Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer repository not accessible

2022-12-28 Thread slartibartfast

paul- wrote: 
> Really wish I could reproduce this.,  there aren't many differences
> between 8.1 and 8.2 other than kernel.
> I wonder if there is some network driver bug in the 8.2 kernel?Does the 
> kernel get updated when updating from 8.1 to 8.2? The
repository is accessible when taking that route to 8.2.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-12-25 Thread slartibartfast

carsten_h wrote: 
> I think you can take a look at this project:
> There has to be also a thread inside the forum, but I didn‘t found it.I 
> wasn't sure if that applied to this issue. Everything works except
alsa volume control so Squeezelite sees the DAC as the output device.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-12-25 Thread slartibartfast

paul- wrote: 
> Are you using the USB reset scripts?   Are you sure the restarted
> instance of squeezelite is getting the -V option?I don't know what the USB 
> reset scripts are. The restarted instance has
the -V option as I  can control the alsa volume.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-12-25 Thread slartibartfast

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I mentioned this in another post. After setting alsa volume control with
> the -V option I find that LMS doesn't control the volume after a period
> of time. Restarting Squeezelite restores volume control. I first noticed
> it yesterday and again today. What could cause that?
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkOK LMS stops controlling alsa volume 
> after the E30 DAC has been in
standby mode. After coming out of standby mode I can play music but
cannot control alsa volume until I restart Squeezelite.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-12-25 Thread slartibartfast

I mentioned this in another post. After setting alsa volume control with
the -V option I find that LMS doesn't control the volume after a period
of time. Restarting Squeezelite restores volume control. I first noticed
it yesterday and again today. What could cause that?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Picoreplayer Hardware Volume Control

2022-12-21 Thread slartibartfast

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> What do you mean by the hardware volume control?The -V option for Squeezelite.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't connect to my picore install all of a sudden?

2022-12-02 Thread slartibartfast

gizmo1990 wrote: 
> Thanks for the replies everyone. I have my zero2 in a very small case,
> practically the same size as it. It's attached to the modem/router
> wirelessly too. When I checked (when it was working) my coverage within
> the squeezebox settings I'm getting 73%, which is pretty good as I
> believe. As I said the setup has been working flawlessly since now.
> @strebor what do you mean by a power clear? Do you meaning just mean
> power cycling the pi, off/on? If so I've been doing that numerous times.
> @slartibartfast I'm not sure what I expanded the file size to actually.
> How would that have a bearing on me not being able to connect via a
> browser? It's a 32gb microsd card.
> One thing to maybe mention. On the boot up sequence I get the following
> line in grey, Ould it have any bearing on the issue?
> > 

  >   > umount : can't unmount /mnt/sda1: Invalid argument

> > 
> I'm kinda at a loss here. Really miss being able to stream. I don't
> see anyway forward other than reinstalling?If you didn't expand the file 
> system at all or made it too small then
when it fills up it won't work anymore.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't connect to my picore install all of a sudden?

2022-12-01 Thread slartibartfast

gizmo1990 wrote: 
> Thanks a lot for that Paul. I've tried it and I'm still getting a high
> packet loss, 86%. Any idea what this means? I've not changed anything
> network or router wise and my setup was working pretty flawlessly (very
> occasional pauses) up to attempting to install the plugin.
> I get the feeling I'm looking at a reinstall.. :(Just a thought. What size 
> did you expand the file system to when you
installed pCP on your SD card?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't connect to my picore install all of a sudden?

2022-12-01 Thread slartibartfast

gizmo1990 wrote: 
> @slartibartfast Thanks for the reply. Yep, I went there first! :)
> Unfortunately the trick I came up with there doesn't seem to apply here.
> :( It didn't make any sense to begin with really. IP scanner is showing
> it fine but with no 2nd drop down heading under 'pcp.home' called 'HTTP,
> pCP this time for me.
> I've connected the pi up to a monitor and picoreplayer seems to be
> loading fine. It says 'Finished loading picoreplayer v8.1.0 startup' and
> that is what I should enter.
> I can't understand why I shouldn't be able to connect to it now?
> Does anyone have any ideas?Sometimes IP scanners show cached results. Did you 
> refresh it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't connect to my picore install all of a sudden?

2022-12-01 Thread slartibartfast

gizmo1990 wrote: 
> I seem to have messed something up with my install but can't understand
> what's going on. :(
> I tried installing the BBC sounds app plugin on my Squeezebox classic
> but when it came to finding where to enter my login details I ended up
> being caught in a loop on the login to the squeezebox account setting.
> So I turned the player off and tried again this time quickly shuttling
> past the squeezebox login and just going to network setup. However I
> then couldn't log into the server. I entered the ip address
> into a browser to check that picore was running and found that I
> couldn't connect. So I power cycled my pi zero2. I still can't connect
> though! :( I've run advanced ip scanner and it sees Slim Devices Inc
> running on so I don't get it?
> Does anyone know why I wouldn't be able to connect to my player now?
> Any help really appreciated.Any clues in this thread when you had a similar 
> issue [emoji3].

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] A few questions about piCorePlayer (8.2.0.)

2022-11-30 Thread slartibartfast

RobbH wrote: 
> Isn't this usually a setting in the external drive's firmware, rather
> than on the computer?
> Searching for the opposite of what you want, I found this page, mostly
> more than ten years old, but with one suggestion from last year:
> What I think I understand from that is that hdparm might make it
> possible for you to change the drive's settings. hdparm is available in
> piCorePlayer extensions.
> Another suggestion in that thread was to attach the drive to a Windows
> computer and change the settings there.
> I should probably mention that I also found articles that suggested that
> drives may be designed to spin constantly, in which case spinning down
> when not in use may actually shorten the drive's lifespan. 
> My own experience when using a usb hdd for the LMS library was that the
> drive would spin down after about five minutes of inactivity. It would
> then take about a minute to spin up again, causing problems if LMS had
> buffered a long track. I had to prevent spin down while LMS was playing.

The only issue I had which was caused by my HDD spinning down after a
few minutes, was artwork going out of sync if a couple of consecutive
Spotify tracks appeared in a Random playlist. The HDD could sleep during
the Spotify tracks but I have never seen the HDD sleep while playing
local tracks of any length.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-11-27 Thread slartibartfast

Bagwit wrote: 
> They are all running flawlessly on 8.1.0 though, amazing work as always!
> My old 6.1.0 devices have been running rock solid for so long I had
> barely even paid them attention other than that they played my music in
> the home or remotely while out and about.  I've been meaning to donate
> for a while, going to sling some cash your way as it is well deserved.Have 
> you tried updating from 8.1 to 8.2?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] [piCorePlayer] Turn off USB output when turning off player?

