Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-22 Thread chincheta0815

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Hi chincheta0815,
> We haven't done much to shairpoint-sync over the years because we
> recommend you use the LMS plugin instead.
> I think this means, you only have to setup once for all your devices.
> BTW: You can disable "Broadcast .local" on the [Tweaks] page if it is
> interfering with shairpoint-sync.
> regards
> Greg

Hej Greg,

the shaiport-sync of piCore is not too old to be honest. Its version
3.3.7 so one of the latest. 
It also works well, the only issue there is with mdns...

Using the LMS Plugin does not help if there is no possiblity for an LMS
due to performance and complexity.
If one just needs an "Airplay speaker" with all the possibilities of
piCorePlayer this would be better.
Having all the different options for Player instances makes PiCore the
best image for music player purposes for Raspberry Pis.
Different media packages are far complexer, bigger and not working out
of the box as PiCorePlayer - even though they sometime charge you...

Disabling broadcast .local does not help at all. There is an issue with
tinysvcmds that is bult into shairport-sync.
Without solving this issue in shairport-sync it seems feasbile to either
drop support for shairport-sync in picore or build it with avahi.
That is at least how I understood the shairport-sync dev Mike.
The latter would make it work (at leat it does on a plain RaspberryPiOS)
and maybe makes the system leaner and stable as there is a proven avahi
as one service for all mdns (shaiport, broadcast .local, etc.).

LMS-8.2@raspberrypiOS. 1x Radio, 1x Duet, 1x PiCorePlayer, 1x Tube Radio
with PiCorePlayer.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-22 Thread chincheta0815

Hej there,

following my previous posts concerning the visibility of shairport-sync
I got some feedback from mikebrady the dev of shairport-sync. He says
that it seems that tinysvcmdns has come to its limits making propagation
of airplay error prone. 
He asked if there is any avahi support on piCorePlayer. As of now it
seems that there is just tinysvcmdns compiled into shairport-sync on
Here is his comment on the issue on github:

Is there the possibility to have an updated pcp-shaiport extension that
uses avahi to get rid of the propagation issues?
TinyCore seems to have an avahi extension already available. Its use
could also take the task of pcpmdns...

LMS-8.2@raspberrypiOS. 1x Radio, 1x Duet, 1x PiCorePlayer, 1x Tube Radio
with PiCorePlayer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-21 Thread chincheta0815

On the latest picoreplayer version with the latest pcp_shairport-sync I
encounter an issue with the service propagation for Airplay:
Right after startup shairport-sync propagates to my iPhone (iOs 14.4). I
can play music a desired. 
Then after a while shairport-sync vanishes and does not show up again in
the Airplay devices list.

Starting shairport-sync with "-vvv" for extreme verbose output I get an
error message by tinymdns:


  1.004858000 "tinysvcmdns.c:1504" data from= size=369
  0.003429000 "tinysvcmdns.c:756" rr_data_len goes beyond packet buffer: 4500 > 
  0.003192000 "tinysvcmdns.c:894" error parsing answer #0 is my iPhone.
The complete log is attached.

This issue is also known on . 
But as I saw that shairport on PiCorePlayer is "self-made" coming in its
own pcp_* extension I do not know where to ask for help.

Is there maybe an issue with tinysvcmdns or the backend in general or an
incompatiblity with pcp's own mdns service propagation for the web


Thanks in advance fo advice and help.

|Filename: shairport-sync-mdns-error.txt|

LMS-8.2@raspberrypiOS. 1x Radio, 1x Duet, 1x PiCorePlayer, 1x Tube Radio
with PiCorePlayer.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-21 Thread chincheta0815

ralphy wrote: 
> The -Airplay is append in /usr/local/etc/init.d/shairport-sync and I
> think it overrides the name setting in the config file.
> For changes to persist in the config file across reboots you need to add
> usr/local/etc/shairport-sync.conf to /opt/.filetool.lst and backup your
> config.
As written in the source code of shairport-sync it does overwrite the
config file setting.
Another disatvantage is that the config file is harder to be worked on
with bash variables.
And finally: All changes will be gone after an update... 

