Re: [Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in Gulu

2005-08-09 Thread Edward Mulindwa


When Besigye was in NRM, were the people of 
Northern Uganda not in camps? What did he do or talk bout it? When he left NRM 
has he told any one what he knows about the Konny issue according to the massive 
information he has he as a former personal Doctor of Museveni? 
To me this is a classic example of how these people 
use Ugandans. Today the population of North is important to Besigye although it 
was not important to him when he was in NRM or even when he left NRM. That is a 
very good sign that the will forget them when he gets to power, that is if he 
even has a millionth or a chance. And let me state this as well. Kiiza Besigye 
while in the bush was very against the return of Buganda kingdom, and people 
like Mrs. Njuba fought tooth and nail to see that they work against him to 
reinstate it when they reach power, but Besigye's first word in his campaigning 
last time, was very simple. I will be a great friend of Baganda. Besigye did not 
tell us which Ugandans he will be an enemy.

I continue to have a huge problem with this man, 
just for the record.


The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

  - Original Message - 
  B Wambuga 
  To: Uganda Net 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 1:03 
  Subject: [Ugnet] Besigye addresses people 
  in Gulu
  Beseigye addressed people in Gulu over the weekend by Phone. Read for 
  your self and hear what he had to say.

  Besigye addresses Gulu rally on phone




  Col. Dr. Kizza 
By Chris Ochowun THE exiled chief of the Forum for 
Democratic Change (FDC), retired Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye (right), on 
Sunday addressed a vast crowd who braved the scorching sun at Kaunda 
ground to witness the launch of the party FDC office in Gulu. He 
addressed them by telephone from South Africa. Besigye said 
President Yoweri Museveni had subjected the Acholi to dehumanising 
conditions in the displaced people’s camps. He called MP Reagan Okumu’s 
phone which was connected to loud speakers. The crowd cheered with 
excitement as Besigye addressed them. He said, “I salute you all 
the people of Acholi upon your firm decision to support the launch of 
FDC offices in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts.” He said it was 
unfortunate that the Acholi had been left homeless and hungry because of 
the bad leadership of Museveni. “We shall not allow this kind of 
dictatorship to continue and the dry banana leaves people are being 
forced to carry should go back where they belong,” he said. 
Foreign friends of the dictator have abandoned him because he is 
war monger, corrupt and violations of the constitution and human 
rights”, Besigye told the crowd in a 9 minutes address during the launch 
of FDC in Gulu. He said legitimate leaders of Acholi were being 
subjected to torture and imprisonment and were being blackmailed by the 
Published on: Tuesday, 9th August, 
  B. Wambuga wa 
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RE: [Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in Gulu

2005-08-09 Thread Okuto del Coli

Yet another extra-logical structure. Hmm, when will it end?!The UPC's nearly two decade long obscure division of responsibilities and jurisdictions that subsequently culminated into direct power struggle between the "INTERNAL LEADER FRATERNITY" (On the ground) and the "EXILE FRATERNITY" does not seem to offer situations to learn from. Indeed it is only in Uganda that people do not grow!!And we have over 20 million Ugandan, they say. Poh, yet another extra logical phenomenon!
I did not agree with my mate Mzee Jabu this morning when he called me from Nakuru, Kenya, to tell me that he perceives my position toward the FDC as bias ostracism. Funny, I thought he knew me well enough. He has otherwise,  known me way back to the good old days of NYONGOISM. Anyone who knows me better know that "Nyongoanisation", ostracism, secularisation or any other form of bulling or encroachments are phenomena that can justifiably not be associated with me. So even this time around.
My beef is truthfulness. I am very allergic to false personalities, period!!! B4eyond that, it does not matter if they are called George Nockrach-laduma, Mulindwa, Musseveni, Besigye or what ever.
Like I was saying, it is only in Uganda that people do not grow. No generation gap. No responsibility. No accountability..., nothing. Take the whole Uganda for a ride and, they will still tickle your back.
If the FDC is not a political party but an umbrella convergence would it not make more senses if they were coordinated by people who are active on the ground?! Why some one in exile?! 
Or is the FDC in actual fact, a masqueraded political party?!
In which case, why are they afraid to play straight?
Last time around Col. Besigye was an exotic novice of a challenge to President Musseveni. People were curious about the odd reality: a renegade, the presidents own best friend dropping in the cold and gutting up to stand against his mentor?!?!?!?? That was one situation too much for the electorate. It aroused curiosity and earned a few votes and popularity.
This time around the situation is different. He is now judged from his direct contributions to developments (positve or negative developments). What has his opposition to the regime offered? How has he conducted his opposition? What kind of influence does he have in Uganda today that guarantees that he is capable of accomplishing his visions?
The questions are many. You can extend it any length. Feel free!!
What did he think about Obote running the UPC from EXILE?! I am sure the tone was different then. Talk about Uganda's Animal Farm!!!
Ugandan situation is particularly fragile. For the moment, I would think the category of politicians we need most are those who actively participate directly on the ground and, whose impact are clearly viewed. De facto political and military power structure and distribution of the same does not appear to generate confidence on "REMOTE CONTROL" from castles in the air.
It is even an insult to address a rally by means of a mobile phone. He is even detaching himself by "showing off" to our poor commonality who themselves hardly have mobile cell phone!!
But, what do I know?!?! Strange things have always happened before and stranger things will always happen.
noc'l--- On Tue 08/09, B Wambuga  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
From: B Wambuga [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: ugandanet@kym.netDate: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 22:03:58 -0700 (PDT)Subject: [Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in GuluNetters,Beseigye addressed people in Gulu over the weekend by Phone. Read for your self and hear what he had to say.--

