Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2019-10-22 Thread paulster

mikeh49 wrote: 
> Is the Pogoplug underpowered for upsampling?  squeezelite is using 5%
> CPU playing a 44.1 kHz stream.

I had to go through this same exercise a few years ago for the same
reason and ended up compiling my own version of squeezelite to get all
the options I wanted enabled on the PogoPlug.  I can't remember exactly
which compile options I went for as it was so long ago, but the PogoPlug
definitely has enough horsepower to handle the upsampling without
breaking a sweat, so you should be good there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-06-16 Thread paulster

trung224 wrote: 
> I have a problem when using Squeezelite. I am using Logitech Media
> Server streaming flac (native, no transcoding) to Squeezelite. Problem
> is, Squeezelite renderer cannot output stream at native rate. For
> example, if I don't choose anything about bit depth in Configure
> squeelite>ALSA params, the output streamon Squeezelite is always in 32
> bit.
> If I choose 24bit, the output stream is 24bit regardless my input stream
> (16bit FLAC or 24bit FLAC) is.
> So I want to ask if you could add imprementation about native output
> stream on squeezelite renderer.

Why is this causing a problem?  The values in the source data are not
being changed, but you are getting an extra one or two least significant
bytes which are all zero, which will just be ignored.  The only possible
downside I can see would be your DAC reporting 24-bit on a 16-bit file
if it had a display, but the music wouldn't be any different.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Debian 64 bit - trouble playing back HD files

2015-03-05 Thread paulster

Moffedille wrote: 
> I did a fresh install some weeks ago - I still had to install libgomp1
> and libflac8 manually, but apart from that, no problems whatsoever.
> Debian 8 is highly recommended, it's nearing release and stable as a
> rock. Besides, with Deb 8, you won't have any problems with DSD playback
> when you decide to upgrade to LMS 7.9.

I went Debian 7.8 64-bit and all was good, aside from having to go for
7.8.1 nightly in order to get the 64-bit binary directory included. 
I'll upgrade to Debian 8 when it's released then since I've already
migrated over to this build on 7.8.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Debian 64 bit - trouble playing back HD files

2015-03-03 Thread paulster

mherger wrote: 
> Hmm... looks as if I had to re-compile them then. Thanks for the heads
> up!


I'm just about to build a 64-bit Debian machine to replace my existing
32-bit machine.  I was planning to run 7.8 for the time being as that's
what I have currently and it's easier to start with a stable

Did you recompile these already so the off-the-shelf packages are good
to go?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-03-02 Thread paulster

gregb wrote: 
> Please describe your hardware configuration(s).
> Thanks, gregb
I use PogoPlug E02 armv5 units running Squeezelite as my players,
connected to a couple of Wyred4Sound DAC-2s, a Peachtree X1 for my SPDIF
DAC, and several HiFiMe U2 DACs. I do still use my old Squeezebox
Controllers, so I do technically still have some Logitech hardware, but
not in the audio path at all these days.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-03-01 Thread paulster

I've been wondering where Adrian is.  I hope all is well with him.

I think he knew all about the legal issues Clive was happening, and SoA
was designed to avoid hosting binaries in order to get around that
problem, so unless the legal issues have a wider reach I would be
surprised if that's the issue at hand.

I did wonder if he was holidaying somewhere, but he has been off the
grid for a while now.  That's why I hope all is well.

Thanks to him I have high-res music all around the house, synchronised,
and without running any Logitech hardware anymore.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-02-24 Thread paulster

jambam wrote: 
> I am using a pogoplug E02 , which is armv5 , you just need to build the
> package after a base install of arch .. and it works very well actually.

Funny enough, I've been doing my testing on an E02. I've had obvious
pops with the base Arch install that I don't get on Debian.  That's why
I wondered if there were any performance optimizations in SoA.

When I get an opportunity I'll try adding SoA to my bare-bones Arch
install and see how that works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-02-22 Thread paulster

Just out of interest, is SoA using a realtime version of the kernel, or
the stock one?  And are there any other performance tweaks included?  I
just tried an Arch image in place of my aging Debian RT one on my Armv5
hardware and was experiencing some occasional pops before I gave up and
reverted for the time being.

I could try the entire SoA build and see how that works out, but since
these boxes run Squeezelite and nothing else, a bare-bones install ought
to be sufficient for me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-02-18 Thread paulster

I've asked this in the Squeezelite thread but since I'm running Arch on
my test machine (albeit a vanilla install rather than Adrian's scripted
build), is anybody else seeing Squeezelite pass a MAC address of
00:00:00:00:00:00 to LMS on bootup?  Starting the service manually
passes the hardware MAC, but starting it on bootup always passes this
all-zero MAC.  Is SoA doing this as well, or is this peculiar to my
installation, or is everybody hard-coding MAC addresses?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-02-16 Thread paulster

I posted before that I'd built an Arch Linux armv5 image and that when
the Squeezelite service started at boot it was sending a MAC address of
00:00:00:00:00:00 to the LMS server, whereas when I manually started the
service it was sending the correct MAC address.

I've changed my service file to be the same as that from the SoA
distribution and I'm still seeing the same thing.

I don't want to hardcode the MAC address, because I want to be able to
deploy this image across a number of machines.

Anyone have any thought on why I'm seeing this, and are people seeing
the same on SoA as well, or is everyone using hardcoded MAC addresses
for the players?

