre-canned applications ready to run
is available. The World Bank, the Canadian and US Governments are ready and
willing to fund the acquisition and further development of this software for
Africa at large.
Please give me some details on the hardware you are putting together, I
might have some new ideas for you guys.
Alfred Bageya



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ugnet_: Ntale, Olweny, wangusi, Mateega; Ugandan Schools have telephone

2004-03-08 Thread dbbwanika db
Dr. Robert Steven Owor 

My understanding is that most of the mediums mentioned below are being used on given levels. 

The problem though as of now is affordability we are focusing on. 

My colleague and I are looking into a possibility of starting  to manufacture affordable  transponders to meet Uganda consumer standards. 

We have discussed this issue quite exhaustively and human resources we have.

Our strategy so far is to diversify from computation now that digitised radio and television sets are coming on the market with universal service bus connection that can make going around configuration problems. 

This is a problem since our friends who have been educated and educating us  in these fields are still very few and still lack hands on skills.  

One of our major problem is getting engineering literature which is a fra bigger problem on these items particularly on digital circuits design and the circuits themselves which is very rear commodity in Uganda.

We also need suppliers of assorted items but that will be disccused later.

I will be contacting you in due course on this very issue as we progress with our programme since we want to make it very easy to watch TV. 

I will soon be venturing my pasion- nature filming that could be tested here. 

Thank you sir,


With current developments in wireless and wireline technologies, it is 
entirely possible to network each and every school in Uganda. If a 
person can receive a celullar phone message they can receive a computer 
message. Its all data communications be it direct line of sight 
microwave communications, frequency modulated and encoded cellular 
communications, short wave frequency communications, fiber optics, 
terrestrial satellite communications etc. On a technical level one of 
the key issues becomes what the most cost effective mix of transmission 
media is needed to guarantee optimal bandwidth. 

As we speak now, there is a fiber optical link that runs all around 
Kampala (One of the links goes directly to Wandegeya into Makerere 
University), all the way to Gulu (Ha but Kony). There is 
already more bandwidth there than is currently being utilized. Another 
fiber optical link runs from Kampala Main Telephone Exchange to Mpoma 
Earth Satellite. There are cellular cell towers ( used by Mango, MTN, 
Celtel, Uganda Telecoms for their cellular customers) all over Uganda on 
which could be mounted addtitonal high speed digital microwave 
transceivers. The networking question then becomes what kind of computer 
networks you want in the schools and other training, management, 
utilization issues. 

The question is: Do we as Ugandans have the will to do it at the 
political, managerial and technical levels? Good planning and a phased 
systematic approach is necessary. 

These are my two cents worth of contributions. 
Dr. Robert Steven Owor 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/07/04 12:35 PM >>> 

On Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:18:13 -0500 Arthur Mateega 

> Do most Ugandan Schools have telephone access or is Mr. Bwanika's 
vision for universally networked schools in Uganda overly optimistic ? 

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 10:41:46 +0900 
From: Mark Olweny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: ugnet_: Ugandan President visits Multimedia Super Corridor site 

The Star - Malaysia 
Sunday, April 19, 1998 

Ugandan President visits 
Multimedia Super Corridor site 

KUALA LUMPUR: Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, who is on a four-day 
to Malaysia, yesterday toured Cyberjaya, Malaysia's high-tech multimedia 
city on the outskirts of the capital. 

Museveni, who arrived here on Thursday, was given a briefing on 
Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) project by Multimedia Development 
Corporation executive chairman Tan Sri Dr Othman Yeop Abdullah. 

At the function, Museveni said that Uganda was interested in sending a 
of officials to Malaysia to learn more about the MSC, especially on the 
concept of smart schools. 

"We would like to know more on how to work together on the MSC," said 

He said that Uganda would also like to collaborate with Malaysia in 
resource development, training and setting up joint ventures in systems 
applications and software development. 

The MSC, covering a 750 sq km area south of Kuala Lumpur, is 
dedicated to the development of multimedia products and services. -- 


Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 20:08:33 +0200 
From: jackson wangusi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of bd 
Subject: Re: Re: ugnet_: Computers use and neccessity 

Mr Arthur, 

Mr Bwanika's vision is not optmistic, it is a vision destined for 
reality. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. America or any other 
western states did not have telephones 100 years ago. Start seeing 
possibilities not only impossibilities

ugnet_: Ntale, Olweny, wangusi, Mateega; Ugandan Schools have telephone

2004-03-07 Thread dbbwanika db 

On Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:18:13 -0500 Arthur Mateega 

> Do most Ugandan Schools have telephone access or is Mr. Bwanika's
 vision for universally  networked schools in Uganda overly optimistic ?

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 10:41:46 +0900
From: Mark Olweny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Ugandan President visits Multimedia Super Corridor site

The Star - Malaysia
Sunday, April 19, 1998

Ugandan President visits
Multimedia Super Corridor site

KUALA LUMPUR: Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, who is on a four-day visit
to Malaysia, yesterday toured Cyberjaya, Malaysia's high-tech multimedia
city on the outskirts of the capital. 

Museveni, who arrived here on Thursday, was given a briefing on Malaysia's
Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) project by Multimedia Development
Corporation executive chairman Tan Sri Dr Othman Yeop Abdullah. 

At the function, Museveni said that Uganda was interested in sending a team
of officials to Malaysia to learn more about the MSC, especially on the
concept of smart schools. 

"We would like to know more on how to work together on the MSC," said

He said that Uganda would also like to collaborate with Malaysia in human
resource development, training and setting up joint ventures in systems
applications and software development. 

The MSC, covering a 750 sq km area south of Kuala Lumpur, is
dedicated to the development of multimedia products and services. --


Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 20:08:33 +0200
From: jackson wangusi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of bd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Subject: Re: Re: ugnet_: Computers use and neccessity

Mr Arthur,

Mr Bwanika's vision is not optmistic, it is a vision destined for 
reality. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. America or any other 
western states did not have telephones 100 years ago. Start seeing 
possibilities not only impossibilities. Thoughts germinate dreams and 
visions. If this two are pursued with confession, wisdom and hard work, 
the reality is not far. I believe in the near future Africa will be a 
different place. So, Catch up or else you will remain in puzzlement.


On Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:18:13 -0500 Arthur Mateega 
> Do most Ugandan Schools have telephone access or is Mr. Bwanika's
 vision for universally  networked schools in Uganda overly optimistic ?

Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 20:08:28 +0200
From: "Nixon Andama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of bd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Subject: Re: Re: Re: ugnet_: Computers use and neccessity

I was thinking along the lines that since the Ministry Of Information 
and Radio Uganda already have these 'lines of sight', they could be put 
to this good use.

Downtown Crossing, Boston.

>Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 00:49:24 -0500
>From: Arthur Mateega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Re: Re: ugnet_: Computers use and neccessity
>If I recall correctly, microwaves either "travel in a straight line", 
or do not bounce of the ionosphere and thus cannot be propagated beyond 
the horizon like SW or LW.  We would therefore need relay stations every 
60 miles or so, in both the longitudinal and latitudinal aspects (is 
this the correct terminology you meteorologists ?), over the whole 
Uganda in order to provide effective coverage. Is this cheaper ?  
>"You don't need telephones "
>By the way, we should at the very least acquire some telephones along 
with these microwave links to serve the more "mundane" but no less 
crucial communication needs of our nation.  
>- Reply Separator 
>Originally From: "Nixon Andama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Re: ugnet_: Computers use and neccessity
>Date: 04/01/98 11:33am
>You don't need telephones to have that kind of universal link.  The 
>solution is called a Microwave-link and is entirely possible.
>Downtown Crossing, Boston
>>Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 13:18:13 -0500
>>From: Arthur Mateega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Re: ugnet_: Computers use and neccessity
>>Do most Ugandan Schools have telephone access or is Mr. Bwanika's 
>vision for universally  networked schools in Uganda overly optimistic ?
From: "Alfred Bageya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bwanika))
Subject: RE: ugnet_: EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT and computer use


Dear Mr. Bwanika
An associate of mine forwarded a copy of your e-mail to Dr. Kigongo
regarding the above subject. It is nice to see that a young man like you
would look so far in the future an d see that without computers problems in
Uganda will only multiply and might cause the down fall of successive

ugnet_: Algebraic Sociology

2004-03-07 Thread dbbwanika db


Messrs; Madaka Peter, Professor Edward Kannyo, Mike Tribe , Omana Felix and Morjan Chandiga


Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 20:21:04 +1100 (EST)
From: Andrew Ggunga Seguya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ugandanet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Algebraic Sociology
   After applying some simple algebra to some trite phrases and
 cliches a new understanding can be reached of the secret to wealth
 and success.
   Here it goes.
 Knowledge is Power
 Time is Money, and, as every engineer knows, 
 Power is Work over Time.
  So, substituting algebraic equations for these time worn bits of
   we get:
K = P(1)
T = M(2)
P = W/T  (3)

  Now, do a few simple substitutions: 
Put W/T in for P in equation (1), which yields: 
K = W/T  (4)

  Put M in for T into equation (4), which yields: 
K = W/M  (5).
  Now we've got something.  Expanding back into English, we get:

Knowledge equals Work over Money. 

   What this MEANS is that:
 1. The More You Know, the More Work You Do, and 
 2. The More You Know, the Less Money You Make. 
   Solving for Money, we get:
  M = W/K  (6)
 Money equals Work Over Knowledge. 
   From equation (6) we see that Money approaches infinity as
 Knowledge approaches 0, regardless of the Work done. 
   What THIS MEANS is:

  The More knowledge you have, the Less money you make. 
  Solving for Work, we get
W = M K  (7)
Work equals Money times Knowledge 
  From equation (7) we see that Work approaches 0 as Knowledge
approaches 0.

  What THIS MEANS is:

The stupid rich do little or no work.
Working out the socioeconomic implications of this breakthrough is
left as an exercise for the reader.


Date: Sun, 29 Sep 96 16:57:45 CDT
From: "Dr.Gloria M. Ameny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Winning iswhen.

Winning is ..

When you can stop, listen, think and weigh the situation before reacting
When you can give someone elsethe benefit of doubt on unimportant issues
When you know your proirities.and can ignore what is not important


If you think you are beatenyou will be
If you think you dare will find it hard to try
If you like to win, but think you cannot. you certainly will not
If you try to win forcefully without proper will never
If you think you'll have already lost big


Begins from within, not from without
Starts from the state of your own mind, not someone else
Is not from thinking that you are outclassed
Is from knowing that you as an individual is idiosyncratic

You have got to

Think high to rise high
Talk high to be regarded highly
Be sure of yourself if you ever want to win
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or weaker.
For sooner or later the man who wins is the one who knows how to play
his cards diplomatically.



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ugnet_: Mark Olweny on City Buses,civil engineering, physical planning &Faculty of Technology

2004-03-07 Thread dbbwanika db

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 1998 12:04:52 +1030 (CST)
From: Mark Olweny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:  Re: ugnet_: City Buses.

> Netters, 
> thoughts on the Kampala transport issue.
> First,  I'm appalled to learn that a foreign consulting team is to be our
> source of ideas on the issue.  Our civil engineers and city planners, a few of
> whom I know well, are more than capable of handling the job, if they are given
> the resources and support needed from the national Government.  Makerere has a
> department of civil engineering which could use the consultancy money, and
> would do a good job.
Not only does Makerere have a civil engineering department, it also has a
school of physical planning, and the Faculty of Technology has a
consultancy office, the commercial wing of the Faculty.

This is imaterial though.  The decission to give the consultancy to 
a foreign company is nothing new.  There still is a mentality that
foreighners will do a better job than locals - rather unfortunate, but

I would also like to ask what happened to Wavamuno's bus service which was
introduced last year.  Any one have any comments?  I have not heard of the
success/failure of this venture.

As an urban planner myself, the need to consider a mass transit system for
Kampala and indeed for the Kampala - Jinja - Entebbe zone is more than
overdue.  These routes constitute the buisiest in the country, and the
traffic system in place has not been changed for at least 30 years.
Something has to be done.

What happened to the commuter rail, which was provided by Uganda Railways
in the 80s?  Since Uganda Rail is nolonger in the passenger service
buisiness, why do they not put those carriges to use on commuter

Unless these issues are solved soon, and I mean in the next 5 years,
Kampala, Jinja and Entebbe will grind to a halt - as Nairobi has become.

The problem is, we have very few forward thinkers.  Urban Planning is a
longterm thing, but Ugandans are still shortsighted as see no further than
the next day.  It is time we wake up to the reality.




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ugnet_: `Who will Tell the

2004-03-07 Thread dbbwanika db

From: "Felix Omara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Who Will Tell The People (chp 5)
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 16:32:04 -0400
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1162

Bonjour Brother ,

Thank you for the excellent summary of the book ``Who will Tell the
I am particularly touch by what you mentioned from the book  >>``One thing
which is fundamental in this book, is the fact that every citizen who has
knowledge resources, is duty bound to inform his/her fellow country women
and men about the nature of things, llet that be in physics or religion,
since that is what forms politics. Or the way people think about their day
to day lifestyles``>.

It all boils to one thing ``Humanity is destroyed for lack of knowledge
(information)``  We should use knowledge for the good of the society not to
expoit the society.

Continuez bien fait,




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ugnet_: ICC - Luwero, Acoli & Lango - what can be done

2004-03-07 Thread dbbwanika db   

1)  Collect specific and detailed information. Think about three kinds 
of evidence:  testimonial, documentary, and physical.

If you can't get access to a piece of information think about (a) who 
Can get at that information and (b) what it will take to get that 
Information made available to you or made public.

2)  Read and reread the relevant international laws. For example:

Look at related international treaties such as the " Protocol 
Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the 
Protection of Victims of Non-International Armed Conflicts (1977 Protocol II)"

Uganda became a party to the 1977 Additional Protocols on 13 March 1991 
And to the Genocide Convention on 14 Nov 1995.

Look at domestic laws, including provisions for universal jurisdiction.  
US Alien Tort law is far stronger than US criminal law for crimes  committed outside the territory of the United States.

3) Consider the seriousness of the crime, and of gravity of making a 
claim that genocide is occurring.

4) Prepare to respond to disbelief and denial.  Also prepare to 
encounter indifference and apathy.

5) Think strategically about who to tell and how to make information
available to the public.   A website is one of many possible options.


Jim Fussell - Education Director
Prevent Genocide International
1804 'S' Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009 USA
tel. 202-483-1948, fax 202-328-0627



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ugnet_: From Dr. Adule on KCC

2004-03-07 Thread dbbwanika db   

Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 15:16:33 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Local Architect

Mw. Bwanika, Happy New Year to you.

You raised an important point regarding the Parliament. I have not had an
opportunity to walk it's corridors but I can imagine it's state. The last
time I was in Uganda, plans were underway to redo the whole building
though I am not sure if anything has been done.

Technically, these structures require alot of maintenance and I think we
all know what happens when it comes to maintenance of anything in Uganda.
However, this is a worldwide problem. Money is becoming scarce and alot of
these structures require a high level of maintenance. That is why
countries like Britian have told their monarch to use their fortune to
maintain their palaces; churchs all over the world are opening up their
downs with pans for donations to maintain their century old buildings and
many other examples. 

Mw. Bwanika, you are right when you say that architects are to blame for 
having designed high maintenance buildings.  Now the world is turning
around to them and requesting for structures that are not going to
empty their coffers. Architects have no choice but begin to look at
designing self-reliant and low maintenance buildings.

Uganda's architectural problem is farther complicated by its inheritance 
of an alien architectural typology. The Parliament's design was based on
the British System while the National Theatre was designed as a European
Arts Centre for Europeans in Africa. Personally, I associate National
Theatre with French because of the French School and not anything to do
with African Arts. No wonder both buildings are still struggling to fit
within an african context.

Considering the Parliament, its layout and structure are entirely
British.  Does that mean our ancestors never debated or even met to
discuss and decide various cultural group issues?  Of course NO. They
always met in some form and place with an organized system of things.
However, anything indigenous was consider primitive and western culture
meant progress.

The challenge in Uganda today is to create buildings and spaces that have
a strong individual identity and respond strongily to our tropical
climate, the site and context. The solution must respond to the natural
and cultural landscape of the site. Such a response will produce a
landmark that makes a positive contribution to the society knowing that
something is actually our own. Traditional architecture can offer
alot of metaphors and with a strong consideration of our environment, 
the nation can be able to go a long way to solve it's architectural
problems.  Right now, buildings like the Parliament and National Theatre
do not have any national attachments at all and we are paying the price.

