Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-05-01 Thread sbp

mark f wrote: 
> Yes, I've used that interface to switch between "on" player instances. 
> Once a player is "off" you cannot switch to another player without
> turning the previous player back on.  This is the behavior I was
> questioning previously.  Again, I think I now understand the behavior
> and, for the intended use case (a UI for squeezelite on the same
> device), it makes sense.  An independent squeeze controller it is not
> and that is fine.

I'm not sure I understand your issue. I can use Jivelite on my RPi to
turn any player on/off (both original Squeezebox players as well other
RPi's running Squeezelite). Off course if you turn your players off by
pulling the plug or power them down - then you can't wake them remote.
But if you just press the little power off icon in the top right corner
on the Jivelite home screen, you can power any player on/off from your
remote Jivelite control panel. 

mark f wrote: 
> This is why I'm here:  I am preparing to install rPi Zero W based
> control panels in some of the walls of my house.  Speakers are built
> into the ceilings of multiple rooms and are fed by a whole house audio
> amp and multiple rPi/squeezelite/USB-DAC based sources in a different
> room.  The NAS with all the music is somewhere on the network and the
> LMS is running on the server used to back-up the NAS.  All of this
> (except control panels) works now.
> Anyway, I really like the idea of appliance-like software for the
> control panels.  This is why I started down the rPiZW/piCore/Jivelite
> path and PiCorePlayer w/ Jivelite looks like THE solution.  Very
> resilient software, very usable UI (high WAF) and I don't need wired
> ethernet at each panel.  Pull some power cables, do a little soldering,
> print some dual-gang box covers to house everything in the wall, jam it
> together and I'm done. ;)
> Of course PiCore doesn't yet support the wireless on the rPiZW but that
> is nitpicking.  Maybe Beta 9.4? :D

Yes pCP supports the wireless part of RPiZerro Wireless out of the box -
so go ahead and build your system :-)


piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

*Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-05-01 Thread Besth

yeah that seems to work.
i only used the pikeyd part of the tutorial and now i can push my
buttons :)
Thanks for the help guys.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-05-01 Thread sbp

Besth wrote: 
> Thank you ralphy
> The LCD with touch is working now.
> My next step :)
> Is it possible to include pikeyd or or
> a similiar tool to use for a switch connected to the gpio-pins under
> picoreplayer/tinycorelinux?
> I get it working under raspian but i'm not that firm with pcp/tc
> i checked the extensions but couldn't find anything.

HI Maybe you can have a look here: 
This guy made a nice looking package for buttons and a small display -
specially for piCorePlayer


piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

*Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.20 Beta

2017-05-01 Thread thessag

marshalleq wrote: 
> Anyway, I thought I'd try my luck, in the mean time I'll just keep
> adding Roonbridge manually. :D
> Thanks,
> Marshalleq

could  you write a small howto for installing roon-bridge on pcp?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-05-01 Thread mark f

paul- wrote: 
> Yes, you can control any squeeze device from Jivelite, at the main menu,
> there should be a option to select the player. 
Yes, I've used that interface to switch between "on" player instances. 
Once a player is "off" you cannot switch to another player without
turning the previous player back on.  This is the behavior I was
questioning previously.  Again, I think I now understand the behavior
and, for the intended use case (a UI for squeezelite on the same
device), it makes sense.  An independent squeeze controller it is not
and that is fine.

This is why I'm here:  I am preparing to install rPi Zero W based
control panels in some of the walls of my house.  Speakers are built
into the ceilings of multiple rooms and are fed by a whole house audio
amp and multiple rPi/squeezelite/USB-DAC based sources in a different
room.  The NAS with all the music is somewhere on the network and the
LMS is running on the server used to back-up the NAS.  All of this
(except control panels) works now.

Anyway, I really like the idea of appliance-like software for the
control panels.  This is why I started down the rPiZW/piCore/Jivelite
path and PiCorePlayer w/ Jivelite looks like THE solution.  Very
resilient software, very usable UI (high WAF) and I don't need wired
ethernet at each panel.  Pull some power cables, do a little soldering,
print some dual-gang box covers to house everything in the wall, jam it
together and I'm done. ;)

Of course PiCore doesn't yet support the wireless on the rPiZW but that
is nitpicking.  Maybe Beta 9.4? :D

> What I was asking was a different issue, and was a result of things not
> being backed up in piCorePlayer.
Got you.  Not meant for me.

