Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2017-05-10 Thread renaud

Thank you for this wonderful job.

I use LMS since years and have done plenty of things: change the clock
and spdif output of the receiver, installed LMS on PC, then on Raspberry
then on Orange Pi Zero (8€ the Logitech Media Server faster than a Rasp

I am also an old user of PicorePlayer, since "the beginning" or
something like that, tried with the awful 3.5" "audio" jack then go to
an Hifiberry then tried a PCM2704 for 4€...

I installed last year JiveLite on the Raspberry Pi with the official
screen and it is more or less the same as the Logitech Touch (I've one
sample, of course) with a flawless usage.

Recently I managed to install JiveLite on an Orange Pi One. I use this
card because I wanted to plug an I2S DAC and the Orange Pi Zero does not
have the GPIO pin for that (also I am in China and it is 50% less
expansive than a Rasp). Working like a charm.

Yesterday I've also connected a nice LCD screen grabbed from an old
laptop (using a V56 card) to use it like a monitor for the Orange Pi
One. My screen is 1920x1200 but after few settings it is not so bad
(err... it's a wonderful LG LCD after all).

So with JiveLite using the 1920x1080 resolution, my wife and I we
discovered the great pleasure to see the sleeves of the records, many of
them are real artwork. Thank you again for this piece of code!

Now, some questions:
- I have deselected some options (like "Artwork") in the "NowPlaying"
menu and then the options are no more here in the menu. Is there any way
to see them back?
- seems in the 1920x1080 some buttons (next previous volume+/-) are no
more here when playing : is it a "functionality"?
- vu meter and sound analyzer are not working (but maybe I have to
install other stuff / libs?), any idea? 
- I installed JiveLite "the hard way": following the instructions on the
first page, I knew that google code closed and I knew JiveLite was on
github, so I changed the git clone address. But why do you not change
the instructions directly on the first page of this thread?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-10 Thread bb3ii

Really enjoying the 3.20 with my Pi2 /Kali / Piano 2.1; even managed to
get the DSP functioning.

What are the chances of getting the dual mono capability of the Piano
2.1 added to piCorePlayer? I have been using it now and then with
Volumio and it is a subtle but notable improvement, for Volumio at
least. Fairly certain piCore would be a very admirable platform for
implementing this technique. 

Anyone care to endorse this thought?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-10 Thread sbp

icebreaker wrote: 
> Yes I have tried a few times to refresh with ctrl + f5.
> Can I do the setting over ssh? So then I don't care if it's only a gui
> "bug".
> Edit: I have also tried with Firefox and Chrome
> Ice
I'm sorry for all your trouble.
what kind of RPi are you using?

You could try to select "beta" mode from the main page in the bottom of
the screen. And then go back to the squeezelite page.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

*Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer*

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-10 Thread bsergiu

MikeDaPsych wrote: 
> Sergiu,
> I used the User commands facility to implement what you suggested as a
> temporary workaround until the config file is the default means of
> configuring shairport-sync.
> A User command #1 of 'shairport-sync -k; shairport-sync -d' works for
> me, killing the default process before starting a 'blank' daemon. For
> some reason, splitting the commands across two User commands fails but
> having them both on a single line works.
> Obviously, this only works when piCoreplayer is rebooted. Just
> restarting squeezelite and shairport-sync from the web interface causes
> the default command line options to be used :rolleyes:
> Thanks again for your help,
> Mike

Hi Mike,

Glad I could help. I guess I am hacking my RPi s too much these days
:rolleyes:, so I completelly forgot that there are easier ways :) Thanks
for the feedback! 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-10 Thread MikeDaPsych

bsergiu wrote: 
> Hi Mike,
> I am glad it helped. Indeed, the command line params supersede the
> config file. That means, your output setting in the config file does not
> count if you run it with the script provided per default.
> Ralphy was kind enough to compile the latest version of the
> shairport-sync, i.e. 3.20, however he did not manage yet to switch to a
> complete config-based shairport-sync installation. I was asking him also
> if possible to remove all command line params and introduce the config
> file by default. I guess this will be there in the near future. In the
> meanwhile, what you can do is create somewhere a start script which just
> starts shairport-sync as a daemon, with no other params (caution, I am
> talking about the shairport-sync executable, not the script under
> /usr/local/etc/init.d). Secure this script by adding it's filename in
> the /opt/ and running -sudo -b- afterwards.
> Ensure that at startup, the previous shairport-sync is killed and your
> script is launched. You can do so by adding a command to kill it -sudo
> shairport-sync -k- and a commandline to launch your script under
> -/opt/ And then, of course, the magic incantation: -sudo
> -b-.
> I have to say that I have tried this myself with previous versions of
> piCorePlayer, where I added -shairport- manually, as it was not there.
> It should work though with the latest piCoreplayer version, as this is
> still a standard mechanism.
> One more thing: I do not think that you need to start shairport-sync as
> root in order to work with the config. The point is, that the WebGui
> starts the script -/usr/local/etc/init.d/shairport-sync-, which has the
> command line params and causes your config file settings to be partially
> ignored (overlapping settings are ignored). When you start it manually
> by typing -shairport-sync-, it starts the real executable under
> -/usr/local/sbin/shairport-sync-, and since you do not pass all those
> params as command line, it takes the config file completely into
> account, and thus your desired output settings. This is why I gave the
> hint above to start the executable, not the .../init.d/shairport-sync
> script.
> I hope this helps,
> Sergiu
> PS: @Ralphy: Can you please simply remove the command line params
> (except the daemon one) from the start script and include the file that
> Ihave shared? Thanks a lot in advance!


