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2008-01-25 Thread Philip Forrest

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[UC] 46th Walnut police action

2007-08-07 Thread Philip Forrest
Anyone know what happened at 46th  Walnut to necessitate about 20 patrol 
vehicles converging on the house just north of the Super7 about 1/2 hour ago?  
Whatever happened is still going on as of 8:28pm, the chopper is flying 
overhead, spotlight on  it looks like they are searching hard for someone.

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Re: Spoofed by a UC Listserv member who doesn't play fair with the facts [was: [UC] Listserve Reform of the UC list]

2007-07-29 Thread Philip Forrest
It is exactly the behavior of Al and others who spew filth which forces me to 
only pay attention to the posts about muggings and the occasional sale of 
something somewhere in the hood.  Aside from the .05% of real information on 
this list, all is deleted.
It's been this way since I signed up, and for however long before then I'm 
sure.  This is the symptom of our people in this country who just want to 
talk, talk, talk and increase the decibel level with each word, but say 
nothing of merit.  It's what has turned me off from becoming a journalist 
since everyone wants to just make personal attacks, see their words paid 
attention to and not actually work together to make this a better 
neighborhood, city, country and hopefully a better world.
You all who continue to attack, counter-attack and so on, should really grow 
up.  This is not an elementary school playground (of course, this nation DOES 
only have an average of an 8th grade education, so maybe that's a stretch) 
it's supposed to have some semblance of maturity as I am led to believe that 
we all are adults.  Maybe adults physically only, as I've seen mostly 
playground arguments here in my last 1.5 years of being a list subscriber.  
Please grow up.  You know who you are.  If that's not a viable option, 
please suck a tailpipe, hang yourself, borrow a pistol from an NRA buddy, do 
something to rid the world of your evil f**king presence. *

There.  My hat is now in the ring.  Feel free to post all sorts of your usual 
immaturity directed at me.  Be satisfied in knowing that I'm just pushing 
the 'delete' button and not reading a damned word you spew.
Thanks for your time.

*Note: Quoted from Bill Hicks

On Sunday 29 July 2007 11:38, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 7/28/07 11:01:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hear, hear!
  If the name of this new forum is as Al Krigman wrote, that says it all.
  In a message dated 7/28/07 10:00:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Still here. Haven't joined the list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] yet.
 Don't plan to.
  Al Krigman


 You've been had.   The name of Kyle Cassidy's new listserv is NOT as Al
 Krigman wrote.   Kyle's listserv is:

 Al is spoofing, yet again.   Many times, he's posted misinformation to the
 listserv.   Do you remember when Al rewrote and posted an Inquirer article
 so that it appeared that Prince Charles was coming to Clark Park?   Al had
 Brian Siano getting his cameras ready!   And Al let the planning posts
 about the visit go on and on, till I looked up the actual article and
 posted the link, showing that the Inquirer made no mention of a visit to
 Clark Park.

 Okay, that may have been a sort of funny joke.   And making up a fake
 listserv address for Kyle's list today may be a mildly humorous joke.   But
 Al has also posted misleading information about the UCD many times,
 stirring up opposition to it, and that's not funny or fair or good list
 behavior.   It's fine if University City folks choose to oppose the UCD for
 legitimate, factual, reasons - but quite different if they are led to
 oppose the UCD because they believe the misinformation and exaggerations of
 someone who doesn't play fair with the facts in a public forum.

 On the current listserv, every time a frequent poster launches into a
 message containing inaccurate, exaggerated or downright untrue facts,
 somebody else feels compelled to contradict the original story, and the
 arguments are unending.  I'm doing it now, since you believed Al's
 ridiculous address for Kyle's list.   This is a waste of too many peoples'
 time and takes up too many messages.   I've been a fan of the original UC
 listserv for many years - it's over ten years old now - but the posting of
 false facts and the arguments that follow is a serious problem.   On an
 unmoderated list, there's no consequences for posting false information.  
 I'm hoping that on Kyle's new, slightly moderated list, this problem will
 be eliminated.

 Melani Lamond

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Re: [UC] Daytime Mugging

2007-07-27 Thread Philip Forrest
This is terribly unfortunate.  It's good that no one was hurt.
As for the remote control looking device, they were probably trying to dial 
into keyless locks on cars.  There are only so many frequencies that can be 
used  a few appliances (garage door openers, TV/VCR remotes, etc.) can have 
overlapping activation frequencies for keyless locks in cars.  It's 
much friendlier that way, less obvious and safer for the crook, not that we 
care though.  If they want in, they'll use a rock, hammer, brick, spring 
punch or whatever to get in though, as many of us have found out.
Again, good that you're all safe.


