Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-08-07 Thread DuckToller

Man in a van wrote: 
> Sorry I'm a bit late.
> I have a khadastoneboard, normally running under Raspbian Desktop, with
> a rpi4b (4gb) so not quite the same as the OP.
> I have just made a pCP install with LMS and Squeezelite.
> I added pcp-dsdplay.tcz to the extensions.
> I download this test file
> to a usb stick and set it up with the pi.
> 27856
> I had to reload and reboot several times before I got the settings
> correct (I don't use DSD normally).
> At one time I lost the usb stick from the set-up and had to reinsert
> it.
> A couple of LMS restarts and maybe a reboot (I can't exactly remember)
> and Music :):)
> 27857
> Hope this helps a little :p
> ronnie
> Edit: just set it playing again
> 27858
> Edit2: I also disabled the onboard soundcard
> It sounds quite nice :rolleyes:

Dear Man_In_A_Van,
thank you for your contribution.
During the process of changing the settings I found out that i had the
pcb-dsdplay.tcz installed on the Pi2b with LMS and not on the Pi3b with
the sql-player.
Unfortunately, you settings made the player stop playing DSD64. ;-(
It might be a point worth to mention, that your Pi4b is server/player in
on unit and the DSF file is provided per USB mount. Which in this case
may make the difference. 
In my case its 2 different Pi's, and a Samba-mount on a remote computer,
the chain connected via Ethernet AND Wifi (the sql-player!)
So I changed back to the old settings  and made another pastebin with
the logs: DSD64 yes - DSD128 no - DSDS256 no. All files same folder.

Thanx for your input. Enjoy the sweet sound  ;-)
PS: Will check tomorrow if a single box set up with USB mount will play
and report back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread Paul Webster

Another varient ...

 && exit

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread Man in a van

Paul Webster wrote: 
> An exit (without quotes) at the end of the script may well
> close the terminal window.

No luck with that Paul, but thanks anyway.

I'll just use the "&" and keep looking.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread Paul Webster

An “exit” (without quotes) at the end of the script may well close the
terminal window.

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-08-07 Thread Man in a van

Sorry I'm a bit late.

I have a khadastoneboard, normally running under Raspbian Desktop, with
a rpi4b (4gb) so not quite the same as the OP.

I have just made a pCP install with LMS and Squeezelite.

I added pcp-dsdplay.tcz to the extensions.

I download this test file

to a usb stick and set it up with the pi.


I had to reload and reboot several times before I got the settings
correct (I don't use DSD normally).

At one time I lost the usb stick from the set-up and had to reinsert

A couple of LMS restarts and maybe a reboot (I can't exactly remember)

and Music :):)


Hope this helps a little :p


Edit: just set it playing again



|Filename: player2.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-08-07 Thread edwin2006

I'll try asap.

*SqueezeBoxes:* 1x Transporter (Living room) 1x SB2 (shed), 1x Radio
(Kitchen), 1x Boom (Dining room), 1x piCorePlayer (jacuzzi), 1x
piCorePlayer (Garden) 1x OSMC + Squeezelite (Movie room), 1x Touch
(Study 2), few spare unit's
*Server:* LMS on Pi3 7.9.1. on PcP 3.21
*Network:* AVM Fritzbox, Netgear Smart Switch 24p, 3x Ubiquity

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-08-07 Thread DuckToller

ralphy wrote: 
> Hi Tom,
> Continuing our email discussion here.
> I assume squeezelite restarted after setting the Device Supports DSD/DOP
> field in squeezelite settings to 0:u32be
> If yes, then try changing the 0: to 100:u32be
> If DSD256 still fails to work then we need to dig deeper.
> Change the squeezelite Log Level setting to all=debug, save and confirm
> squeezelite restarted.
> Play a DSD64 track and then a DSD256 track.
> You can view the squeezelite log from
> Diagnostics->Logs->Squeezelite->show
> The log is located at /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log
> You can upload the log to pastebin or zip it and attached to a post.

Thank you Ralphy!
here you go:

Changed setting, resetted, logged  DSD64 - 128 - 256
Only DSD 64 works
Did only log with the new setting!

Nest, Tom

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread Man in a van

It's all a bit weird really.

Yesterday, if I closed the lxterminal window, both windows closed.

I have just done that and the Jivelite window remains open and running
(that will be the ampersand addition, I guess)

So that's a step forward.:)


Ican start it from 

> /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

but that again gives me two windows, one lxterminal, one Jivelite as per
my screen-shot.

I want to start Jivelite in the Desktop when I want to use it, without
the lxterminal also opening. 

If it would autostart into the Desktop without the lxterminal showing,
that also would be ideal.

I'm running the pi directly connected to a monitor,keyboard and mouse. 

I removed the ampersand from the command line and added your suggestion



That gave me this screen. No Taskbar at the top and a white panel/bar on
the left hand side

I then replaced the ampersand


  /home/pi/jivelite/bin/jivelite &

and got the same screen on reboot.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-08-07 Thread ralphy

DuckToller wrote: 
> Hi,
> upfront I'd like to say thanks for the work of the PiCorePlayer-Team!
> I use one PI3b 1.2 as sqeezeliteplayer over wifi, connected to a Khadas
> Tone Board DAC as output, sporting a receiver XMOS XU208-128-QF48 and
> as
> DAC the ES9038Q2M chip. 
> The LMS is on RPI2b 1.2 connected via Ethernet, having an USB disk
> mounted and using SAMBA to connect to musicfolders on NAS and another
> computer.
> Apart from DSD everything running perfectly. DSD64 is the single DSD
> option that works in that setup, while the KTBD is capable of DSD256
> (under Win7, sans volume control). 
> Does anone have that DAC connected and could provide the correct
> settings for up to DSD256 native ?
> To the PiCorePlayer-Team: Pls contact me privately under vinpromo at
> . I have donated to you today via paypal, so you'll find my
> complete email and the reason on that information. Thanx in advance.
> Kinda urgent ...
> Tom

Hi Tom,

Continuing our email discussion here.

