Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.1.0 issues

2020-09-14 Thread Fabius

Thanks for this great pice of software !!

I Just upgraded from 5.1 to 6.1 and added a "DAC+ HIFI PIFI Audio Sound
Card I2S interface for Raspberry pi 3 2 B B+ PCM5122" to my raspi. 
Unformtunately i cannot chose an appropriate output-device under "Change
Squeezelite settings"/ "Output setting". There should be a dropdown list
where i could chose my dac soundcard ( like 
"sysdefault:CARD=sndrpihifiberry" that is shown in the log as possible
output device). but there is only the option "equal". In section "Audio
output device settings" i choose HifiBery DAC +. Under Card Control i
disabled the internal audio.

What am i doing wrong? Full Logs are on pastebin here
and here pCP-2B-833f04-pcp_squeezelite.log and here

thanks for help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] 'Official' docker container for LMS?

2020-09-14 Thread dasos

Necromancyr wrote: 
> But, I'm not able to determine is WHERE volumes are actually stored if
> you use Linux Containers on Windows.  Based on the location shown in
> portainer, I think it's actually generated within the LinuxVM used for
> Linux Containers in Windows and isn't actually present anywhere on the
> host system. This defeats the purpose a bit since I can't access those
> files directly.  

So, I don't really know Docker on Windows (or Windows really), but
'StackOverflow discusses it here'
As you say, they appear to be in some sort of VM.

But my question is why do you want to access the files directly? The
point of a volume is that you can just let Docker deal with it.

Necromancyr wrote: 
> Given, I could be misunderstanding the intention of volumes totally.

Using Docker often means changing how you think about things. It might
help to think less where files are, and instead think about the volume
as a journalling mechanism. It captures all the changes that an app
makes, like a snapshot.  And this is then very portable. (I over

Apart from backups, I don't think I've ever wanted to access the LMS
volume.  If you wanted to pock around, you can spin up another
container, connect the volume to it, and do what you want.  Take a look
at the Docker documentation on volumes, specifically, 'making a backup
of a volume'
One command will make a Ubuntu container to access your volume and tar
the contents to a file for you.

If there is something you specifically need to edit or change within the
container, then these days it is common to use environment variables to
specify options to the image. This lets a container be very disposable,
and you may not need a volume at all.  One potential feature for the LMS
container would be to specify a Spotify username and password as an
environment variable in the compose file. Then, when you spin up the
container, you don't need to do setup; Spotty is set up and ready to

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.1.0 issues

2020-09-14 Thread mr-b

paul- wrote: 
> The file still has improper line endings and carriage returns in it,
> process the file with dos2unix.
> > 

  >   > 
  > $ file ~/Downloads/ 
  > /home/paul/Downloads/ POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, 
with CRLF, LF line terminators
  > $ dos2unix ~/Downloads/
  > dos2unix: converting file /home/paul/Downloads/ to Unix format...
  > $ file ~/Downloads/ 
  > /home/paul/Downloads/ POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable

> > 
Great - that was it! (The 'file' cmd doesn't seem to be present on PCP
('find' couldn't find it), but dos2unix was and it did the job - no more
errors!) Tx!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 6.1.0 issues

2020-09-14 Thread Tony T

mr-b wrote: 
> Great - that was it! (The 'file' cmd doesn't seem to be present on PCP
> ('find' couldn't find it), but dos2unix was and it did the job - no more
> errors!) Tx!
> Sorry to interrupt the thread with such Shell Scripting 101 stuff.