The essence of architecture is capturing the sense of place and we have
not been able to do so in Uganda.


Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 11:43:34 -0600 (CST)
To: "Akolo, Akonyu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Re: Local Architect

Culu Akonyu, Happy New Year to you and your family.

True, it might be too early to suggest that a Frank Wright is being born
in Uganda. I must admit, Frank Lloyd Wright was a wrong choice. However on
the other hand, if I had argued that Uganda might be having a top designer
in the making, then I am sure it would be the right time to
give Mw.Sentongo some encouragement 

As for his work, the "Profession-protectionist" mentality in me would have
jumped at him by critizing the city engineer for adjusting his drawings
and approving them knowing very well, he does not have any 
architectural-design background. I decided to look at the whole issue
from a point of the message and not the messenger. He should be given
every opportunity to explore his talent fully. Here is a gentleman who
uses his brain, designs a building (I would love to see it or at least his
approach to design), goes around the bureaucancy and gets his drawing
approved with a little bit of help. Personally, I think there is some
potential in Mw.Sentongo. 

I will give you another example that I came across while in Uganda over
1998 Xmas holidays. My sister rents a house in Ntinda that the owner
rehabiliated. This gentleman used some creative ideas on his house turning
it into an aesthetically pleasing little structure especially with all the
additions. Even his own private residence that he designed is quite
impressive for someone who did not go to Design school. Incidentally he is
a teacher by profession and right now teaches in South Africa where he is
taking part-time design courses. Without doubt, one can guess why he
decided to take up a part-time education in design. I am sure he realised
he has the crea

ugnet_: what he said about Nakivubo Channel design

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db  

Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 02:33:06 -0600 (CST)
Subject: ugnet_: KAMPALA FLOODS - Any solutions??

Lately, the hot environmental topics in Uganda and particularly Kampala
have centered on flooding and the Nakivubo Channel.  Mayor Sebanna Kizito
in his December 9th 1999 address to members of NGOs blamed the government
for the flooding problem citing its policy of gazzeting lowland areas to
industrial developments.  In reply, Y. Nkulabo in his 16th December
posting on Ugandanet wondered how such a governmental policy would cause
the famous Kampala flooding during the rainy seasons.  Mwami Nkulabo
advocates for a program that will see the swamps in and around Kampala
drained with added drainage systems.

Kampala's valleys were homes to swamps and rivers like Nakivubo, Kitante,
Lubigi, and Nalukulongo but to name a few.  This changed soon after
Dr.Cook discovered in 1903 that mosquitoes spread Malaria.  He advocated
for the drainage of swamps and rivers all over British's colonial
territories.  Hence, Kampala's once open slow flowing rivers (streams)
like Kitante, Lugogo, Mulago, Nakivubo, and Nsambya vanished giving way to
covered large pipes and open-air drainage channels.  Nakivubo was the
largest project with all the other channels draining into it enroute to
Lake Victoria.  This policy at that time seemed to solve Kampala's
mosquito and drainage problems.

On the other hand, Kampala City's urbanization program continued to expand
as more concrete, stone, brick and asphalt of pavement and buildings
capped its surface with a waterproof seal.  This urban growth increment
meant stormwater runoffs increased in magnitude and destructiveness
(urbanization can increase the mean annual stormwater runoff by as much as
six times).  Unable to penetrate the ground, the rain that falls on
unstable construction sites, roofs, streets and parking lots runs off the
surface in greater quantities, more rapidly than the same amount of rain
falling on the spongy surface of a natural field.  The rapid stormwater
runoff flows into narrower, shallower floodplains, constricted by
buildings and clogged with sediment causing considerable amount of
flooding especially around Lugogo, Nsambya, and Mulago.  It should be
noted that storm sewers transport water from one point to another; they do
not reduce or eliminate water, they merely change its location.
Traditional storm drainage practice protects local streets, buildings and
parking lots from flooding, while contributing to major flood damage
downstream.  [Please note that for an urban storm drainage system to drain
water efficiently from roofs, streets, and sidewalks, the flood control
system must be continually augmented to prevent flooding in low lands of
Lugogo, Nsambya, and Mulago.]

Other effects of storm drainage systems apart from flood hazards are
increased water pollution and use.  Typically, the storm drainage system
aggravates pollution by delivering slugs of sewage and runoff after storms
into Lake Victoria.  Kampala draws it's water from Lake Victoria and must
contend with increased contamination. Since the ground, sealed by pavement
and drained by pipes, absorbs little water, the amount of water stored in
the ground, from which plants obtain their supply, is reduced.  This
lowered groundwater is insufficient to sustain plants during dry spells.
No wonder, urban plants haven't been successful in Kampala streets.

Kampala can adopt a number of innovative approaches to its
flood/stormwater runoff problem by: 
- Redesigning the straight concrete-lined Nakivubo open-water channel into
a waterway with irregularly shaped edges and a gently sloped vegetated
bank.  This is an opportunity to transform a rubble-strewn, filthy, open
channel lined by garbage and derelict land, into a landscaped park lined
with pedestrian and bikeways.
- Setting up bioswales.  (Bioswales are created to capture runoff and hold
it until it permeates into the soil or evaporates into the air.  The
bioswale is also seen as a creative means of controlling runoff, as it has
the potential to mitigate wetland loss, preserve open space, and improve
the aesthetics of Kampala.  As such, the bioswale has hydrologic, chemical
and biological functions). 
- Designing the rooftops, parking lots, open spaces to store stormwater so
that it's gradually released into the ground.
- Preserving open spaces in the headwater areas for natural storage
capacity, thereby reducing flooding and the cost of storm drainage
- Identifying and designating undeveloped urban wetlands as parkland to
soak up and hold water in soil and plants
- Exploiting the aesthetic properties of water without wasting it

Floodwater storage and recreation are compatible in large open spaces
(urban parks) unfort

ugnet_: Dr A K Babugura -Tell them Now

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db 

rom: "Dr A K Babugura DMSE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: University of Botswana
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 12:12:24 GMT+2
Subject: ugnet_: Tell Them Now
X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v3.01b)

Tell Them Now

Tell them now when they can hear
That they have done great things
For you and others
Encourage them to inspire others
Tell the story of their goodness
Let them hear it before they die
You can retell the strory again
In tribute after their deaths.

Are you afraid to tell the beautiful story
To their living face 
Somewhat because you are afraid
They will undo the subject of your praise
Over the balance of their lives on earth
And then, you fear, they will prove you wrong?

Of Mother Teresa, the mother of world charity,
How much of the story told of her charity
After her departure
Did she hear as she lived and toiled?
Of Mwalimu Nyerere, the father of liberation struggles,
How much of the story told of his humanism
After his departure
Did he hear as he lived and struggled?

Tell them now, they are not many
You can count them
On your your rythymic vocal intonations
As you sound " one, two, three, "
The process won't tire you
You can then repeat the story
In their tribute-after they are just gone
And, again, after they are long gone.

Are you afraid to speak to their living faces
Somewhat because you are afraid to hurt
The feelings of their living enemies?
Or are you afraid
Somewhat because you are afraid
They will refute a garnished story?

Let the good know you've seen their good deeds
For mankind
And let the brutes know you've seen their ugly deeds
Against mankind
Your good testimony will recruit for the noble team
As your rebuke will help some to shun brutal ways
Tell the good now, do not wait
Repeat the story then, after their fate.




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ugnet_: Drs. Buga /Munini on Sex, genetics & Human behavoiur

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db  

From: "Geoffrey A. B Buga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Biology of human sexuality
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 07:33:54 +0200
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail 4.70.1155

Hi Dr Muniini,

I have read both your submissions on homosexuality, and I must say you did
a very good expose'. Mine was a belated attempt to explain some aspects of
homosexuality. But the biological explanations are certainly not enough. I
agree with you that social determinants impact heavily on the _expression_ of
homosexual tendencies. So tomboys may ultimately grow up to have husbands
and children, whereas deep down in themselves, some might still prefer to
have sex with other women. Where the society is more permissive, such women
may have an opportunity to express their lesbianism. There is evidence to
suggest that a fair proportion of lesbians were once tomboys when they were
children. And tomboyism seems to be strongly associated with perinatal
exposure of a female child to inappropriately increased levels of
androgens. Whereas such androgen exposure would have rendered the cyclic
centre of a female rat acyclic (this centre is in the pre-optic anterior
hypothalamus and parts of the suprachiasmatic portions of the
hypothalamus), leading to masculinization, defeminization and infertility,
it has no such drastic effect on monkeys and women who in fact retain their

Most of the recent research continues to use animal models, and they
confirm that sex steroids influence animal sexual behaviour during
perinatal life when the brain differentiates, and after puberty. It seems
to be the view that in mammals, female sexual behaviour is an inherent
feature of development which we would probably all revert back to as the
template (much like the gonads and genitalia), and that male sexual
behaviour is superimposed on this template by exposure to androgens. The
strange thing is that in rats and mice, the androgens have to first be
changed into oestrogens in the preoptic anterior hypothalamus in order to
masculinize the brain! Yet direct administration of oestrogens into this
area of the brain does not masculinize, and so the oestrogens in
circulation in females do not quite masculinize the female. Only exposure
of this female to excess androgens would do so via conversion of the
androgens into oestrogen. It would therefore seem that the hypothalamus
prefers to do the conversion for itself and does not like ready-made
oestrogens. As a result of this, the activity of the enzyme (P450
aromatase) necessary for this conversion of androgens into oestrogens is
increased in male rats and mice, and the area is structurally bigger in
males than females. Other parts of the cortical brain, e.g. the corpus
callosum, also respond to androgens and oestrogens to display sexually
dimorphic behaviour.

It is not clear whether androgens have to be converted into oestrogens in
the brain before masculinization of the primate and human brain. What is
however, clear is that androgens are required both in the perinatal period
and in adulthood to maintain the masculinized state and hence maintain male
sexual behaviour. Social experience plays a role in this as well.

Thus masculinization is accompanied by varying degrees of defeminization.
In other words, all males have some inherent aspects of female sexual
behaviour that could surface given the right circumstances. 
There are really no conclusive studies involving any particular part of the
brain that controls sexual orientation and preference that I have come
across. It would also be difficult to separate higher centre influences
from the hypothalamic ones. In short, we are really in the dark, and are
likely to remain so because of the constraints associated with studying the
brain in living human beings. Postmortem studies cannot give you functional
answers. Your observations about the PM studies on gays illustrates just
that. The conclusions would have to be contrived. 


Geoffrey Buga

> Subject: ugnet_: To Professor Geoffrey Buga re- biology of human
> Date: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 11:10 PM
> Hello Geoffrey:
> Thank you for a most enjoyable review of human sexual development.  This
> a complex area which, unfortunately, is frequently reduced to polemics
> emotional outbursts instead of  reasoned debate.  One hopes that your
> contribution will make the anti-gay crusaders pose and think before they
> throw the next arrow.
> I was intrigued by your observation: << But later in adulthood, most
> display normal female sexual behavior, and have boyfriends, husbands and
> children. This would suggest that, as in the monkeys, androgens cause
> masculinization, but not complete defeminization.>>
> This is possibly the c

ugnet_: Nkuyege Tetya ssabo on IT/ Computers

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db

Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 12:29:59 EST
Subject: Re: ugnet_: TE & Bwanika: Computers, Knowledge, Play and Society.
X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 205

Mr Bwanika, and netters,
these are my thoughts on this question.

computers/IT can do a lot of things:
they enable us to write down ideas and transmit them to a large number of
people faster and more cheaply than we could before.

they enable us to access a larger number of books, articles and other sources
of knowledge than we could otherwise, this process is also cheaper and faster.

They enable us to keep records, sort them, and retrieve them faster and more
cheaply that we could before.

They enable us to examine difficult scientific and mathematical  questions
faster and more easily than we could before.

BUT, note that they do not enable us to do anything that we were previously
unable to do. they only make it easier to do what we are already capable of.

An engineer can design and build  a road, or an aircraft, or a radio, much
faster and with more confidence of a good design with the help of a computer
than without.  An engineer who is in the first instance incapable of the task
will not be able to do it with computer assistance.

A retail trader can keep inventory, track sales and profit margins and replace
stock from the wholesaler much more easily using a computer.  But no
incompetent retailer has become successful just by installing a computer

A govt can run a system of clinics, keep track of their workloads, keep them
supplied and make budget predictions for them using computers, this makes the
task much easier.  But many govts were doing this quite effectively before the
arrival of computers, and those are the govts that are using computerised
management systems effectively.  No incompetently managed hospital, clinic, or
health service has been improved by computerisation.

In the are of "information exchange" the effect of IT has actually been for
the worse.  the number of people with well-thought-out ideas to spread has not
increased, but due to the ease of word-processing, the total amount of reading
material has exploded. In engineering terms, the signal-to-noise ratio has
shifted in favor of noise.  Anyone who has any managerial responsibilty in a
hospital and sits on a commitee will know what I'm talking about, I'm sure
it's just as bad in other sectors of the economy .

My conclusion:  while we support the computerisation of our nation's
functions, let us not forget that those IT systems will only be profitable if
we have good managers and knowledgeable technicians in place to use the

Sam Kigongo Omukooki



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ugnet_: The 3rd world & her human resources- Dr John Wathum-Ocama

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db   

Dr. John Wathum-Ocama

You might have been so right after all


From: "John Wathum-Ocama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Museveni, like Amin, communicates with God!
X-Mailer: POPmail 2.3b8
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 16:29:52 -0500

Responding to the message of 


I find this to be an amazing coincidence in light of the allegation Mr Bwanaika 
was making about Nyagak.  The Nyagak dam issue is a very touchy issue for people
in that region and for it to have surfaced the way it did was a very unfortunate
undertaking ( I pray that some one will go to the region and prostrate for it). 

There are a couple of reasons why this issues brings back Bwanika in the lime 

First, it is a known fact that the church had secured assitance from Italy to 
have the dam constructed but the governement stopped the project claiming that 
it was her responsibility, not any foreign body to build the dam.  The church 
leader who had secured this assitance was obstinate and the government did not 
like it.  According to the bishop's own account he was threatened with bodily 
harm.  This is something that happened in the presence of many people.

If you ask me today if the dam has been has been constructed, the answer is 
NOPE.  It is once again going to be used to secure some votes for politicians 
who cannot win without promising every body something!
The irony here is that most projects going on all over the country are sponsered
by foreign organizations without government interfering in them.  Weather we are
talking World Bank, IMF, World Vision, and others, they are all foreign 
organizations.  So if people in the region were mad at the government, the 
President should not be surprise.  He should find a better reason to entreat the
people of the region to vote for his June project.

Secondly, the surfacing of this issue calls into attention taking time to look 
at facts objectively.  We can obatin information from all sources and in all 
forms but it is incumbent upon us to delienate facts from opinion and motives 
behind why people say what they say.  

I found it infurating for Mr. Bwanika to run around with information he knows so
little about associating people with the failure of a very vital project for the
region.  I do understand that he is a reservoir of all information and he is 
free as has been suggested on this net to say what he wants. However, if he was 
physically in Arua or Nebbi for that matter, and suggested what he did amidst 
the people in the region who know much more about the Nyagak dam he would have 
had a lot of exlplanation to do regardless of the legal basis of his argument.

Regardless of how learned we are, if we are not ready to face to our mistakes 
and wrong, we are as good as uninformed individuals.  You can scapegoat yourself
out of a wrong doing but it does not make it right.  It is all about ethical 
behavior not about legal implication that matters even though we been been told 
on this net it the latter that matters.  

Have a good week.