2022-11-25 Thread slartibartfast

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I haven't measured the power drawn but I'm not sure there is much saving
> if any in standby. If anyone has a power monitoring device it would be
> interesting to know.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkI just measured the power consumption of 
> a Topping E30. 
Active 1.8W
Standby  1.7W
The difference is probably down to the number of illuminated display
segments and not worth worrying about.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-11-16 Thread slartibartfast

mherger wrote: 
> > Having said that, the version of the scanner is 1.05, so maybe there
> is
> > some relation to pCP?
> That's another "issue". Paul hasn't updated the Audio::Scan module yet. 
> I'm sure he'll get there.
> But the bug causing the scanner to crash was related to some work being 
> done to port the Windows build to Strawberry Perl.So is the glibc version the 
> reason why pCP doesn't use the ARM7 or
aarch64 versions of audio-scan? I checked my pCP player and glibc was
2.32 compared to Raspberry Pi OS at 2.31.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] IP Addresses PiCore

2022-11-15 Thread slartibartfast

The Groundsman wrote: 
> Thanks  
> http://pcp.local worked for me in windows but not on an android phone
> I only connect at 2.4Gh.
> @Slartibartfast - I  also assumed that with DHCP allocated addresses the
> router would stop the same address being used twice but I found that not
> to be the case, even after a restart it was reporting 2 devices for the
> same address. I tried to use the "always use this ip address"  and
> overtyped the address with one outside the DHCP range but while it saved
> it in the router  it didnt seem to take effect.
> All seems to be more trouble than its worth tbh. Thanks for helping
> though :)What if you allocate a unique address for all devices [emoji3]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] IP Addresses PiCore

2022-11-15 Thread slartibartfast

The Groundsman wrote: 
> Thanks for helping. 
> I use a BT Hub 6 on Plusnet. I tried the always use this IP address but
> this then caused conflicts with other DHCP assigned ones. I couldnt find
> a setting for an address outside the DHCP range
> 39121The router gives out all IP addresses and shouldn't give out conflicting
ones. Sorry I don't know anything about BT routers but surely the router
wouldn't allocate the same address to more than one device.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] IP Addresses PiCore

2022-11-15 Thread slartibartfast

The Groundsman wrote: 
> Hi - This is quite trivial I know, but I thought I'd ask and see if
> there is a simple solution. I'm running LMS 8.3.0 on PiCore 8.1.0. This
> is on 24x7. Attachment to my router is wireless and wired is not
> convenient.
> For some reason The IP address of piCore is getting changed by my
> router. This means that favourites on my PC  for the pcP main page and
> access to the server, change. I also have to fine tune some of the
> settings in Material which are reset to the defaults.  It's happened
> only 2 or 3 times but all in the last few months and is a minor
> irritation. Prior to that the IP address never changed. This felt like a
> router issue so my first step was to make some changes there via a
> setting "Always use this IP address:" .When I tried that it caused more
> problems with other address conflicts. The advice I was given was that I
> should set a static address outside the DHCP range on PiCore not in the
> router. I found the static address setting in PiCore but it gives a
> strong warning to only use it on a wired connection. I followed this
> advice and took no action
> I'm tempted to factory reset the router which is a bit brutal. So I
> thought I'd run it all past all of you helpful people first.  
> Any advice?Reserving an IP address on your router should be all that is 
> necessary.
Which router are you using?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] [piCorePlayer] Turn off USB output when turning off player?

2022-11-12 Thread slartibartfast

kitus wrote: 
> Hi again roonie, I went ahead and created this issue in Github:
> I'm crossing my
> fingers, I will eventually get my system working in a more reasonable
> way. Will report back if I ever manage to address my issue.Did you ever get 
> around to trying a modified version of this udev rule
for the E50?

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="152a",
ATTR{idProduct}=="8750", TEST=="power/control",

I think the ATTR(idProduct) would change for the E50. You can find it by
typing lsusb in a terminal via SSH.39101

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|Filename: Screenshot_20221112-083715~2.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] [piCorePlayer] Turn off USB output when turning off player?

2022-11-09 Thread slartibartfast

Man in a van wrote: 
> I looked at the github link referenced earlier but I get this
> > 

  >   > 
  > tc@pCP:~$ ceo
  > tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional$ wget 
  > et/pico/usb-power.tcz
  > Connecting to (
  > Connecting to (
  > wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  > tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional$ wget
  > Connecting to (
  > Connecting to (
  > wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  > tc@pCP:/mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional$

> > 
> and this is my "onboot list"
> I added slarti's commands
> 39075
> just in case, in case, but without any luck
> I'm giving up now as  thin it's quicker to just use the remote and
> select an unused input:rolleyes:
> I might give Bullseye Lite a play sometime
> ronnieThe extension usb-power.tcz may be available from the piCorePlayer
available extensions now. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] [piCorePlayer] Turn off USB output when turning off player?

2022-11-09 Thread slartibartfast

Man in a van wrote: 
> tl/dr go to last line :)
> Playing with this today (as I use rpi OS Bullseye lite)
> rpi3b+ > Standard pCP v 8.2.0 >  LMS v 8.3.1
> Only the v2-HLS repo and Radio Paradise Plugin
> Using the Default LMS GUI
> I paused playback and waited, the dac did not go into standby
> I then restarted playback and used the Power button in the top right
> corner to stop squeezzelite
> The dac did not go into standby
> I then navigated to the pCP Main Page and selected  Stop under
> Additional functions 
> The dac did not go into standby
> I restarted Squeezelite (from the Main Page) and restarted playback;
> then I navigated to the pCP Main Page and selected  Stop under
> Additional functions again
> The dac didi not go into standby.
> Edit:
> I tried the setting suggested by bpa (which  I thought used to be
> default squeezelite setting in pCP) -C 10
> and used the power button in the GUI.
> The dac did not go into standby
> I stopped Squeezelite from the main Page
> The dac did not go into standby
> I selected an un-used input on the dac and the dac went into standy
> after a minute
> ronnieI haven't measured the power drawn but I'm not sure there is much saving
if any in standby. If anyone has a power monitoring device it would be
interesting to know.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] [piCorePlayer] Turn off USB output when turning off player?

2022-11-09 Thread slartibartfast

kitus wrote: 
> RaspBerry Pi 3B+/PiCorePlayer/LMS > USB > Topping E50 > Cambridge CXA 61
> > Q-Acoustics Concept 40
> My RPI3B+/PiCore won't allow the DAC to go into standby. It's so
> annoying.

Same with the E30 but you can get it to go into standby by trying to
follow the info here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] [piCorePlayer] Turn off USB output when turning off player?

2022-11-08 Thread slartibartfast

kitus wrote: 
> Hi ronnie, how is it going? :)
> well, I think there is a grey area yes between squeezebox and my
> topping. I would summarise like this: If my squeezebox was powered off
> and I power it on, everything works just fine. However, when I stop
> using my system, my squeezebox remains on but I switch off the DAC and
> the amp. And the nightmares start here. If then I switch the topping
> back on, no sound will be played. The DAC and squeezebox don't get along
> well after going into stand-by.
> It works well with a small "but": I see the MQA logo on the screen, yet
> sampling frequency never goes beyond 44.1Khz. I would like to evaluate
> why this is the case but this is not annoying. The standby stuff is very
> annoying. 
> yep, this is key to ensure MQA is sent to the DAC. Thanks!
> a AC to 5v power brick that I had laying 
> hehe :)
> will report back on this. thanks!!!How do you turn off the DAC? The only way 
> to turn off (not standby) the
E30 is to disconnect or unplug the power supply.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] [piCorePlayer] Turn off USB output when turning off player?

2022-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

kitus wrote: 
> Hi there! facing the same problems I believe, but with an E50 this time.
> Could you please let me know if and how you managed to solve this issue?
> I'm having the same problems. I keep to constantly be rebooting pcp
> because it does not work when coming back from standbyThat was two years ago, 
> it's all a bit hazy now [emoji3]. I remember my
issues were fixed here
Have a look and see if it makes any sense.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] DSD files are not loud as "normal flac" files

2022-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

feeder6 wrote: 
> Hi guys,
> i am running raspberry 4 with hifiberry dac+ pro. Connected to a jbs
> audio atom headphone amplifier. System is max2play with LMS.
> Music is stored as flac and dsd on a ssd.
> So my problem is that dsd files aren`t so loud as flac files. I need to
> turn the volume a quater higher to get the same volume as flac files.
> Can somebody help me?
> Greetings DanielThe DSD files are probably mastered differently. On my system 
> DSD files
are generally louder as I use replaygain and they aren't compatible with

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] help: pCP on Rpi3 and DSD

2022-11-03 Thread slartibartfast

MisterKevster wrote: 
> Exactly same problem as O/P
> previous posthe describes as SOLVED.but I can't
> understand his 'Solution':confused:
> Any further clarification most welcome!!!
> UPDATE.I just put '1' in the box.and now I have DSD
> :confused:
> Can someone explain please??? :)

Have you tried '0' in the box?
0:u32be works with my Topping DAC.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread slartibartfast

brainchild wrote: 
> It seems Logitech had supported only Windows and MacOS officially for
> desktop front ends.