Another way to see the line endings is with  cat -e (Display
non-printing characters and display a dollar sign (`$') at the end of
each line.)


  tc@picoreplayer:/mnt/MUSIC/Other$ cat -e 
  tar -chzvf /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/backup/pCP_and_LMS_prefs_Backup_script.tgz 
/usr/local/slimserver/prefs /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/mydata.tgz^M$

  SBTouch ♪ SBRadio ♬

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2020-09-14 Thread Aki7

no luck with the new version. The OLED shows "snow" now.


tc@pcTest61:~$ sudo killall lmsmonitor
  killall: lmsmonitor: no process killed
  tc@pcTest61:~$ PNAME=`cat /usr/local/sbin/config.cfg | grep "^NAME=" | cut 
-d'"' -f2`
  tc@pcTest61:~$ sudo /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/lmsmonitor -n ${PNAME} -c -z -f7 -V
  OLED Mode ...: IIC
  This is lmsmonitor (0.4.55) - built Sep 13 2020 19:00:26.
  Verbosity ...: Maximum
  OLED Driver .: (6) SH1106 I2C 128x64
  OLED Address : 0x3c
  Scrolling Mode ..: (0) Cylon (Default)
  OLED Clock Font .: Roboto Thin
  2020-09-14 13:31:34 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0776 : generalReset active
  LMS Discovery 
  LMS server response .:
  Server IP ...:
  Failed to parse JSON, check adequate tokens allocated: -1
  Could not find player "pcTest61" [discoverPlayer]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2020-09-14 Thread ralphy

Arthur wrote: 
> Log file

Thank you.  Same error.


[21:41:22.157] process:521 strm
  [21:41:22.157] process_strm:274 strm command t
  [21:41:22.157] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [21:41:23.158] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [21:41:25.085] stream_thread:324 error reading: Unknown error
  [21:41:25.085] sendDSCO:208 DSCO: 2
  [21:41:25.085] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [21:41:27.086] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt

Not sure what's causing this, but the device opens successfully


[21:37:21.591] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMf
  [21:37:21.607] pa_monitor:283 output on
  [21:37:21.607] pa_monitor:304 end monitor thread
  [21:37:21.607] _pa_open:395 error opening device 9 - USB DAC ASIO [ASIO] : 
Unanticipated host error
  [21:37:21.607] pa_monitor:275 start monitor thread


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
'Squeezebox client builds'
( 'donations'
always appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2020-09-14 Thread shunte88

hi @Aki7

> Failed to parse JSON, check adequate tokens allocated: -1

That's an error from the monitor when it processes a "broken" reply from
the server

The message about allocating tokens is a prompt for me - I spent hours
chasing issues with the JSON routines when I'd only just not given it
enough workspace.  I thought I'd allocated sufficiently but maybe not.

I see you are running the very latest build.

I'll push a debug build binary that'll dump the JSON, I'll up the token
count too

Same build is running on my Pi3 and Pi4 systems without issue here.
Could be other factors like LMS version so we'll need to chase it a