I used the User commands facility to implement what you suggested as a
temporary workaround until the config file is the default means of
configuring shairport-sync.

A User command #1 of 'shairport-sync -k; shairport-sync -d' works for
me, killing the default process before starting a 'blank' daemon. For
some reason, splitting the commands across two User commands fails but
having them both on a single line works.

Obviously, this only works when piCoreplayer is rebooted. Just
restarting squeezelite and shairport-sync from the web interface causes
the default command line options to be used :rolleyes:

Thanks again for your help,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-10 Thread icebreaker

sbp wrote: 
> Fine then I'm pretty sure that you only have to refresh the webpage. Did
> you ever try the ctrl F5 that I suggested?
> steen

Yes I have tried a few times to refresh with ctrl + f5.
Can I do the setting over ssh? So then I don't care if it's only a gui


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-10 Thread bsergiu

MikeDaPsych wrote: 
> Sergiu,
> Many thanks for a superb response. I followed your instructions and
> managed to get shairport-sync working :D BUT:
> 1) I can direct shairport audio through the ALSA equaliser by changing
> the following line in the config file:
> output_device = "equal";
> This *only* works if the shairport-sync process is run from root.
> Running as the tc user produces no audio output. 
> Setting the output_device to my USB DAC (sysdefault:CARD=VX1), I can run
> shairport-sync as the tc user and get audio output. Strange...
> 2) How can I get the default invocation of shairport-sync to use the
> config file exclusively rather than setting parameters on the command
> line?
> Restarting shairport-sync via the webgui, the cmdline looks like:
> /usr/local/sbin/shairport-sync -a HiPi -o alsa -S soxr -d -D -R
> --metadata-pipename=/tmp/shairport-sync-metadata --get-coverart -- -d
> which produces no audio as the output device is incorrect.
> To get audio, I just use a plain /usr/local/sbin/shairport-sync with no
> cmdine arguments (since they come from the config file!!)
> Can I edit the default shairport-sync invocation cmdline anywhere? 
> Many thanks for your help,
> Mike

Hi Mike,

I am glad it helped. Indeed, the command line params supersede the
config file. That means, your output setting in the config file does not
caout if you run it with the script provided per default.
Ralphy was kind enough to compile the latest version of the
shairport-sync, i.e. 3.20, however he did not manage yet to switch to a
complete config-based shairport-sync installation. I was asking him also
if possible to remove all command line params and introduce the config
file by default. I guess this will be there in the near future. In the
meanwhile, what you can do is create somewhere a start script which just
starts shairport-sync as a daemon, with no other params (caution, I am
talking about the shairport-sync executable, not the script under
/usr/local/etc/init.d). Secure this script by adding it's filename in
the /opt/ and running -sudo -b- afterwards.
Ensure that at startup, the previous shairport-sync is killed and your
script is launched. You can do so by adding a command to kill it -sudo
shairport-sync -k- and a commandline to launch your script under
-/opt/ And then, of course, the magic incantation: -sudo -b-.

I have to say that I have tried this myself with previous versions of
piCorePlayer, where I added -shairport- manually, as it was not there.
It should work thoug, as this is still a standard mechanism.

I hope this helps,


PS: @Ralphy: Can you please simply remove the command line params
(except the daemon one) from the start script and include the file that
Ihave shared? Thanks a lot in advance!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-10 Thread tingtong5

paul- wrote: 
> Is there sample rate changes between the two albums.   But no we don't
> have a provision to mute the dac between tracks, that is normally
> handled in the DAC driver or the DAC itself.
No, all files are 44.1 kHz, however I do use squeezelite upsampling
options, but it also is always the same (176,4 kHz).

There is no DAC driver in this case, since I am using I2S connection.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce piCorePlayer 3.20

2017-05-10 Thread avdleeuw


I've been happily using pCP for a few months now. As I'm living in the
Netherlands, I tend to listen to this station a lot:

However, since upgrading to 3.20 (regular), I'm not able to hear any
audio from this stream anymore (or from associated stations). I can see
that squeezelite connects to the stream and receives data, as the artist
& title in the display are updated. As said, however, there is NO sound.

I went back to 3.11 and updated squeezelite to the same version as in
3.20 and the streams are audible, so it's not an issue in squeezelite
itself (1.8.6-957).

What can I do to analyze/resolve this issue? 



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