[UC] Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 12:29:48 -0500

2010-11-08 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

[UC] Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 18:13:02 -0400

2010-11-01 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

[UC] Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 21:39:54 -0400

2010-11-01 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

[UC] Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 05:20:37 -0400

2010-10-18 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

[UC] Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 03:56:14 -0400

2010-10-10 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

[UC] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 07:20:52 -0400

2010-10-06 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

[UC] Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2010 05:27:16 -0400

2010-10-03 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

[UC] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 14:20:14 -0400

2010-10-01 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT


2009-01-17 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
In the late 70s, when I lived near 46th  Spruce, there was a foot patrol of 
neighbors (a sort of forerunner to the Town Watch) between the hours of 6p to 
9p or so.  It had been determined that the highest incidents of robberies, 
muggings and rapes or attempted rapes occurred during that period.  
Alternatively, the lowest was around 4a to 7a when the bars had long ago 
emptied out and miscreants were fast asleep from whatever.

My guess is that this would be a good activity to renew.  Neighbors were 
enthused and armed with walkie-talkies or something similar and urged to notify 
the police and never to interfere with any incident in progress.  

I do not miss this type of excitement and bonding.
Sandra Knight
  - Original Message - 
  From: Patty Bulackmailto:pbul...@gmail.com 
  To: UnivCity@list.purple.commailto:UnivCity@list.purple.com ; 
ucneighb...@hector.asc.upenn.edumailto:ucneighb...@hector.asc.upenn.edu ; 
univcity-annou...@list.purple.commailto:univcity-annou...@list.purple.com ; 
  Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:20 PM
  Subject: [Ucneighbors] ALERT: ROBBERIES NEAR 48TH STREET

  Hello All,

  A neighbor from near 48th and Kingsessing let me know that he was beaten and 
robbed at 7 pm on the 900 block of 48th St. last night (Thursday), right at the 
corner of Windsor and 48th.  One person confronted him as he walked north on 
the sidewalk, cornering him against a parked van, and two (or more) others 
jumped out behind him from where they had been hiding (likely from behind a 
tall bush near the sidewalk).  They knocked him to the ground and got his 
wallet, while beating him up. They then ran down Windsor towards 49th St.  He 
is not seriously injured, and did report it to the police.

  I have heard of a few other incidents this week: two nights ago, a person was 
robbed at 48th and Hazel, with the 3 assailants running down 48th to Cedar and 
turning west. One of them was armed with a gun.  Also, 3 or 4 nights ago, 2 
women were robbed at 48th and Kingsessing.

  All of these incidents happened in the early evening, between 7 and 9 pm. 
There are not good descriptions that I know of, beyond the usual dark hoodies.  
If I hear anything else, I will pass it along. Obviously, exercise caution 
while you are out and about.

  Patty Bulack
  215 906-0243
  ucneighbors mailing list

[UC] Re: [UC-Announce] Moving Sale Today - 4811 Beaumont!!!!

2008-09-27 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
Best wishes to you on your journey!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Joe Clarkemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: UCannouncemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 11:03 AM
  Subject: [UC-Announce] Moving Sale Today - 4811 Beaumont

  Come one!  Come All!   Dolls, nick-nacks, frames, pictures furniture, 
  kitchen ware, videos, DVD's, CD's, Cassettes, Lotsa stuff,
  Open until 4 PM.

  Joe Clarke

  Truth has a liberal bias.   
   Bill Moyer

  You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
  list named UnivCity-Announce. To unsubscribe or for archive information,
  see http://www.purple.com/list.htmlhttp://www.purple.com/list.html.
  You may post announcements to this list, but this list attempts to
  prevent discussion.  Please use univcity to discuss messages on this
  list.  Subscribers of univcity receive all mail to this list.


2008-06-12 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

I was so excited to hear of your son's success on this show along with Isabelle 
and Rod's son that I wanted to vote for them as soon as I found out.  But you 
have GOT to give me directions on how to navigate that site  I don't have 
the faintest idea where to go once I access the website from your hyperlink.