Service file is as follows:


  Description=Squeezelite Player

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-02-16 Thread paulster


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2015-02-16 Thread paulster

Assuming Squeezelite is running as a service on SoA, can somebody give
me the service file that you're using for it.  I've just installed
Squeezelite on a bare-bones Arch install and as a service on bootup it's
starting too early and not passing a hardware MAC address back to LMS. 
I'd like to see how this has been worked around on SoA.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-02-13 Thread paulster


I just build an Arch Linux armv5 image and noticed that squeezelite was
connecting to LMS with a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:00, despite the
hardware having a fixed MAC address.

Output from ifconfig is like this:


eth0: flags=4163  mtu 1500
  inet 172.16.xx.xx  netmask  broadcast
  inet6 fe80:::::  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20
  ether 00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
  RX packets 22797  bytes 31198602 (29.7 MiB)
  RX errors 0  dropped 1  overruns 0  frame 0
  TX packets 4549  bytes 385735 (376.6 KiB)
  TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
  device interrupt 11

whereas the same type box running Debian returns:


eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx
  inet addr:172.16.xx.xx  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:7779126 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1612067 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:2122347828 (1.9 GiB)  TX bytes:116992168 (111.5 MiB)

Is it parsing for HWaddr, or is this a red herring?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-01-20 Thread paulster

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I wonder how old the version is he is running? Some time back, last
> year, do you remember dropping a lock, that was causing the underun when
> re-sampling started on a new track Can't remember exactly Was
> holding the output buf lock when it didn't need to

Latest released version. 1.7.0?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-01-20 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Is the server/sox running on the same machine as squeezelite?  You could
> look at increasing the alsa buffer first and then maybe the output
> buffer.  -a 100 will do the alsa one (assuming you are running on linux)

No, it isn't. I think sox isn't spinning up and getting enough data
through quickly enough, so I'm getting the initial stutter. I think that
if SqueezeLite can buffer a bit more data before playing them that
should give sox the opportunity to catch up. That's the hope, anyway!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-01-19 Thread paulster

Generally I don't go above 96kHz material, but I've just ripped some
Blu-ray audio which is 192kHz.  Squeezelite runs fine on my DACs that
support 192kHz natively, but on my ones which only support 96kHz I get a
stutter when I first play an album, as sox kicks in to downsample.  I
get a second or two of audio, then a rebuffer, and then it plays
perfectly for the remainder of the album.

Presumably I can resolve this by increasing one of the buffers in
Squeezelite, and if I increase it across all of my players (even on the
384kHz DACs) I should still be able to maintain good synchronization

Which is the correct buffer parameter to be increasing, and what would
the default value be, so I know where to start from?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-11-03 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Is the device starting the decode of the next track ok at ~10 seconds
> before the next track? Does running with debugging show anything like
> sending silence?


How would I check for decoding starting, aside from processor spiking? 
Is there a debug setting for this?

I had tweaked the buffer settings before to get good synchronisation
with SB hardware when I was still running some, so could this be using
too small a buffer?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-11-03 Thread paulster

I've noticed recently that I'm occasionally getting some pops at track
joins on gapless music.  I've found this on downloads as well as stuff
I've ripped, so I think it's not my process at fault, and it doesn't
always happen.  Skipping back may mean it plays perfectly the second

I'm using FLAC exclusively, and I've noticed this on 16/44.1 and also
24/96 recordings.

Platform is armv5.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-27 Thread paulster

monkmandolins wrote: 
> Hi -
> I am running Ubuntu 14 and I just discovered Squeezelite.  I want to use
> it for the one room in my house that has my computer but no Squeezebox
> (all other rooms have Squeezeboxes with one central server). 
> Squeezelite works fine through the computers native speakers.  Bluetooth
> works fine for VLC/Rhapsody/anything else I try to send to the bluetooth
> speakers.
> How can I switch the Squeezelite output from native speakers of the
> computer to the bluetooth radio?
> I did a pretty extensive google search and couldn't find this anywhere.
> Kind regards!

If you look at this site
you'll see where the Bluetooth device is named pcm.NAME in

You want to run Squeezelite with the option -o NAME, where NAME is the
same as in the asound.conf file.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-27 Thread paulster

castalla wrote: 
> 1.  What procedure did you finally use for pairing & trusting?

Open 2 terminals
Start bluez-simple-agent in one terminal

In the other pair the device with the following:


hcitool -i hci0 cc 00:11:22:33:44:55 && hcitool auth 00:11:22:33:44:55
  bluez-test-audio connect 00:11:22:33:44:55
  bluez-test-device trusted 00:11:22:33:44:55 yes

castalla wrote: 
> 2.  Are you running the monitor script on boot?  How do you call it?   I
> have to run it from the command line.

I'm using VAMP as the base image, so Andrew had already created a script
/etc/network/if-up.d/vampstartup that gets fired when the network
interfaces come up and calls /opt/vamp/

I modified it because on Debian 7 it was getting called twice, so I
amended it as follows:


  # VAMP startup
  # Don't bother to do anything for lo.
  if [ "$IFACE" = lo ]; then
  exit 0
  # Only run from ifup.
  if [ "$MODE" != start ]; then
  exit 0
  if mkdir /var/lock/vampstartup
  /opt/vamp/ &
  exit 0

This relies on your OS deleting the contents of /var/lock at startup, so
you want to check that.  Otherwise it'll only launch your
script the first time it boots.

/opt/vamp/ does a number of things, but the key is that it
starts SqueezeLite.  I took the SqueezeLite command out and instead
created another script which I call from backgrounded.