> New Vision
> May 24, 2000
> Museveni Denies Govt Role In Assassination Plot 
> President Yoweri Museveni has denied allegations that
> his government planned to assassinate the Bishop of
> Arua Catholic diocese, Rev. Frederick Drandua, five
> years ago. 
> "What is important in killing a Bishop? A government
> like this, how will it kill a Bishop? This is very serious.
> That is a big lie. Christians should be serious," Museveni
> said. 
> Museveni advised those who propagated the lie "to go
> and repent," saying he was not worried by the lie
> because, "I always communicate with God." 
> The President was reacting to a statement made by Mr.
> Mark Buatru, the Arua district Movement referendum
> committee chairman during Museveni's meeting with
> district delegates at Ombaci vocational training center on
> May 20. 
> Buatru said the allegation was one of the reasons Arua
> never voted for Museveni in the 1996 presidential
> elections. 
> In 1994, Edward Azumaga, a former student of Mvaara
> secondary school, implicated special presidential advisor
> on political affairs, Hajat Anuna Omar, of allegedly
> attempting to use him to kill the bishop. She denied the
> allegation 
> A magistrate's court which disposed the case heard that
> the plot was because Drandua wanted to construct a
> dam at Nyagak to supply West nile region with
> hydro-electric power. 
> Ends. (Back) 

From: "John Wathum-Ocama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Nyagak river power station
X-Mailer: POPmail 2.3b8
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 10:54:08 -0500


We all know the history of Nyagak as you are restaing it down here.  My problem 
is more than whether the dam was built or not.  My p

ugnet_: Ugandans & KCC

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db 

From: "Akolo, Akonyu" 
To: "'bamwine@'" 
Subject: FW: KCC contacts
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2232.9)
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 08:41:37 -0800

From: Bwanika [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: March 18, 2000 3:17 AM
To: Patrick Bamwine; ADULE; Akolo, Akonyu
Subject: address KCC

Town Clerk
City Council of Kampala
P.O. Box 7010, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256 41 231 446
Fax: 256 41 231 916 

I also feel KCC must have a website like any other city of the world.

-Original Message-
From: Bwanika [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: January 22, 2000 5:00 AM
To: ADULE; Akolo, Akonyu
Subject: KCC contacts

The City Engineer Abraham Byandaala
Deputy City Engineer Stephen Kinyera

tel of KCC.
It is 231440/344000
Fax: 231557



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ugnet_: environmentalist on KAMPALA'S SOLID WASTE

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db

From: "Patrick Bamwine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 19:15:48 -0500
X-Msmail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.2106.4
X-Mimeole: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4

Mr.. Bwanika;
I'm an environmental sociologist and have been following some of your postings with personal interest ... thanks!  If possible can you send me information about how city garbage in Kampala is currently disposed of?  I know the dilemma of collection problems - I want to know whether they have incinerators or plan to.  Lastly, do you have the direct contact in KCC I could write to or call. THANKS. Keep up the good work.
Patrick K. Bamwine, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Social Sciences
Campbellsville University
One University Dr. UPO Box 1362
Campbellsville, KY 42718
Phone: (270) 789-5538 (office); 469-3551(home)
Fax: (270) 789-5050


Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 11:34:06 +0100
From: Bwanika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: What can Ugandans do ?
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Precedence: bulk


The failures of Uganda banks and other financial institutions and then
these stories below are classical. In a sense that it is still a small
portion of our population which can handle large corporations
/organisations within a national setting.

This is worrying if we think in terms of creating indigenous socio-economic
infrastructure. What can we do about it in wake of capital flight given to
the rapid communications infrastructures emerging all over the world? 

I will send an article, which Journalist Onyango Obo wrote in 1997 - it is
an interesting one challenging our education institutions. I do believe we
must look into these structures seriously in order to understand our
organisation disabilities.

Creps' Bitter Failure 

March16, 2000

Kampala - Examples of wasted business opportunities seem to dog Ugandans
the way hyenas stalk a wounded buffalo. Creps, the pineapple drink that
caused a major sensation in the early nineties, is an object lesson. 
Diversification of the economy, by encouraging production of
non-traditional items like pineapples for the cash market, has long been
accepted as insurance against volatile coffee prices and vulnerable foreign
exchange earnings. 
Eighteen years ago and to their credit, Masaka Cooperative Union (MCU) went
into the non-traditional sector in an admirable way. They bought machinery
to develop a canary. MCU later floundered in an equally miserable way,
mostly because short-term gains clouded their judgement and vision.  

The Creps drink, was a classic example of how this country's economy should
be anchored. It involved processing locally sourced inputs to produce a
value added product, with considerable future potential for export. 
The foreign exchange component is low, administration of taxing is easier
as opposed to imports, farmers have a ready market and the consumer enjoys
a relatively cheap and healthy drink. There was also scope for making
canned fruit products. 
In an interview with Business Vision, the former manager, George William
Kisenyi said MCU bought the machinery in l982, but due to civil wars it was
not commissioned until l988. 
"The Union borrowed approximately US$930,000 from the East African
Development Bank to establish it. The plant was bought at US$780,000 from
Mother and Platt of India and arrived in Uganda between 1983 and 1984. It
was not installed until 1988, after a long exposure to the weather,"
Kisenyi said. 
According to the MCU chairman at the time, Mr. John Mary Kasozi the delay
in installation was caused by a lack of funds to build a factory and fix
the machinery lying in the open at the Union premises. An invitation for
king rust to set in. This exposure severely affected the moving parts.
Production of 1,000 crates of beverages per day was never realised. 
"The poor performance started during production trials, when the engineers
from the plant suppliers were testing the machines. The daily production
averaged only between 200 to 300 crates of beverages, which was far below
the estimated rate. However the suppliers refused to rectify the anomaly
saying it was not their fault that the machinery had been so long exposed,"
Kisenyi said. "The problems that contributed to the closure of the canary
included failure to get the machinery required for overhauling and
replacing the rotten ones after the commissioning of the plant. It was
estimated that repairs alone required US$62,000 which was unfortunately not
available," Kisenyi said. 
"They forgot the fundamentals for any start-up business. You can't change
working capital into profits, just to suit your purposes," a source with
the East African Development Bank to

ugnet_: Environmental Technologist- what he said about KCC

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db  

Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 16:23:24 EST
Subject: ugnet_: Re: KAMPALA MAYOR WRONG 
X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows sub 55


Let me start by referring to an article that appeared in Uganda's daily 
newspaper the NEW VISION of February 10, 2000 that and quote 'KCC Defies 
Minister on Kiteezi Dumping.' 

The paper stated that Kampala City Council (KCC) had defied an order by the 
water, lands and environment state minister to stop dumping solid waste at 
Lusanja-Kiteezi in Mpigi district. The Minister, Hon. Baguma Isoke ordered 
KCC to stop the dumping so that the ministry's chemists could carry out tests 
on alleged wetland pollution in the area by toxins from the garbage.

Isoke's order came amid complaints from the area residents that their animals 
were dying from taking toxic water. Aquatic life in the wetlands and nearby 
streams is also reportedly exposed to high zinc sulphide levels in the water 
due to chemicals from the site.

A report by the Chief Government Chemist released on July 3, 1997 said the 
high zinc sulphide levels in the water made it unsafe for human and animal 

In response Kampala mayor Ssebaana Kizito has denied that KCC's dump was an 
environmental and health hazard in the area. He said last week that Isoke's 
order was a surprise to him.

Ssebaana said KCC had constructed three boreholes in the area and contracted 
a foreign firm, Dott Services, to compact the garbage and cover it with soil.

"We have dug the bore holes so that people do not use the poisoned water.

"Meanwhile, we are working out measures of introducing internationally 
accepted garbage disposal methods, including recycling. I don't see how it is 
a threat to the people," Ssebaana said.


The statement by the Mr. Sebana Kizito that KCC had dug bore holes so that 
people do not use the poisoned water, shows the apparent ignorance of Mr. 
Sebana Kizito and his team to finite nature of the ground water resource. 

First, according to the mayor's statement, there is no relationship between 
surface water and groundwater. The Mayor and KCC need to know that there is a 
very important relationship between surface water and groundwater. Rainfall, 
lakes, rivers replenish groundwater supply. What we put in lakes and rivers 
will eventually end up in groundwater. Please advise the mayor to read about 
the hydrologic cycle. 

Second, the mayor thinks groundwater pollution cannot occur because it is so 
far underground. This is a myth. The fact is pollution can occur as 
contaminants move through the soil and filter down to the groundwater. 
Contaminant sources include improper hazardous waste disposal, underground 
storage leaking tanks, and malfunctioning septic systems. Once groundwater is 
contaminated it may be impossible to clean it and because groundwater may 
move 2"-3" a year it even makes it harder to clean it up.

Third, the mayor thinks that groundwater will last forever. This is also a 
myth. Groundwater supplies although plentiful, misuse, overuse or 
contamination can render it unusable and once contaminated groundwater may 
remain unusable for generations.

First, His Worship the Mayor needs to know that the quality of the water 
resources of an area are a primary indicator of environmental quality of that 
area and that the watershed is an appropriate context for addressing 
environmental management concerns.

Second, in order to address the issue of waste management in Kampala, the 
mayor needs apply the hierarchy of waste management, including Waste Source 
Reduction, Recycle, Incinerate and Landfill (lining the landfill). 

Third, in future before the mayor makes statements about management of 
natural resources, he should apply the three elements of responsible, 
comprehensive resource management: applied science, economics, and 
sociopolitical policy. What is the science saying? How is the science 
defining the problem? What does economics say about what the science is 
saying?  And what are the sociopolitical factors?

Edward Nantamu
Environmental Tchnologist
System Enginnering & Monitoring Division
Fairfax, Virginia, USA



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ugnet_: Utoda earns 8, 484, 000,000 billions shillings - Privatise fire brigade

2004-03-06 Thread dbbwanika db 

Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 10:29:55
From: Bwanika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_:  Utoda in  8’484'000'000 billions shillings  per year-
  where is the money?

Parliamentary Committee for Works, Housing and Communication
MP, Steven Ongaria
MP, Dr. Okullo Epak
MP, Onapito Ekomoloit, 
MP, Yorokamu Katwiremu 
MP,George Wambuzi Gagawala 

In reference to 50 UTODA taxis block Parliament, MPs angry
Wednesday, December 08, 1999

Katongole lamented that self-seekers floated the allegations of under
declaration of taxis.  He said it is not true that there are 7,000 taxis. 
Katongole submitted that they charge a Shs 15,000 monthly fee from each
taxi and a daily Shs 2,000 fee per taxi. He said the number of taxis in
Kampala range between 3,500 and 4,500 but he later contradicted himself and
said they collect money from all taxis that enter Kampala taxi parks. 

This one the most absurd statement I have ever read, a pinnacle of total
financial mismanagement, corruption, ignorance, disorganisation and lack of
national feeling. Given to the environmental danger these taxis are
exposing to the population leaving in and around areas of Kampala, given to
the untidy environment these taxis are operating into, given to the state
of architectural nature of Kampala taxi park, no one will never imagine
that any person in his or her right mind will go to Uganda parliament to
say what is stated above!

My arguments:

Let us use simple approximate calculations to understand what these people
in UTODA are actually saying; I will use very conservative figures i.e.
that there are only 3500 taxis operating in and around Kampala.

1. That will in turn imply at a monthly fee/taxi Shs. 15’000 * 3’500   =
Shs. 525’ 000’000 million per month* 12 month which is Shs. 6’300’000’000
billion per year will be realised!

2. If we take a down cash fee payment of Shs. 2’000 per taxi daily, on
assumption that every month has 30 days minus four Sundays which makes for
26 days that will amount to Shs. 2’000* 26 days = Shs. 52’000 per taxi
monthly rounding up to shs. 52’000 * 3’500 taxi = Shs. 182’000’000 million
per month which is a cool Shs 182’000’000 * 12 month = Shs. 2’184’000’000
billion per year.

All in all the total sum of money collected by UTODA from Kampala taxi park
per annum amounts to a round figure of Shs. 6’ 300’000’000 + Shs.
2’184’000’000 = 8’484’000'000 billions shillings per year!

Those figures put aside let us considers a few things:

a. KCC has just recently borrowed money in millions of dollars to expand
Nakivubo channel.
b. Road resurfacing and surfacing in Kampala is largely financed by the
World Bank and other sources in what is called the third urban development
plan (check?)
c. Kampala City does not have total toilet and water facilities. (see
monitor Kampala worlds biggest toilet)
d. Kampala City is largely a slum area, i.e. Muyenga, Makerere Kivuru,
Katwe, Ndebba, Bwaiyese, Kitoro Kamwokya, Kisenyi, Natete, Makindye etc
e. There is no single day all roads in the city have ever seen a broom
simultaneously especially in areas mentioned above.


1. Where is all this money kept and what is it used for?
2. Does UTODA know or have the real data about the taxi population into the
country or taxis operating from Kampala City?
3. What is the cost benefit in terms of environmental damage and fossil
fuel consumption had we taken to investing into a tram network around the
4. Why hasn’t Kampala Taxi Park seen any type of upgrading in terms
streamlining congestion and organisational, operational goals in their
areas of operation?  

 This is very disturbing indeed



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ugnet_: pitilessly torn asunder

2004-03-04 Thread dbbwanika db

The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part. 

The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. 

It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his "natural superiors", and has left no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous "cash payment". 

It has drowned out the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation.

The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honored and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage laborers. 

The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation into a mere money relation. 

The bourgeoisie has disclosed how it came to pass that the brutal display of vigour in the Middle Ages, which reactionaries so much admire, found its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence. It has been the first to show what man's activity can bring about. It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals; it has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former exoduses of nations and crusades. 

The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real condition of life and his relations with his kind. 



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SV: ugnet_: Our struggle has only just started -

2004-03-04 Thread dbbwanika db

The history of all hitherto existing society(2) is the history of class struggles. 

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master(3) and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes. 

In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations. 

The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones.


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ugnet_: Our struggle has only just started -

2004-03-04 Thread dbbwanika db

Quick pick in a gangsters lawless paradise. 

You can imagine sometimes that the  Kampala government has some little sense after the failures of their  bloody privatisation stance. NO?!

Listen you have a house in one of the nearby slum built over 10 years 
on your merger income of less than 500,000 shilling per month. The 
house is not insured as the majority commercial and residential 
facilities are because of low incomes, but yet on fire and guess what 
you pick up a phone to call on the REGIONAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 
MANAGER MR. SIMON C MEARS - thereafter a public service is billed at 
your own discretion.

To let or not let live your kids burning in slum – can you imagine how 
slum dweller are very rich people. Uganda is interesting indeed. 

Let Uganda be America and we are there, because taxes paid on 
properties are not enough to create a functioning public fire brigade. 
NO. We need Amuka and Arrow plus Kitgum brigade on billions of our 

Though at times I tend to be sceptical about science in this case I 
will ask the police force under General Katumba, internal affairs 
minister Honourable Rugunda and the likes - WHAT IS THE EMPIRICAL BASE  FOR THIS MOVE i.e. which country/ieas are running private fire brigades in the same state like Uganda? 


Private firm to fight fires 
March 4, 2004

KAMPALA- A local security firm - Security Group Uganda Limited, has 
said that it will offer fire-fighting services to the public starting 
August this year.
The service will be available to both domestic and industrial use.

If the plan succeeds, this will be the first private company to offer 
such services to the public, now only provided by Police. The Company's 
Regional Business Development Manager, Simon C. Mears, said that the 
company would also offer paramedical ambulance services.

"These new security services we have launched in the Uganda market are 
geared at safeguarding the lives of the people and their businesses in 
this era of high risks of industrial accidents and health hazards,'' he 

This was during the launch at the International Conference Centre in 
Kampala on February 26. The company will in the meantime start with two 
fire fighting vehicles, which will offer services within Kampala 

The company is yet to finalise on the billing arrangement. The company 
is presently training 20 fire fighters from within the country. The 
Marketing Manager, Richard Mwesigwa said that the company would soon 
get an operation licence from Uganda police.



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ugnet_: Dysfunction and functions of organisations /systems

2004-03-01 Thread dbbwanika db   

Dysfunction and function of organisation /systems

-	my fellow country men if OLD men, old enough to be my grandfathers, full ministers degrades themselves to run to a boy 27 years, a relative of the ruling class to get money and be seen what else can one say? 

-	This happened in 2000 election campaigns, a spectacular of an imaginable ridiculousness. It is amazing!! 

-	NRM and agencies have done irreparable damage to Uganda society; unintentional or
otherwise. Amin destroyed the industry but not men’s and women’s souls, hearts and minds.
-	As of now Uganda has no functioning institutions, totally nothing - or those that function are at the mercy of those running them and their own feelings at heart and the country or their respective societies.

-	Societies let them be our traditional ones or advanced like in Europe, or any other organised entity are a constellation of very well co-ordinated functions.