OLED Mode ...: IIC
  This is lmsmonitor (0.4.55) - built Sep 13 2020 19:00:26.
  Verbosity ...: Maximum
  OLED Driver .: (6) SH1106 I2C 128x64
  OLED Address : 0x3c
  Scrolling Mode ..: (0) Cylon (Default)
  OLED Clock Font .: Classic LCD Clock Font
  2020-09-14 11:11:55 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0776 : generalReset active
  LMS Discovery 
  LMS server response .:
  Server IP ...:
  *00   SqueezeLitekoala xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  01   SqueezeLite caracara xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  02  Squeezebox Touch   livingroom xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  Player Name .: koala
  Player ID ...: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  Player IP ...:
  LMS:Repeat ..: 0
  LMS:Playing .: No
  LMS:Duration : 290.36
  LMS:Volume ..: 40
  LMS:Player Online ...: Yes
  LMS:Shuffle .: 0
  LMS:Track ID : 820762
  LMS:Artist ..: Hi Fi Power
  LMS:Sample Rate .: 44.1
  LMS:Year : 2020
  LMS:Title ...: Chill Out (Raggafunks U)
  LMS:Track Number : 11
  LMS:Compilation .: Yes
  LMS:Remote ..: No
  LMS:Sample Size .: 16
  LMS:Album ...: Soul Jazz Records presents BLACK RIOT: Early Jungle, 
Rave and Hardcore [UK] [SJRD452]
  LMS:Time Played .: 0
  Provider IP .:
  Reported TZ .: America/New_York
  Longitude ...:  -71.1134
  Latitude :   42.4178
  Sunrise .: 09-14-2020 06:23:50
  Sunset ..: 09-14-2020 18:55:01
  Set Display .: Day Mode
  debug: climacell lat ->  42.3614
  debug: climacell lon -> -71.1040
  debug: climacell temp -> 72.50 F
  debug: climacell feels_like -> 72.50 F
  debug: climacell wind_speed -> 10.49 mph
  debug: climacell baro_pressure -> 30.01 inHg
  debug: climacell visibility ->  6.21 mi
  debug: climacell humidity -> 53.31 %
  debug: climacell wind_direction ->  NW : 318.75 degrees
  debug: climacell precipitation ->  0.00 in
  debug: climacell weather_code -> mostly_clear : Mostly Clear (14)
  debug: climacell observation_time -> 2020-09-14T15:11:55.901Z
  Visualization ...: Inactive
  Hostname : zebra001
  Interface ...: eth0
  Address .:
  Interface ...: wlan0
  Address .:
  GFX Font Width ..: 6 (px)
  GFX Font Height .: 8 (px)
  2020-09-14 11:12:00 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0970 : isRefreshed
  2020-09-14 11:12:00 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1014 : activeScroller test
  2020-09-14 11:12:00 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1019 : display clock test
  2020-09-14 11:12:00 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1391 : clockWeatherPage
  2020-09-14 11:12:00 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1398 : putWeather
  2020-09-14 11:12:01 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0970 : isRefreshed
  2020-09-14 11:12:01 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1014 : activeScroller test
  2020-09-14 11:12:01 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1019 : display clock test
  2020-09-14 11:12:01 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1391 : clockWeatherPage
  2020-09-14 11:12:01 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1398 : putWeather

As of 2020/09/11

*Total Tracks: 152,573
Total Albums: 14,063
Total Artists: 19,846
Total Genres: 712
Total Playing Time: 24417:05:11

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2020-09-14 Thread gregex

Cool, the Raspdac Mini display initializes correctly on RPi4 now!  I can
see the splash screen.

However, looks like there is a regression in server discovery - the new
code assumes LMS listens on port 9000.  My server (7.9.2) is on port
9002 (for reasons I don't recall as there is nothing using 9000, but I
suppose the Synology packages are built that way).
The init/error output is a bit misleading on this front - it is not
using 3483 for the http connection. Suggest adding the port to the
"error: connect" message.


  $ sudo ./lmsmonitor -v -m sa -o7 -V -D27 -R24 -C0 -I -n RaspdacMini
  OLED Mode ...: SPI
  This is lmsmonitor (0.4.55) - built Sep 13 2020 19:00:26.
  Verbosity ...: Maximum
  OLED Driver .: (7) SH1106 SPI 128x64NHD1322 Grayscale SPI 
256x64NHD1322 Monochrome SPI 256x64
  OLED Address : 0x0
  Scrolling Mode ..: (0) Cylon (Default)
  OLED Clock Font .: Classic LCD Clock Font
  2020-09-14 11:50:09 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0776 : generalReset active
  LMS Discovery 
  LMS server response .:
  Server IP ...:
  error: connect -
  Could not find player "RaspdacMini" [discoverPlayer]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2020-09-14 Thread Aki7

LMS is 7.9.1, can't use 7.9.2 cause broken repository, can't use 7.9.3
cause broken power-gpio behavior on pi zero's =:-)

how do you get your very verbose output?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Feature request picoreplayer: Play state to GPIO

2020-09-14 Thread Aki7

Vers 0.3: When no GPIO is given, green onboard LED led0 will be used. So
will run now without parameters. No more sudo necessary.



