Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] New RPi Zero 2 W

2021-10-28 Thread Steve Agnew

You guys must have much better eyesight and steadier hands than me. 
I’ll wait for the version with soldered headers that surely must be
coming. The performance  of a Pi Zero W with chick’s Python script is
fine, so check it out for a fun remote monitor and basic controller.

Cheers, Steve

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Simple Linux OS for Jivelite, LMS on PC

2021-03-18 Thread Steve Agnew

diode84 wrote: 
> Thats interesting Steve, I have run DietPi on it before. How did you
> install LMS?
> I don't need a touchscreen.

It is pretty simple and takes about 15 minutes.

install DietPi and run the initial setup and update.

In Dietpi-Config

Change locale to en_NZ.UTF8
Change time zone to Pacific/Auckland

Using DietPi-Software, select Samba and LMS then Install selected

I'm using an SSD, so to set that up:

Plug in the SSD and check dmesg to see if there were any problems
accessing it.

apt-get install gdisk
run gdisk and create 1 x 8GB partition and 1 x remainder
sudo mke2fs -t ext4 -L rootfs /dev/sda1
sudo mke2fs -t ext4 -L shared /dev/sda2

run dietpi-drive_manager

format both partitions on the SSD and then transfer the root file system
to SSD. 

mount sda1 as /mnt/rootfs
mount sda2 as /mnt/shared

reboot & test

create directories for music and playlists.

mkdir /mnt/shared/music
mkdir /mnt/shared/playlists

The hardest part for me was setting up Samba. I wanted to set up an
unrestricted shared folder, which worked fine from my Mac but not from
my brother's PC. Current versions of Windows require that you have a
user code and password for your remote share, so you need to set up a
user account in DietPi just to give you access to the shared

adduser admin
passwd admin
smbpasswd -a admin

Then in /etc/samba/smb.conf

comment = Music Folder
path = /mnt/shared/music
browsable = yes
guest ok = no
read only = no
valid users = admin
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777

That should get you going. I've set up 3 HC1s so far - two for me and
one for my brother. As a DIY project it is as simple as it gets and they
work really well. I can see the benefit of someone else managing
software updates for me which is why I have ordered a couple of the
Core-32 micro servers devices from Polyvection to try out.

Cheers, Steve

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Simple Linux OS for Jivelite, LMS on PC

2021-03-17 Thread Steve Agnew

I'm running LMS on an Odroid HC1 using DietPi Linux which was very easy
to get working. DietPi is available for X86 so maybe that would be a
good option to try just for LMS. I don't know how you would get on
hooking up a touchscreen and running Jivelite, but piCorePlayer is
perfect for that.

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: LMS Monitor 2020

2021-01-30 Thread Steve Agnew

I've just tried running piCorePlayer 7.0 on the EVO-Sabre Dac. Out of
the box it worked fine after selecting the Audiophonics iSabre Q2M as
audio output. The volume control on the DAC works, as do the Volume Up
and Down buttons on the remote control - but of course there is nothing
being displayed on the right hand screen. I did try the DietPi image
from Audiophonics but that seems to expect to connect to LMS running on
the internal PI4 not the one I have on the network, so while it played
back music OK the right hand screen complained about not being able to
connect to LMS. I'd rather have a blank screen than one that complains,
so PCP it is.

I know that this is a WIP to have LMSMonitor running on the Sabre, just
wondering how you were getting on. And also to thank you and all the
other people who contribute to this amazing ecosystem.