-	These are nowhere in our country to be found 

-	And the people, the citizens can only relate to the nation state, their kingdoms, and their clans by paying their royalties and taxes only. 

-	There are no FUNCTIONING STATE INSTITUTIONS or otherwise in Uganda, apart from the repressive entities like the police, army etc., try and find out for yourself.

-	A dysfunction of one part within such society constellation might lead to unintended events or misnomer.

-	In the past recent, I have been interested in the difference between traditionally (African) organised and advanced (westernised) society organisation.

-	Notice there was a man called Mukajanga with a duty and all societies had invented ways of informal laws and they worked – NRM has popularised robbery, murder, and all things strange to our societies. 

-	Can any authority today tell people to dig Ndebba Lake and they do it? If not then why?

-	In principal the law works for NRM not the people.

-	Notice a larger part of Asia as Africa function with their traditional societies 

-	In Africa albeit with greater problems due to integration and assimilation problematicities of advanced (westernised) society organisation or bluntly the failure of the law as a guiding principal in the state.

-	This has a reason – where TRADITIONAL SOCIETIES USE SOCIAL CONVENTIONS to direct social and individual actions, day-to-day goings, advanced (westernised) society organisation use formal laws to guide society.

-	But what if social conventions do not work i.e. in an exceeding none- homogenised, debased religious society and there is no one to implement FORMAL LAWS?

-	Uganda problems lies exactly in the above that there is no social conventions or formal law to guide society and individual actions, hence institutions exist but only in name.

-	NRM and agencies HAS SUCCEEDED IN ONE THING to misguide society by generating structures that eradicate social conventions (bimansulo) and BROKING FORMAL LAW FROM WORKING- disorganising society.

-	China which NRM talks about executes corrupt officials in ruling bureau – NRM Uganda promotes 

-	MP can get free bank loans to do as commanded

-	Organised robbery NRM call it civilisation, perversion of justice they call reformation, murder of children and women they call it change!.

-	How many thieve in NRM have ever been bought to book- IF NRM does so it will imprison itself or just liquidate itself



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ugnet_: Luwero MP list -

2004-02-29 Thread dbbwanika db   

Dr. Kisamba Mugerwa - MP, Minister of Agriculture
Professor Dr. Kiddu Makubuya MP, Minister of Education
Professor Dr. Victoria Nakiboneka Mwaka MP
Lt. Kinobe Kinobe James William Leuben MP
Hajati Syda Bumba MP minister of Energy

you want contacts please visit them here below;
 visit also Apac
or more still

more info about  Luwero administration

about Apac administration

fact sheet:

Ndejje University struggling
Nakaseke just closed down
Nakaseke Hospital / Nursing school 
Kiwoko Hospital Owner Dr. Ian Clark
Luwero Secondary /Higher School

Major trading unplanned town centers -


No single tarmacked road - except Gulu -Kampala road.

Apac District






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SV: ugnet_: 1962 unworkable arrangement!

2004-02-29 Thread dbbwanika db
Mw. Kasangwawo 

Unfortunately I happen to agree to small entities call them districts or federal entities for matter or organisational and managerial reasons. 
They are easy to monitor and run by us in Uganda.

However just a few months ago I forwarded a proposal in such one district in Buganda for the development of that districts towns – this is a personal effort exactly as we have done since 1996.

I met with the so-called engineer who actually happens to be the district town planner – I went through the entire plan and how the project was to be financed, executed and how the district was to benefit. Luckily the man had had some idea about what I was talking about and loved the idea so much. 

That was the last time I saw the district town engineer planner despite a month of trial to get the man take up the proposal to a higher level for action and implementation!

Last time I read in the papers that he and others were being investigated by IGG for misappropriation of district funds. End.


As of the above I have heard and seen with my own eyes similar stories and things – how will federo solve these and other deeply rooted human pervasive behaviourism and I also what to know FEDEROs’ solution to such problems and how they will be solved? 



why don't you compare the two and find out for yourself? 

The 1962 constitution (main excerpts) is at: 

while the federal proposal is at: 




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ugnet_: Pop Star ; Moi and the flight of time

2004-02-28 Thread dbbwanika db
Interesting insights at Ouko inquiry
The parliamentary inquiry into the 1990 murder of Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ouko finally got underway this week. 

And as was anticipated, names of top officials in the former government featured prominently in testimonies of witnesses who took the stand in the first five days. 

At the core of the evidence adduced before the committee was the fall-out the former minister had with fellow senior government officials over his stand against high-level graft and gross human rights violations at the time prior to his disappearance and murder 14 years ago.. 

Witnesses traced the genesis of the ministers' trouble to a "corruption dossier" he was preparing and which heavily implicated top government officials. The report catalogued vices within government which included millions of dollars stashed in foreign accounts by leading figures close to retired President Moi. Demands for kick-backs by top government officials before approving investment in the country were some of the damning information said to be in the minister's dossier. The rehabilitation of the stalled Kisumu Molasses Plant was one of the projects cited in the kick-backs scandal. 

Witnesses said Dr Ouko maintained that the country risked total collapse if the vices were left to continue. Rampant human rights violations said to have tainted Kenya's image abroad included detention without trial and police torture. 

The stand-off between Dr Ouko and his opponents in government worsened during January 1990 trip to the US for the annual breakfast prayer meeting. 

Although Dr Ouko was against the trip, citing Kenya's bad image abroad and expressing fear the 82-member delegation might receive unpleasant reception, he was over-ruled by former President Moi. 

In the US Dr Ouko however managed to secure an appointment between Mr Moi and President George Bush (senior) through then Secretary of State James Baker. 

Upon returning to his hotel, Dr Ouko was met by then powerful cabinet minister Nicholas Biwott who chided him with the remark: "So you are back, Mr President" to which Dr Ouko replied that he was not the president but just a minister, the inquiry was told. 

The temperatures went a notch higher when Dr Ouko went to President Moi's suite to brief him on the impending meeting with President Bush. 

An angry President Moi never gave him time to say anything on the appointment but instead roared at him: "What is this report I am hearing you are writing about corruption in my government?" 

The President ordered him out of the suite even as Dr Ouko attempted to assure him the report was for the good of the country and they would discuss it as soon as they got home. 

Following the row Dr Ouko was left behind and forced to find his own way back to the country. His passport confiscated on arrival. He was upon arrival on February 4, 1990 summoned by the President who ordered him to proceed to his rural home in Koru for his leave. 

His subsequent efforts to see the President were blocked by Internal Security permanent secretary Hezekiah Oyugi.  

On the night of February 12, 1990, Dr Ouko was picked from his home only for his charred remains to be recovered on the foot of Got Alila four days later. 

According to the inquiry's third witness, Mr Barack Mbajah, Dr Ouko's step-brother, a note left behind by Ouko listed former District Commissioner Jonah Anguka, Nairobi lawyer George Oraro, bank official Paul Gondi and businessman Eric Onyango as the people who picked him up. 

A former policeman Mr David Mburu Mukhwana - the fourth witness on his part named Mr Oraro, Dr Ouko's chief campaigner a Mr Koyoo and Mr Anguka as those who lured the minister out of his house. 

He said the Administration Policeman guarding Dr Ouko's home, Mr Zablon Agalo Obonyo was given Sh4 million by Mr Anguka to conceal information on what transpired the night the minister disappeared. 

Other witnesses who have so far testified but might be recalled are Ms Selina Were (Ouko's house-help) and Kisumu Town West Kanu chairman, Eliud William Ndalo, a worker at Ouko's farm. 

Ms Were, the first to testify said Mr Oyugi and Mr Anguka were present in the compound on the night Dr Ouko was kidnapped . 

And only four days before the minister was seized and bundled out of his compound, one of Mr Oyugi's officers- an inspector in-charge of a nearby police camp-held a meeting with Dr Ouko's workers...and afterwards all the workers seemed to be in money. 

The second witness, Mr Were also said Mr Anguka, Mr Oyugi and a third man took positions around the minister's house shortly before he disappeared. 

Scotland yard detective Superintendent John Troon, Ms Marianne Briner Mattern,an international investment consultant with a Swiss registered company -BAK Group and Mr Anguka have also been summoned.  

Mr Oraro and Mr Gondi have since denied any involvement in Dr Ouko's disappearance and murder and said they were ready

ugnet_: Mzee Badandi Ssali & Matepok

2004-02-26 Thread dbbwanika db 

-Why doesn't Mzee Bidandi Ssali and our learned friend Matek Pokopoko offer their full support not to DP but UPC or UPM?

- Uganda Nationalist (not moslem Baganda or catholic Bacoli) say those with true nationlistic ideological thought structure  either vote UPC or UPM why not DP?

- Museveni say I was a DP ( laughs)  but moved to UP(M) /C no NRM.

-The flight of Mzee Abu Mayanja to UPC and not DP will inform Ugandas'
  of the future of their country. Atema Allimadi, Muwanga Paul, Kintu etc.

-If Uganda study the political chioces of the above people and the thoughts that inform their actions - Buganda / Acoli (catholic DP problematicties will be solved. 

- I started DFWA-U to inform you of what is more basic in human wants and needs that can inform your ideological base - I am radical marxist, so I know what I write about. I have studied it over years. thank to Ugandanet / Ugandabible.

- Today mucoli and muganda with 100 FM radio dancing to sukusa, 
  bimansulo, is a developed mucoli and muganda indeed- the rest of their world riches Museveni and NRM can handle .

- Some MPs  even in Buganda exactly as in local administrators in Gulu - walk in military attire - as transformed NRM species 

- for  them developing a nation must be Moaist ideologically based though the structure and culture impedements does not favour the ideological nature of their ideas. 

- If one looks at Bukende archives- Professor Ssemakula  Kiwanuka too was one time given IDI AMIN full military attire by bukedde IT experts!

- I think this what is going on in Teso- with arrow groups and MPs, RDCs turned tribal paramilitary forces.

- What is not asked is why did Col. Gwanga Kisirye a soldier fail to develop Mubende- was it the weakness of the state or becase he did not have enough Moaist uniforms?

- China has developed becuase ... Africans guess work and copying propensity without practice and innovations. They are developing Uganda without developing the state instutions indeed!

I have updated



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ugnet_: Hajji Musa Seburumbi

2004-02-25 Thread dbbwanika db -

Please could you get me data on how many baganda moslems
are /were registered as DP / UPC  active political members



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ugnet_: [Un]Intended Invents-Buganda/Acoli Religio-Cultural absurdities

2004-02-25 Thread dbbwanika db

Unintended Invents- Baganda/Acoli absurdities.

-Pop star psychology, sociology / psychic and thought structure is very interesting were ever they can be located. But understanding how POP STARS behave is a good thing for would be pop stars.

-Before the war in Acoli was ignited by "If it was not for Brigadier Chefe Ali, (Frank Eriya Mwine) no UPC or Acholi would be alive" - Maj. Gen. Salim Saleh, already there were divisions within the clans that make up Acoli tribe. 

-Acoli are not predominately UPC supporters, on the contrary faithful DP supporters. Who are NRM supporters? 

-In Acoli we have the Kitgum and Gulu political divisions a derivative of Acoli cultural wrangles – something, which goes to explain the reasons why so many high Acoli achievers were/are either settlers in Kampala or somewhere else. 

-Exactly the same problem with some West Nile tribes working against their own. 

-The above fact can be illustrated by the UPC- DP factions in Acoli. Why was Atema Allimadi farm destroyed? 

-Enter Buganda- the confusion here is fumbling as it is also amazingly confusing the Baganda themselves. 

-Baganda Moslems who hate UPC so much they will vote NRM for no better alternative a UPC/KY alliance now transformed into new KY/NRM alliance. 

-Although Buganda is more united behind the Buganda cultural institution as a system of identification 

-There are two factors that contaminate Baganda thought structures; 

-1. Religion salting Bagandas’ thought structure via European Education institutions – the missionary schools and now (1980-200...) Baganda Moslem started institutions. 

-For these two competing factions nothing is possible without their religious faiths. 

-Enter Luwero if ever develops then the Catholics and Moslem must all disappeared from the scene before the storm settles. 

-Baganda Catholics are the most educated (to them) the Baganda Moslem are the niggers confined to the backyards of Buganda ghettos; Katwe, Ndebba, you name it. 

-2. Religion is then projected onto politics, seeking power space and religious protection outside the church (!), where in TUESDAY REFLECTIONS Kintu Nyago in the Monitor speaks of Alhajji Naduuli (Moslem) prefers to fight the catholic DP to form a UPC/Kabaka Yekka (KY) in the 60s. 

-Now the above group alienated by NRM, the Buganda or call it Moslem KY/NRM marriages turned sour becomes heavens knows what?!! 

-This is a fact I know from my attempts to start a development project in Luwero in the 90s where I only needed political support but exposed to exactly same religious impediments. 

-In one way DP will never be voted for by the majority Moslems in Buganda as DP itself will loose any political significance with a Moslem electorate were ever it is. 

-Along those lines – the Acoli and Baganda are now being even deeply divided by NRM or call it Bakiga/ Banyankole/(Bahima-Bairu) power struggle through – NRM well calculated strategy using very contradictory cultural tools and war. 

-Baganda are so dump so to say can talk for themselves – so they seek mediums and intermediaries. 

-Acoli and Baganda are fighting whose wars an what type of wars are these economic, political , cultural or religious 

-and Luwero was fighting whose war – I have said in the past- were Luwero peasants supporting UPC of Anyanya breed? NO! 

-Were they Baganda? YES 

-Was the DP lumpen guerrilla led by Museveni Banyankole in Luwero? NO they were Baganda locating and killing UPC Baganda in Luwero!!! 

-Exactly the same fate that has befell the Acoli, Acoli killing Acoli i.e. fighting a war which they have no crue at all 

-Or a political agenda of NRM Africanisation policy in a free Arab Southern Christian Sudan State!!! 

-and these societies will fall apart consequently- now enter Bimansulo, pornography, and KONY 

-What will Professor Ssemakula Kiwanuka do that Dr. Kisamba Mugerwa and Professor Victoria Mwaka could not do under Alhaji Nadduli? 

-What will DP do for Acoli that Hon Mao Nobert could not do for Acoli? 

-So for us if ever anyone was to convince us Buganda and Acoli will ever be the same – two conditions must be met: 

-One that Religious-Political square boxes and intoxication within these societies is driven out of their cultural institutions. 

-That Islam in case of Buganda is elevated on the same levels as Catholics can Catholics hate for Islam is toned down( this will never happen) 

-I have discovered, the intrigue between Buganda and UPC in the 60s, was/is more of a religious nature than politics- 

-i.e. Baganda Moslem at least the majority will never vote DP they will vote UPC as the Acoli cultural intrigue mixed with Catholicism will never allow them to settle politically. 

-The future is very grim within these two societies – the only solution is to increase the economic class mix to eliminate religious influence in the day to day life style of these two tribes. ( this will take years out of the political m

ugnet_: Origins of Religion and Business Culture

2004-02-22 Thread dbbwanika db

Thesis About Origins
Religion and Uganda Business Culture

1. 0. Background




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ugnet_: KCC, Kampala

2004-02-22 Thread dbbwanika db
Kampala needs a 'Napoleon'
Kampala has existed as a city for 110 years. Proposals to improve the city roads and general welfare can be traced back to Prof. Simpson (1913), A.E Miriam (1931) to the current physical and fiscal planners.
Such proposals have included, ensuring good health standards, draining the marshes, setting plots with no right of subdivision, protection of water supply system, physical separation of settlements (residences) from industrial zones et cetera.
The city, however, needs a sustainable plan-one that will stand the test of time. The narrow street lanes, numerous slums, traffic jams and potholes, to mention but a few, need urgent attention but within a well-planned modernisation project.
Paris was at one time as disorderly as Kampala is today. It took the intervention of their leader, Napoleon III and one physical planner, Baron Haussman to turn Paris around.
Today its beauty is being ranked as one of the world's best. Houssan is said to have moved on foot to cover each and every bit of Paris and witness its problems. 
Kampala needs money, a sustainable plan and a man ready to modernise it.
Isabirye David,



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ugnet_: KCC, Kampala & Buganda Dp

2004-02-22 Thread dbbwanika db 

-	It is only under this 18 year developmental propensity, that Kampala is faced with constant floods – notice that Kampala today is filled with MECHANICALLY CONSTRUCTED DRAINAGE SYSTEM depositing there waste load directly in fish producing wetlands and mashes.