So it I have a line as follows:


/opt/vamp/ & looks like this:


  # SqueezeLite on Bluetooth script
  sleep 5
  bluez-test-audio connect ${deviceaddress}
  sleep 1
  while (sleep 1)
  if [[ $squeezelite_started == false ]] ; then
  connected=$(hcitool con) > /dev/null
  if [[ $connected =~ .*${deviceaddress}.* ]] ; then
  nice -n -5 /usr/sbin/squeezelite -a 10:4 -b 4096:8192 -c flac,pcm,mp3 -o 
${devicename} -r 48000 &
  echo $! > /tmp/
  echo "${deviceaddress} connected; SqueezeLite started"
  if [[ $squeezelite_started == true ]] ; then
  connected=$(hcitool con) > /dev/null
  if [[ ! $connected =~ .*${deviceaddress}.* ]] ; then
  pid=$(cat /tmp/
  kill -9 $pid
  rm /tmp/
  echo "${deviceaddress} disconnected; SqueezeLite stopped"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-27 Thread paulster

So it seems I've cracked it now.

There were two problems.  One is that I'm using the VAMP image as a
base, and had to upgrade the Debian distro from Debian 6 to 7 to get all
the Bluetooth utilities.  This changed the behaviour of the network
interface up script, so it was getting called twice, therefore kicking
off the VAMP startup script (and my Bluetooth and SqueezeLite scripts)
twice.  That meant changing the script logic a little so it would only
run once at startup.

The second was just allowing time for the connection before starting
SqueezeLite, so I added a sleep command to sleep for 5 seconds before
bluez-test-audio connect and then 1 second afterward before getting into
the SqueezeLite monitoring loop, and now it seems pretty robust.

Thanks for all the help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-25 Thread paulster

Okay, so I've got it working now.

The only problem I have is that after a reboot I'm having to log in and
issue a command like bluez-test-audio connect 00:11:22:33:44:55 to get
it to pair before the SqueezeLite maintenance script can grab onto it. 
If I put the same command at the beginning of the script it doesn't

Have you had any issue with having to wait for any services to come up
before you can pair, and how did you deal with that?

I'm 98% of the way there now, thanks to this thread.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-24 Thread paulster

castalla wrote: 
> Pretty much any dongle might work - the real trick is to get the bt
> device paired and trusted - and then to build a script which will allow
> the device and the debian squeezelite process to cleanly connect and
> disconnect.  Unless you do this, you'll have to be prepared to enter
> convoluted command lines each time you want to connect squeezelite to a
> bt device

Okay, so I've got the Bluetooth module loading at bootup, I can do a
hcitool scan and see my device, I can execute hcitool -i hci0 cc
00:11:22:33:44:55 without error.

When I run hcitool con it briefly shows the device connected, but it
doesn't last.
hcitool auth 00:11:22:33:44:55 comes back with HCI authentication
request failed: Input/output error

Before I get into configuring the output device in /etc/asound.conf is
there a foolproof way to know whether I've got it properly pairing? 
It's difficult to gauge when I don't know what the expected behaviour

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-24 Thread paulster

castalla wrote: 
> It's a jungle out there!  See

Thanks for the link.  Do you know which driver you are using on your
Asus?  If it's one of the modules available in the VAMP image then that
might be my quick win solution to get the same adapter.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-24 Thread paulster

ralphy wrote: 
> If your E02 is running vamp ie.uname -r returns, then
> support for some bluetooth devices is compiled as modules in the kernel.

I am running a VAMP image so I need to check the kernel version.  It's
definitely one of Andrew's builds though, so it's likely to be this

I'll do some more digging after work, but do you happen to know if
there's any kind of ready cross-reference between this modules list and
the different chipsets on the BT dongles, so I can find one that I know
I already have a module available for?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-23 Thread paulster

castalla wrote: 
> Pretty much any dongle might work - the real trick is to get the bt
> device paired and trusted - and then to build a script which will allow
> the device and the debian squeezelite process to cleanly connect and
> disconnect.  Unless you do this, you'll have to be prepared to enter
> convoluted command lines each time you want to connect squeezelite to a
> bt device,
> I have a setup which works, but it's not a trivial plug'n'play process. 
> I'm willing to try and help you but be prepared for a tortuous
> hit'n'miss process!   
> What device are you running debian on?   What is the target bt device?

I'm using a PogoPlug E02, and the Bluetooth device is a Creative D200.

I'm not expecting plug and play, but if there are dongles that are
reliable versus problematic then that was step 1 of my process, so at
least I'd know I'm in with a fighting chance of success once I get the
scripting piece done.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Bluetooth dongle to use with SqueezeLite

2014-07-23 Thread paulster

Does anybody have any recommendations on Bluetooth dongles that work
reliably with SqueezeLite?  I'm running Debian on an armv5 platform on
the box I want to try this on, and I'd rather pick up a Bluetooth dongle
that's going to work right off the bat, rather than have to play with
different hardware to get something working.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-07-13 Thread paulster

Does anybody have any recommendations for Bluetooth dongles that work
well with Squeezelite on Debian on an armv5 platform?  I want to give it
a try with a Bluetooth speaker but don't want to go through any more
trial and error than necessary if there are particularly good or bad

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-07-10 Thread paulster

Martinisoft wrote: 
> Would something like this be possible?
> If not I would have to find a way to get lms to detect idle players and
> turn them of automaticly.
> thanks again..
> Martijn.

There is a Power Save plugin that can automatically switch off players. 
This might suffice while Triode considers if/when to implement this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-05-04 Thread paulster

DJanGo wrote: 
> > paulster wrote: 
> > I had my LMS server shut down for a while yesterday while I was
> > vacuuming the databases.  When I restarted it my hardware players
> > reconnected but next time I went to play something on one of my
> > Squeezelite players I noticed that they hadn't reconnected.
> > 
> > I know you said it should reconnect, but is there a particular interval?
> > I think maybe 10 minutes had elapsed between restarting LMS and
> > attempting to play anything, although I could be wrong.
> > > > i "always" do that and i my pi's are always reconnecting after that.
> How did you use the pi?
> Mines are "hard" connected with the Server i dont use automatic Server
> Discovery - and you?