Regards, Steve

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-11 Thread Steve Agnew

ralphy wrote: 
> Great work! it is often a challenge to get the keycodes right.
> You don't active LIRC support in the webgui, nor use lircd.conf or
> lircrc files with inputlircd as it replaces lircd and you have to launch
> it from the user commands.
> Please review my 'initial post'
> (
> regarding inputlircd.  The manpage link is also helpful.
> I did not create an inputlircd mapping file for the mini usb keyboard,
> just found which keys generated the 'keycodes that squeezelite supports'
> ( 
> You will also need to update squeezelite to v1.9.7-1237-pCP from the pcp
> web interface to support all the keycodes.
> You also have add the -i option to the Various Options field and if you
> change the Log level setting to ir=debug on the squeezelite page and
> save then you can see the IR codes in /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log

Thanks Ralphy, I have it working now. It works sort of OK, except that
if it is the only USB device plugged in to the Pi when it boots, the Pi
won't find it, so Inputlircd won't load. When the Arduino boots the
bootloader waits for 5s to allow you to load a new program and this
delay seems to be the problem. There is an updated 'micronucleus'
bootloader that skips the 5s delay but I haven't yet figured out how to
install that. I was starting inputlircd in the user commands and the
keypresses wouldn't appear until I restarted squeezelite. If I make any
more progress I will report back.

Regards, Steve

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-05-09 Thread Steve Agnew

ralphy wrote: 
> Yes, it is possible to control squeezelite with a usb device that mimics
> a keyboard with /usr/local/sbin/inputlircd if you manually install the
> pcp-lirc extension.  That being said, it's not an simple setup.
> I did this recently with the 'Justboom Smart USB Remote'
> ( and a 'mini
> usb keyboard'
> (
> while testing a squeezelite change to enable repeating keys support with
> inputlircd.
> We don't support inputlircd from the webgui lirc tweaks pages.  If you
> enable lirc through tweaks, pcp will launch lircd at startup which
> conflicts with inputlircd.
> You need to install pcp-lircd from the extensions webgui and start it
> from the user commands, and you must add -i to squeezelite various
> options field.
> See 'the manpage'
> ( for
> option details.
> You will likely need to create a mapping file (-t) and you might need to
> add -m 0 and -r 300 in addition to the input device your usb device is
> sending key events on.

Thanks Ralphy.

I've made a bit of progress and managed to compile a version of the
Thingiverse Knob software that works well with Jivelite just sending
and MMKEY_SCAN_NEXT_TRACK. It's not pretty but it works connected
directly to a USB port.


I've been following your suggestion for making it work with Squeezelite.
I'm currently testing with a standard wired (not RF) USB keyboard and
although inputlircd seems to be running OK the key presses don't seem to
be getting through. On the tweaks page it shows LIRC as running, and on
the IR page there is a prompt to Install LIRC.

What did your lircd.conf and licrc files look like when you were testing
the mini usb keyboard? Am I heading in the wrong direction?

Thanks for your help.

Steve Agnew

|Filename: IMG_4481.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-04-30 Thread Steve Agnew

I've just spent an afternoon setting up a KY-040 encoder to work with
squeezelite and was wondering if there was a simpler approach that would
be easier for normal folk.

Would it be possible to support USB media controllers natively in
Squeezelite? I think they are supported if you install Jivelite but my
picoreplayer box sits inside an old radio and doesn't have a screen.
Something really simple like this:

would be awesome, or even something a bit more mainstream like the OSMC
RF media remote controller:

I'm sure there are lots of other remote controls that mimic keyboards.
Would this be a useful thing to have?

Thanks, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 3.00

2016-08-28 Thread Steve Agnew

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Well, I know one guy at least who has 5.1 audio output working with kodi
> and his receiver over hdmi. But as with all things Pi, there are
> probably 10x as many people who never manged to make it work, for every
> person who did! ;)

Rasplex on the Pi will send 7.1 channels of Audio over HDMI, either
passed through natively or as LPCM. More information here:

This is basic required functionality for any media player and it does
work well. 

I don't use Kodi but this is from the Kodi Wiki:

1.8 How about multichannel audio support?

By default audio is downmixed to stereo.
If your receiver/TV supports DTS or AC3 passthrough then enable
these in audio settings and you will get 6 channel audio.
Multichannel PCM audio is supported over HDMI. Note: not all
receivers support this and toslink/optical will not.
Enable by setting the speaker configuration to suitable value
(e.g. 5.1 or 7.1).
If your recevier does not support multichannel PCM, then leave
this at 2.0. You can still get multichannel audio through passthrough.

So for sure it can be done.