So here a question:
Would it make sense to add a "SHAIRPORT_NAME" variable in pcp.cfg that
sets the name to "${NAME}-AIRPLAY". Then this new variable has to be
used in the shairport-sync startup script.
Thus, it would be possible to customize that name (manually without
gui). The changes for a gui could then lateer easily be added.
And the name could stay after updates...

If that is okay to you I would send you my idea in the respective files
and/or via extensions. For the latter I would need a hint about where to
find info on creating proper extensions. And of course: Which ones I
have to touch (pcp_shairport-sync and pcp_base)? Is there an extension
source code repo?

I hope my idea does not sound too bad and you would let me help...

LMS-8.2@raspberrypiOS. 1x Radio, 1x Duet, 1x PiCorePlayer, 1x Tube Radio
with PiCorePlayer.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-02-19 Thread chincheta0815

Would it be possible to add an option (in beat options) to set the name
of the ShairPort-Sync daeon to a user-defined one?
Right now there is an "-AIRPLAY" which I would overwrite.

I understand that there might be issues with the SqueezeLite name when
there is a shairtunes-bridge running...

But when you just and only run a ShairPort Sync that would be awesome to
set it...

In the meantime or as a not-so-good-alternative:
How can I persistently remove that "-AIRPLAY"-suffix?

LMS-8.2@raspberrypiOS. 1x Radio, 1x Duet, 1x PiCorePlayer, 1x Tube Radio
with PiCorePlayer.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 6.0.0

2020-11-20 Thread chincheta0815

I am thinking of building a Raspberry Pi Zero with HifiBerry Zero and
PiCorePlayer as a client for my little daughter.

Will this combination allow me to also play music totally in sync with
all other players (e.g. Squeezebox Duet)
As I remember not all devices are able to do that, e.g. Android Smart
Phones due to sound driver issues.

Thanks in advance.

LMS-7.9@solaris. 2x Radio, 2x Duet, 1x Chromecast v1, ShairTunes, 1x
Philips Hue System

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Solaris/OpenIndiana

2012-05-05 Thread chincheta0815

Thank you very much! I will give it a try later on.

I am especially interested in getting the UPNP plugin to work using the
explanations you gave concerning the route.

Therefore it would be of great help, if you could explain the route,
e.g. what means lms and the 0 behind it...

Would you be so kind and give me another time a clue? 

evoz4 wrote: 
 I have created a repo with a number of packages mainly to support LMS.
 It uses perl 5.14.2 compiled with gcc 4.6.3 both of which are available
 in the repo together with all the other tools used to create it.
 I would recommend installing it into a fresh zone with an exclusive IP
 (static) that can have a multicast route configured.
 I couldn't find a way to do this with shared IP, but I might have missed
 a trick.
 To get UPnP to work properly you need a route like this:
 # route -p show
 persistent: route add default -ifp net0
 persistent: route add lms 0
 To install that software, add this publisher:
 # pkg set-publisher -p
 Then install the package:
 # pkg install service/logitechmediaserver
 It may be a little slow, the uplink isn't too hot. Maybe somebody could
 mirror the repo?
 The package creates a user (lms) and group (mediasrv) that the server
 runs as, and it installs the service. All you have to do is enable it:
 # svcadm enable lmsd
 and then point a browser at port 9000 on the zone IP address and
 configure to your liking.
 The package includes all fixes that I'm aware are required, thanks to
 chincheta0815 for some of those.
 It depends on another package that is perl 5.14.2 compiled with gcc.
 After a number of attempts to
 use the Sol 11 bundled perl, it just seemed much simpler to do it this
 If anybody is interested I could also post the build method.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Request for Solaris package

2012-04-12 Thread chincheta0815

Me, too. It should work as long as you have the gnu-binutils installed.
They could reside in, e.g. /usr/gnu/bin or so...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Request for Solaris package

2012-04-10 Thread chincheta0815

I think I know what is going wrong with the SMF. I think I had a similar
problem in the ancient times...