Which Windows desktop front end are you referring to?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Change Jivelite surface to tiles

2022-10-10 Thread slartibartfast

peddanet wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I hope someone can help, because I had problems after I had to upgrade
> (in terms of complete reinstallation) to picore player 8.2.0...
> I think I used the wrong keywords (here in the forum and in google) or
> something, I was not able to find help for this topic, although I might
> not be the only one  looking for this...I hope for your help!
> I needed to update my Picoreplayer to 8.2.0 for stability reasons. This
> worked well (so far).
> But I forgot how I set up these special tiles look of the Jivelite
> surface:
> 38860
> Instead of that I got that surface here:
> 38861
> Two side questions arose as weill:
> - how to save the name of the picore player (instead of *picorePlayer
> *it should be named like *picoreplayerBathroom *(I can set one name in
> Jivelite and I guess one in the web interface and one somwhere else... I
> forgot in config.txt?)? I got confused about that, plus saving the
> settings in jivelite repeatedly did not save the name.
> - how to change the jivelite skin if it is once saved ?
> - Is there a proper way to upgrade without loosing config for example
> from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0? It took a hell lot of time to do repeat all the
> steps of manual configuraton, and as you can see, I am not already done.
> ...
> Thanks for help appreciated!
> Regards
> peddanetIs this what you did last time? Joggler skin appears to be the answer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Tidal Hifi Plus hi-res only plays at 44.1?

2022-10-10 Thread slartibartfast

Honey wrote: 
> Thanks for this reply, informative. I’m still a bit confused though. So
> LMS isn’t capable of doing the first unfold, and in those circumstances
> Tidal always provides a Redbook stream? I’m vaguely aware that Qobuz
> works differently in LMS - it seems to need no entry -
> so is Qobuz doing the first unfold here? I wish LMS for Tidal could do
> the same. Or I wish I could get a long  free trial on Qobuz!Qobuz tends to 
> provide proper hi-res tracks rather than MQA.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Tidal Hifi Plus hi-res only plays at 44.1?

2022-10-09 Thread slartibartfast

Honey wrote: 
> Hi there,
> Apologies if I’m posting in the wrong place or missing an obvious
> answer, my first post here! I’m using the wonderful Picoreplayer on a
> Pi4 plugged into a Topping E30 DAC. All is well, except when I play
> Tidal hi res (not MQA) music. I have a Hifi Plus subscription, have it
> set to play Master in the Tidal app, have the Tidal plugin installed and
> Tidal added on When I play for example the 192/24
> version of Chet Baker’s “In New York” The DAC just reports 44.1
> consistently. 
> My local hi res FLACs play fine and report 88.1, 192 correctly. I have
> Squeezelite settings set to “hw:CARD=E30,DEV=0” and Alsa as 80 4 - 0 as
> suggested somewhere. 
> Could someone suggest what I’m missing here? It seems that hi res files
> on TIDAL are being downgraded to CD quality? Thank you!

I thought all Tidal Master versions were MQA. How can you tell if it is

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Picoreplayer connecting to USB hard disc

2022-04-03 Thread slartibartfast

Man in a van wrote: 
> If you go here and expand one of the album folders, what do you see ?I could 
> be wrong but it seems odd that the music folder in LMS is
but the scanner log shows the scanned folder as
mnt/music/usb copy..

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] second USB hard disk for the pi3+

2022-03-13 Thread slartibartfast

MatthiasG wrote: 
> got myself a USB y cable (with two USB ports on one side)
> When I connect to the Raspberry Pi - for the power supply , the second
> hard drive is not recognized. 
> However, when I connect the second USB port to a power bank, the second
> hard drive *is *recognized.
> Apparently the hard drive needs too much power - especially when
> booting.
> What can I do so that the power from the Raspberry Pi is sufficient?As 
> suggested earlier use a powered hub.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-03-09 Thread slartibartfast

Labarum wrote: 
> Has anyone an answer to my original question?Does this help?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer & CamillaDSP

2022-02-23 Thread slartibartfast

Aldoszx wrote: 
> My bad !
> In that case, this thread could be deleted.I am just surprised you found it 
> without seeing the earlier post
[emoji2]. I knew I had seen it mentioned before but never got around to
trying it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer & CamillaDSP

2022-02-23 Thread slartibartfast

Aldoszx wrote: 
> I've just found this :
> It seems interesting and I'm gonna try it.Here is the thread where it was 
> first discussed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-02-06 Thread slartibartfast

sdiesel77 wrote: 
> Issues fixed thx, I forgot to put 0:u32be in PCP>Squeezelite
> Settings>Device supports DSD/DoP[emoji106]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2022-02-06 Thread slartibartfast

sdiesel77 wrote: 
> Hi All
> I just updated my Rpi4 setup from using my Synology Nas as LMS server to
> directly my Rpi4 as server now.
> Everything is great, the interface is nicer, more modern however, even
> if not a super big deal, I can't play DSD/DSF files anymore. (I
> installed the DSD plugin).
> The player seems to play the file but there is no sound and the DAC
> doesn't recognize the file anymore.
> Any idea?Did you change the squeezelite settings for the player regarding DSD
files -D?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] HifiBerry Digi2 Pro

2022-01-29 Thread slartibartfast

chatt wrote: 
> With LMS running as my main music server it would be much more snappier
> to get new RP. I don’t have any between RP 1 and 4.
> I realised that LMS and UI is very slow on old RP. 
> But if it’s not possible to manage with RP4 I need to do something else.You 
> could try installing the Hifiberry OS.
If it doesn't work on that then your Pi is faulty.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] pCP doesn't 'see' Topping E30

2022-01-17 Thread slartibartfast

webnick wrote: 
> Right again!  I'd assumed the adapter was from Topping since the power
> cable was from Topping and it had been plugging away for quite some time
> now in the main system.  But the Topping manual shows it didn't come
> with an adapter and the adapter I replaced wasn't labeled Topping.  All
> of !this! for a proper adapter!  Thanks again Paul.I use an old Samsung phone 
> charger for mine as well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] pCP doesn't 'see' Topping E30

2022-01-16 Thread slartibartfast

webnick wrote: 
> And it is solved!  And Paul was Right!  It appears to have been a power
> situation: Topping provides 2 USB Cables, one for power and one for
> data, and an AC adapter for the USB cable.  Well, in looking again at
> that set up, I felt the AC adaptor was flimsy so I took a Samsung AC
> adapter I had lying around and replaced the Topping adapter, and voila
> the E30 came to (USB) life and pCP now showed the E30 in the "Output
> setting" drop down box.  So Radio Paradise is now playing via USB.
> So THANK YOU Paul!  And a sincere thanks to everyone else as well for
> trying to help me.
> Now on to the LMS end of this project.  By the way, is Material Skin
> available for pCP?Are you sure Topping supplied an AC adaptor? I am pretty 
> sure they don't
supply one.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Topping E30 udev rule