Thanks for reading my ramblings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-05-01 Thread Besth

Thank you ralphy
The LCD with touch is working now.

My next step :)
Is it possible to include pikeyd or or
a similiar tool to use for a switch connected to the gpio-pins under
I get it working under raspian but i'm not that firm with pcp/tc

i checked the extensions but couldn't find anything.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-05-01 Thread Nea

ralphy wrote: 
> Almost there, that's great!
> Since you don't have the 7" rpi screen your change won't be run.
> The if statement is checking the eventno for the rpi screen, comment it
> out.
> Try this.
> > 

  >   > if [ "$JIVELITE" = "yes" ]; then
  > echo -n "${BLUE}Starting Jivelite... ${NORMAL}"
  > #eventno=$( cat /proc/bus/input/devices | awk '/FT5406 memory based 
driver/{for(a=0;a>=0;a++){getline;{if(/mouse/==1){ print $NF;exit 0;')
  > #if [ x"" != x"$eventno" ];then
  > export JIVE_NOCURSOR=1
  > #   export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/$eventno
  > export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2
  > #fi
  > export HOME=/home/tc
  > echo "${GREEN}Done.${NORMAL}"
  > sudo -E -b /opt/jivelite/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1
  > fi

> > 

Hey, thanks a lot.  This is working for me and my 7" Pollin

Can i change the size of the virtualisation, its a bit to small.


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[SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-01 Thread sbp

Hi guys, we are sorry for the late announcement  - but pCP 3.20 has been

- 4.9.21 kernel
- rpi firmware - 2017/03/31
- config.txt changes to increase usable memory on rpi2/3 by 16M
- config.txt changes to decrease videocore memory usage.
- rpi Zero-W Support
- Allo Boss and Piano-Plus Support
- Changed 8192cu driver (same version that OSMC uses)
- 8812au driver included


- Squeezelite updated to v1.86-945
- ffmpeg updated to 3.17
- wiringpi shared libraries included by default. (Used to be static
  linked to squeezelite).
- flac updated to 1.3.2
- utf8 support for fat32 partitions
- New card configuration system, will help with speed on squeezelite
  page. Also allows us to add more specific card information.
- Set --nomysqueezebox option from web interface
- Default LMS install is 7.9.0 released verison
- Great updates to pCP jivelite pacakge. Made possible by mherger
- pcp Help web site
- This is still a work in progress, where we can easily create web
  pages with HOTO's and other information. If you have something you
  would like included, creates a simple web page and let us know.
- And last but not least, corrections to the inplace update process
- Reloading the reboot page should no longer reboot your pCP device
- You can now do an insitu_update and change from pcpCore to
  pcpAudioCore, and vise versa.

For the adventuresome 3.11 users reading this,  If you do a hotfix (Near
the bottom of the Main Page in Beta Mode), this will install a small 
fix that, that will allow you to do an insitu_update to 3.20.   By my 
tests, if you are using a 3.11 image, when you install 3.20, you should 
have about 180k of disk space left on the boot partition.  99% Full.  In
my mind this is a bit risky, but I suppose if your card is not easily 
pulled, give this a try.  Worse case you have to pull your card and 

The pCP-Team

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

*Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2017-05-01 Thread ralphy

Besth wrote: 
> well thanks ralphy - this helped a bit - im getting closer now.
> I am now able to do:
> > 

  >   > ts_calibrate

> > 
> I saved everything
> My device is
> > 

  >   > TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2

> > 
> When I do
> > 

  >   > ts_test

> > 
> all works fine - even after I do a reboot
> But if I start jivelite the touch pointer works but its like 2-3 cm
> displaced
> Any idea on how to correct this?
> Is there anything else I need to change in do_rebootstuff?
> My do_rebootstuff looks like: (I only changed the line with the # to
> hardcode event2 - is this enough?)
> > 

  >   > if [ "$JIVELITE" = "yes" ]; then
  > echo -n "${BLUE}Starting Jivelite... ${NORMAL}"
  > eventno=$( cat /proc/bus/input/devices | awk '/FT5406 memory based 
driver/{for(a=0;a>=0;a++){getline;{if(/mouse/==1){ print $NF;exit 0;')
  > if [ x"" != x"$eventno" ];then
  > export JIVE_NOCURSOR=1
  > #   export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/$eventno
  > export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2
  > fi
  > export HOME=/home/tc
  > echo "${GREEN}Done.${NORMAL}"
  > sudo -E -b /opt/jivelite/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1
  > fi

> > 
Almost there, that's great!