I assume that the user 'lmsd' that you added for running lmsd is not
having a home directory.
On my system I have all lms data in a directory called /export/lmsdata.
In that directory I have put a directory called 'cache' and other ones
called 'repository' and 'playlists' (guess what they are for ;o) ). The
only contain symlinks to the real data. I do this for oranizational
purposes: Only nicely tagged files are symlinked and then scanned...

Anyway, add a homedir for the lms user and it shoudl start.

Maybe you run in another trouble because the service is not configured

Some hints: set the path to the perl binary , set path to the
lms-install-dir and the cachedir.
You can get all config arg by typing 'svccfg -s lmsd listprop'

I hope this helps.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Request for Solaris package

2012-04-09 Thread chincheta0815

Building a package for Solaris is not as easy as one might think.

The hardest part is to get all the modules compiled. Solaris 11 uses
Perl 5.12.3 compiled with the Sun C Compilers. All perl modules and
libraries needed by LMS work best when compiled with the GNU Compilers.
This means that you might consider using your own Perl compiled with
GCC... You see it is not that easy.

Another thing is that not all errors and issues are related to Solaris.
It seems that there are some bugs in libmediascan as evoz4 wrote
earlier... So there is some work in progress.

Anyway: I hope I can post some info on how to get LMS running on Solaris
later on in a different post...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Solaris/OpenIndiana

2012-04-09 Thread chincheta0815

For all OpenIndiana/Solaris users:
Please find below some files for building and running LMS. This script
woudn't be possible without the work of evoz4 who gave really essential
hints and did the debugging concerning libmediascan.


|Filename: buildModulesLMS-0.1.tar.gz   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Request for Solaris package

2012-04-09 Thread chincheta0815

I uploaded some information and files for getting LMS working. I hope
there aren't that much bugs in there. If there are any,let me know...

A lot of work for creating these files was done by evoz4. Without his
efforts LMS won't work like it does now on Solaris.

For the files check here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-04-09 Thread chincheta0815

Based on the work done by evoz4 I did some files that migh help to
install LMS on Solaris.

Have fun.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-04-06 Thread chincheta0815

@evoz4: I feel quite stupid and cunfused, but how did you manage to
compile perl with perlbrew and gcc under solaris? I got it some weeks
ago. I compiled without problem... Then I deleted it (don't ask me why).
Now I am not able to get it compiling without any errors anymore. The
io/inplace.t test fils all the time.

I do it the it is described in the and I have /usr/gnu/bin in
the beginning of the path variable

That might be off topic, but I have not clue what to do.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-04-06 Thread chincheta0815

Thanks for the hints.

Now my perl compiles well and LMS is up again.

I hoped to solve my Media::Scan issues but it still does not scan
symlinks to images files.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-04-05 Thread chincheta0815

xmasman wrote: 
 me again.
 I tried the script yesterday on my server. And now it runs through
 without problems.
 The problem before was on an ESXi Machine.
 But how can i start squeezebox server?
 When i try svcadm enable lmsd, i can't see any process of lms.
 Also with 
 3. Various times run 'chown -R lmsd:lmsd /opt/lms-X.X.X' followed by
 'svcadm restart lmsd' to solve some startup issues 

Sorry for the following question since I often do those things ;o)

Check whether you typed '/opt/lms-X.X.X' 