  # pm2gpio script polls "pcp mode" every 500 ms (1 second on Pi Zero) and sets 
a GPIO when squeezelite is playing.
  # Aki 9/2020 - Home:
  # Vers 0.2: Cleanup of GPIO on exit. Reentrance cleared. -k kills running 
instance. Clear reaction on 'pcp mode' outages.
  # Vers 0.3: When no GPIO is given, green onboard LED led0 will be used. So 
will now run without parameters. No more sudo necessary
  ScriptName=$(basename -- "$0")
  function UpTm () { # Returns UpTime
  set `cat -- /proc/uptime`
  echo "$1"
  } # function UpTm
  function mySudo () {
  echo $@ | sudo sh
  } # function mySudo
  function msg () {
  echo "$(UpTm) $ScriptName: $@"; #echo "$(date +"%T") $ScriptName: $@";
  } # function msg
  function err () {
  echo "$(UpTm) $ScriptName: Error: $@" >&2; exit 1 
  } # function err, not called from loop -therefore no need to cleanup?
  function cleanup () { 
  if [ $PlayGPIO = "0" ]; then # green onboard led0
  mySudo "echo mmc0 >/sys/class/leds/led0/trigger" 
  else # GPIO
  if [ -e $BASE_GPIO_PATH/gpio$PlayGPIO ]; then # GPIO initialized
  mySudo "echo $((!$PlayVal)) > $BASE_GPIO_PATH/gpio$PlayGPIO/value" # Set to 
off state
  mySudo "echo $PlayGPIO > $BASE_GPIO_PATH/unexport"
  fi # GPIO de-initialized
  fi # led0 or GPIO
  exit 0 
  } # on Exit
  function Usage () {
  echo ""
  echo "PlayMode to GPIO ($ScriptName) sets a GPIO when squeezelite is playing."
  echo ""
  echo "Usage: $0 [-g GPIO] [-s n] [-f] [-v] [-b] [-k] [-h]"
  echo ""
  echo "-g : GPIO-number play mode, if not given, green onboard (led0) will be 
  echo "-s : GPIO-value for play mode [0,1], if not given [1] will be used"
  echo "-f : run in foreground with verbose output"
  echo "-v : verbose output from background"
  echo "-b : blink mode, GPIO is blinking when playing, on on pause"
  echo "-k : Kill running $ScriptName" 
  echo "-h : Shows this help"
  echo ""
  echo "Examples:"
  echo "-"
  echo "  $0 : Green onboard LED (led0) on when playing"
  echo "  $0 -b  : Green onboard LED (led0) blinking when playing, on 
when paused"
  echo "  $0 -g27: Sets GPIO27 to 3V when playing"  
  echo "  $0 -g27 -b : Sets GPIO27 to 3V, blinking when playing, on when 
  echo "  $0 -g4  -s0 -f : Sets GPIO4  to 0V when playing, running in 
foreground with output (debug)"
  echo "  $0 -g4  -s1 -v : Sets GPIO4  to 3V when playing, running in 
background with output (debug)"
  echo "  $0 -k  : Kills running $ScriptName"  
  echo ""
  exit 1
  } # function Usage
  function Loop () { 
  trap cleanup INT TERM # cleanup GPIO on exit
  while true; do  
  MODE=`pcp mode 2> /dev/null`
  if [ ! "$MODE" = "$OldMode" ]; then # MODE change
  if [ ! "$MODE" ]; then MODE="not available"; fi # no result, wget error
  msg "pcp mode is \"$MODE\"."
  if [ "$MODE" = "play" ] || [ "$MODE" = "pause" ] || [ "$MODE" = "stop" ] || [ 
"$MODE" = "not available" ]; then # valid or empty MODE
  if [ "$MODE" = "play" ]; then 
  GPIOval=$PlayVal; # on
  elif $blink && [ "$MODE" = "pause" ]; then 
  GPIOval=$PlayVal # on
  GPIOval=$((!$PlayVal)) # off
  else # unknown MODE
  msg "\"pcp mode\" results to unknown mode \"$MODE\", should be play, pause, 
  fi # valid/invalid MODE
  fi # MODE change   
  # blink
  if $blink && [ "$MODE" = "play" ]; then GPIOval="$((!$GPIOval))"; fi # 
invert, blinking   
  if [ ! "$GPIOval" = "$oldGPIOval" ]; then
  if ! $blink; then msg "Set GPIO$PlayGPIO to $GPIOval."; fi
  if [ $PlayGPIO = "0" ]; then # led0
  if [ $GPIOval = "1" ]; then
  mySudo "echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness"
  mySudo "echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness"
  else # GPIO
  mySudo "echo $GPIOval > $BASE_GPIO_PATH/gpio$PlayGPIO/value"
  fi # GPIO val change
  sleep 0.5
  done # while true
  } # function Loop
  ### Main ###
  # Parameter
  # -
  #if [ ! $1 ]; then Usage; fi # No Param, please give at least the GPIO
  # Defaults
  PlayGPIO=0 # default green onboard led0
  PlayVal=1 # default active high
  foreground=false # no more need to foreground
  verbose=false # no output from loop when daemonized
  blink=false # stay active
  while getopts g:s:fvbkh 

