Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-18 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> Just published a very early 0.0.1 release - see
> for announcement.

That's great, and while saying so probably seems to be beating a dead
horse, I appreciate the publishing of the Debian package.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-18 Thread brainchild

RobbH wrote: 
> But that approach made for a misguided and unhelpful response to you.
> What was needed was simply to read what you wrote and refrain from
> inferring anything. This exchange has been a good reminder that that
> should always be an option.

Yes, quite right. Even a slight improvement for the application of such
advice would make interactions in our modern lives vastly more pleasant
and successful. Our hunter-gatherer brains have appeared better suited
for interactions with familiar individuals in familiar settings, in
which any inferences tend to be grounded largely on observations from a
shared context.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> What makes you think Electron is any more generic than Qt? 

It's fine. I wasn't being critical. I think I probably have tied Qt more
closely than is accurate to KDE, due to a historical association.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread brainchild

RobbH wrote: 
> Guilty as charged! I thought I had inferred what you wanted and found a
> way you might achieve that. My inference was wrong and I apologize.

Perhaps my enthusiasm about expressing a solution I considered as an
ideal, and one which I think others might also share in principle,
whether or not having considered it, appeared as a demand or rejection.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> The "qwebappwrapper" is working (barring any bugs), and you can (and I
> already do) use this to access LMS. The newer app takes this one step
> further, makes it LMS specific, and adds features such as auto-discover
> of LMS and MPRIS (so that player controls, etc, are shown in Plasma's
> taskbar or GNOME's central status menu). This newer app is not 100%
> ready - it depends on an unrealeased material version.

May I ask why you chose to use a solution based on Qt, instead of a more
generic one, such as a direct use of Electron?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> As previously stated I have already written a Qt-based wrapper - this
> was to allow any page to be installed as a web-app. Now grated this
> means creating a .desktop file, but that is fairly easy (and an example
> LMS .desktop file is provided). Although not Electron based specificaly,
> it does use the same chromium engine as Electron - just wraped in the Qt
> toolkit..

Yes. Thank you. I think my original impression was that a working
version was still forthcoming. If there is, in a sense, a phase that is
already working, perhaps it would help to explain the difference between
it and the part still under development.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-16 Thread brainchild

RobbH wrote: 
> There have already been some misunderstandings in this thread, and I
> think we now have another one. I cannot speak for others who have posted
> suggestions, but when I posted the directions for manually installing
> SqueezePlay, I was under the mistaken impression that you wanted to have
> a non-browser-based desktop client that could control players attached
> to LMS, and that you might be willing to follow some simple instructions
> to achieve that. I suspect that was the thinking behind other posts,
> too: the point wasn't that *someone* might attempt to follow the
> directions, but that *YOU* could.

Some of the suggestions were to migrate the existing web page into a
distributable wrapper, such as one built through Electron. It is a
development project in its own right, which would benefit the community.
That such a project would indeed be distributable and of benefit to more
than the developer would be in most cases the reason for someone to
undertake such a project.

Electron is a software development tool, not user utility. Such is the
confusion that I have read into some of the responses given to my

RobbH wrote: 
> So far, you are the only one who has expressed a need for a .deb package
> for this purpose.

There is no software that only can be run when shipped as a package,
except on a system that has some very serious sandboxing restrictions.
It is plain, though, from my reading, that many participants in the
discussion might benefit from a package that were available for
distribution, in all the same ways and for all the same reasons as why I
might benefit from it.

Discussing what I generally am able or willing to do to my own system
was not the reason I opened the discussion, and (without recalling every
detail that I shared) it may be wise to avoid making inferences to such
effect. Sharing these choices is not what would tend to add value to a
question of the kind such as the one I asked. The purpose rather was to
learn current options available from the community. Once having such
information, I may then weigh the choices for suitability.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-11 Thread brainchild

manx wrote: 
> Nativefier ( is a little open source
> program which allows you to turn any website/URL into an app with native
> integration. It uses Electron/Chromium and provides many options. It's
> easy to use.
> WebCatalog ( is even easier to use and utilises the same
> software but is not entirely free. However it does provide additional
> features such as per-app settings pages, 'spaces' for groups of apps,
> loading extensions from a chromium browser on the same machine etc, even
> on the free tier which is limited to 10 apps.
> There are other similar options out there.

It would be quite nice if someone were interested in maintaining and
distributing a project on behalf of the community. 

I think just mentioning ways that someone might attempt it, however, has
become off topic.

Thanks for the references, though. Perhaps it will help or inspire

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-06 Thread brainchild

Thank you for the responses.

I understand that Material Skin is a single-page web application that
may be served from LMS or stored on a client. For a cleaner style, it
may be preferred to load it from an application that operates as a
standalone wrapper. In principle, the application might be packaged as
an Electron application, although no one has attempted the work for such
a migration.

I also understand that SqueezePlay may be run as a native application on
Linux system, although the maintainer no longer publishes a Debian
package. Installation and upgrading is completely manual.