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-09-04 Thread Steve Agnew

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Thanks for reporting hsmeets,
> If you get bored today, can you try to cut another RPi2 SD card. I am
> curious whether you get one that works :confused:
> regards
> Greg

Hi Greg,

If you mount the dud RPi2 SD card on your PC, what does the Config.txt
file contain? On my RPi card it looks normal but looks corrupted on the
RPi2 card.

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-09-03 Thread Steve Agnew

Hi Greg,

I checked the OSX error log which showed an error reported by fsck_msdos
before trying to mount the .img file. Running this in a terminal window
gives the following error:

Macintosh:~ steve$ fsck_msdos
** /Users/steve/Desktop/piCorePlayer1.21_RPI2.img
Invalid BS_jmpBoot in boot block: fab800

After searching online for this error, I came across the testdisk

This reports:

TestDisk 7.0, Data Recovery Utility, April 2015
Christophe GRENIER

Disk /Users/steve/Desktop/piCorePlayer1.21_RPI2.img - 68 MB / 65 MiB -
CHS 9 255
Current partition structure:
Partition  StartEndSize in sectors

Warning: number of heads/cylinder mismatches 4 (FAT) != 255 (HD)
Warning: number of sectors per track mismatches 16 (FAT) != 63 (HD)
1 P FAT32 LBA0  32 33 2 172 42  40960 [piCore]

Warning: Bad starting cylinder (CHS and LBA don't match)
2 P Linux2 172 43 8  38 30  87936

Warning: Bad starting cylinder (CHS and LBA don't match)
No partition is bootable

I've got no idea what this means but I hope it is helpful. I've tried
three different cards from 4GB, 8GB and 32GB and got the same error on

I'm using Apple-Pi Baker to copy the img file onto a Micro-SD card.

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelit

2015-09-02 Thread Steve Agnew

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Hi nowhinjing,
> I think you may have download piCorePlayer1.21_RPI.img instead of
> piCorePlayer1.21_RPI2.img
> Did it myself yesterday and saw my first panic trap.
> Please let us know so we can follow up further.
> regards
> Greg

Hi Greg,

I have the same problem with a kernel panic immediately after booting on
a Pi 2. Interestingly, the _RPI2.img file gives me an error if I double
click on it on OSX to mount it. All the other piCore image files mount
correctly so I suspect it is a problem with that particular image file.
The MD5 of the piCorePlayer1.21_RPI2.img file I downloaded from
Sourceforge is c352d8d715cf6b65b4943ec7545c8c77.

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-10-15 Thread Steve Agnew

Triode wrote: 
 Mainly because it offers all we need as a player only solution with a
 usb dac.  Its got a real usb implementation which is much better than
 the Pi and also has more cpu power.   It can run squeezelite and
 jivelite fine on its single core (which can be a stress for a Pi). 
 Price is also not too bad.  It does not have on board wifi, but arch
 supports usb wifi adaptors and the one I have works out of the box. I
 think the dual core version with msata is likely to be a viable server
 with a flash card in the msata port.  The other advantage is that
 there's a more up to date linux kernel for it than the Wandboard which
 includes patches to support spdif bitrates etc so there is no need for
 the SoA custom kernel.  That said - its really the same hardware as the
 Wandboard in a different form factor...

Hi Adrian,

I'm just trying this out with a 1TB mSata card. Starting with a new
card, you have to ssh into the Hummingboard and partition the card, then
create a new file system /dev/sda1, add a /storage mount point for
/dev/sda using the SoA UI, then enable samba and add /storage to samba
(in the SoA UI). After rebooting I was able to see the shared folder
from my OSX machine but couldn't copy any files into it. I have since
changed the owner of /storage to nobody:nobody and rebooted, and it is
now copying music files over on to the mSata drive. I have installed LMS
already so my next step is to set that up and see how it performs, so I
will report back in a day or so.

As you can't really plug mSata drives easily into another computer to
set them up it would be helpful to have a short step by step guide for
getting an internal mSata drive running with LMS and showing how to copy
your music files onto it over the network. I'm a unix novice - when SOA
created the /storage mount point, should it have changed the ownership
to nobody:nobody?