On Friday 27 July 2007 20:28, Robin Gresham-Chin wrote:
 Today between 3:30 and 4:00 PM my daughter and I were parking on Pine
 St. near 46th.  I noticed two male teens walking very slowly on the
 other side of the street. I felt they were up to no good so I told my
 daughter not to unlock the car door.  The young men were looking in
 cars as they passed and glancing around as if to check who might be
 observing them. They eventually noticed us watching and picked up
 their pace.  After they were down the street and had crossed 46th St.
 We got out of the car and started for our gate.  We decided to keep
 an eye on them as there was a young woman standing on the corner.
 They walked past her then turned around. The larger of the two
 grabbed her from behind,  put his had over her mouth and put her in a
 choke hold.  The other tried to grab her bag.  My daughter screamed,
 Get off her and I dialed 911.  Both of the teens ran down 46th St.
 toward Baltimore.  The poor young woman was a student from Thailand
 who wanted to rent an apt. in the neighborhood.  She was on the phone
 talking to the landlord when she was attacked. She and we reported
 the incident to both the Philadelphia and PENN police.  Both
 responded to the call.  We invited her into our home afterward to
 rest and compose herself and then took her back to school.  Her neck
 was a little sore but she was OK.

 The teens were between 15-19, black males.  One was approx. 5'
 10-6', slim build, short black hair.
 The other was around 5' 5, slim, black hair about 2 long.  He was
 carrying a shiny silver object that looked like a remote control for
 a TV.  He may have had a scar or deep depression on the right side of
 his face.

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Re: [UC] Photos from the orchestra in the park

2007-07-23 Thread Philip Forrest
The attempt at control of media recording the activities of the symphony is 
probably due also to the very stringent guidelines of the performers' union.  
Usually, only very official photos of the performers are allowed to be 
published.  They must be doing just their job and nothing more.  No nose 
picking, no looking at the audience, no talking, etc.  they can lose their 
jobs for being photographed doing something other than playing or keeping up 
with their music between times when they have to play.
Perhaps this was just an attempt at courtesy for the benefit of the musicians.


On Monday 23 July 2007 18:41, Turner,Kathleen wrote:
 I suspect that if you look at the program from any performance of the
 Philadelphia Orchestra, there will be a statement to the effect that all
 recording and photography rights are reserved -- just as they are when you
 go to nearly any concert, I don't care whether it's the Rolling Stones or
 Raffi.  The fact that the concert was free and in a public place doesn't
 override their right to control publication of photographs of the orchestra
 - and posting of photographs on a web site does constitute publication.

 Frankly, I'm quite surprised that people find this so surprising!



 Sent: Mon 7/23/2007 6:29 PM
 To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
 Subject: Re: [UC] Photos from the orchestra in the park

 In a message dated 7/23/2007 6:08:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

   the Philadelphia Orchestra should be ashamed

 The orchestra and its second-string (good enough for the bumpkins)
 conductor only got $80,000 to oom-pah in the specially-seeded Clark Park
 bowl. So they obviously made a big sacrifice to grace our little community
 and should at least have exclusive rights to audio and visual records of
 their having been there.

 After all, if you were the great Philadelphia Orchestra -- and had to stoop
 to come to a place where there might be mosquitos, screaming children,
 Neanderthals who wouldn't know Buxtehude from Albinoni, unleashed dogs
 (some of them mongrel), anarchists, greedy slumlords, lawyers, the
 anointed, the benighted, and others too depraved to even think about -- for
 a measly $80,000, wouldn't you want to be sure that any and all
 documentation of the embarrassment was in your hands so it could be
 suppressed too?

 Al Krigman
 Left of Richard Wagner


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Re: [UC] shared bikes?

2007-07-19 Thread Philip Forrest
This wouldn't work in Philly unless there were such a flood of bikes that it 
became not profitable to steal bicycles.  There are too many entrepreneurs 
in the city who would steal a bike or ten if they were available for that 
theft.  Bike locks are only a means to stall a thief not prevent bike theft.  
I wish philly were a more friendly bike commuter city, but until gas reaches 
$7 a gallon, people are still going to drive as much as ever.
Some day though, we'll all be forced to ride bikes.