Example (supposed you use lms version7.8.0): 
- You should install all lms files into a lms-root-dir called
- Check for '/lib/svc/method/svc-lmsd'. If it does not exist: Copy
'svc-lmsd' into that place.
- Check for 'lib/svc/manifest/application/lmsd.xml. If it does not
exist: Copy 'lmsd.xml' to that place.
- Type 'svcadm restart manifest-import' .
- Type 'svcs -a | grep lmsd'. This should output 'offline 18:56:55
- Type 'svccfg -s lmsd listprop lmsd/bindir'. If it does not output
'lmsd/bindir astring /opt/lms-7.8.0', type 'svccfg -s lmsd setprop
lmsd/bindir=/opt/lms-7.8.0'. Supposed your lms-files reside in
- Then start the service: 'svcadm enable lmsd'
- Check if it is online 'svcs | grep lmsd'.
- If it's not online: 'svcs -xv'.
- Do some 'chmod -R 755 /opt/lms-7.8.0' followed by 'chown -R lmsd:lmsd
/opt/lms-7.8.0'. Then 'svcadm disable lmsd' and 'svcadm start lmsd'.
After doing this some time (approx. 3 to 5 times). It should run...
- Check with 'ps | grep slims' if the process is active...

Hope this helps...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-04-05 Thread chincheta0815

evoz4 wrote: 
 I found that I sometimes had to do a full rescan to clear this sort of
 behavior. Give me an example of the name of the link and the name of the
 file it points to. It's possible the name of the link has to have the
 right extension, eg. .jpg before the server will invoke ffmpeg to create
 the thumbnails.

An example:
./CIMG1465.JPG - test.jpg
./CIMG1464 - test.JPG

There is no difference if it is a relative or an absolute symlink. 

To me it is strange that there is no error in the logfile. It seems like
the path is not handed correctly to libjpeg.

BTW: To make it clear. Scanning videos I have no problem. Only scanning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-04-01 Thread chincheta0815

Thanks for the help.

Knowing how LMS behaves in usual business helps to debug. I'll start
debugging later on...

I am glad that the SymLink error was not the Solaris-and-GNU-utils

After your pretty cool libmediascan fixes I hope that once in a while
the LMS coding authorities will consider them in their releases.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-04-01 Thread chincheta0815

I checked the strange behaviour of my LMS installation.

LMS scans all videos as expected. It follows symlinks like a charm
while scanning for video files.

Scanning my images it does also follow symlinks. At last my logfile
does not show anything contrary. But: The scanner does not create any
thumbnails or further entries. It only lists the filename/symlink name.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-31 Thread chincheta0815

Thank you very much!

Especially your trick with DT_DIR. It is that easy that one does not
even think of it. Just use isPathDirectory... WOW.

It works! Only question I have: Is it possible that the images scanner
is case sensitive and does only scan .JPG and not .jpg? A file with
.JPG is scanned. A link to it with .jpg not. But the link with the
suffix .JPG is scanned... Kind of weird


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-30 Thread chincheta0815

Yap, that's what I'd suggest too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-24 Thread chincheta0815

I played a little bit with the scanner.

It seems that it does not follow dirs and symlinks. Maybe libmediascan
is not changed adequately to be working on solaris.

Up to now I only did the change mentioned at the beginning of this

@evo4z: Could you maybe post your solution for getting libmediascan
working? That would be of great help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-21 Thread chincheta0815

@andyg: Ok, I have to admit that is some self-destruction using Solaris,
but once you got to know that gnu-tools-are-not-standard-in-solairs
thing you one can cope quite good using with Solaris. Maybe OpenIndiana
will make gnu the standard toolbox...

Anyway, I got it. I now checked out what's doing wrong in my box:

After doing the info I got from evoz4, I recompiled the modules and
ffmpeg. Nothing turned out to be better. 

BUT: Then I remembered, that my video repo consists of just symlinks to
the real files. Scanning the real files worked and now I can watch my

Conclusion: I seems to me that the scanner (libmediascan?) does not
follow symbolic links. This makes sense to me, because I could not scan
images until I added the -D__linux__ to the compiler flags. Another
point is that I had to change some lines in mediascan_unix.c (part of
libmediascan) for compilation.

So, how do I get this thins to follow symlinks? Or is there hope that
libmediascan will get an update?