Sande Knight
  - Original Message - 
  From: Patty Bulackmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 12:22 AM

  Hello Everyone,
  We are proud to announce that University City's own Jon Bulack, along with 
his crew Phresh Select, have been selected to be part of the second season of 
 Randy Jackson's America's Next Best Dance Crew!!!  Let's support them as 
they represent Philadelphia on this hugely popular show.  They need our votes!  
Let's not let any other region of the country out-vote us!!  Go to 
dancecrew.mtv.comhttp://dancecrew.mtv.com/ and to the VOTE photo, to see 
video of their performance today, and to vote for them until Saturday the 14th 
at 5:30 pm.  Then be sure to watch the show each Thursday night at 10 pm, 
starting on June 19th. They will need our votes from just after the show ends, 
until 6:30 am the next morning.  Ten crews will begin on the 19th, and go 
through a process of elimination each week.  Show Phresh Select that we can 
support them - they truly represent the spirit of Brotherly Love, being 
racially and culturally mixed, and long-time dedicated mentors of 
schoolchildren in Philadelphia schools.  Their passion is hip-hop, and the 
positive impact that pursuing this passion can have on the lives of young 
people and others that they meet.
  As Jon's mom, I appreciate your letting me share this with you!  We couldn't 
be who we are, without this community!  Thanks,
  Patty Bulack

Re: [Ucneighbors] Re: [UC] I weep for him.

2008-03-13 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
Your take on Spitzer is so far from the picture that was painted by some 
political analysts last night.  I was flipping between CNN and some other news 
channels and the consensus seemed to be that Spitzer was smug and vengeful to 
the point of cruelty in many of his legal accomplishments or wins.  His 
behavior seemed to veer far from the professionalism of a career lawyer.  He 
sounded like the attorney general-crusader from Central Casting in those crime 
movies of the 30s.  I expected to see Bogart, Cagney, Nat Pendleton, James 
Gleason and all the other regulars from that period.  From what I heard last 
night, there were few who felt any sadness for him and many who reveled in 
schaudenfreude ( sp? ).

His behavior seemed to be two perfectly fitting halves coming together to fit.  
On the one hand, a lawyer who sounds like the professor in Blue Angel and on 
the other hand, the bizarre results of his attraction to that woman and 
whatever she represented to him.

Sande Knight   
  - Original Message - 
  From: Joe Clarkemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: ana kostichmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; University City 
Listmailto:UnivCity@list.purple.com ; UCneighborsmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 12:23 PM
  Subject: [Ucneighbors] Re: [UC] I weep for him.

  I'm not certain of all of his accomplishments but I think Elliott 
  Spitzer falls on the good side of the roster.  After Enron, I believe it 
  was Spitzer who was investigating thoroughly the cushy arrangements 
  between banks, consulting/auditing  firms, investors, etc... that 
  enabled this mass fleecing of investors - many of whom were state 
  pension investment funds, to happen.  I believe it was Spitzer too who 
  exposed the deals between college fin. aid offices and their banks - 
  forcing our kiddos to be steered towards their special lenders and 
  Universities getting kick backs from these canivers.  These were well 
  done and probably put Spitzer and his career in the sights of very 
  wealthy and powerful players.
  It seems to me that you have to be very cynical  - a form of moral 
  smugness* -  to call anyone who tries to do good in the public interest 
  a do gooder, implying that it is all artifice.  Having read a profile 
  of Spitzer in the Atlantic Monthly, he comes from a family that was 
  already well off and I believe that his father was self made, and not an 
  oil patch kid.  I think that he is highly principled, too.   But I think 
  when people do their moral reasoning that they truly lack diversity or 
  distinctions between serious corruption, as in the case of public 
  servants, betrayal of the public trust, and the personal shortcomings 
  that come along with a) being human and b) the seductions of power .  I 
  think if you want someone who passes the squeaky clean criteria (read 
  sexless  passionless) you will have go back to Rick Santorum, Dick 
  Cheyney, Dan Quail and that lot.   With such harsh and knee jerk 
  judgementalism what you are asking is an ideal which is a fake, a 
  construct, an artifice:  Someone who passes the binary - all good or all 
  bad- evaluation.  It is a simplistic and immature evaluation of people 
  and the world.  The good guys are all wearing the white hats and the bad 
  guys the black hats (this has easily been extended to race); and, of 
  course, any kind of sexual failing gets you a black hat for life.  It's 
  amazing that people on the liberal side of the spectrum are so 
  literalist, fundamentalist and PC when it comes to judging others. I 
  think that Elliott Spitzer is a great man who had his public career 
  upended by a typical human failing.  This high fallutin' moral 
  judgementalism is part of the feel good self righteousness that the 
  media indulges and of which we are the mighty obliged consumers.