DuckToller wrote: 
> Hi guys,
> actually, it did not work ;-(
> DSD64 still works properly
> I did the diagnostics on the Pi3b connected to the DAC.
> *** Scanning for playback devices ***
> Card 0, ID `Control', name `Khadas Tone Control'
> Device 0, ID `USB Audio', name `USB Audio', 1 subdevices (1 available)
> 2 channels, sampling rate 44100..768000 Hz
> Sample formats: S16_LE, S32_LE, SPECIAL, DSD_U32_BE
> Buffer size range from 16 to 262144
> Period size range from 8 to 131072
> Subdevice 0, name `subdevice #0'
> and set the info into the squeezlite settings in that device

I assume squeezelite restarted after setting the Device Supports DSD/DOP
field in squeezelite settings to 0:u32be

If yes, then try changing the 0: to 100:u32be

If DSD256 still fails to work then we need to dig deeper.

Change the squeezelite Log Level setting to all=debug, save and confirm
squeezelite restarted.

Play a DSD64 track and then a DSD256 track.

You can view the squeezelite log from

The log is located at /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log

You can upload the log to pastebin or zip it and attached to a post.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread paul-

If your script is not running from a TTY, then you should just be able
to set the Display variable at the beginning of you script.

export DISPLAY=:0

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread Jeff07971

Do you want jivelite to be the only app or do you want to use the other
desktop app with JL running also ?

What desktop manager does Buster Desktop use ?
There is a way to auto start app with some desktop managers


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezeLite-X,PiCorePlayer x3
*Server:* LMS Version:  Latest Nightly on Centos 7.5 VM on ESXi 6.5.0U2
on Dell T320
*Remotes:* iPeng9/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite/SqueezeLite-X
*Music:* 522GB,1660 albums with 23087 songs by 5204 artists mostly

*Want a webapp ?* See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-08-07 Thread paul-

TheHypnoToad wrote: 
> edwin2006 this may be worth trying, I had to do it manually by editing
> the config.txt file as I couldn't see an option to disable on-board
> audio in the PCP webinterface.

It should be and the soundcard control page.   Button right by the
soundcard selection drop down on the squeezelite page.

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread Man in a van

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Try adding a space and an ampersand (&) at the end of the command

Hi Paul, i had seen that suggested somewhere online, but hadn't tried
it; sadly it made no difference.

I can start with a crontab command link and with a link from autostart. 

I have tried using a .service file and systemd, but that does not work.

I have a feeling that Jivelite is made to start as a Desktop itself, and
there is some magic dust to be added to make it start as a seperate

I'm not technical enough to describe it in any better manner :(.

If i run the start command from another computer it starts into a full
desktop, but I want to just have a small window open in the current

I was able to do it before in "Stretch" with Squeezeplay, but I thought
to first try with Jivelite.



I see fipo had a wesite make-over a few weeks ago :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] PcP 5.x Zero with hifibery intermidiate stopping squeezelite

2019-08-07 Thread TheHypnoToad

paul- wrote: 
> all=debug is probably what we need.   But that is going to create a huge
> file, so we need to be sure we don't fill up the memory on the device.
I've set my squeezelite to all=debug also just in case the issue comes
back for me. 

It may be possible to have a small script that runs once a minute in the
background that can check the size of the logfile, and if it's over a
certain size, it wipes or cuts out the earliest part of the log. A sort
of crude version of 'logrotate' I guess.

I've also tried disabling the onboard audio on my pizero, some
installation guides for my DAC say onboard sound should be disabled:

> Disable on-board audio by commenting out dtparam=audio=on:
> #dtparam=audio=on

edwin2006 this may be worth trying, I had to do it manually by editing
the config.txt file as I couldn't see an option to disable on-board
audio in the PCP webinterface.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread Paul Webster

Try adding a space and an ampersand (&) at the end of the command

Paul Webster
Author Radio France (FIP etc) plugin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-08-07 Thread Greg Erskine

You need to load Jivelite after you have the network setup. You can't
change from wifi to wired.

Try the [Reset] Jivelite button first. If that doesn't work you will
need to [Remove] and [Install] Jivelite.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for Buster

2019-08-07 Thread Man in a van

So, I have the Raspbian Desktop (Buster) running on a rpi4b (4gb).

Installed, I have Spotify-Connect, LMS and Squeezelite.

Also Jivelite, see screen shot.

I start Jivelite with a bash script.

How do I start it without the Terminal screen being present?:confused:




|Filename: Jivelite.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 5.0.0

2019-08-07 Thread godIsInTheRadio


first of all a huge thank you for a great distribution!
Initially I used the pCP via Wireless, but due to the heavy load on the
AP I switched to LAN. I have turned off every option pertaining to
Wireless so that it should be completely disabled. Unfortunately, after
every system restart Jivelite seems to be connected to an instance of
squeezelite that is bound to the Wireless. As such, this instance is of
course not connected to my home LMS, as there is no Wireless. I can now
choose the other player instance, which is bound to the LAN interface -
Jivelite is always showing two identically named players to select...
Then everything works fine.
When on the console, ps aux does not show two instances of squeezelite.
Also, there is just the LAN and loopback interface when issuing
ifconfig, as it was to be expected.

Please advise, thanks.


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