If this works OK I'll try to get ad-hoc wireless working and see if it
can be used as a standalone server/player controlled via iPeng.

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-08-18 Thread Steve Agnew

Can't wait to see Squeezelite running on this:

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-08-17 Thread Steve Agnew

After struggling to get wireless working on my network using a Comfast
WU715N USB adaptor, I finally got it to work by using the s: syntax for
my WEP password thanks to an earlier poster.

Steen do you think it is worth mentioning the s:Password prefix on the
Wireless setup page?

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCoPlayer = Squeezelite on Microcore linux. .An embedded OS in RAM with Squeezelite

2014-08-17 Thread Steve Agnew

Greg Erskine wrote: 
 Hi Steve,
 Thanks for posting. Could you please post a link to the earlier post?
 The search function doesn't work well for s:Password.

Hi Greg,

It was post #438 in this thread.

Cheers, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-11-11 Thread Steve Agnew

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I've just removed kernel versions cm64 through cm73 from the testing
 repo. cm63 seems to be the last kernel build that appears to be stable.
 cm74 is the test kernel, that if anyone wants to help with testing,
 should run. (cm74 is a rebase to cm63 plus the spdif validity flag clear

   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing kernel-wand-3.0.35-cm74.fc19

 There is a cm75 build. This is a rebase to cm73 but using the config
 from cm63. I currently have cm74 running on a dual and cm75 on a quad,
 which I'll monitor for the next 24 hours. I want a heads-up on whether
 there are likely to be any issues with cm75 before asking anyone else
 to run it.


Same experience for me on cm74 - played fine for about four hours and
then locked solid. The kernel log looked like this:


  Nov 12 08:20:27 wandboard kernel: [   24.247786] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): 
eth0: link becomes ready
  Nov 12 08:20:31 wandboard kernel: [   27.569492] rate: 11289600 achieved: 
11289600 div: 64
  Nov 12 08:21:00 wandboard kernel: [   31.372598] wlan0: no IPv6 routers 
  Nov 12 08:21:03 wandboard kernel: [   34.752520] eth0: no IPv6 routers present
  Nov 12 12:03:04 wandboard kernel: [13355.108487] rate: 11289600 achieved: 
11289600 div: 64
  Jan  1 12:00:18 wandboard kernel: [0.00] Initializing cgroup subsys 

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-10-31 Thread Steve Agnew

Well done. It's working properly now into the M2.

Cheers, Steve.

JackOfAll wrote: 

   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing kernel-wand-3.0.35-cm70.fc19
   sudo reboot


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-10-31 Thread Steve Agnew

I have updated to cm71 and it's still working properly.

Regards, Steve.

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Pleased to hear it. I've made another kernel update. This one switches
 off a bunch of kernel logging that I would have asked you for if it
 still didn't work. Can you update again, before calling it done and give
 me a thumbs-up that it is still working.

   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing kernel-wand-3.0.35-cm71.fc19
   sudo reboot


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-10-29 Thread Steve Agnew

OK, my RME card finally arrived so I have been able to test the
Wandboard and Squeezebox Touch side by side. The SPDIF output from the
Wandboard has the Validity Bit set to 1 (=Invalid). On the Squeezebox
this bit is 0 (=Valid).

Hope this helps,


JackOfAll wrote: 
 Steve, I think we still have some issues with the optical out and
 specific DAC's. It works with some, but not with others. 
 EDIT: I just tested the F19-R2 image, QUAD TOSLINK out to Transporter
 optical in, that is still working fine for me.
 Have a play with the IEC958 AES status bits.
 Try changing the consumer category from PCM Coder to General.

   sudo iecset -c1 cat 0x00

 Does that make any difference with the M2?
 No. Try switching from consumer to professional.

   sudo iecset -c1 pro on

 Does that make any difference with the M2?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-10-29 Thread Steve Agnew

I have installed the new kernal but I'm still seeing the same error
indication. Here is what it looks like using the RME Digicheck software.
I don't know why it shows an error on both channels on one screen but
only on one channel on the other.