I use auto-discovery on mine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-04-30 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> > paulster wrote: 
> > Adrian
> > 
> > I haven't tested this myself yet but I've seen it mentioned by two
> > people in other threads that when their LMS server goes to sleep the
> > SqueezeLite client doesn't auto-reconnect after it comes back up and
> > they've been having to restart their client devices, whereas the
> > hardware players just reconnect.
> > 
> > Perhaps this is something you could add in if it's not already there.  I
> > keep my server up 24/7 so I'm not likely to encounter this.> > 
> It should do this - it reconnects if the server is stopped and
> restarted.  Can we get some debugs from the case of servers going to
> sleep?  [mine won't sleep]


Revisiting an old post, I'm running Squeezelite 1.6.  I had my LMS
server shut down for a while yesterday while I was vacuuming the
databases.  When I restarted it my hardware players reconnected but next
time I went to play something on one of my Squeezelite players I noticed
that they hadn't reconnected.

I know you said it should reconnect, but is there a particular interval?
I think maybe 10 minutes had elapsed between restarting LMS and
attempting to play anything, although I could be wrong.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-03-26 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Rest of the binaries have just been posted - links from
> Note - please copy the link rather than open in a browser as it may try
> to open the file.  Please let me know if this download mechanism works
> for you.

Perfect, thanks. Got 1.6 running on my new W4S DAC-2DSD straight out of
the box, and very happy with both already!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-03-24 Thread paulster


Any change of a link to an armv5te version of 1.6?  Thanks!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-03-11 Thread paulster


A couple of recent observations before you put out a new release. I
don't have any Logitech hardware set up any more to directly compare,
but I've encountered two similar issues that could be a Squeezelite
issue, or LMS.

First is that sometimes when I open an internet radio stream I get white
noise.  Open another stream and then go back to the first and it's
almost certainly okay.

Second issue, which I've only seen once, was when seeking through a
track to a particular point in time I got the same issue, and then
another quick seek resolved it.

I'm wondering if it's managing to start playback on bits 8-15 or 16-23
of a 24-bit word rather than always starting at bit 0.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-03-01 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> It depends on how the OS is set up for alsa defaults.  The auto
> detection of sample rates probably only works with hw: devices, try
> specifying one with the -o option and see what the debug shows,

I'll give that a try today. So if I use a -l to list the devices then
what does the corresponding -o format look like? Sorry for asking up
front without trying it, but I'm not near a computer for a few hours!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-03-01 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Are you using a hw: alsa device?  Otherwise alsa is likely to offer to
> resample and hence support all rates.

I'm not specifying a device, since it's always been able to auto-detect
any type of USB DAC or SP/DIF interface I've had connected.  I guess
it's using ALSA since the alsamixer command gives me the volume control

Do I need to specify a device in order for it to correctly report back
the available sample rates to LMS?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-03-01 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> It should autodetect, but this depends on the ability to do so - what
> does -d output=debug show for the supported sample rates?

Interestingly, I get two different results depending on how I query it.

The debug output yields:
[00:45:03.477252] output_init_common:394 supported rates: 384000 352800
192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22500 16000 12000
11025 8000

whereas the web interface (this is using the VAMP image on a PogoPlug)
yields the following:

HiFimeDIY Audio SA9023 USB Audio at usb-orion-ehci.0-1.1, full speed :
USB Audio

Status: Stop
Interface 3
Altset 1
Format: S16_LE
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 3 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 96000, 88200, 48000, 44100, 32000
Interface 3
Altset 2
Format: S24_3LE
Channels: 2
Endpoint: 3 OUT (ASYNC)
Rates: 96000, 88200, 48000, 44100, 32000

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2014-02-27 Thread paulster


I just tried a 192kHz 24 bit for the first time on Squeezelite connected
to a HiFimeDIY Sabre U2 DAC, which is limited to 96kHz.

I was expecting that sox would kick in to downsample to 96kHz on my LMS
server, but instead all I got was horribly loud static!  Adding -r 96000
fixed the problem, but it won't resample down without that.  The DAC was
plugged in prior to starting Squeezelite too.

Is this a bug, or do I have an incorrect assumption about how it should
work?  I thought it read the max rate off the DAC and reported that back
to LMS as the corresponding max sample rate, provided that the DAC was
connected when Squeezelite was started.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-10-06 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Squeezelite release 1.3 is now available for download from

Been listening to this all day on an armv5te platform and it's looking
good so far.

Thanks, as always, for your great work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-09-21 Thread paulster

dyohn wrote: 
> AH!  Thank you.  I'll find it and post back here


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-09-18 Thread paulster

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> From what little I can gleen from the net on the SA9023 it looks like it
> is adaptive only, the SA9027 is the version that does async. 
> Both these are UAC1, which means that if it IS async it will most likely
> need a hub to play properly with an ARM device. If it is adaptive it
> shouldn't matter, it should work with pretty much anything. 
> It would be helpful if someone actually got one and tried it out under
> linux on ARM and looked at the ALSA stream info to see if it really is
> async or not. 
> The manufacurer of the DAC is stating it IS async, which contradicts
> what I can find on the chip, but that is all translated from chinese so
> somewhat suspect. 
> So it may need a hub it may work as is, the only way to know for sure is
> to have someone try it.
> John S.

Good spot, John.

It's interesting that they have two very similar DACs, the Sabre USB and
the Sabre U2, which is the async one.  And yet both claim to use the
same DAC and USB receiver.