-	It is an ugly cruel scenery- a sad one people are trapped and ever falling into an abyss.

-	Never before in the history of Kampala has the place ever been so often hit by floods. KCC’s family affair is only revealing its ugly organisation and planning head.

-	First of all, from my own experiences and investigations, KCC will never develop Kampala with existing ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACQUIESCENT ORGANISATION STRUCTURES based on personal cults.

-	KCC must take on a new ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACQUIESCENT ORGANISATION STRUCTURAL form. Governing KCC is not like governing a family home  

-	KCC is an entirely family entity that prefers to do as it was written. And indeed since KCC represents DP and Baganda, its untouchablity, surprisingly a transform from NRM Kyankwanzi cadre careerism protected by the media will sink Kampala!

-	Sometime back foreign dignities were usually taken to Kibuli hill to witness Ugandas’ most revered urban development – Kampala city is growing by leaps and bounds now extending more than 10 km in all directions.

-	Now down Kibuli Hill there is a sprawling city albeit with an expansive slum city taking on all forms. 

-	If one was to visit Kibuli slum itself, human excrement, the crumbing mud residential facilities, mairungi chewing idles, small children playing in urine and faeces filled drainage, people living on the margins and general misery one wonders how our people can possibly live into such any environment. 

-	In Luwero villages were I originate I never saw such misery and destitution.

-	The piggy and hogwashy Kisenyi lifestyle is nothing before you enter Bwaise and Kawempe- here you will witness Baganda civilisation first hand.

-	Trust KCC, NEMA and Ministry of Water and Lands – Kampala hills are coming under critical brutal human assault whether premeditated or unintentional a disaster is in the making i.e. 

-	Road construction firms buys off hills “ A CITY OF HILLS “- As a source of stones and soil quarry to fill up wetlands at Nalukolongo for a bicycle industry, as what happened to now gapping Mutundwe hill, the hill behind Kabalaga trading centre, Muyenga stone quarrying, the hills behind Nambole, Kiswa area, were soil and stone quarrying has take on a beastly nature.

-	Scientifically this is very dangerous as the hills gradually loose their stability; stress and constant tension with now increasing frequencies in rainfall, Kampala is about to witness a devastating mud landslide. 

-	Trust Ugandans learn propensity what has happened in Kigezi is no good lesson at all.

-	I close my eyes, keep in silence and wonder what is really happening! I feel see the ground on which I stand moving in water channels – THE RED WATER SLIT. 

-	For example at Kibuli hill one can clearly see a banana plantation in once a kings palace above Katwe- cry African way of thinking.

-	Many articles have been written about Kampala i.e. “Way forward on Nakawa and Naguru” by - Dr. Okulo Epak monitor 18-12-2003

-	I agree with him on one point PLANNING but not the METHOD AND METHODOLOGY.

-	The question, which is not asked though, is from what viewpoint are towns and cities planned?

-	Is planning city and towns a death and life prospect – a Newtonian mechanical thinking wining over nature and realities into which man lives.

-	Man is a rational; beast however devoid of science can fall back into his original ape like nature. The slums.

-	 Kampala today is a reflection of this fact – in Kamwokya, a Kampala civilised Mutoro squatting in a lame mud house with three mucus filled and a pot like warm filled stomach kid, yapping for milk which is no were to be found.

-	In my article Origins of Urban Planning - Science or heuristics; I criticise all what is know about what is termed as urban planning

-	My argument are based on long term observations and in addition to my education in the same- where does ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND HUMAN NEEDS LIKE CULTIVATION, NATURAL HABITATS come in

-	It is sickening to see our people falling into America ghettoised trap- with any redemption or salvation in sight.

-	Western European based urban planning originates in view that man can win over nature – but NOT UNTIL NATURE UNLEASHES ITS WRATH on man that he comes back to his senses.

-	The fact I have captured in both pictures and text – for example my stiff opposition to the MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION OF NAKIVUBO CHANNEL and it visible consequences.

-	Here Dr. Adule a professional in landscape design supported me fully on this one with appro

ugnet_: Quick pick comes to town - the native is saved

2004-02-20 Thread dbbwanika db
Dec 9 - 15, 2003

KAMPALA - Quick Pick International Sports Betting opened its doors to Kampala punters in late November, becoming Uganda's first betting shop.

Kampala City Council licensed Quick Pick, which also operates in South Africa.

In the past two weeks, owner John Jenkins has had some 600 customers through his doors in Kabalagala.

Jenkins plans to open two more betting shops, one in Makerere University and the other in Old Taxi Park in February 2004. Altogether he plans to open up to 40 shops in and around Kampala.

Owner John Jenkins has spent thirty years in the sports betting business in Europe. Jenkins's company Quick Pick owns more than 500 betting shops in Europe, where people gamble on the outcome of boxing matches, horse races, football and rugby.

Currently, people can gamble on the results of international football matches. Soon, they will be able to gamble on the results of beauty contests and boxing matches.

Jenkin's investment has been high, in the expectation of high returns. He spent more than $30,000 on buying the plot and three decoders. He has also bought three TV screens, which cost him $4,500. Three matches are broadcast at any one time. Customers pay entrance and betting fees.

The minimum bet is Shs 1,000. So far, he has had two big winners. One gambled Shs 80,000 and won Shs 800,000. A second won Shs 600,000.

A gambler bets a certain amount of money that a team will win - the betting shop calculates the 'odds' depending on the likelihood of that team winning.
The greater the chance the team has of winning, the lower the multiple. The greater the chance the team has of losing, the higher the multiple.

The profits from gambling can be high - for the betting shop owner. During the World Cup of 1998, he earned $7 million a week in England.

The most a gambler ever won from his company was 720,000 pounds. Joel Muganga, a shopkeeper in Bunga, won Shs 200,000 at Quick Pick. He used the money to restock his shop and said he plans to gamble again. Jenkins' interest in gambling has been life long.

He says his interest grew because when he was still young, he had many English friends who were gamblers.



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ugnet_: Gay Marriages, Sociology & Knoweldge of science

2004-02-13 Thread dbbwanika db
Dr. Jay

You are almost right sociologically- as there isn't much to discuss about gay marriages from that perspective. 

However if you started by doing a simple experiment i.e. taking with your class at a wastewater purification plant in your city or town. There it is more evident that your esteemed students will wittiness first hand with all their sociological senses the purity of human faeces. 

Wastewater comes from our modern sociological behaviours of urban planning; i.e. flash water toilets, washing machines etc.

Why do this experiment for your own sake – and you did not mention how sex that is a natural need will be sustained among these uni-sex patterns. Did you? 

There is abundant material on World Wide Web about the bacterial load or how human faeces can be biologically unhygienic- that is to say how they can attract all types of bacteria from the nutrient load therein. This might be false nevertheless – let your students do a study of the bugs normally found in the rectum and then list them, hopefully thereupon their sociological intuitions will have had a somewhat expansive pespectival switch.

I sense sociology facing an epistemological decay thereafter – but all the tit bits of academic excellence are yours.

Yours in academics,


> Thanks for all who replied to my former, mislabeled query about logical
> arguments against gay marriages.
> My class briefly touched on gay marriages yesterday.  I simply told the
> class that I was at a loss to understand why people are opposed to it
> because I really don't understand more than the vague religious
> arguments
> we've all heard (and I really don't understand those).
> The only new reason we could come up with is the argument apparently put
> forward in Europe.  The logic is that the "native" populations of some
> countries are dropping so they need heterosexual unions to produce
> children.  This sounds kind of convoluted to me; they assume if gays
> can't
> marry they'll "straighten" up their act, pal up with hetros and pop for
> kids?
> I plan on talking about this topic later in the semester, so any
> insights
> would be appreciated.  Until then, I'm going to enjoy the liberals
> trying
> to explain why separate but equal (marriage versus civil unions) will
> work.  Good luck, John Kerry.
> Jay
> Jay Watterworth
> Department of Sociology
> University of Colorado at Boulder
> Nora Ephron said (about Washington politics, but apropos here), "No
> matter how cynical I get, I just can't keep up."
> "If music be the food of love, play on. Give me excess of that."
> William Shakespeare, "Twelfth Night"



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ugnet_: Science Research: African misery is self incurred – knowing is not doing

2004-02-10 Thread dbbwanika db

African misery is self incurred – knowing is not doing. Research 

-	The starting point is to give the self- self-confidence to a person – this question must be solved through integrating Asia martial Art philosophy into our cultures; the body, mind and spirit.

-	Now the new fad is SCIENCE for all – what is not asked though 

-	What are we doing with those scientists on ground whose numbers are in there thousands? 

-	KNOWING and DOING are TWO RADICALLY different things. 

-	Africans started jazz, soul, Caribbean music, rock, now pop and virtually every sort of music – that had not been investigated thoroughly by Africans but brought and taught to them by Europeans!

-	The existing scientist what they have produced so far is not is not being done. Here is the “Uganda problem”- popularism, rhetoric, demagoguery and faceless lies, this government style. 

-	Uganda exiles are remitting 500 million per year – wonderful.

-	From Revolution to Reformism and media sex agenda cultural revolution.

-	Writing started here in African through animals drawings, until papyruses were discovered to be good writing material – 

-	What has happened since almost over 5000 years – Nothing, PRIVATISATION and DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENT in banana fibres and all that so the native peasant is saved?

-	Our struggle will continue to freeze any sort Cultural imperialism; generating a silent revulsion against an imperial criminal ideology to a higher consciousness. The tables are turning and doors are closing.

-	Civilising the acoli kill them, civilising the Baganda introduce media sex and sell them sex. Luwero peasantry.

-	Into the future it will be necessary for all Africans so-called politicians to take a full one-year course in the PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCES or the SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE, to ground their African knowledge wealthy. (Perspective switching)

-	It is useless to make science mandatory – KNOWING OR NOT KNOWING SCIENCE is not the problem but THE SOCIAL PRACTICE OF SCIENCE based on a pre-colonial state mind founded on AID and borrowing.

-	Are Katwe metal fabricators, semi- illiterate electrical and machine designers, local brewer (fermentation) and a struggling farmer (mulching, irrigation), SOCIALLY PRACTISING SCIENCE? YES or NO

-	What entitles knowledge – SOCIAL PRACTICE or know-how(doing) or simply knowing? 

-	KNOWING and DOING are TWO RADICALLY different things- 

-	Knowing is not the same as doing or but doing is knowing. 

-	Herbal medicine (medicine science) has been here why is it neglected were we have chemists, botanist, pharmacologist etc?

-	Why has a hut and a granary remained the same when we have engineers?

-	Knowledge should be socialised – since doing is a social practice while knowing depends on person weal and effort.

-	I have written somewhere else that urban planning never has ever been a real science in European setting– if that science generates urban problematicities; drugs, homelessness, crime, destitution, misery, unemployment etc. 

-	Poor African village a not so prone to crime – as advanced states where crime is an entire independent department of science.

-	When African wholesale copycat European architecture derived from Arabian know-how so Africas’ problem are solve?! Gothic cathedrals, hanging towers with homeless dweller below them. NO

-	Metropolises and expansive compressed confines dotted with prison like rectangular housing human settlements   are sciences of urban settlements, housing and dwellings – devoid of human needs and freedoms (ghettos of American inner cities)  

-	Long before environmental science became a science in a modern medicine university – Africans were using the environment efficiently.  

-	Mulching plantations, thatching houses, THERMO DRYING i.e. solar food preservation, leading to a meticulous development A GRANARY (silo), food security (World Food Programme), extensive use natural medicines (herbals). Brewing there had developed several complex techniques in the chemistry of brewing like sorghum in fermentation. Indeed African had a complex understanding of metallurgy as in iron smelting, bead making, tool manufacturing.

-	They became civilised and their knowledge became irrelevant hence investigations, development and systematic inquiry staled.

-	A hut a geometrical structure – with a considerable different inner environment in regard to air circulation in a wet dry climate is far different from a rectangular structure in a desert climate (Arabian architecture)

-	Road construction with tar in European temperate climate setting will in design and from the physicalistic point of view differ from a tropical setting. For Africa it all goes!

-	Modern fishing and animal husbandry are doomed to cow-mad disease, bird flues i.e. chicken produced in Asia for European chicken feed! 

-	Pesticide and chemical fertilise use and human healthy are now generating a new source of science we Africans assu

ugnet_: NRM Grand Strategy Unfolds – Acoli & ICC.

2004-02-09 Thread dbbwanika db

NRM Grand Strategy Unfolds – Acoli & ICC.

-	In Chaos that is when things start to happen – as per NRM proved theory.

-	Rwanda and Uganda have quarrelled a lot and NOW- guess what Blair, and his entire crew of the Minster of foreign affairs have to come in to stop the fire. Indeed at 10 Downing Street Rwanda and Uganda leaders burn the candles to stop the fire back at home!

-	The English have never been fools or they can be fooled - when they donate films of Acoli war veterans playing cannibalism at their war enemies. 

-	So they play the game

-	Bob A in recent BBC interview categorically stated he served their interests diligently! For the English he does not deserve International Criminal Court (ICC).

-	NRM comical strategies never end – for years on end, there have been strategic players in ambassadorial posts representing Uganda abroad and those people were selected on a clear NRM policy. This has but all changed stealthily.
-	Now some of these ambassadors are minister in strategic regions like former war regions- were the IGNORANT PEASANTS expect them to do for them miracles albeit without state funding, plan of action – SO WE CONTINUE AS WE DID BEFORE!

-	Suppose the COURT MARTIAL WAS ACTUALLY DOING ITS JOB-, those soldiers now exiled by Uganda government involved in stealing cars and murder could not escape the same UPDF court martial indeed!

-	On the above point it is prudent to look deep into NRM strategies; so WITHOUT SUPPORTIVE LAWS the following happens;-

-	It is now common knowledge that para-miliarty groups can be formed. That is NOT the QUESTION though but why these armed groups are formed at all?!

-	Trust UPDF or fear it!

-	It is understandable and legally excusable with Karamoja cattle rustling para-military forces. 

-	Just recently it was reported there was another army within UPDF operating in West Nile- fine as traders or something like that. 

-	It was also reported Nyabusozi had over 6000-armed soldiers within UPDF. 

-	All of the sudden there emerged AMUKA AND ARROW PARA-MALITARY FORCE which force are now about 120,000 if we go by media figures given but once still can’t defend the citizens! (see Lira Tragedy Exposed Army LRA clobbered)

-	Mark you the entire Acoli region there is a good number of home guards a force trained in military discipline and also well armed.

-	Those areas with para-miliarty forces should wake up- it is not all at ease.

-	If you believed Uganda Peoples Congress once stole votes that led to massacre of Luwero population – history one might think will never repeat itself. Alas!  Here we are with god chosen leaders.

-	More interesting are the events that follow wherever these forces germinated – in Teso LRA rakes havoc with many left dead in road ambushes, displaced and internalised. Now it is said it all over! A thigh of relief.

-	Will the Acoli use International Criminal Court (ICC) probe into war crimes committed during the 18-year civil war by LRA to its fruition? 

-	This turn of events is not only strategic but will prove that Acoli can turn this country around – haven’t some army officers confessed to premeditated murder of the uncivilised in the region – the law chess has started. 

-	But around these events a pattern emerges too;-  i.e. sending a message or bringing the battle to you so that LRA can be squared in- this is where things get very interesting.

-	In their Africanisation stance all must have kingdoms; kings, queens etc. of course without powers on top of a choking elaborated military structure.

The Monitor (Kampala) EDITORIAL February 7, 2004 Lira Tragedy Exposed Army LRA clobbered, hacked and shot more than 47 civilians to death

New Vision (Kampala) February 6, 2004 10,000 Left Homeless By Pabbo Fire



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ugnet_: Clear the air KCC webpage cost over 100 Million????!

2004-02-06 Thread dbbwanika db
Clear the air KCC webpage cost over 100 Million!

If KCC web page as it was mentioned recently in the media is to cost over 100 million Uganda shillings, this will be of the most spectacular cases of misuse of taxpayers’ money in recent times! 

Think about URA with has almost the same web morphology, how much did it cost to design – KCC must clear the air and inform the public how the contract was awarded and why – were there no cheaper contracts?