Regards, Steve.

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Steve, try this kernel, please.

   * Wed Oct 30 2013 - 3.0.35-cm68
   - Set ValCtl (bit 5) of SPDIF_SCR register to 0 (Outgoing Validity always 
   Apply csos0005_3-spdif-validity-flag.patch.


   sudo csos-cleanUpdate-testing kernel-wand-3.0.35-cm68.fc19


|Filename: Capture1.JPG |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-09-12 Thread Steve Agnew

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Steve, just for the fun of it, can you post the contents of your
 /etc/sysconfig/squeezelite config file, please?

# Updated by Community Squeeze web-gui at 2013/09/11 05:31:34 BST
NAME=-n SqueezeliteWAND
AUDIO_DEV=-o hw:CARD=imxspdif
LOG_FILE=-f /var/log/squeezelite/squeezelite.log
ALSA_PARAMS=-a 40::16:

Cheers, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-09-11 Thread Steve Agnew

Nope, it still locks onto the signal but doesn't produce any sound. I've
ordered an RME card that should help diagnose the problem.

Regards, Steve.

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Steve, I think we still have some issues with the optical out and
 specific DAC's. It works with some, but not with others. 
 EDIT: I just tested the F19-R2 image, QUAD TOSLINK out to Transporter
 optical in, that is still working fine for me.
 Have a play with the IEC958 AES status bits.
 Try changing the consumer category from PCM Coder to General.

   sudo iecset -c1 cat 0x00

 Does that make any difference with the M2?
 No. Try switching from consumer to professional.

   sudo iecset -c1 pro on

 Does that make any difference with the M2?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-09-10 Thread Steve Agnew

I have just installed the new F19 R2 image on my WQUAD and the optical
SPDIF out still does not work with the NAD M2. I'm not sure if it is
supposed to work yet but thought I should pass this on.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2013-09-04 Thread Steve Agnew

Hi John,

Did you have any joy diagnosing the odd SPDIF problem - working on some
devices and not on others?

Thanks, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-08-05 Thread Steve Agnew

More results for testing the Wandboard QUAD optical out with different
DACs on F19-A1:

Works with the digital input on the Transporter (via the analog outputs
- doesn't seem to pass through digital to the other digital outputs).
Works with the optical input on a Metrum NOS Mini DAC.

Doesn't work on a Minimax DAC (but the signal LED lights up)
Doesn't work on a Schitt Bifrost DAC (but it does auto-select the
optical input)
Doesn't work on an NAD M2 (but the Unlocked signal disappears)

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-08-04 Thread Steve Agnew

Running the latest R7 image on a new Wandboard Quad, I can't get the
SPDIF output working into a NAD M2 digital amp. The Unlocked message
on the optical input goes out - so it looks as though it should be
working - but there is no sound. The optical output does work if I
connect it via a Minimax DAC. 

The analog line out on the Wandboard works OK. I've tried two Quads and
have the same issue on both. I'm off to get another couple of MicroSD
cards so I test on a Wandboard dual.

Any ideas on why the M2 isn't picking up the optical output from the

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-08-04 Thread Steve Agnew

Wandboard Quad R7 into NAD M2 = no sound (but UNLOCKED message
disappears from NAD so it looks as though there is a signal)
Wandboard Quad R7 into Minimax DAC then into NAD M2 = sound, working

Wandboard Quad F19 A1 into NAD M2 = no sound (But UNLOCKED message
Wandboard Quad F19 A1 into Minimax DAC into NAD M2 = no sound (but
Signal LED lights on DAC)

Sadly the Dual board which I received from Mouser today (and ordered
last Friday) is still rev A0 and doesn't have a working SPDIF output to

Cheers, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-06-25 Thread Steve Agnew

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
 The new quad board sounds very appealing. It would be a great Squeezebox
 to take with me during travel.
 It would be fitted with a 1TB hard drive, use WiFi in adhoc mode so that
 it can talk to an iPod or iPad with iPeng (and playback mode enabled).
 No need for an Access Point makes the whole thing compact and easy to
 carry. The Wandboard would keep its hard drive in sync with my NAS by
 means of Rsync when it is sitting at home. 
 Love the idea.