I think something may have been lost in translation.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-09-16 Thread paulster

ChrisMmm wrote: 
> The version Hifimediy show on their website now has a different volume
> control. Mine (its actually a friends, I just wanted to try the TE7022
> chip) has a volume pot rather than the touch buttons on the newer one.
> Edit: Just on the Hifimediy site and I notice there are multiple DACs
> called Sabre (those using the ES9023 DAC chip. There is a new one, the
> U2, to quote "The U2 uses the SA9023 USB receiver chip from SAVITECH". I
> believe the others all use the Tenor USB chip.

Does anybody know if the SA9023 USB receiver is a good candidate to use
with Squeezelite on Arm?  These DACs would be nice to add to my spare
PogoPlugs if they're going to work out and also offer 88.2kHz sampling

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-07-13 Thread paulster

Try a *find / -name squeezelite* command to see if you have more than
one binary on your system.  The version numbers have always been
correctly updated in my experience, and I run mine on arm platforms,
albeit not on RPis.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-07-06 Thread paulster

Cool. Looking forward to testing the armv5te binaries when I get home.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-06-30 Thread paulster

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Triode, 
> Just thinking out loud. There is a bunch of hardware around that does
> 192k, but not 176k4. Worst case scenario I suppose, is another resample
> via plughw if hardware is 192k capable but doesn't support 176k4
> directly.


I was thinking about this too earlier.  You can get 96kHz but not
88.1kHz quite commonly on devices that use the Tenor chipset so a nice
amendment to the SqueezeLite -r  option would be a parameter
that specifies all of the available rates you can accommodate

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-06-30 Thread paulster

albertone74 wrote: 
> Yes it does support 96000. When the "upsample" box is checked my DAC
> (Cambridge Audio DACMagic) doesn't display any rate at all. When the box
> is unchecked the DAC displays 44100. Thanks.

The DACMagic doesn't support 96kHz over USB, only over SPDIF/Toslink. 
You need a DACMagic Plus or a DACMagic 100 if you want to stream hi-res
audio via USB.  Or get a USB-SPDIF interface, which is what I've done on
my one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-05-22 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> I've added a couple of small changes to the git version of squeezlite
> which I would be grateful if those building their own binaries could
> test.  Changes are:
> 1) fallback to discovery if it fails to connect to a server for 30
> seconds and no service IP address was given on the command line
> 2) send the player name from the -n param on every connection to a
> server, not just the first time

This version seems to be working fine.

One cosmetic issue I just noticed, that's probably worth changing when
you build the next production release:
squeezelite -?

-c ,  Restrict codecs *to* those specified, otherwise
loads all available codecs; known codecs: flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac (mad,mpg
for specific mp3 codec)

You're missing a 'to'.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-05-18 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> I've added a couple of small changes to the git version of squeezlite
> which I would be grateful if those building their own binaries could
> test.  Changes are:
> 1) fallback to discovery if it fails to connect to a server for 30
> seconds and no service IP address was given on the command line
> 2) send the player name from the -n param on every connection to a
> server, not just the first time

I'm away at the moment but when I get back home I'll look at compiling
and testing this new version. These seem like they'd be good changes to
have wrapped up into the release version.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-05-09 Thread paulster

You need to update SqueezeLite to 1.1.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Shairport on Wandboard CSOS R3

2013-05-03 Thread paulster

Clive, just to add, iPhones and iPads can also be the music source
rather than just iTunes. This works using the wifi connection and
discovery of Airport-capable devices on the local network. But
definitely no Bluetooth involved!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-04-20 Thread paulster

nighty2k7 wrote: 
> Hi,
> I hope I didn't miss the hint on fixing my issue:
> Using squeezelite on windows (windows squeeze server also) I can play
> FLAC files just fine, I cannot play any mp3 files however. Do I need an
> additional library on windows?

>From Triode himself:
To add mp3 playback support, install either libmad-0.dll or
libmpg123-0.dll in the same directory as the SqueezeLite executable.

Suggested source:
1) download
from MPG123
2) extract mpg123-1.14.4-x86/libmpg123-0.dll into this directory (the
file is approx ~282k when extracted)

I renamed mine to libmpg123.dll (I'm sure there was a note about doing
that before) but I'm not 100% sure it's still needed based on the readme
contents I posted above.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-04-12 Thread paulster

Thanks, Triode, for compiling all of these!  Listening to 1.1 now and
it's sounding fantastic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-04-10 Thread paulster

If you can compile your own then download the latest source as this has
a fix which will likely solve this issue.

Otherwise you'll have to wait for the next beta release binaries, which
should get this fix compiled in.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-04-07 Thread paulster

Yes, I think this is what you're looking for. It's only in source at the
moment, not the pre-compiled binaries, so you'll have to either compile
yourself or wait for Triode to roll it into the next builds.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-04-06 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Just made a small change for this and push to the source tree - I think
> you are building your own binaries, could you try this?

I just compiled this version this morning.  Pulled the cable on a paused
track and it reconnected fine (although it dropped from paused into
stopped state, but that's not an issue).  Tried it on a playing track as
well and it carried on playing.

So this change appears to do exactly what is needed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-04-03 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Just made a small change for this and push to the source tree - I think
> you are building your own binaries, could you try this?

I've trashed my development box so I'll need to build up a new one.  I
will test it though, as soon as I get a chance to get the development
box back up.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-04-03 Thread paulster

I'm still finding that if you pull the network cable on your playback
device (in my case on a PogoPlug) SqueezeLite drops connection to the
server even after the box re-DHCPs.

You need to kill and restart the process, so that would be a nice thing
for it to handle.