  Joe Clarke

  * The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. 
  Oscar Wilde

  ana kostich wrote:
   His case is not comparable to typical dominant man carnal conquests where 
Bill Clinton's extramarital excursions fall which are 'victimless' crimes [two 
consentual adults bla bla]. Spitzer's real crime, not  the hypocrisy and moral 
betrayal of marriage and constituence, his real crime is in enriching a 
criminal enterprise - point. No public official, let alone governor, is allowed 
to do that. Prostitution is illegal in most states of the US, and was so were 
he enjoyed it. He knew though that his money trail was watched more carefully, 
as he himself worked on tightening that. These guys are just so pathetic when 
they find a 'proper' situation to 'fall in love'.  Someone is shotting a movie 
already [in Hollywood, or is it - Washingwood].
   I bet this is going to be a boost for the Emperor's type establishments as 
the status lesser males [and aren't they Emperors too?] will not like to be 
left out and some competitive women with cool diplomas would realize how 
underpaid they are and that 

[UC] Re: [Ucneighbors] Sluggish Verizon Services

2008-03-10 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
If Verizon allowed Cavalier to operate in this region, we would be able to have 
cheaper phone service and cheaper DSL service, but Verizon keeps them out and 
we suffer as a result.
Sande Knight
  - Original Message - 
  From: Suzanne B. Andersonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: Joe Clarkemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; University City 
Listmailto:UnivCity@list.purple.com ; UCneighborsmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 2:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ucneighbors] Sluggish Verizon Services

  My husband is our Family IT Guy.  We recently discovered that in order to 
have a human being IT via Verizon, you have to pay an extra approximate $10 per 
month. So, we get an on line Q.  This leads to a circle:  if don't have service 
or crummy service and you want to find out why, the only information source is 
the media outlet that isn't working! 

  I've asked our Family IT Guy about dumping the unused land line and getting 
wireless. Ix nay says FITG.  We don't have cable and want to keep it that way. 

  Upshot:  we are stuck. It is a seller's market for DSL in our world.

  Joe Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I wondered if anyone else on this list has had this experience with 
Verizon Online service: It appears when you call in about your account, 
you cannot get a real live agent and instead are corralled into an 
automated answering queue for 20-30 minutes. Can they be serious? I 
also discovered that by discontinuing my phone service with Verizon 
while maintaining the DSL, you change your status to a dry loop 
account which means you pay double the price, i.e. 70+ dollars a month 
for basic DSL! It seems like a company that is competing for our 
online business would do better than that; or are they simply trying to 
discourage certain zipcodes from their services altogether and targeting 
the more affluent FIOS covered service areas? Redlining is not that 
old of a concept. If you notice there are no WaWa's - except on the 
perimeters - within most of West or Southwest Philadelphia; the same is 
true for Citizens'- the people friendly- bank which has no real 
representation in West and Southwest Philadelphia. I can drive down to 
Cape May and pass by WaWa's at regular intervals along the route right 
into to the center of Cape May, itself, but it seems like the 
convenience store has leap-frogged over large areas of Philadelphia. I 
guess it's all just the ebb and flow of the free market, unless they are 
receiving special aid or consideration from the city or state while 
doing business in the city. Then it would be a problem.

Joe Clarke

ucneighbors mailing list

  Suzanne B. Anderson, MSW,LSW 

  Somewhere in Texas a village is missing an Idiot.

  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your 
  ucneighbors mailing list

[UC] Re: [Ucneighbors] Sluggish Verizon Services

2008-03-10 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
Because I hate Comcast, I too use Verizon for landline and DSL and other 
services that are bundled for a reduced monthly cost.

When I have to call online support I always press 0 twice as soon as I connect. 
 This action sometimes works with certain company phone services and passes me 
through the loop and sometimes it doesn't.  It is truly phone hell to deal 
with.  If you are lucky, you can actually get someone from Canada who knows 
what the hell they are doing so that all the misguided information can be 
discarded.  It may take a few transfers though.  I have found that an average 
call may last up to four hours if there are service transfer and service 
reconnection problems involved as a result of a move.