2022-01-16 Thread slartibartfast

Huey11 wrote: 
> Hi, no offense, but the usb_power.tcz is not available (anymore), and
> the thread does not say how to put in the udev rule on the read-only
> system and make it persistant for boot...
> (But indeed it is probably not relevant or of use for my issue)I just tried 
> downloading usb_power.tcz from
and succeeded.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Topping E30 udev rule

2022-01-16 Thread slartibartfast

Huey11 wrote: 
> Hi, no offense, but the usb_power.tcz is not available (anymore), and
> the thread does not say how to put in the udev rule on the read-only
> system and make it persistant for boot...
> (But indeed it is probably not relevant or of use for my issue)Thinking about 
> it more (and looking further back in this thread) my DAC
didn't enter standby at all until I tried turning off the USB port so I
am surprised yours does.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Topping E30 udev rule

2022-01-16 Thread slartibartfast

Huey11 wrote: 
> Hi, no offense, but the usb_power.tcz is not available (anymore), and
> the thread does not say how to put in the udev rule on the read-only
> system and make it persistant for boot...
> (But indeed it is probably not relevant or of use for my issue)It is 
> certainly a lot easier to add the udev rule on a Raspbian system.
I think I had to request that it was added to the repository after an
update to pCP. Maybe it has been overlooked again. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Topping E30 udev rule

2022-01-16 Thread slartibartfast

Huey11 wrote: 
> Ah, ok. It goes into standby without problem. I get these
> "output_thread:775 pcm wait error: Input/output error" messages in the
> pcp_squeezelite.log and need to restart squeezelite (often a few times)
> to reestablish a connection/stream.
> But in that case I probably need to investigate further. Maybe it is
> just dreaded undervoltages...
> Still out of curiosity and learning perspective: how did you then
> adapt/modify that udev rule?

Thinking back my issue wasn't that the DAC wouldn't enter standby, it
was the "pop" when it came out of standby. All the info is in the GitHub
link I posted. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Topping E30 udev rule

2022-01-15 Thread slartibartfast

Huey11 wrote: 
> Sometimes I loose my connection to the usb... wonder if this would help?
> I read through the thread and if I understand correct the udev rule is
> added with the usbpower extension specially made, and it would not
> contain yet that delay (if even still available, can currently not check
> because the repo seems unavailable)? 
> @slartibartsat: Or is there another way to manually add this udev rule
> to the /etc/udev/rules.d (or is it /lub/udev/rules.d)...?How do you lose 
> connection to USB? This rule just allows the DAC to
enter standby when piCorePlayer is off.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] pCP doesn't 'see' Topping E30

2022-01-15 Thread slartibartfast

webnick wrote: 
> Greg, everything powers up without issue.  Regardless, I started with a
> new image, a 32 bit standard image just to eliminate the possibility
> that it was somehow a 64 bit issue.  I have attached a text file dmesq
> file upon booting up and installing Jivelite (I did have the E30's USB
> cable attached at bootup but had not yet designated USB as the audio
> output).36847  It does show errors, but I don't know
> understand them let alone know how to cure them.Have you tried connecting the 
> E30 to a PC using USB?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] pCP doesn't 'see' Topping E30

2022-01-14 Thread slartibartfast

webnick wrote: 
> The E30 is/was always on and connected.Are you connecting to a USB 2 or USB 3 
> port on the Pi?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS doesn`t detect Sqeezelite on a RPI4

2022-01-11 Thread slartibartfast

drerd wrote: 
> I managed to make it work again  , but with some very weird quirks . 
> 0: I run  sudo rasp-config  and I select  for the audio USB output
> 1. I had to set `AV Jack` audio output   from the audio icon on desktop
> bar. 
> 2. I had to disconnect/reconnect the DAC from the RPI Usb. 
> The other weird thing is that if I listen to 128/192 kbps internet radio
> ,  my Topping E30 DAC is showing that I play  384.0 PCM  .
> The working config is the one below ,  I don`t know if the rates, or
> sampling are correct , I took them from a D10  :
> PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
> SQUEEZELITE_RATES "44100,48000,88200,96000,176400,192000,352800,384000"
> SQUEEZELITE_UPSAMPLING "v::4:28:95:105:45"
> From my point of view , it doesn`t have any logic , but heyit works
> :

It looks like you are using Archimago's settings for digital filtering
and upsampling. Does that explain why the DAC displays 384.0?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-01-10 Thread slartibartfast

coyrls wrote: 
> The pre Pi 4 criticism was something I have read about rather than
> experienced myself!  I would have thought that not using the Ethernet
> port would solve the potential issue anyway, as there would be no
> Ethernet traffic on the USB bus.That was my thinking as well. I don't think I 
> ever tried it using
ethernet. It is happy to play up to DXD over WiFi, not that I have any
DXD files. I also use the Topping E30 with my TV and Touch using the
remaining inputs. It never fails to annoy me that the DAC doesn't enter
standby on the coax input from the Touch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2022-01-10 Thread slartibartfast

coyrls wrote: 
> The USB external DAC poor sound quality was a criticism of the pre Pi4
> architecture where the USB ports shared a bus with the Ethernet port. 
> That architecture changed with the Pi4, where the USB ports have a
> dedicated bus.  I think now it’s accepted that with the pi4 architecture
> there is good quality sound from a USB external DAC.  That has certainly
> been my experience.
> If I understand your requirements correctly, I would recommend something
> like a Topping E30 DAC
> You can connect your Pi to the USB input and your TV to the optical
> input.  I use an E30 in this way and also have a CD player connected to
> the Coaxial input and am very happy with the sound quality.In my experience 
> there is no issue with the sound quality using USB into
an external DAC from a Pi3B. I am not using the ethernet port though.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Material Skin on Picoreplayer

2022-01-04 Thread slartibartfast

prabbit wrote: 
> Assuming you have already installed the Material Plugin, choose Server
> Settings > Interface > Web Interface and select Material Skin.I have a 
> feeling he means on a touchscreen instead of jivelite.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer 8.0.0 - Bluetooth Discussion

2021-12-28 Thread slartibartfast

CLiu wrote: 
> Phew! my resampling phobia has been soothed lols. I know this is just
> crazy, but somehow I can hear many things that should sound the same
> being different when I actually ab test them. One example is that
> playing a CD from a usb cdrom drive with the cdplayer plugin sounds
> different from the same track ripped as flac from the same setup, i.e.
> LMS, squeezelite, dac, amp, speakers. The same track ripped as wav
> sounds a bit closer to direct CD playback, but still slightly worse. I
> know this is probably phychological, but since I have that perception I
> am reluctant to touch anything at all on the digital side of things.  
> Well, that's great if there's a place on the bluetooth pages to set a
> different output device. This way I can have peace of mind that
> Squeezelite will use the output that I want, and bluetooth will get
> sound output when I want convenience and don't care about achieving the
> highest sound quality :-)
> Best regards
> LiuThe cdplayer plugin rips to wav format in real time with no error
correction so it is unlikely to sound "better" than an error free rip.
The brain works in mysterious ways [emoji2]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] VU Meter Not Working

2021-12-26 Thread slartibartfast

Bscott wrote: 
> Alsamixer finds my DAC, but doesn't allow any changes.What was the volume 
> setting? You should be able to change the volume
using "up/down" or "+/-" on the keyboard. The number pad doesn't work
for me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Start/restart squeezelite when plug-in USB dac