Tested on 1.1 beta.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-03-23 Thread paulster

I've got an ARMv5 version loaded and testing, so I'll report back once
I've had a chance to put it through its paces.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2013-03-12 Thread paulster

You probably need to put your TV in 'Just Scan' or the equivalent
pixel-perfect mode.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-03-09 Thread paulster


I haven't tested this myself yet but I've seen it mentioned by two
people in other threads that when their LMS server goes to sleep the
SqueezeLite client doesn't auto-reconnect after it comes back up and
they've been having to restart their client devices, whereas the
hardware players just reconnect.

Perhaps this is something you could add in if it's not already there.  I
keep my server up 24/7 so I'm not likely to encounter this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2013-02-23 Thread paulster

This is awesome. It's exactly what I'm looking for to replace
SqueezePlay on my O2 Jogglers to turn them into dedicated control
surfaces, get them out of my list of available players, and end up with
something that I'm positive will be significantly more robust than

This, plus SqueezeLite on my PogoPlugs, is making the Squeezebox
architecture look ever more future-proof.

Thanks for all your efforts!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-18 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Try making sure the additional entries are at the "start error" location
> - I put them somewhere else before...

Yep, I figured what you meant now.

That makes for a significantly quieter error log, but it still isn't
happy to treat the device as reconnected after plugging it back in. 
Note that this disconnection and reconnection took place with the player


  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [16:05:45.204367] output_thread:643 pcm wait error: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [16:05:45.209706] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [16:05:45.214733] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [16:05:46.154881] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [16:05:46.218977] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  [16:05:46.219215] alsa_close:139 snd_pcm_close error: No such device
  ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1401:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-18 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> You will never get rid of the ALSA lib messages if you keep doing alsa
> actions on it, but it should go into probe mode if it detected NODEV?

No, it seemingly just kept repeating the 
[12:14:11.463709] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
[12:14:11.463784] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
errors.  I just killed it after the log file got to half a gig or so, so
I don't think it was ever going to go back into probe mode.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-18 Thread paulster

I didn't get the Device %s no longer available warning, still the same
error messages in the log as before.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-18 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Could you post all the error from the time you disconnect as its getting
> to a slightly differernt point than I expect.  My code to handle NODEV
> is a few lines lower down - want to find why you get to this point...

Okay, here's a segment from the start of the 500,000 lines of log I got
in 5 seconds of it being disconnected!


  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [12:14:10.079503] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [12:14:10.084863] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [12:14:10.089892] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [12:14:10.094960] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [12:14:11.397027] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [12:14:11.402041] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  ALSA lib pcm.c:7226:(snd_pcm_recover) cannot recovery from underrun, prepare 
failed: Broken pipe
  [12:14:11.463619] output_thread:589 XRUN recover failed: Broken pipe
  [12:14:11.463709] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [12:14:11.463784] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [12:14:11.463844] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [12:14:11.463908] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [12:14:11.463966] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [12:14:11.464029] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [12:14:11.464086] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [12:14:11.464149] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-18 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Can you post what you actually see when you disconnect and reconnect a
> device as I believe, that this works already - at least with my usb dac.
> I will look to see if I can hide some of the error messages, but
> there's nothing I can do about some of them if you see ALSA lib messages
> as these are from the alsa library:

This is what I get:


  [11:55:02.814013] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [11:55:02.814075] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [11:55:02.814140] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [11:55:02.814201] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [11:55:02.814265] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [11:55:02.814326] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [11:55:02.814391] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [11:55:02.814452] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [11:55:02.814518] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [11:55:02.814579] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [11:55:02.814644] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [11:55:02.814705] output_thread:608 start error: No such device
  [11:55:02.814770] output_thread:635 pcm wait error: Input/output error
  [11:55:02.814831] output_thread:608 start error: No such device

It doesn't seem to recover when you plug the USB connector back in,
unless I'm not waiting long enough for the queue of error messages to
have been displayed first.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-17 Thread paulster

castalla wrote: 
> An issue arises when the output device is disconnected - squeezelite
> then throws up 1000s of lines of errors complaining the output is not
> available.

It does go a bit mad if you disconnect the device, which isn't ideal.

castalla wrote: 
> Probably way off beam. as I'm technically illiterate, but could there be
> a way to detect the closure of a output device such that squeezelite
> continues running without all the error messages?

That would be useful, especially if it was happy to resume playing when
the original device was reconnected.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-15 Thread paulster

soundcheck wrote: 
> Hi.
> I brought it up before. Has anybody experienced a loud nasty crackling
> pulse  when killing and restarting squeezelite??? ( I'm running a Touch
> with Toslink out, PCM streaming)
> It won't happen by just stopping and starting a track.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-14 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Is anyone seeing any issues with the 1.0rc4 binaries.  I'm intending to
> declare this release 1.0 at the weekend unless anyone can confirm
> outstanding issues...?

I haven't encountered any issues whatsoever with it yet on armv5. 
Looking good!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-12 Thread paulster

Another really minor enhancement: can you get it to return the
SqueezeLite version as a firmware value to LMS like the hardware players
and SqueezePlay do?  It would be useful when new versions come out to be
able to see at a glance in the Settings -> Information tab which players
you've updated and which you haven't, if you have a lot of players to
deal with.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-11 Thread paulster

One other minor thing I noticed today when I was tidying up some cabling
is that when I pulled the ethernet cable from my Linux box running
Squeezelite and reconnected it, the player lost connection to LMS.

Squeezelite was still running but wasn't available as a player.

Perhaps in a future release you could look at maybe getting it to
reconnect transparently.  It's really not a big deal for ethernet users
I wouldn't have thought, but could be useful for users on wireless that
might be more prone to dropouts.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-11 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> The most noticable one is that when changing to a new track, the elapsed
> time should reset to 0 more rapidly.