Since you don't have the 7" rpi screen your change won't be run.

The if statement is checking the eventno for the rpi screen, comment it

Try this.


if [ "$JIVELITE" = "yes" ]; then
  echo -n "${BLUE}Starting Jivelite... ${NORMAL}"
  #eventno=$( cat /proc/bus/input/devices | awk '/FT5406 memory based 
driver/{for(a=0;a>=0;a++){getline;{if(/mouse/==1){ print $NF;exit 0;')
  #if [ x"" != x"$eventno" ];then
  export JIVE_NOCURSOR=1
  #   export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/$eventno
  export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2
  export HOME=/home/tc
  echo "${GREEN}Done.${NORMAL}"
  sudo -E -b /opt/jivelite/bin/ >/dev/null 2>&1


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.20 Beta

2017-05-01 Thread Michael Herger

Are you saying there are screens which can't be exited with the Left
button?!? What would they need on a real Touch?

Yes I believe that there are some pages that do not work with the remote
and not for the reason I discussed with Ralphy

I have to check the code whether we can change this behaviour from the 
server side... Thanks for the heads up!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.20 Beta

2017-05-01 Thread M-H

CloudAtlas wrote: 
> Quick question:  what is the difference between the 3.2 version of
> picoreplayer on the sourceforge website and the 3.2beta5 version on the
> google website.  The implication is that the sourceforge version is
> later and the final released version. Is this the case?
> .

Indeed it seems 3.20 is out.
I have tested 3.20B5 and B7 OKE without real issues . And I can only
recall a few minor tweaks.
On 2 systems I have used the insitu upgrade to go to the final 3.20
But it is not mentioned from this page:

So paul- ,   is it time to announce the 3.20 as a stable release ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.20 Beta

2017-05-01 Thread CloudAtlas

Eyerex wrote: 
> Think they said these are the finals if you look in this folder

OK, thanks - I'll give it a go.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.20 Beta

2017-05-01 Thread Eyerex

CloudAtlas wrote: 
> Quick question:  what is the difference between the 3.2 version of
> picoreplayer on the sourceforge website and the 3.2beta5 version on the
> google website.  The implication is that the sourceforge version is
> later and the final released version. Is this the case?
> Thanks.

Think they said these are the finals if you look in this folder

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.20 Beta

2017-05-01 Thread CloudAtlas

Quick question:  what is the difference between the 3.2 version of
picoreplayer on the sourceforge website and the 3.2beta5 version on the
google website.  The implication is that the sourceforge version is
later and the final released version. Is this the case?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Netbooting piCorePlayer 3.x

2017-05-01 Thread epoch1970

Yeah I'm pretty miffed by the situation.

For those who'd like to get rid of the SD and do not mind attending
reboot and power cycle the machine if it doesn't come alive, here is the
last configuration I was running on the Raspbian server.
It runs good, but not reliably enough for me. I was targeting unattended
reboot after general power failure (the Pi 3 server being protected by
an UPS)

This setup was running on "Linux srv 4.9.24-v7+ #993 SMP Wed Apr 26
18:01:23 BST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux" (Raspbian lite) on Pi 3. All wired
network, DHCP server on an ISP router box, 2 switches: one close to the
players, one in the router box (Pi 3 server connected to it).

1. Install atftpd in addition to dnsmasq. For me dnsmasq has a bug in
its tftp server and often sends files that belong to the wrong player.
The symptom is the player doesn't boot and blinks its green led 3 times
repeatedly. This is solved by using atftpd.