One guy from Canada actually spent over an hour fixing the screw-ups caused by 
the idiots from SE Asia and India I had spoken with before on the same call.  I 
have found that some Indians I have spoken to regarding IT servicing are very 
knowledgeable from other companies, but not the ones who contract with Verizon.

Frankly, the slowest DSL service I used before I upgraded seemed just as fast 
as the fast version of DSL I am currently using at a higher price.  Anyway, we 
all know that the quoted speed is the highest it can be, not what it normally 
is.  If I could use another vendor, I would in a New York minute.

Sande Knight 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Joe Clarkemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: University City Listmailto:UnivCity@list.purple.com ; 
UCneighborsmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 1:23 PM
  Subject: [Ucneighbors] Sluggish Verizon Services

  I wondered if anyone else on this list has had this experience with 
  Verizon Online service:  It appears when you call in about your account, 
  you cannot get a real live agent and instead are corralled into an 
  automated answering queue for 20-30 minutes.  Can they be serious?  I 
  also discovered that by discontinuing  my phone service with Verizon 
  while maintaining the DSL, you change your status to a dry loop 
  account which means you pay double the price, i.e. 70+ dollars a month 
  for basic DSL!   It seems like a company that is competing for our 
  online business would do better than that; or are they simply trying to 
  discourage certain zipcodes from their services altogether and targeting 
  the more affluent FIOS covered service areas?  Redlining is not that 
  old of a concept.  If you notice there are no WaWa's - except on the 
  perimeters - within most of West or Southwest Philadelphia; the same is 
  true for Citizens'- the people friendly- bank which has no real 
  representation in West and Southwest Philadelphia.  I can drive down to 
  Cape May and pass by WaWa's at regular intervals along the route right 
  into to the center of Cape May, itself, but it  seems like the 
  convenience store has leap-frogged over large areas of Philadelphia.   I 
  guess it's all just the ebb and flow of the free market, unless they are 
  receiving special aid or consideration from the city or state while 
  doing business in the city.  Then it would be a problem.

  Joe Clarke

  ucneighbors mailing list

[UC] Re: How Do You Spell Price Fixing?

2008-03-10 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
And just what the hell am I supposed to extrapolate from these words?  Please 
do me a favor and be more precise and less glib.  Does that mean cable speed?  
Then I would have to use Comcast or a dixie cup.  Or what don't I understand 
about your two word comment?  I feel as though some old guy has just come up 
to me at my graduation party and whispered, plastic.  

- Original Message - 
  From: Joe Clarkemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: SANDRA KNIGHTmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; UCneighborsmailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] ; University City Listmailto:UnivCity@list.purple.com 
  Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 10:57 PM
  Subject: How Do You Spell Price Fixing?

  B-R-O-A-D-B-A-N-D  A-C-C-E-S-S

  Joe C.

   If Verizon allowed Cavalier to operate in this region, we would be 
   able to have cheaper phone service and cheaper DSL service, but 
   Verizon keeps them out and we suffer as a result.
   Sande Knight
   - Original Message -
   *From:* Suzanne B. Anderson mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL 
   *To:* Joe Clarke mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 
University City
   List mailto:UnivCity@list.purple.commailto:UnivCity@list.purple.com 
; UCneighbors
   *Sent:* Monday, March 10, 2008 2:12 PM
   *Subject:* Re: [Ucneighbors] Sluggish Verizon Services
   My husband is our Family IT Guy.  We recently discovered that in
   order to have a human being IT via Verizon, you have to pay an
   extra approximate $10 per month. So, we get an on line Q.  This
   leads to a circle:  if don't have service or crummy service and
   you want to find out why, the only information source is the media
   outlet that isn't working!

   I've asked our Family IT Guy about dumping the unused land line
   and getting wireless. Ix nay says FITG.  We don't have cable and
   want to keep it that way.