That seems to be working perfectly now.  Great work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-09 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> LMS only passes on the replay gain value stored in a tag in the file -
> it depends on what value was put in this.  Given the modern trend to
> make things sound as loud as possible, I think you would be surprised as
> to what gain values you find.

Yes, but if you look at the web interface on a file with too much gain
you'll see that LMS actually specifies that the RG has been limited, so
you should receive the limited value that will ensure no clipping.

I presume that's happening okay, since that's critically important to
being able to use ReplayGain properly with LMS, especially on classical

I guess you could always screw up the REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK tag in the
file so it'll end up lower than it should be and then nothing would know
about it until playback time, but that should really be an exception.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-09 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> Squeezelite is intended to clip if the gain setting are too high (rather
> than wrap round the samples and cause more distortion).

How could this situation ever occur anyway?  LMS is supposed to limit
files with ReplayGain that would cause clipping in the first place.  For
example if the track peak is -2dB and ReplayGain would add +6dB gain,
then LMS should adjust the effective ReplayGain figure to +4dB.

I can't see how you're ever going to receive a file that could possibly
clip in the first place.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-08 Thread paulster

stop-spinning wrote: 
> My suspicion is that the power supply feeding that PogoPlug is mediocre
> at best.

It's got to meet CE emissions standards so is likely to be no worse than
what's powering your netbook, and it has the advantage that it only has
to be large enough to supply a few watts (plus enough for the external
HDDs if you use USB-powered laptop ones).  Because of the low power draw
it would also be easy to use a nice linear PSU instead, and it only
needs a single 5V supply.  That's my likely upgrade path for these - new
case and ground-up custom power supply.

But we're getting off-topic here!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-07 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> I'll look at this, it should send updates once per second as a hardware
> player does though.

It seems to take up to 5 seconds from the couple of times I've looked at
it.  Should it send an update as soon as you start a new track or come
out of pause mode?

I've found that if you pause a track and then un-pause it the web
interface can jump to the time that it would have reached until it gets
an update to say otherwise.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-07 Thread paulster

stop-spinning wrote: 
> I can then put into action a very little used netbook using the low
> energy Atom processor (which, albeit very slow, is still significantly
> faster than the SB Touch processor for hopefully lower latency
> throughput). But can you recommend a lightweight Linux (Puppy?) to
> support this lightweight 'squeezelite' which the Atom processor should
> find a breeze to deal with. Perhaps a Linux OS platform optimised for
> sound quality if there is such a thing.

Consider this as a possible alternative:

You can get the PogoPlug from Adorama Camera at the moment for $18 on
closeout!  And Andrew from Vortexbox has ready-made images for it that
include a real-time kernel for optimised audio quality and minimal
latency.  His latest release includes SqueezeLite 0.9b but I've been
running the 1.0rc1 and rc2 versions this last few days and they perform
really well.

I have a bunch of these sat in their boxes now on top of the one I'm
using so I have loads of Squeezebox hardware for the foreseeable future!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-07 Thread paulster

stop-spinning wrote: 
> Paulster - where exactly do you download the mp3 DLL from for Windows
> (in my case Windows 8)? Do you just download the file and add it in the
> same directory as all the other squeezelite files then you are done?

>From Triode himself:
To add mp3 playback support, install either libmad-0.dll or
libmpg123-0.dll in the same directory as this file (the SqueezeLite

Suggested source:
1) download
from MPG123
2) extract mpg123-1.14.4-x86/libmpg123-0.dll into this directory (the
file is approx ~282k when extracted)

I renamed mine to libmpg123.dll (I'm sure there was a note about doing
that before) but I'm not 100% sure it's still needed based on the readme
contents I posted above.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-06 Thread paulster

You probably want the mp3 DLL for the radio depending on the stream
you're trying to listen to.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-06 Thread paulster

What does squeezelite-win -l give you? It sounds like it hasn't found
your output device by default.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-06 Thread paulster

stop-spinning wrote: 
> So in your experience - did you simply just download the files and run
> squeezelite-win.exe and it all just popped into life? Are there no
> parameters for example?

Yes, that's exactly what I did.  If you have a multitude of output
devices and it doesn't find the right one by default then you might need
to specify the correct one, but I didn't need to when I was testing it.

If you bring up a Command Prompt window (Start -> Run -> cmd), cd to its
directory and run it from the command line you'll have a better chance
to see what it reports at startup, plus you can also run it with a -l
parameter to see a list of available output devices if necessary.

You weren't executing it from within the ZIP file were you?  I'm
wondering if you did, because it wouldn't automatically have extracted
the DLLs at the same time.  You need to have extracted the contents of
the ZIP file into a folder before you run it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-05 Thread paulster

What errors did you get?  I've run it just fine to test on Windows.  The
only obvious thing it won't do out of the box is play back MP3 because
you need to download the DLL separately but other than that it just
works (usually).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-05 Thread paulster


One observation, not a problem per se, but an observation.  If you use
the web interface and skip to the next song whilst halfway through, the
time elapsed and the progress bar will very quickly reset to 0 on the
hardware players, but it can take quite some time to reset itself to the
correct point on Squeezelite.

It sounds like it isn't reporting back its elapsed time (or something
similar) as regularly as the hardware players.

Other than that I haven't encountered any issues whatsoever with RC2.  I
had it playing for over 12 hours yesterday with no hiccups.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SqueezePlay for Linux - where is it?