BTW: I am using these symlinks for ordering my repo. All tidy tagged
files get a symlink to the repos directories. All other messed up files
stay away. This keeps some order in the database. Hopefully, the issue
can be solved.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-20 Thread chincheta0815

I did a rescan of my media library. The scanner did not find any
video... That's weird because the UPnP Server is listing them!?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-19 Thread chincheta0815

Concerning ffmpeg it compiles. I can browse the video library, but there
are no thumbnails. When choosing a video it does not play (neithr
divx/xvid, m4v (from itunes) nor others).

Is there any trick to compile ffmpeg on solaris like the one with
libmediascan (this did compile without errors...)?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-18 Thread chincheta0815

Here are the files that are necessary to build LMS on
Solaris/OpenIndiana. I hope this helps others to build LMS on these
OSes for enjoying the combination of LMS with ZFS.

The package also contains some patches to make LMS working with UPnP.
Well, the latter is not quite right: The file will be patches
for setting the sockopts right and the file is patched to
reply with the right location. These two parts are only workarounds
until the LMS team solves this problem.

Problems I have are concerned with browsing Images and Videos vau

Any recommendations and enhancements are welcome.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-18 Thread chincheta0815

Thank you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-18 Thread chincheta0815

Thank you very much. I added the flag and now it browses images like a
charm. Awesome.

Do you have different tricks for the videos (ffmpeg, etc.)

I have some more issued:
- EV fails the stat.t test when using gcc
- libjeg-turbo won't compile neither
- video are not shown

Maybe we could open a new thread for Solaris/OpenOndiana users?

P.S.: I will add the changes needed to my buildScript and post it once
in a while.


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[SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Solaris/OpenIndiana

2012-03-18 Thread chincheta0815

For all who want to use LMS in combination with the features
Solaris/OpenIndiana provide (e.g. zfs with dedup etc.)

Everything concerned with building the necessary perl modules should be
discussed. The info provided can then be used to create a
script for compiling the modules with gcc.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-18 Thread chincheta0815

I checked the new capabilities of LMS after compiling libmediascan as

I now have, as I write above, support for the photos.

BUT: How do I get LMS to show videos? Is there a trick with ffmpeg???


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-18 Thread chincheta0815

I have to try to compile perl as described in the scipt for getting rid
of the EV bug. I tried to use Solaris out of the box without compiling
(I'm lazy ;o) ).

libjpeg-8b will do also. I just read that libjpeh-turbo would be
faster. As I understand scanning the media with LMS would also be
faster. But better a slow working system than no system at all.

Could you please check for the videos? 

Concerning the change in I had no route defined. In the
meantime I defined the routes according to your example. This did not
work for me without the changes in My logfile tells me
that LMS replies with a Location IP of ''. My client tries to
cannot to this IP and gets no response (Location:
AS far as I now there is no '' adress. But I am not into IP
networking very deeply... I just have a wireless router doing
everything. Up to now I had no problems.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-03-15 Thread chincheta0815

Sorry for not replying.
I will provide you with the scrips over the weekend.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Anybody using native ZFS on linux yet ?

2012-02-02 Thread chincheta0815

LMS works very well with ZFS on Solaris 11/Openindiana. Perl 5.12.3
comes out of the box and compiling the perl modules is also an easy way
with a slightly modified


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[SlimDevices: Unix] Solaris 11 (NOT Express): Problem with UPnP Plugin and Image Browser

2012-01-29 Thread chincheta0815

Hi there,

I am running LMS 7.7.2 (Nigthly 33769) on Solaris 11 (NOT Express). I
compiled all Perl Modules (Perl Version 5.12.3) with the GNU Compiler
(Version 4.5.2) by myself.

There were two issues I had during comilation:
- Libmediascan had an issue compiling mediscan_unix.c. I solved this by
changing line 114:
 if (dp-d_type == DT_DIR) {
  / Wrote: 
   stat(dp-d_name, t);
   if ((t.st_mode  S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
  / Wrote: 

I also had to add struct stat t; to function recurse_dir

- Another issue I had was that the EV module (version 4.3) does compile
fine but fails the test.

- After another issue with the UDP Socket (see) I have LMS up and


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