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] 'Official' docker container for LMS?

2020-09-14 Thread zordaz

dasos wrote: 
> So I don't use Windows, but I do see many people struggling with
> permissions. Why not use a volume?  It's generally not recommended to
> persist data using a bind mount (but I know it is super common). Anyway,
> try something like this. You can add port mappings if you prefer. :)
> > 

  >   > 
  > version: "2"
  > services:
  > lms:
  > image: doliana/logitech-media-server
  > network_mode: host
  > volumes:
  > - M:\ServerFolders\music:/srv/music
  > - K:\Docker\timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
  > - lms_config:/srv/squeezebox
  > volumes:
  > lms_config:

> > 

I agree that Docker Volumes are the preferred way for persistent data in
a Docker setup nowadays. Therefore I intend to focus on this after my
final testing of the amentioned library rescan tests.

*Living Room:* HifiBerry DAC+ Pro & piCorePlayer
*Attic:* HifiBerry DAC+ RCA & piCorePlayer
*Kitchen:* SB Radio
*Other rooms:* 4x SB Radio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2020-09-14 Thread shunte88

--verbose or -V gives you the "max"

though I would have had to add instrumentation to look at

apologies for the delay - my day went sideways

just pushed a new build

I reallocated all of the tokens in all the routines that process JSON,
bumped to silly numbers but best err on the side of caution

if they run into further issues, the JSON will be dumped so that it can
be reviewed.

grab the latest and give it a whirl, hopefully were out of the weeds and
back on the green path

As of 2020/09/11

*Total Tracks: 152,573
Total Albums: 14,063
Total Artists: 19,846
Total Genres: 712
Total Playing Time: 24417:05:11

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2020-09-14 Thread Jophnal

Thank you so much ralphy mcoste and Arthur! We really appreciation your
work in trying to narrow down the issue and solve it.

I recently played a 40 minute podcast MP3 with -b 1:1 buffer. It
stopped at the 28 minute mark (100% thread usage - 30 second pause) then
kept playing. and it happened 10 minutes later - same thing about 2
minutes from the end of the file.

Is there something I could contribute to assist in identifying the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2020-09-14 Thread slartibartfast

Jophnal wrote: 
> Thank you so much ralphy mcoste and Arthur! We really appreciation your
> work in trying to narrow down the issue and solve it.
> I recently played a 40 minute podcast MP3 with -b 1:1 buffer. It
> stopped at the 28 minute mark (100% thread usage - 30 second pause) then
> kept playing. and it happened 10 minutes later - same thing about 2
> minutes from the end of the file.
> Is there something I could contribute to assist in identifying the
> issue?For podcast issues maybe the "Reliable" plugin would help. I think it
should be available in third party plugins.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2020-09-14 Thread gregex

No, I still see the same symptom.  I looked at the code more closely and
it seems sliminfo.c:getServerAddress() does not attempt jsonrpc port
discovery, so it's no wonder it doesn't work :-).