2013-02-04 Thread paulster

aubuti wrote: 
> If the OP is just looking for playback on the Linux box (as opposed to
> using SP on the Linux box as a controller for other SBs) then I think
> Squeezelite is a much better way to go.

That would be my recommendation too.  Squeezelite is a doddle to get up
and running and has minimal overhead, which is ideal on a small box.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-03 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> New 1.0rc2 binaries available

Only been running for a few hours so far but I haven't encountered any
clicks, glitches or anything else untoward on armv5te.

Looking good so far.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-02 Thread paulster

Triode wrote: 
> AAC playback needs more cpu.  It depends how the faad2 library is built
> and if you have a floating point unit as to whether it will work at low
> enough cpu.  If you see this getting too high then I think you would be
> betted allowing the server to decode assuming the server has more
> processing power.

That was an easy change.  What was taking c. 90% CPU on the PogoPlug
became more like 1% on the server.  Plus mine has to transcode for my
Receivers anyway, so it's no big deal.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-02 Thread paulster

I've been listening to 1.0rc1 for a few hours already this morning,
trying it with a range of different material/sources and it's been
flawless so far, so I'm looking forward to doing some extended testing
with it.

I have noticed that my default installation on the PogoPlug using
Andrew's VAMP image as a base does pretty well peg the CPU when I listen
to an AAC radio stream.  Do you think it's worth disabling this codec
and letting the server carry the weight in this case?  For FLAC and MP3
it's almost idling.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2013-02-01 Thread paulster

Ooh, I've just tried -a 10:4 and what a difference to the sync!  Need to
get some drum tracks out and see how this holds up with some extended
listening but this is massively promising.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Will the conversion to the new name be completed?

2011-12-02 Thread paulster

Millwood;672426 Wrote: 
> I got tired of this and hacked it.
> Edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/squeezeboxserver.postrm and put exit 0 as the
> second line.  then aptitude purge squeezeboxserver and all is gone.

Tried that too and it cleaned things up nicely.


Receiver stuck at blue LED state after reboot? Please vote for bug
'17462' (
Web Interface sending music to the wrong player? Please vote for bug
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Will the conversion to the new name be completed?

2011-11-22 Thread paulster

mherger;672058 Wrote: 
> we clearly lack the people and priority  
> to clean it up :-(.

I can well imagine.  And there are certainly much, much higher priority
issues than this, which is generally pretty cosmetic.

Without going too far off at a tangent, is Felix still working for
Logitech? I've had a firmware bug outstanding for 3 months now that's
of far more interest to me and it seemingly hasn't been touched.

mherger;672058 Wrote: 
> > There are startup scripts for both squeezeboxserver and
> > logitechmediaserver in /etc/init.d for example, so it could do with
> a
> > good tidy up.[/color]
> Any help would be _very_ welcome.

I've never got into producing Debian packages so that'll be tough for
me because, although I could give you my observations on what needs to
be changed to tidy things up, there still remains the problem that a
purge of the squeezeboxserver package will wipe the config for
logitechmediaserver.  I've no idea how you would, or are supposed to,
handle that in the case of a changed package name.

Anybody have any thoughts on how best to handle this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Will the conversion to the new name be completed?

2011-11-22 Thread paulster

Yeah, it's a bit of a mess.

There are startup scripts for both squeezeboxserver and
logitechmediaserver in /etc/init.d for example, so it could do with a
good tidy up.


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'17462' (
Web Interface sending music to the wrong player? Please vote for bug
'17144' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Which Linux varient has "best" support for SBS (will be running as VM instance)

2011-11-06 Thread paulster

Debian is a great server OS though, and I've run SBS on it for years
with no problems.  I don't run the betas though, and I know they've had
some issues with the repository for these.


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Web Interface sending music to the wrong player? Please vote for bug
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Non-Graphical Linux

2011-05-08 Thread paulster

I've been running various versions of Debian without the GUI as my
Squeezebox Server for the last few years now, and it's perfect for what
I want it to do, which is just to serve up music reliably and run my
library management tasks via cron jobs.

I always prefer not to install the GUI unless I have a specific
requirement for it, and on a server it's pretty hard to justify!


Web Interface sending music to the wrong player? Please vote for bug
'17144' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Debian Squeeze

2011-02-10 Thread paulster

I've just updated my t5710 last night, going through the process as an
upgrade rather than a clean install.

It was pretty straightforward, with the only exception being that I had
to purge an old package libdevmapper1.02 because libdevmapper1.02.1 was

Other than that it was very easy and has been working fine since.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] 7.5.1... worth the upgrade?

2010-06-24 Thread paulster

Easy and painless in my experience.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SC+Debian=Trouble?

2009-08-20 Thread paulster

The answer to your original question is that SqueezeCenter plus Debian
doesn't equal trouble!  It's a really solid platform to run it on, in my

My uptime is at 111 days currently and it's only that short because I
did a Kernel upgrade and had to reboot back then.

It's definitely my Linux flavour of choice now for server type stuff.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Problems setting up SqueezeCenter on Debian Linux HP Thin Client

2009-04-06 Thread paulster

Have you got LAN isolation turned on on your router, so that wireless
clients are isolated from LAN ones?  In that case your wireless clients
would only be able to see the internet and not local devices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Problems setting up SqueezeCenter on Debian Linux HP Thin Client

2009-03-31 Thread paulster

Did you add to your sources.list file and then
use apt-get to install?

I did a basic Debian installation on my t5710, deselecting server,
desktop, etc. and choosing only the standard installation.

Then I added the source list entry and did an apt-get to install

At that point it began working and has ever since.

I've updated modules since then and pointed it to my SMB-mounted music
storage which necessitated installing the SMB client, but the basic
installation was as straightforward as that.


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