2021-12-25 Thread slartibartfast

uudruid74 wrote: 
> Yes, that was from this thread.  The script isn't the issue, but I
> wouldn't mind seeing the latest version (I'm NOT searching through 30
> pages!), but I doubt it would help
> Tried, but thats not the issue.  Without sudo it just runs as whatever
> permissions "udev" has left it and we need MORE permissions, not less.  
> My issue is that I route my DAC through a tube preamp and then into my
> AVR.  I "turn on" my squeezebox by selecting the input on the AVR.  The
> AVR switches to the jivelite interface on the TC screen and uses its
> trigger out to turn on the DAC and tube preamp.  I have a remote with a
> USB dongle that can operate the UI (as well as use my phone, tablet,
> etc).  I don't turn off the Pi because it doesn't use much power and I
> don't want to wait for a long boot process.  The DAC isn't used for
> other media since non-music content is surround sound and I use the DACs
> in the AVR so its strictly for music.
> Apparently, udevd drops some permission that squeezelite needs to start.
> I believe it could be a real-time priority permission.  Either an
> upgrade to udev caused this drop or an upgrade to squeezelite caused it
> to request it, so running a script from udev will fail.  The busy waits
> I've seen posted here using "sleep" is just a bad idea.  You are causing
> a context switch every second and polling for an event that the system
> can notify you of.  That is the whole point of udev!
> Here is my solution:

  >   > 
  > #!/bin/sh
  > FIFO="/tmp/atnowd.fifo"
  > echo "Starting atnowd"
  > rm -f $FIFO 2>/dev/null
  > mkfifo $FIFO
  > while true
  > do
  > sleep 10
  > if read command <$FIFO
  > then
  > echo $command
  > ($command)
  > fi
  > done

> > 
> -NOTE: Kids!  Don't try this at home!  On any other system executing
> whatever we write to a pipe that is world-writable is a huge security
> problem.  In this instance, I think its OK for a media player that
> only you have access to.  Just don't use this trick on production
> systems!  *You run this by putting "/home/tc/atnowd >>/tmp/dac.txt" as
> a "User Command" under "Tweaks" in the picoreplayer web interface.* 
> The redirection to a file can be left off once you are done testing. 
> Just ssh in and "tail -f /tmp/dac.txt" to see what it's doing so you
> can test everything.-

  >   > 
  > #!/bin/sh
  > FIFO="/tmp/atnowd.fifo"
  > echo $@ >>$FIFO

> > 

  >   > 
  > SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", 
ENV{PRODUCT}=="152a/85dd/206", RUN+="/home/tc/atnow /home/tc/"
  > SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="remove", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", 
ENV{PRODUCT}=="152a/85dd/206", RUN+="/home/tc/atnow /home/tc/"

> > 
> -NOTE: I used "usb_device" as the DEVTYPE since my DAC will add the
> USB device and then add a bunch of USB interfaces, and I don't want to
> run any of this multiple times.  There is possibility that the
> might be run before the interfaces are loaded, but this is a race
> condition in theory and not in practice!  Obviously, substitute the
> "PRODUCT" for your DAC - that is for an SMSL SU-9-

  >   > 
  > #!/bin/sh
  > PIDFILE=/var/run/
  > echo "Stopping squeezelite"
  > pcp stop
  > sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite stop
  > sleep 5
  > killall -9 squeezelite
  > rm $PIDFILE
  > sleep 1
  > sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite status

> > 
> -NOTE: You can probably remove the status stuff at the end.  And yes,
> this is kinda brute force.  The idea is to make sure no processes are
> holding onto stale file handles, possibly preventing new processes
> from starting. -

  >   > 
  > #!/bin/sh
  > echo "Starting squeezelite"
  > sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite start
  > sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/squeezelite status
  > pcp play

> > 
> -BUG:  When turning on the DAC, squeezelite is started and shows it to
> be paused right where you left it.  The moment it is unpaused, it
> starts at the beginning of the playlist.  I have tried all sorts of
> stuff in both and to try and fix this, but it just
> doesn't work.  Its a lot better than rebooting your Pi when you turn
> on your DAC.-
> Hope this helps someone.  Remember to do a "pcp br" so that all the
> files are saved (and remember to chmod +x all the scripts), the atnowd
> starts, and your udev rules are read.  You can do all that manually
> for testing, but this should work out of the box if you just change
> the PRODUCT.Someone else had a similar issue. Their posts start here.

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] VU Meter Not Working

2021-12-25 Thread slartibartfast

Bscott wrote: 
> Bump...
> Would really appreciate some help here.
> Just picked up a Gustard X26 Pro DAC and now have side by side units
> connected via USB and neither give a VU Meter reading.
> BTW, Gustard X26 Pro is an amazing DAC and highly recommend it!Try
sudo alsamixer
This allows setting volume levels. 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-12-21 Thread slartibartfast

Narcos wrote: 
> As I intend on running 2 RPI4’ (server+client configuration) do I have
> to give both RPI’s a seperate Static IP address? The existing Pi has
> ?Yes, I just reserve IP addresses on the router. It's easier 
> than using
static IP addresses.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-12-21 Thread slartibartfast

Narcos wrote: 
> Here’s an excerpt from Klaus’ (Soundcheck) blog, 
> “ Keeping the server separate from my experience is a good idea for
> several reasons. 
> To list a few:
> You can keep the server close to the router, especially if you don't
> have 
> ethernet cable wiring in your home. 
> Do not use Wifi to attach a server to a network!
> You keep that server away from the actual audio room and audio system
> You don't have to sit in the audio room (living room in my case) to do
> all kind of config and maintenance work
> Running CPU hungry DSP work, such as resampling or convolution, working
> with large collections and handling several clients will put high
> demands on a server.
> You don't want to have all that running on your highly efficient
> playback client.
> sharing USB for storage and DAC would not be such a good idea
> your streaming client can become/remain really slim and highly efficient
> as discussed in the other articles
> That's why I recommend to put the server part on an external server and
> let the clients 
> run as separate highly efficient  streaming clients.”
> “ The RPIs major weakness used to be their joint USB2.0 Ethernet
> infrastructure.
> That dramatically changed with the introduction of the RPI4. 
> I consider the PI4 USB performance that good, that I switched back from
> I2S-HAT audio  to USB DACs after running I2S-HAT DACs for several years
> .
> Advise: Running USB storage and audio devices side by side on a RPI4 is
> still not such a good idea. ”Well I am pretty sure lots of users here use 
> piCoreplayer as both server
and player on the same Pi, some even connecting the server over WiFi. If
you don't try it yourself you will never know if any of that stuff you
quoted is important.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Raspberry pi 4 with PiCorePlayer HDMI Hi-Res Noise

2021-12-05 Thread slartibartfast

Bscott wrote: 
> Posted in 3rd Party Hardware and not getting any feedback, so trying
> here
> Ran into an issue with Transporter down sampling everything to 96 kHz
> when I synchronize. Transporter is connected via coax to Krell Digital
> Vanguard integrated amp. LMS is 8.2. Decided to try moving one of my
> Raspberry pi 4 with piCorePlayer 8.0 to replace the Transporter to see
> if that would fix the problem. Well, it did... however, .dsf files and
> .flac files at his-res play, but with a hiss in the background. HDMI is
> connected to Raspberry pi slot 0 next to power connection and then
> connected to Krell Digital Vanguard Integrated Amp HDMI port. I've run
> through all the output settings with no success. Also tried changing DSD
> settings in piCorePlayer to 3:32be, 3:16be and 3:u8. No issues with
> playing at 44kHz, just Hi-resolution files.
> Appreciate any help.You could try USB input instead of HDMI.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Programmatically manage PiCore players