2. Configure both to work together. For atftpd I have boosted the number
of threads to improve processing of parallel booting of multiple
players. The timeout option computed by the client is disregarded as I
read there was a bug there in the Pi 3 firmware, but these tweaks might
be useless. This is /etc/default/atftpd:

  OPTIONS="--user=root.root --retry-timeout=30 --maxthread=200 --no-timeout 
--verbose=3 --listen-local /tftp"

3. As clients would still randomly decide to sit on their butt doing
nothing, I decided in a last-ditch effort to supersede the router's
built-in DHCP server with dnsmasq in the Pi 3 server. So dnsmasq no
longer works in proxy mode, but as an authoritative DHCP server. Having
2 active DHCP servers would disrupt networking, so dnsmasq is configured
to respond only to a specific set of Pi clients. This is

log-dhcp  # Debug mode
  log-async=50# Weak IO/s on Pi
  dhcp-no-override# Safe behaviour
  dhcp-ignore=tag:!known  # Only known Pis (below)
  pxe-service=0,"Raspberry Pi Boot" # Boot service for Pi 3
  # Inform clients of the TFTP server name, 
  # Needed for atftpd
  dhcp-authoritative  # Try to help Pi3s get an address to boot...
  # ... and its still not enough. It's broken.
  # Known hosts

Once booted, I had excellent sync over my 5 test players (pcp3.20beta5).
Reboot usually works, as it is easier to get a single Pi to boot
compared to 5 at the same time. Rebooting the server puts players in
stasis while they try to regain their root filesystem over NFS. After a
few minutes, the players are operational again and sync fine.

Finally be aware that switches on the path may affect the players boot
behaviour, especially if they are power cycled as well. "Smart" switches
that take their time to boot and activate their ports have an adverse
effect, possibly also switches with "green" features that activate ports
on demand. YMMV, and good luck.

3 SB 3 • Libratone Loop, Zipp Mini • iPeng (iPhone + iPad) • LMS 7.9
(linux) with plugins: CD Player, WaveInput, Triode's BBC iPlayer by bpa
• IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • Server Power Control by Gordon
Harris • Smart Mix, Music Walk With Me, What Was That Tune? by Michael
Herger • PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by
Erland Isaksson • AirPlay Bridge by philippe_44 • WeatherTime by Martin
Rehfeld • Auto Dim Display, SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Cirrus Logic Audio Card and Wolfson support in PCP 3.20

2017-05-01 Thread M-H

paul- wrote: 
> ...
> If you can, hook up a monitor/keyboard, and just debug from the
> console.
> After pCP is fully started. Try running
> sudo udevadm trigger
> See if anything happens.

I did work from the console, but due to lack of knowledge , have not
found a way to load all the modules in the correct order from the boot
process only.

The list is 
arizona/wm5102 depends on   
arizona_ldo1   depends on 

Hias hinted to me the modprobe from  busybox does lack softdep
And his set relies on softdep, to work its way around the kernel module
sequence problems.
This is just the info he gave me, and I jet have to understand the way
these techniques work to comment on that.

Still It does wonder me that a USB insert does finish the module load
procedure, and does allow me to use the driver from that moment.
So if I was able to emulate that event, and if really needed load the
squeezelite instance with a delay or from a test loop, the setup could
work  without human intervention to set to a working state.

I will start to see how busybox modprobe does work , and find ways to
perhaps make it more persistent to load the modules .

Regards M-H

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Netbooting piCorePlayer 3.x

2017-05-01 Thread ian_heys

epoch1970 wrote: 
> I am done with it.

That's good enough for me. Glad I didn't start.

It's fantastic that this forum generates so many diverse functions and

Personally I haven't had any SlimDevices/Logitech products for at least
two years but the infrastructure is so good, thanks to all the great
developers, that I wouldn't think of going anywhere else.

And when I can get a true audiophile quality server/player for about
£100.00  it's hard to imagine moving away from this system.

Keep on trucking.

LMS: 7.9.0 - 1488878280 @ Tue Mar 7 09:28:02 UTC 2017 on Raspberry Pi 3B
piCorePlayer v3.20 Server/ARCAM rPAC DAC, 2.5 inch HD (pi powered)
Squeezelite on Windows 10 PC
Raspberry Pi 2B piCorePlayer v3.20/Topping VX2 DAC/Amp
*Wifi Players:* 
UPnP Wifi Players: 2 x Chromecast Audio, 2 x Chromecast Video

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