Because no Debian package is available, I have 'requested a Pacstall
build script'
(, which would
support automatic installation and upgrades on systems running Ubuntu or
Ubuntu-based distributions, for anyone who uses 'Pacstall'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread brainchild

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Which Windows desktop front end are you referring to?

So many different variations of the theme have crossed my path that I
can't keep it all straight anymore.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread brainchild

RobbH wrote: 
> Where was this mentioned? I do not find any mention of Material Design
> in this thread, before your post. (I searched for the word "design" in
> this thread and your recent post was the only thing that came up.)

Seems I wrote -Material Design-, instead of -Material Skin-.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread brainchild

Someone mentioned that -Material Design- is a web page that may be run
without a browser or even an Electron shell. I would like to understand
this better.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> hi brainchild,
> For control on any computer with a browser I would use the LMS GUI with
> the "material" skin plugin.

To be clear, "LMS GUI" refers to the web page that is served by LMS when
a browser requests from the machine on which LMS is running, correct?

Paul Webster wrote: 
> The O2 Joggler is X86 running Linux.
> As stated in a few posts in this tread - Jivelite is a controller (not a
> player ... SqueezePlay is a player with, in essence, Jivelite built in
> as the front end).

It certainly is confusing that the one build of Jivelite shown on the
SourceForge site is targeted for a RPi. 

Does the SqueezePlay controller have control over only the local player,
or any on the network?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

Man in a van wrote: 
> I'm a bit slow sometimes, but why can you not use the LMS  web interface
> ?

Of course I can use it. I am just asking whether a native alternative is
available, for Linux, as there has been for Windows and MacOS, that
remains well maintained and easy to install.

Man in a van wrote: 
> And I thought Linux Mint has been x64 only, since 20 :confused:

Yes. I was just being completely thorough, in light on various comments,
to ensure everyone understood each other.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

kidstypike wrote: 
> Good luck finding that for which you seek, with an attitude like yours
> you'll need it.

I am only trying to understand what is currently available. I have
preferences and constraints just as everyone else. There is no need for
you to invoke a judgmental tone.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

sodface wrote: 
> There may be a package available for the distro he's running, but unless
> I missed it, he hasn't provided that info.

I am running Linux Mint 21 on an x86 laptop. 

What I have come to understand is that Jivelite is targeted for a player
device such as a RPi running piCorePlayer, and that Squeeze Player is a
desktop application that functions as a player for a media server, not a
controller for an external player.

It seems that my information is not consistent with the knowledge being
offered on this forum, though it has seemed to be in some sense
confirmed by the sparse, remaining documentation. It has further seemed
that these packages are not well maintained at the moment, which makes
me hesitant about choosing to adopt them.

The three-year-old -readme- file for Squeeze Play opens as follows:

> Debian packages for squeezeplay x86_64 and i386 are no longer available,
> you'll need to use the tarballs going forward.

Meanwhile, I have not found a build of Jivelite available for download
targeted for any device other than a RPi. To repeat, the purpose of my
inquiry is to determine whether there is a native application for Linux
Mint 21 (x86 architecture) for controlling a network player.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Jivelite

Yes, I found the download location on SourceForge.

There is one file for download in the Linux folder. It is called
`jivelite-0.1-20170220gitde9ea58-fbdev-armv6hf.tar.gz`, indicating that
it is target for devices of Arm architecture, which excludes personal
computers such as my laptop.

The first line of the -readme- file is as follows:

> Build tested an rpi model B and 2B running raspbian linux 7.8 and
> piCorePlayer 1.21g.

It appears that Jivelite is intended to add functionality on the player
device. I am not understanding how it might help to provide controller
functionality through a standalone application (e.g. not web site)
running on my Linux laptop.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Jivelite / Squeezeplay can be run on Linux desktops.

Would you please help me understand the overall scenario by naming an
application I would run on a Linux desktop?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> I know you seem to be explicitly asking for a native app, but I use
> Material Skin as a web-app on my KDE/Plasma desktop. 

I believe what you are describing is largely the same as I have done in
the past for some applications using the Webapp Manager, available in
Linux Mint. However, a native application (even one based on Electron or
Flutter) is preferred when available. It seems Logitech had supported
only Windows and MacOS officially for desktop front ends. I wondered
whether any projects were actively maintained by the community to extend
such support to Linux users.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

HB64 wrote: 
> That's what jivelite does.

We are not understanding each other. I am looking for an application
that runs on a Linux desktop or laptop. 

Jivelite runs on a player device.

How would it help with my request?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-15 Thread brainchild

sodface wrote: 
> What about 'jivelite?' (

Thanks for the response.

It's not clear what this application does, but when I mentioned a Linux
controller, I had in mind an application to run on a Linux desktop or
laptop, to connect to the player or the media server, for the purposes
of controlling what to play.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-15 Thread brainchild

For controlling the piCorePlayer from a Linux desktop client, is any
software currently maintained, or is the web interface to the Media
Server the only feasible option?

I see some very old discussions on this topic, and I am seeking
up-to-date information.

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