Besigye addresses Gulu rally on phone

Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye
By Chris Ochowun THE exiled chief of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), retired Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye (right), on Sunday addressed a vast crowd who braved the scorching sun at Kaunda ground to witness the launch of the party FDC office in Gulu. He addressed them by telephone from South Africa. Besigye said President Yoweri Museveni had subjected the Acholi to dehumanising conditions in the displaced people’s camps. He called MP Reagan Okumu’s phone which was connected to loud speakers. The crowd cheered with excitement as Besigye addressed them. He said, “I salute you all the people of Acholi upon your firm decision to support the launch of FDC offices in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts.” He said it was unfortunate that the Acholi had been left homeless and hungry because of the bad leadership of Museveni. “We shall not allow this kind of dictatorship to continue and the dry banana leaves people are being 
forced to carry should go back where they belong,” he said. Foreign friends of the dictator have abandoned him because he is war monger, corrupt and violations of the constitution and human rights”, Besigye told the crowd in a 9 minutes address during the launch of FDC in Gulu. He said legitimate leaders of Acholi were being subjected to torture and imprisonment and were being blackmailed 

Re: [Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in Gulu

2005-08-09 Thread Okuto del Coli
 And Edward, if the FDC is not a political party, doe it not seem odd that the person labouring hard to converge the opposition does so from so far away from the electorate?!? What is his capacity then?! A free-rider?!rgdsnoc'l--- On Tue 08/09, Edward Mulindwa  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:From: Edward Mulindwa [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:, [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 06:26:23 -0400Subject: Re: [Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in Gulu

Ugandans When Besigye was in NRM, were the people of Northern Uganda not in camps? What did he do or talk bout it? When he left NRM has he told any one what he knows about the Konny issue according to the massive information he has he as a former personal Doctor of Museveni? To me this is a classic example of how these people use Ugandans. Today the population of North is important to Besigye although it was not important to him when he was in NRM or even when he left NRM. That is a very good sign that the will forget them when he gets to power, that is if he even has a millionth or a chance. And let me state this as well. Kiiza Besigye while in the bush was very against the return of Buganda kingdom, and people like Mrs. Njuba fought tooth and nail to see that they work against him to reinstate it when they reach power, but Besigye's first word in 
his campaigning last time, was very simple. I will be a great friend of Baganda. Besigye did not tell us which Ugandans he will be an enemy. I continue to have a huge problem with this man, just for the record. EmToronto  The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
- Original Message - From: B Wambuga To: Uganda Net Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 1:03 AMSubject: [Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in GuluNetters,Beseigye addressed people in Gulu over the weekend by Phone. Read for your self and hear what he had to say.--

Besigye addresses Gulu rally on phone

Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye
By Chris Ochowun THE exiled chief of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), retired Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye (right), on Sunday addressed a vast crowd who braved the scorching sun at Kaunda ground to witness the launch of the party FDC office in Gulu. He addressed them by telephone from South Africa. Besigye said President Yoweri Museveni had subjected the Acholi to dehumanising conditions in the displaced people’s camps. He called MP Reagan Okumu’s phone which was connected to loud speakers. The crowd cheered with excitement as Besigye addressed them. He said, “I salute you all the people of Acholi upon your firm decision to support the launch of FDC offices in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts.” He said it was unfortunate that the Acholi had been left homeless and hungry because of the bad leadership of Museveni. “We shall not allow this kind of dictatorship to continue and the dry banana leaves people are being forced to carry
should go back where they belong,” he said. Foreign friends of the dictator have abandoned him because he is war monger, corrupt and violations of the constitution and human rights”, Besigye told the crowd in a 9 minutes address during the launch of FDC in Gulu. He said legitimate leaders of Acholi were being subjected to torture and imprisonment and were being blackmailed by the dictatorship.
Published on: Tuesday, 9th August, 2005--Thanks,
B. Wambuga wa Balongo__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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[Ugnet] Besigye addresses people in Gulu

2005-08-08 Thread B Wambuga
Beseigye addressed people in Gulu over the weekend by Phone. Read for your self and hear what he had to say.

Besigye addresses Gulu rally on phone

Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye
By Chris Ochowun THE exiled chief of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), retired Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye (right), on Sunday addressed a vast crowd who braved the scorching sun at Kaunda ground to witness the launch of the party FDC office in Gulu. He addressed them by telephone from South Africa. Besigye said President Yoweri Museveni had subjected the Acholi to dehumanising conditions in the displaced people’s camps. He called MP Reagan Okumu’s phone which was connected to loud speakers. The crowd cheered with excitement as Besigye addressed them. He said, “I salute you all the people of Acholi upon your firm decision to support the launch of FDC offices in Gulu, Kitgum and Pader districts.” He said it was unfortunate that the Acholi had been left homeless and hungry because of the bad leadership of Museveni. “We shall not allow this kind of dictatorship to continue and the dry banana leaves people are being forced to carry
 go back where they belong,” he said. Foreign friends of the dictator have abandoned him because he is war monger, corrupt and violations of the constitution and human rights”, Besigye told the crowd in a 9 minutes address during the launch of FDC in Gulu. He said legitimate leaders of Acholi were being subjected to torture and imprisonment and were being blackmailed by the dictatorship.
Published on: Tuesday, 9th August, 2005--
B. Wambuga wa Balongo__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ___
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