Not sure if it is documented somewhere but this seems to be the server

I made a rudimentary proof-of-concept patch to satisfy my own curiosity
- attached here. Needs to be cleaned up a bit, but it "works for me".


|Filename: lms-port-discovery.patch |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2020-09-14 Thread shunte88

not sure what you mean by "doesn't get called"???
odd that its working on the devices I have under test and use daily?  I
wouldn't have pushed something that was -obviously- broken as discovery
and I don't remember pushing to the repo mid-development - a lot of the
work was done between 1 - 4 AM so there's potential but I'm sure I
so I'm not sure what you've been running into


OLED Mode ...: IIC
  This is lmsmonitor (0.4.55) - built Sep 14 2020 17:27:18.
  Verbosity ...: Maximum
  OLED Driver .: (6) SH1106 I2C 128x64
  OLED Address : 0x3c
  Scrolling Mode ..: (0) Cylon (Default)
  OLED Clock Font .: Classic LCD Clock Font
  2020-09-14 22:05:23 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0776 : generalReset active
  LMS Discovery 
  LMS server response .: Ok
  Server IP ...:
  *00   SqueezeLitekoala xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  01   SqueezeLite caracara xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  02  Squeezebox Touch   livingroom xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  Player Name .: koala
  Player ID ...: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  Player IP ...:
  LMS:Shuffle .: 0
  LMS:Compilation .: No
  LMS:Title ...: Symphony No.4 in B flat, Op.60 - Allegro ma non troppo
  LMS:Year : 2017
  LMS:Album Artist : Rafael Kubelik, London Symphony Orchestra, Ludwig van 
Beethoven, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
  LMS:Album ID : 74797
  LMS:Remote ..: No
  LMS:Sample Size .: 24
  LMS:Album ...: Symphonies No. 1 & 4 [Mch] [US] [PTC 5186 248]
  LMS:Track Artist(s) .: Rafael Kubelik, London Symphony Orchestra, Ludwig van 
Beethoven, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
  LMS:Duration : 405.359
  LMS:Track ID : 824515
  LMS:Conductor ...: Rafael Kubelik
  LMS:Composer : Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven
  LMS:Sample Rate .: 88.2
  LMS:Artist ..: Rafael Kubelik
  LMS:Time Played .: 0
  LMS:Volume ..: 70
  LMS:Playing .: No
  LMS:Repeat ..: 0
  LMS:Player Online ...: Yes
  Provider IP .:
  Reported TZ .: America/New_York
  Longitude ...:  -71.1134
  Latitude :   42.4178
  Sunrise .: 09-14-2020 06:23:50
  Sunset ..: 09-14-2020 18:55:01
  Set Display .: Night Mode
  debug: climacell lat ->  42.3614
  debug: climacell lon -> -71.1040
  debug: climacell temp -> 61.93 F
  debug: climacell feels_like -> 61.93 F
  debug: climacell wind_speed -> 12.30 mph
  debug: climacell baro_pressure -> 30.17 inHg
  debug: climacell visibility ->  6.21 mi
  debug: climacell humidity -> 40.69 %
  debug: climacell wind_direction -> NNW : 345.56 degrees
  debug: climacell precipitation ->  0.00 in
  debug: climacell weather_code -> clear : Clear (1)
  debug: climacell observation_time -> 2020-09-15T02:05:23.480Z
  Visualization ...: Inactive
  Hostname : zebra001
  Interface ...: eth0
  Address .:
  Interface ...: wlan0
  Address .:
  GFX Font Width ..: 6 (px)
  GFX Font Height .: 8 (px)
  2020-09-14 22:05:28 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0970 : isRefreshed
  2020-09-14 22:05:28 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1014 : activeScroller test
  2020-09-14 22:05:28 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1019 : display clock test
  2020-09-14 22:05:28 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1391 : clockWeatherPage
  2020-09-14 22:05:28 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1398 : putWeather
  2020-09-14 22:05:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0970 : isRefreshed
  2020-09-14 22:05:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1014 : activeScroller test
  2020-09-14 22:05:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1019 : display clock test
  2020-09-14 22:05:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1391 : clockWeatherPage
  2020-09-14 22:05:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1398 : putWeather
  2020-09-14 22:05:30 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0970 : isRefreshed
  2020-09-14 22:05:30 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1014 : activeScroller test
  2020-09-14 22:05:30 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1019 : display clock test
  2020-09-14 22:05:30 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1391 : clockWeatherPage
  2020-09-14 22:05:30 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1398 : putWeather

I didn't change the original UDP multicast implementation, its tried and
tested - and as the comment described its borrowed from slimproto -
direct from the horses mouth - code that must have been executed
millions of times at this point.