On Thursday 19 July 2007 18:56, Isabel Lugo wrote:
 Recently I read an article in the New York Times about Velib, a
 bike-sharing program in Paris.  People can rent bikes for a small fee,
 and they do not need to be left where they came from but can be left
 at any of a wide variety of stations throughout the city.   Thus you
 can, for example, get on a bike for one's morning commute, leave it at
 a station near work, and then   use a different bike to go home; you
 only pay for, say, the half-hour in the morning and the half-hour in
 the evening.  (Actually, trips less than a half-hour are free; I'm not
 sure whether this is because the program is supported by tax dollars,
 or if they make enough money on people taking more than half an hour
 that they can afford this and still expect to make a profit.) This is
 different from most of the car-sharing companies which require you to
 bring the car back where you got it.

 The New York Times article (July 10) isn't accessible unless you have
 Times Select.  The Velib web site
 (http://www.velib.paris.fr/comment_ca_marche/faq__1) does a decent job
 of explaining it, I think, although it's (surprise!) in French.  (I'm
 actually a bit surprised there's no English translation, because if I
 remember correctly the NYT article said that they wanted to market it
 to tourists as well as locals.)

 Anyway, what I'm wondering is -- is there some obvious reason this
 wouldn't work in, say, Philadelphia?  I'm always seeing people on
 bikes here.   I'd sign up.  I don't have a bike and don't want to deal
 with the hassle of having to keep it somewhere (small apartment),
 maintain it, etc., but often I find myself wishing I had one.

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[UC] curb your dog...

2007-06-29 Thread Philip Forrest
but not on my front steps.
Here at chez Cassidy (I'm one of his tenants) twice this week we've had 
incidents with someone leaving feces on our steps.
This is absolutely disgusting and very un-neighbor-like.  When I find the 
owner-culprit, I'm going to rub their nose in it.  (the owner, not the pet)
Please clean up after your pets.


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Re: [UC] Deer in Woodland Cemetary

2007-05-21 Thread Philip Forrest
Very unafraid, used to  joggers, bikers, walkers, and cars.
This is a problem, when it comes to deer.  Deer are large, WILD animals.  Yes, 
it's sad to see them be killed, but they are a potential hazard to the 
aforementioned joggers, bikers, walkers and cars.  For the most part, they 
are harmless, but they can injure people and property.
If there is to be some large, concerted effort to humanely remove the deer 
from the cemetery and relocate them, please don't dip into my tax dollars to 
do so.  Operations like that can reach into the hundreds of thousands of 
dollars.  Call me a scrooge, but there are plenty of deer for everyone to 
have some in PA, they just aren't in the cities and really shouldn't be.


On Monday 21 May 2007 07:37, J. Matthew Wolfe wrote:
 You stated in your email:

 Can anyone offer some help with the situation described below?  Please
 contact Opa Hamilton at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 R. Mimi Iijima

 I cannot help myself, as I am not a hunter, but I do have several friends
 who are and would be happy to supplement the game wardens to rid our
 neighborhood of this plague of deer.  I will let them know to contact the
 Game Commission.

 Thanks for alerting me to this problem.


There are deer in the cemetery on Woodland by VA Hosp., maybe you have
 been and seen them.  I go often to see them.  They stand on  hind legs and
 nibble lower leaves of the trees, it is beautiful.   They are there to see
 at dusk and early in the mornings.  There  are several fawns now.  They
 come and go via paths along the  river.  They have other hangouts too.
 unafraid, used to  joggers, bikers, walkers, and cars.
   Two policeman were there  also watching them tonight and told me that
 deer will be killed by  game wardens on May 23rd (this is May 20th!!!)
 They were  concerned and wondered why no one is trying to stop them.  I
 don't  think anyone knows.
   I was hot online tonight and emailed a  lot of animal activist groups,
 hopefully at least, someone that knows  the ropes can check it out
 tomorrow  I don't think the police  would be pulling my leg about
 something like that.  They seemed  really concerned and appreciative of
 having deer here in the  city.
   If you know any avenues, or interested  people...  Anything I hear I can
 forward.  Two of the groups  responded and emailed their people...  cc'd
 to me.
   It  would make me sick to know they were dead.  I know there are too
 many deer in PA.  But NOT TOO MANY IN THE CITYThey could thin the
 herd?  Leave the fawns?
Sorry for bad news.   opa

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[UC] Possible stolen mail

2007-05-20 Thread Philip Forrest
I have had two, possibly three incidents (not sure about the third yet) of 
mailed items being stolen from our entryway at Chez Cassidy.  I'm one of 
Kyle's tenants and a neighbor had also mentioned not ever having received 
something they'd been waiting for.  Hopefully, this is just a case of late 
mail, but so far there has been delivery confirmation of two of my items, 
both of which are missing.  This is on the 200 block of 46th St, between 
Walnut  Locust.  The items missing will be of little to no value to the 
would-be thief, but are rather important to me.  If anyone has had any 
similar activity locally in the last few weeks, perhaps we can work to help 
stop this.
Thanks all.

