Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCoreplayer WAP standalone or shift wifi access on the fly

2018-08-13 Thread Greg Erskine

hi Jesperlykke,

Starting with pCP4.0.0 you can maintain wpa_supplicant.conf manually.

I have not tried this, but I think you can have numerous wifi networks
defined. That's a start!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.5.0

2018-08-13 Thread kingswindsor

I have had something like this before and it was hardware related. It
worked ok with the IR remote I had set up, or from a phone controller
but not the screen. To be sure, I booted up the pi with another sd card
with Raspbian and the screen was equally hit and miss. Got a new screen
and repurposed the old one. 

stereoptic wrote: 
> Apologies if I am posting in the wrong thread.
> I'm not sure if this is a picireplayer/jivelite issue or if it is
> touchscreen related.
> As of recently, i only get a response when selecting either line one or
> two of the display , tou ching anywhere on lines 3 and below is
> unresponsive.
> I am on most current picore and using official RPi display.
> Power supply is fine. Never had an issue before. I don't think I have
> changed any settings.
> Any suggestions or a link if this has been addressed before?

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PiCoreplayer WAP standalone or shift wifi access on the fly

2018-08-13 Thread Jesperlykke

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> hi Jesperlykke,
> Starting with pCP4.0.0 you can maintain wpa_supplicant.conf manually.
> I have not tried this, but I think you can have numerous wifi networks
> defined. That's a start!
> regards
> Greg

Greg... I will try... let's see how it goes...

If success, maybe i can make the Pi choose like this :

1. attemp : my home wifi
2. attemp : some hotel wifi
3. attemp : some more hotel wifi ;)
4. attemp : make WAP connection, so configuration through is
possible (this must be the tricky part, as Pcp must be scripted to
choose this with some working configuration when all real wifi fails)

RG; Jesper.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Please Help. PCP-Kali-piano 2.1 dual mono channel imbalance

2018-08-13 Thread LanceL

Thx much, how about of your Squeezelite advanced settings, ( buffer,
harfdware, priority, other controls, rtc)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.5.0

2018-08-13 Thread stereoptic

kingswindsor wrote: 
> I have had something like this before and it was hardware related. It
> worked ok with the IR remote I had set up, or from a phone controller
> but not the screen. To be sure, I booted up the pi with another sd card
> with Raspbian and the screen was equally hit and miss. Got a new screen
> and repurposed the old one. 
> Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Thanks for that.  Yeah, I can control it from the app or web site. I'll
do some more troubleshooting before I buy a new display.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Please Help. PCP-Kali-piano 2.1 dual mono channel imbalance

2018-08-13 Thread paul-

I just use the default settings.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.5.0

2018-08-13 Thread stereoptic

Doing some research, I see that there is an 'overscan' option for the
display.  I tried using the 'raspi-config' command to check, but I
suppose that command is not available on the distro used by
piCoreplayer?   Any other suggestions to troubleshoot the touchscreen? 
Again, if this belongs in another thread please let me know.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.5.0

2018-08-13 Thread Jeff07971

stereoptic wrote: 
> Doing some research, I see that there is an 'overscan' option for the
> display.  I tried using the 'raspi-config' command to check, but I
> suppose that command is not available on the distro used by
> piCoreplayer?   Any other suggestions to troubleshoot the touchscreen? 
> Again, if this belongs in another thread please let me know.

Overscan is about how the display presents the image, nothing to do with
the touchscreen IMHO

If you have tried burning a new SDCard and the PSU etc then it is likely
a harware issue.

Have you tried disconnecting and reconnecting ALL cables to the
touchscreen and Pi and while doing so inspecting them for cleanliness
and damage ?


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-13 Thread s25a

totoroBounced wrote: 
> Title says it all. I'm using Squeezelite 1.9 with LMS 7.9.1 (not 7.9.0)
> and while I can get DoP working, I am not getting native DSD. Is there a
> funky combination of plugins or SL flags I need to set? 
> Thank you!
> Erik

Start squeezeilte:


  ./squeezelite -d decode=debug -R -u vME:::28 -D :u32be -o "YOUR Sound Card 

If it does not start the DSD decoder might be not included (option D in
the command line) - You could compile it by yourself.
(Described here just a few thread before)