   Upshot:  we are stuck. It is a seller's market for DSL in our world.
   */Joe Clarke [EMAIL PROTECTED]/mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:
   I wondered if anyone else on this list has had this experience
   Verizon Online service: It appears when you call in about your
   you cannot get a real live agent and instead are corralled
   into an
   automated answering queue for 20-30 minutes. Can they be
   serious? I
   also discovered that by discontinuing my phone service with
   while maintaining the DSL, you change your status to a dry loop
   account which means you pay double the price, i.e. 70+ dollars
   a month
   for basic DSL! It seems like a company that is competing for our
   online business would do better than that; or are they simply
   trying to
   discourage certain zipcodes from their services altogether and
   the more affluent FIOS covered service areas? Redlining is
   not that
   old of a concept. If you notice there are no WaWa's - except
   on the
   perimeters - within most of West or Southwest Philadelphia;
   the same is
   true for Citizens'- the people friendly- bank which has no real
   representation in West and Southwest Philadelphia. I can drive
   down to
   Cape May and pass by WaWa's at regular intervals along the
   route right
   into to the center of Cape May, itself, but it seems like the
   convenience store has leap-frogged over large areas of
   Philadelphia. I
   guess it's all just the ebb and flow of the free market,
   unless they are
   receiving special aid or consideration from the city or state
   doing business in the city. Then it would be a problem.
   Joe Clarke
   ucneighbors mailing list
   Suzanne B. Anderson, MSW,LSW 
   *Somewhere in Texas a village is missing an Idiot.*
   Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
   ucneighbors mailing list

[UC] Re: [Ucneighbors] Email warning.

2008-02-26 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
Thank you for your post.  

It was explained to me by an IT professional that it is all right to open an 
unsolicited email; it is just dangerous to click on any hyperlinks that may be 
in the unsolicited email.  Your post reinforces that recommendation.

Sandra Knight
  - Original Message - 
  From: Richard Conradmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
PROTECTED] ; univcity@list.purple.commailto:univcity@list.purple.com ; 
  Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 12:40 AM
  Subject: [Ucneighbors] Email warning.

  From: Richard Conrad 

  A malicious email is going around that tries to trick people
  into clicking on a web link, to supposedly retrieve a greeting card or a
  postcard. It results in a virus. 

  It is worth reminding everyone to practice safe computing
  and not click any links in unexpected email. It's so tempting to just click
  the links to check them out. Malicious links in email are quite common,
  especially in phishing scams. 


  Richard Conrad
  4844 OSAGE AVE
  PHILA PA 19143-1713

  ucneighbors mailing list

Re: [UC] Fw: Prize Notification---------------(Contact Claims Agent)

2008-01-08 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
I originally sent them to a fax number to the FBI for this type of crime, but 
lost the number.  And I didn't feel as though sending it was doing that much 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 5:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [UC] Fw: Prize Notification---(Contact Claims Agent)

Has anyone received an email like this?
  Yes, everyday.

  Simply, forward them to as fraud alerts to your ISP, the originating ISP, and 



  -Original Message-
  To: UnivCity UnivCity@list.purple.commailto:UnivCity@list.purple.com
  Sent: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 4:35 pm
  Subject: [UC] Fw: Prize Notification---(Contact Claims Agent)

  Has anyone received an email like this?  It seems to be a new version of the 
Nigerian scam.
  Sande Knight
  - Original Message - 
  From: UK e-lottery gamemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 11:20 AM
  Subject: Prize Notification---(Contact Claims Agent)

  OUR REF: 27349/46 05 - 01 - 2008.

  This Email is to inform you that you emerged a winner of £552,000,00 on
  our online draws. For further Information about your Winnings,contact
  our Lottery Fiduciary Agent,Name;Mr Thomas Graham E-mail Address:-

  Sir. Richard K. Lloyd
  Co-ordinator(Online Promo Programme)
  Open 7 days

  More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL 

[UC] Fw: Prize Notification---------------(Contact Claims Agent)

2008-01-07 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
Has anyone received an email like this?  It seems to be a new version of the 
Nigerian scam.
Sande Knight
- Original Message - 
From: UK e-lottery gamemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 11:20 AM
Subject: Prize Notification---(Contact Claims Agent)

OUR REF: 27349/46 05 - 01 - 2008.

This Email is to inform you that you emerged a winner of £552,000,00 on
our online draws. For further Information about your Winnings,contact
our Lottery Fiduciary Agent,Name;Mr Thomas Graham E-mail Address:-

Sir. Richard K. Lloyd
Co-ordinator(Online Promo Programme)
Open 7 days

[UC] Re: [Ucneighbors] Public Safety: An oxymoron?