2021-11-08 Thread slartibartfast

squeezebox153 wrote: 
> All of them have static IP's and work fine from my dashboard. The only
> thing I need to do is get the primary player to manage the other
> players.
> the primary player is always the same one 
> just have LMS on that one
and leave the other two as players.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Programmatically manage PiCore players

2021-11-08 Thread slartibartfast

kidstypike wrote: 
> You don't need LMS on each player for this.It seems he wants to be able to 
> turn on any individual Pi and have a
server and player. Never mind the chaos of having three different IP
addresses for the servers and having players that can attach to any one
of them.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] HifiBerry Digi2 Pro

2021-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

This post says using the same settings as a Digi pro works but that
doesn't seem to be in the output list.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Howto change IP address

2021-10-21 Thread slartibartfast

reptilo wrote: 
> Hi,
> I want to change the @IP of my RPI3 with PCP inside.
> I can access via Putty but don't know how to change the IP.
> ThanksYou can change it by setting a static IP address described here
or just reserve the IP address you want to use in your router settings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Synology up and running, but pCP says not

2021-10-13 Thread slartibartfast

RobinpCP wrote: 
> So if LMS is not running on the same RPi with pCP, I am not getting a
> green light?Yes the pCP webUI is referring to LMS on pCP. You only need LMS 
> running
on one machine. You can choose between pCP and the Synology.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS on Synology up and running, but pCP says not

2021-10-13 Thread slartibartfast

RobinpCP wrote: 
> Apparently I did not.  Now I can see my music files.  Thanks a lot. 
> However, in pCP WebUI, it still shows LMS is not running.  How do I fix
> it?Probably because LMS is running on the Synology and not on pCP.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Problem with adding subscribed music streaming

2021-10-06 Thread slartibartfast

MidGe wrote: 
> Thank you for your prompt reply.
> I have installed the plugin and restarted the system, but,
> unfortunately, that does not seem to fix the problem I have. In the
> playlist the name of the stream is still overridden by the song title.
> Perhaps instead of using a playlist is it possible to add the streams
> under "radio" instead of playlist, or even under "podcasts"? If so, how
> can that be done? What is the location and format of the URL's for
> these?
> Thanks again.How about saving the streams as favourites? You can give them 
> any name
you like.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Any good plugins, or extensions, or "recipes" for synchronizing a music library?

2021-10-04 Thread slartibartfast

Freefilesync also works well.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-09-25 Thread slartibartfast

comeng wrote: 
> Given  that I use 2B and 3 Pi's and all my WiFi USB adaptors are Realtek
> based if I want to move on from Version 7 then I have to be able to
> install the necessary drivers the link via GITHUB is pure gobblydegook
> A Plain English explanation of how to install the Realtek Drivers is
> required for us less than proficient users
> Or is everyone going and buying Pi4's and throwing perfectly serviceable
> older units in the bin.
> Or is the fact that we are stuck for ever on version 7 published but
> located somewhere I have not found.
> PhilDon't Pi3s have WiFi?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-09-18 Thread slartibartfast

Howard Passman wrote: 
> Actually hw:CARD=A20,DEV=0 and plughw:CARD=A20,DEV=0 both worked the
> same.Have you tried disabling Jivelite to see if that is causing the freeze?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-09-18 Thread slartibartfast

Howard Passman wrote: 
> Good morning Ronnie. It was very late last night when I got the DAC
> working. I listened to it for a while and discovered that after 2-3
> minutes of play it stops playing for about 1 second, stutters back and
> continues playing for another few minutes then repeats that process.
> More information. I'm playing almost exclusively FLAC files on a RPI4
> running over Ethernet. I'm using a 5" touch screen displaying a VU
> meter. I mention that because when the music stops the VU freezes
> exactly where it is until play resumes. Maybe that's a hint.
> Anyway, I'm wondering where and what to look for to diagnose/correct the
> issue. I did read about the buffers in Jivelite and experimented with
> some of those settings, but none of that made a difference.
> Thanks once again for any light you can shed on this.
> HowardWhich output device did you choose to get it to work?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2021-09-13 Thread slartibartfast

mini11 wrote: 
> because I don't like power consumption of unused devices.If you using an 
> amplifier why not turn the volume down to zero before
switching off the piCorePlayer? Not very neat but it should prevent the
speaker noises.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Jivelite for piCorePlayer

2021-09-13 Thread slartibartfast

mini11 wrote: 
> thanks Ronnie. I know about this button in web gui. I meant an
> additional icon as shortcut in the home menue of jivelite.
> For many other functions, for example "my music - random mix" you can
> add this function to home of jivelite by long pressing the icon and
> select "Add to home menue".
> With adding shutdown to home menue I wanted to avoid going to "settings
> - piCore player - shutdown piCorePlayer" each time I stopp my session -
> thats all.
> Making it a little bit more compfortable for others, that use this
> player, and of course, avoid this plopp in my speakers when switching
> off the device.
> Seems, that I'm a little bit lazy!
> Thanks Günter

Why bother shutting down piCorePlayer?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ssh

2021-09-02 Thread slartibartfast

mfraser wrote: 
> On 01/09/2021 16:12, Paul Webster wrote:
> > 
> > Have you verified the other things that catch people out when
> passwords
> > that always worked suddenly stop working?
> > e.g.
> > 
> > a) the keyboard that you are using has num lock not pressed or caps
> lock
> > pressed ... or somehow you have switched keyboard language and some of
> > the key presses now send unexpected characters
> It is working with the other 2 PiCorePlayers.
> > b) you are trying to login to a different device to the one that you
> > intended
> All I'm using is:
> ssh tc (AT) kitchen (DOT) local
> Kitchen is the name of the player as setup in Squeezelite settings.
> I can't even change the password on the security page. It shows:
> WARNING: Using default tc password.
> But if I use the default password and try to change the password:
> [ ERROR ] Current password incorrect.
> [ ERROR ] Password not changed.
> > Paul Webster
> >
> > author of "now playing" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
> > planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, supla
> > finland, abc australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
> >
> > Paul Webster's Profile:
> > View this thread:
> > 
> > Have you tried using the IP address instead of the player name to log

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Topping E30 udev rule

2021-08-27 Thread slartibartfast

mibigo wrote: 
> Thank you for this information I was also looking how to put Topping E30
> in standby, when piCorePlayer is not playing anything; but unfortunately
> I do not know anything about linux; would you be so kind to tell me how
> to add this udev rule. ?

All the info is here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] ANNOUNCE: piCorePlayer 7.0.0

2021-08-24 Thread slartibartfast

IanHaynes wrote: 
> Something that I've become aware of recently is that if I have an album
> or tracks in the queue, other albums or more tracks appended to the
> queue don't always play when the original selection finishes. I can't
> pin it down to any particular sequence or logic.
> Is there a setting that controls this?When did you add the new tracks? If I 
> add tracks too close to the end of
the last track they don't play.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] How to remove an external Player in pCP

2021-08-17 Thread slartibartfast

diode84 wrote: 
> Daphile does not say it is squeezelite but it looks very like it to me
> in every way.
> If I try what you suggest will it interfere with the Daphile system?Ask on 
> the Daphile forum (if there is one) if the player can be
disabled. Alternatively just use LMS [emoji3]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Topping E30 udev rule

2021-08-16 Thread slartibartfast

slartibartfast wrote: 
> When I first used a Topping E30 with piCorePlayer the DAC wouldn't go
> into standby. Adding a udev rule
> > 

  >   > ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="152a", 
ATTR{idProduct}=="8750", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="auto"

> > 
> fixed this and then the DAC entered standby when the piCoreplayer was
> powered off in LMS and came out of standby when the player was powered
> on.
> I am trying out Volumio at the moment via the UPNP/DLNA plugin and
> when I add the the same udev rule the DAC enters standby a couple of
> seconds after playback stops and wakes up when playback begins
> sometimes missing the first notes of the track. Powering the player on
> or off in LMS has no effect. 
> Does anyone know what this udev rule does and is there a way to stop
> the player entering standby so soon after playback stops. I have seen
> udev rules for USB involving autosuspend with a delay but I have no
> idea how that is used either.