@Ralphy, Marco: I am still struggling with some WAV Files. Attached is a
Test File (Just some noise). Could you try if you can play this?
My DAC is capable of these high rates however even with resampler
activated - it does not start. The output is always:


  [18:44:55.871253] decode_flush:229 decode flush
  [18:44:55.880255] codec_open:257 codec open: 'f'
  [18:44:55.931540] decode_flush:229 decode flush

I can play the file with the Same DAC under Windows in Foobar. It shows
the correct rate on the display. In this case 768Khz PCM

I also wonder if someone got DXD Files to work. I am not sure but I fear
the decoder for this is not implemented

Have someone try this before. I could also provide test files if
necessary (Very big file but I can sent ONEDRIVE or Dropbox link)

Thanks S

|Filename:   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-13 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Start squeezeilte:
> > 

  >   > 
  > ./squeezelite -d decode=debug -R -u vME:::28 -D :u32be -o "YOUR Sound Card 

> > 
> If it does not start the DSD decoder might be not included (option D
> in the command line) - You could compile it by yourself.
> (Described here just a few thread before)
> @Ralphy, Marco: I am still struggling with some WAV Files. Attached is
> a Test File (Just some noise). Could you try if you can play this?
> My DAC is capable of these high rates however even with resampler
> activated - it does not start. The output is always:
> > 

  >   > 
  > [18:44:55.871253] decode_flush:229 decode flush
  > [18:44:55.880255] codec_open:257 codec open: 'f'
  > [18:44:55.931540] decode_flush:229 decode flush

> > 
> I can play the file with the Same DAC under Windows in Foobar. It
> shows the correct rate on the display. In this case 768Khz PCM
> I also wonder if someone got DXD Files to work. I am not sure but I
> fear the decoder for this is not implemented
> Have someone try this before. I could also provide test files if
> necessary (Very big file but I can sent ONEDRIVE or Dropbox link)
> Thanks S
> 25453

Is squeezelite supporting 768Khz PCM? If I well remembre no.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Please Help. PCP-Kali-piano 2.1 dual mono channel imbalance

2018-08-13 Thread LanceL

Aok...thx again

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer 4.0.0

2018-08-13 Thread John Luckins

I have got the Katana DAC up and running on  a Pi 3 B. Volume was low so
raised the ALSA volume and then noticed about a half octave lift in the
pitch of all songs, both FLAC converted to WAV from Qobuz and WAVs
44.1kHz from a USB library are affected. I vaguely recall hearing of
this before when the wrong sampling rate was being given by the master
DAC but a search here and of the Katana thread on DIY audio raised
nothing similar. I didn't notice it at the low volumes so lifting the
ALSA volume might have provoked it but that seems unlikely. Has anyone
come across this effect before? Software or Hardware I wonder.

Grateful for any help as ever...


PS I got wpa_supplicant.conf working now. Twas just windows adding an
unwanted .txt extension to the boot file. Beginners luck!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-13 Thread s25a


> Is squeezelite supporting 768Khz PCM? If I well remembre no. 

ok thanks Marco. That would explain it. Do you know which Decoder is
used for WAV Files? And what the maximum Sampling Rate is?
I just ask because maybe if it can also not Play 352Khz it mayba the
reason why the DXD Files are not Playing.

As far as I understood these files are only very high res. Wav Files.
Is it maybe possible to use a different Decoder like for MP3?

Thanks a lot 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.5.0

2018-08-13 Thread stereoptic

Jeff07971 wrote: 
> Overscan is about how the display presents the image, nothing to do with
> the touchscreen IMHO
> If you have tried burning a new SDCard and the PSU etc then it is likely
> a harware issue.
> Have you tried disconnecting and reconnecting ALL cables to the
> touchscreen and Pi and while doing so inspecting them for cleanliness
> and damage ?
> Jeff
Thanks for that.  I've avoided burning a new card, but there is always
that option! It's solved other issues before.   I've re-seated the
ribbon cable to the display board.  Some areas of the screen are more
responsive than others.  Even scrolling is unpredictable.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] BETA: piCorePlayer 4.0.0

2018-08-13 Thread paul-

Yes, that has been reported to Allo multiple users.  Seems to be
caused by changing mixer settings/filters.   Or extended idle periods. 
Not sure if Allo has figured out why or a solution.

Save your settings, then shutdown and pull the power.   Then start up.  
Playback should be fine for a while.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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