The patch defo looks to have fewer moving parts.  if its more reliable,
and I'm sure it will be, I'll add to the mix along with attribution 

I should be pushing another build sometime in the AM - adding a few more
smarts to the clock divider setting - removed the parameter and fully

As of 2020/09/11

*Total Tracks: 152,573
Total Albums: 14,063
Total Artists: 19,846
Total Genres: 712
Total Playing Time: 24417:05:11

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2020-09-14 Thread shunte88

pushing the latest to the repo in the next 30 minutes

minor edits for pi version specifics, currently only SPI initialization
is taking advantage

the eJSON discovery proto provided by @gregex also incorporated,
dynamically finds jsonRPC port should your setup not be on the expected

minor edits, no additional functionality/enhancements

once again if you find nasties let me know


OLED Mode ...: IIC
  This is lmsmonitor (0.4.56) - built Sep 15 2020 02:18:03.
  Platform : Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
  Verbosity ...: Maximum
  OLED Driver .: (6) SH1106 I2C 128x64
  OLED Address : 0x3c
  Scrolling Mode ..: (0) Cylon (Default)
  OLED Clock Font .: Roboto Thin
  2020-09-15 02:18:24 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0782 : generalReset active
  LMS Discovery 
  LMS server response .: Ok
  Server IP ...:
  *00   SqueezeLitekoala xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  01   SqueezeLite caracara xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  02  Squeezebox Touch   livingroom xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  Player Name .: koala
  Player ID ...: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
  Player IP ...:
  LMS:Time Played .: 0
  LMS:Sample Size .: 24
  LMS:Album ...: Symphonies No. 1 & 4 [Mch] [US] [PTC 5186 248]
  LMS:Track Artist(s) .: Rafael Kubelik, London Symphony Orchestra, Ludwig van 
Beethoven, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
  LMS:Compilation .: No
  LMS:Title ...: Symphony No.4 in B flat, Op.60 - Allegro ma non troppo
  LMS:Year : 2017
  LMS:Album Artist : Rafael Kubelik, London Symphony Orchestra, Ludwig van 
Beethoven, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
  LMS:Album ID : 74797
  LMS:Remote ..: No
  LMS:Duration : 405.359
  LMS:Track ID : 824515
  LMS:Conductor ...: Rafael Kubelik
  LMS:Composer : Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven
  LMS:Sample Rate .: 88.2
  LMS:Artist ..: Rafael Kubelik
  LMS:Shuffle .: 0
  LMS:Player Online ...: Yes
  LMS:Volume ..: 70
  LMS:Playing .: No
  LMS:Repeat ..: 0
  Provider IP .:
  Reported TZ .: America/New_York
  Longitude ...:  -71.1134
  Latitude :   42.4178
  Sunrise .: 09-15-2020 06:24:54
  Sunset ..: 09-15-2020 18:53:15
  Set Display .: Night Mode
  Visualization ...: Inactive
  Hostname : zebra001
  Interface ...: eth0
  Address .:
  Interface ...: wlan0
  Address .:
  GFX Font Width ..: 6 (px)
  GFX Font Height .: 8 (px)
  2020-09-15 02:18:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-0976 : isRefreshed
  2020-09-15 02:18:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1020 : activeScroller test
  2020-09-15 02:18:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1025 : display clock test
  2020-09-15 02:18:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1109 : clockPage
  2020-09-15 02:18:29 :: src/lmsmonitor.c-1116 : cpu Metrics?

As of 2020/09/11

*Total Tracks: 152,573
Total Albums: 14,063
Total Artists: 19,846
Total Genres: 712
Total Playing Time: 24417:05:11

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