I agree that wireless ad-hoc could be a really useful feature. Can
anyone confirm that the wandboard wireless device can do Ad-Hoc mode?

Regards, Steve.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-04-18 Thread Steve Agnew

I received a wandboard yesterday, installed R3 on it and it is now up
playing music via the line-out.

I couldn't get the optical Toslink connection to work with my NAD M2,
which I guess is the swapped pins problem. Also, the Jivelite display
appears garbled on my Loewe TV. I would like to try the 720p option but
I can't select it because of the garbled display. Is there a recommended
VNC server for wandboard that I could install to easily change options

Kudos to all involved - not that I really need any more Squeezebox
players but I'm very happy to support the community effort.

Regards, Steve Agnew.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Re: Energy-efficient server hardware?

2005-12-11 Thread Steve Agnew
Hi Jono,

I'm using HP t5710 thin clients running SlimCD (after wiping Windows XP
embedded) which are very similar to the NTAVO units. The devices I'm
using have 256MB RAM and 256MB Flash ROM and a Transmeta CPU. It works
OK and was fun to do; performance is OK for streaming music (averages
about 4% CPU) but the web interface on the console is very slow and
pegs the CPU at 100% for ages. It is fanless and dead silent though the
USB Seagate drive attached to it hums a bit.

The SlimCD install requires at least 128MB CF, and I doubt you could
get it to run at all with 128MB RAM, so realistically you would be
looking at the more expensive NTAVO unit. An entry level notebook
wouldn't cost much more and would be more useful (built-in monitor). If
I did it over again I would go for a cheap notebook instead.

Hope this helps,


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[SlimDevices: Unix] Re: [Announce] SlimCD - SlimServer on a live CD

2005-06-29 Thread Steve Agnew

Hi Mike,

The HPT5700 is running SlimServer perfectly. Once it boots up (two
minutes) and loads the database (about five minutes) it streams flac
files happily at about 4% CPU utilization and 146MB free RAM out of

The slimserversql.db database was about 15MB for approx 1250 albums.

I did the standard Frugal install directly from your SlimCD.ISO (via a
USB CDROM) with home=hda2 opt=hda2 to persist these folders.

The only thing I had to alter was to add the following lines to 

mkdir /mnt/music
mount -r /dev/sda1 /mnt/music

to mount the external USB had disk after booting.

Thanks again for putting together the SlimCD disk. It's been a lot of
fun getting it to work and it is great to finally have a dead silent

Kind regards,

Steve Agnew.

Steve Agnew
unix mailing list

[SlimDevices: Unix] Re: [Announce] SlimCD - SlimServer on a live CD

2005-06-21 Thread Steve Agnew

Hi Michael,

It's neither small nor quiet but (at $300NZ) it is cheap and
potentially a dual purpose box.

Here's another option to consider:

The HPT5700 looks like it would meet your definition of a fun device:
256 Flash ROM and 256MB RAM with USB2.0 and an 800MHz Transmeta chip.

I'll have a go and see if I can get one to run your SlimCD.



Steve Agnew
unix mailing list

[SlimDevices: Unix] Re: [Announce] SlimCD - SlimServer on a live CD

2005-06-20 Thread Steve Agnew

Hi Michael,

Sorry for the offline messages - I was using a newsgroup reader  and
couldn't post to the SlimDevices newsgroups.

Like you I'm interested in a small, cheap quiet PC to run SlimServer
with the music on an external USB drive. I would be happy with a
headless box which I could run via VNC. I've looked at mini-Itx boxes
but they aren't cheap and not good value compared to a mini-mac which
is also small and quiet.

One option I'm considering is to run SlimServer on an X-Box running
X-DSL. The X-Box isn't expensive and I'm happy to pick up one to
experiment with. I might need some help when it comes to creating a CD
for it. I'll let you know how I get on.


Steve Agnew.

Steve Agnew
unix mailing list