So is it true the web page is to cost over 100 Million! 




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ugnet_: Charles Kikonyogo, said you were not a “fit and proper person.”

2004-02-02 Thread dbbwanika db

Meet America’s most wanted man in Uganda

Feb 1 - 7, 2004

KAMPALA – He is wanted by the US government on 140 criminal counts including mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and forfeiture. The FBI has been investigating him for more than five years but hasn’t once questioned him directly – perhaps because he has been living a low-key life in Uganda since 1999. 
Monitor’s Daniel Kalinaki (L) interviews Mr Van Brink at his Luzira residence.
The Monitor’s Daniel K. Kalinaki tracked down Van A. Brink at his home in Luzira and asked him about the criminal charges, his life and whether he is hiding in Uganda. How does it feel to be wanted by the US government? Unbelievable. Were you surprised, having been investigated for five years? Yes. I left the US in 1998 and moved to Grenada, a separate country. I founded and headed a licensed Grenada bank under the Grenada Offshore Banking Act of 1994. Where are Grenada’s charges against me for criminal activities?But your failed bank had American depositors Yes, and we also had depositors from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, UK, Norway, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, and so forth. The bank had depositors from over 100 different countries as of when I resigned. So, to which laws is a bank’s chief executive liable to operate in accordance? The country granting the banking license or those countries from which the depositors may come? Does Japan claim jurisdiction over the 
 MD of Standard Chartered Bank in Kampala for acts he does while at the bank in Kampala? If you did nothing wrong, why the charges? It is not anything I can prove in court but you need to understand the way we were doing our business to understand why I was considered a threat to be discredited and eliminated. We started Fidelity in August 1996. Our total capitalisation was US $100,000 (Shs 200 million). It was supposed to be a small operation serving a select handful of clients. When business grew too quickly, we decided to start the First International Bank of Grenada in October 1997. In our first month, our deposits were about U$500,000. Three months later we were probably at U$5 million. By the end of 1998 we were pushing U$50 million. On October 1, 1999, when I resigned, we were topping $100 million in deposits. What does that have to do with the fraud charges? 
Mr Van Brink shows the location of Grenada on the map.
I am coming to that. As our bank grew, the banks that were losing deposits as their customers turned to us became very unhappy. A banking group that could grow from $500,000 in total deposits to $100 million in deposits in just three years was a threat. We were offering interest rates on term deposits from 40 percent per year to 100 percent - that made many bankers nervous as they were offering between 2 and 5 percent on savings and fixed deposits. How could you realistically pay interest of 100 percent? As our deposits grew, so did investment opportunities. Then we started being offered huge assets, first as “assets under management.” Asset packages in the hundreds of millions of dollars started coming to us all the time. It just went on and on and on. We soon got to the point where we were no longer interested in accepting assets under management - too much work for too little pay. We switched to a joint venture basis. The party bringing the asset would enter into a joint v
 enture agreement with us agreeing to deed the asset outright to the bank so that the bank owned it free and clear, and then we would share with that party 50 percent of whatever we got from that asset. Let’s say you were able to place $10 billion in assets and achieve a yield of just four percent per year. How much is that? It is $400 million. Remember, though, you have to split the income fifty-fifty with the party who deeded the asset to you. That leaves $200 million. Now if you have a bank with $40 million in deposits earning an average of 100% annually, how much do you still have left over after paying your depositors the promised yields? Let’s see. $200 million minus $40 million equals $160 million. So can you afford to pay a depositor yield of 100 percent annually? Yes, you can. And not all deposits were at that rate. Some were 2.5%, some were 6%, others were 30% per year and so forth. If a few were at 200% per year, so what? So, how can you precisely explain the charg
 es and the allegations? The point is that in the Anglo-Ameri!
can judicial system, an accused person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Yet, for the past five years I have been officially denounced and effectively pronounced guilty of all manner of financial crimes against depositors. I have been paraded through the American and international media as the most notorious - dirty rotten white-collar scoundrel of this generation. Are you guilty or not? I committed no crimes; I am simply being witch-hunted. The many mail fraud charges amount to the fact that we had to s


2004-02-02 Thread dbbwanika db



-	You eat Sugar canes – is the juice from sugar cane toxic or have you ever heard of anybody getting sick of it? Juice. why do Ugandans do not pack cane juice with reduce sugar content as refreshment –soda?

-	NEMA – get films of the OKAVANGO DELTA and its potential utilisation and see the wonders of LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY AND NATURE.

-	NEMA on the same basis Uganda from North to South from East to West can develop mini Okvangos to serve the same purpose.

-	NEMA – where will the money come from – where does the money paying J.J.Odongo’s ministry come from – Enter Fee, Fish Tickets, Milk from Buffaloes, Meat, Skins – research funds and research fees for utilisation of these mini-urban wetland studies.

-	NEMA- Uganda can become the first country to START URBAN TOURISM not based on SKYSCRAPERS and WAR MEMORIAL MONUMENTS – but birds, butterflies, fishes and amphibians, domesticated animals, like buffaloes, Impalas, Zebras, etc.

-	NEMA in Asia; Indians on the Indian sub continent live with their Buffaloes; in Thailand people live with their Elephants – and they get a good lot of joy and a livelihood at the same time a deeper understanding of the interaction with nature.

-	NEMA – drop the OLD SCIENCE, Africans have lived with animals since time immemorial and they are still here. Indeed the EUROPEAN CIVILISERS live, with their PETS; dogs, cats, snakes, pigs etc. Why not Uganda live with theiur hippos 

-	NEMA indeed living with our animals will OFFER VETERINARIAN JOBS and a far greater access to the understanding of human interaction with nature.

-	BAT VALLEY is all but gone only remaining in a name. Gone by the winds of change- and mosquitoes are having a field day. Science and Urban Planning.

-	YET for our people disillusioned with modernity; the prison population is raising – and no one seems to be in the know of the reason as to why?! WETLANDS’ ECONOMIES, fisheries, health; daily social activities and tourism. (seeExpedite Court Cases New Vision (Kampala) January 30, 2004 

-	The environment is constantly being DEVOURED BY STOCHASTIC HUMAN activities such urban settlements as the privatisation of Uganda’s concrete communitarinism society is broken apart by a revolutions.

-	Reclaim the ENCROACHED WETLANDS and re-educated society about landscape ecology. When people know what to gain they will certainly be the benefactors.

-	All wetlands in and around the country must be re-claimed from human settlement- i.e. the wetland in Bwayise –Kawempe before it become a  car washing depot, brickmaking factory used to be a fresh water fishing and fish natural pond –this is no more.

-	NEMA use simple methods, like offering (highest bidders) all wetlands to PRIVATE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AGENTS for reclaimation from human settlements.

-	NEMA- MAP ALL WETLANDS in the country using geographical positioning systems – NO need to recruit surveys by Makerere Geographical Information Systems students will do the job.

-	NEMA recruit all biology students for a sole purpose of CATALOGUING THE SPECIFIC Niches and BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC in respective district 

-	NEMA recruit all tourism , urban planning, geography, economics, management and chemistry  students to map POSSIBLE UTILISATION OF WETLANDS i.e. the now turned industrial area in Kyambogo through Banda, Nalukologo, Natete through Bulenga to Kigezi valleys and Teso cattle corridors.

-	NEMA –use the SYSTEMATIC INFORMATION DATA (SID) on every wetland gathered by these students to  establish ; tourism in aquatic and marine animals – Fishing Tourism for a fee.

-	NEMA work with all local councils in Kigezi, Teso, Kampala , Jinja , etc,. to create a vibrant and Africa’s first URBAN wetland tourism based on specific ecological niches.

-	NEMA- the fish, can’t pollute the cities instead can act as INDICATORS OF URBAN POLLUTION or used and URBAN POLLUTION INDEXES.

-	NEMA – BUFFALOES in India are DOMESTICATED ANIMALS SPECIES and can’t be a danger to urban populations, planning and ecology. Let us domesticate zebras, impalas etc.,

-	NEMA- the entire Kigezi region before it was civilised was an ecological area of spectacular nature – now all gone – for once, look into the matter very seriously.

-	NEMA- Kampala – means Impala, civilisation killed off these mammals but the civiliser live with dogs, cats, snakes, birds (PETS) we can live with our impalas.

-	NEMA seek funds and FENCE OF WETLANDS FOR THAT PURPOSE – there is a psychological social health implication in human living with their animals which modern medicine found to be un-hygenic which modern science finds TODAY a progressive social habitat.

-	NEMA- Europeans are reclaiming there polluted cities from years of ind

ugnet_: Food industry and the Farmer: Quenched (revised)

2004-02-01 Thread dbbwanika db

Food industry and the Farmer

-	Since Friday 29 and Saturday, 31 January 2004 some parts of Kampala had no power as some parts of the country. There you are with Agro- ecological industry as a niche.

-	Quencher a popular drink (modern, fashioned, stylish) Ugandans buy it with a Christian resolve – but ask then Quencher what? (see Pineapples cheap as season starts Jan 27 - March 2, 2003 in the Monitor.) allejuha 

-	Quencher; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, Water Melons, Pineapples, Oranges, Berries, Sweet Bananas or Bogoya? Quencher what?

-	None of the above is Quencher - it is only the maker – the producer of the quencher, the cheers, the NIDO who knows what it is and contains. Aaah I forgot KLIM- fabulous indeed and the MIDDLE CLASS. 

-	Nakasero market in the city center its South African apples – Aaaha- modernity!

-	Are the best fruits imported in Europe and North America the best- usually full of chemicals to preserve them but also grown under influence of extensive growth substances?

-	The question that is interesting is not the above but what makes the people consume these items despite the known dangers YET Africa has a variety of foodstuffs grown organically. 

-	Quencher to Quench.  Soda soda soda – WHAT DOES SODA STAND FOR? 

-	Uganda Bureau of Standards (UBOS) can go to hell! Federation for Uganda Professional Employers (FUE (phew) in short) and 

-	Uganda National Trade Union now being subdivided because Bwanika started the Democratic Farmers Workers Alliance – Uganda (DFWA-U)!

-	Take this from me, those Uganda farmers as their counterpart the EDUCATED CHEMISTS, food hygienist, diet-ist, and agro-nomist BIT THE DUST on Uganda trading town streets with no jobs. 

-	And - the right honourable mayor in Mbarara the other day, found his government wanting as the milk IN- dustry there, crashes BUT we (I mean Uganda) are soon importing to Nigeria. NIDO. KLIM Uganda upbeat about Nigeria milk deal 
 Jan 29, 2004 monitor- one can’t fail to laugh- thanks be to the revolution.

-	It is Programme for Modernisation of Agriculture and poverty eradication or in FOOL Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP). (see Poverty Reduction Efforts in Uganda: The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation New Vision (Kampala) DOCUMENT January 28, 2004)

-	No – let us say Uganda Bureau of standards sets the standards i.e. for MEDICAL REASONS and BACKUP from MULAGO; 

-	all marketable druckible juice products produced or imported in Uganda must  contain 80% - 90% natural products; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas and Bogoya.  

-	Quencher, Sooda, Soda, Sodda, Ssoda, Sodaa! 7 down and up, splaash!   Quenched finished.

-	Like all MODERNITIES – it is typical of characteristics; sightlessness, de-skilling, de- authentisation, de-localisation, metaphors, de-civilisation, blinding, market slavery- no consumer slavery and the “STATE OF IMPORT TAXATION”.

-	Foreign Direct Investment and Uganda investment authority.

-	If the above question could be answered (i.e. they eat what they don’t know) then Africa has an answer to finding a market for their abundant crops in those markets.

-	Let government through district committees force all Ugandans to have granaries, an acre of each of the mentioned hybrid fruits and a few milk animals i.e. goats or cows buffaloes in Indian produce good milk.
-	FORCEFUL MEANS must do this i.e. a law in combination with A TAX LEVY to cause compliance.

-	The above can only materialise through some simple STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS like going to Congo or buy junk tanks and helicopters, in allocation of labour, time and resource in hybrid – crop farming like fruits; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas and Bogoya.

-	Why fruits? (see Pineapples cheap as season starts
By Jovita Mirembe Jan 27 - March 2, 2003 in the Monitor.

-	These are MARKETABLE ITEMS on a world-wide market in huge quantities either as; JUICE CONCENTRATES, LIQUORS, DRIED FOODS, OR PACKED FRESH FOODS.

-	Ambassadorial resource allocation in high consumption countries should seek SUPER MARKET RESOURCE SUPPORT in the purchase of these items.

-	But LOCAL consumption must be first GUARANTEED or developed simultaneously for a continuous process.

-	The above entails scientific backup for evidence of NUTRITIONAL VALUE in combination with massive internet and media information. 

-	Any form of government intervention should focus on the MULTIPLICITY OF CONSUMPTION behaviours of the mentioned items above.

-	Government supported industrial sector therefore must be MULTIPURPOSE i.e. production of juice concentrates, liquors, dried foods, or packed fresh foods.

-	Indeed waste products can be used in making different types of gases – this could be investigated.


ugnet_: The AROMA smell, tastes good - atmospheric gases are still in place???! NEMA

2004-01-31 Thread dbbwanika db

atmospheric gases are still in place???!  All headers  

I have written about  the issues very many times. Ugandans if we are 
not careful will start contracting different incurable disease that 
will cost this country a lot. Already sneezes and coughes are becoming 
a common phenomenon!

A lay man here is writting about what he is expiencing UNKNOWING that 
indeed Kampala is trapping a lot of VOC gases mixed with dust from the 
over 10 000 vechiles in a radius of 10 km and maybe gases from gabbage 

see for example


Do something about garbage 

I go jogging very early in the morning, somewhere before, around and 
after 6:00 a.m. At this time of the day, I usually feel the atmospheric 
gases are still in place. In other words, the sun rays have not yet 
heated them, thus speeding up the individual atmospheric molecules to 
trigger serious convection currents. 

Dear City Council, various dust bins around you emit unknown gases to 
the atmosphere.

That is why, if every thing else has failed, I kindly request KCC to 
ask specialists such as Prof. Ssekaalo to use his good offices in 
Makerere University's Chemistry Department, to trap a few samples of 
those gases and tell us what they could be. 

You never know, they could be the gases Bush is looking for in Iraq, 
Libya, North Korea and elsewhere. 

No wonder, we have too many diseases followed by deaths all over the 

John Baptist Kyewalabye
Male, Kampala.




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ugnet_: Food industry and the Farmer: Quencher (modernisation)

2004-01-31 Thread dbbwanika db

-	Since yesterday and today the Saturday, 31 January 2004 some parts of Kampala have no power as some parts of the country. Agro- ecological industry as a niche.

-	Quencher (modern, fashion, stylish) and Ugandans buys with a Christian resolve - but Quencher what? (see Pineapples cheap as season starts
 Jan 27 - March 2, 2003 in the Monitor.) allejuha 

-	Nakasero market South Africa apples – Aaah modernity!

-	Quencher; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas or Bogoya?

-	The question that is interesting is not the above but what makes the people consume these items despite the known dangers YET Africa has a variety of foodstuffs grown organically? Quencher to Quench.  Soda soda soda – what does soda stands for?

-	Are the best fruits imported in Europe and North America the best- usually full of chemicals to preserve them but also grown under influence of extensive growth substances?

-	None of the above- it is only the maker – the producer of the quencher, the cheers, the Nido who knows what. 

-	Uganda Bureau of Standards (UBOS) can go to hell! Federation for Uganda Professional Employers (FUE in short) and 

-	Uganda National Trade Union now being subdivided because Bwanika started the democratic farmers worker alliance – Uganda (DFWA-U)!

-	Take this, those Uganda farmers as their counterpart the EDUCATED CHEMISTS, food hygienist, diet-ist, and agronomist BIT THE DUST on Uganda trading town streets with no jobs. 

-	The mayor in Mbarara found the government wanting as the milk IN- dustry crashes but we are soon importing to Nigeria. NIDO. Uganda upbeat about Nigeria milk deal 
 Jan 29, 2004 monitor

-	It is Programme for Modernisation of Agriculture and poverty eradication or in FOOL Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP). (Poverty Reduction Efforts in Uganda: The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation New Vision (Kampala) DOCUMENT January 28, 2004)

-	No – let us say Uganda Bureau of standards sets the standards i.e. for MEDICAL REASONS and BACKUP from MULAGO; 

-	all marketable druckible juice products produced or imported in Uganda must  contain 80% - 90% natural products; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas and Bogoya.  