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Re: [UC] Trees on 4500 Walnut Street

2007-04-22 Thread Philip Forrest
I'm not one for litigation so much, but there needs to be some recourse here.  
If there is writing or photos or even witnesses who saw the contractors 
sawing roots, they need to be brought to task and something needs to be made 
right.  Those trees stood for decades without falling.  2 months of root 
suffocation wouldn't kill the tree, especially since the soil was quite moist 
for those months.  That side of the block is ugly now and it's because of 
cutting corners.  Cars were destroyed, people were put in danger, thousands 
of dollars in resources were spent, thousands of residents were 
inconvenienced.  Us Philly taxpayers are footing the bill for a contractor's 


On Sunday 22 April 2007 12:32, UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN wrote:
 S. Sharrieff Ali wrote:
  Now we have something valuable for the local zoning committees to look

 or maybe something valuable for uc green to look into
 (pruning and thinning).

 [aka laserbeam®]
 [aka ray]

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Re: [UC] Trees on 4500 Walnut Street

2007-04-22 Thread Philip Forrest
Also, I happen to know of a woman who lost her husband and unborn child due 
to a tree falling on the car her family was riding in, she was seriously 
injured but lived. Not a happy picture. It was just lucky the trees didn't 
kill anyone.

So WAS someone killed or was someone NOT killed?  You might want to clarify.  
Husband and an unborn child sounds like someone was killed to me.


On Sunday 22 April 2007 19:27, S. Sharrieff Ali wrote:
 Someone private-mailed me and accused me of  dime-dropping on the
 with LI and asked me to post a clarification.

 I don't plan to dime-drop on anyone, not my place. I plan to check
 LI to see what the regulations are, what forms are used.

 I keep seeing sidewalks with cement all around the base of trees not
 enough room for water. I had an incident a few years ago with a
 neighbor's tree
 he cemented around the base, the tree later fell and destroyed my fence!

 Also, I happen to know of a woman who lost her husband and unborn child
 to a tree falling on the car her family was riding in, she was seriously
 injured but
 lived. Not a happy picture. It was just lucky the trees didn't kill

 Act of God? . probably not. I think man had a hand in this one.


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Re: Fwd: [UC] Trees on 4500 Walnut Street

2007-04-22 Thread Philip Forrest
That's easy, you build up your frame a little higher and make the sidewalk 
thicker.  They don't have to be perfectly level either.  None of these 
sidewalks in Philly are.  It's just a little bit more material usage, but in 
the end, like in most situations, a little more investment, patience and work 
put into the project makes it more worthwhile and longer lasting.  

On Sunday 22 April 2007 20:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Perhaps if any of the tree experts on the list know, it would be helpful
 to post guidance on the accepted standards for tree openings in sidewalks.

  The trees no doubt would prefer no concrete at all. It seems obvious that
 laying the concrete up against the trunk is really bad. But what is one to
 do, when its time to replace the sidewalk, especially if the roots are
 pushing up the concrete causing tripping hazards and hassles for those in
 wheelchairs, baby carriages, etc?

  -Original Message-
  To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
  Sent: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 7:27 PM
  Subject: RE: [UC] Trees on 4500 Walnut Street

Someone private-mailed me and accused me of  “dime-dropping” on the
 “whoever”  with LI and asked me to post a clarification.   I don’t plan to
 “dime-drop” on anyone, not my place. I plan to check with LI to see what
 the regulations are, what forms are used.I keep seeing sidewalks with
 cement all around the base of trees not leaving  enough room for water. I
 had an incident a few years ago with a neighbor’s tree he cemented around
 the base, the tree later fell and destroyed my fence!   Also, I happen to
 know of a woman who lost her husband and unborn child due  to a tree
 falling on the car her family was riding in, she was seriously injured but 
 lived. Not a happy picture. It was just lucky the trees didn’t kill anyone.
Act of God? … probably not. I think man had a hand in this one.   S
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Re: [UC] Why the Virginia Tech Shootings Happened