2007-11-14 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
Gee, I wonder why?

Sande Knight
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kathleen Turnermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: Kyle Cassidymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7:26 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ucneighbors] Public Safety: An oxymoron?

  I'm glad to hear that this has changed.  I was held up at gunpoint about 44th 
 Pine about 17 years ago -- same guy held up 3 more people with a couple of 
blocks that night and, not surprisingly, was caught.  He was convicted, but as 
it turned out that he had a starter pistol, he didn't get the mandatory 
sentence that would have been imposed if it had been a real gun. 

  Funny, but it never occured to me to ask the guy whether the gun was real or 


  On 11/14/07, Kyle Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The weapon was a glue gun, by the way.

I was just speaking with a Philly Public Defender who mentioned that a 
glue gun (or a bb gun or a toy gun) gets you the same jail sentence as a
real gun. Pennsylvania has decided that it's not the victim's job to
determine if they're being robbed with a toy or a real gun though many 
criminals are under the misapprehension that if they don't use a real
gun, they won't do real time. Not so, you would-be miscreants -- the
crime, from my understanding, is the same.


ucneighbors mailing list


  ucneighbors mailing list

[UC] Housing Request

2007-10-29 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
There is someone who is close to me who is in need of a furnished room with use 
of kitchen for up to 6 months.  This person has a cat, a neutered male who is 
friendly and affectionate and lives indoors.  Person is on a waiting list for 
occupancy in a building.  Landlord sold house in which person was living.  
Person thinks waiting list may take 3 to 6 months for a place to become 
available.  All possessions are in storage while this person lives out of a 
suitcase, so to speak.

If anyone knows of anyone who may have space like this, please contact me 

Thank you,
Sande Knight

[UC] Re: [UC-Announce] Ross's list

2007-07-08 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
What are the sizes?  I am looking to replace an AC with 11,500 BTUs.  I am just 
reading the list after several days.  You may have already sold them all.  

Congratulations on being able to convert to central air.

Sandra Knight
  - Original Message - 
  From: B Andersenmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 11:32 PM
  Subject: [UC-Announce] Ross's list

  before I go posting this at:


  I thought i would give y'all a crack...

  I have three air conditioners for sale. They all work and are in good 
condition. $50 obo

  reply off list

[UC] Good news about govt

2007-05-17 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT
I have a positive experience to share with the list.  

Yesterday, I called a city department to get some info, was transferred about 3 
or 4 times within that dept and gave the last person a request.  Today
I stopped in, requested a look at the material, had copies made, paid for them 
and picked them up to take home.  Amazing!  All within 10 minutes.

Fw: [UC] YOUR Dope and Where It Comes From - and what itmight do?

2007-02-02 Thread SANDRA KNIGHT

My point is that enough bad things happen to people without wishing them on 
them.  It seems cruel to me is all.  If they are doing drugs to begin with, 
they are sad enough.
  - Original Message - 
  To: univcity@list.purple.commailto:univcity@list.purple.com 
  Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 4:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [UC] YOUR Dope and Where It Comes From - and what itmight do?

  In a message dated 2/2/2007 3:32:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
may all your dope be laced with PCP.

I hope Rosso said this in a momentary burst of anger.  It is heinous in its 
  Rosso finally posts something truly salient and you go after his verbiage and 

  May all your dope be touched with Angel Dust. Is that New Age foo-foo enough?

  Unfortunately, that Suburbanite Loser Andy Reid was not paying attention to 
his own kids as one of them started chasing the Dragon 
 and another threatening to shoot the neighbors 
 How embarrassing to find out White suburban kids are acting badly, too. There 
goes the membership application to Merion Cricket Club 

  Thus another opportunity for gun grabbing Professor Lawrence Sherman, 
director of the Jerry Lee Center of Criminology at the University of 
 to rail about Pennsylvania legislators being the blame for a large share of 
the homicide rate in Philadelphia, and now its gonna get your suburban kids 

  So, why don't we hold a plebiscite: (a) open up the borders to illegal aliens 
or (b) open up the borders to now legalized drugs?

  Thanks for your time. I'll let you guys get back to Montel 
http://www.montelshow.com/http://www.montelshow.com/ You need your lighter. I 
think your bong went out.