-	Like all MODERNITIES – it is typical of characteristics; sightless, de-skilling, de- authentisation, de-localisation, metaphors, de-civilisation, blinding, market slavery- and the “STATE OF IMPORT TAXATION”.

-	Foreign Direct Investment and Uganda investment authority.

-	If the above question could be answered then Africa has an answer to finding a market for their abundant crops in those markets.

-	Let government through district committees force all Ugandans to have granaries, an acre of each of the mentioned hybrid fruits and a few milk animals i.e. goats or cows buffaloes in Indian produce good milk.
-	FORCEFUL MEANS must do this i.e. a law in combination with A TAX LEVY to cause compliance.

-	The above can only materialise through some simple STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS in allocation of labour, time and resource in hybrid – crop farming like fruits; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas and Bogoya.

-	Why fruits? (see Pineapples cheap as season starts
By Jovita Mirembe Jan 27 - March 2, 2003 in the Monitor.

-	These are MARKETABLE ITEMS on a worldwide market in huge quantities either as; juice concentrates, liquors, dried foods, or packed fresh foods.

-	Ambassadorial resource allocation in high consumption countries should seek SUPER MARKET RESOURCE SUPPORT in the purchase of these items.

-	But LOCAL consumption must be first be GUARANTEED or developed simultaneously.

-	The above entails scientific back for evidence of NUTRITIONAL VALUE in combination with massive internet and media information. 

-	Any form of government intervention should focus on the MULTIPLICITY OF CONSUMPTION behaviours of the mentioned items above.

-	Government supported industrial sector therefore must be MULTIPURPOSE i.e. production of juice concentrates, liquors, dried foods, or packed fresh foods.

-	Indeed waste products can be used in making different types of gases – this could be investigated.

-	Develop a NATIONAL AND LOCAL CULTURE for Fruits juice concentrates, liquors, dried foods, or fresh foods consumption not only in Kampala but Uganda.

-	Uganda Television Vision (UTV) & Radio Uganda, KCC and town council therefore must be enlisted as a matter of helping the poor Ugandans 

-	1. Provide free advertisement space for a period of one year for any form of emerging production unit in the above sectors.(to avoid Maska pineapple disaster)

-	2. Allocate a given amount of the taxpayers’ resources to; allocation of seeds, local advertisement i.e. promotion of consumption.

-	On the above basis, governme

ugnet_: FUE _ Uganda Engineers are irrelevant?!!

2004-01-29 Thread dbbwanika db


Does UGANDA have any school of construction and road construction and 
design engineering if the answer is yes what do  Uganda engineers do? 
Yesterday we were celebrating NRM revolution.


FUE = Federation of Uganda Employers
SEnd protests

The East African (Nairobi)

January 26, 2004 

UGANDA IS expected to award two major road contracts involving a total 
of Ush195 billion ($100 million) before the end of January, The 
EastAfrican has learnt.

South African engineering firm Basil Read is set to be awarded a $50 
million contract to rehabilitate the Jinja-Bugiri Road, the acting head 
of the governmental Road Agency Formation Unit (RAFU), Francis 
Byaruhanga, told The EastAfrican last week.

The firm will rehabilitate the road from Jinja, 80 km east of Kampala, 
to Bugiri town on the highway to the Kenyan border. The heavy passenger 
and cargo traffic on the highway has led to its dilapidation, slowing 
buses and trailers plying the route to the Uganda-Kenya border.

Meanwhile, Salin Construttori of Italy is the winner of the tender to 
construct the Kampala northern by-pass that is aimed at easing traffic 
congestion in the city. The firm will be paid about $50 million, after 
beating Reeder Dywidad of Germany, a consortium of Basil Read and 
Bouygues Construction of France, another consortium of Strabag 
International (Germany) and Reynolds Construction Company, and NCC 
International Denmark AS. The contract will last 30 months.

Last June, the roads agency, under the direction of its British 
expatriate manager Bernard Sperring, cancelled the tender for the Jinja-
Bugiri section. This was after it was discovered that the lowest 
bidder, Reynolds/Sonitra JV (linked to Israel's SBI International and 
said to be based in Nigeria), which was on the verge of clinching the 
deal, had submitted a faulty bid. The agency did not say what the fault 

Basil Read emerged second in that bid, followed by NCC International of 
Denmark. Uganda has since June been holding negotiations with the South 
African firm, which will be paid the amount it quoted in its bid. Other 
bidders for the contract included Green Acre (South Africa), Strabag 
International and Sogea Satom, which gave its address as Kampala.

The European Union is funding the 72km project. Road works, which Basil 
Read will undertake jointly with its main shareholder Bouygues 
Construction, will start in May. Mr Byaruhanga said they had three 
weeks ago sent the notification of award to the South African firm and 
were likely to sign the deal this week.

RAFU officials said Basil Read was the lowest evaluated bidder, having 
quoted Ush98.1 billion ($50.3 million). NCC International had a bid 
price of Ush116.1 billion ($59.6 million).

Formed in 1988, RAFU is in charge of road management activities that 
were traditionally handled by the Ministry of Works, Transport and 
Communications. The ministry is now concentrating on its core mission 
of policy making.

Salin Construttori was the lowest bidder for the Northern Bypass, with 
a quote of $50.3 million.

Construction of the by-pass, a 21-kilometre stretch from the Kampala 
suburb of Bweyogerere to Busega on Masaka Road, is expected to begin, 
at the earliest, in May.



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ugnet_: A Full Police Investigation Report Should Released

2004-01-26 Thread dbbwanika db

The Speaker of Parliament – Hon Edward Ssekandi
Deputy Speaker- Hon Kadaga
Members of Parliament
IGP. Major. Wamala Katumba
CID Elizabeth Kutesa
Vice President Prof. Gilbert Balibaseka Bukenya
Prime Minister – Hon. Apollo Nsibambi
Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. James Wapakhabulo
Minister of State for Security - President's Office Hon. Betty Akech
Minister of Internal Affair Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda
Minister Of Justice Hon. Janat Mukywaya
All Political Party Leaders

-	We in the Democratic Farmers Workers Alliance – Uganda; have adequately discussed our political line and action on the subject matter.

-	We are DEMANDING the government of Uganda to explain to the nation why the assassins AND NOT THE PLANNERS (MASTER MINDER) of the murder of Professor Dan Mudoola (Prof. Dan Mudhola ) are in jail?

-	 The premeditated assassination of Professor Dan Mudoola is on our agenda of hunting down past crime master minders that must be resolved if Uganda is to go forward.

-	We are demanding that the full police investigation report in the assassination of Prof. Dan Mudoola be made public to all Uganda news media, the Uganda parliament and the Uganda High Court.

-	That a full process of where and how the murder weapons used in the assassination of the Hon. Professor Dan Mudoola came into the possession of criminals.

-	DFWA-U wants to make it very clear - the planners, the master minders of the assassination of Professor Dan Mudoola must be brought up to justice as a matter of AGENCY.

-	If this condition is not met fully, within the full limits of the Uganda laws – we are going to use other means the constitutional offers us to reach our gaols and unravel the conspirators covering criminals.

-	For all political forces covering up such criminals and their acts their days are numbered and MUST COME OUT IN FULL; for once and disassociate themselves for murders under the Uganda courts of Law.

-	Otherwise they the political forces are part of the criminals and criminal gangs who have been murdering our people with impunity.

-	The people who planned and caused the murdered of Professor Dan Mudoola should face justice NOT ONLY small EXECUTIONERS.

-	All our supporters to do as we have done in the past – demand and forward detailed information of the political forces behind shielding criminals in our society using taxpayers money and in particular the assassination of Professor Dan Mudoola to all members.

No Uganda will ever again die in vain to serve political goals 

When Festo Androa Asenua sought divine intervention to kill from the 
traditional shrine of witchdoctor Ali in Geregere village, in Lugazi, 
his wish was granted.

Androa together with Joseph Denis Kakooza were hired assassins, 
contracted by people from the October 9th Movement. Their target was 
Prof. Dan Mudhola, then vice chairman of the Constitutional Review 

The mission was to eliminate Mudhola and frustrate the Commission's 

On February 20, 1993 at 7.30p.m as Mudhola, with a colleague Dr Francis 
Kidubuka, were having a drink at Container Bar next to Paris Hotel in 
Wandegeya, Androa and Kakooza hurled a grenade, that sniffed them out, 
and seriously injured Prof. Katorobo - all dons at Makerere University.

Everything had gone according to plan but ghosts, which haunted Androa, 
compelled him to go to Ali - for cleansing. 

Ali advised his client to dance at the grave of one of his relatives in 
Lugazi. But he had also tipped off the police after hearing a narration 
of the killings. 

As Androa danced at the grave one evening, the police swooped down on 
him and he was hauled in. 

But his associate, Kakooza, had disappeared. 

Several months later, however, Kakooza stole a bicycle and he was 

After being in custody for days, he confessed to a police constable 
that he could not live with the haunting voices of the dons he had 
helped kill in Wandegeya. 

Uganda's most notorious men: How they were caught
Monitor Jan 18 - 24, 2004




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ugnet_: lend us money will never assist Uganda

2004-01-25 Thread dbbwanika db

Review finance policy
Central Banks in most countries are responsible for the nation's currency stability. Currency is purchased and sold in the open market. Interest rates are either increased or reduced in the currency market in accordance with economic forces.
On the other hand, revenue collection and disbursements in any nation is entrusted to the ministry of finance. And never does a ministry of finance engage in the role of currency management.
The above being cardinal principles, the point therefore is, should a central bank arbitrary deduct a portion of commodity sales proceeds, remitted through a central bank before passing funds for the credit of customer's commercial bank account?
The present policy of free market economy is responsible for poverty in the villages. The World Bank and IMF should know very well that some industrial products and commodities cannot freely be imported into Europe and America. That being the truth in Europe and America, how will Uganda and other developing countries ever establish sustainable industries to compete with those established decades in developed countries? 
It is unfair to impose the conditionally of free market economy based on globalization as a requisite for lending development project funds to poor countries to get us out of poverty..
Unless cotton and coffee price assistance funds are re-established, poverty and economic instability in villages shall continue. My appeal to government therefore is: 
To re-establish the coffee and cotton price assistance funds.
Refund Shs 3.4 billion and Pounds Sterling 6 million to BCU Ltd.
Review the policy of free market economy, which has hot and will never assist Uganda to effectively establish local industries but only used as dumping around for products from industrially developed countries. The globalization hype will never get infant industries in developing countries to compete favourably with industries established in developed countries. The conditionalities to lend us money will never assist Uganda to take off 
W.G. Wanendeya,



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ugnet_: Why are ringer leaders in Mudoola murder -OUT OF JAIL?????????

2004-01-23 Thread dbbwanika db

1. hired assassins, contracted by people from the October 9th Movement

2. ARE THE HIRERS OF Androa AND Joseph Denis Kakooza KNOWN - THEY 




Haunting dons

When Festo Androa Asenua sought divine intervention to kill from the 
traditional shrine of witchdoctor Ali in Geregere village, in Lugazi, 
his wish was granted.

Androa together with Joseph Denis Kakooza were hired assassins, 
contracted by people from the October 9th Movement. Their target was 
Prof. Dan Mudhola, then vice chairman of the Constitutional Review 

The mission was to eliminate Mudhola and frustrate the Commission's 

On February 20, 1993 at 7.30p.m as Mudhola, with a colleague Dr Francis 
Kidubuka, were having a drink at Container Bar next to Paris Hotel in 
Wandegeya, Androa and Kakooza hurled a grenade, that sniffed them out, 
and seriously injured Prof. Katorobo - all dons at Makerere University.

Everything had gone according to plan but ghosts, which haunted Androa, 
compelled him to go to Ali - for cleansing. 

Ali advised his client to dance at the grave of one of his relatives in 
Lugazi. But he had also tipped off the police after hearing a narration 
of the killings. 

As Androa danced at the grave one evening, the police swooped down on 
him and he was hauled in. 

But his associate, Kakooza, had disappeared. 

Several months later, however, Kakooza stole a bicycle and he was 

After being in custody for days, he confessed to a police constable 
that he could not live with the haunting voices of the dons he had 
helped kill in Wandegeya. 

Uganda's most notorious men: How they were caught
Monitor Jan 18 - 24, 2004



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ugnet_: "EXPERT" Luc Maene, urged farmers to use industrial fertilisers

2004-01-23 Thread dbbwanika db



The article below where the so called one "EXPERT" Luc Maene, director 
general of the International Fertilisers Industry Association (IFA) 
argue Uganda to use more biocid products, is a very absurd suggestion, 
unfortunate and smacks of hypocrisy!

Uganda has a lot of perimeters that it can use to produce organically 
grow crops at the same rate (even higher) as anywhere in Europe or 
North America- the decaying rate of biotic material here is not the 
same as in Europe or America becuase of the high warm and wet climate 

Use of industrial fertilisers will only lead to ground water pollution, 
death of small and big mammals, insects and birds. This has already 
occured in Europe and North America only in one century!

In Europe and North America today there are a lot of types of cancers 
and other diseases associated to these chemicals - do they have a 
solution to the problem - NO. NO. NO., and WHY?

Moreover most disease now ravaging these nations are derived and 
directly associated with excessive use of these systhetic fertilizers.  
we must reject such mundane (greed becuase uganda does not produce 
enough of these chemicals so import !) proposal on scientific ground.





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ugnet_: avocado leaves - effective remedy for arthritis

2004-01-23 Thread dbbwanika db


Avocado waves its pro-health banner

Folkloric medicine claims that the decoction of avocado leaves is an 
effective remedy for arthritis. To test this claim, an investigation of 
the anti-inflammatory principles of the fruit would have to be 
undertaken, considering that inflammation is a chief pathological sign 
of rheumatic diseases.
A research team composed of Amelia Guevara, Ma. Pythias Espino, and 
Celeste Chua of the Institute of Chemistry, UP Diliman, undertook this 

Their study, The Anti-Inflammatory Principles of Persea americana, 
Mill., showed that the leaf extracts from Persea americana, familiarly 
known as avocado, were found to inhibit inflammatory activities. The 
crude ethanol extract reduced inflammation by 75.6% at a dosage of 3 
g/kg body weight.

The ethanol was further extracted to give a fraction of hexane, ethyl 
acetate, which yielded compounds that were found to have anti-
inflammatory properties. Their curative power comes principally from 
their ability to inhibit, or at least cause less, platelet aggregation 
that is responsible for producing pro-inflammatory mediators.
>From the hexane fraction was isolated avocadene, a compound which "had 
been previously isolated from the seeds and fruit of persea americana 
and had been tested for anti-bacterial properties," but whose anti-
inflammatory activity had been reported for the first time. It was 
found to have reduced the inflammation induced in test animals (mice) 
by 66.3 % at a dosage of 0.2 g/kg body weight.

The compound isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction, on the other 
hand, reduced the inflammation by 36.6 % at a dosage of 0.2 g/kg body 

This study reinforces the reputation of avocado as a healing herb by 
demonstrating its ability to interfere in inflammatory activity and 
increases the number of ailments (diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pains 
and high blood pressure) for which it is said to have curative effects.
2-Hydroxy-4-oxohenicosan-1-yl Acetate. Its Presence in Avocado and its 
Simple Chemistry

Raymond M. Carman, Alan R. Duffield, Paul N. Handley and Tomislav 

The title compound (1b) is present in avocado leaves. Simple chemistry 
of the compound is described.

Keywords: Avocado; anti-cancer; anti-lactation.

Australian Journal of Chemistry 53(3) 191 - 194 

Full text doi:10.1071/CH00040 



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ugnet_: Kcc Plants Trees in the richs City

2004-01-23 Thread dbbwanika db

KCC is planting trees in Kololo, Ntida (the tax payer) since they, those who stay in Kololo, Ntida Old Portbell, Lower Kololo terrace, Upper Kololo terrace, Old Kampala, Yusuf Lule, Access, Kiira, Jinja and Naguru roads. Trees were also been planted in Nakawa division, Bukesa parish, Wabigalo, Ntinda and Bukoto where they need trees and flowers more than those in slums of Katwe, Makerere Kivulu, Bwaise , Natete, Kinyoro, Naguru, Kitoro etc.