If anyone is interested I found a way to delay the time it takes for the
DAC to enter standby after playback stops. I added a second line to the
udev rule which delays standby by 60 seconds


ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="152a", 
ATTR{idProduct}=="8750", TEST=="power/autosuspend_delay_ms" 

I would prefer the player power state to control the DAC as it does for
piCorePlayer but this is a good second best.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't mount USB disk on Picoreplayer. Help needed please.

2021-08-16 Thread slartibartfast

themicksa wrote: 
> You mean the Resize FS option? Yes I did, following advice from
> elsewhere. To 100% I think. After a reboot I find the following there:
> Resize partition 2 (PCP_ROOT)
> WARNING: Partition can not be expanded (only 100 MB left).
> Could that be a mistake on my part? I presumed it just meant devoting
> the entire SD card (32gb I think) to the business of running pCP. Right
> now I don't see any way there of downsizing it again.That is fine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't mount USB disk on Picoreplayer. Help needed please.

2021-08-16 Thread slartibartfast

themicksa wrote: 
> Unfortunately I'm not out of the woods. The music just stopped after an
> hour or so and I can't reach the pCP home page again so I guess the pi
> has fallen over once more. A scan of the network finds both instances of
> the Pi still there*, but the router shows them as off-line. If I reboot
> is there likely to be any evidence in the logs of when and why? 
> Frustrating.
> * correction they've disappeared nowJust a thought, have you expanded the 
> file system?

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Topping E30 udev rule

2021-08-16 Thread slartibartfast

When I first used a Topping E30 with piCorePlayer the DAC wouldn't go
into standby. Adding a udev rule


ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="152a", 
ATTR{idProduct}=="8750", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="auto"

fixed this and then the DAC entered standby when the piCoreplayer was
powered off in LMS and came out of standby when the player was powered
I am trying out Volumio at the moment via the UPNP/DLNA plugin and when
I add the the same udev rule the DAC enters standby a couple of seconds
after playback stops and wakes up when playback begins sometimes missing
the first notes of the track. Powering the player on or off in LMS has
no effect. 
Does anyone know what this udev rule does and is there a way to stop the
player entering standby so soon after playback stops. I have seen udev
rules for USB involving autosuspend with a delay but I have no idea how
that is used either.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't mount USB disk on Picoreplayer. Help needed please.

2021-08-16 Thread slartibartfast

themicksa wrote: 
> yes that's the one. 
> The E30 goes into standby mode after a minute or so of quiet. Can the pi
> wake it up?Are you saying that after using the player the DAC goes into 
> standby
automatically? When I set up pCP with the E30 DAC it wouldn't go into
standby at all until I added a udev rule.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Prebuilt picoreplayer?

2021-08-16 Thread slartibartfast

Eyerex wrote: 
> Think it's part of the joy of using say Picoreplayer, Max2play and
> others is buying the parts and putting everything together and when you
> sit back and listen to your music you know you had your part in itExactly. It 
> is a lot easier if you aren't bothered about a screen though

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Can't mount USB disk on Picoreplayer. Help needed please.

2021-08-07 Thread slartibartfast

kidstypike wrote: 
> Thread title is "Can't mount USB disk on Picoreplayer. Help needed
> please." :confused:It is but it is really a NAS [emoji1787]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2021-08-07 Thread slartibartfast

lordvader wrote: 
> Hey all,
> I've got a Denafrips Aries II, which supports DSD1024. I've been able to
> get DSD512 working just fine using piCorePlayer 8.0.0, but if I try some
> DSD1024, I get the following:
> > 

  >   > [16:24:39.576299] _read_header:159 DSF version: 1 format: 0
  > [16:24:39.576361] _read_header:169 channels: 2
  > [16:24:39.576383] _read_header:170 sample rate: 45158400
  > [16:24:39.576404] _read_header:171 lsb first: 1
  > [16:24:39.576423] _read_header:172 sample bytes: 4914292240
  > [16:24:39.576443] _read_header:173 block size: 4096
  > [16:24:39.576462] _read_header:179 found dsd len: 9828589580
  > [16:24:39.576482] dsd_decode:768 setting track_start
  > [16:24:39.576503] dsd_decode:812 DSD sample rate too high for device - 
converting to PCM
  > [16:24:39.576532] dsd_decode:817 DSD to PCM output
  > [16:24:39.587224] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 65536
  > [16:24:39.587274] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 5644800 
replay_gain: 0
  > [16:24:39.597331] output_thread:682 open output device: hw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0
  > [16:24:39.610561] alsa_open:351 opening device at: 5644800
  > [16:24:39.611093] alsa_open:381 reopening device hw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0 in 
plug mode as plughw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0 for resampling
  > [16:24:39.612464] alsa_open:422 opened device plughw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0 using 
format: S32_LE sample rate: 5644800 mmap: 1
  > [16:24:39.612926] alsa_open:513 buffer: 80 period: 4 -> buffer size: 451584 
period size: 112896
  > [16:24:39.614657] alsa_open:530 unable to set hw params: Invalid argument

> > 
> For reference, here's a snip from a DSD512 file:
> > 

  >   > [16:30:39.350342] _read_header:159 DSF version: 1 format: 0
  > [16:30:39.350404] _read_header:169 channels: 2
  > [16:30:39.350422] _read_header:170 sample rate: 22579200
  > [16:30:39.350439] _read_header:171 lsb first: 1
  > [16:30:39.350454] _read_header:172 sample bytes: 1262367756
  > [16:30:39.350470] _read_header:173 block size: 4096
  > [16:30:39.350485] _read_header:179 found dsd len: 2524741644
  > [16:30:39.350500] dsd_decode:768 setting track_start
  > [16:30:39.350515] dsd_decode:821 DSD512 stream, format: DSD_U32_BE, rate: 
  > [16:30:39.374271] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 125952
  > [16:30:39.374326] _output_frames:153 track start sample rate: 705600 
replay_gain: 0

> > 
> This is my squeezelite command:
> > 

  >   > /usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n -o hw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0 -a 80:4::1: -d 
all=info -f /var/log/pcp_squeezelite.log -D 3:u32be -v

> > 
> DSD1024 isn't generally available, but anything I can do to help
> debug, would love to have a crack at it.Try the squeezelite buffer settings 
> from this page.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer and USB Audio

2021-08-06 Thread slartibartfast

mr-b wrote: 
> Yup I saw that and as before I tried a few (now up to 6) that either had
> no audio or else "[ ERROR ] Squeezelite not running." so I wondered if
> there was a more informed way of stabbing in the dark!
> bluealsa
> default
> plugequal
> equal
> hw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0
> plughw:CARD=Headphones,DEV=0
> sysdefault:CARD=Headphones
> plughw:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> plughw:CARD=USB,DEV=1
> sysdefault:CARD=USB
> front:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> surround21:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> surround40:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> surround41:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> surround50:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> surround51:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> surround71:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> iec958:CARD=USB,DEV=0
> iec958:CARD=USB,DEV=1
> hw:CARD=sndrpijustboomd,DEV=0
> plughw:CARD=sndrpijustboomd,DEV=0
> sysdefault:CARD=sndrpijustboomd