2007-04-20 Thread Philip Forrest
In the eyes of editors who need to sell advertising (the reason for the so 
called news in the first place) Iraqi lives are worth less than dead American 
service members.  Dead American service members are worth less advertising 
dollars than the gold mine of dead students at Virginia Tech.  This is 
probably the biggest reason I'm not going back into photojournalism 
professionally for a career.  I refuse to have my photos put value on human 
life.  No matter how much we cover the suffering in Baghdad, Fallujah, 
Jenin-Jenin, or any other location not in this country, those stories will 
still sell less advertising than events like the VT or Columbine, CO 
shootings.  Part of it is the American psyche which is still a bit 
isolationist and xenophobe.  If it doesn't affect us directly, it may be sad 
but we don't do anything about it.  Maybe put a magnetic ribbon on our car to 
pay lip service to whatever cause is mentioned on the ribbon.  It 
marginalizes our very existence and no matter what great import any 
photojournalist's images feature, the pathetic truth is that the news will 
still show what the market will sell.  News is a commodity not a service. 
End of rant.


On Friday 20 April 2007 11:09, Mario Giorno wrote:

  This disparate level of coverage over Iraqis who die in the
 conflict/police action/insurgent war/civil war in Iraq versus the 32
 murdered students at VT is a form of cultural and national dissonant
 communication. It part of the debate over the editorializing of all news
 coverage, where the editors of news papers and TV news departments must
 decide what events to cover and to what extent they should cover them over

  The VT murders along with the Columbine murders take precedence on
 U.S. new coverage, mostly because it's (1) An event occurring within the
 U.S., (2) it's a bleeding lead, which is just another way of saying that if
 enough human death or injury, the more interesting and relevant the story
 becomes to the general public and (3) it was performed by a purpetrator, a
 bad guy, who could be immediately or quickly identified and vilified.

  The past weeks death toll in Baghdad and its outskirts from either
 insurgent terrorist/Suni-on-Shia attacks do qualify as lead stories and
 have been prevelantly covered in print media and TV news sources. This news
 item certainly meets the second and third criteria mentioned above, but not
 the first and this is the problem. The approximate 150 deaths in Baghdad
 this week were poor, faceless Iraqi citizens who have no real, truly
 secular national news media. If an Iraq press or TV network of any
 journalistic standing actually put forward all of these deaths in a news
 story that got 24-hr a day coverage, then the U.S. news agencies could
 carry those stories through to the U.S. market more readily and actually
 put faces to these faceless Iraqis. However, Iraqi media is controlled by
 religious sectarian groups who don't report from a non-biased secular
 tradition of journalism.

  As far as U.S. media keeping these dead Iraqis on TV or in print
 constantly for a week or more would also require that people in the U.S.
 find these deaths as relevant to them in their daily lives as the kids at
 VT. The kids at VT mean something to people here in the U.S., they are us.
 The people dying in Iraq simply put aren't us and in a sense their lives
 don't count as much to Americans or their media outlets, even though they
 are probably losing their lives because of the actions of our government's
 invasion and current foreign policy in Iraq and the greater Middle East,
 and military presence there.

  None of these deaths both at VT or in Baghdad are acceptable. They are
 all despicable acts of violence perpetrated by cowardly, morally-misguided
 human beings

 On 4/20/07, Kyle Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On my way out the door yesterday I heard that there were 130 dead in
  Baghdad an as many again wounded that day. But without the 24/7 CNN
  coverage, it all seems so far away.
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Vincent/Roger
  Thanks for posting this, Ray.
  My first thought about the Virginia Tech shootings was that -- said as it
  was -- the equivalent loss of life, or often more, happens just about
  every day in Iraq.

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RE: [UC] When is your company going to shape up, Melani?

2007-03-01 Thread Philip Forrest
I agree with Mike V.  Countering an argument with facts lends itself to
greater credibility than quoting scripture.



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Mike V.
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:47 PM
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: RE: [UC] When is your company going to shape up, Melani?


It's funny, Al, but I tend to believe the person that reliably provides
pertinent, factual and verifiable information to the wild-eyed conspiracy
theorist prone to taking cheap shots at good people.


- Mike V.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:42 PM
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] When is your company going to shape up, Melani?

In a message dated 3/1/2007 1:26:55 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

I am a sales agent and independent contractor at Urban  Bye, Realtor, where
my Associate Broker license hangs.  I am not involved with rentals for Urban

C'mon Melani. This is weak, even for you. You've forgotten the lesson of
John 8:7, He who is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone.
There are cruder ways to put it, of course. But I'll resist the very strong


Left of Pontius Pilate,

Al Krigman




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RE: [UC] When is your company going to shape up, Melani?