I don’t who will rescue our people from bondage, exploitation, slavery and domination. But we are going to fight these evils and evildoers; it is only a matter of time they think they have the shoes strings


Kcc Plants Trees in City 
  Email This Page 
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New Vision (Kampala) 
January 20, 2004 

KAMPALA City Council (KCC) has launched a tree and flower planting campaign as a way of beautifying the city. 

Francis Lubowa, the city secretary for hygiene and environment improvement, said on Monday that trees and flowers will be planted along various roads in Kampala. 
"Our resolution for this year is to see that Kampala City glitters again. 

We can beautify our city by maintaining cleanliness, planting trees and flowers. We have already planted some trees. 

We are destroying the old flowers so that we plant new ones," Lubowa said. 
He said Bisons Ltd and Nosunic, the companies which were contracted to clean the city will plant the flowers under KCC's supervision. 

Lubowa said KCC has so far planted 2,000 trees. The city authority plans to plant 5,000 trees this year. 
Trees have been planted along Old Portbell, Lower Kololo terrace, Upper Kololo terrace, Old Kampala, Yusuf Lule, Access, Kiira, Jinja and Naguru roads. Trees were also been planted in Nakawa division, Bukesa parish, Wabigalo, Ntinda and Bukoto. 
KCC is also to re-visit its campaign on dilapidated buildings and pavements. 
"We want people to paint or renovate their buildings so that they match with the standards of the city. Pavements should also be renovated. It is not only our responsibility to keep Kampala clean," he added. 
Stray animals will be rounded up as well.



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ugnet_: THE OCTOBER 9 MOVEMENT - throw more light Pleaaaaaase!

2004-01-18 Thread dbbwanika db

1. hired assassins, contracted by people from the October 9th Movement

2. ARE THE HIRERS (ring leaders) OF Androa AND Joseph Denis Kakooza KNOWN - THEY  SHOULD BE ISN'T IT?




Haunting dons

When Festo Androa Asenua sought divine intervention to kill from the 
traditional shrine of witchdoctor Ali in Geregere village, in Lugazi, 
his wish was granted.

Androa together with Joseph Denis Kakooza were hired assassins, 
contracted by people from the October 9th Movement. Their target was 
Prof. Dan Mudhola, then vice chairman of the Constitutional Review 

The mission was to eliminate Mudhola and frustrate the Commission's 

On February 20, 1993 at 7.30p.m as Mudhola, with a colleague Dr Francis 
Kidubuka, were having a drink at Container Bar next to Paris Hotel in 
Wandegeya, Androa and Kakooza hurled a grenade, that sniffed them out, 
and seriously injured Prof. Katorobo - all dons at Makerere University.

Everything had gone according to plan but ghosts, which haunted Androa, 
compelled him to go to Ali - for cleansing. 

Ali advised his client to dance at the grave of one of his relatives in 
Lugazi. But he had also tipped off the police after hearing a narration 
of the killings. 

As Androa danced at the grave one evening, the police swooped down on 
him and he was hauled in. 

But his associate, Kakooza, had disappeared. 

Several months later, however, Kakooza stole a bicycle and he was 

After being in custody for days, he confessed to a police constable 
that he could not live with the haunting voices of the dons he had 
helped kill in Wandegeya. 

Uganda's most notorious men: How they were caught
Monitor Jan 18 - 24, 2004



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ugnet_: A double struggle- encroachment on society can be fought.

2004-01-15 Thread dbbwanika db

Several ways - encroachment on society can be fought.

Joined-Up Services to Tackle Youth Crime: A Case-Study in England

Ros Burnett and Catherine Appleton
Br J Criminol 2004 44: 34-54.

Burglary Victimization in England and Wales, the United States and the
 Netherlands: A Cross-National Comparative Test of Routine Activities and
 Lifestyle Theories

Andromachi Tseloni, Karin Wittebrood, Graham Farrell, and Ken Pease
Br J Criminol 2004 44: 66-91.

-	Refuse to go along with any sort of external influences by summoning counter measures; assimilation, de-agentification, ground criticism, exposure graphically etc. 

-	Culture for novices; assumed to be simply rhetorical, a façade devoid of historicity.

-	But herbal medicines and their administration, languages, granaries (silos) in your village, chicken breeding, sexual behaviours, social crime fighting, millet or banana preparation, family or social settings and organisation (clan systems) are not accidental by knowledge accumulated society behaviours = know-how (science) in a geo-historical setting (Ugandans are not Eskimos)

-	Knowledge should originalisied to provoke an identity principle. 

-	Do scientific research based on what you do and how you do it = TO ALTERING, with a strong marketing strategy to popularise it with genuine meaning impediments. 

-	Systematic Annual festivities in drama, music, local sporting events, harvesting season (grounds deeper praxis) - the relationship of Jesus birthday and the church.

-	You ground an immanent self-censorship by consensus comparison, de-agentifing, demystify and subsequently put foreign intrusion in constant suspect questioning and dispute - a logic of scientific discovery.

-	It is how Nothingness becomes something in the so-called civilised world to imperialise.

-	The constitution allows watching over cultural material wealth and its promotion- the most basic right to cognitive formation.

-	Foreign media is one of the ways cognitive material resources leads to perversion of authenticity. Societies primarily do not change fundamentally but appearances.

-	Fight foreign media through by counterpoising it with domesticate media promotion- 

-	Fashion and modelling – should be domesticated not by coincidence but as a deeper practice – the annual cultural festival attached to historical narratives.

-	Through music and drama media should be reclaimed- to be one and you.

-	Poor people assume have no choice – but culture offers them fundamental material cognitive properties and wealth to celebrate and cultivate in form of a grounded identity from non-identity (nothingness). 

-	Local television and radio should be tamed committed to promotion of local identity otherwise counterpoise it with the same methods external forces use to percolate the mind – the pyscho-pathological intrusion.

-	Let local realities offer the basis of analysis - a story taller, necessitating and providing purpose for the intelligibility of local realities.

-	Reinforce connections; canonising local beliefs to fight, “there is no alternative” set of symptoms of helplessness.  

-	“There is no alternative” disorder is generated by self unconsciousness that when compromised leads to non-identity (African Americans)

-	Actualise consciousness by invoking oppression; colonialism, slavery and their struggles. 

-	Actualised consciousness should ground a reflexive consistence to cab thought stagnation this is where RESEARCH should be made a critical penicillin to freshen up by assimilating what is foreign and domesticating.  




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SV: ugnet_: FDI, UIA - Uganda

2004-01-10 Thread dbbwanika db

Mr. Bwanika: 
Let us agree to disagree: FDI can help Uganda. FDI brings better technology, relaxes the saving-investment constraint etc and has the potential to do well. 
You are dead wrong to assert, "NO country has ever relied on FDI to develop". Economic history is full of them. USA, Canada, Korea, China etc. are what they are today because of FDI.  Initially USA and Canada relied on British and Dutch funding-these two were the leading economies pre-1900.  Most of the railways, bridges and roads that opened up North America were built with British and Dutch money.  Indeed to this day, British and Dutch interests are the dominant foreign investors in America. Japan tried to make some inroads but did not understand the culture and got burnt.  We are talking thousands of billions here.  It is also no wonder that some of the most successful global firms are Dutch, British or America. They normal team up. 
Your statement is actually shocking given the pace at which China is  making progress. China is able to build Namboole because the Americans, British, Dutch and other foreign investors have bailed it out back home.  What did China do before 1972? 
In Uganda’s case look at the telecommunication sector. Did you know that thanks to MTN and Celtel, Uganda was the first country in Africa where cell phone penetration was highest? Other African countries are borrowing the Ugandan model. Do you see how wrong you are about FDI?  If there is one sector shining in Uganda, it is the telecommunication sector. Why? Who are the key players? MTN, Celtel. Without a doubt, it is one of the key contributors to the Ugandan economy. 
It is true that sometimes FDI is squandered. Look at AES and Bujagali.  Do not blame FDI. Ugandans are corrupt and wanted kitu kidogo. Now that does not mean the project should die. If I were advising the movement, instead of using NSSF money to lend to banks, I would float the idea of using NSSF funds to build Bujagali. NSSF would be the key or core investor. But the thinking in Uganda and even among MPs is that a core investor must be foreigner and white!  NSSF should become a core investor in most of the productive sectors being privatized.  Uganda has local funds to build Bujaagali in phases-use NSSF money and let NSSF become the key shareholder. What better way to broaden local ownership than that? Instead we give crocks like the TRI STAR.  
If foreigners will not commit their money in a hostile environment then let us show up our economy with local investment. Trust me, Bwanika; Uganda is going to become less and less attractive as long as uncertainty hangs on our political future. 
If President Museveni is going to run again, let him and his backers just go a head and amend the damn constitution. Most of us are resigned to the fact that he will get his wish.  The President is hurting Uganda’s attractiveness as a destination for FDI.  At the moment Kenya is doing everything, forget the political wrangling there, Mr. Kibaki will outsmart his detractors who know. 
You have a movement with no vision and an opposition that is equally visionless. Messrs Onyango-Obbo, Ouma-Balikowa and Robert Kabushenga-do our country a favor.  Dare the Movement to say what they are up and say it now  because their uncertainty is hurting and it is hurting. Can Uganda afford the uncertainty when our next door is reforming? Bear in mind Mr. Kibaki and his very hard working Finance are very credible in the international community.  Let us get on with it. I think President Museveni should stop being indecisive. Instead of denying the obvious-I hope no one reading this list still has any doubts as to whether President will run again. It is obvious, but some still cling to hope that it will not happen. Too bad. 
Uganda’s problem now is the political uncertainty. My prediction is that with American support, Kony will be killed this year and if the bastard is finally killed, he should be buried in a shallow grave like Savimbi.  
But we have to put the political situation to certainty. Why is president Museveni pro-market in the economy but the opposite in politics? If conception is good for consumers and it is good, why is it not the same for the voter who also happens to be a consumer? 
This is hurting Uganda and the sooner the uncertainty is settled the better.  We shall soon become the least attractive country with EA, more so should the Union materialize. 

Subject: FDI, UIA - Uganda 
Mr. Ojambo 
- Let me repeat FDI will never ever develop Uganda; I offer 
examples in that respect; 
- What is the price tag of a T-72 second hand Russian made tank 
(between $730,000 - $850,000), MIG 23 or 25-fighter plane or an MI 
- It takes less than four seconds to destroy a tank by an anti- 
tank device you see the

ugnet_: FDI, UIA - Uganda

2004-01-10 Thread dbbwanika db

Mr. Ojambo 

-	Let me repeat FDI will never ever develop Uganda; I offer examples in that respect;

-	What is the price tag of a T-72 second hand Russian made tank (between $730,000 - $850,000), MIG 23 or 25-fighter plane or an MI helicopter?

-	It takes less than four seconds to destroy a tank by an anti-tank device you see these images daily don’t you?

-	Now how many houses will one T-72 second hand Russian tank, build in Uganda? Let alone how many construction engineers will it train?

-	Mark you Uganda does not have any sort of INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENT in the fabrication of machine tools and design 

-	NOT even a SCHOOL in machine design or tool fabrication! MADHVANI at jinja!

-	One home stead, one house has all the necessary industrial establishment in a nation state; TV, Telephones, Cookers, refrigeration, Radios, washing machines, carpets, utensils, furniture, clothing (agoa), books (paper), food etc,.

-	Not least material for building that very house; bricks cement, paints, wall paper, electrical fittings, roofing, stones, wood and timber etc,.

-	Who built Bugologi flats – Israeli firm – who build Ndegge, Lubiri, Mengo, Tororo, Nabisunsa and other such schools Israeli firms 

-	Can you compare such school structures to UPE building structures –NO! And why?

-	In China and other Asian states – the army in a pre- monetariesed economic (financial instruments & stock exchange) state does such work. 

-	What is Uganda army doing; wars in Congo, Sudan, Teso, Karamoja, Kasese etc,.

-	Who built Mulago hospital, Gulu road, Jinja, Jinja- Tororo, Mudende- Fort portal, Masaka, Entebbe road, Pakwacha Arua- foreign companies!

-	Why not Ugandans to build hospitals, schools, roads?

-	Who built such institutions in china?

-	China built Namboole and indeed all-national stadiums in China are designed and built by the army NOT DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENTS.

-	What happens if those roads deteriorate- BORROW FROM THE WORLD BANK, IMF and contract the same firms for job.

-	WHERE ARE UGANDA PROFESSIONALS- aduyi, kimpimizi- non historicals, non revolutionaries (rubbish)

-	Europe and the USA plus Canada and Australia never used DFI to develop apart from Hitler’s Germany, which was bombarded to ashes necessitating the so-called marshal plan.  

-	 NRM will never develop Uganda. why? 

-	Ugandans do not have the experience, hands on skills, research and there is no effort at all made by the state in mobilising people in doing so.

-	Uganda require only about 6 billion shilling to off set – agricultural production through buying off surplus produce (Magny Maize)

-	With National silos, freezers in specified location – Uganda in a period of one year will be exporting beef meat, groundnuts, fresh peas; fruits concentrate, cotton, tea and dried products to the Middle East.

-	During the FIRST AND SECOND WORLD WAR, Britain through its administrative core in Uganda, used local farmers to supply: cotton, groundnuts, beans, tobacco, tea, cattle, timber and even hard cash from taxation! In thousands of pounds (billions of shilling today)

-	China is not transforming because of foreign direct investment – NO 

-	China long ago mobilised its army (ARMED FORCES) in engineers, doctors, pharmacist, scientist etc;, in building factories, roads, schools, cleaning cities, doing research etc.,

-	Uganda army, NRA (UPDF), amuka group, arrow group under the Presidential Special Brigade uses the same people as cannon fodder to practice what majors have learnt abroad to the amusement of the NRA leadership! 

-	In essence killing its own people in sham rebellisonism.

-	China, South Korean, Singapore, Malayasi, Taiwan, Indonesia besides the Philippines which thought USA could build roads schools etc, all those countries raised huge armies to do society transformative work.

-	Is that what I want in Uganda yes- 

-	But NOT under NRM that has shown a primitive state of thought structures- it will kill people why?

-	Uganda does not need any foreign ideaology, money, but only its peoples needs and demands – to transform.

-	For NRM when it wants a war there’s money, material and people!

-	When it comes to society needs there is no money, material and people.

-	When there is need to go to the Congo there is money, material and people.
-	When Ugandans need medicare, schooling facilitiesm, houses, public transport there is no money, material and people.

-	NRM itself the destroyed all public entities by selling them to themselves; Textile mills, Public Hotels, Transport (buses, airlines, trains), etc,. 

-	How do you trust such people now claiming to be democrats?

-	NRM from the start NEVER UNDERSTOOD and MISINTERPRETed Marxism, socialism – Marx was against the state and Marxsim is misunderstood or misused in exactly the same way Moa tse Tung did to the Chinese or Pol Pot!

-	Read Karl Marx Grundrisse (translation by Martin Nicolaus) 1973, pg 100 – 111):  The method of Political Economy.

ugnet_: Civilisation & counter Civilisation- distribute widely

2004-01-09 Thread dbbwanika db

Everybody should be involved- this is a delibrate effort to counter efforts by some elements within our society to destroy what is authentically African, and Ugandan. Do you know how pornographic videos and other sch material reach Uganda? 

There are a number of Northe American and European gyas possing as evengalicals preaching in day light doing something else at night. We have seen a lot of such gods 

Try and find out- the only counter force is massive distribution of Black struggles, oppression, slaverly, murder etc,. everywhere in the world to Uganda Univeristies, schools and cinema locations. This can be copied on CDs, DVD etc, and disributed to schools widely. 

forward this messages every where and to everyday.



>Subject: RE: ugnet_: Assist get hold of Videos of African history\ reply 

>Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 15:43:14 -0500 

>MIME-Version: 1.0 




>   The easiest to get are: 

>1. Malcom X movie. You can buy it even from Amazon .com 

>2. Rodiny King beating in Los Angeles. You can get this from Africa 

>American organizations. check Google. 





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ugnet_: The Japanese, Culture , Tradition, Their society and Economics

2004-01-05 Thread dbbwanika db

There is a quite interesting article at click below



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