In the context of this list, everyone here knows what Ross is saying.
"because most people are not

very intellectual about what they view as racist remarks"  isn't true here.
If Ross says that out at the 46th St EL stop, yes, he's going to have some
local repercussion.  Don't use this as another excuse to complain.  Yes,
it's politically incorrect.  Ross is politically incorrect for the most
part.  When he posts to the list, I read what he has to say.  When others
post, I hit "delete" for the most part because so much trash is posted here.
There are a few jewels though.  We're all smart enough to know better than
to think that Bender is intending on making real racist remarks.



-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of S. Sharrieff Ali
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 2:00 PM
To: 'Ross Bender'; 'UnivCity listserv';
Subject: RE: [UC] Anybody Carpooling to the Cassidy Opening Tonight? a word of advise..stay away from the phrase "little negro boys".

It is not PC and not funny to ..most..people..because most people are not

very intellectual about what they view as racist remarks.


There is a double standard. If Chris Rock says Negro it is funny..If Ross

says will raise eyebrows.



-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Ross Bender
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 1:38 PM
To: UnivCity listserv;
Subject: [UC] Anybody Carpooling to the Cassidy Opening Tonight?

Anybody driving to the Cassidy Opening tonight who could give me a lift? My
Lexus Nexus is in the shop and my Beemer's totally snowed in and the little
Negro boys refuse to shovel it out for less than minimum wage. Friggin
capitalists. Also, I am TOTALLY furious at the Streets Department, what with
all the taxes and kickbacks I pay to the corrupt Democrat city government --
I have repeatedly called 911 and they positively REFUSE to come and help me.
Also called John Fenton over at UCD but they said he's "upstairs with a
client", whatever the hell that means. 

Ross Bender 

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