2007-03-01 Thread Philip Forrest

You're obviously searching, and reaching pretty far, for a reason to pick on
Melani.  Her association with Urban  Bye is the same as my association with
the US Marines.  I was a combat photographer in a Naval Engineering
Battalion which came under the umbrella of 1st Marine Expeditionary Force
out in Iraq.  I never murdered or raped anyone, nor did I even shoot my
rifle in self-defense.  Does my association with the Marine force that the
murdering platoon members belonged to make me a murderer?  I took photos of
engineering projects that the 1st MEF tasked us with.  I received my
paycheck from the US gov't.  Does my affiliation through doing my job make
me a party to murders and rape committed by a very few Marines?

I was just doing my job. Melani is just doing her job.  We all need
employers to pay us.  

Please for our sanity, pick some topic that is relevant, not just one meant
to bring unwarranted negative attention to someone for something they have
little association with.




-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 2:48 PM
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] When is your company going to shape up, Melani?


In a message dated 3/1/2007 2:11:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Are you calling Melani a liar, deliberately trying to obfuscate the issue,
or just plain ignorant?

Obfuscate the issue. She signs all of her posts as

Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban  Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

So she clearly associates herself with this company. Until, of course, she
tries to smear me -- and it turns out that the measure she's using makes the
outfit with which she identifies herself look bad -- then she denies the
association with some weasel-wording about it being a different department.


Al Krigman


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RE: [UC] Children, please!

2007-03-01 Thread Philip Forrest
I'll come to the picnic.  But I want to be sitting in a tree...

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Kyle Cassidy
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 3:08 PM
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] Children, please!

If Al were a lousy landlord, he wouldn't be in business, and the same is
true for Urban and Bye, I'm sure. No doubt both have long lists of
satisfied tennants and I'm sure we all know each other well enough that
a dinky little survey isn't going to spread new light on things. 

And, according to the notice Al sent out, Barry Grossberg is hopeful
that the Mosque and the property owner can work out their differences,
so really, I think we're all out of things to argue about.

Maybe we can talk about something nice?

Like having a list picnic in Clark Park. Anybody interested?


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RE: [UC] Anybody Carpooling to the Cassidy Opening Tonight?

2007-02-16 Thread Philip Forrest
In the context of this list, everyone here knows what Ross is saying.
because most people are not

very intellectual about what they view as racist remarks  isn't true here.
If Ross says that out at the 46th St EL stop, yes, he's going to have some
local repercussion.  Don't use this as another excuse to complain.  Yes,
it's politically incorrect.  Ross is politically incorrect for the most
part.  When he posts to the list, I read what he has to say.  When others
post, I hit delete for the most part because so much trash is posted here.
There are a few jewels though.  We're all smart enough to know better than
to think that Bender is intending on making real racist remarks.



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of S. Sharrieff Ali
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 2:00 PM
To: 'Ross Bender'; 'UnivCity listserv'; culture@list.purple.com
Subject: RE: [UC] Anybody Carpooling to the Cassidy Opening Tonight?


Ross..as a word of advise..stay away from the phrase little negro boys.

It is not PC and not funny to ..most..people..because most people are not

very intellectual about what they view as racist remarks.


There is a double standard. If Chris Rock says Negro it is funny..If Ross

says it..it will raise eyebrows.



-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Ross Bender
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 1:38 PM
To: UnivCity listserv; culture@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] Anybody Carpooling to the Cassidy Opening Tonight?

Anybody driving to the Cassidy Opening tonight who could give me a lift? My
Lexus Nexus is in the shop and my Beemer's totally snowed in and the little
Negro boys refuse to shovel it out for less than minimum wage. Friggin
capitalists. Also, I am TOTALLY furious at the Streets Department, what with
all the taxes and kickbacks I pay to the corrupt Democrat city government --
I have repeatedly called 911 and they positively REFUSE to come and help me.
Also called John Fenton over at UCD but they said he's upstairs with a
client, whatever the hell that means. 

Ross Bender

RE: [UC] Best Bagel?

2007-01-10 Thread Philip Forrest
Rachael's Nosheri on 19th  Sansom

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Cindy Miller
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:24 AM
To: univcity@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] Best Bagel?

So far, tried: Sam's, various supermarkets (Shop-Rite, Wegman's, Whole 
Foods,  Pathmark, etc)


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