If your DAC is a Just Boom then try

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer: Radio is streamed with wrong frequency

2021-08-03 Thread slartibartfast

mherger wrote: 
> > It boiled down to when you have set an « audio startup time » in
> player
> > settings, and mp3 is played, LMS inserts a series of silence frames
> but
> And it does so for mp3 only? Other formats would play correctly as 
> expected?
> > Now, the real question was: is that feature still meaningful or is it
> a
> > reminiscence from the past when mp3 was the only option. I think there
> > is still some issues with gaps and MP3 codecs, but Iâ€[emoji769]ve
> never
> > investigated that part.
> I'm wondering whether this is something SliMP3 and/or SB1 needed. Would 
> recent players or Squeezelite work without those files? I'd rather 
> disable this for recent players than add new files.From the description it 
> only applies to mp3[image:]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-08-03 Thread slartibartfast

mfraser wrote: 
> I took "that bug is several versions old" to mean that it has been fixed
> in the current version.The next sentence was "Thanks for the info, so we can 
> squash that one."
I think the bug has been there for a few versions without anyone
noticing. [emoji3]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-08-03 Thread slartibartfast

mfraser wrote: 
> Did a fresh install and that bug is still there, had to put the settings
> of 80::0: back in after turning the toolbar off. At first I thought it
> was installing Jivelite, but it was just changing the toolbar setting. 
> Just confirm this, I just turned the toolbar on again and the ALSA
> settings are blank.
> On version 7.0.0, the ALSA setting is 80::1:, I tried setting mmap to 1
> in 8.0.0 and I also get no audio.The bug was only discovered 2 days ago, give 
> them a chance.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-29 Thread slartibartfast

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> I've managed to use pCP/LMS for many years without it. :)Try it you might 
> like it [emoji3]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-29 Thread slartibartfast

Muele wrote: 
> It does!!
> And it works. For testing purposes I set the idle timer to 120 seconds
> /home/tc/hd-idle -i 120
> I have already done some testing across rebooting, playing files,
> switching to radio etc and it seems to just work as intended.
> I cannot explain how irrationally glad that made me. Thank you.[emoji106] I 
> don't know why HD idle isn't available in piCorePlayer as

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux noob

2021-07-29 Thread slartibartfast

Muele wrote: 
> So. I thought I was done setting this new server-thing up.
> But the main disk does suffer from the problem of not spinning down. I
> had decided to just ignore it. But it makes a small noise that somehow
> resonates in my ear and actually causes a slight headache after a few
> hours.
> So I found this tool that should be able to spin it down even though it
> is in some no-brand USB-enclosure:
> It needs "make" to install. I found and installed that from the
> extensions-repository.
> I navigate to the folder where I extracted the hd-idle source files (on
> the USB disk, not the SD card, I hope that doesn't matter) and type
> make.
> tc@S2:/mnt/Data/ServerFolders/Data/DL/HD-Idle-Src$ make
> cc  -Wall   -c -o hd-idle.o hd-idle.c
> make: cc: No such file or directory
> make: *** [: hd-idle.o] Error 127
> Error 127 is something about PATH. But some search results suggest that
> I'm missing a C compiler. 
> In the extensions-repository I see something called compiletc. But I
> don't want to install it if it isn't right.
> I have a feeling that i'm burrying myself in a Linux world, even though
> I know I'm barely scratching the surface.
> I hope someone can help me get this installed. Of course ideally it
> would be nice to see it as part of the available extensions. But that is
> a bit far stretched, I know.Does this help?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-07-22 Thread slartibartfast

Yvanq wrote: 
> Hello I just upgrade to picoreplayer 8. still impossible to have
> squeezerlite running with usb audio output with disabled internal audio
> (it works on my 3 other raspberry)... Help...Have you tried a fresh install?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-17 Thread slartibartfast

dkskl wrote: 
> Yes it is a PI3B+. The snip below doesn't tell much..
> 35274According to the GitHub info all the ports should be off now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-17 Thread slartibartfast

If it is a Pi3B+ try this

Raspberry Pi 3B+

Main hub 1-1, all 4 ports ganged, all controlled by port 2 (turns off
secondary hub ports as well). Port 1 connects hub 1-1.1 below, ports 2
and 3 are wired outside, port 4 not wired.

uhubctl -l 1-1 -p 2 -a 0

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-17 Thread slartibartfast

dkskl wrote: 
> Port 5 seems to be gone
> 35272Which model of Pi do you have?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-17 Thread slartibartfast

dkskl wrote: 
> Ok. Did a SSH in and it worked. -But oddly only partly, as there is no
> status report for port 5
> 35264What do you get if you just type uhubctl

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-16 Thread slartibartfast

dkskl wrote: 
> Thank you very much slartibartfast!
> I'll try it first thing tomorrow.
> Just to be sure: I install the uhubctl extension and then c/p  uhubctl
> -l 1-1 -p 2,3,4,5 -a 0 to a user command field on the tweaks page?
> Or do i have to ssh the command into the RPI?

Both should work. If you SSH in then run the command you can see the
reported result so you can see if it works. Then add it to tweaks. I
actually raised an issue on the GitHub page for uhubctl asking whether
the ports were independent or ganged and the reply was they were ganged.
When I tried following the instructions assuming they were ganged my USB
DAC didn't go into standby. I had to turn off port 4 to turn off my DAC
so I am still confused about that. 
uhubctl -l 1-1 -p 2-5 -a 0
should also work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-16 Thread slartibartfast

uhubctl -l 1-1 -p 2,3,4,5 -a 0
might work to turn off all USB ports

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-16 Thread slartibartfast

dkskl wrote: 
> Thanks. Might be..
> I could give it a try. But i want to turn off all slots though, as
> they're not in use. Do you happen to know how to alter your command?Looking 
> at the screen shot I wonder if 
uhubctl -l 1-1 -p -a 0
turns all the ports off and then 
uhubctl -l 1-1 -p 1 -a 1
turns on port 1 which I think is the LAN.[image:]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-16 Thread slartibartfast

dkskl wrote: 
> Thanks. Might be..
> I could give it a try. But i want to turn off all slots though, as
> they're not in use. Do you happen to know how to alter your command?This is 
> the info on GitHub about it.
The info says that on the Pi3 all ports are turned off by turning off
port 2 but in my experience that is incorrect. When I tried turning off
port 2 only port 2 turned off. If you ssh into the Pi you can try
different commands on the command line. The result of the command will
be shown. The USB ports are 2,3,4 and 5 I think. I don't know if you can
turn off all the ports with one command but it might be possible.
uhubctl ? might give options but it was a while ago when I messed around
with this so I can't be sure.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] piCorePlayer USB off.

2021-07-16 Thread slartibartfast

dkskl wrote: 
> Did a forum search with no luck.
> I'm pretty shure i once read how to turn off the USB ports while leaving
> the LAN port turned on, on a RPI3B by using the "User Commands" on the
> pCP tweaks page.
> Also quite shure i did the tweak with success. Just don't remember how
> it was done anymore.
> Anyone able to help?Is it the uhubctl command? It is available as an 
> extension while the
exact command depends on the Pi being used.
The command I use on a Pi3B to turn off USB port 4 is
uhubctl -l 1-1 -p 4 -a 0

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: piCorePlayer 8.0.0

2021-07-14 Thread slartibartfast

Boogie2005 wrote: 
> So you are not recommending an upgrade of the existing version. Better
> to use an extra SD card for testing?I have no idea. Since there is no way to 
> go back to 7 from 8 it would be
a safe way of doing it if you have a spare card.

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